- Sep 2016
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While this false vision, inspired by Desire, caused many mis-steps and much trouble andsuffering, and you gradually lost confidence in your Self -- in Me, the Impersonal One within, --in fact, you forgot Me, so that you did not know where to turn in your helplessness; yet it wasonly through your thus losing the memory of your Divine estate, and centering all yourconsciousness in these Earthly conditions, that I could develop your human mind and will, andall your faculties, and provide your human body with the strength and powers that would enableMe to give perfect expression to My Divine Idea on Earth, which eventually must BE
"While this false vision, inspired by Desire, caused many mis-steps and much trouble and suffering, and you gradually lost confidence in your Self -- in Me, the Impersonal One within, --in fact, you forgot Me, so that you did not know where to turn in your helplessness; yet it was only through your thus losing the memory of your Divine estate, and centering all your consciousness in these Earthly conditions, that I could develop your human mind and will, and all your faculties, and provide your human body with the strength and powers that would enable Me to give perfect expression to My Divine Idea on Earth, which eventually must BE"
31Real, keeping your consciousness continually busied with these myriad illusions of your DreamWorld.Now the intellect is a creature of and wholly controlled by Desire, and is not, as many suppose, afaculty of the Soul. In other words, this mist then was the clouded lens of your human intellect,which, because controlled by Desire, falsely portrayed and interpreted to your consciousnessevery image, idea and impulse I inspired from within or attracted from without, during theprocess of My awakening your consciousness to a recognition of My Idea within ever urging forouter expression.All this I did purposely, however, through the agency of Desire, in order to lead you consciouslyinto the heart of Earth conditions
Intellect is not Soul! Our desire, forgetfulness has a purpose and that is to allow us to fully immerse in our humanity.
So having fallen or stepped out of your Impersonal or Edenic estate, you yielded completely tothe lure of this Dream World, and now permitting Desire wholly to lead, you no longer werecapable of seeing the Reality or Soul of things; for you had put on a physical body, an Earthlycovering with a human brain, which acted as a veil to your Soul Consciousness, and sobedimmed your sight and clouded your mind that the light of Truth did not penetrate through,and everything was falsely colored and distorted by your human understanding.In this Dream condition you saw all things darkly, as through a mist, and with this mistenshrouding everything you could not see things in their Reality, but only their mistyappearance, which now however seemed to you the real things themselves.This was so with everything you saw through your Dream eyes, with things both animate andinanimate, with everything you conceived in your human mind, with even your own Self andyour other Selves round about you.Thus no longer seeing the Soul of things, but only their misty shadows, you grew to thinkingthese shadows were real substance, and that the world about you was composed of and filledwith such substance
In the immersion into humanity with body and mind I lost conscious connection with Soul and hence Truth was conscious to me..... no longer seeing Truth rather 'misty shadows'.
While dwelling in the Garden you were still wholly Impersonal, for you had not yet tasted of thisfruit. Having once yielded to Desire, the Earthly agent of My Will, whose main work is to makeyou eat this fruit, the moment you had eaten, that moment you descended, or fell, or were forcedfrom your Edenic estate (like the chick from the shell or the rose from the bud), and you foundyourself involved in conditions altogether new and strange. For now, instead of having dominionover the lower kingdoms, and of their supplying your every want, you had to till the ground toget it to bring forth fruit, and by the sweat of your brow had you to earn your bread.Having taken upon yourself this Earthly mission, it now became necessary for you to enter fullyinto all conditions of Earth life, in order to develop a mind and perfect a body capable ofexpressing perfectly My Idea on Earth, -- the real cause and reason of your entering into thisDream condition.
Gods desire was for us to fully immerse in the human experience....... it is necessary to fulfil this Earthly mission.............. to have a body mind capable of expressing God in this dimension.
- Aug 2016
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all Desire to express in Words that Idea, without the consciousness of My Will being theOne and Only source of Inspiration, is futile. Likewise, all desire to express that Idea in livingacts, without losing all consciousness of your human personality -- of your personal part in theacts, and centering your self wholly in Me, -- is vain and fruitless and will end only in failure,disappointment and humiliation
"all Desire to express in Words that Idea, without the consciousness of My Will being the One and Only source of Inspiration, is futile." "Likewise, all desire to express that Idea in living acts, without losing all consciousness of your human personality -- of your personal part in the acts, and centering your self wholly in Me, -- is vain and fruitless and will end only in failure,disappointment and humiliation."
In time will the Great Awakening come-- that all Words are but Symbols of One Idea, and allIdeas of whatsoever nature are but phases of One Idea, My Idea of My Self in Expression,
In the Impersonal there is no use or necessity for words. Ideas alone exist and express. Theysimply Are, for they are the expression of the various phases of My Be-ing.But in this Dream condition, where every expression in these early stages of outer being had tohave a form and substance that could be heard, seen, felt, smelled or tasted, in order that itsmeaning could be clearly apprehended, there naturally had to be provided organisms capable ofbeing used for the double purpose of expression and of understanding what was expressed
To express while having the understanding of what is being expressed
n Your search for the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of Your particularattributes, You gradually spread over the face of the Earth, each containing many words, and allborn of Desire in the human mind to express in Earthly terms the infinite phases of My Idea eversurging within.The more the human mind strove thus to express " in Words" My Idea, the greater and moreabject the failure
The desire to express is all born of Gods desire, yet the more we tried to express in our humanity the more we failed to truly express.
I, by so doing, provide My Idea with a suitableform for Earthly expression, -- I gave you the power to express Your Self, through a definiteorganism, by means of words
I have the power to express from the Impersonal Self
- May 2016
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And so I Spake the Word, and drove You out of the Garden of Eden, and clothed You with a"coat of skin," or, in other words, with flesh, the same as other animals. For now, in order thatYou might enter into the heart of Earth conditions, into the real Earth, the Earth of My Idea, --not the one of your Dream, -- so as to quicken My Idea therein into active life expression, You,My Attribute, had to have an organism and a covering appropriate to the conditions in whichYou were to manifest in your Dream
Humanity entered the dream of separation so as to manifest a form, an organism to be an active life expression of God....
Thus was born Your human personality, and since its birth have I impelled You to nourish,support and strengthen it, by filling You with longings, hopes, ambitions, and aspirations, withall the various manifestations of Desire; which are but the human phases of My Will, operatingin the preparation and development of a medium capable of expressing perfectly My Attributeson Earth
The human journey has been one of being strengthened by longings, hopes, ambitions, aspirations and manifestations so as to develop a vehicle capable of expressing God here on Earth.
29Now, perhaps, you can see why this all had to be, why You (Humanity) had to leave the Edenicstate of Impersonal Consciousness and lose Your Self wholly in the Earth illusions of this DreamWorld, in order to be able to create a body and develop in it a personal or self consciousnesscapable of fully expressing My Perfection.
Humanity entered the Dream fully to create a body mind and develop in it a consciousness capable of fully expressing God here on Earth...
You likewise possibly now can understand how in your Dream you became more and moreengrossed in and attached to this false Earth state, through first eating of this fruit and learning toknow Good and Evil, and after learning of the new and enticing world thus opened up to you,dying to the knowledge of the Reality back of it all; and how and why it was You learned thatYou were naked -- both the thinking and the feeling parts of You; and also why you grew afraidand tried to hide from Me, thus creating in your consciousness the sense of separation from Me
And finally the necessity of Desire casting its complete spell over You (Humanity), that YourCelestial or Impersonal nature might be kept deep in sleep; until, in your Dream, by the free butignorant use of My Will, You could taste and fully eat of the fruit of the so-called Tree ofKnowledge of Good and Evil, and through the eating could learn properly to discriminate andknow its fruit for what it really is; and thus acquire the strength to use the knowledge thus gainedwisely and perfectly in the expression of My Idea onl
Humanity entered full forgetfulness to learn "and know its fruit for what it really is" to develop the strength so as to use the knowledge as a perfect expression of God...
And the wisdom of having this influence, through the Serpent of Selfishness (the shape I causedit to assume in your mind), first generate in the passive, feeling, receptive part of You -- Desire,the mortal agent of My Will, which was to supply the motives and the power for the further andcomplete expression of My Attributes on Earth
The feminine, the passive, feeling, receptive part was first generated....
Also the necessity of these seeming Earth influences being brought to bear to draw Yourconsciousness from purely Celestial delights and to hold it in this new Dream condition, in orderto develop a mortal mind, that You might through its natural selfish tendencies become centeredentirely upon Your Earthly mission of mortal expression
The purpose of falling asleep was to develop a mortal mind that was entirely focussed on the Earth mission of mortal expression......
Now, I shall not tell you in detail how or why it became necessary for Me to "drive" You (nowmanifesting as Man or Humanity) out of the Garden of Eden, other than to remind you of the partthat Desire plays in Earth expression, and its relation to My Will; how it centers your interest inouter things and makes you forget Me within.When you have solved that and comprehended somewhat of My reason, then perhaps you canunderstand the necessity of first causing You (Humanity) to fall into a deep sleep (You havingarrived at the close of another Cycle called a Cosmic day), and of letting you dream you hadawakened, -- but in reality you were and are still asleep, and everything from that day to this,including all seeming Earthly events and conditions, have been but a Dream, from which youwill fully awaken only when You (Humanity) again become wholly conscious of Me within, --and of finding Yourself (Humanity) no longer outwardly one, but two; one an active, thinking,aggressive part, thereafter called a man, and the other a passive, feeling, receptive part, -- awomb-man, or woman
Masculine, the outer..... Feminine, the recpetive, feeling, womb..........
This, then, was the first condition into which You awakened when You entered into Earthexpression, and is what is called the Edenic state or dwelling in the Garden of Eden.This Edenic state represents the Celestial phase of Impersonal Consciousness, or that state inwhich You were still consciously One with Me, though now confined in a mortal medium ofexpression
In the beginning even though in body mind, the human expression was still consciously solely guided by God.
Thus were now manifest all the various mediums for the Earth expression of My Idea; and You,being one of My Attributes, naturally had dominion over all of these mediums, or possessed thepower of utilizing any or all of them, if necessary, for the full and complete expression of Your --My Attributes -- powers and possibilities.In this manner and for this reason alone did You and Your Brothers and Sisters come into humanexpression. While in human form yet Your expression was so entirely Impersonal, that, thoughself-conscious, you still looked wholly to Me within for inspiration and guidance
Shall I explain further? -- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded toattract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, indue course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of theThought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it were, --until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what iscalled the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, MyAttribute, breathed into and then through its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and Youthen made your first appearance of Earth as a human being-- a living Soul (My Idea now able toexpress consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within your Self all of MyAttributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities
My Soul is God's Idea...............
We have arrived, in the course of our consideration of the process of unfoldment of My Idea, towhere the I AM of you, manifesting in your Immortal Soul Body, or in the Thought Imagecreated by My Thinking, is now ready to take on a substantial form, a form suitable for the Earthexpression of My Attributes.This change from a mental to a mortal form took place after the manner and process of allthinking and creating, and is literally described in the Bible, where it says I "formed man of thedust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a livingsoul
27This realization will surely come, when you can recognize that this Message is from Me, andwhen you have determined that it shall be. To you, whom I have inspired with such adetermination, I will cause every illusion in time to disappear, and you shall in truth know Me.The exercise of your mind along these abstract lines will not hurt you. Instead it is what yourmind needs. For, not until you can grasp My Meaning when presented to you in ideas such asthere herein contained, coming from without, can you perceive and correctly interpret My Ideawhen I inspire you from within. Your mind I AM thus preparing for USE, not to gain moreEarthly knowledge, but in order that you can receive and give forth My Heavenly Knowledge tothose whom I shall bring to you for that purpose.With a prayer to Me, Your Own Real Self, your Father-in-Heaven, that true realization maycome, read carefully what follows
My mind is being prepared for true Knowledge.
Before that can be it will be necessary for you thoroughly to know that supposed other self, thatself which You created by thinking it real and separate from Me, and then kept alive by giving itthe power thus to entice and deceive you; yes, that self-created self, with its purely selfish prideand ambitions and imagined power, its love of life, of possessions, of being thought wise orgood, -- but which self is merely your human personality, which was born only to die as aseparate identity, and as such has no more reality or permanence that the leaf, the snow or thecloud.Yes, you will be brought face to face with that petty personal self, and will see with perfectvision all its sordid selfishness and human vanities; and you will then learn -- if you but turn toMe and ask in simple faith and trust -- that it is I, the Infinite, Impersonal part of You, abidingalways within, Who am thus pointing out to you all these illusions of the personality, which forso many ages have separated you in consciousness from Me, Your glorious, Divine Self
In awakening I will come to see all aspects of my humanity and the egoic self I had identified with.and come to know that it was my Impersonal Self guiding the whole process.
Whether or not you have gotten any clear grasp of what has just been stated, do not discard it asimpossible of comprehension. For in every line is hidden a meaning that will more than repayyou for the study necessary to make it become clear.This Message is to awaken you to a realization of what You are, to a realization of your real Self.It is intended to make you once more conscious of Me, your Divine Self, so conscious that neveragain will you be deceived by that other self, which you have imagined as being you and whichso long has lured you on by feeding you with its unsatisfying sense pleasures, its mentaldissipations and emotional delights
So now we have, --First, I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes;Second, My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul;Third, My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body inwhich You dwell.These three make up the Divine or Impersonal part of You, the Immortal Three-in-One -- You,My latent yet completely formulated thought, shaped in My Image and Likeness, as yetunquickened, and therefore having no connection with your human personality, which has notyet been born
The Impersonal Self
1. I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes
2. My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul
3. My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body in which You dwell.
26This Temple, being in My Image and Likeness, and composed of My Thought Substance,surrounding and clothing My Idea, is consequently your Real body. It is therefore indestructible,immortal, perfect. It is My complete, imagined (imaged in) Thought, containing My LivingEssence, awaiting the time when it can come into outer expression and take on material form
The body as a temple...
So it was then that the first tendency to think yourself as separate from Me was born. Thecomplete consciousness of separation did not become established until long after.In the beginning, when You thus first entered into Earth expression, obeying the impulse I hadsent forth through My concentrated Thought, You, one of My Attributes, surrounded or clothedYour Self with My Idea of My Self in expression as the particular Attribute You represented.You being the animating Force of that Idea.In other words, My Idea of My Self expressing that particular Attribute then became the Soul ofYour particular expression. But that Idea or Soul is not You, remember, for You are really a partof Me, being My Self in expression through the medium of that particular Attribute.Having clothed Your Self with My Idea, this Idea then, through the necessity of Its be-ing,immediately began to attract to Itself the necessary Thought Substance requisite for theexpression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. Itthus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one ofMy Divine Attributes
First there was a tendency to think as being separate, however the consciousness of separation did not occur until later.... First entered the realm of Earth, one of Gods attributes.... Then became a particular expression and this attracted to itself "the necessary Thought Substance requisite for the expression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. It thus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one of My Divine Attribute."
In the Eternal there is no Time, or Space, or Individuality, and it is only by reason of thephenomenon of Thought being born from the womb of Mind into the world of Matter that theillusions of Time, Space and Individuality occur; the thought, or Creature, acquiring theconsciousness of separateness from its Thinker or Creator
Time and space were created for individuality to occur, for creature to have a consciousness that it is separate from its Creator....
saw You in perfect expression, even as I see You now -- the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity ofMy Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea.
"the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity of My Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea."
