- Jul 2022
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What is so maddening is that there are alternatives. There is an abundance of theory and arguments that could lead the way. The latest IPCC report had an entire section that doesn’t propose technofixes but instead explores how energy demand could be managed to ensure that everyone has enough to thrive while ensuring the biosphere doesn’t die.
IPCC AR6 WG III chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Freport.ipcc.ch%2Far6wg3%2Fpdf%2FIPCC_AR6_WGIII_FinalDraft_Chapter05.pdf&group=world
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
Chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation
Public Annotation of IPCC Report AR6 Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change WGIII Chapter 5: Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation
NOTE: Permission given by one of the lead authors, Felix Creutzig to annotate with caveat that there may be minor changes in the final version.
This annotation explores the potential of mass mobilization of citizens and the commons to effect dramatic demand side reductions. It leverages the potential agency of the public to play a critical role in rapid decarbonization.
To enhance well-being, people demand5services and not primary energy and physical resources per se. Focusing on demand for services and6the different social and political roles people play broadens the participation in climate action.
This is a key point. services can be delivered and decoupled from high net primary energy and physical resources.
While demand services are not direct sources of carbon emissions, behavior change that reduces consumption can dramatically alter the volumes of primary carbon emissions.
- wgIII
- social aspects
- Stop Reset Go
- felix creutzig
- joyashree roy
- permissions to use
- mitigation of climate change
- IPCC AR6 WGIII Chapter 5
- Leila Niamir
- DH
- demand services
- mass mobilization
- chapter 5
- Deep Humanity
- mitigation
- decoupling
- ar6
- Nicholas Eyre
- demand side reduction
- services
- Mar 2021
www.census.gov www.census.gov
U.S. Census Bureau. (2021, February 4). Small Business Pulse Survey Shows Shift in Expectations from Spring to Winter. The United States Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/01/small-business-pulse-survey-shows-shift-in-expectations-from-spring-to-winter.html?utm_campaign=20210126msacos1ccstors&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery