148 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. I’m always seeing by means of the I”. It is phenomenologically mysterious to [us], but it doesn't mean that I'm unaware of it. I always have - to use older language, from the course I mean - I always have a subsidiary awareness. I'm always aware through my “I” of my “me”. I'm always aware through my framing of my framed. I'm not completely out of touch with it. It is not inaccessible to me, but I cannot focalised it.

      for - quote - subsidiary awareness - I cannot finalize it but can be aware of it - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke - definition - subsidiary awareness - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

      quote - subsidiary awareness - I cannot finalize it but can be aware of it - John Vervaeke - (see below) - I’m always seeing by means of the I”. - It is phenomenologically mysterious to [us], but - it doesn't mean that I'm unaware of it. - I always have a subsidiary awareness. - I'm always aware through my “I” of my “me”. - I'm always aware through my framing of my framed. - I'm not completely out of touch with it. - It is not inaccessible to me, - but I cannot focalised it.

  2. Dec 2024
    1. We often discover that ANDs can easily take the place of BUTs.

      for - language awareness - And-Or-But - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

      // - comment - AND - expanding possibilities - OR - limiting possibilities - BUT - pointing out the shadow side / unintended consequences of an intention


    1. shi-ne

      for - definition - Shi-ne - Shamatha without object - open awareness - the Tibetan meditation practice of becoming aware of our habitual tendency to reify and essentialize phenomena, experiencing them as having independent, non-relational reality of their own, both for - inner phenomena (thoughts and emotions) - outer phenomena (sensations) - It also goes by two other names - Shamatha without object - open awareess - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7 - adjacency - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - feral children and role of language enculturation in our constructed reality - Deep Humanity BEing journeys to give insight into deeper layer of phenomenological experience

      adjacency - between - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - Dr. Oliver Sacks medical case histories - feral children and absence of enculturation on human experience of reality - potential Deep Humanity BEing journeys to penetrate early deep conceptual layer - new relationship - question - Is shi-ne, in one sense attempting to get us to penetrate our deep conditioning of object permanence in our early child development years? - Before we mastered object permanence, we essentially experienced really as an undivided whole, a gestalt - To understand how non-trivial construction of object permanence is, we can read the late Dr. Oliver Sacks writing on his medical case studies of patients whose medical conditions caused them to experience reality in the danger way ordinary people do - The study of feral children also provides important insights into linguistic conditioning's role in our construction of reality - This area can inspire many important Deep Humanity BEing journeys relating - our habitual propensity to reify - object permanence - Shi-ne meditation and to offer us a way to penetrate our early deep conditioning of object permanence - Doing so allows us to get in touch with a pure, unconditioned, more primordial experience of reality free from layers of deep conceptualisation

    1. I've encountered several people in the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions who say, "Oh, we, you know 'tukdam,' yeah, people go in 'tukdam,' "but it's like, you know, not that big a deal. It's, we don't care that much." Part of the reason they don't care that much is that the idea that you need to go into this completely, kind of, a state where there's no phenomenal content— that's just a pure clear light mind— actually is something that many of the contemporary practitioners and teachers in those lineages don't agree with.

      for - Buddhism - Tibetan - Kagyu and Nyingma schools don't make a big deal out of Tukdam - nondual awareness can emerge with other techniques - key insight - Buddhism - Tibetan - Clear light meditation at time of death - Tukdam - a physiological technique - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne

    1. But once you can write things down, then that mental realm suddenly starts looking timeless and radically different from the world around us. And I think that’s what really created this sense of an interior, what became, with the Greeks and the Christians, a kind of soul; this thing that’s actually made of different stuff. It’s made of spirit stuff instead of matter

      for - new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was WRITING! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton - adjacency - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - writing - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

      adjacency - between - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - transition from oral to written language - adjacency relationship - Interesting that I was just reading an article on language and perception from the General Semantics organization: General Semantics and non-verbal awareness - The claim is that the transition from oral language to written language created the feeling of interiority and of a separate "soul". - This is definitely worth exploring!

