- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~5:00 ) Reading Aids should be used after initial interpretation. This is to prevent framing bias.
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
It seems to me farmore likely that a robotic existence would not be like a human one inany sense that we understand, that the robots would in no sense be ourchildren, that on this path our humanity may well be lost.
Here would be a good place to give a solid definition of humanity? What makes it special beyond the "self"?
We are genetically very closely related to great apes and chimpanzees and less closely to dogs, cats, and even rats. Do we miss our dogicity? Or ratanity?
What if the robot/human mix is somehow even more interesting and transcendent than humanity? His negativity doesn't leave any space for this possible eventuality.
- Oct 2023
harpers.org harpers.org
Mehlhorn is determinedly of the view that people can only be motivated by fear: “You cannot get people to vote by getting them to believe that voting and participating will materially improve their lives,” he told Ryan Grim of The Intercept. “What you can get people to get really excited about is: ‘If you participate in politics, you might be able to prevent something really bad from happening to you.’ ”
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I'm actually talking to a group in Hawaii where they want to do the same thing that I did in Finland, as in what were six scenarios to phase it fossil fuels in Finland. Do the same thing in Hawaii. And that's actually now in progress. And the purpose of that work is to be a book in for Iceland, because when we approach Iceland. 01:16:11 How do we do that for Iceland? And so they become two sides to the planet, but you've got an isolated island, they both have geothermal. How would they approach that, and what are their respective problems? So this is the purpose of the global community. We could transfer information from one end of the world to the other. How did we do this? What were the problems? 01:16:35 What were the things that worked? How do we navigate our way out of this? What are the lon-term problems? That's the transfer that's actually happening. So I believe we are looking at the evolution of the human species, like you just said. But if the human species was modeled as a single individual, it'd be like an obese crack 01:17:00 addict that's been told to kick the habit and lose some weight. And it's going to be painful, but this is what we have to do for our survival. And on the other side of that, we're going to be much healthier. This happening at humanity at all scales.
!- Prototypes : Cosmolocal between Finland, Hawaii and Iceland - Michaux is helping a group in Hawaii learn from Finland's experiences and then both of those can be used to demonstrate to Iceland - knowledge transfer between different communities of practice - this could benefit from an interpersonal, open, cosmolocal knowledge network such as Indyweb
you've got groups like Norway that have oil and gas. Even though it's declining, it's some oil and gas. So they could keep the local region going while we're actually constructing this system. But they've also got a lot of hydro, right? Hydro power, a lot. So all right, so we could actually attach industries, sectors to that. Sweden and Finland has a combination of nuclear but also combined heat and power from biomass, 01:13:50 which also is linked to industry. So how do we organize around that? So we are seeing an ordering across for example, several local nation states at the moment. So the size of the circular economy could span say Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland. And you'll have a circular economy-like structure going between them. 01:14:18 But it's actually the energy sources that will organize the industry, and the industry will organize everything else.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Manufacturing - More examples: Norway - Oil & Gas, while constructing the future systems, Hydro. Sweden and Finland: nuclear and heat/power from biomass - circular economies between them
I put forward the idea that what might work in the future is alliance between industrial clusters. Not between political nations, industrial clusters. 01:12:58 And you might have a cluster around for example, in Iceland, they've got a lot of geothermal. So much that they can make aluminum, which is almost pure electricity, right? So geothermal makes heavy industries, things like aluminum. They could also make lots of ammonia or hydrogen using the heat. So that's a hub.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Manufacturing - industrial hubs will emerge where it makes sense - example: Iceland's plentiful geothermal will spawn industrial hub for smelting, or ammonia or hydrogen using the heat
Current manufacturing at the moment is dependent on a very complex, six continent, just in 01:10:00 time supply grid. And when we build something like a computer, it's tough. Pulling stuff from all over the world, and it is like the transport of material goods is irrelevant. It's based on that assumption. I think it will become more regional. Now the current manufacturing system will start to fragment I believe, and we will see the components part of the value chain crash. 