- Jan 2016
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Remember that your Being is unfolding Itself in Its Totality, and therefore the events going on “out there,” three-dimensionally, are all part of this Totality. You cannot get out of sync. You have not taken any time out from anything, not now nor during the past four weeks.
This reminds me of Almaas's work in Facets of Unity re the Holy Ideas. Holy Truth is that we are an aspect of the totality of all that is. There is no outside therefore even if we perceive there is this itself is still taking place within the Totality ....
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You see, from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, from the ego’s vantage point, all you ever experience is a sense of what is going on, and that is a far cry from the experience of what is going on. A sense of what is going on is a conceptualization, rather than a direct experience. If that conceptualization is believed to be an experience, then misunderstanding is the result. But it is always a misunderstanding of something Real, as I have said before. I have also said before that you will not understand your way into the Kingdom of Heaven, because the fantasy partner, since it has no actual existence, has no means of understanding the Reality which it is the active denial of.
I do not know what is going on if I am focussed in 3d, just some concept of it.... and if this concept is believed a misunderstanding occurs. the ego cannot understand what is Real because it is the active denial of it...
You see, from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, from the ego’s vantage point, all you ever experience is a sense of what is going on, and that is a far cry from the experience of what is going on. A sense of what is going on is a conceptualization, rather than a direct experience. If that conceptualization is believed to be an experience, then misunderstanding is the result. But it is always a misunderstanding of something Real, as I have said before. I have also said before that you will not understand your way into the Kingdom of Heaven, because the fantasy partner, since it has no actual existence, has no means of understanding the Reality which it is the active denial of.
Direct experience is the only way to understand what is Real....
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In the past, you have had a sense of my being present with you where you are in your perception of things. But in the last twenty-four hours, you have grasped that when we are speaking, you are actively present with me, I will say, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Fourth dimension, in the undistorted conscious experience of Being, even though almost none of it seems to be available to you, except for the presence of my words. This is, indeed, the way you make the shift. This is, indeed, the way you Graduate. This is, indeed, the way you relinquish an investment of trust in your perceptions, or in the three-dimensional-only frame of reference.
Raj shares here how to graduate. Raj shares that when he and Paul are speaking they are in 4d, Beingness, and even though it may seem unavailable to Paul except through Raj's presence/words, the continues practice of tuning in with Raj facilitates the relinquishing of trust in 3d perceptions.
S to I am hearing that we graduate by practising tuning into guidance which is in 4d and this supports the letting go of the fusion to 3d perceptions.
Let this sense of Reality and unreality, without clear distinction, be. And do not try to figure it out. But insist, as you have, upon communicating with me, because our communication does now cease to be a communication of information and becomes a substantiation of where you, as you are experiencing yourself, are originating from. In other words, again, our conversation confirms your divinity and its active presence, Fourth-dimensionally speaking. What I am saying, you are experiencing—and I am not talking about an idea! To continue frequently to experience—not think about—that confirmation, you will become grounded Fourth-dimensionally and ungrounded three-dimensionally. That is the shift. As that confirmation is reconfirmed when you frequently address me and hear me respond, it will include illumination of the details which in the past you have hoped to arrive at by means of thinking and reasoning. You are indeed on the move again—not stuck in an improved belief.
Raj shares with Paul to insist upon communicating with him because through this communication which is in 4d it affirms Paul's divinity.
The shift is to be more grounded in 4d and less in 3d.
It is as though you have stuck a periscope up, and it has penetrated the Fourth dimension, and you have noticed me, and we have experienced each other. You have seen yourself as being in the submarine 1 beneath the surface of the water, viewing me by remote control or remote vision. But it is a part of you that has penetrated beyond the three-dimensional frame of reference and is experiencing me from your very own Fourth-dimensional standpoint. Therefore, you are not experiencing me from inside a submerged submarine, enclosed and separated, but you are experiencing me from where I Am, because you are there, too! Let the apparent confusion be. It does not matter that you cannot tell whether any part of the submarine6 is real or not, or what there is about it that is Fourth-dimensionally Real. For example: You do not know whether the observing of the events in the Mideast on TV is unworthy of your attention, but your experience of financial lack is worthy of your attention, because you grasp that they might both be of the same order of illusion. Is one or the other of them more worthy of your attention? Are they both? Or neither one?
I love this practical analogy re the periscope. Paul is meeting Raj in 4d which shows that Paul is there also.
Again Raj assures Paul that 'unsureness' is OK.
- Dec 2015
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Paul, the energy field which is activated by the activity of Consciousness—by that I mean the presence of specific ideas and concepts—is constituted of the Universal Substance with which you had a conversation the other day. The impetus which gives Substance rise to give form where form has not been is the activity of Consciousness. As you remember from your conversation the other day, if the activity of consciousness arises out of a three-dimensional frame of reference, which for the most part is constituted of beliefs and reactions, the Universal Substance cannot respond. It is required by its Nature to respond only to that which is in harmony with your Being. It is for this reason that Substance must be activated from the standpoint of your experience of Being as Conscious Being. In other words, the activation of that energy field called Substance, in order to be fulfilled, must originate while you are experiencing your Being as Conscious Being, Fourth-dimensional Awareness, Awareness from that Place. For the sake of convenience, you can call that Place the Center of your Being. Mind you, that is not truly where the Center of your Being is, but the concept has meaning for you at this point, and I shall allow it. This should clarify a point for you. Whatever is set into motion from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being must move into manifestation. Whatever originates from a three-dimensional frame of reference does not cause anything to move into manifestation, nor does it hinder anything moving into manifestation. Cause does not lie positively or negatively within the three-dimensional, or finite, frame of reference. This is a great point to understand and keep in mind. I would like you, on your own time, to consider the ramifications of that point.
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Now, I want to correct a misconception on your part. Your ability to reason and think is not the equivalent of the three-dimensional frame of reference. Your thought processes and reasoning processes are not to be ignored. We would not be communicating at this very moment if you did not have the means to translate the meanings I am communicating into words and phrases. It is only by virtue of the fact that you have imagination, reason, perspicacity—all of the various capacities and functions of Consciousness—that you are able to correctly translate that which unfolds to you. This is true whether it is coming from me, or from that Place wherein you directly experience the Reality of Being. We run into trouble when we stand away from the Door, and begin our thinking or thought processes from their standpoint, and then extrapolate and come to conclusions without going within and being as Conscious Being. You see, Being unfolds Itself as meaning, not as language. It is through the function of Reason and Imagination that language is brought into play, for the purpose of verbalizing these infinite meanings which Being is unfolding. You do have a right to answers which will identify the Absolute Oneness of Being throughout your entire experience of Being.
Question: what is the best Tag to use when referring to challenges that arise in life - here, Raj, speaks of running into trouble when we begin our thought process apart from conscious Being.
Raj is correcting Paul's Belief, or misconception, regarding reason and thinking.
He also further describes Being.
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We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it. You must come to the realization that it is your Being which is unfolding Itself infinitely on the basis of Its Nature as Intelligence, as Life, and as Mind. Therefore, It is—before you think a single thought about it—unfolding Itself (your Self) with all the precision, Intelligence, and Principle which constitutes Itself. It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them. This is a part of the letting go which is necessary for you in order for you to experience the unfolding of your Being as complete Harmony. Until you are willing to let go of this concept—that you must in some way be able to control your environment and your life experience with your thought—you will seem to suffer from the unfoldment of your Being.
