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Jan 2023
26 Jan 2023
When it comes to learning context, what reminds me is the personalized learning context theory. Stephen Dowens (2010) pointed out that the learning context is a loose collection of learners, tools, resources and services, which is also a new form of the network power utilization. In a personalized learning context, there is undoubtedly that learners are the main body who participating in the teaching and learning activities. We can assume that in a passive process like listening to instructor’s point without learner’s interaction, it’s hard for learners to improve their creativity and learning efficiency. Many online learning environment designers create discussion forums in the learning system to record learners' interactions with other leaners, such as questions they ask and the responses to others' questions. The system can capture learners' study related data, analyze and assess their cognitive levels using algorithms such as the Proficiency Model.
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When it comes to learning context, what reminds me is the personalized learning context theory. Stephen Dowens (2010) pointed out that the learning context is a loose collection of learners, tools, resources and services, which is also a new form of the network power utilization. In a personalized learning context, there is undoubtedly that learners are the main body who participating in the teaching and learning activities. We can assume that in a passive process like listening to instructor’s point without learner’s interaction, it’s hard for learners to improve their creativity and learning efficiency. Many online learning environment designers create discussion forums in the learning system to record learners' interactions with other leaners, such as questions they ask and the responses to others' questions. The system can capture learners' study related data, analyze and assess their cognitive levels using algorithms such as the Proficiency Model.
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