01:10:24 Like for example, microchips to go into cars are becoming a problem. Therefore cars are not being produced as much anymore. That's the example. But we'll start seeing that in other sectors. So I can see a situation where the value chain around the components will break down, but then before that, there'll be the ability for smelters to produce metals will start 01:10:49 to become difficult, because concentrate getting to them is no longer what they need to produce effectively. So the part on the end, the car on the showroom floor is the very end of the value chain. And they will become less available and less accessible because the value chain before them is starting to fragment. So when it fragments, we will develop a new technology that is more primitive, is more 01:11:18 robust, can be subject to change, and is more adaptable. And will be sourced within say a 500 kilometer radius around from where the final product winds up. Nate Hagens: So when you say we in this case, do you mean all of humanity, or do you mean those communities and 500 kilometer regions that are thinking 01:11:42 or working ahead? Or how did this come about? Because my challenge with all this is it all generally makes sense. And of course I have a probabilistic view of the future. So we could kick the can another decade maybe, or this could all be upon us by next summer. I don't know. But there will be these parallel things. There's a lot of people that are chomping at the bit to work on the future that you're 01:12:09 describing. But those people are still a tiny fraction of those riding shotgun on the super organism where we need growth, and economies and jobs are going to be the thing that dictate our elections and everything else. And energy security will trump lower carbon, etc. And so we will be pedal to the metal until we hit a wall. 01:12:34 What you're talking about is once we hit a wall, these are the things that need to be in motion.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Manufacturing - global supply chains are very fragile and not resilient - such systems will begin to fragment as different parts become more scarce, more expensive, it affects anything downstream of the value chain - cars and computers will be produced less if microchips or the minerals that make them up become more scarce - more primitive, available, less energy dense minerals and technologies available within short distance (ie. 500 km) will come to dominate
Well, we're first going to have a frank discussion of what minerals we think we need versus what we've got. And then we're going to realize what we've got won't work with the existing plan. And we'll start doing things like making batteries out of sodium, or sand, silica, or fluoride, or zinc, or lead. Nate Hagens: Lower tech, scalable things that don't give us the dopamine return on investment, but they are cheap and functional. 01:07:52 Simon Michaux: And can be recycled. So we're going to first scale back our expectations and our requirements for complex technology. We'll develop a technology that is simpler, more robust, and can deal with poorer quality material inputs, and require less energy to produce. Nate Hagens: How much of this is happening now in this domain? Simon Michaux: So there's a lot of talk at the moment that 01:08:18 the current mining industry is driven by demand and it's driven by money and by profit. So at the moment, there is just a bit of talk. And we're starting to talk about alternatives, like batteries made of fluoride for example. But at the moment, it's not taken seriously. And the future is seen as lithium iron based chemistry, like LFP batteries for example. And that is the focus, 100% of the time. 01:08:44 And so they're giving it lip service now, whereas five, 10 years ago, they wouldn't concede it existed at all. So it is progress. So first of all, we're going to change what we are going think we're going to do. Then we're going to start sourcing our minerals from our waste products because it's all around us.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - need frank discussion about what we need for which futures trajectory, how much actually exists - from that, the truth will emerge that our current plans are unrealistic and we will have to change trajectories to adapt
One of the things that concern me is copper. So we need about 4.3 billion tons of copper for the first generation of electrical, non-renewable technology systems. Including everything's stitched together. So 4.3 billion tons. 01:04:25 Nate Hagens: And if we relax your assumption of four weeks of buffer and that we have some hybrid system of depleting fossil fuels with some renewables, that 4.3 billion tons could be relaxed to 3.3 or 2.2 billion tons? Simon Michaux: I think it's 2.2 billion tons. It substantially does reduce. However, we are producing for copper say 24 million tons a year now. 01:04:53 So we've got to run at 180 years to hit that point. So existing at- Nate Hagens: It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. And here's the other thing, and I'm sorry to interrupt. But Olivia Lazard is going to be on this show in a few weeks and her work is the countries where this stuff comes from. 01:05:17 And not only are they war-torn and have inequality issues, but there are also many of the countries that are going to be influenced dramatically in the near term from higher wet bulb risk to humans climate impacts. And we won't even be able to extract in these countries because of social and environmental 01:05:45 reasons. I can send you some info on that. Simon Michaux: Yes, please. But these are the things we need to get our arms around. So our copper reserves at the moment are at 880 million tons. Now existing growth, that's according to the USGS, US Geological Survey. So prior to 2020, humanity mined 700 million tons of copper back to 4,000 BC. 01:06:10 And that sounds like a lot. But to keep up with copper growth, copper demand growth, just the way we are now without electrifying, we will do the same in the next 22 years. So the last 4,000 years will be compressed into 22 years to keep up with the economic growth as it's increasing. And so the first generation, let's say the 4.3 billion tons is correct. 01:06:33 That is 6.2 times the historical mining rate back to 4,000 BC. So if we are right and we can shrink that buffer down, we are still three times the historical rate. Nate Hagens: Not the historical rate. The historical total cumulative
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - There just isn't enough copper to meet the target of full electrification - We would need 6.2x the copper we've mined since 4000 BC. - At current mining extraction rates, it would take 180 years to mine all this material, if it existed in the first place!