But there yet remained the final and culminating medium of expression.Up to this point, while each perfectly expressed some phase of My Nature, yet all existingmediums and avenues were unconscious of Me, and were mediums of expression only as a wireis a medium for conducting heat, light and power.The conditions were ripe, however, for the creation of mediums through which My DivineAttributes could find conscious expression, conscious not only of their relationship to Me, but oftheir ability and power to express My Idea.It was at this moment in Time that You and Your Brothers and Sisters were born into existenceas human expressions, coming into manifestation as you did, similarly with all other mediums, inresponse to My concentrated Thought, in which I saw all the infinite variety of My Attributes inactual expression in entitized forms, each manifesting in predominance some particular phase ofMy Being, and each conscious of Me, Its Creator and Expressor
Humanity was birthed so God could have mediums that can express God consciously...
The next stage was the developing and preparing of avenues or mediums through which I couldexpress the manifold phases, possibilities and powers of My Idea.The outward evidence of this was what is known as the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms,which, each in turn, as it came into manifestation, gradually unfolded higher and more complexstates of consciousness that enabled Me more and more clearly to express the infinite phases andvariety of My Nature.It was at this stage that I looked upon My Creation, as stated in My other Revelation, and sawthat It was good
The preparation of mediums to express God.......
This act of thinking produced only a vitalized thought-form of a planet, and its manifestation wasstill in a nebulous state in the thought realm.From a thought-form, however, the quickening power of the Idea within, with My Will focusedupon It, proceeded to mold, fashion and gradually to solidify into material form the variouselements of Life Substance; until My Idea finally shone forth in substantial manifestation in theworld of visible forms as the planet Earth, a medium ready for living expression, and nowcapable of both containing and expressing Me.This was the material body prepared by My Thinking, in which already dwelt all the potentialnature of My Being, by reason of the informing power of My Idea within.
The manifestation of Earth............"a medium ready for living expression,"
Therefore, every real desire you feel, every desire of your heart, comes from Me and must ofnecessity sometime, in some shape or other, be fulfilled.However, as I have no Desire, because I AM All Things, once this Idea of expressing My Self inthis new condition was born, I had but to think, that is, to concentrate or focus My Attentionupon My Idea and Will It to come forth into expression, or, as is told in My other Revelation, toSpeak the Creative Word, and at once did the Cosmic Forces of My BE-ing, set in vibration bythe concentrating of My Will, proceed to attract the necessary elements from the eternalstorehouse of My Mind, and, with My Idea as a nucleus, to combine, form and shape around Itthese elements into what is called a thought-form of a planet, filling it with My Life Substance --My Consciousness -- and endowing it with all the potentialities of My Being.
All desire is of God (that is all there actually is), yet God does not have desire because God is already the ALL...... To birth the expression of Gods Self in/as the Earth God focussed attention, Will for such a manifestation............
Yet that Desire you feel in you is from Me, because it is born of My Idea, which I implanted inyour mind only that It might come forth into expression through you. Indeed, whatever youdesire is I, knocking at the door of your mind, announcing My Purpose of manifesting My Self inyou or through you in the particular form indicated by that Desire.What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushingforth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being.What to you would seem to be in Me a desire for expression, is but the Necessity of My Idea ofMy Self to Be, or Express Itself
Desire is actually God in me wanting to express and manifest..
"What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushing forth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being." Definition of human desire..
Expressing what?What else could I express, if I AM All that Is, but My Self?You cannot yet see or comprehend when I inspire you with an Idea.Therefore, if I AM All there is, that Idea, which is direct from Me, must be part of or a phase ofMy Self in Being or Expression.Any Idea, once born within the realm of My Mind, as has been shown, immediately becomes aReality, for in the Eternality of My Being Time is not. With you, however, an Idea first createsDesire, a desire to express that Idea; then Desire compels Thinking, Thinking causes Action, andAction produces Results -- the Idea in actual outer manifestation.In Reality I have no Desire, for I AM All Things, and All Things are of Me. I need only to thinkand Speak the Word to produce results
God is the very substance of all things............. expressing the very essence of substance........... all expression can only be God..........
Now, My Consciousness is the inner essence of all Space and all Life. It is the real Substance ofMy All-comprehending and All-including Mind, whose informing and vitalizing Center iseverywhere and Its limit and circumference nowhere. Within the realm of My Mind alone I liveand move and have My Being. It both contains and fills all things, and Its every vibration andmanifestation is but the expression of some phase of My Be-ing.Be-ing is ex-pressing or out-pressing. You cannot imagine be-ing without expression. Therefore,I, All that Is, AM expressing, constantly and continuously expressing
God is the substance that is everything
In the beginning, at the dawn of a new Cosmic Day, when the Word consciousness was justawakening and the stillness of Cosmic Night yet prevailed, I The THINKER, conceived MyIdea.This My Idea of My Self in manifestation in a new condition, called Earth expression, I sawcompletely pictured in the mirror of My Omniscient Mind. In this mirror I saw the real Earthshining forth brilliantly in the Cosmos, -- a perfect Sphere, where all the Infinite phases,attributes and powers of My Divine Nature were finding perfect expression through the mediumof Angels of Light, living Messengers of My Will, My Word in the Flesh, even as It is in theCelestial World of the Eternal.I saw My Self manifesting outwardly as Nature, and My Life as the vivifying and evolvingPrinciple back of all Manifestation. I saw Love, the Divine Creative Power, as the animating andvitalizing Force back of all Life, and My Desire to give perfect expression to that Love as thePotential and Real Cause and Reason of the birth of My Idea.All this I saw mirrored in My All-seeing and All-knowing Mind, which could see and reflectonly the Soul of things or their Reality. Therefore this that I saw pictured in My Mind was theReal Earth, in fact, its beginning, its conception into Cosmic being
Gods inspiration .................
You have been told that the Earth and all things belonging to it are but the outer manifestationsof My Idea, which is now in the process of being thought into perfect expression.You have been shown that My Idea is responsible for all created things, and that It is both theCause and the Reason for all manifestations, yourself and your brothers and sisters included, allof which have been thought into existence by Me, the One Original Thinker and Creator
This means that all Words, through the regenerative power of My Idea within, shall have evolvedthrough the flesh, transmuting and spiritualizing it and making it so transparent and pure that thepersonality will have nothing more of Earth nature left in it to hinder Impersonal expression,enabling My SELF, therefore, to shine forth perfectly and become fully manifest; thusamalgamating once more all Words and all flesh into One Word, THE WORD, which was in thebeginning, and which then will shine through all created flesh as the SUN OF GLORY, -- TheCHRIST of GOD!This is the plan and purpose of My Creation and of all manifested things.A glimpse of the process of My Creation, or of My Thinking My Idea of My Self into Earthexpression, will be given in what follows
Just so will I develop and unfold all My mediums of expression, which shall finally, unitedly andcompletely picture forth My Idea from out their souls, in all the glory of Its perfection.At present these mediums are of such nature that they require many languages of many types,from the simplest to the most complex, composed of almost an infinite number of Words, toexpress My Idea.But when I shall have completely thought out My Idea, or shall have perfected My manymediums of expression, then shall My Idea shine forth in every Word, each, in fact, being aperfect part or phase of My Idea, all so chosen and arranged that they will really be as one Word,radiating the sublime significance of My Meaning.Then shall all languages have melted, merged, into one language, and all words into One Word;for all mediums shall have become One flesh, the now perfected medium for the completeexpression in One Word of My Idea, -- My SELF.Then shall My SELF, now capable of being expressed by these perfected Words, shine throughIts medium of expression, -- through the personalities, their bodies, minds and intellects; and theWord shall have become flesh, or shall BE the flesh
I am being fashioned, as is everyone else to be clear conduits for the expression of Substance,the expression of the inspirations of God..............
The Word that was in the beginning and that was with Me was then not only an Idea, but It wasMy Idea of My Self IN EXPRESSION in a new state or condition, which you call Earth life.This Idea was I, My Self, because It was part of Me, being as yet latent and unmanifest withinMe; for It was of the substance and essence of My BE-ing, which is Itself an Idea, the OneOriginal Idea.All things were made by Me by the vitalized action of this, My Idea, being thought and spokeninto expression; and nothing has been or ever can be expressed in Earth life without having MyIdea as the primary and fundamental cause and principle of its being.This, My Idea, therefore, is now in the process of unfoldment or of being thought into outerexpression -- some call it evolution -- just as is the flower when the bud puts forth from the stalkand finally opens into the blossom, obeying the urge to express My Idea hidden within its soul
The Word in the beginning was God, Substance wanting to express in the inspiration of Earth Life.
The unfolding expression of Substance is evolution!
You shall learn herein how My Word was in the beginning, how It was with Me, and how It wasI, My Self; how all things were made by Me and by My Word, and that without Me and MyWord was nothing made that now exists.Now, a word to the human understanding is a symbol of an Idea; that is, it stands for, embodies,and represents an Idea.You are a Word, a symbol of an Idea, if you can see it. So is a diamond, a violet, a horse.When you can discern the idea back of the symbol, then you know the soul or the reality of themanifestation appearing as a man, a diamond, a horse, a violet.Hence, a word, as used in the above quotation, means an Idea, an Idea latent and unmanifest,however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another
Word is God, Substance!
The meaning of the word 'word' in human language is a symbol of an Idea..
The Word in this context is "an Idea latent and unmanifest, however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another."
21I will now plant in your brain-mind an Idea. May It grow, mature and ripen into the gloriousharvest of Wisdom which is awaiting you, -- if you let Me direct Its growth and expressionthrough you.
When I receive an inspiration I need to it to flower and not 'take it for my own' and give it personal meaning..I need to allow God to direct its growth.
Man, then, is only the organism I AM thus preparing through which to manifest the perfection ofMy Idea. He provides the personality, with its body, mind and intellect, through which I canexpress this Idea perfectly, the physical brain with which I can think and speak It into outermanifestation.I plant in man's brain an Idea -- any idea. That idea would grow, mature and speedily ripen intocomplete outer fruition or manifestation, -- if man only would let it, would give his mind and allits thoughts, his heart and all its desires wholly over to Me, and let Me come forth as the perfectfulfillment of that Idea
The body and mind are forms made up from God through which God can express Him/Herself, manifest.....
I need to surrender completely to God.
I, the Creator, AM the Original THINKER, the One and Only THINKER.First know that.As previously stated, man does not think. It is I Who think through his organism. Man believeshe thinks, but before he has awakened to a realization of Me within he only takes the thoughts Iattract to or inspire in his mind, and, mistaking their real meaning and purpose, places a personalconstruction upon them and, through the selfish desires thus aroused, creates for himself all histroubles and brings upon himself all his woes.These apparent mistakes, misconstructions and interferences of man are in reality only theobstacles in his way to be overcome, that he may, through the overcoming, finally develop abody and mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously thisIdea of Mine eternally working within his Soul.
It is God that actually thinks..God inspires, yet I mistake their meaning, put a personal meaning to them........... if I let this go fully I will "develop a body mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously this Idea of Mine eternally working within his Soul."
finally how to control and utilizeyour desires so that they will always serve YOU, instead of your being a slave to them.You have within you all possibilities. For I AM there. My Idea must express, and It must expressthrough you. It will express itself perfectly --- if you but let it; if you will only still your humanmind, put aside all personal ideas, beliefs and opinions, and let if flow forth. All you need to dois to turn within to Me, and let Me direct your thinking and your desires, let Me express whateverI will, you personally accepting and doing what I desire you to do. Then will your desires cometrue, your life become one grand harmony, your world a heaven and your self one with My Self.When you have begun to realize this and have glimpsed somewhat of its inner meaning, then youwill be ready to grasp the real import of what follo
I also need to learn how to use desire so it will serve the True Self.
I need to go within, put aside all personal thoughts and beliefs and allow the True Self to flow, express
When you can once realize this and can know that I AM Consciousness within you is one withthe consciousness of all animate and inanimate matter, and that Its will is one with your will,which is My Will, and that all your desires are My Desires, then will you begin to know and feelMe within, and will acknowledge the Power and Glory of My Idea, which is eternally expressingItself Impersonally through you.But it is first wholly necessary that you learn HOW to think, how to know Your thoughts, thosedirected by Me, from the thoughts of others;
I need to learn HOW to think in the context it is meant here........ how to discern the Idea/inspiration, (to fully receive them) and the misperceptions that arise in the human mind.......
This is the plan and process of all true thinking, and therefore of all Creation.Listen! You have now and always have had, through this power of thinking, dominion over allthe kingdoms of the Earth. If you but know it. You have now, this moment, only to Think andSPEAK THE WORD, -- realizing your power, and that I, God, your Omniscient, Omnipresent,Omnipotent Self, will bring about the results, -- and the waiting consciousness of the invisiblecells of all matter upon which your will and attention become focused, -- which waitingconsciousness is My consciousness, remember, -- will begin immediately to obey and do exactlyaccording to the image or plans you have prepared by you thinking.For all things are made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that wasmade.
To allow the inspiration to be expressed brings it into manifestation.........
Think this out and prove it for yourself.This you can do, if you will, by taking any Idea that comes and following it out through theabove process to realization; or by tracing back any feat you have accomplished, any picture youhave painted, any machine you have invented, or any particular thing or condition now existing,to the Idea from which it sprang
19So much for the relation. Now for the process of realization.In accordance with the definiteness with which the picture of the Idea is held in the mind, and theextent to which the Idea possesses the personality, does its creative Power, impelled by Desire,proceed with Its work. This It does by compelling the mortal mind to think out or to imagine(image in), or, in other words, to build mental forms into which I can pour, as into a vacuum, theImpersonal, elemental, vital substance of the Idea. When the Word is spoken, either silently oraudibly, consciously or unconsciously, this substance at once begins to materialize Itself, by firstdirecting and controlling the consciousness and all the activities of both mind and body, and ofall minds and all bodies connected with or related to the Idea, -- for remember, all consciousness,and all minds and all bodies are Mine, and are not separated but are One and wholly Impersonal,-- and then so attracting, directing, shaping and molding conditions, things and events that,sooner or later, the Idea actually comes forth into definite, tangible manifestation.So it is that every thing, every condition, every event that ever transpired, was first an Idea in themind. It was by desiring, by thinking, and by speaking forth the Word, that these ideas came intovisible manifestation.
So first comes the inspiration/Idea, let it be fully received, held in the mind, than Desired ..............the extent to which it is received, held and desired determines it creative Power...
If I allow my human mind to be a vacuum which the the very substance of God, of the inspiration can fill... then "When the Word is spoken, either silently or audibly, consciously or unconsciously, this substance at once begins to materialize Itself, by first directing and controlling the consciousness and all the activities of both mind and body, and of all minds and all bodies connected with or related to the Idea".......
For all minds are joined and "wholly Impersonal".
"by desiring, by thinking, and by speaking forth the Word, that these ideas came into visible manifestation."
You may wrongly interpret My Desires, My Urges from within, and seek to use them for yourown selfish purpose, but even while permitting this they still fulfill My Purpose. For it is only byletting you misuse My Gifts and by the suffering such misuse brings, that I can make you intothe clean and selfless channel I require for the perfect expression of My Ideas.
I can misperceive true inspirations..... yet even this is God supporting me to reach a point so that I am willing to go within and learn what is truly True.
Yes, all ideas and all desires come thus from Me. They are My Ideas and My Desires which Iinspire in your mind and heart in order to bring them through you into outer manifestation.You have no ideas of your own and could not possibly have a desire that came from other thanMe, for I AM all there Is. Therefore all desires are Good, and when thus understood unfailinglycome into speedy and complete fulfillment
Nothing to write, so clear and powerful. There is only God...