Being, all of Life, is unfolding Itself and our thoughts about have no effect on it.
You must bring your thought in line with this unfolding of Being, you cannot bring Being in line with your thoughts.
Until you let go of the need to control your environment and experience and allow Life to unfold as it does, you will seem to suffer.
ForMe: this means that my journey is mine. It doesn't depend on anybody else getting it, that anybody else understands and applies Christ Mind teachings the way I do. If I don't allow things to be as they are - even when they don't correspond to my view (my spiritual view, HA! - folly), I will suffer. And I do!!
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RAJ: Whenever you are faced with a demand to give specific attention to some part of your infinitude and it presents itself as being “problematic,” it is simply the time and place for this aspect of You to be consciously incorporated into and as your conscious experience of being as Yours! You say you don’t want to be bothered, that this is not a good time because of other more pressing demands. But, Paul, your Being unfolds Itself as You according to divine Intelligence, Universal order and priorities. Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ—that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way—and for that perception to become irrevocably “incorporated” into and as your Self-awareness. There is no more pressing need than that, because when seen, it becomes apparent that pressing needs are illusions of the partial view. They never existed as anything for you to sweat over and tense yourself up about.
Quote: Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ - that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way - and for that perception to become irrevocably "incorporated" into and as your Self-awareness.
There is no more pressing need than that.
Pressing needs are illusions of the partial view (3dRef).
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It is quite accurate that it is not possible for those who believe that they have been born to communicate with those who believe that they have died. These are two different states of the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. It is part of the distortion of that finite view which makes it seem as though some part of one’s infinitude (those who have “passed on”) is not available to him as his conscious experience. There are infinitely more individualizations of Being who are Awake than there are those who are “asleep.” it is ridiculous to believe that communication with them is impossible.
Quote: There are infinitely more individualizations of Being who are Awake than there are those who are "asleep."
Birth and Death are two different states in the 3d frame of reference. They are part of the same distortion. It is not possible for one who believes in death to communicate with one who had died because of the belief that they are gone.
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RAJ: This would mean that the conscious experience of Being is not existent someplace in an objective, three-dimensional universe. It means that the Universe of Mind is peopled with infinite ideas which are perfectly tangible to Consciousness. Therefore, they are not bodiless in the sense of having no visible, tangible outline, form, or colour. It means that everything is identified and identifiable, minus the finite sensation of space and time, minus the sense of separation between subject and object, which is unavoidable in the three-dimensional frame of reference. It is also minus the sense of the beholder being located somewhere in that which is beheld. Man is as incorporated as God, and yet “all is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation.” Mind is never minus Its manifestation.
Conscious experience of Being is not found in the objective 3d universe.
Reality is found in the Universe of Mind that is peopled with infinite ideas that are perfectly tangible to Consciousness. There is no sensation of space and time or sense of separation between subject and object.
- Nov 2015
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Paul, all of this is constituting the activity of Consciousness which acts according to Law upon the Nature of the Universal Substance of your Being. The correct vision, felt from the standpoint of Reality, must come forth according to Law as that which appears tangibly, three-dimensionally, as the infinitude of your Being.
So for something to manifest physically in 3d it must come from the 4d vision... where Reality is, Conscious Beingness is
As you can see, this is not self-hypnosis, nor is it an attempt to influence the three-dimensional conscious frame of reference. It does not involve manipulation of things “out there,” or ideas within your head. You simply go to the Source, bringing to it the perfect desire. The Law, then, together with the Nature of Substance Itself, takes care of the objects “out there” and the beliefs “in here”—in three-dimensional awareness.
Simply go to the Source, true Beingness, bringing what is desired into perfect desire...... then through universal laws............ it comes into manifestation
Remember that once this Law is set into motion. It cannot be stopped from manifesting by any fearful or limited thoughts in which you might indulge from the standpoint of a finite, three-dimensional point of view. Such a point of view cannot be placed at the point of Conscious Being, which is the only Place any action can be set into motion.
So again once truly desired in the heart in 4d, a challenge in 3d cannot be stopped.... so we don't need to fear our fearful thoughts form stopping what we truly desire.....
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It is a fact that from the three-dimensional frame of reference, conscious identity must come to that point where it recognizes itself as being the Door. Then, it must actively and consciously be the Door. This, then, allows the Reality of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being to “break through” into and as that apparently finite conscious experience of Being called three-dimensional man. This reveals the eternally accurate conscious perception of what is Really going on—the Christ-consciousness. This break-through is what has been perceived as the statement, “Behold, I stand at the Door and knock.“1 However, it must become clear that the apparent relationship of a three-dimensional consciousness becoming the Door and then the Christ-Truth—the direct perception of Reality as It is—flowing through that Door as the conscious experience of a three-dimensional, finite man, does not then become the new “norm.” Man, as he conceives himself to be three-dimensionally, does not simply forever remain the “conduit” for Reality to flow through. The fact is that the more consistently he is willing to stand as the Door, the more consistently he will begin to experience himself less and less as “a three-dimensional man standing as the Door.” He will become consciously aware of himself as that conscious experience of Reality which includes no distortions of any kind—the Christ-consciousness, the means by which God, or Conscious Being, experiences Its Infinity.
A description of the journey of awakening.
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RAJ: Paul, when you ask that question, you are seeing Substance gathered together in clumps, so to speak—objects—which imply that Substance is absent in the spaces between those objects. In other words, you are thinking of Substance three-dimensionally. In fact, Substance is Fourth-dimensional or non-dimensional. It constitutes every aspect of conscious experience as Conscious Being. You must remember that none of what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel is going on external to the conscious experience of it, even though that is the way it appears. All of it is Consciousness. All of it is Mind’s Self-experience.
There is no separation, Substance is everything...
RAJ: It is because the time has come to stop manipulating the finite view to improve it according to finite concepts. This does not constitute waking up out of the dream or waking up out of the distortions of the partial view. If you succeed in improving the partial view—in “healing it”—you will find no necessity to involve yourself in the labors necessary to Awaken
Read Paul's question above:
Quote: Manipulating the finite view to improve it according to finite concepts does not constitute waking up out of the dream.
RAJ: Paul, that statement was made within the illusion of three-dimensional existence. In the first place, there is no man separate from God for God to give anything to. Secondly, it is only from within the finite frame of reference that there can seem to be an “earth” separate from “man” for man to have dominion over. Any apparent success that the human concept (ego) has of being able to exercise dominion over an earth “out there” only succeeds in further deepening the illusion that life is going on objectively.
Raj's description of Being and wholeness is so completely divergent to that of my lived experience of my world that I'm beginning to get a deeper appreciation for a statement he made earlier -
No matter what you believe, it's wrong.