this is part of the problem that we're having at the moment, where one part of society is not connected to other parts of society, and they just don't actually know what they're missing. So first of all, most of the non fossil fuel system has not been constructed yet. Less than 1% of vehicles are EV now, for example. 01:03:11 As as it has to be constructed, we can't recycle it. So the first generation at least must come from mining. But if it was all manufactured tomorrow or next year say, it's not for about 10 years that we've actually, when they all wear out the first generation of materials to come in, that's enough for recycling. And so recycling, if it is going to work... And I believe it will, but that's many years into the future.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - Effective recycling won't have impact until many years into the future because most of the non-fossil fuel systems have not yet been built. There will be a 10 year lag time before we have major amounts to recycle
Minerals are a thing at the moment where they're sort of seen as a side issue. And in fact in Europe in particular, we don't like the idea of mining at all. It's seen as dirty. And what's interesting is if the environmental movement not make friends with the mining industry, then its green transition will not happen. Right? That's the brutal truth. So I can see a situation where the environmental movement and the mining industry will join 01:01:21 hands, and both groups will evolve their practice to meet the other side halfway. And for example, every mine site will be rehabilitated when it's finished to the point where it can now be a natural biodiversity hub. All toxins are removed completely from the environment. That is possible.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - environmentalists and mining industry will need to work together
Sewage sanitation. 00:54:26 Now again, this is not a very fashionable thing to talk about. But in the past, especially when a hurricane hits and devastates a town, if you don't get the ability for people to go to the toilet and wash their hands and sanitation disease starts rippling through the area and cripples everything. And it can corrupt food, it can corrupt water. And so it's a system that allows humans to live in dense population areas together safely 00:54:55 and healthily. Now at the moment we have these systems which are citywide, and they use electrical power to push things along. And the problem here is maintenance. This is talking to the complexity issue. How can we maintain such a complex system in a low energy world where we won't have the ease to go out and maintain such things easily? So we have whole sections of the network breaking down, and they'll be really hard to keep going. 00:55:23 So we're going to go from a big system, to a series of localized systems that can connect to each other if they chose, or disconnect if they need to, while one system goes down for maintenance. And again, we're going to have to use technology that may not necessarily use power. What if we used gravity again to try and push all these systems through? And instead of actually using chemicals to treat the water plant, what if we had these 00:55:50 big ponds that used different plants and animals to process human sewage and the bacteria out? In permaculture, there's a lot of discussion about gray water systems and black water systems. Start thinking in those terms, but on a larger scale.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Sanitation - if sanitation doesn't work, it can lead to breakdown and corruption of water system, food system, habitation and disease. - again, like water, too centralized and energy intensive - migrate to decentralized, relocalized, autonomous networks using natural treatment such as plants, wetlands, etc
A water potable water supply that is say for three or four suburbs in a city together, and there'll be a standalone system. So if that system needs maintenance and goes down for a bit, the systems around it keep going. Whereas at the moment, if you have one problem in a water plant, the whole city goes down.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Water - decentralized water plant that supplies a few suberbs is far more resilient
So it's not just water. We need water that's not polluted. And so that there are drinking water standards that need to be adhered to. So traditionally we just get that out of a stream or a pond. But now we've got so much population in areas which the climate doesn't lend itself to supplying such a lot of water for so many people. So we need to seriously think about how do we actually provide clean drinking water. 00:52:16 And if we don't, and this is the problem with the next one, which is sanitation. If we don't have proper drinking water, we start having disease rippling through our society, which will cripple us, our ability to do certain things. And so we have to have the ability to filter water. And so we might move into a society where water will have to be filtered through, you can make a filter with things like charcoal and rock and gravel. 00:52:42 And water might have to go through that to remove its bacteria load. See at the moment, our water is purified in water purification plants, but they're done centrally and their water's pushed out along all these pipes all over the city. So what if that is no longer practical? For example, we can't maintain such a large network of pipes anymore easily. So we might have to go to a more localized way of managing water.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Water - future may see us going to decentralized water systems due to energy intensity of operating current system of long networks of pipelines and pumps - sanitation and water closely linked, poor potable water leads to poor sanitation, and to increased disease burden