Once I have given your human mind a view of Its possibilities, and have enlisted your interest,then does your human personality take up its task; for as I created and inspired the Idea in yourmind, so did I cause that Idea to fructify therein and give birth to Desire, -- desire to bring intoouter manifestation all the possibilities of the Idea, Desire thus becoming the mortal agent of MyWill and supplying the motive Power; just as the human personality is the mortal instrumentused to confine and focus that Power
Once I have allowed my mind to focus and receive the Idea/inspiration fully then to allow myself to desire it coming into manifestation............. to desire all possibilities of the Idea/inspiration. When I do this I become "the mortal agent of My Will and supplying the motive Power; just as the human personality is the mortal instrument used to confine and focus that Power."
Divine purpose, to be a mortal agent of Gods Will..
There is always first the Idea, not considering at this moment the necessity or occasion for Itsappearance. It matters not whence the Idea comes, from within or without; for it is always I whoinspire It or cause It to impress your consciousness at the particular moment it does.Then, just to the extent that you grow quiet and focus your attention upon that Idea, stilling allthe activities of your mind and eliminating all other ideas and thoughts from your consciousness,so that Idea can have full sway, do I illumine your mind and cause to unfold before your mentalgaze the various phases and possibilities contained within that Idea.This takes place, however, up to this point, without any volition on your part, other than focusingor concentrating your attention upon the Idea.
Inspiration arises............ it is always from Source no matter how it arrives.
I need to grow quiet and focus on the inspiration, the Idea and let go all arising through about it..... only then can I receive more deeply and my mind be illuminated......... all I need do is focus my attention on the inspiration/Idea.......... there is nothing for the little me, the personal self to figure out.....
For who is the master? -- Your body, your mind, or You, the I AM within?Then why not show You are master, by thinking the true things the I AM of you within wishesyou to think?It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enteryour mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have anysuch influence over you. When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Meand allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, anddissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking.When you are willing to do this, then and then only are you ready to receive Truth, and, byproper conscious thinking, directed by Me, to create the true and permanent things I within wishyou to create.Then, when you can thus distinguish the true from the false, the real from the seeming, yourconscious thinking will be as potent to create all things you desire, as has been yourunconsciousness thinking in the past in creating those things you once desired but now findobnoxious
My True Self is the real master of the mind..........
"It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enter your mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have any such influence over you." So succinct and clear.
"When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Me and allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, and dissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking." Again simple clear instruction.
When I am ready to do this, when I am ready to turn within to the True Self then I am ready to receive Truth and by Conscious thinking directed by the True Self, "create the true and permanent things I within wish you to create."
Therefore you can change them by the same process, if they do not please you; you can makethem whatever you will, by thinking them so. Can you not?But how can one do real thinking, conscious thinking, so as to bring about this change? You ask.First know that I, your Real Self, purposely brought to your attention these things which now aredispleasing and which cause you to think them as being what they now seem to be to you. I, andI alone, AM thus preparing your human mind so that, when you turn within to Me in abidingFaith and Trust, I can enable you to see and bring into outer manifestation the Reality of thesethings which now seem so unsatisfactory.For I bring to you everything that, by its outer seeming, can attract or lure your human mindonward in its Earthly search, in order to teach you of the illusoriness of all outer appearance ofmaterial things to the human mind, and of the fallibility of all human understanding; so that youwill turn finally within to Me and My Wisdom, as the One and Only Interpreter and Guide.When you have turned thus within to Me, I will open your eyes and cause you to see that theonly way you can ever bring about this change in thinking, is by first changing your attitudetoward all these things you now think are not what they ought to be.That is, if they are unsatisfactory or obnoxious to you and affect you so as to cause youdiscomfort of body or disturbance of mind, --why, stop thinking that they can so affect or disturbyou
If I become conscious, change my thinking my experience will be different.
The first step is to be conscious my my Real/True Self...
"I, and I alone, AM thus preparing your human mind so that, when you turn within to Me in abiding Faith and Trust, I can enable you to see and bring into outer manifestation the Reality of these things which now seem so unsatisfactory".
"For I bring to you everything that, by its outer seeming, can attract or lure your human mind onward in its Earthly search, in order to teach you of the illusoriness of all outer appearance of material things to the human mind, and of the fallibility of all human understanding; so that you will turn finally within to Me and My Wisdom, as the One and Only Interpreter and Guide."
And when I do turn to my True Self/God and learn that the only way I can change my thinking is by first changing my attitude towards all things....
If something disturbs me than stop thinking they have the power to do so...
For it was by your unconscious thinking, or thinking unconscious of the control your desiresexercised over your creative power, that your world and your life are now what you sometime inthe past desired them to be.
Very clear, cause and effect.
They are -- to you, for all things are to man's mortal consciousness what he thinks or believesthey are.I have likewise caused them to appear to man to be what he thinks they are. This also is to suitMy purpose, and to fulfill the law of creating.Let us see if this is not true.If you believe a thing is so, is not that thing really so -- to you?Is it not true that a thing seems real to you, like some sin or evil, so-called, some sorrow, troubleor worry, only because your thinking or believing it so makes it such? Others might see thatthing entirely differently and might think your view of it foolish. Might they not?If this is true, then your body, your personality, your character, your environment, your world,are what they appear to be to you, because you have thought them into their present statu
It is being pointed out that if I think something and believe it, it seems true, yet to others who think differently they will not appear the same way..... and this is also a part of Divine purpose, to fulfil the law of creating...........
For I, within him, do all that he does; but I necessarily do it through his organism, through hispersonality, his body, mind and soul.I will point out how this can be.First, try to realize that I made you in My Image and Likeness, and that I have My Being withinyou. Even if you do not know this now and believe that I, God, AM somewhere without, and thatwe are separated, try for the time being to imagine I AM within you.Next, realize that which you do when you think is not real thinking, because it is not consciousthinking; for you are unconscious of Me, the Inspirer and Director of every idea and thought thatenters your mind.Next, realize because I AM within you, and you are My Image and Likeness, and thereforepossess all of My Faculties, you have the power of thinking; but not being conscious thatthinking is creating and that it is one of My Divine Powers you are using you have indeed allyour life been thinking, but it has all been mis-thinking, or what you would call error-thinking.And this error-thinking, this not knowing it is My Power you have been thus misusing, has beenseparating you in consciousness farther and farther from Me; but all the time fulfilling MyPurpose, which later on will be made manifest to you.The proof of this is, you think you are separated from Me, that you are living in a materialWorld, that your body of Flesh engenders and harbors pleasure and pain, and that an evilinfluence, called the Devil, is manifesting in the world, opposing My Will.Yes, you think all these things are so.
I am made in the image of God..... the Essence of my Being is God............. even my thoughts come from this source yet I have been unconscious of this. This mis-thinking and misuse of Gods power within me has been separating me further from the Truth, yet there still is a purpose in this.
I have said that man does not think; that it is I, within him, Who do his thinking.I have also said man thinks he thinks.As this is an apparent contradiction, I must show you that man ordinarily does not think, anymore than he does anything else he supposes he does
Here it brings out what may appear to be a contradiction.
You were also told that when man was thus possessed of My Breath he was given dominion overall the kingdoms of the Earth. Which means he was made lord of the Earth, the sea, the air andthe ethers, and all beings living in all these kingdoms paid him homage and were subject to hiswill.This naturally was so, for I, within man's consciousness and within all consciousness, AMalways manifesting My Will; and I, the lord and ruler of man's organism, AM likewise the lordand ruler of all organisms in which consciousness dwells. As all consciousness is MyConsciousness and It dwells wherever there is life , and as there is no substance in which there isnot life, then My Consciousness must be in everything, -- in Earth, water, air and fire, andtherefore must fill all space. In fact it is space, or that which man calls space.Then My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Thereforeman's will, which is but a focalization of My Will, must likewise reach everywhere; hence theconsciousness of all organisms, including his own, is subject to man's direction and control.All it needs is for him consciously to realize this, realize that I, the Impersonal Self within him,AM constantly directing, controlling and using the consciousness of all organisms every momentof every day of his life.I AM doing this by and through his thinking.I AM doing this with and through man's organism. Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I ofhim, who thinks through his organism. Through this thinking and his spoken word I accomplishall that man does, and make man and his world all that they are.It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose.But, if I do all the thinking, man does not and cannot think, I hear you say.Yes, here seems a mystery, but it will be revealed to you, if you note carefully what follows:For I AM going to teach you -- man -- HOW to think
"My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Therefore man's will, which is but a focalization of My Will."
"Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I of him, who thinks through his organism." Yet this is not the 'thinking' I am familiar with in my human mind and I need to learn how to 'think'.
"It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose."
Now you have been told that in the beginning I created man in "My Image and Likeness," afterwhich I breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul.By creating man in My Image and Likeness I created an organism capable of expressing all ofMy Consciousness and all of My Will, which means likewise all of My Power, My Intelligence,and My Love. I therefore made it perfect in the beginning, patterning it after My own Perfection.When I breathed into man's organism My Breath, it became alive with Me; for then it was Ibreathed into it My Will -- not from without, but from within -- from the Kingdom of Heavenwithin, where always I AM. Ever afterward I breathed and lived and had My Being within man,for I created him in My Image and Likeness only for that purpose.The proof of this is, man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than hisconscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his lungs. A mighty power withinhis body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life itindrew through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs todigest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue,the hands and feet, to think and say and do everything that man does.This power is My Will to BE and LIVE in man. Therefore, whatever man is, I AM, and whateverman does, or you do, I do, and whatever you say or think, it is I Who say or think it through yourorganism
I cannot choose to breathe, the breath breathes me, a power within me uses the lungs.... the heart beats.... this power in this physical human body is Gods Will... it's in me..............
Have you ever taken the pains to study out what is consciousness? How it seems to be animpersonal state of awareness, of waiting to serve or to be directed or used by some power latentin and intimately related to itself?How man seems to be merely the highest type of organism containing this consciousness, whichis directed and used by this power within itself?That this power latent in man's consciousness and in all consciousness is nothing but Will, MyWill? For you know that all power is but the manifestation of My Will.
Consciousness....."an impersonal state of awareness, of waiting to serve or to be directed or used by some power latent in and intimately related to itself"
A power latent in man is Gods Will.
I first give you the Key that will unlock every mystery that now hides from you the secret of MyBeing.This Key, when you once know how to use it, will open the door to all Wisdom and all Power inheaven and Earth. Yea, it will open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, and then you have but toenter in to become consciously One with Me.This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you."Stop and meditate on this that it may get firmly fixed in your mind.A Thinker is a Creator.A Thinker lives in a world of his own conscious creation.When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish, -- whether it be anew personality, a new environment, or a new world.
"This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you".
The word that really stands out here is 'heart'. It doesn't say as I think in my mind. And it continues to on with "When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish." This suggests there is something for me to learn about 'thinking' in the context that is is used here.
Now you may not even yet know I AM, or believe that I AM really you, or that I AM likewiseyour brother and your sister, and that you are all parts of Me and One with Me.You may not realize that the Souls of you and your brother and sister, the only real andimperishable parts of the mortal you, are but different phases of Me in expression in what iscalled Nature.Likewise you may not realize that you and your brothers and sisters are phases or attributes ofMy Divine Nature, just as your human personality, with its mortal body, mind and intellect, is aphase of your human nature.No, you do not realize this yet, but I speak of it now, that you may know the signs when theybegin to appear in your consciousness, as they surely will.In order to recognize these signs, all that now follows must be considered carefully and studied,and should not be passed by until My meaning, at least in some degree, is grasped.Once you fully understand the principle I here set down, then all My Message will become clearand comprehensible
This part encourages that even if I do not know yet what this text is sharing it is important to have some understanding so as I may recognise the signs when they do occur.
Always I AM there to pick you up, after the fall, although you do not know it at the time; firststraightening you out and then starting you onward again, by pointing out the reason for yourfall; and finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, causing you to see that these powersaccruing to you by the conscious use of My Will, My Intelligence and My Love, are allowed youonly for use in My Service, and not at all for your own personal ends.Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, think to set themselves up as having aseparate will from your will, or a separate intelligence from your intelligence?No, they know no intelligence but yours, no will but yours.After a while it will be that you will realize you are only one of the cells of My Body; and thatyour will is not your will, but Mine; that what consciousness and what intelligence you have areMine wholly; and that there is no such person as you, you personally being only a physical formcontaining a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, acertain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form.All this may be difficult for you now to accept, and you may protest very strenuously that itcannot be, that every instinct of your nature rebels against such yielding and subordinatingyourself to an unseen and unknown power, however Impersonal or Divine.Fear not, it is only your personality that thus rebels. If you continue to follow and study MyWords, all will soon be made clear, and I will surely open up to your inner understanding manywonderful Truths that now are impossible for you to comprehend. Your Soul will rejoice singglad praises, and you will bless these words for the message they bring
I am supported through my healing, growing, learning, fashioning..........
to be able to be.. "a physical form containing a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, a certain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form."
It is only my personality that resists Truth.
12All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacityto use it.Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to useit, it would annihilate your body utterly.To test your strength and more often to show you what the misuse of My Power does to you, I attimes allow you to commit a sin, so-called, or to make a mistake. I even permit you to becomeinflated with the sense of My Presence within you, when It manifests as a consciousness of MyPower, My Intelligence, My Love; and I let you take these and use them for your own personalpurposes. But not for long -- for, not being strong enough to control them, they soon take the bitin their teeth, run away with you, throw you down in the mire, and disappear from yourconsciousness for the time being.
"All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacity to use it."
"Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to use it, it would annihilate your body utterly."
I need to surrender fully and consciously Be the Impersonal Self so as Gods Love, the power of God can flow through this vessel unimpeded.........
So called sins and mistakes are only my learning, fashioning to build true strength in this body mind so as to allow the the power and Love of God to flow through matter.....
There is only the Will of God..
You, as one of the cells of My Body, have a consciousness that is My Consciousness, anintelligence that is My Intelligence, even a will that is My Will. You have none of these foryourself or of yourself. They are all Mine and for My use only.Now, My consciousness and My Intelligence and My Will are wholly Impersonal, and thereforeare common with you and with all the cells of My Body, even as they are common with all thecells of your body.I AM the directing Intelligence of All, the animating Spirit, the Life, the Consciousness of allmatter, of all Substance. If you can see it, You, the Real you, the Impersonal you, are in all andare one with all, are in Me and are one with Me; just as I AM in you and in all, and thereby amexpressing My Reality through you and through all.This will, which you call your will, is likewise no more yours personally than is thisconsciousness and this intelligence of your mind and of the cells of your body yours.It is but that small portion of My Will which I permit the personal you to use. Just as fast as youawaken to recognition of a certain power or faculty within you and begin consciously to use it,do I allow you that much more of My Infinite Power
The I Am, the God in me is the one directing all Life
What happens when your consciousness no longer controls the cells of your body? The bodydisintegrates, the cells separate, and their work for the time being is finished. But do the cells dieor lose consciousness? No, they simply sleep or rest for a period, and after a while unite withother cells and form new combinations, and sooner or later appear in other manifestations of life,-- perhaps mineral, perhaps vegetable, perhaps animal; showing that they still retain their originalconsciousness and but await the action of My Will to join together in a new organism to do thework of the new consciousness through which I desire to manifest.Then apparently this cell consciousness is a consciousness common to all bodies, -- mineral,vegetable, animal, human, -- each cell fitted perhaps by experience for a certain general kind ofwork?Yes, this cell consciousness is common to every cell of every body, no matter what its kind,because it is an Impersonal consciousness, having no purpose other than doing the work allottedit. It lives only to work wherever needed. When through with building one form, it takes up thework of building another, under whatever consciousness I desire it to serve.Thus it is likewise with you
What occurs when the physical body dies.......... cells, energy................