Now, when I said that Substance is Energy, I did not mean that It was energy in the sense that your scientists measure and call electrical or atomic energy. it is Energy in the sense that It is Light. Even so, It is not Light in the sense of It being that energy which emanates from your sun. In terms of the manner in which It is experienced Fourth-dimensionally, it is very similar. It radiates, glows, or fluoresces, yet these are very poor words to describe it. Light, as it is experienced objectively, is seen only as it reflects off of an object. At night, when you look out into the objective universe and there is nothing in the sky to reflect light, the sky appears to be black, except where light is either reflected or generated as planets and stars. Fourth-dimensionally speaking, the Substance which is Light is illumined, apparently, from within. It is not a reflected light. The apparent space between specific manifestations of Mind will not be found to be dark, because the Fourth-dimensional equivalent of what appears to be empty space in the three-dimensional frame of reference, is filled with the omnipresent Substance of Being. Therefore, you will find that even “empty space” is filled with that living Illumination of the Universal Substance which is Light. Further, it must be understood that this Substance which is Light is Love, living Love. You have experienced this already in illumination, and so I know you understand what I am saying.
Holy, do I every perceive it different than this, Batman!!
This sounds similar to descriptions of the "other side" given by NDE'ers.
When you are observing the three-dimensional universe, and you are interpreting it as existing and functioning on its own, then substance, as you are seeing it, has absolutely nothing to do with Substance as It Is. The flaw in your interpretation—the distortion of this partial or finite view—causes what is seen, heard, felt, tasted, and smelled to seem to be capable of sickness, decay, and death. These are dysfunctions which the Actuality of what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is totally incapable of. The shift we have been discussing for the past few months involves a shift of the point of awareness from an objective placement to a subjective placement, wherein each and every Actual idea of Mind is experienced and recognized as being absolutely mental.
3d Perception of Reality is a partial or finite view that includes the distortion of sickness and death that is not present in Reality.
To shift perception from 3d Illusion to what is Real involves a shift in awareness from an objective to subjective placement where every Actual idea of Mind is experienced as being absolutely mental.
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You must learn to flow. You must learn that you are not self-directed in the sense of being a puppet with no strings attached, three-dimensionally speaking. From this standpoint, you will always seem to be a puppet with strings attached, and you will not have hold of the controls. From the standpoint of being as Conscious Being, as Fourth-dimensional Man, the concept of strings and controls is irrelevant.
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You could say that when you have been actively engaged in living out your life from the position of the “screen” or the three-dimensional frame of reference, at that point you were taking time out from your Being, and that was where you were in error.
I wonder that Raj is saying that Paul can 'perceive' that he is in 3d and perceptually he was not 'conscious' of his true Being....and this could be perceived as being in error...
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Now, what does this have to do with you? It is that which constitutes your Being. What it is and how it works as the inherent Nature of your Being is essential to understanding how to Practice what You Are. You see, you cannot put these Laws into practice, you cannot set them into motion, because they are already functioning totally before you can even make the mistake of thinking that you are a finite mentality—a three-dimensional awareness—which could use them to bring about your good ends.
So I hear him saying that I need to understand what Law is as it is what makes up who I am and how to practice that. That these Laws are already functioning anyway.
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This means that creativity does not occur from the standpoint of a three-dimensional consciousness called a “person” or “personality.”
Another reminder that we do not manifest from 3d
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In spite of appearances, Fourth-dimensionally speaking, you and your family’s whole Universe—being the infinite Expression of the One that each One is—is lovingly and wonderfully bent on the fulfillment of infinite progression. You have an opportunity here to observe, to participate in, and be the experience of being Conscious Being, and to observe the most unique way in which being out from Mind resolves the illusion of conflict within the three-dimensional frame of reference.
You see, Paul, Conscious Being experiences all as Conscious Being. The concept “person” is only an illusion existing from within a three-dimensional framework. I mentioned in an earlier conversation that since the One is infinite, It constitutes the Many, and that the Many constitutes the All-Oneness rather than aloneness of the One. From the standpoint of Conscious Being, every infinitesimal facet of the Universe finds expression through the Matrix of Love, since Love is the One which is being infinitely expressed—as are all the other synonyms for God which you are familiar with. This means that there is a bond of mutual cooperation spontaneously manifesting itself throughout the totality of Conscious Being—Fourth-dimensional existence.
We are an aspect of the totality of all that is...
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Making the transition from a three-dimensional to a Fourth-dimensional frame of reference, and appearing to coexist in both dimensions at the same time with full communication in both dimensions, makes demands that require a fine attunement to Fourth-dimensional space. Those words are absurd, but you understand what I mean. Let us maintain good perspective right from the start. You will need a stability that can withstand the misperceptions of those looking with three-dimensional sight only. Seeing Fourth-dimensionally, you will handle the demands with ease. But, if you prematurely expose your new position you will unnecessarily jeopardize yourself. Until you know how to do it as Conscious Being, you will be wise to keep your mouth shut. This is why I am here. Your path does not need to be rough, and I know it is your desire for it to be smooth.
This reminds me of watering the germinating seed, nurture it.
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As Conscious Being, you are going to move around in an environment of ideas, of activities, of functions that are totally mental, and you will learn to do this while apparently living three-dimensionally, as a “material being.“
This reminds me of being in the world (of 3d) yet not of the world..
You don’t need to relax. You don’t really have to go into a special state in order to communicate with me. In fact, it’s essential for you to discover that the Whole Spectrum, from gross to subtle, is always present all the time, no matter what level of consciousness you seem to be operating from. It’s time for you to become aware that All of You is present at all times, both in the sense of all levels of consciousness being available at all times, and in the sense that all dimensions—infinity and eternity—are always present all the time. It does not matter where you seem to be coming from three-dimensionally.
It's all happening at once,it's where we choose to focus our consciousness. even if I am focussed in 3d, it is still all happening at once.
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You must grasp that every specific aspect of the Universe is the individualization of God without any diminution of God. Three-dimensionally, it appears to be finite, but Fourth-dimensionally, every individuation of God is all of God, all of the Life/Principle, all of the Love, all of the All. Therefore, the One being Many, you could say the One is not alone.
Having the experience of being an individuated being does not mean I am alone and separate as I and still an aspect of the totality of all that is.
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By “understanding” I mean real, actual felt, experiential awareness of the Physiology of that Body. You will never control your environment if you think the environment is the Image which you call the three-dimensional world. The three-dimensional world is Pure Image. The distortions you see in it are not in it. They are caused by your ignorance of the workings of the Source, of which the Image is just an image.
What I see with the human eyes is just Image...
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When observing them from the position of the image, we seem to be trapped into the story line. But, as we leave that position for the standpoint of being as Conscious Being, we apparently gain perspective. The story line appears to change and identify the Universal Harmonies of Being, which we could not see when we thought that we were one of the characters on the screen. It is in this process of leaving the basis of the image and uniting with and as the One Mind that the Reality of things begins to appear. This is why we have taken the last four weeks to effect this change of view. It is time for you to sop operating from the dimension of the image, and to begin functioning as Fourth-dimensional Man, being out from Mind. Until you thoroughly understand that nothing occurs at the point of the “image”—the three-dimensional frame of reference—until you realize that Cause does not reside at that point, out of habit you will be inclined to continue to try to rearrange things on the screen, to try to improve them, to try to make them more comfortable. And this will be a waste of time.
This is a good description of Turtle Bay.