      explore claim - the transition from oral language traditions to writing led us to form the sense of interiority and of a "soul" separate from the body - This claim, if we can validate it, can have profound implications - Writing definitely led us to create much more complex words but we were able to do much more efficient timebinding - transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next. - We didn't have to depend on just a few elders to pass the knowledge on. With the invention of the printing press, written language got an exponential acceleration in intergenerational knowledge transmission. - This had a huge feedback effect on the oral language itself, increase the number of words and meanings exponentially. - There are complex recipes for everything and written words allow us to capture the complex recipes or instructions in ways that would overwhelm oral traditions.

      to - article - General Semantics and Non-Verbal Awareness - https://hyp.is/BePQhLvTEe-wYD_MPM9N3Q/www.time-binding.org/Article-Database

  3. Nov 2024
  4. Oct 2024
    1. I dismiss these uneasy whispers. I talk too much. I tell him things Ishouldn't.

      She is aware what she is doing is out of place and her realism is gone. She is a lot less realistic without Moira.

  5. Sep 2024
  6. Aug 2024
    1. when we experience peace what we are experiencing whether we realize it or not is is the background of awareness the background of consciousness who who's whose nature is peace and its peace is present not just in the absence of objective experience it's present during objective experience just as the screen remains present during the movie but we lose contact with it when we lose ourselves in the content of experience

      for question - What is peace? - it is rediscovering our background of awareness - we lose it when we get lost in the content of experience

    2. for - podcast - Adventures in Awareness - episode - Bernardo Kastrup - Rupert Spira

      Summary - A very rich interview with Rupert Spira and Bernardo Kastrup to explore where there perspectives on idealism, materialism and consciousness align and differ. - It appears they mostly align with a few minor differences - Rupert approaches the true nature of mind from an introspective, experiential and meditative angle whilst - Bernardo approaches it from a philosophical and conceptual angle - Rupert opens with a metaphor of the movie vs the movie screen and an accompanying meditation on phenomenological experience and the awareness that experiences all of it - This introduces the audience to experiencing - what Spira alternately calls the true nature of mind and universal consciousness and - what Kastrup refers to as the "ground zero" of consciousness

    1. According to Lacan, the absolute knowledgethat is thus attained is like a symbolic system that expresses theessential structures of reality in its entirety. This final state can-not be described as anything other than perfect self-conscious-ness.

      Thus stating that absolute knowledge is not awareness of the real, as the real's effects but not actuality can be grasped. Simply, absolute knowledge is perfect self-consciousness where knowledge and truth combine

  7. Jul 2024
    1. Today while listening to the song I am reminded, through reflection, upon the fact that it takes quite some self-awareness and intellectual humility to prevent the rigorous defense of uneducated opinion, especially in online intellectual communities.

      "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confucius

      Something that intellectuals must be aware of. We must be flexible in opinion and not defend that which we actually have no knowledge of.

      We can debate for Socratic sakes; to deepen our understanding, but not to persuade... Pitfall is one might come to believe beyond doubts that which one debates for.

      Key is to becoming more aware of our debate behavior and stop ourselves when we realize we can't actually prove that which we think.

      This is especially critical for someone in position of teacher or great advisor; he who is looken up to. People are easier to take their opinion for granted based on "authority". As an ethical intellectual we must not abuse this, either on purpose or by accident. With great power comes great responsibility.

  8. Jun 2024
    1. for - AI - inside industry predictions to 2034 - Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034

      document description - Situational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - author - Leopold Aschenbrenner

      summary - Leopold Aschenbrenner is an ex-employee of OpenAI and reveals the insider information of the disruptive plans for AI in the next decade, that pose an existential threat to create a truly dystopian world if we continue going down our BAU trajectory. - The A.I. arms race can end in disaster. The mason threat of A.I. is that humans are fallible and even one bad actor with access to support intelligent A.I. can post an existential threat to everyone - A.I. threat is amplifier by allowing itt to control important processes - and when it is exploited by the military industrial complex, the threat escalates significantly

  9. Feb 2024
    1. When a person with a disorder is unaware of his or her impairments, clinicians use the term “anosognosia,”

      Anosognosia is a neurological condition in which the patient is unaware of their neurological deficit or psychiatric condition. (Via Google)

    2. an internal tribunal that rules on the soundness of our mental representations, such as a memory or judgment.

      Our own self-awareness serves as an inner courtroom regarding our own judgements, opinions and memories. The judge of this court is one's self. The persecuted is one's self as well. We mandate our own inner court orders. Who better than ourselves is there to offer one's self proper insight?

    3. metacognition.