11Therefore, it must be that the consciousness of the cell of your body is My Consciousness, evenas your consciousness is My Consciousness; and therefore We must be One in consciousness --the cell, You and I.You cannot now consciously direct or control a single cell of your body; but when you can atwill enter into the Consciousness of the I AM of you and know its identity with Me, then you cancontrol not only every cell of your body, but that of any other body you might wish to control.
As a conscious Being, what may be perceived as miracles flow naturally in physicality.
You have been told that each cell of your body has a consciousness and an intelligence of itsown; that were it not for this consciousness it could not do the work it so intelligently does.Each cell is surrounded by millions of other cells, each intelligently doing its own work and eachevidently controlled by the united consciousness of all these cells, forming a group intelligence,which directs and controls this work; this group intelligence apparently being the intelligence ofthe organ which the cells comprising it form. Likewise, there are other group intelligences inother organs, each containing other millions of cells, and all these organs make up your physicalbody.Now, you know You are the Intelligence that directs the work of the organs of your body,whether this directing is done consciously or unconsciously; and that each cell of each organ isreally a focal center of this directing Intelligence; and that when this Intelligence is withdrawnthe cells fall apart, your physical body dies and exists no more as a living organism.Who is this You who directs and controls the activities of your organs, and consequently of eachcell composing them?You cannot say it is your human or personal self who does this, for you of yourself consciouslycan control the action of scarcely a single organ of your body.It must then be this Impersonal I AM of you, which is You, and yet is not you.Listen!You, the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AMConsciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Mewhat the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You
"the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AM Consciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Me what the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You".
Perhaps you cannot see this yet, and of course cannot believe it until I fully prepare your mind byconvincing your intellect of its truth.
If I do not see and know consciously who I really am it means that my mind and body have not yet been fully prepared to receive the Truth.
I AM You, the Real Self of you, All that you really are. That which you think you are, you arenot. That is only an illusion, a shadow of the Real You, which is I, your Immortal, Divine Self.I AM that point of consciousness focalized in your human mind which calls itself "I". I AM that"I", but that which you call your consciousness is in reality My Consciousness, thinned down tosuit the capacity of your human mind. It is still My Consciousness, and when you can drive fromyour mind all its human misconceptions, ideas and opinions, and can cleanse and empty itutterly, so that My Consciousness can have a chance to express freely, then you will recognizeMe and you will know that you are nothing -- being only a focal center of My Consciousness, anavenue of medium through which I can express My meaning -- in matter.
Even my watered down view of who I am is still I AM. I need to let go all of my illusory perceptions of who I think I am so as I may come to recognise myself fully as I AM,to recognise and know my True Self and in this realise that I am "only a focal centre of My Consciousness, an avenue of medium through which I can express My meaning -- in matter".
Again I say, this I AM speaking herein is the Real Self of you, and in reading these words it isnecessary that you realize it is You, your own Self, that is speaking them to your humanconsciousness, in order fully to comprehend their meaning.I also repeat, this is the same I AM that is the Life and Spirit animating all living things in theUniverse, from the tiniest atom to the greatest Sun; that this I AM is the Intelligence in you andin your brother and sister; and that it is likewise the Intelligence which causes everything to liveand grow and become that which it is their destiny to be.Perhaps you cannot yet understand how this I AM can be, at one and the same time, the I AM ofyou and the I AM of your brother, and also the Intelligence of the stone, the plant, and theanimal.You will see this, however, if you follow these My Words and obey the instructions hereingiven; for I will soon bring to your consciousness a Light that will illumine the deepest recessesof your mind and drive away all the clouds of human misconceptions, ideas and opinions thatnow darken your intellect, -- if you read on and strive earnestly to comprehend My Meaning.
This is my True Self speaking to me and my True Self is a part of all that is, the substance that makes up the whole cosmos...
9Is there nothing, then, but this great I? Am I to be permitted no individuality for myself? I hearyou ask.No, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is not a part of Me, controlled and ruled eternallyby Me, the One Infinite Reality.As for your so-called individuality, that is nothing but your personality still seeking to maintain aseparate existence.Soon you shall know there is no individuality apart from My Individuality, and all personalityshall fade away into My Divine Impersonality.Yes, and you shall soon reach that state of awakening where you will get a glimpse of MyImpersonality, and you will then desire no individuality, no separation for yourself; for you willsee that is but one more illusion of the personality
God is all there is.
I AM the Innermost, the Spirit, the animating Cause of your being, of all life, of all living things,both visible and invisible. There is nothing dead, for I, the Impersonal ONE, AM all that there is.I AM Infinite and wholly unconfined; the Universe is My Body, all the Intelligence there isemanates from My Mind, all the Love there is flows from My Heart, all the Power there is, is butMy Will in action.The threefold Force, manifesting as all Wisdom, all Love, all Power, or if you will, as Light,Heat, and Energy “ that which holds together all forms and is back of and in all expressions andphases of life, -- is but the manifestation of My Self in the act or state of Being.Nothing can Be without manifesting and expressing some phase of Me, Who AM not only theBuilder of all forms, but the Dweller in each. In the heart of each I dwell; in the heart of thehuman, in the heart of the animal, in the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heartof each I live and move and have My Being, and from out the heart of each I send forth thatphase of Me I desire to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, a flower, ananimal, a man
God is the substance of all LIfe............
that which you have read has awakened a response within, and the Soul of you yearns formore, -- then you are ready for what follows.If you still question or rebel at the seeming assumption of Divine authority for what is hereinwritten, your intellect telling you it is but another attempt to beguile your mind with cunningsuggestion and subtle sophistry, -- then you will receive no benefit from these words; for theirmeaning is as yet hidden from your mortal consciousness, and My Word must come to youthrough other avenues of expression.It is well if your personality with its intellect impels you thus to question and rebel againstauthority you do not yet know to be Mine. It is really I Who cause your personality thus to rebel;for your personality with its proud sense of individuality is still needed by Me to develop a mindand body strong enough that they can perfectly express Me. Until you have become prepared toknow Me it is but natural for your personality thus to question and rebel. Once you recognize MyAuthority, that moment the undermining of the authority of the personality has begun. The daysof its dominion are numbered, and you will more and more turn to Me for help and guidance.Therefore, be not dismayed. Read on, and mayhap the recognition will come. But know that youcan read or not, as you choose; but if you do it is really I Who choose, and not you.For you, who seemingly choose not to read further, I have plans, and in due season you shalllearn that whatever you do, or like, or desire, it is I leading you through all the fallacies andillusions of the personality, that you may finally awaken to their unreality and then turn to Me asthe one and only Reality. Then these words will find a response within:
As I practice the mantra, I can feel the energy within of the Truth of it, yet I witness the egoic mind doubt that I can really allow this.......... yet I am aware that the part of me that doubts is simply the egoic mind itself..............
And the amazing thing here is that even this that to me it says that there is 'no problem' in this as it simply means that the persona is "still needed by Me to develop a mind and body strong enough that they can perfectly express Me". This is powerful and it undermines the doubt........... I can relax, allow, surrender and know that my Being is unfolding me.
"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Yes, I AM that innermost part of you that sits within, and calmly waits and watches, knowingneither time nor space; for I AM the Eternal and fill all space.I watch and wait for you to be done with your petty human follies and weaknesses, with yourvain longings, ambitions and regrets, knowing that will come in time; and then you will turn toMe, weary, discouraged, empty and humble, and ask Me to take the lead, not realizing that I havebeen leading you all the time
The part of which which is who I AM awaits....
8Yes, I sit here within, quietly waiting for this; yet while waiting it was really I Who directed allyour ways, Who inspired all your thoughts and acts, impersonally utilizing and manipulatingeach so as eventually to bring you and My other human expressions to a final consciousrecognition of Me.Yes, I have been within always, deep within your heart. I have been with you through all, --through your joys and heartaches, your successes and mistakes, through your evil-doing, yourshame, your crimes against your brother and against God, as you thought.Aye, whether you went straight ahead, or strayed aside, or stepped backward, it was I Whobrought you through.It was I Who urged you on by the glimpse of Me in the dim distance.It was I Who lured you by a vision of Me in some bewitching face, or beautiful body, orintoxicating pleasure, or over-powering ambition.It was I Who appeared before you within the garb of Sin, or Weakness, or Greed, or Sophistry,and drove you back into the arms of Conscience, leaving you to struggle in its shadowy grasp;until you awakened to its impotence, rose up in disgust, and in the inspiration of a new visiontore off My mask.Yes, it is I Who cause you to do all things, and if you can see it, it is I Who do all things that youdo, and all things that your brother does; for that in you and in him which IS, is I, My Self
But in all your seeking and all your striving, let it be with faith and trust in Me, your True Selfwithin, and without being anxious about results; for the results are all in My keeping, and I willtake care of them. Your doubts and your anxiety are but of the personality, and if allowed topersist will lead only to failure and disappointmen
To trust..... to not worry about the outcome............ recognise that any anxiety and doubts are my egoic self..............
You may, with your personality, try a thousand times a thousand times to burst through the shellof your human consciousness.It will result only, if at all, in a breaking down of the doors I have provided between the world oftangible forms and the real of intangible dreams; and the door being open, you then no longercan keep out intruders from your private domain, without much trouble and suffering.But even through such suffering you may gain the strength you lack and the wisdom needed toknow that, not until you yield up all desire for knowledge, for goodness, yes, for union with Me,to benefit self, can you unfold your petals showing forth the perfect Beauty of My Divine Nature,and throw off the shell of your human personality and step forth into the glorious Light of MyHeavenly Kingdom.Therefore I give you these directions now, at the beginning, that you may be learning how torecognize Me
I of my egoic self can try however this doesn't work, however the experience still leads to a time when I surrender and allow God..........
This Knowledge, this Realization, will not come at once. It may not come for years. It may cometomorrow.It depends upon no one but You;Not upon your personality, with its human desires and human understanding;But upon the I AM of you -- God, within.Who is it that causes the bud to open into the blossom?Who causes the chick to burst its shell?Who decides the day and the hour?It is the conscious, natural act of the Intelligence within, My Intelligence, directed by My Will,bringing to fruition My Idea and expressing it in the blossom and in the chick.But did the blossom and the chick have anything to do with it?No, only as they submitted or united their will with Mine and allowed Me and My Wisdom todetermine the hour and the ripeness for action, and then only as they obeyed the impulse of MyWill to make the effort, could they step forth into the New Life
The timing of the fruition of realisation of this Knowledge comes from my True Self, God within............. true Intelligence, Gods Idea... expressing and birthing the conscious awareness of the aspect of God, Me.........
Then, as the Sun of Know-ing begins to rise on the horizon of your consciousness;Then, will you feel the swell of a wondrous strange Breath filling you to the extreme of all yourmortal members, causing your senses almost to burst with the ecstasy of it; then, will there comesurge after surge of a mighty, resistless Power rising within you, lifting you almost off the Earth;then, will you feel within the Glory, the Holiness, the Majesty of My Presence;And then, then you will KNOW, I AM, God.You, -- when you have felt Me thus in such moments within, when you have tasted of MyPower, hearkened to My Wisdom, and know the ecstasy of My all-embracing Love, -- no diseasecan touch, no circumstance can weaken, no enemy can conquer you. For now you KNOW I AMwithin, and you always hereafter will turn to Me in your need, putting all your trust in Me, andallowing Me to manifest My Will.You, when you turn thus to Me, will always find Me an unfailing and ever present help in timeof need; for I will so fill you with a Realization of My Presence and of My Power, that you needonly Be Still and allow Me to do whatever you want done -- heal your ills and those of others,illumine your mind so you can see with My eyes the Truth you seek, or perform perfectly thetasks which before seemed almost impossible of accomplishmen
To come to truly Know that God is within me, to Know it as a felt Reality............ And in all and every circumstances turn within to Me... turn to God and trust that support will unfailing...
Then, when somewhat of their vital significance begins to dawn upon your consciousness,speak these My Words slowly, imperatively, to every cell of your body, to every faculty of yourmind, with all the conscious power you possess: --"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Speak them just as they are herein written, trying to realize that the God of you commands anddemands of your mortal self: implicit obedience.Study them, search out their hidden potency.Brood over them, carry them with you into your work, whatever it be. Make them the vital,dominating factor in your work, in all your creative thoughts.Say them a thousand times a day,Until you have discovered all My innermost meaning;Until every cell of your body thrills in joyful response to the command, "Be Still," and instantlyobeys;And every vagrant thought hovering around your mind hies itself off into nothingness.Then, as the Words reverberate through the caverns of your now, empty being
This is so powerful............. the 'God of me, my True Self commanding that my egoic self becomes humble and surrenders ..
Practice..... until the Reality of consciously Being is my felt Reality.
Reminds me of in ACIM 'come wtth wholly empty hands unto your God".
Now, in order that you can become wholly oblivious of your mind and its thoughts and yourbody and its sensations, so that you can feel Me within, it is necessary that you studiously obeythese, My instructions.Sit quietly in a relaxed position, and, when wholly at ease, let your mind take in the significanceof these words:"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Without thinking, allow this, My Divine Command, to penetrate deep into your Soul. Letwhatever impressions that come to your mind enter at will --- without effort or interference onyour part.
Be Still, without thinking and allow these words to penetrate me deeply, Be still - and KNOW - I AM - God................. Allow whatever comes to mind
this "I" is yourself, your Real Self. Your human mind has heretofore been soengrossed with the task of supplying its intellect and body with all manner of selfish indulgences,that it has never had time to get acquainted with the Real You, its true Lord and Master. Youhave been so interested in and affected by the pleasures and sufferings of your body and intellect,that you have almost come to believe You are your intellect and body, and you haveconsequently nearly forgotten Me, your Divine Self.I AM not your intellect and body, and this Message is to teach that You and I are One. Thewords I herein speak, and the main burden of these instructions, is to awaken your consciousnessto this great fact.You cannot awaken to this fact until you can get away from the consciousness of this body andintellect, which so long have held you enslaved. You must feel Me within, before you can know IAM there.
I am not who I have identified myself as being, yes I have body and a mind, however the inner Essence of my Being is the Truth of who I am. So to become fully conscious with my True Self I need to FEEL Me which is an aspect of God.
Listen!Try to imagine the "I" who speaks throughout these pages as being your Higher or Divine Self,addressing and counseling your human mind and intellect, which you will consider for themoment as being a separate personality. Your human mind is so constituted that it cannot acceptanything which does not conform with what it has previously experienced or learned, and whichits intellect does not consider reasonable. Therefore, in addressing it, You are using such termsand expressions as will most clearly explain to your intellect the truths it must understand beforethe mind can awaken to the consciousness of your meaning
This is a supportive suggestion...
4Be Still! and KNOW I AM GodNow, in order that you may learn to know Me, so that you can be sure it is I, your own True Self,Who speak these words, you must first learn to Be Still, to quiet your human mind and body andall their activities, so that you no longer are conscious of them.You may not yet be able to do this, but I will teach you how, if you really want to know Me, andare willing to prove it by trusting Me and obeying Me in all that I now shall call upon you to do
It clearly says that the voice that is speaking is the voice of my own True Self. To hear this voice though I need to allow the body mind to quieten, to become still. It reassures that even if I don't know how to do this I will be shown, however this will require my willingness and trust.
