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Jørgensen, F. J., Nielsen, L. H., & Petersen, M. B. (2021). Willingness to Take the Booster Vaccine in a Nationally Representative Sample of Danes. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wurz8
- Mar 2022
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Nicastri, C., & Kumar, P. (2022, February 11). Psychosocial, economic, and mental health predictors of COVID-19 vaccine intent. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/snrgf
- Dec 2021
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Pickles, K., Copp, T., Dodd, R. H., Cvejic, E., Seale, H., Steffens, M. S., Meyerowitz-Katz, G., Bonner, C., & McCaffery, K. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine intentions in Australia. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 21(12), 1627–1628. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00686-1
- Nov 2021
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Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., & Yim, D. (2021). Does Seeing What Others Do Through Social Media Influence Vaccine Uptake and Help in the Herd Immunity Through Vaccination? A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1668. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.715931
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- Aug 2021
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Maftei, A., & Holman, A. C. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 Threat Perception and Willingness to Vaccinate: The Mediating Role of Conspiracy Beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 672634. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.672634
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- shipment
- lang:en
- vaccine
- Africa
- reluctance
- willingness
- public policy
- public attitude
- vaccination
- COVID-19
- is:news
- supply
- accept
- limited
- Apr 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ebrahimi, O. V., Johnson, M. S., Ebling, S., Amundsen, O. M., Halsøy, Ø., Hoffart, A., … Johnson, S. U. (2021, April 25). Risk, Trust, and Flawed Assumptions: Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/57pwf
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- Jan 2021
www.miraclecenter.org www.miraclecenter.org
Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong.
This brings the light to yet another facet of the diamond which genuine forgiveness is: you practice not in it alone. Your willingness and your allowance are the key to let Divinity step in.
The seekers scroll through stacks of books and pick the things they liked from each to cook their own salvation's recipe. But if it's you who is in charge of your atonement, then why you're not enlightened still?
You cannot be your guide to miracles, for it is you who made them necessary. T-14.11.7
You have not made truth, but truth can still set you free. Look as the Holy Spirit looks, and understand as He understands. His understanding looks back to God in remembrance of me. T-5.3.11
Follow the Holy Spirit's teaching in forgiveness, then, because forgiveness is His function and He knows how to fulfill it perfectly. That is what I meant when I said that miracles are natural, and when they do not occur something has gone wrong. T-9.4.6
Think not that you can find salvation in your own way ... Give over every plan that you have made for your salvation in exchange for God's. T-15.4.2
Only God's plan for salvation will work. W-71
You child of God, the gifts of God are yours, not by your plans but by His holy Will. His Voice will teach you what forgiveness is, and how to give it as He wills it be. Do not, then, seek to understand what is beyond you yet, but let it be a way to draw you up to where the eyes of Christ become the sight you choose. S-2.3.2
I merely follow, for I would not lead. W-324
- Oct 2020
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Gaisbauer, F., Olbrich, E., & Banisch, S. (2020). Dynamics of opinion expression. Physical Review E, 102(4), 042303. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.042303
- Sep 2020
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Lewandowsky, Stephan, Simon Dennis, Amy Perfors, Yoshihisa Kashima, Joshua White, Paul Michael Garrett, Daniel R. Little, and Muhsin Yesilada. ‘Public Acceptance of Privacy-Encroaching Policies to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 4 September 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/njwmp.
- privacy-encroaching policy
- health agencies
- willingness
- social distancing
- United Kingdom
- widespread acceptance
- antibodies
- opt-out clause
- contact
- immunity passport
- co-location tracking
- lang:en
- infected
- tracking technology
- public acceptance
- UK
- time limited
- COVID-19
- is:preprint
- public
r/BehSciAsk—Integrating Behavioural Science into Epidimiology. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved June 27, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciAsk/comments/hg501h/integrating_behavioural_science_into_epidimiology/
- Aug 2020
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Liu, Zihan, Drake Van Egdom, Rhona Flin, Christiane Spitzmueller, Omolola Adepoju, and Ramanan Krishnamoorti. ‘I Don’t Want to Go Back: Examining the Return to Physical Workspaces During COVID-19’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 21 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/un2bp.
- policy makers
- concerns
- willingness to return
- United States
- decision making
- employee perspectives
- physical workspaces
- organizational strategies
- lang:en
- flexible approaches
- multi-generational households
- blanket policies
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- non-caucasians
- US
- females
- return to work
- childcare
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hong, Jihoon, Ikjae Jung, Mingeol Park, Kyumin Kim, Sungook Yeo, Joohee Lee, Yujin Hong, Jangho Park, and Seockhoon Chung. ‘The Attitudes of Medical Students for Their Roles and Social Accountability in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/478ef.