      Metacognition is the main theme of the article. It is the process of thinking about one's own thinking and learning. (Via Google)

      This ties into the title of Fleming's article: The Power of Reflection.

    1. When a person with a disorder is unaware ofhis or her impairments, clinicians use the term“anosognosia,”

      Anosognosia is a neurological condition in which the patient is unaware of their neurological deficit or psychiatric condition. (Via Google)

    2. metacognition.

      Metacognition is the main theme of the article. It is the process of thinking about one's own thinking and learning. (Via Google)

      This ties into the title of Fleming's article: The Power of Reflection.

    3. an internal tribunal that rules onthe soundness of our mental representations, suchas a memory or judgment.

      Our own self-awareness serves as an inner courtroom regarding our own judgements, opinions and memories. The judge of this court is one's self. The persecuted is one's self as well. We mandate our own inner court orders. Who better than ourselves is there to offer one's self proper insight?

    1. think of lat space as similar to what humans have with like 00:24:30 abstract ideas or if you ever have some intuition about something that you can't fully put into words

      for - definition - latent space

      definition - latent space

      adjacency - between - latent space - tacit awareness in the indyweb - adjacency statement - Latent space is similar to the concept of tacit awareness in the Indyweb

    1. 06:28 TLDR 1. Style is a lifestyle reflection of who you are 2. Good style requires understanding self 3. Bad style is trying to be something that its not

  10. Dec 2023
    1. 20:46 Flow brings you closer to the moment; to the essence of who you are; aligning with certain activities that "fit" with your being

  11. Nov 2023
    1. Otherwise we’d be second-guessing ourselves at every moment: Who is deciding to buy a house or have a child? FV: That’s right. Every decision would be suspect. So evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. That is what the sense of being a separate organism is all about.
      • for: self awareness of no-self, adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella, quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - solidified self, question - awakening to no-self

      • quote: Fransisco Verella

        • Evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. They is what the sense of being a separate organism is about.
      • date: 1999

      • comment

        • Verella claims evolution has designed us to have no self awareness of no-self, the origins of the self.
        • even this phrase seems like an oxymoron 'self awareness of no-self!'
      • question
        • how would a less complex, more primitive life form even have self awareness? What does that mean biologically? At that most rudimentary level, I suppose it would mean sensory feedback signals,
      • question
        • Does this imply that (emotionally or affectively) awakening to your origins of self leads to second guessing ourselves as well? From observation of the behaviour of awakened individuals, this does not seem to be the case. Rather, authentically awakens individuals appear to be associated with much higher levels of wisdom and compassion, which would seem to confer evolutionary fitness
  12. Oct 2023
    1. I'm going to kind of give you my 00:04:56 take on what I believe to have been the natural history of or what I believe is the natural history of awareness a sort of a sequence of innovations that occurred that facilitated the appearance 00:05:09 of consciousness on Earth
      • for: key claim, key claim - natural history of awareness leading evolution of consciousness, natural history - awareness leading to consciousnessn
    2. Dr Dave David Edelman
      • for: Dr. David Edelman, octopus - awareness, evolution of awareness
  13. Sep 2023
    1. several varieties of blind spots.
      • for: blind spots, science - blind spots, aware spot, Wittgenstein, Nishada Kitaro, Douglas Harding, BEing journey, finger pointing to the moon, the man with no head

      • paraphrase

        • blind spot by vacancy
          • ie. black area in visual field.
          • contrast with the rest of the visual field
          • easy to see
      • further research start
        • pure blind spot
          • I did not understand
      • further research end
        • aware spot
          • Douglas Harding ( Man without a head) exercise
          • Wittgenstein also commented on this
            • Nothing in your visual field leads you to infer that it is seen by an eye
            • BEing journey
              • point finger to objects in your visual field
              • then point to yourself
              • what do you see? There's no object there
              • it is empty but is the source of awareness
          • Nishada Kitaro
            • As soon as you adopt the stance of objective knowledge, the knower doesn't enter the visual field
    1. the Bodhisattva vow can be seen as a method for control that is in alignment with, and informed by, the understanding that singular and enduring control agents do not actually exist. To see that, it is useful to consider what it might be like to have the freedom to control what thought one had next.
      • for: quote, quote - Michael Levin, quote - self as control agent, self - control agent, example, example - control agent - imperfection, spontaneous thought, spontaneous action, creativity - spontaneity
      • quote: Michael Levin