- DivinePurpose
- Definition
- Body
- Creation
- TrueBody
- Substance
- Health
- Support
- Thoughts
- Manifestation
- Feminine
- Awaken
- Harmony
- HolyWill
- Prayer
- Sin
- Key
- Flesh
- Form
- HolyPerfection
- Anxiety
- Allowance
- Mind
- Resistance
- Mistake
- Life
- Mineral
- ConsciousBeing
- Space
- Medium
- TrueSelf
- Create
- BeStill
- Plant
- BodyMind
- Knowledge
- Nature
- Desire
- HolyLove
- Doubt
- Consciousness
- Realization
- Soul
- Personality
- Journey
- Power
- Inspiration
- Transfiguration
- HolyFaith
- Christ
- Evolution
- Receive
- Energy
- Cosmos
- Physicality
- HolyWisdom
- Ligth
- Illusion
- Willingness
- Spirit
- Intelligence
- HolyStrength
- Death
- God
- Belief
- Light
- Suffering
- Feelings
- Guide
- Breath
- HolyAttributes
- Reality
- Listen
- Infinite
- Misperception
- Know
- Miracles
- Being
- Unconscious
- Time
- Womb
- Eternal
- Consciously Being
- Masculine
- Expression
- Heart
- Practice
- Trust
- Wisdom
- TheDream
- Fulfillment
- Earth
- Truth
- Seperation
- Awareness
- Word
- CauseEffect
- Humanity
- Individuality
- ImpersonalSelf
- Humility
- HolyTruth
- Apr 2016
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I AM come to you now,To make you conscious of My Presence;For I have likewise prepared your human mind so that it can, in a measure, comprehend themeaning of Me.I have been with you always, but you did not know it.I have purposely led you through the Wilderness of books and teaching, of religions andphilosophies, keeping ever before your Soul's eye the vision of the Promised Land; feeding youwith the manna of the Desert, that you might remember and value and long for the Bread of theSpirit.Now I have brought you to the river Jordan that separates you from your Divine heritage.Now the time has come for you consciously to know Me; the time has come for you to cross overinto Canaan, the land of Milk and Honey.Are you ready?Do you want to go?Then follow this My Word, which is the Ark of My Covenant, and you shall go over dry shod
I have not been consciously aware of my True Self that has been with me always, now the time has come for me to be fully aware and awake to my true identity... My journey has prepared me for 'now' so as I am open to receive what is truly true.
Weigh and study carefully these words.Rise up and free yourself now and for always from the domination of your personality, with itsself-inflated and self-glorifying mind and intellect.For your mind henceforth must be Your servant, and the intellect Your slave, if My Word is topenetrate to your Soul consciousness.I AM come now to your Soul consciousness, which I have quickened expressly in preparation forthe reception of My Word
There is a very clear invitation here to 'rise up and free myself' from my perceptions of identifying as the human mind and persona.............. and receive the Word, the Truth.......
3Now, if you are strong enough to bear it;If you can put aside all your private personal fancies, beliefs and opinions, which are but therubbish you have gathered from the dumping grounds of others;If you are strong enough to cast them all away; --Then My Word will be to you a source of endless Joy and Blessing.Be prepared to have this personality of yours doubt My Word as you read It all along the way;For its very life is threatened, and it knows it cannot live and thrive and longer dominate yourthinking, your feelings, your going and coming, as of old, -- if you take My Word into your heartand permit It there to abide.
I need to let go of my beliefs about myself and the world that I have taken on from what has been role modelled to me through my human life....
And to realise that the part of me that has believed other than what is Truth may be resistant to the message in this text.
The invitation extends to taking the Word within my heart and to abide, be with it and it will become a source of joy and blessing...
I, the I AM of you, bring to you this My Message, My living Word, as I have brought to youeverything in life, be it book or "Master" to teach you that I and I alone, your own True Self, AMThe Teacher for you, the only Teacher and the only God, Who is and always has been providingyou not only with the Bread and Wine of Life, but with all things needed for your physical,mental and spiritual growth and sustenance.Therefore that which appeals to YOU, as you read, is MY Message, spoken to your outer humanconsciousness from within, and is but a confirmation of that which the I AM of you always knewwithin, but had not yet translated in definite, tangible terms to your outer consciousness.Likewise, all that ever appealed to You, coming from some outward expression, was but theconfirmation of My Word already spoken within. The outward expression was the avenue ormeans I chose at the time through which to reach and impress your human or self consciousness.I AM not your human mind, nor its child, the intellect. They are but the expression of yourBeing, as you are the expression of My Being; they are but phases of your human personality, asYou are a phase of My Divine Impersonality
Even when I have been attracted to things perceivably outside of me, it really comes from within appearing in a way that I may pay attention to it until I go within.......
The True Self is not my human mind or the intellect, they are the 'expression of my Being' and I AM an expression of Gods Being.
I AM not the human personality, rather an aspect of Gods Divine IMpersonality.
2Listen!I AM You, that part of you who IS and KNOWS;WHO KNOWS ALL THINGS,And always knew, and always was.Yes, I AM You, Your SELF; that part of you who says I AM and is I AM;That transcendent, innermost part of you which quickens within as you read, which responds tothis My Word, which perceives Its Truth, which recognizes all Truth and discards all errorwherever found. Not that part which has been feeding on error all these years.For I AM your real Teacher, the only real one you will ever know, and the only MASTER;I, your Divine SELF
The message shares immediately that my True Self is my teacher
THE IMPERSONAL LIFEJoseph S. BennerI AMTo you who read, I speak.To you, who, through long years and much running to and fro, have been eagerly seeking, inbooks and teachings, in philosophy and religion, for you know not what ---Truth, Happiness,Freedom, God;To you whose Soul is weary and discouraged and almost destitute of hope;To you, who many times have obtained a glimpse of that "Truth" only to find, when youfollowed and tried to reach it, that it disappeared in the beyond, and was but the mirage of thedesert;To you, who thought you had found it in some great teacher, who was perhaps the acknowledgedhead of some Society, Fraternity or Religion, and who appeared to you to be a "Master", somarvelous was the wisdom he taught and the works he performed; -- only to awaken later to therealization that that "Master" was but a human personality, with faults and weaknesses, andsecret sins, the same as you, even though that personality may have been a channel throughwhich were voiced many beautiful teachings, which seemed to you the highest "Truth;"And here you are, Soul aweary and enhungered, and not knowing where to turn ---To you, I AM come.Likewise to you, who have begun to feel the presence of that "Truth" within your Soul, and seekthe confirmation of that which of late has been vaguely struggling for living expression within;Yes, to all you who hunger for the true "Bread of Life," I AM come.Are you ready to partake?If so, then arouse yourself. Sit up. Still your human mind and follow closely My Word hereinspoken. Or you will turn away disappointed once more, with the aching hunger still in yourheart
The message clearly points out that it is speaking to me! And asks me to still my mind and listen.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.infoFriday 18th17
So, you must arrive at a conviction, and a willingness to commit to that conviction, which allows you to abandon reason for the apparently unreasonable. It is because what we are doing at this moment, you and I, does not compute with your preexisting conditioning that it seems unreasonable and impractical, and will seem so if you do not stay in touch with the unjustifiable claim that I am making—that you and I are together, actively and consciously together, to the degree that you are Hearing me, in the Fourth dimension, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the middle of Reality, and that it is only by means of this connection and your embrace of the ability to conceive of your being Here with me that you can break through your “amnesia.”
You see, just as each one must find his or her own reason for living, you must find your own reason for being Conscious. And you will never find the reason for being Conscious within the ignorance, within the dream. Therefore, the reason for being Conscious will never be reasonable! At least not from within the limited definitions of reason which are employed within the dream.
All of us are eager to discern increasing curiosity in you, because the presence of curiosity about where you Really Are is the vitalizing factor which opens the Door, so to speak—dissolves the conceptual blocks of perception and allows Knowing to occur “once again.” We are not happy when you slip away in concern for the sense of space and time, and of self located in it, because, in effect, we lose you for a time. I will say it this way: We lose the opportunity to experience You—and, as I have said before, to some extent the experience of Us, because you are inseparable.
Raj: No, Paul, because this “here,” as you put it, three-dimensionally, isn’t present in space, either, but in the conscious experience of being conscious. In that sense, the answer is yes, because the Place is Awareness, not the sense of space that form seems to suggest—and when I say “form,” I mean visibility and tangibility. The conscious experience of an idea.
It is not pleasant to sacrifice your illusions. And again, this is why it is imperative for you to connect with me frequently, if not absolutely constantly, so as to have the opportunity to stand in the presence of your Sanity, your unflawed experience of what is Really going on, because you will be able to catch the feel of Joy which will further illuminate You to you as Who You truly Are, and thus promote greater willingness to release, without reason or thought, the fantasy you.
Raj: It all depends on where you’re standing as you’re observing it. Because I will tell you, again, that from my vantage point this is cause for great Joy and great Joy is being experienced by those of us standing in attendance, you might say, as you reach out and desire to embrace, and thus express Mind, thus express your natural inherent Sanity.
Again, Paul, you cannot know ahead of time what this means, and so you are going to have to trust as you take my hand by joining with me Here at Home.
I realize that it doesn’t seem as significant as the fantastic imagery of the imagination which you have come to believe is reality, and which it now seems to you that you are ignoring and therefore separating yourself from. But as has been said, “the way is straight and narrow, and few there by that go in thereat.” 2 And this is because it feels like the loss of immense, all-inclusive, total, images, concepts and belief structures called reality, but which necessarily has a small “r.”
It feels like a loss, yet this is in 3d.
You must stop valuing the inputs which bolster the ego and satisfy it. I mean by that, the actions that get approval. You must at this point value the marvelous fact that you are, at this instant, connecting with me from That of you which is Fourth-dimensional. It is a concrete demonstration of your Sanity—your presence of Mind—and therefore an illuminated experience of your Being, with no distortion present.
Approval bolsters the ego............ leads to distortion...
The divine faculties of Conscious Being, which you could call Hearing, Seeing, Tasting, Smelling, et cetera, the direct comprehending of Reality, could be called the vital signs. And right now the one vital sign that is functioning is Hearing. And it is a result of Listening. And that will give you a clue, because if you want to see, then you must look! And how do you look? Well, you want to see. You don’t want to see something in particular, because you don’t know what there is to see. But you want to see. And the “wanting” is the “looking.” And the seeing is what comes, just as Listening brings forth Hearing.
You must understand that what is happening here in our connection partakes in no way of belief, and that is a very important point. When we are connected, you are not standing back, separate and apart, observing, analyzing, and grasping intellectually what is happening. Therefore, there can be no belief associated with it. You see, what you have in the past wanted was a break to get back to the familiarity of belief—of your beliefs, of your protocols, your so-called orderly structures of dreaming. You have wanted relief from unfamiliarity, relief from having to pay attention, relief from being vital.
Raj: Paul, this anxiety is inherent in the level which you are choosing to invest energy. At this moment you are hearing me, but you are not experiencing the fact that you are with me. You are listening from within the framework of personal bias, the tiny sense of self, the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. Again, you must understand that this is not where Cause lies. This is not where movement originates. This is not where anything is done. This is not where Being is being. It is just the visibility and tangibility of Being-—visibility and tangibility only! You could say the three-dimensional-only frame of reference is the visibility-and-tangibility-only frame of reference. What it is the visibility and tangibility of exists only Fourth-dimensionally.
In your connecting with me—and now, by virtue of connecting with me and having an experience of the fact that you must be with me where I am in order to do so—this is the essential step in terms of your release from the dream, the personal sense of self and the distorted perception of Reality which is inseparable from it.
So, when you feel the need for order, when the conceptual orderlinesses of your experience are dissolving, know that order will be achieved—not by virtue of reestablishing the order in the dream, but—by virtue of connecting with me, thus bringing your point of attention to that Place where You Are, truly, and that Place only where your capacity to experience truly is present and available, in which the absence of order and its potential threat to your sense of your well being gets swallowed up in unchangeable, absolute Order or Harmony, where there is no experience of threat or potential for threat. I will repeat this as many times as I have to.
Raj: Again, Paul, there is a need for desire to be present—a desire for a friend. A desire to be with me consciously. And again, at this point, any experience of not being with me is not a valid or valuable experience. Therefore a choice for being unaware of me is a choice which imprisons you in unconsciousness, ignorance. Your great familiarity with your ignorance, and your great unfamiliarity with being with me does not justify the ongoing choice for being unconscious of me, and therefore unconscious of You. If it seems that the protocols of your dream are dissolving—being rendered meaningless—and as a result there is what you perceive and judge to be chaos, then you may know that the elements of its attraction—meaning the ignorance or the dream—are losing their ability to hold your attention, and thus, you not only have a “window of escape,” you also feel a need. This is in perfect order and is indicative of healing, of your coming back into your right Mind—your undistorted, unbiased, unconditional, unconditioned Conscious experience of Being.
Indeed, the drama of the dream has been a little more dynamic in the past few days. But what is unreal about it is no more unreal than it was when it was less dynamic, and therefore does not truly require your attention any more than when the dream seemed to be peaceful. So, I am going to reiterate again the need for touching base with me more and more frequently. This is the way you build a basis of experience as to where you really Are, and therefore, this is the way in which you become clearer that you are not in the dream, and you are not the caricature of self that you are experiencing within the dream, but are the Self that is with me in the Fourth-dimensional Conscious experience of Being.
By touching base with his guide supports consciously Being.
As I have already said, do not try to determine what is real and what is illusion at the level of dream. You must understand that it is your willingness to pay attention to me, to my presence outside of the dream—and therefore your presence outside of the dream—which is the only thing that will bring you to a point of being able to distinguish what is Real. And, of course, there will not be anything remaining appearing to be unreal, so no distinction between the two will have to be made. We are talking about clarity, here, in which there is no confusion, no distorted perception.
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The whole false fantastic sense of self has arisen out of an attempt to understand who is asking the question. Indeed, through an analysis of the questions, one could come to the conclusion that the questioner is fearful, jealous, confident, expectant. But that is like trying to see something through a mirror around and corner which allows you to see something that you cannot otherwise see directly. The sense of the questioner which is gathered from the nature of the questions is necessarily absolutely illusory. This, now, is a new way to describe what has been called “The Fall”—the means by which one experiences ignorance of Reality.
The experience of the desire to Know is simply the means of giving permission to Know. That is perhaps the most important statement, the most transformational statement of Truth, the most earth-shaking statement of Truth that could be made.
"The experience of the desire to Know is simply the means of giving permission to Know."
Literally, graduation, here, is going to involve forsaking thinking, and Listening always. When you feel inclined to think, stop, and desire to Know.
The thinking which the fantasy partner or false sense of self has engaged in will be replaced with the Knowing which has been constituted of the direct experience of your Self. When it has seemed as though you were talking with me and drawing upon the infinite Knowing, you have been connected to You, and it has constituted the substance of You, even though as long as you were identifying with the fantasy sense of yourself it has seemed as though you were not connected with yourself and who you were was becoming less and less significant.
The more I let go of my illusions my sense of self "will be replaced with the Knowing which has been constituted of the direct experience of your Self."
When you have been Listening and Hearing, what you have “heard” is the experience of Knowing. This has not been a gift from me to you, because I am not present as a separated presence to give you anything. It is time for you to understand clearly that you, as some inconsequential little twirp, have not been the recipient of a beneficent gift which therefore has had nothing to do with you. Rather, it has been a direct experience of your Self.
Knowing......it has been a direct experience of your Self.
But I need to insure that Paul is listening with no belief that what it sounds like to somebody else is of any consequence. It is how it sounds to him, and how that sound specifically triggers and promotes his inner movement. And so I embrace you by letting you know where the focus is, here.