Paul, the three-dimensional frame of reference is very much like the image on a motion picture screen. Where it appears to be full of meaning it, nevertheless, remains an image no more than a fraction of a millimeter thick on the surface of the screen. The meaning is not in the image at all, but is supplied within the awareness of the observer. If the observer dislikes something appearing on the screen, it is foolish for him to attempt to change the image in any way, because the meanings which he would like to alter are within him. What is faulty with that illustration is that, in a theatre, there is a projector—separate from the screen and the observer—which is projecting the picture on the screen. In Reality there is not a third aspect called a “projector,” which places the image on another aspect called a “screen.” In Reality, all three aspects are constituted of the one conscious experience of Being.
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Now, it does no good to have a lifeline attached to us while trekking around in the foreboding territory of the three-dimensional frame of reference if we do not use it to guide ourselves back into the Fourth-dimensional view, wherein perspective returns and there is no foreboding. In other words, it serves no purpose to stand in the finite view and have faith, have intuition, and have desires. From within that frame of reference, the distortion applies equally to those three everpresent perceptions of Reality. It causes them to be experienced as arising out of the absence of that which we have faith in, intuition about, and desires for. One can sit and rot in the illusion of “hell” while tenderly fondling and embracing his intuitions, faith, and desires. Your faith in what is Real, your intuitions about It, and your desire to experience It must be seen for what they are, and utilized, no matter how infinitesimal they seem to be from the standpoint of the partial view!
Faith, Intuition, and Desire must be used to guide us into the 4d view of experience.
PAUL: In what way does Substance constitute Supply? RAJ: Let us first be clear that when we speak of Supply we are not speaking from a finite, three-dimensional standpoint. Supply is not something that comes from one point to another point, such as payment from a client or customer. Supply does not come from one thing to another, such as food value from wheat. Supply is not given or received. Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being. You must remember that Substance is Activity, not a static lump of stuff. We have already spoken in regard to the fact that It has intent or purpose. Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment—Supply in its truest meaning. Supply is inescapable, unavoidable, when understood.
"Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being."
"Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment."
Faith, intuition, and desire constitute three aspects of our everpresent conscious experience of Reality while we are involved in the deception of existing as a finite mentality. Now, it does no good to have a lifeline attached to us while trekking around in the foreboding territory of the three-dimensional frame of reference if we do not use it to guide ourselves back into the Fourth-dimensional view, wherein perspective returns and there is no foreboding. In other words, it serves no purpose to stand in the finite view and have faith, have intuition, and have desires. From within that frame of reference, the distortion applies equally to those three everpresent perceptions of Reality. It causes them to be experienced as arising out of the absence of that which we have faith in, intuition about, and desires for. One can sit and rot in the illusion of “hell” while tenderly fondling and embracing his intuitions, faith, and desires. Your faith in what is Real, your intuitions about It, and your desire to experience It must be seen for what they are, and utilized, no matter how infinitesimal they seem to be from the standpoint of the partial view!
Am I to understand that having faith, intuition and desire in 3d is of no use unless I use them to support me to find my way into 4d, Reality.
"Your faith in what is Real, your intuitions about It, and your desire to experience It must be seen for what they are, and utilized, no matter how infinitesimal they seem to be from the standpoint of the partial view!"
The Bible says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“1 This means that no matter how deeply we may seem to be buried in the distortions of a personal, three-dimensional, finite frame of mind, the faith that we find everpresently abiding within us is our everpresent “connection” with the Actuality of our Being as It is really going on. In other words, it is our Actual experience of Substance, inviolably “held in trust” for us, you might say, so long as we indulge in attempting to experience the Reality of our Being from a partial view. This is why it is “the evidence of things not seen.” It is the evidence of Reality, present and undistorted, in spite of the distortions inherent in the partial view.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“ In 3d, 'finite frame of mind' faith is our connection with the 'Actuality of Being. The Reality of Substance, Reality, Being is held in trust while in 3d we may attempt to have partial view of it. Faith is the evidence/presence of Reality even if unseen in 3d.
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Yes, in your terms, it would mean a dispassionate, uninvolved experience of what is appearing. You must learn to get your satisfaction from being What You Are as Conscious Being, rather than what you appear to be by virtue of what is done three-dimensionally.
And I recall Raj sharing that fulfilment can only come from Consciously Being and now he adds satisfaction.
RAJ: Paul, when it comes to your family and your living experience, be observant. Watch to see whether you are seeing yourself and the members of your family as isolated bits and pieces—parts of the flotsam and jetsam of life—floating on the currents of who knows what. This is a three-dimensional-only point of view. It will be constantly frustrating, because it begins with a false concept of man. It sees him as trying to lift himself up by his bootstraps and getting help in doing so from others who may or many not be “more enlightened.” It misses the larger fact that Being is unfolding Itself on an infinite basis. It is unfolding Itself successfully.
The belief that life is difficult and one must pull himself by his bootstraps is an illusory concept of man. It is a 3d point of view whose effect is frustration.
Being is unfolding itself infinitely without regard for individual feelings about it. I suffer when I believe there is something wrong with its unfolding.
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It is the “consideration” of beliefs, the manipulations of objects “out there,” the orienting of “position” and “power” which ties us into the three-dimensional frame of reference
Now, let’s clarify that by dropping the last word. You are seeing the appearance of things not working. What is happening here is that you are objectively seeing the fact that things do not work the way you thought they worked when you were seeing three-dimensionally. What you can count on is: Everything that appears not to be working is working right now, right where you are, unchanged in any way from the Actuality of its working. This is an illusion caused by the shifting of the frame of reference from the finite to the infinite view. The illusion will not continue indefinitely. It is a “reverse landmark” or waymark which, because it is reversed, usually stops one from moving forward in the direction of Infinity until he has the kind of guidance, encouragement, and development which provides him with the proper perception of its significance. It is simply to be observed. It is not to be dealt with.
Everything is working perfectly.
It just doesn't that way - things don't work the way you think they do when viewed from 3dRef.
Everything that appears not to be working is working right now, right where you are.
The perception that things are not working cannot be dealt with - just simply observed. This illusion will not last indefinitely.
It is the “consideration” of beliefs, the manipulations of objects “out there,” the orienting of “position” and “power” which ties us into the three-dimensional frame of reference. Religion works in this realm. Economics works in this realm. Indeed, all of life is “worked” from this realm. It is time to move out of this realm, and there is no way to do it half-way. There is no way to keep a little bit of the finite view to “work with” and yet move into the Fourth-dimensional experience of Being (Your Being). Being is not finite (dimensional) in the very heavy, burdensome, sweat-producing way that three-dimensional things and thoughts are.
As long as we 'behave' through belief, manipulation, and jockeying for position, we are bound to 3d Ref.
The movement to 4dRef requires 3dRef be given up completely - there is no half way.
PAUL: Raj, we are trying to understand why this illusion of ongoing interference, lack, and blockage of free-flowing expression and experience of good is appearing in our lives. We are trying to understand the cause of it, so that we can handle the right thing to correct the situation. Can you shed any light on it? You say there is no evil presence, force, or power. Yet there certainly appears to be the effect of something opposed to or different from God, Good, Harmony, et cetera. RAJ: Paul, you are being confused by the process of three-dimensional thinking. It will always suggest some finite cause. It will always suggest that the reason for events comes from either finite objective causes or finite mental causes.
Paul wants to understand why he is experiencing lack, etc so that it can be corrected.