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Kaptchuk, G., Goldstein, D. G., Hargittai, E., Hofman, J., & Redmiles, E. M. (2020). How good is good enough for COVID19 apps? The influence of benefits, accuracy, and privacy on willingness to adopt. ArXiv:2005.04343 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.04343
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Briscese, G., Lacetera, N., Macis, M., & Tonin, M. (2020). Compliance with COVID-19 Social-Distancing Measures in Italy: The Role of Expectations and Duration (Working Paper No. 26916; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w26916
- May 2020
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Ayers, J. D., Beltran, D. G., Alcock, J., Baciu, C., Claessens, S., Cronk, L., Hudson, N., Miller, G., Tidball, K., Winfrey, P., Zarka, E., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2020). How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting cooperation? [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pk6jy
Wahn, B., & Kingstone, A. (2020, April 30). Sharing task load with artificial – yet human-like – co-actors. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2am8y
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
For who is the master? -- Your body, your mind, or You, the I AM within?Then why not show You are master, by thinking the true things the I AM of you within wishesyou to think?It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enteryour mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have anysuch influence over you. When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Meand allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, anddissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking.When you are willing to do this, then and then only are you ready to receive Truth, and, byproper conscious thinking, directed by Me, to create the true and permanent things I within wishyou to create.Then, when you can thus distinguish the true from the false, the real from the seeming, yourconscious thinking will be as potent to create all things you desire, as has been yourunconsciousness thinking in the past in creating those things you once desired but now findobnoxious
My True Self is the real master of the mind..........
"It is only by your thinking these other things, by allowing these inharmonious thoughts to enter your mind and by so doing giving them the power so to affect or disturb you, that they have any such influence over you." So succinct and clear.
"When you stop thinking into them this power, and turn within to Me and allow Me to direct your thinking, they will at once disappear from your consciousness, and dissolve into the nothingness from which you created them by your thinking." Again simple clear instruction.
When I am ready to do this, when I am ready to turn within to the True Self then I am ready to receive Truth and by Conscious thinking directed by the True Self, "create the true and permanent things I within wish you to create."
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
So, you must arrive at a conviction, and a willingness to commit to that conviction, which allows you to abandon reason for the apparently unreasonable. It is because what we are doing at this moment, you and I, does not compute with your preexisting conditioning that it seems unreasonable and impractical, and will seem so if you do not stay in touch with the unjustifiable claim that I am making—that you and I are together, actively and consciously together, to the degree that you are Hearing me, in the Fourth dimension, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the middle of Reality, and that it is only by means of this connection and your embrace of the ability to conceive of your being Here with me that you can break through your “amnesia.”
It is not pleasant to sacrifice your illusions. And again, this is why it is imperative for you to connect with me frequently, if not absolutely constantly, so as to have the opportunity to stand in the presence of your Sanity, your unflawed experience of what is Really going on, because you will be able to catch the feel of Joy which will further illuminate You to you as Who You truly Are, and thus promote greater willingness to release, without reason or thought, the fantasy you.
As I have already said, do not try to determine what is real and what is illusion at the level of dream. You must understand that it is your willingness to pay attention to me, to my presence outside of the dream—and therefore your presence outside of the dream—which is the only thing that will bring you to a point of being able to distinguish what is Real. And, of course, there will not be anything remaining appearing to be unreal, so no distinction between the two will have to be made. We are talking about clarity, here, in which there is no confusion, no distorted perception.
christmind.info christmind.info
What is significant here, and what has been significant about the past nine years is that you have engaged in Listening. You have not engaged in as much dialoguing as would have been helpful, but by virtue of your willingness to allow me to address others, you have put yourself in the position of relating to “the Real world,” to Reality. You are now able to consider looking at the fact that Reality is where you Are, and that you are different from the perceptions you have held so dear about yourself called the ego, the sidekick, “bumbling Paul,”—a personal, private sense of self that has very little to do with Reality. You are able to embrace that concept, which is actually the Fact, without significant fear—reluctance maybe, resistance, yes, but with little fear, and now with some active curiosity.
A personal, private sense of self has very little to do with Reality.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Fundamental to your being able to let go is going to be your willingness to trust what you already theoretically know. That the entire Nature of your Being is absolutely and totally constructive—that It is actually fulfilling Itself at this very moment in all Its completeness with absolute perfection.
So to trust that the essence of my Being is fully constructive............ so I can trust, let go and in this experience fulfillment, completeness, perfection..
I recognize fully from my own experience that this is not an easy step to make, because it is not a head trip. Rather, it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being.
"it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being."
Wow, nothing I can say except just to really let this sink in....
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, the shift which you have been experiencing for the past four weeks is, indeed, a shift from a personal, finite, limited sense of universal facts to that Awareness which is Mind’s experience of Itself as All. This is why there is great need for trust, for willingness, and for letting go.
Paul is shifting from 3d awareness to 4d awareness and Raj is acknowledging that this requires trust, willingness and letting go.. Paul is shifting into the awareness that he is an aspect of the Totality of All that is, in the Holy Mind of God