Hmmm, to really listen to my own guidance no matter what!
One does not, however, graduate by virtue of invalidating the learning, but rather by virtue of having arrived at a point of valuing essential, primitive, or shall I say original Being, and finding It to be more important and meaningful than the educational process and the sense of identity which that educational process has seemed to create. Therefore, one graduates by virtue of caring more about something beyond education, and the invalidating of the learning will occur because there is something more meaningful present, not because a conscientious effort is made to invalidate it. Graduation is the shift from thinking to Being.
Graduation is the shift from thinking to Being.
Graduation. What could one possibly graduate into? Well, isn’t graduation the process of releasing education—an educational process, a learning process? Indeed, the movement into an ego sense of Self is like starting school, and graduation is what happens when you abandon the ego sense and all of the interesting dynamics of becoming educated. In effect, it is truly a moving back into the elemental and fundamental natural perfection of one’s Being, which I will say constitutes a complete invalidation of everything which was ever learned in the educational process. Therefore, necessarily, graduation means forsaking the value which has been placed upon the learning.
Raj shares what is meant by Graduation.... it is to abandon the ego sense of all the interesting dynamics of becoming educated and "it is truly a moving back into the elemental and fundamental natural perfection of one’s Being, which I will say constitutes a complete invalidation of everything which was ever learned in the educational process."**
Now, whatever excitement or trepidation might be being felt is, of course, not being felt by you, but by the ego—the fantasy sidekicks which both of you and everyone else who is not Awake thinks they companion with. In fact, they think that they are the fantasy partner. The excitement comes from the sense that what is going to be heard is foreign—therefore, perhaps threatening. And I am saying “threatening” with a certain sense of thrill, because the ego likes a little bit of threat. It provides the motivation for challenge. And it is all bull-shit!
Wow Raj is straight to the point here... the ego likes a bit of a threat, it provides the motivation for challenge and its all bullshit!!!
Raj: There is much for us to talk about, and I am going to instruct you to take time, for the time being, to speak with me daily. And nothing is to interfere with this. That is not a command. It is, rather, a means of setting the tone. In other words, there truly is nothing else more important which takes precedence over our having this time together regularly. I say this so that you will not see this time we take as interfering with other important things, and also so that you do not feel that you are slighting something that you feel is more important. I say it so that you might allow yourself to be perfectly at peace in devoting yourself to your Self.
This feels like an invitation from Raj to allow myself to be perfectly at peace in devoting myself to my Self...
Now, there is concern about finances. I will tell you, that concern is arising out of thinking. At this time, you are letting yourself be open to Knowing. Knowing, identified as You/Me speaking, is not addressing money, is It? Therefore, that is not the issue. That is not where congruence is needed. That is not what congruence is needed about. What we are talking about is specifically relevant to your finances, among other things. It is only the ego, the sidekick, which would demand that Knowing address what it sees to be a problem. Knowing doesn’t address problems. Knowing specifically uncovers resolution, solutions.
It is only the ego that perceives a problem, in Being there are none...
Knowing specifically uncovers resolution, solutions.
Again, the goal is to be goal-less, present in the now, so as to always be standing in support of the movement of Being and Its Intent, which is never confined to concepts, but is always absolutely expressive of original fulfillment. So, be willing to stay at the threshold, the crest of the wave—as Susan brought out this morning—that point of instability where unpredictable originality is what is happening.
"Again, the goal is to be goal-less, present in the now, so as to always be standing in support of the movement of Being and Its Intent, which is never confined to concepts, but is always absolutely expressive of original fulfillment. So, be willing to stay at the threshold, the crest of the wave......that point of instability where unpredictable originality is what is happening."
Arriving at an understanding is not the goal! This is because Life isn’t an unfolding of movement within concepts. It is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being.
Life "is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being."
It is just that now it is necessary for you to understand that when you are inquiring, and when I am answering, You are answering. And that when You are answering, I am answering. And therefore all of this is absolutely relevant to you as an actual experience of your divinity, not just a means of getting information to help you experience your divinity.
When it it Self answering, ultimately there is only one Self!
Now, this evening, I want you to explore being from your Knowing, not from your thinking. You will not be tested, nor judged. Just explore it, and the exploration of it will provide us with grist for the mill, as it were—further elucidation which will be relevant to you and will have meaning. And ask me questions. Don’t assume that somehow the process of Listening and Hearing is going to be different.
Exploration, this is the Journey....
Good. Just let yourself be where you are. Don’t grasp for what is coming next and don’t grasp for what has been. As I let what was said sink in, you continued to give your attention to what I would say next. You did not try to grasp what I had said and purposely embody it. You also let it sink in. Then when a sense of urgency arose regarding other issues, and what would come next, you did not energize it. You did not become full of active expressions of questions. You remained present with me, Listening for the next words, the next “Knowing’s,” whenever they might occur. This is where your Peace lies, Paul—in that willingness to be present in the now with your calm attention where the Knowing is experienced. You literally have no other place to be, nor is there any need to be anywhere else, truly.
"You remained present with me, Listening for the next words, the next “Knowing’s,” whenever they might occur. This is where your Peace lies, Paul—in that willingness to be present in the now with your calm attention where the Knowing is experienced. You literally have no other place to be, nor is there any need to be anywhere else, truly."
Peace comes from a willingness to be present with attention where the Knowing is experienced!
You do not have to understand analytically, logically. It isn’t the understanding which is important. It is the experience of your Peace. It is the experience of your congruence. It is the experience of your Integrity—which is a feeling. And in the presence of that feeling, which is uncluttered by conflict, you are the transparency for Truth. You are “the understanding” expressed and expressing. But the understanding is not a possession. So, if you want to understand, don’t try to understand. Invite the Knowing.
":It is the experience of your Peace. It is the experience of your congruence. It is the experience of your Integrity—which is a feeling."
The felt experience.... and in this the transparency of Truth!
Knowing can only be invited...
Now, this is good. Throughout the conversation, you have at times, experienced doubts, a certain quizzicalness, but you have not energized them, and have set them aside because, indeed, if you energize your doubts, you cannot be present to experience your Knowing. Remember that.
This is a good reminder to let thoughts come and let them go as passing clouds...
How do you eat dinner from your Center? How do you play Pictionary from your Center? How do you hug someone from your Center? How do you observe the scenery from your Center? I am not going to answer that. I am going to say, explore doing it! And explore doing it on purpose, just as much as you engage in Workshops and private conversations from your Center on purpose. And remember, because this is the key point for you at this time, that in doing it, you will experience the integrity, the congruence, the Peace of your Being which is fulfilling, and will constitute an experience of Self—minus fear, minus the sense of incompetence, minus all the characteristics of the sidekick.
The importance of practice in every day life and Raj suggests that this is what builds "the integrity, the congruence, the Peace of your Being which is fulfilling, and will constitute an experience of Self."
The simple point is that you must dare to be present in these other worldly contexts from the vantage point of Knowing, rather than assuming that you must fall back upon the conditionings of your sidekick and your sidekick’s traditional responses. It is only in this way that you can begin to explore and become comfortable with being out from your Knowing. Not all “being out from Knowing” is constituted of problem solving, even though fully 99% of your experience of it has involved problem solving.
To come form a place of Knowing in everyday life.
You drink coffee all day long, and you smoke cigarettes right through your conversations. That is movement. It is activity—internal and external. You do not interpret it as something which could interfere with your being Centered and Listening. And yet those are activities which are not apart of the communication. You scratch your head, you shift your position for comfort, and not as part of the communication. I bring this up because you assume that the mundane movements which are not directly associated with the expression of Knowing are somehow not susceptible to Centeredness. You are comfortable when a conversation or a Workshop is occurring, because it conveys what I will call a process of education, a very specific, focused expression of love. But, you are not able to identify Centeredness with relating to Chris, or to eating dinner, or to being with friends. You do not have much basis—outside of the scope of a Workshop or of a private conversation—for being in the world from your Center. And so I point out to you that being Centered has not inhibited you from scratching your head or removing a piece of food from your tongue just a moment ago which had become lodged in your tooth, nor of drinking coffee, nor, in the case of Christopher’s coming in the room, relating to him without “teaching.”
Raj speaks of allowing oneself to consciously Be and come from ones Centre even with the mundane activities of life.
We are simply bringing these elements forward for you to see, so that this shift of emphasis from thinking to Knowing can occur without your being hooked by preconditioning and old ego habits.
So, do not open your eyes with trepidation because of your so-called experiential and electronic knowledge that visual stimuli constitute a real threat or distraction to Centeredness. It is not true, any more than activity in the world such as happened when Chris came into the room—and even is happening at this very moment 2—is distracting to and interferes with your ability to stand at and as the Door. It only seems to when you think and come to the conclusion that it does, and then refrain from expressing the desire to Know which constitutes the giving of permission for the Knowing to occur.
What I think I experience, if I think something will distract me from my Centre, Being, than it will only because I have believed it so. In this I would give up permission to Know..
It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open. At this point, I wish to make it very clear that in spite of your experience with the bio-feedback equipment—which seemed to make it obvious that visual experience is of such a stimulating nature that it interferes with one’s being able to come out from a theta or delta frequency—the key is where you are placing your attention. The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.” Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing.
"It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open." I find this very interesting...
Raj speaks again of the importance of where ones attention is focussed."The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.”
Raj goes on to say Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing."
So the importance of being consciously aware....the form, the body is only an 'expression of Meaning' of that which is know consciously.
Now, you have just had “an interruption” by Chris, but you chose not to interpret it as something at odds with our conversation. You found that you were able to be present for him from your Center with relative ease, and as a result, the “interference” was very brief. If, however, it had been treated as an interference, and if you had chosen to shift your attention from Centered attentiveness to external attentiveness, with a certain degree of botheration associated with it, the event would have been prolonged and Christopher would not have felt you had been present with and for him. To be from your Center inevitably causes experience to be simple and clear and full.
This is back to the basics of psychology, 'we feel and act according to whatever we believe', not events situations and encounters. If the interruption was believed to be an interference and attention was shifted to focus on this in 3d it would have taken away from Centredness.
If you will pay attention, and if you will accept the fact that the experience of fulfillment you are having is an experience of congruence with your Self, you will realize that the integrity of it hasn’t been derived from me and not from you. And because it constitutes a real experience of You, there is even less reason for you to release it at the end of the last conversation [of the day] as though now all there is left is you—meaning the sidekick.
The sense of fulfilment IS an experience of congruence of Self!
Now, I encourage you to pay more attention when you are doing the private conversations, because when you are doing them, you are also experiencing this fulfillment, this congruence. But you have not gleaned from it its full benefit because you have not been aware of the fact that it has been you standing as the Door, and as the Door, being the presence of the Voice for Truth which constitutes your real conscious experience of Being. You have seen it as a pleasant side-effect, you might say, of something else1 which is Real that is going on, rather than the realness of You.
I relate to this when working with clients, being present with them supports me to be at the Door, being the presence of the Voice for Truth... consciously Being......
It is only the experience of Integrity, which you have when you are Knowing, that will promote the willing release of any desire to shift back to ignorance, to shift back to fear. You see, just because something is familiar does not mean it is actually desirable. It may feel comfortable, but it does not feel fulfilling, because it does not embrace fulfillment. It is not an experience of congruence or unity. That which is familiar does not provide peace—the Peace of your Being. And when you are feeling the Peace of your Being, as you are right now, it is obvious to you that the familiar does not include this experience.
Now, it is important for you and I to speak regularly, as we are doing, because just as meditating reminds you of the experience of centeredness, our conversing reminds you of the nature of the experience of Knowing, which provides you with the clear perspective of the pleasure of It, the Integrity of It, the naturalness of It, and the fact that in the experience of It there is no loss of any experience of Self, including, as I said, identity and identification—what might be called mind and body. The experience of It does not convey or substantiate the sidekick, the sidekick’s judgments, or the sidekick’s sense of separation. You must be reminded of this because it helps to substantiate to you the desirability of not being fragmented, the desirability of not experiencing fear, the desirability of not being “bumbling,” the desirability of not experiencing incompetence, the desirability of releasing the sidekick.
Raj speak about the importance of being reminded of what is real.
Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self. Abide with the Knowing, and be from the Knowing, and all form will identify Being, because there will be no misidentification of Self to cause a preoccupation with form. I mention this because you must be very clear that in shifting from thinking to Knowing, you will not become unconscious of Self, and you will not become unconscious of body. It is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body! Again, it is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body. The simple fact is that self-consciousness and body-consciousness become secondary, and ultimately nonexistent in the Act of Knowing. And yet, consciousness, with full identity and identification will be experienced—another key point!
"Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self."
"you must be very clear that in shifting from thinking to Knowing, you will not become unconscious of Self, and you will not become unconscious of body. It is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body!"
"The simple fact is that self-consciousness and body-consciousness become secondary, and ultimately nonexistent in the Act of Knowing. And yet, consciousness, with full identity and identification will be experienced."
It is necessary for you not to argue against the possibility and accessibility of Guidance by assuming that certain conditions are not conducive to Listening and Hearing. One of these, of course, relates to your body, as though if you have been engaged in activity or movement, you will need to necessarily sit down and become unconscious of it. Indeed, you must rely heavily upon your experience of being centered and carrying on the activities of the Workshops. You will realize that movement of the body occurs during a Workshop—not just the movement of your lips, as is occurring at this moment—and that movement of the body is not inconsistent with being centered. Movement of the body is not, in itself, distracting to centeredness. The necessity is to give permission unconditionally. I will tell you that you can be jogging and still Hear. To be physically active does not constitute a block to Hearing. Physical activity can become part of the whole experience of centeredness and of Guidance, while not giving your focused attention to the movements, because in and of themselves they do not constitute appropriate “subject-matter,” if I can put it that way. The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening.
Centred in Being does not require the body to be a certain way. Movement can be a part of being centred and hearing Guidance. Though focus is on Being.
"The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening."
A great definition of the purpose of the body.
I point this out to you so that you might understand that this graduation is not really a movement into unfamiliar territory, but a shift of perception about what is already known. A redefinition, as it were. A slipping of the identification tag from the sidekick to the Real One.
Reideintifying self in 3d to Self in 4d.
You see, you are still listening to me, aren’t you? You are still conceptualizing what is happening as though you are listening to me, and you are eager. This is wonderful, because it simply means that full permission is being given. But, I will remind you that it is your Self which you are listening to, and it is an experience of Integrity. It is an experience of You, and truly not something separate from you, because I am not a person. I am the Voice for Truth. And there are not many voices for Truth, there is just the Voice for Truth. And you are the Voice for Truth—the utterly same Voice for Truth. When you listen to me, you listen to You. And when you listen to You, you listen to me. But what you must come to embrace and embody as your conscious awareness is the fact that it is You; that every word which is being experienced at this moment is You in the act of being Who You truly Are. Where is the imaginary sidekick, Bumbling Paul, at this moment? Nowhere! Never was anywhere. So, conceptually speaking, you could say that you will either be talking with me/Yourself or opening your mouth and saying what me/Yourself is being the Knowing of. You are at a point where you truly can release the idea that an experience or sense of authorship will accompany true Being, and just be the experience, the presence of It happening!
Channelling......."I will remind you that it is your Self which you are listening to, and it is an experience of Integrity."
"I am the Voice for Truth." and he goes on to say that there is only one Voice for Truth and our Being is that!
And he shares there is no sense of authorship in true Being.....