        • the Bodhisattva vow can be seen as a method for control that is in alignment with, and informed by, the understanding that singular and enduring control agents do not actually exist.
      • comment

        • adjacency between
          • nondual awareness
          • self-construct
          • self is illusion
          • singular, solid, enduring control agent
        • adjacency statement
          • nondual awareness is the deep insight that there is no solid, singular, enduring control agent.
          • creativity is unpredictable and spontaneous and would not be possible if there were perfect control
      • example - control agent - imperfection: start - the unpredictability of the realtime emergence of our next exact thought or action is a good example of this
      • example - control agent - imperfection: end

      • triggered insight: not only are thoughts and actions random, but dreams as well

        • I dreamt the night after this about something related to this paper (cannot remember what it is now!)
        • Obviously, I had no clue the idea in this paper would end up exactly as it did in next night's dream!
  14. Jul 2023
    1. Much of Buddhist philosophy centers around this same idea, this balance between what’s being phrased as “intention” and “attention” – our intentional curiosity about knowledge and growth, and our choice of where to focus our awareness, what to pay attention to. So that, I think, is the role of information curators: They are our curiosity sherpas, who lead us to things we didn’t know we were interested in until we, well, until we are. Until we pay attention to them — because someone whose taste and opinion we trust points us to them, and we integrate them with our existing pool of resources, and they become a part of our networked knowledge and another LEGO piece in our combinatorial creativity.

      My view: intention as what to gather/learn, attention as what to do in the moment, looking at a note, which makes us aware of that thing, which results into curiosity (also good entry to flow)

    1. Auto pilot questions for silencing thoughts - are my thoughts useful? - how do they behave?

      This kind of speaks to having awareness, and the ability to neutralise thoughts, using self-inquiry (not destroying thoughts, as Eckhardt Tolle does seem to suggest)

    2. Anthony doesn't want to destroy thinking, but, instead, wants to neutralise them. This means that he still has thoughts, like thoughts for intellectual thinking, or thoughts for planning, and so on, but, he wants to neutralise thoughts that seem excessive, not helpful (see questions) - also see comments made on Eckhardt Tolle in previous note - see Shi Heng Yi, and his 4 steps (the fourth one being self-inquiry), and the video on embracing suffering

      • Title
        • consciousness is not in the brain
      • Author
        • Rupert Spira
      • Description
        • Rupert Spira takes the interviewer on a BEing journey to experience awareness directly and answer the question
          • how does consciousness emerge from brains?
  15. Jun 2023
  16. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. The problem with that presumption is that people are alltoo willing to lower standards in order to make the purported newcomer appear smart. Justas people are willing to bend over backwards and make themselves stupid in order tomake an AI interface appear smart

      AI has recently become such a big thing in our lives today. For a while I was seeing chatgpt and snapchat AI all over the media. I feel like people ask these sites stupid questions that they already know the answer too because they don't want to take a few minutes to think about the answer. I found a website stating how many people use AI and not surprisingly, it shows that 27% of Americans say they use it several times a day. I can't imagine how many people use it per year.

  17. Mar 2023
    1. Ritual practice embeds tacit knowledge. Its bodily actions enact meaning and operationalize values. The bodily motions of ritual actions, such as physically sharing drinks and food, and giving gifts, matters because of the reciprocal ideomotor effects of unconscious priming (Kahneman 2011:53). As Lakoff explains, there are connections between metaphoric meanings and bodily actions such that metaphoric associations are embedded in the structures of our brains. Compartmentalism, or “biconceptualism” in his terms, is physical in our brains, and frame shifts can be triggered through bodily movement with priming effects. “Going through the motions” of ritual will have some effects even for those who start off feeling silly for doing it.

      // - this is the mechanism by which ritual practice can bring about interpretive shift unconsciously -because bodily movements have a priming effect - Lakoff points to the concept of "biconceptualism, a compartmentalism in our physical brain

    2. Haluza-Delay’s description of informal and incidental learning sounds much like Michael Polanyi’s (1974) “practical knowledge.” Haluza-Delay discusses it as tacit learning, a term Polanyi introduced. From Polanyi’s description, much of tacit learning is initially conscious, but subsides into subsidiary awareness. People learn values in this fashion, but core values are picked up through imitation without conscious awareness.