Raj says this attempt is coming from 3d thinking and is causing confusion.
3d thinking always suggests a finite cause and Raj suggests an expanded approach. Read on...
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RAJ: Separateness is a three-dimensional concept, Paul.
Paul is attempting to clarify the meaning of Oneness and Being in his experience (and mine!!) that he is having a conversation with Raj, a seemingly separate being.
The whole section is about that.
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Leave the “split experience” of Reality/unreality alone, as illustrated in the tares and the wheat parable.3 Let them appear to exist side by side. Let them appear to cause different consciousnesses. As long as there are two, you are not caught—deluded—into the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. This dual experience of consciousness is an affirmation or proof of your having crossed the change line. You are not in three-dimensional territory, although you can still see it and feel it. Take my word for it. Now, turn your back on the old territory and begin to look into the depths of your Being as Fourth-dimensional Man. As I said, once you cross the change line, clarification spontaneously begins to occur, and occur more rapidly. This is inevitable.
This reminds me where Raj has shared words to the effect that it is all happening at once.
Raj shares that be able to be aware of 3d and 4d at once means that Paul is not caught in 3d..
The 'change line'..... is this the 'shift' that Wayne Dyer speaks of ?
PAUL: Okay, Raj, I’m alone… RAJ: Although you caught it, I want to amplify on it. “Alone” is a three-dimensional concept implying that there’s everyone else, and then there’s “me.” This is ego. You’ve got to be alert. Notice that your body is having physical sensations that you recognize as feeling disheartened, worried, or fearful. Notice that it has an intent; it is not just a feeling. It is there to motivate you to “do” something objective. Notice that in observing it, the I that is You that is observing is clear, unmoved, and at peace.
Raj reminds Paul to be alert to the the ego. That 'alone' is a 3d concept, ego, suggesting that there is everyone else and then there is me. Raj brings Paul's attention to witnessing the body which is having physical sensations and feeling e.g. disheartened. Raj goes onto share that the ego has an intent to motivate Paul to do something objective. And even though this is occurring, it can be observed and the 'I' the Being observing is unmoved and at peace.
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Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able.
I choose to be willing to be alone in my Being, aware in Reality..
I choose to remain steadfast and to abide with the fact that my Being is One... The One being inclusive of all that is, now matter how it can be perceived in 3d.
I choose to receive the encouragement that I am able to do this, to wake up fully from the dream, thank you Raj.......
Do not indulge in the mistaken belief that it is going to be anything less than hard work, Paul. Accept that right now! Do not look at this “stage” of your growth as being peaches and cream. Do not indulge in self-pity or indignation at it not being easier since you “know the Truth” and are “having these conversations with me.“ Realize right now that indignation and self-pity are ego, ego, ego right down the line. You’ve got to not give a damn about whether it’s easy, hard, pleasant, unpleasant, quick or slow. These are all three-dimensional, “ego-bound” concepts. Even if they seem to parade as your feelings or thinking, do not “connect” up with them. I reiterate, Paul: Plan on it being hard work! Fight the fight! Follow through to the end wherein “ego’s” claims become the nonsense that they are, just as when HAL began reciting nursery rhymes and singing children’s songs. Do not misunderstand. I am not saying there is a real fight. I’m not saying there is a real antagonist. I am saying that if you don’t behave as though there were one—if you don’t tend to follow through “come hell or high water”—then you will be lazy and slipshod in your approach. One way or another, ego will insinuate itself into and as your self-awareness, because it is a habit through long years of apparent Self-ignorance.
Raj seems to be really nailing it here..... he shares that remembering our real Identity isn't easy, it is hard work and he encourages Paul to really keep going no matter what.....
Raj reminds Paul that to let go of concepts such as easy or hard though, to let go of the feelings associated with them, this is all 3d ego...
Let’s handle that thought right now—that it’s not this hard for others. First of all, that’s ego whining! It’s not You. Secondly, this idea of “others” is another ploy of ego. Only ego divides things into me and thee. Ego, ego, ego!} Watch out for it! Realize right now that ego is ego is ego. Consciously or purposely putting it down will evoke the same whining, pleading, pitiful “show,” no matter who is putting it down. I told you, Paul, it’s a liar! lies, lies, lies! It is imperative that you be alone with your own Being—absolutely alone! Don’t compare (that’s ego!). Don’t try to find affirmation or agreement with your stance from “out there” (that’s ego!). Don’t—and I say this especially—don’t let any feeling of pride enter the picture because of what you might have to do, and the fact that you are willing to do it (that’s ego!). This is a dirty fight! Fight it dirty! I say this because you will have a tendency to be “polite,” “civilized,” “courteous” if you can. Once again, you will be abiding by a set of concepts which drip with “ego.“
More ways in which ego attitude manifests.
- comparison (it's not this hard for others)
- the idea of others (belief in separation)
- attempt to find agreement with your stance from out there
- the feeling of pride because of your willingness to do what must be done.
- the belief of the need to be polite
RAJ: Do not indulge in the mistaken belief that it is going to be anything less than hard work, Paul. Accept that right now! Do not look at this “stage” of your growth as being peaches and cream. Do not indulge in self-pity or indignation at it not being easier since you “know the Truth” and are “having these conversations with me.“ Realize right now that indignation and self-pity are ego, ego, ego right down the line. You’ve got to not give a damn about whether it’s easy, hard, pleasant, unpleasant, quick or slow. These are all three-dimensional, “ego-bound” concepts. Even if they seem to parade as your feelings or thinking, do not “connect” up with them. I reiterate, Paul: Plan on it being hard work! Fight the fight! Follow through to the end wherein “ego’s” claims become the nonsense that they are, just as when HAL began reciting nursery rhymes and singing children’s songs.
Moving away from ego identification is hard work.
Be aware of ego tactics of self-pity and indignation or whether the journey is easy or hard, fast or slow, or pleasant or unpleasant. These are 3d, ego bound beliefs.
Do not connect with them even if they seem to be your feelings or thinking.
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As one makes the shift from the three-dimensional frame of reference to the being of Fourth-dimensional Man, it seems as though one must give up his individuality and allow something which he does not recognize as himself to take over and speak through him. But, the fact is that that which is speaking through him is his original and unchanging Identity. It is on the false sense of individuality called “personality” which is being given up.
We only given up that which is founded in illusion as we shift form 3d to 4d.
As one makes the shift from the three-dimensional frame of reference to the being of Fourth-dimensional Man, it seems as though one must give up his individuality and allow something which he does not recognize as himself to take over and speak through him. But, the fact is that that which is speaking through him is his original and unchanging Identity. It is on the false sense of individuality called “personality” which is being given up.
As one grows into awareness of Being - original and unchanging identity begins to speak through.
April 29, 1982 Thursday
Review this chapter - there's a lot in it.
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You must get over this idea that your life is actually occurring in the way you see and experience it from a three-dimensional standpoint. You must realize that whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your Being is infinitely unfolding Itself at all times, and is doing so in all of Its perfection. Infinitely speaking, you never become more nor less than You Are. Whether you choose to focus in on any particular detail of your Infinity or not, your Being continues to unfold Itself on the basis of Its Infinity, and not on the basis of what you choose to narrow your attention down to.