Yes, it may seem as though you are channeling all the time. That is a way of conceptualizing it which is, for all intents and purposes, accurate. But really, what has channeling meant? That you were expressing what you were not personally responsible for. That you were not being a calculated controlled presence. And, indeed, what I have been telling you so far is: That is the real You being you, and the thinking, calculating, judging sense of Paul which you have thought was you has been an imaginary sidekick which, in the final analysis constitutes excess baggage of nonsense. You have had enough experience now, in the last nine years, to be able to hear that and understand that it is completely true and nonthreatening—not dangerous.
Raj questions channelling... the real You being you.
So, in graduation, and the commitment to Knowing, it does indeed feel as though one is giving up that which is utterly meaningful—a sense of worth and meaning which is acquired through personal authorship. The process of thinking, reasoning, and coming to conclusions—which is another way of saying “making judgments”—will be replaced by Knowing. And the actions and words which followed the thinking, reasoning, and judgment will be replaced by expressing the Knowing as you are Knowing it—not as you have heard it and repeated it at a later time.
Raj warns that there will be a sense of loss gained in ego through personal authorship.
He defines judgement as "The process of thinking, reasoning, and coming to conclusions".
So, there is not the addictive element in the experience of Knowing which there is in the experience of thinking, reasoning, coming to conclusions, and then expressing them.
The difference between Knowing and thinking....
in the experience of Knowing, because in Knowing there is not that sense of authorship. There is not that sense of being able to take credit for what is Known. And I will tell you, that is because the Knowing is not an experience of something finite—an identifiable object.
Now, this graduation is constituted of a commitment to Reality and an abandonment of the illusory sense of self; a commitment to Knowing, which it now will be much easier for you to make since I am making it clear to you that you are not listening to something other than your Self, and therefore there is not a listener of dubious integrity. The presence of the experience of Knowing is truly an experience of Self, and not of someone else who is Valuable. Why, indeed, would you continue to make an investment of trust and commitment in something that is Real and thus apparently borrow some value which never truly becomes yours, and therefore leaves you in your illusory sense of incompetence and limitation?
"The presence of the experience of Knowing is truly an experience of Self, and not of someone else who is Valuable."
The experience of a question is nothing more and nothing less than the giving permission for Knowing to be experienced. It becomes quite obvious, then, that any attempt to understand the nature of the questioner by virtue of the questions constitutes a complete distraction from the real meaning of the question—which is a giving permission for Knowing—and thus Knowing is never arrived at. The experience of one’s Self remains hidden. The Fourth-dimensional Conscious experience of Being is swallowed up in a “mirror image” of something that doesn’t even exist.
So the only purpose of a question is to give permission to Know and nothing else...
christmind.info christmind.infoForeword3
It addresses you in terms of your divinity and says, wake up! And it addresses you in the language of your humanity so that you might comprehend it.
Our Divinity and our humanity... Jalan Cinta Sanctuary..
This book will require you to move beyond understanding and dare to live from there!
Yes, the lived experience....
This book will require you to move beyond understanding and dare to live from there!
The lived experience, YES!
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You must become aware that the Enlightenment you experience is a process inherent in Your Being. It is part of the dynamics—the “stuff”—of You
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If you will take a look at it, you will find that when you are not hearing me, it is because you are expecting something you cannot hear. The moment you stop listening for something hard to hear, assuming that I am going to say something simpler, you immediately begin to hear me. Contemplate that Paul, because it accounts for difficulties that you have in your everyday life. When you feel that you are about to be faced with something that you cannot comprehend, when you feel that you are faced with a solution that is beyond you, you see no solution. To repeat, the previous message, Paul: “Simplify, simplify, simplify.” It is truly the nature of the Universe and the manner in which It functions. Simplicity should be your byword. Discovering this will relieve a great deal of anxiety on your part. The sign of greatness is the ability to deal with life simply and effectively.
When in the 'trying' fearful mind we cannot hear this way.
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I understand Paul. Don’t be afraid to share what you are feeling. It does not constitute the whole of your being, just a rather shallow, surface part.
Yes, so apt to remember to not fear what we are feeling, it's where we meet ourselves while recognising it is just the surface level.
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Every time you have a healing session with anyone, do not believe for a moment that, through your inner growth and development, you are being able to do something wonderful for “them.” It is your Self that you are experiencing, working with, and handling. Figuratively speaking, it amounts to nothing less than your discovery that the piece of the puzzle—which is difficult to identify on its own—is actually some part of the universal portrait of your Self. The Bible quotes Jesus the Christ as saying, “I have overcome the world.” This means that He had come over into the Christ-consciousness of His world, and no longer disowned any part of it as being separate or other than His Being.
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Stop trying to figure it out, Paul. The process of “observing” is the Conscious Function of Mind. That which is being “observed” is Mind’s Universal Function of being Conscious Being. In other words, Being—Mind—by being, projects or manifests Itself, and is the Observing of the Process. It is the projector, the image, and the observing of it.
So this is powerful.... to 'observe' is the Conscious Functioning of the Mind... figuring out is the human mind. Then as I observe, I am a Conscious Being, in Mind observing itSelf... All One... and I can even observe the projector and the image as a part of all of this.
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Remember that your Being is unfolding Itself in Its Totality, and therefore the events going on “out there,” three-dimensionally, are all part of this Totality. You cannot get out of sync. You have not taken any time out from anything, not now nor during the past four weeks.
This reminds me of Almaas's work in Facets of Unity re the Holy Ideas. Holy Truth is that we are an aspect of the totality of all that is. There is no outside therefore even if we perceive there is this itself is still taking place within the Totality ....
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This is unfortunate, because each successive, little dig you have made at yourself—by pointing out to yourself those ways in which you have not measured up—has developed into a rather strong subjective “put down” of yourself. This subjective “put down” is part of what tells you that you can’t move beyond where you are, or you can’t see this, or you don’t know what the answer is to that, et cetera.
I am reminded of my fear based beliefs in the 3d mind perceptually limit my ability to move into, simply be come aware of my Conscious Awareness of Self... Being and all in Reality it takes is the choice to begin to observe as Raj has shared previously.
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it is an accurate perception on your part that your allegiance, your trust, and your energies need to be placed unequivocally where they have been for the past six months—in other words, in your direct perception of your Self as Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being.
Raj tells us very specifically here where to place our allegiance.... in our direct perception of your Self as Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being.
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In the mystical feminine traditions these themes are known as the secrets of the feminine, the secrets of life and death. Not the domain of women alone, but a fundamental part of the divine mother flowering within each human being as key to the awakening. It is a dissolving of the patterns of belief and perceptions that have made up the patriarchal consciousness and a return of the mystery school and priestess teachings that used to be practiced by women that hold the wisdom of the flowering of this stage of awakening.
Yes, not just the domain of women, female gender..... rather I wonder the feminine and masculine qualities within oneSelf as a whole being.. And yes the dissolving of beliefs and perceptions to return to Being...
Feminism is actually an approach found in counselling which has some strengths, however I find it bounces out to another extreme and maintains duality.
The feminine and masculine qualities are not gender specific... the feminine coming first is the healing and opening to the Receptivity of God, the Flow of Being and the masculine is the Expression of this Flow ........ When expression occurs and it is received Real communication can said to have occurred
christmind.info christmind.infoTuesday 15th20
As I have said before, the only thing going on is Reality, and the only thing confronting you is Reality, and everything that you experience has Meaning in terms of what it Really is. But the definitions you give to it in order to secure your ignorance of its Real meaning causes it to appear to be unlike Reality. And, likewise, it causes your unreal perception of it to seem to be real, and worthy of your continued honoring.
Reality is the only thing going on yet "the definitions you give to it in order to secure your ignorance of its Real meaning causes it to appear to be unlike Reality."
I would encourage you to be like a little child, unfamiliar with its new surroundings, who is constantly saying, “What is this?” “What is that?” “What is this?” “What is that?” For the most part, it does not bug the parents, because they know they are there to help convey the meaning as it is understood. And likewise, I am here in the position of being able to respond to your questions, “What is this?” “What is that?” “What does this really mean?” “What does that really mean?” “What is going on here?”
"Don't know mind in our humanity (Meekness)leads to knowingness in Being....
The experience of personality is, indeed, the effective block to the experience of Individuality, of Identity. Again—and this is imperative now—if you are not “channeling” me, then be in touch with me constantly. I will not be imposed upon by your constantly dialoguing with me, even in the midst of your relating to others and engaging in daily activities.
In this I hear of the importance of listening to our true Self, our Being..
I will tell you that it will be important for you not to think too much, because your thinking is habitual. I mean by that, it is unoriginal. It is caught in the past. It substantiates old concepts and fears, which, because of their great familiarity, can distract you for a time, and thus delay your coming into your right Mind.
Thinking is habitual, unoriginal and v\caught in the past...... old concepts and fears. Because they are familiar they can distract me and delay me coming into right Mind....
The reminder here to be aware of the thinking mind and the choice for right Mindedness.
What is significant here, and what has been significant about the past nine years is that you have engaged in Listening. You have not engaged in as much dialoguing as would have been helpful, but by virtue of your willingness to allow me to address others, you have put yourself in the position of relating to “the Real world,” to Reality. You are now able to consider looking at the fact that Reality is where you Are, and that you are different from the perceptions you have held so dear about yourself called the ego, the sidekick, “bumbling Paul,”—a personal, private sense of self that has very little to do with Reality. You are able to embrace that concept, which is actually the Fact, without significant fear—reluctance maybe, resistance, yes, but with little fear, and now with some active curiosity.
A personal, private sense of self has very little to do with Reality.
Therefore, the more consistently you dialogue with me, the more consistently you are letting in the possibility of an experience of Reality different from what you have decided reality is going to be for you. And that is the beginning of Sanity, of waking up! Your practice of Listening is your practice of coming out from seclusion in your own private, tiny sense of self and world.
Your practice of Listening is your practice of coming out from seclusion in your own private, tiny sense of self and world.
As I said earlier, our dialoguing like this does constitute your connection with Reality, with Sanity, and you are now beginning to grasp why it is that the one who is dreaming must reach out, and why one’s Guide cannot enforce his or her presence upon the one guided. The one being guided has been engaging in the denial of Reality, the effective blocking of It, and that resistance cannot be penetrated. It isn’t actually a shell, but an insistence upon ignoring. And no one can penetrate an act of ignoring—you could say, an act of ignorance.
I need to reach out to my guide because I have been in denial of Reality and blocking it, I have been insisting on ignoring it.
This does, indeed, cause it to seem to be entirely up to you, which, of course, does not compute with the ego’s suggestion that That which is divine has ultimate power to penetrate illusion, and therefore if one’s Guide is not penetrating illusion, then we must not be Who we say we are. That is simply another part of the defense, another part of the justification for ignore-ance.
The ego attempts to use the need for one to ask for guidance as evidence to prove that I am not Who I really am.
Assume nothing—just as you asked me whether it was appropriate to keep Michael’s appointment, even though your conditioning said, “Of course, it is appropriate. The time was set. I have to be there. I should be there. It is appropriate for me to be there.” Well, you didn’t Know whether it was appropriate for you to be there. It was a concept that you ought to be there, and that concept was based upon education and training which embodied certain protocols. There are no protocols in Being. There is, however, the integrated orderliness of being absolutely appropriate, and that means being unquestioningly congruent with the Movement of God. That means that you may or may not do what you said you were going to do, because your allegiance is to congruence rather than cooperation.
Assume nothing!
To choose Reality, Being, I need to check in and ask my Beingness instead of making assumptions about anything is in the mind. Reminds me of "I do not know what a single thing is or is for".
Again I am going to reiterate: Avoid thinking! If you want to have the stimulation of insight, don’t think. Listen! And listen to me. Then the amplifications which you expect to arrive at through thinking, but will not, will be present in the nature of the dialogue, the connection. Then the specifics that you would hope to arrive at through thinking will come as Knowing, and further substantiate the shift of weight of emphasis of attention to you, and thus disengage you further from the distorted self-perception that you have thought was really you. Again: If you want to understand, don’t think. Listen. Dialogue. Actively speak with me. Actively be with me. This is another way of saying, actively let me in, because to the degree that you let me in, you let yourself into your right Mind, and your full Sanity, and your full embrace of what is Really going on—Reality, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Movement of Creation, the experience of unity, integrity.
"Don't think, communicate with inner guidance,LISTEN, in this way Real Knowing can occur as it cannot come from the thinking mind.
Bring me with you wherever you go. Remain actively in touch with me at all times, whether you are relaying what I am saying or just silently speaking with me. Use me to reflect back to you the Reality that you are in the middle of, and Which it is your Birthright to be experiencing truly without my help. I do not mind if you say, “Are you there?” I will say, “Yes.” And, if over the course of a half an hour you ask me that thirty times, it is all right, because if you are asking me if I am there and I say, “Yes,” you are having the conscious experience of being there also, even though the fullness of it may not be registering with you.
This feel encouraging and supportive, Raj is encouraging Paul to check in, to ask...
It is the experience of being Who you Are that I am promoting, and not an “intellectual knowledge.” Indeed, to quote Susan, if I were to sit here and say “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” and you did not miss one moment of the “blahs,” but were attentive to them, the essential dynamics of Awakening would be present, because you could not hear the “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” from within your defenses. Thus the experience of being in your right Mind, even though it would not be complete, would be Actual, and that is the way the weight gets shifted from the unreal sidekick that seems real to the real Friend that seems unreal, and the real You that has seemed nonexistent.
It feels as though Raj is sharing here about the 'journey', beginning to hear guidance and this is Actual, Real even though still taking the journey....
Now, I am not giving you a teaching here for you to grasp and understand and employ! I am giving you an experience which you are giving yourself permission to have by virtue of not blocking me so significantly that you cannot hear me. And the experience is one that is not occurring from within the ignorance. It is not originating within the false sense of Paul—the sidekick, if you will—but is arising out of the little bit of you that is in your right Mind, and therefore is experiencing a little bit of what is Really going on.
Paul is hearing Raj, his guide out of a choice for right Mindedness, Reality.
You are right. You are still not getting it. But, I will tell you something: What you mean is, you are not getting an intellectual grasp of it. But, to the degree that you continue to talk [with me], whether you are intellectually getting it or not, you again are being the willingness and the invitation to experiencing yourself in your right Mind by operating, even in this limited fashion, as you in your right Mind. You, as your ego, cannot talk to me at all. It is You, in your real Being, who is talking with me and hearing me. And so you are substantiating your Sanity, your Wholeness, the Reality of You, whether you are “getting it” or not, whether you are allowing a Conversation with Raj to occur or not.
Paul is not 'getting it' in his thinking mind and Raj shares that that this does not matter, it is the willingness and the invitation to experience yourself in right Mind that is important.
By offering willingness to Be in right Mind even if the mind doesn't get it leads to the wholeness of Reality of Self....
Now, it is not necessary to be in a meditative state. At this point, it is helpful to meditate when the line of communication seems to be filled with static. It is the means of clearing the “sound” of resistance from the line of communication. Our connection is, indeed, definite, and you can hear me whether your ego is erupting or not.
It is not necessary to be in a meditative state to hear guidance although it can support the quietening of the thinking mind.
Remember—and this is the key of our conversation today—it is the act of being in dialogue, it is the event of being connected, and not what happens during the connection, which constitutes the bridge that allows you to move from the ego sense of self to the Conscious experience of Who You Are. Indeed, you can ask me to simply say, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” when you are afraid of the content of what you might hear, because it isn’t the content but the connection that constitutes the bridge.