in food, what it means is local communities will start to grow their own food. So all the food you eat will be grown completely in say a 50 kilometer radius radius or 100 kilometer radius.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Food - food production will be relocaized - most food produced within 50 km radius, 100 km maximum - as per commons cosmolocal production, knowledge can be shared between production centers for greater efficacy (Gien)
f we can't get food services to them, it becomes easier to break those large cities up into smaller communities that are more decentralized.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Food - may need to break up large cities to a network of smaller, decentralized communities, each responsible for their own food production
So food will be re-engineered where a lot of our fertilizers and will be developed organically or partially organically, locally. Now we could use industry to do that, but it'll be done locally. And so what we call food will have to actually more mirror and work with the environment, not against it. Current industrial agriculture works against the environment. Our new systems will have to use biomimicry in a greater scale, and work with the local 00:50:38 environment. And so will we.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Food - fully or partially organic - can have industrial automation, but at local scale - biomimicry to work with nature instead of against it
So food at the moment, five, 600 years ago, everyone grew their own food and they grew 00:46:07 it locally. And then we invented industrial agriculture, which is supported by petrochemicals. At the moment, our food is created in vast quantities causing enormous problems very far away. I can see a problem with petrochemicals because it's causing land degradation and it's overloading the nitrogen and phosphorous cycles on a global scale. So the food system's going to have to be radically engineered, and it will have to become more 00:46:32 local, and almost certainly have to become organic in some form. And so what that means is- Nate Hagens: Why? Simon Michaux: Okay, so at the moment we're using petrochemicals. And those petrochemicals, for every bushel of wheat that we send to the market, 0.8 cubic meters of soil is being sterilized. And you could argue it's improper use of those petrochemicals is making that happen. 00:46:55 But the reality is because there's a money profit to it, that's exactly what people are doing. And so it's not just the fact that it's made on things like phosphate rock and gas, which are non-renewable resources, but how we're actually applying it is interacting with the environment in a destructive fashion. And it's not just destructive in one sector. Multiple sectors across the environment are getting hammered by this. 00:47:20 And we are required to withdraw from those sectors, let those sectors heal naturally, and help that along, but then re-engineer our food systems. Now at the moment, the old school plans for this is GMO technology connected to more petrochemicals managed by AI systems, and most of the farming will be done by robots. 00:47:43 That's the vision for the future by groups like say BASF. I think that will be work in a short term, but it'll be disastrous in the long term. We actually create a worse problem. Nate Hagens: BASF doesn't make our food, they make the food- Simon Michaux: Chemical. They make the chemicals for the fertilizers and the petrochemicals, but this is their vision of the future. I attended one of their meetings. 00:48:07 Nate Hagens: So the future of food then, a conclusion echoed by many other of my podcast guests is we're going to have to have more human labor inputs relative to today. Simon Michaux: So every more people will have to be involved in the actual production of food. One thing we have lots of is humans. Now humans are an amazingly adaptive unit that can do work, and we have energy. 00:48:35 And so more people will be involved in more things. We have to work harder for a smaller outcome. At all levels, we're going to have less actions taken of higher quality. So we're going to go from quantity plus dopamine hit is going to transfer to quality plus much less of.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing of food - will have to greatly relocalize - autonomous of any destructive petrochemicals that result in soil sterilization/death - Green growth solution, exemplified by BASF is to use GMO technology that uses more petrochemicals, AI and robots - this is not sustainable in the long term, in fact disasterous -