      //Summary of Haluza-Delay and Polylani's conception of Tacit Knowledge - Haluza-Delay’s description of informal and incidental learning sounds much like Michael Polanyi’s (1974) “practical knowledge.” - Haluza-Delay discusses it as tacit learning, a term Polanyi introduced. - From Polanyi’s description, much of tacit learning is: - initially conscious, - but subsides into subsidiary awareness - People learn values in this fashion, but core values are picked up through imitation without conscious awareness.

  18. Nov 2022
    1. Wayne Gretzky could skate to where he knew the puck would go because not only did he know what the other players were going to do, he knew how the puck played off the boards differently in every NHL arena.
    2. sportswriters used to talk about how Larry Bird could look at a newspaper photograph from any game he’d played as a Boston Celtic and recall where everyone else had been on the court at that moment, knowledge that informed his play every time he brought the ball forward.
    3. Those inherent physical attributes were not what defines star athletes. The great ones, be it Jordan or Ohtani or Messi or Williams, possess superior knowledge, said the neuro. Tom Brady isn’t a great quarterback because he’s big or has a strong arm. Thousands of men are big with strong arms. Brady is great because he knows more about football, and what he has to do to play it better, than anyone else. His brain has an extraordinary store of football knowledge and the ability to process it at lightning speed.
    4. Your observations here ring true to me. They're also supported by similar observations by Malcolm Gladwell in chapters 8 and 9 (I believe) of Miracle and Wonder. There he's got stories of Wilt Chamberlain and Paul Simon which provide additional examples though he's also attributing some of the success to memory and the idea of situational awareness. He quotes his own researcher there who makes some comments on short versus long artistic careers and how they relate to creativity and longevity. See also this "zettel": https://hypothes.is/a/Kd7X4lvPEe250Gvn57Pbdg

      Gladwell, Malcolm, Bruce Hedlam, and Paul Simon. Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon. Audiobook. Pushkin Industries, 2021. https://amzn.to/3ENU32D

    1. “People always say of great athletes that they have a sixth sense,” Malcolm Gladwell says in Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon. “But it’s not a sixth sense. It’s memory.” Gladwell then analogizes James’ exacting memory to Simon’s. In the way James has precise recall of basketball game situations, Simon has it of sounds and songs. “Simon’s memory is prodigious,” Gladwell says. “There were thousands of songs in his head. And thousands more bits of songs—components—which appeared to have been broken down and stacked like cordwood in his imagination.”

      In Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon, Malcolm Gladwell comments on the prodigious memories of both Paul Simon with respect to sounds and Lebron James with respect to basketball game play.

      Where these sorts of situational memories built and exercised over time or were they natural gifts? Or perhaps natural gifts that were also finely tuned over time?

  19. Oct 2022
  20. Aug 2022
  21. Jul 2022
    1. Not only is such thought beyond representation (and therefore beyond personware) possible,Weaver suggests but its occurrence constitutes a fundamental encounter which brings forth into existenceboth the world and the thinker. As such, thought sans image is deeply disturbing the stability andcontinuity of whatever personware the individual thinker may have been led to identify with andopens wide horizons of cognitive development and transformation ([13]: p. 35).

      !- similar to : Gyuri Lajos idea of tacit awareness !- implications : thought sans image !- refer : Gyuri Lajos https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343523812_Augmenting_Tacit_Awareness_Accepting_our_responsibility_for_how_we_shape_our_tools When one becomes cognizant of thought sans image, then one realizes the relative construction of one's social identity and that offers a freedom to take on another one * therefore, realization of thought sans image opens the door to authentic transformation

      !- question : thought sans image * If, as Weaver suggests, thought sans image is a primordial encounter which brings forth both the thinker and the world thought by the thinker, then this has strong similiarities to a spiritual awakening or enlightenment experience.

    2. However, since this pre-linguistic, pre-iconicthinking sans image, as discussed above, has no definite contour nor contents yet, it does not come withconsolidated mental forms representing such prospective desires in a manner that could be examined,processed and acted upon.