"it is the event of being connected, and not what happens during the connection, which constitutes the bridge that allows you to move from the ego sense of self to the Conscious experience of Who You Are."
? Real dialogue is not about what is said?
You see, from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, from the ego’s vantage point, all you ever experience is a sense of what is going on, and that is a far cry from the experience of what is going on. A sense of what is going on is a conceptualization, rather than a direct experience. If that conceptualization is believed to be an experience, then misunderstanding is the result. But it is always a misunderstanding of something Real, as I have said before. I have also said before that you will not understand your way into the Kingdom of Heaven, because the fantasy partner, since it has no actual existence, has no means of understanding the Reality which it is the active denial of.
I do not know what is going on if I am focussed in 3d, just some concept of it.... and if this concept is believed a misunderstanding occurs. the ego cannot understand what is Real because it is the active denial of it...
You see, from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, from the ego’s vantage point, all you ever experience is a sense of what is going on, and that is a far cry from the experience of what is going on. A sense of what is going on is a conceptualization, rather than a direct experience. If that conceptualization is believed to be an experience, then misunderstanding is the result. But it is always a misunderstanding of something Real, as I have said before. I have also said before that you will not understand your way into the Kingdom of Heaven, because the fantasy partner, since it has no actual existence, has no means of understanding the Reality which it is the active denial of.
Direct experience is the only way to understand what is Real....
You are intelligence, and I am intelligence, and our experience of each other will be one of intelligence and Meaning. But that does not mean that it will be one of understanding, as you conceive that word to be. It will be an experience of Knowing, which you are already familiar with. When we are conversing, when we are connecting, the experience will be ultimately intelligent. But just because it is intelligent doesn’t mean you need to engage the attempt to understand it, because, Paul, you are not going to use it—the understanding—for the purpose of improving your ability to deny Reality. In other words, you will not be using it to improve the capacities of the sidekick, the fantasy partner, that you have thought was you. This is a fine point of distinction, here, but it is one that you are grasping experientially, which allows you to more easily give permission to indulge in letting yourself into an experience which your personal sense of self can only conceive of as fantasy. So, you see, it could seem as though I am giving you something to think about. Just abide with it. Just be with it, without thinking. But do not be with it to the exclusion of continuing to dialogue with me.
Raj: Now, we are back to the feeling of the need for relief, aren’t we, Paul? Which simply means you feel a need to withdraw. We may stop talking in this fashion, but you don’t have to stop checking to see if I am here, and listening for my response. Just notice the feeling of the need for withdrawal into privateness—without judgment. But be aware of it. I will tell you that you can tolerate the active connection longer, and I want you to remember that the reason we are talking is because of your choice. It is not because I am forcing myself upon you. You do not need to withdraw from me. That is the excuse, but the excuse can only make sense if you can be distracted from the fact that you reached out for the connection. You are not, in fact, withdrawing from my embrace of you. You are withdrawing into privateness that does not allow you to experience the fact that you are embracing always! The suggestion is that you are shutting me out. But know that you are shutting yourself in—self-protective withdrawal into isolation for security that doesn’t constitute security, but which constitutes incarceration.
"Just notice the feeling of the need for withdrawal into privateness—without judgement. But be aware of it."
Feeling what we feel without judging it.
"You are withdrawing into privateness that does not allow you to experience the fact that you are embracing always! The suggestion is that you are shutting me out. But know that you are shutting yourself in—self-protective withdrawal into isolation for security that doesn't constitute security, but which constitutes incarceration."
- Individuation
- Reallity
- Creation
- Wholeness
- 3dRef
- Knowing
- Illusion
- Willingness
- Withdrawal
- Security
- Sanity
- Intelligence
- Protection
- Support
- Thoughts
- Practice
- Guidance
- Identity
- God
- Awakening
- Integrity
- Unity
- Ignorance
- Fear
- Reality
- Personality
- Communication
- Ego
- Listening
- MInd
- Resistance
- Being
- Meekness
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Would you not be in your right Mind? Would you not choose to move beyond even the happy dream? The happy dream is a stepping-stone, not a place to settle into. The happy dream is insubstantial—dreamlike because it still isn’t Reality. But, it does promote the dissolving of denser illusion which seems so real. And, as I said, the stepping-stone begins to crumble, and you must make the final leap across the little gap that is no gap at all. The issue here is not money or schedule or any other obligation to the human condition. The issue is Listening permanently—committing to me rather than your fantasy sidekick, your imaginary self. In this act, you must necessarily come into the full conscious awareness as my brother—the real You that You Are.
Commitment to listening consciously to my Self, my Being.. not the ego self....
The final step across the gap.... to move beyond the 'happy dream'....
I will tell you something else: You have friends to meet and greet you when you come out of this misperception of self whom you will enjoy re-recognizing. To hell with those who are still dreaming! You don’t have the perspective to know whether they are really asleep or not, and would you stay in your dream to save them from their dream if you knew they weren’t really asleep? You cannot afford to govern yourself according to your current perceptions. Maybe the lack is the crumbling of something illusory that doesn’t need to be reestablished. You will not know until you choose for Me/You.
Wow Raj does not mince words here.
So any perceived problem or challenge is just the crumbling of what needs to crumble so one can re identify with Self, Being...
"You cannot afford to govern yourself according to your current perceptions."
You see, as long as you think “Bumbling Paul,” the sidekick, is the real you, your divine Self-hood will seem to be your sidekick, the fantasy partner, the intangible, insubstantial essence—the ethereal you. This displacement is being healed, requiring you to invest yourself in the “unreal” 2 and abandon the “real.” 3 That is how you let go of the ego. This is how you become Sane. You see, I am not riding around in your hip pocket. The “you” that thinks I am is riding around in the hip pocket of You. And You and I are brothers. You hear me instead of your Self because your sidekick cannot acknowledge You. Indeed, this is an Awakening, or healing of mental illness—confused identity—and will affect and consume every perception of your existence. One is never selectively insane. Misperception colors all of one’s experience.
Raj shares that to let go of ego the displacement of seeing the ego as self instead of Being as Self needs to be healed. To re identify with Being, true Self.
Confused identity is the cause of mental illness!!
hen you begin a Workshop, you have the conscious intent to draw exclusively from within, to not place your attention outside yourself. No attempts are made to control the environment, or the order of events or the nature of the questions. Everything is grist for the mill. You are the one who takes breaks periodically for “relief” from that mode of being. I will tell you something: We are pushing through this supposed need for “relief.” Indeed, the timing of the breaks 1 has occurred because they are in order, but your shift of attention to “Paul, the Channeler” and “externals” is not. Now, I will tell you something else: I am not pushing you. I am reflecting the demand of your Being for congruence! I am doing this so that you might know what the pressure is, and not misunderstand the need. This is not a learning that you can choose to learn whenever you feel like it. You are bigger and you must embrace it.
Raj speaks with Paul about a 'supposed' need for relief from Being.
Raj speaks about the call from Self for congruence.
Raj: Paul, we have been addressing what needs to be addressed. The events of daily life will continue, but will not become the focal points to be addressed. The key here is Listening—and this does not mean letting down and resorting to instinct, memory, or personality patterns where you unthinkingly respond to the so-called stimulus of life. Listening is unthinking, but not un-Self-conscious, and actions arise out of Knowing—not inaction or reaction. Being is not responsive!
Listening consciously from which actions arise out of Knowing.
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In the past, you have had a sense of my being present with you where you are in your perception of things. But in the last twenty-four hours, you have grasped that when we are speaking, you are actively present with me, I will say, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Fourth dimension, in the undistorted conscious experience of Being, even though almost none of it seems to be available to you, except for the presence of my words. This is, indeed, the way you make the shift. This is, indeed, the way you Graduate. This is, indeed, the way you relinquish an investment of trust in your perceptions, or in the three-dimensional-only frame of reference.
Raj shares here how to graduate. Raj shares that when he and Paul are speaking they are in 4d, Beingness, and even though it may seem unavailable to Paul except through Raj's presence/words, the continues practice of tuning in with Raj facilitates the relinquishing of trust in 3d perceptions.
S to I am hearing that we graduate by practising tuning into guidance which is in 4d and this supports the letting go of the fusion to 3d perceptions.
When you remember where you must truly be, no matter how partial that remembrance is, you begin to realize that you haven’t the faintest idea what is trustworthy about anything you are experiencing other than you and me. And you also begin to realize that the solution to this problem doesn’t lie in investigating, analyzing, and discerning what is trustworthy, but rather, it lies in relying upon the one thing you are becoming sure of—the existence of you and me. Yes, that is one thing. And the one thing isn’t you or me, or you and me. The one thing is infinity/eternity—the Conscious experience of being the only thing going on, which is pure Awareness, in which the infinitude of the being of that conscious awareness is experienced as you and me.
I do not know what one single thing is or is for in this 3rd dimension and there is no use looking for solutions in it.
I can rely upon "The one thing is infinity/eternity—the Conscious experience of being the only thing going on, which is pure Awareness, in which the infinitude of the being of that conscious awareness is experienced as you and me."
Our relationship is a unity, and our conversation, our experience of each other, is communion. That is taking things further than you can grasp at the moment. For the time being, the key point is that our conversations demonstrate for you the fact that you are with me from my point of view, which means from the Father’s point of view, rather than my being with you from your level of perception. I have not come to where you are in belief. I am speaking to you where we are in Reality. Therefore, again, our communication is a demonstration of the Fact of where you Are.
The conversations prove to Paul that he is actually in 4d.
This means that “as much of you as is hearing me” is absolutely Fourth-dimensional, experiencing a limited experience of infinite Being. Therefore, no matter how limited it is, it is absolutely valid, absolutely real, and constitutes a part of you that has no further to go. It is a limited experience of You, Fourth-dimensional man. Now, I must reiterate that this checking in must continue frequently—indeed, even more frequently than during the past twenty-four hours. Do not be dismayed that your sense of what is real becomes less sure. I am speaking now of your experience of your sense of yourself and your sense of your world.
All you can be sure of—and this is the Fact—all you can be sure of is that you are seeing something, and it is something functioning Fourth-dimensionally, even though the definitions and meanings you are giving it, which seem so real, are invalid. In order for what they really mean to register with you, you must go through a phase where, indeed, you are unsure.
Being unsure is a necessary phase!
Let this sense of Reality and unreality, without clear distinction, be. And do not try to figure it out. But insist, as you have, upon communicating with me, because our communication does now cease to be a communication of information and becomes a substantiation of where you, as you are experiencing yourself, are originating from. In other words, again, our conversation confirms your divinity and its active presence, Fourth-dimensionally speaking. What I am saying, you are experiencing—and I am not talking about an idea! To continue frequently to experience—not think about—that confirmation, you will become grounded Fourth-dimensionally and ungrounded three-dimensionally. That is the shift. As that confirmation is reconfirmed when you frequently address me and hear me respond, it will include illumination of the details which in the past you have hoped to arrive at by means of thinking and reasoning. You are indeed on the move again—not stuck in an improved belief.
Raj shares with Paul to insist upon communicating with him because through this communication which is in 4d it affirms Paul's divinity.
The shift is to be more grounded in 4d and less in 3d.
Now, I wish to address another point. In your choosing to check in with me frequently, even if it is to hear a brief response from me, it is the means by which you do not slip into distraction in a cozy and comfortable sleep and dream. In spite of the drama of the day’s events, and in spite of the drama/dynamics of your personal experience of limitation, you have not become distracted so completely by them that you have neglected to speak with me and experience the reminder—or shall I say, have the remindful experience—of not being in the drama or the dynamics. As a result, you have not lost perspective, and the dream, the limited perception, has not consumed you. You have, in the last twenty-four hours spent more time being consciously present, Fourth-dimensionally speaking, than in the whole history of your dreaming. Humanly speaking, that would amount to thousands of years.
Raj raises the point that tuning in supports Paul to not fall asleep in his consciousness.
I encourage you, during the next twenty-four hours, to check in with me even more frequently. And again, I caution you not to become concerned because of a lessening of your ability to tell what is real and what is not, what is important and what is not. Allow that flux, and address yourself to the one unchanging, anchored aspect—that of our connection and the fact that that connection is occurring Fourth-dimensionally; that you are not connecting with me from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, but are connecting with me from and as the Fourth-dimensional conscious experience of Being.
Again I hear here that Raj is reassuring Paul that 'unsureness' is a stepping stone.
It is as though you have stuck a periscope up, and it has penetrated the Fourth dimension, and you have noticed me, and we have experienced each other. You have seen yourself as being in the submarine 1 beneath the surface of the water, viewing me by remote control or remote vision. But it is a part of you that has penetrated beyond the three-dimensional frame of reference and is experiencing me from your very own Fourth-dimensional standpoint. Therefore, you are not experiencing me from inside a submerged submarine, enclosed and separated, but you are experiencing me from where I Am, because you are there, too! Let the apparent confusion be. It does not matter that you cannot tell whether any part of the submarine6 is real or not, or what there is about it that is Fourth-dimensionally Real. For example: You do not know whether the observing of the events in the Mideast on TV is unworthy of your attention, but your experience of financial lack is worthy of your attention, because you grasp that they might both be of the same order of illusion. Is one or the other of them more worthy of your attention? Are they both? Or neither one?
I love this practical analogy re the periscope. Paul is meeting Raj in 4d which shows that Paul is there also.
Again Raj assures Paul that 'unsureness' is OK.
You do not know whether the observing of the events in the Mideast on TV is unworthy of your attention, but your experience of financial lack is worthy of your attention, because you grasp that they might both be of the same order of illusion. Is one or the other of them more worthy of your attention? Are they both? Or neither one? I will tell you something: If either one of them were the appropriate focus of your attention, that is what we would be talking about! But, you see, we are talking about letting go of the sidekick and its polarized, dualistic perceptions—confidences and doubts, fulfillments and lack of fulfillments—and, indeed, we are talking about anchoring yourself at Home by means of simply connecting with me, because it is literally that shift from the standpoint of the sidekick to the standpoint of your Being which separates the tares from the wheat, the illusion from the reality, the overlay of misperception from the underlying Reality which is being misperceived. Then the illusion of lack will not be present to deal with, and the experience of the Wholeness of You, the Wholeness of God’s Self-expression, will be what is being experienced.
To focus ones attention on Being, 4d, Reality and in this there are NO PROBLEMS....... the experience is wholeness.
I know. The ego suggests that that is a nice escape from dealing with what needs to be dealt with. It says, “Come back. You have a few loose ends to take care of.” But, as I have said before, your income, your abundance, comes from being Centered. I did not say it comes from taking care of loose ends which are perceived from uncenteredness. Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating.
"Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating."
Why do you think that I said to my disciples, “Follow thou me”? Because it gave them the opportunity to make the choice, from within themselves, for their own reasons, for their Sanity. And why do you think I said to “sell everything that thou hast, and follow me,” or to forget about the mother who needed to be buried because she had died? Because the ego always has loose ends to distract one from waking up. Just one more thing to take care of. One last thing to do within the context of the dream. One last thing to do from the three-dimensional frame of reference.
Raj reveals himself as Jeshua!
You wordlessly initiated this evening’s conversation with a confusion about what truly constituted the issue that needed to be addressed, and whether the money issue was any more real than the world issue. That confusion is indicative of the shift that is currently, actively, and really occurring within you, of Awakening. And I have been, and am, addressing the issue, and am telling you that your practice of checking in with me frequently during the last twenty-four hours has constituted the most significant forward movement you have engaged in, and is not irrelevant to the apparent issues at hand, but constitutes the specific answer to the issues at hand.
Raj reminds Paul that the answers are in his Beingness.