20 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
- Jan 2023
- Dec 2022
www.jsonrpc.org www.jsonrpc.org
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
现在有什么好的方案替换zookeeper+ dubbo吗?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
既然有 HTTP 请求,为什么还要用 RPC 调用?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
WEB开发中,使用JSON-RPC好,还是RESTful API好?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
学习哪个消息队列和 RPC 框架比较好呢?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
谁能用通俗的语言解释一下什么是 RPC 框架?
- Jun 2021
We use a single stream/queue/channel to deliver messages from RPC to WS. RPC server acts as publisher: it pushes a JSON-encoded command. Pubsub connection is initialized lazily in this case (during the first #broadcast call). WS server (anycable-go) acts as subscriber: subscription is initialized on server start, messages are received, deserialized and passed to the app.
- May 2021
Since the two streams are independent, the client and server can read and write messages in any order
That's how batching can happen in gRPC. With bi-directional streaming
the server is notified that the RPC has been invoked with the client’s metadata for this call, the method name, and the specified deadline if applicable.
Two-prong approach. The server is notified "of the intent to invoke the method on server side".
protocol buffers as the Interface Definition Language (IDL) for describing both the service interface and the structure of the payload messages.
The gRPC infrastructure decodes incoming requests, executes service methods, and encodes service responses.
Encoding and decoding does happen in gRPC
grpc.io grpc.io
gRPC can use protocol buffers as both its Interface Definition Language (IDL) and as its underlying message interchange format
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
However, if you want to create a backend API that is meant to be consumed only by your frontend, then you don't need REST nor GraphQL — RPC, such as Wildcard, is enough.
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
REST and GraphQL are wonderful tools to create an API that is meant to be consumed by third parties. Facebook's API, for example, is consumed by ~200k third parties. It is no surprise that Facebook is using (and invented) GraphQL; a GraphQL API enables third parties to extensively access Facebook's social graph enabling them to build all kinds of applications. For an API with that many consumers, GraphQL is the fitting tool. But, to create an internal API (an API developed and consumed by code written by the same organization), RPC offers a simpler and more powerful alternative. Large companies, such as Netflix, Google and Facebook, are starting to replace REST/GraphQL with RPC for their internal APIs. Most notably with gRPC which is getting popular in the industry.
RPC is increasingly used to create backend APIs as most are internal: most of the time, a backend API is consumed only by frontends developed within the same organization. In general, REST and GraphQL are the right tools if you want to create an API consumed by code written by third parties and RPC is the right tool if you want to create an API consumed by code written by yourself / your organization.
- Mar 2017
frappe.github.io frappe.github.ioREST API1