      !- in other words : thought sans image * pre-linguistic, pre-iconic - Gyuri Lajos would call "tacit awareness"

      !- reference : Gyuri Lajos * tacit awareness

    3. Human beings are different from what they seem to be thinking, perceiving, or saying asmediated by social symbolic systems [29 ]. They are different from how they are represented intheir own narratives, they are different from language itself. Interestingly, learning to consciouslybecome aware to that difference—the bare human spirit, the preindividual, or being as becoming asSimondon [30 ] puts it—appears to be the state of mind towards which many spiritual traditionsare guiding. David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) refers to this state as thought sans image [ 13], offering itscontemporary conceptualisation via the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon andGilles Deleuze, in combination with the enactive theory of cognition [14 ] and inputs from complexityscience

      !- key insight : thought sans image !- definition : thought sans image * human beings are NOT defined by what they are thinking, perceiving or saying as mediated by social symbolic systems * They are also NOT defined by their own narratives or language itself - the symbolosphere is culturally imposed upon the bare human being * That primordial nature is described as the bare human spirit, the preindividual, being-as-becoming (Simondon) * Many spiritual traditions guide practitioners to experience this primordial state, the nondual state, stripped of all cultural embellishments * David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) calls this state thought sans image based on the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze and 4E theory of cognition

  22. Apr 2022
  23. Nov 2021
    1. We report the first neural recording during ecstatic meditations called jhanas and test whether a brain reward system plays a rolein the joy reported. Jhanas are Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) that imply major brain changes based on subjective reports:(1) external awareness dims, (2) internal verbalizations fade, (3) the sense of personal boundaries is altered, (4) attention is highlyfocused on the object of meditation, and (5) joy increases to high levels. The fMRI and EEG results from an experienced meditatorshow changes in brain activity in 11 regions shown to be associated with the subjective reports, and these changes occur promptlyafter jhana is entered. In particular, the extreme joy is associated not only with activation of cortical processes but also with activationof the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in the dopamine/opioid reward system. We test three mechanisms by which the subject mightstimulate his own reward system by external means and reject all three. Taken together, these results demonstrate an apparentlynovel method of self-stimulating a brain reward system using only internal mental processes in a highly trained subject.

      I can find no other research on this particular matter. It would be helpful to have other studies to validate or invalidate this one. This method of reward requires a highly-trained participant and involves no external means.

    1. building awareness

      What encompasses building awareness? What do you think are the marks of success?

      What else does this raise? Reply to add your thoughts, a link or ideas – or – add an annotation on a section that appeals to you!

  24. Sep 2021
    1. I'm trying to help in some way by bringing these issues to light so a discussion about them can take place.
    2. I honestly believe that if more people aren't aware of these issues, Firefox for Android might soon end up dying a slow, painful death as its users give up in frustration and leave for better web browsers.
  25. Aug 2021
    1. Our awareness of time may be a function of alanguage ability that developed to facilitate adaptation to a directionless butconstantly changing environment, or it may be a function of awareness ofa basic directional force in the universe preexisting the human brain.
    2. What the Internet has done to date is expand the potentiality formore widespread, instantaneous awareness of activity and consequences on aglobal scale. This means that verifiability need not be personal—so long asreliable information can be retrieved from information systems. But havingretrieved the information or having it instantaneously available does not meanthat we have the capacity to act upon it.
  26. Jun 2021
    1. "I really appreciate the name change [because] it raises awareness," said Javier Cánovas, assistant professor in the SOM Research Lab, at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona. "There are things that we accept as implicit, and we then realize that we can change them because they don't match our society."
  27. May 2021
  28. Apr 2021
  29. Mar 2021
    1. Schoch-Spana, M., Brunson, E. K., Long, R., Ruth, A., Ravi, S. J., Trotochaud, M., Borio, L., Brewer, J., Buccina, J., Connell, N., Hall, L. L., Kass, N., Kirkland, A., Koonin, L., Larson, H., Lu, B. F., Omer, S. B., Orenstein, W. A., Poland, G. A., … White, A. (2020). The public’s role in COVID-19 vaccination: Human-centered recommendations to enhance pandemic vaccine awareness, access, and acceptance in the United States. Vaccine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.10.059

  30. Feb 2021
    1. A part of one’s learning journey, then, is learning that comes by way of critical self-reflection.

      Highlight: Question your own authority or self-governance through self-reflection what a great thought. Many of us never question oursleves or own motivations and this is needed as part of the design journey.

