10 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2023
colah.github.io colah.github.io
The manifold hypothesis is that natural data forms lower-dimensional manifolds in its embedding space.
- Jan 2023
transformer-circuits.pub transformer-circuits.pub
One of the main features of the high level architecture of a transformer is that each layer adds its results into what we call the “residual stream.”Constructing models with a residual stream traces back to early work by the Schmidhuber group, such as highway networks and LSTMs, which have found significant modern success in the more recent residual network architecture . In transformers, the residual stream vectors are often called the “embedding.” We prefer the residual stream terminology, both because it emphasizes the residual nature (which we believe to be important) and also because we believe the residual stream often dedicates subspaces to tokens other than the present token, breaking the intuitions the embedding terminology suggests. The residual stream is simply the sum of the output of all the previous layers and the original embedding. We generally think of the residual stream as a communication channel, since it doesn't do any processing itself and all layers communicate through it.
A transformer starts with a token embedding, followed by a series of “residual blocks”, and finally a token unembedding. Each residual block consists of an attention layer, followed by an MLP layer. Both the attention and MLP layers each “read” their input from the residual stream (by performing a linear projection), and then “write” their result to the residual stream by adding a linear projection back in. Each attention layer consists of multiple heads, which operate in parallel.
- Sep 2022
transformer-circuits.pub transformer-circuits.pub
Consider a toy model where we train an embedding of five features of varying importanceWhere “importance” is a scalar multiplier on mean squared error loss. in two dimensions, add a ReLU afterwards for filtering, and vary the sparsity of the features.
- Apr 2022
distill.pub distill.pub
Starting from random noise, we optimize an image to activate a particular neuron (layer mixed4a, unit 11).
And then we use that image as a kind of variable name to refer to the neuron in a way that more helpful than the the layer number and neuron index within the layer. This explanation is via one of Chris Olah's YouTube videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXsKyZ_Y_i8)
- Nov 2021
distill.pub distill.pub
The cube of activations that a neural network for computer vision develops at each hidden layer. Different slices of the cube allow us to target the activations of individual neurons, spatial positions, or channels.
This is first explanation of
- Oct 2021
colah.github.io colah.github.io
This approach, visualizing high-dimensional representations using dimensionality reduction, is an extremely broadly applicable technique for inspecting models in deep learning.
These layers warp and reshape the data to make it easier to classify.
- Sep 2021
colah.github.io colah.github.io
One popular theory among machine learning researchers is the manifold hypothesis: MNIST is a low dimensional manifold, sweeping and curving through its high-dimensional embedding space. Another hypothesis, more associated with topological data analysis, is that data like MNIST consists of blobs with tentacle-like protrusions sticking out into the surrounding space.
- Aug 2021
colah.github.io colah.github.io
Recursive Neural Networks