This is a powerful paragraph and so much in it.... my Being is unfolding all the time anyway whether I am conscious of it or not. I can never be less than I am. Even if I focus my attention in 3d, it is all this happening at once. If I really understand this!!!!!
RAJ: Very well, Paul. Tonight it is very necessary for you to once again begin to relax out of the personal, three-dimensional sense of responsibility. I realize it has been difficult to take care of the necessities which have required your attention, and yet remain uninvolved and free of believing that you must respond as a three-dimensional man to three-dimensional demands. Nevertheless, you need to do so. I sense that you are more than ready, since it is, indeed, very tiring to believe that you are making the world go round.
I smile with Raj's sense of humour here, "I sense that you are more than ready, since it is, indeed, very tiring to believe that you are making the world go round."
I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions. I want you to consciously and conscientiously open yourself up to the perception and the experience of the Love that constitutes your infinite Being, no matter from what apparent point or dimension you seem to be experiencing that infinitude.
Being is made up of (constituted) infinite Love.Love is the substance of your experience - every aspect of it.
3d demands (worldly demands) can cause us to withdraw our attention from the Fact that every aspect of our experience is comprised of Love.
Love constitutes your personal experience of (subjective) Being. No matter what is going on in your experience you always have the ability to perceive Love.
Practice: No matter what is happening in your experience, consciously and conscientiously open yourself to the perception and experience of the Love that constitutes your Infinite Being.
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You are truly beginning to experience the Fourth- and third-dimensional frames of reference existing side by side. You are able to observe yourself, and actually experience what seems to you to be yourself, being depressed. At the same time, you are able to experience your Self as being totally clear, at peace, in harmony with your Being, and not emotionally vexed in any way.
I find this very useful and very affirming of my recent experiences of the neurobiological response in 3d while still maintaining awareness of Being in 4d. It was all happening at once and the more I embraced and fully felt the 3d experience the more of Being I became aware of....
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You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being. Ego is what Jesus referred to as “the devil,” being a liar and the father of it. It is imperative that you understand that there is no other evil. The only sin there is is the misidentification of one’s Self as “ego” rather than Being, as Conscious Being.
Raj calls the 'ego' mythical here which is interesting. In psychology there are three aspects of the ego, the id which focusses on basic biological needs and desires. It is there at birth. The ego which is conscious, the the rational part of personality which emerges in infancy and the superego which begins to emerge from 3 years is often referred to as conscience. This is referenced Freud's Psychosexual stages of development in lifespan theory. I generally resonate more with Eriksons Psychosocial stages of development.
In our humanity the ego fulfils the purpose of functioning in this 3d experience, I feel it is neither bad nor good.... it supports the individuated human experience. In the ego though we only identify ourselves as a body mind with no deeper recognition of self other than the development of conscience. This 'operating program' for our human experience is geared with a security system to keep this body mind, this organism safe. This is the job given to it to do and it does it well. Our security system, the trauma response which is inclusive of the fight, flight freeze response responds to real or perceived threat.
The flight, fight freeze is in the id, it is an honest response, yet in adulthood it can go into ego with perceived threat and include reaction, yet in itself it is intrinsicly occurring as a neurbiological response....
There is much to this. Too much to share here in this space.
I wonder that Raj calls the ego mythical because the body mind is not in Reality who we really are, yet we are having a human experience. It is our identification with ourselves as the egoic body mind that is disolving.
In time as we come to experience, to know our Being in 4d, to learn our True identity is not the body mind. The ego wants to maintain its authority and resists our journey to remember our true identity, pure essence, Love in form, Being.
You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.
So I am hearing that in Reality, in Being, everything is connected, is One, there is no separation in this place...
Again I reflect that the ego is what supports the 3d experience, we chose to experience this and now it is time to remember that real Reality is 4d and the world of separation, 3d does not exist in Reality... it is a journey into this remembrance though..
You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.
Quote: Only from the standpoint of ego can there seem to be a "connection".
Quote: There is no connection between Mind and its manifestation. They are one.
The ego must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve in order to find a connection between disconnected parts. These endeavors are not aspects of Conscious Being because the illusion of separation does not exist there.
RAJ: Good evening, Paul. You are aware of having felt nervous or tense with an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach all day today. You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being.
Become clear about the difference between 3dRef and 4dRef and properly identify yourself as Being, not Ego.
To let the Ego dissolve you're going to have to remain steadfast in Being while it complains and you seemingly experience it's charade.
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RAJ: Good morning, Paul. I can see you are definitely in that Place this morning, and that is a wonderful way to start out your day. I would like you to not attempt to take on anything today in the sense of being responsible for it—no matter what you do. I do not mean for you to do nothing, but I mean for you to do it with no sense of personal responsibility. I mean for you to do it from exactly that Place wherein you find yourself at this very moment. You feel somewhat too relaxed to type accurately, but you have already found out to some degree that, as you are very relaxed and not attempting to maintain control over your fingers, your fingers are more accurate and speedier than when control is attempted. You do not have to be concerned that you will become too relaxed. The more relaxed you are, from a three-dimensional standpoint, the more all of You is available to respond to the demands and needs of the moment, and the fulfillment of these will become more simultaneous with the perception of the need.
That Place is Paul's present experience when he is consciously aware of Being. He is very relaxed and not attempting to control the flow moving through him.
From this place he is faster and more accurate in his typing in this place of no control.
The more relaxed he is, from a 3d reference point, the more all of you (Being**) is available in the moment.
Raj suggests that taking personal responsibility creates the need for control and inhibits the flow of Being (all of you) and replaces it with motivation based on his beliefs and ideas.
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Today we need to deeply consider the orderliness of things—the orderliness of Life in Its infinite manifestations. We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it.
Our thoughts in 3d do not have an effect on the unfolding on our Being. So... I hear that even though in this human experience our thoughts and beliefs create how we feel and act, this ultimately does not affect the harmonious unfolding in the cosmos of which we are a part..
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Remember not to get into the picture. Do not see yourself the way the three-dimensional frame of reference sees you and wants to convince you of. Remember that Being is Eternal. No single event in the Eternality of your conscious experience of Being takes precedence over that which is aware of it. You are not in it. It is not larger than you, and it is not controlling your Being.
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RAJ: That will be a good idea, Paul. The wheel of history repeats itself, but Being never repeats Itself. It is forever making Itself new. The dilemma in which you seem to find yourself is just such an example of Being making Itself new. This Being which is making Itself new is your Being. You are having difficulty because there seems to be a gap between what your Being is being, and what you are conscious of your Being as being. This is because you are, so to speak, riding bareback on the surface of your three-dimensional, or objective, sense of being conscious. You find yourself involved in the drama, and experiencing the need of responding to demands which, apparently, are coming from outside yourself. These demands are your Self declaring the presence of that which appears to be absent when viewed from the standpoint of the apparent drama. It will not appear truly as your conscious experience of being until you are viewing from the point of your Being as Conscious Being—not that of finite man.
Being is forever making itself new. It is not understood when seen from 3dRef and results in the experience of drama and the need to respond to outside influences.
You will not be able to transcend the drama until you view things from 4dRef.