  31. Jan 2021
  32. Sep 2020
    1. my people

      Already I can sense the lack of self-awareness that Franklin has in his position/privilege in life...he doesn’t have the side notes/commentaries of our other two narrators, showing us that he doesn’t feel the need to prove himself because he takes his place in life for granted.

  33. Aug 2020
    1. The stories and forms that religion takes are still driving the aspirations we have for AI. What lies behind this strange confluence of narratives? The likeliest explanation is that when we try to describe the ineffable – the singularity, the future itself – even the most secular among us are forced to reach for a familiar metaphysical lexicon.

      The difference I see is that religion, at its core, is about what is right this moment. Singularity is about what's to come.

      Some religions also talk about the future though.

    1. You cannot imagine what it would be like to be dead, because death is an absence of existence.

      What is existence?

    1. "悟り" "ほとけ" "救い" "しあわせ" などといったものを頭に描いて、それを自分の外に追い求める愚かしさ

      It's not somewhere else

    1. 客人の貴賤・貧富・賢愚・老若職業などにとらわれることなく、さりげなく出された一碗の茶。

      When I am you and you are me, wealth, status, and other attributes don't matter.

    1. 長い人生の中で起こるさまざまな苦悩や困難、それらもすべて観世音菩薩の功徳であると云える。なぜならそれは私という人間に人生の奥深さを知らしめ、より人間的・精神的に成長させるための方便だと云えるからだ。

      Think in terms of absolute good, which is infinite

    1. Sometimes what we receive takes the form of understanding; sometimes what we receive takes the form of no-understanding.

      Is no-understanding/not-knowing a state, and therefore in the relative domain?

    2. Ultimately, shikantaza is absolute, radically nondual non-doing. It’s relying on no contrivance.

      The "do nothing" meditation as Leo put it

    1. 自分がいつもなにげなく歩いている道、毎日ご飯を食べたり、お茶を飲んだりしている、ごくありふれた世界のいたるところに悟りの世界・大安心の境地への道が開けているのです

      It's not somewhere else; it's here.

    1. つねに移り変わりながら、新旧を超えて千古変わらぬ生命が在ることを知らなければなりません

      Something of the absolute? or of changes being the constant.

    1. 「天地と我と同根、万物と我と一体」

      As Reverto from Monster Hunter Stories said, "Be the forest, be the beast."

    2. 「一」にとどまってはいけない

      Integrate your insights with your everyday life

    1. 好日の好は好悪【こうお】の好ではありません。「嵐か、よし、嵐なにするものぞ!」、「失ってしまったか、よし、どうにかこれを改善しよう!」と、積極的に生きる決意 "よし" がこの "好" なのです

      To accept the present

    1. 「美しく咲き乱れる春の花はいったい誰の為に咲くのか」という問いかけの語

      "For whom do you do what you do?"

    1. 「悟り」の豊かなる世界は間違いなくそういった人間的な喜怒哀楽や人間のなりわいの中にこそある

      Because infinity includes everything

    1. あなたの足元に気をつけなさい

      Ask if I'm grounded. Ask if I'm aware in every direction.