- Oct 2015
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RAJ: I know you have to get to this job which you have at hand. Keep yourself centered in that Place to the very best of your ability. I will be helping. Remember not to get into the picture. Do not see yourself the way the three-dimensional frame of reference sees you and wants to convince you of. Remember that Being is Eternal. No single event in the Eternality of your conscious experience of Being takes precedence over that which is aware of it. You are not in it. It is not larger than you, and it is not controlling your Being.
Paul is faced with a difficult task, Raj suggests:
- stay centered on Conscious Being (4dRef)
- don't let yourself be pulled into the 3dRef
- The event is not larger than you, it does not control your Being, you are not in it.
RAJ: Paul, you must realize that you are not “in the woods” in the fist place. The “woods” are in you. You are that omnipresent conscious experience of Being which constitutes Fourth-dimensional Man. You will always feel trapped when you are seeing yourself as being inside that Omnipresence which constitutes your Being. You will always feel uncomfortable because you are believing something which is not true. I see that you have gotten the point that you can utilize your ability to think and reason when it is based upon what you have learned when you have been experiencing your being as Conscious Being.
You will always feel trapped when you believe what is not true.
Make use of thought and reason that are based upon lessons learned from Conscious Being
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RAJ: The delight of Life is the signal which indicates the successful completion or Awakening in individual thought. This is because it indicates the amalgamation or connection of the Alpha and Omega—the inside and the outside—the spiritual and material—the Fourth Dimension with the first three as Conscious Experience. I know that this is very difficult for you to put up with, because you feel there are more pressing needs, but if you will bear with me a little longer, it will be worth your while.
Awakening is complete when you delight in Life. Delight indicates union of spiritual and material, the inside and outside, the 3D and 4D.
Paul finds it very hard to accept this, he is distracted by his present financial challenges.
Isn't this (focus on 3dRef) what keeps us bound to the illusion?
Now, I want to correct a misconception on your part. Your ability to reason and think is not the equivalent of the three-dimensional frame of reference. Your thought processes and reasoning processes are not to be ignored. We would not be communicating at this very moment if you did not have the means to translate the meanings I am communicating into words and phrases. It is only by virtue of the fact that you have imagination, reason, perspicacity—all of the various capacities and functions of Consciousness—that you are able to correctly translate that which unfolds to you. This is true whether it is coming from me, or from that Place wherein you directly experience the Reality of Being.
There is nothing 'wrong' about us.....
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The conclusion to processes of reasoning and thinking has never, ever been Enlightenment. No matter who it has been, the enlightenment they have experienced has occurred only when their three-dimensional consciousness has been totally silent, or it has broken through in spite of their thinking. Thus, it has illustrated that the thinking process is never responsible for growth.
Paul wants to accomplish something but Raj asks him to drop that idea - they are going to simply be.
Paul has a belief that he can figure it out.
Now, let’s move on. I want to correct a misconception on your part—a spatial misconception. you are feeling that you are moving forward along a path, building upon a foundation of knowledge and ability to reason, which you have developed and exercised in the past. This is not the case. The fact is that you are moving backwards on the path which you have come. This is because, to a large degree, your path took you away from your Being and into a three-dimensional frame of reference. You are, so to speak, relaxing back out of that thinking process—that finite, reasoning, intellectual structure which you felt was getting you somewhere in a progressive sense.
I find this is an interesting way of demonstrating how the thinking 3d mind attempts to work in a linear way. In a way not that Paul went anywhere except hos focus became 3d....
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The reason you are having trouble is that you are temporarily caught up in a three-dimensional image of yourself—a body of ideas and concepts that are the equivalent of a three-dimensional image. You need to be in touch with yourself as Conscious Being. You know you are capable of this because you are doing it right at this moment while I am speaking to you. This is because you are not afraid of what I am going to say.
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You are familiar with the statement that Jesus walked through the dream awake. This means that He walked through and participated in the three-dimensional world as a Fourth-dimensional Being. Yet not one had the slightest idea that He was not basically like one of them.
To be in the world (3d) yet not of the world.
Thank you for opening your eyes, for it is a definite aid in broadening your ability to be out from Mind while being in an apparently more natural state from a three-dimensional point of view. You see, Paul, you are going to have to be able to move incognito in the three-dimensional world
Again, whatever appears to be going on three-dimensionally, is going on Fourth-dimensionally as Mind fulfilling itself Perfectly. You need not be apprehensive concerning it.
I am giving you an assignment here. it is to be alert, ready and open to observing everything that occurs from both an objective and subjective standpoint. This can be done simultaneously during this phase of transition. Remember, however, that at no time are you to leave the Fourth-dimensional standpoint as Conscious Being. You will find that seeing three-dimensionally is so much a habit with you that you will still be able to see things from that standpoint, even though you are absolutely riveted to experiencing your Infinity as your Self—Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being.
Apparently existing simultaneously in two dimensions, you will be able to observe the structural patterns and changes that occur, and you will begin to understand experientially why things appeared the way they did from a three-dimensional-only standpoint.
However, to return to the situation that you are finding yourself faced with, let me remind you to “simplify, simplify, simplify.” It does not matter who else does, or does not, see what you see as Conscious Being. It does not matter if their viewpoint is primarily three-dimensional, finite, limited and distorted. You stick to your perceptions, as Conscious Being, of the Fourth-dimensional Fact of what is going on and appearing three-dimensionally to those around you.
We all have the freedom to choose where we focus, which dimension.
Be that as it may, you are right now in the process of crossing over the line between the third dimension and the Fourth Dimension. You are not totally at ease and familiar with the Fourth Dimension. Until you are, you will be quite consciously aware of existing in two dimensions simultaneously, side by side. Out of habit, you will be inclined to look at things from a three-dimensional standpoint, because it is comfortable and familiar. But, more and more, you will begin to experience the three-dimensional frame of reference from a Fourth-dimensional standpoint—from the standpoint of Conscious Being.
This reminds me of the importance of practice.
As you know, each succeeding dimension includes within itself the preceding ones. Right now, without being confused at all, you are living simultaneously in three dimensions; the third dimension, the second dimension, and the first dimension. You do not consider the first two at all because your point of awareness resides entirely in the now-totally-familiar third dimension. This gives you a hint of things to come.
Paul, nothing is out of Order in your life. When we see from a three-dimensional standpoint, it is literally like seeing the tips of icebergs. That which appears appears to be finite. In Fact, all of Infinity is present at each and every point of what appears to be a finite manifestation. What may appear to be out of order here would be seen as being in Perfect Order from the vantage point of Conscious Being. All is One.
From the perspective of Reality, everything is perfect just as it is.
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To live as Conscious Being is inconceivable to the three-dimensional frame of reference or mentality. But as Conscious Being, it is absolutely normal.
Existing as a material being in a three-dimensional environment is exciting, challenging, scary, but never Satisfying because it is literally to live as though One is out of One’s Mind. It is not the ultimate purpose of Man, or Being.
The answer is simply that one’s Self is the Universal All, the One is the Many. If you do not do it for yourself only, if you are not willing to be alone, then you will not have the experience of owning all of yourself as You. You will walk as three-dimensional man, as a material man, bumping into himself, stubbing his toe on himself, running his car into himself, beating himself up by his own hand, and wondering why in the hell he’s suffering! That is sufficient reason.