    1. 獅子は百獣の王である。その獅子の中の獅子であり、獅子の王が「金毛の獅子」だ

      It is fascinating how relative forms invoke rich associations in us

    1. 菩提、本【も】と樹無し、 明鏡も亦、台に非づ 本来無一物

      Trees and mirrors are relative concepts in the end

  34. Jul 2020
  35. Jun 2020
  36. May 2020
  37. Apr 2020
  38. Feb 2020
  39. Aug 2019
    1. According to Polanyi the universe is not a uniform sea, it contains emergent comprehensive entities, with discernable levels of organisation, which via boundary conditions operate independently of the lower levels from which they emerge. These emergent levels realise various purposes. As Pirsig explains, each level of order has a characteristic defining Quality, material, biological, social, and intellectual. Indwelling within articulations enables us to pursue and reflect upon abstract ideals such as truth, goodness, and beauty. For Polanyi a computer, indeed every sort of machine, is contrived to achieve a purpose. A machine can be programmed to achieve this purpose if the desired behaviour can be described in a way that can be simulated by a universal machine. AI offers the prospect of machines which learn without us having to define every detail of its procedures. But they need to do the right thing in every circumstance. This returns us to our problem, because defining criteria for correct behaviour, for making the right choices, amounts to giving a machine “common sense”. Humans excel in making choices in complex situations because we are guided by our tacit awareness.
    2. n his Post-Critical approach Polanyi reminds us that even our most explicit forms of knowing rely upon our tacit awareness
  40. Jul 2019
    1. The realization of this truth dissolves the beliefs in distance, separation and otherness. The common name we give to this absence of distance, separation and otherness is love and beauty. It is that for which everyone longs – not just those of us that are interested in non-duality but all seven billion of us. In this realization true knowledge and love are revealed to be one and the same – the experiential realization that the true nature of the apparently inside self and the apparently outside world are one single reality made out of the transparent light of Awareness, that is, made out of the intimacy of our own being.
  41. May 2019
    1. Flora Hogman conducted a case study of Second and Third-Generation, and in her sample of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors she noticed that they feel a sense of pride and awe of the survivors. This awareness of the suffering is part of the fabric of their lives, but is channeled into empathy, political activism, greater consciousness of others suffering, and a reluctance to intermarry.
  42. Apr 2019
    1. Trauma victims cannot recover until they become familiar with and befriend the sensations in their bodies. Being frightened means that you live in a body that is always on guard. Angry people live in angry bodies. The bodies of child-abuse victims are tense and defensive until they find a way to relax and feel safe. In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past.
    1. Agency starts with what scientists call interoception, our awareness of our subtle sensory, body-based feelings: the greater that awareness, the greater our potential to control our lives. Knowing what we feel is the first step to knowing why we feel that way. If we are aware of the constant changes in our inner and outer environment, we can mobilize to manage them.
  43. Mar 2019
    1. The local electricity linesmen, electricity inspectors, and other nodal officials in the electricity department also have key roles to play. Building their capacities to disseminate such information and handle consumer queries and concerns, and providing basic training in billing and metering for solar power can go a long way in improving consumers’ experience.

      Why will Discom want to disseminate the information when:

      1. They themselves don't understand how the system works
      2. They feel that rooftop solar will cut into their revenues? Here, instead of a top-down approach or bottom-up approach, RE generators and regulators need to have a 2 pronged synchronous approach to educate people about the technologies.
    1. setting up objectives

      How do we augment our ability as humans to set objectives? How do we observe that process? How do we gain insight into hidden aspects and drivers of setting intention? How do we recognize our own framings? How do we re-frame? If the Anthropocene Epoch means anything, it is that our own emoto-cognitive lenses make all the difference.

  44. Jan 2019
    1. One high-level manager involved with the Federal Response Plan made the following reflection about two weeks after Hurricane Andrew occurred: My feeling is that recovery needs to start day one, or even prior to a disaster. It would be wise to set up a group or task force, or a committee. They get together to gather information as the disaster begins. The potential for fragmentation is enormous. It actually goes back to intelligence, damage information. It is difficult to plan for recovery when you do 001 have a sense for how long it could take. You know, recovery has already begun. FEMA has already issued over one million dollars worth of checks .... Anyway, why not have a recovery unit? That would be cool. They should deal the long term recovery within hazard mitigation. In any event that needs to be happening ftom day one.

      Interesting. This pretty much describes the SBTF mission, per the intelligence gathering.

  45. Nov 2018
    1. “I would have liked to have done things like playing more with her PTSD, maybe having things like twisted versions of sequences of the first game that you have to replay, because she’s always replaying them in her head, and they end in different ways that you didn’t see in the first game, and trying to reflect aspects of PTSD,”

      PTSD is something that a lot of people go through and it isn't particularly highlighted, especially not in games. I think it would have not only been a lot more interesting to show this side of Lara. But, it would have been a great way to connect to a wider audience (people who have gone through trauma). Furthermore, it would be a great way to underline PTSD and maybe a educational way of overcoming it. I would also like to see a different side of Lara that doesn't need a male figure for motivation in her life.

  46. Sep 2018
  47. Jun 2018
  48. May 2018
    1. 5.2.AWARENESS

      Fairly confused by this section. Need to read the cited works -- perhaps there are some clues there to help demystify what Reddy is getting at here.

    2. Sonnenwald, D.H. and L.G. Pierce (2000): Information Behavior in Dynamic Group WorkContexts: Interwoven Situational Awareness, Dense Social Networks and ContestedCollaboration in Command and Control.Information Processing and Management, vol. 36,pp. 461–479.

      Get this paper on context and situational awareness.