I notice some shade of disappointment in you in the realization that what you are learning here will not lead you to greatness, or to some fulfillment of purpose which will give you great satisfaction, because it will glorify God or manifest the true nature of Being. But realize this, Paul: That greatness which you conceive is based upon having one’s awareness objectively placed in the three-dimensional world. Ask yourself, “Great in whose eyes?”
Notions of greatness are 3d.
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Raj, I am having trouble with that, since in Infinity and Eternity there is no such thing as “time” as I perceive it three-dimensionally. It is all the Eternal Now.
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This contemplative view of the larger picture of your activity, of experience which occurs at the level of Conscious Being, as Conscious Being, will help you in being able to broaden your ability to live your three-dimensional life as a Fourth-dimensional Being, never leaving the standpoint of Consciousness as the environment in which you live.
Again it feels like he is saying that I can be in the world of 3d but not of the world.
You are at a point of, let’s say, shifting gears, no longer to move around in the world of three dimensions as shape, an identity, a body, an organism making its way in the three-dimensional world where the environment can be either friend or foe, pleasant or difficult. That is what I meant when I said a “material being.“
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Paul, the three-dimensional frame of reference is very much like the image on a motion picture screen. Where it appears to be full of meaning it, nevertheless, remains an image no more than a fraction of a millimeter thick on the surface of the screen. The meaning is not in the image at all, but is supplied within the awareness of the observer. If the observer dislikes something appearing on the screen, it is foolish for him to attempt to change the image in any way, because the meanings which he would like to alter are within him. What is faulty with that illustration is that, in a theatre, there is a projector—separate from the screen and the observer—which is projecting the picture on the screen. In Reality there is not a third aspect called a “projector,” which places the image on another aspect called a “screen.” In Reality, all three aspects are constituted of the one conscious experience of Being.
Being is All One
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Paul, the shift which you have been experiencing for the past four weeks is, indeed, a shift from a personal, finite, limited sense of universal facts to that Awareness which is Mind’s experience of Itself as All. This is why there is great need for trust, for willingness, and for letting go.
Paul is shifting from 3d awareness to 4d awareness and Raj is acknowledging that this requires trust, willingness and letting go.. Paul is shifting into the awareness that he is an aspect of the Totality of All that is, in the Holy Mind of God
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Mr. Creme’s book implies that the Christ, together with the Masters of Wisdom, is appearing based on a decision They made. This had to be put this way in the book, but the fact is that They could not have decided to reappear in the year 1551, in the year 1901, or in the year 1970, because the Harmonies of Being, Itself would not allow it. It would not have been a harmonious event. The students were not ready. I know you can see that the Teacher is reappearing by virtue of the readiness of the students, and not because of any great power of His own to act on His own, any more than when you are in that Place where you are experiencing the Allness of your Being as Conscious Being, you can act on your own, doing what you want to do. The only place where you exist in that way is in the imagination of your three-dimensional frame of reference.
*The only place you can act on your own* is in the imagination of your 3d frame of reference.
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As you remember from your conversation the other day, if the activity of consciousness arises out of a three-dimensional frame of reference, which for the most part is constituted of beliefs and reactions, the Universal Substance cannot respond. It is required by its Nature to respond only to that which is in harmony with your Being.
Three dimensional is more the physical world, the egoic mind and physical body.....than the Universal substance cannot respond because it only responds to that which is in harmony with your being.
This should clarify a point for you. Whatever is set into motion from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being must move into manifestation. Whatever originates from a three-dimensional frame of reference does not cause anything to move into manifestation, nor does it hinder anything moving into manifestation. Cause does not lie positively or negatively within the three-dimensional, or finite, frame of reference. This is a great point to understand and keep in mind. I would like you, on your own time, to consider the ramifications of that point.
To manifest it needs to be from 4th dimensional, heart and feeling... So even if we have a challenge so to speak (in 3d) in the meantime it has no bearing on what is desired in the heart??
Paul, all of this is constituting the activity of Consciousness which acts according to Law upon the Nature of the Universal Substance of your Being. The correct vision, felt from the standpoint of Reality, must come forth according to Law as that which appears tangibly, three-dimensionally, as the infinitude of your Being. Remember that once this Law is set into motion. It cannot be stopped from manifesting by any fearful or limited thoughts in which you might indulge from the standpoint of a finite, three-dimensional point of view. Such a point of view cannot be placed at the point of Conscious Being, which is the only Place any action can be set into motion. As you know, when you are in that Place, it is totally impossible to experience fear, doubt, or any sense of limitation. This is a scientific Law that I am talking about. You can prove it day after day after day, without fail, because it is Law functioning according to the scientific, principled Nature of Being. Once you have set a thing into motion by being consciously aware of the Fact from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, your only responsibility is to continue forward, being from that point—exactly as you have been doing—without any care or concern as to how or when it will appear. You must realize that Being functions according to Its own infinite, eternal Harmonies. If that which has been set into motion has not appeared, it is because appearing at that point would not be in harmony with Its unfolding Being. You can trust you do not need it at the moment you are considering the fact that it hasn’t yet appeared. I want you to consider this deeply. I want you to consider it while you are in that Place when we are not talking to each other. I want you to let it unfold its infinite meanings to you before we talk about it again.
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In the meantime, you must actively remain at the point of being as Conscious Being. Listen attentively to Mind’s unfolding of Itself as It is, right where it looks like the jig is going on. To paraphrase a statement you are familiar with “You must see the Fourth-dimensional Reality right where the three-dimensional frame of reference sees itself.” Seeing the Reality, you will not be confused by the jig. Neither will you be moved by its claims. In order to do this, you must be willing to stand at the Doorway where Being’s view of Itself is what is seen.
You feel that she is making demands on you by her insistence to hold you to her finite view, and pull you out from your experience of being as Conscious Being. The fact is that you are doing well at remaining centered at the Door of your own infinite Wisdom and Understanding. You do not need to be afraid that you will slip. You are learning a lesson that is difficult for you. You must let the three-dimensional frame of reference “do its little jig” until it wears itself out and gives up.
Susan is upset and wants Paul to see things her way. Raj is encouraging Paul to stand firmly in the doorway of 4dRef and allow the 3dRef to do its thing.
This is a scenario that is familiar to all of us. Stand firm in the truth.
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You see, it is one thing to see things three-dimensionally, as though separate, isolated, and independent. It is entirely another thing to see them personally. It is quite possible to view things three-dimensionally without seeing them from a personal frame of reference, but a personal sense of things always includes a great and terrible sense of egotism—always with self-righteousness.
A 3D-Reference (3dRef) in a relationship does not have to be "personal".
There is 3dRef and a "Personal frame of reference" within it. I think this is the Egoic reference.
Read on for details.
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Paul, as you were beginning to see very slightly yesterday, the three-dimensional frame of reference is very thin. It literally has no Substance in it. You are beginning to see how much more substantial things are from the standpoint of Conscious Being—wherein all facets of your life are discerned from the vantage point of their meaning—instead of the way they appear to the five senses.
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from a three-dimensional frame of reference, nothing seems to work together or harmonize for the well-being of the individual
From a 3d frame of reference (3dRef, Ego) the experience is that nothing works together. The opposite must be true for a 4d frame of reference (4dRef, Christ) that everything works together to harmonize for the well-being of the individual.