how would the energy systems be different in the new system under your Maslow hierarchy framing? 00:43:15 Simon Michaux: I've been giving some thought about what energy actually is and how does it serve us. At the moment, energy is used for transport a lot. So our energy systems will have to empower transport somehow differently. And so this is the whole electric vehicles and buses. So I think the electric system will happen, but at least substantially smaller. 00:43:42 Excuse me. So for example, we would see more buses, more communal transport, and less individual cars. We might have the idea of car sharing where instead of owning a car, we might book a car in. This is the idea of the self-driving car. That might happen in a small scale. It won't be enough to replace our existing systems. 00:44:05 So the form of energy comes when it comes. It will be different to what we have now. And everything around it, including our technology, will have to evolve. And part of that I can see for example, instead of one big giant seamless power grid that delivers sinusoidally pure power all the time, and our electronics cannot cope with anything else, I can see a situation where we will evolve an engineering electronics that can 00:44:29 cope with variable power. So if a power grid goes up or down, if we get power blackouts, it doesn't cook the electronics. So instead of seamless, we now have a non-linear production of power and its outcomes. So that means- Nate Hagens: There would be no demand for such a product now. Simon Michaux: No, no. Because no one thinks it's necessary. So if instead of one big grid, we had lots of micro grids that are connected together. 00:44:54 And they sometimes transfer power between them. And sometimes when things get difficult, they could shut down one or all of them without actually damaging themselves and they could start up at any time. And each of those micro power grids will be around an industrial activity of value. For example, a power grid will be around a hospital. And that hospital will then also be surrounded by a community of people who operate that 00:45:18 hospital. And the food systems for that hospital, but all comes off that one power grid. It's reason to be is that hospital. And we might attach schools to it, that sort of thing. And so our energy will be organized very differently. And so it may well be things like solar panels, wind turbines. But we should also consider unconventional stuff, like some of the really weird ones, like the kinetic kites are an unusual energy system. 00:45:43 I don't know if they're viable in the current environment. But if things get more difficult, we might try such things. All unconventional and unorthodox ideas must be looked at and taken seriously, and the alternative is we go without. That's how I sort of see energy going.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing of Energy - substantially lower energy than currently available - many autonomous, mesh-networked micro-grids around which appropriate human functions will be simultaneously served by
- biomimicry
- maslow's hierarchy framing for energy
- recycling
- cosmolocal production
- Maslow's hierarchy framing for Manufacturing
- relocalize
- relocalization
- indyweb
- Copper shortage
- Maslow's hierarchy framing for sanitation
- dividing large cities
- Maslow's hierarchy framing for food
- decentralization
- Maslow's hierarchy framing for water
- cosmolocal
- Maslow's hierarchy framing for minerals
- Sep 2022
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
While targeted at young girls and meant to empower them, there's a hint of math shaming in Danica McKellar's math books, particularly "Math Doesn't Suck." While trying to flip the script, the title tacitly acknowledges that everyone thinks "math sucks". Why not start from a wholly positive framing rather than ceding the opposite's argument from the start?
- Aug 2022
jvns.ca jvns.ca
browsers aren’t magic! All the information browsers send to your backend is just HTTP requests. So if I copy all of the HTTP headers that my browser is sending, I think there’s literally no way for the backend to tell that the request isn’t sent by my browser and is actually being sent by a random Python program
This calls for a perspective shift: that "random Python program" is your browser.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I really love something about the phrase "get them [ideas] into a form that students can work with them". There's a nice idea of play and coming to an understanding that I get from it. More teachers should frame their work like this.
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
Giving Your First Brain a New Job
This entire chapter thus far (to the end of this section at minimum) sounds like it would have been better motivating material.
It also has a more touchy-feely and less concrete nature which puts in the self-help category and not so much in the tools for thought space.
- Mar 2022
Orality is a technology or as a tool for thinking.
- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 20). @timcolbourn @OmicronData I’m sorry but I genuinely do not see how this is a response to what I said about the presuppositions in the ‘delay framing’? This reply is about your views on disease burden, not -as mine is- how choice of terminology implicitly shapes the argument space [Tweet]. @i. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1484191657318879234
reallifemag.com reallifemag.com
This is a widespread mistake among those who think that a sexy note-taking app like Roam will suddenly free their minds, or that they can train themselves into geniuses with enough spaced repetition, or that they can build a zettelkasten capable of thinking original thoughts for them.
Thinking that the tool will solve a particular problem without knowing what the tool does or how to use it properly will surely set one up for failure. You can use a screwdriver like a hammer, but your results won't be as good as using a hammer and using it properly.
- Jan 2022
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
Still, persuasiveness need not take the form of logicalargumentation; it can just as easily involve appeal to sentiment,whipping up passions, deploying poetic metaphors, appealing tomyth or proverbial wisdom, employing irony and indirection, humour,insult, or appeals to prophecy or revelation; and the degree to whichone privileges any of these has everything to do with the rhetoricaltradition to which the speaker belongs, and the presumeddispositions of their audience.
A list of means of persuasiveness:
- use of logical argumentation
- appeal to sentiment
- whipping up passions
- deploying poetic metaphors
- appeal to mythology, proverbial or ancient wisdom
- irony
- indirection
- humor
- insult
- prophecy/revelation
- appeal to the rhetorical tradition to which the speaker belongs (pathos, ethos, etc.)
- presumed disposition of the audience
What others are there?
Certainly Donald Trump didn't use logical argumentation. He didn't even frame things as being for something so much as being against other things.
roam.elaptics.co.uk roam.elaptics.co.uk
In my very next letter, Letter XVI, I reported that Conor had perhaps heard our concerns about the cult connotations, and also decided to move away from the use of it too.
I always thought of the #RoamCult hashtag as a bit tongue-in-cheek, but certainly something with a more positive framing could be chosen.
It's interesting to hear that the project seems to have gone quiet and that the perception is that people are leaving for other projects (many of them open source, which is one of the spaces many of the early adopters were already working in).
There's definitely a drive in a lot of this space for people to own their own data given it's direct value to them over other (more social facing) tools.
www.noemamag.com www.noemamag.com
The scientific consensus has shifted so much that Richard Dawkins, in the 30th-anniversary edition of “The Selfish Gene,” wrote that he could just as accurately have called his book “The Cooperative Gene.” Perhaps decades of our economic and political lives would have been much less harmful if he had.
I do like the more positive framing of "The Cooperative Gene."
- Dec 2021
Local file Local file
Three themes drawn from this literatur
The author begins to create a framework for her analysis on other theory. From what makes inter-organizational partnerships tick, to how they persist and persevere, to how effectively they can articulate demands and thus influence policy. From this she draws out dependent variables (outcomes of the process).
- Sep 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lazić, A., & Zezelj, I. (2021). Negativity In Online News Coverage Of Vaccination Rates In Serbia: A Content Analysis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nqjb9
Cheek, N. N., Reutskaja, E., & Schwartz, B. (2021). Balancing the Freedom-Security Tradeoff During Crises and Disasters [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8y2zt
- Aug 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Skylark, W. J. (2021). When is there a more-credible effect? [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7mysg
- Jul 2021
Bressan, P. (2021). Strangers look sicker (with implications in times of COVID-19). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x4unv
- cognitive psychology
- cultural psychology
- life science
- prejudice
- pathogen avoidance
- cross-cultural psychology
- lang:en
- framing
- ingroup
- behavioural immune system
- behavioural science
- COVID-19
- outgroup
- psychological adaptation
- heuristic
- is:preprint
- family
- emotion regulation
- facial resemblance
- infectious disease
- bias
- social science
- emotion
- survival
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Taber, J. M., Thompson, C. A., Sidney, P. G., O’Brien, A., & Updegraff, J. (2021). Experimental Tests of How Hypothetical Monetary Lottery Incentives Influence Vaccine-Hesitant U.S. Adults’ Intentions to Vaccinate. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ux73h
- Jun 2021
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Penţa, M. A., & Băban, A. (2018). Message Framing in Vaccine Communication: A Systematic Review of Published Literature. Health Communication, 33(3), 299–314. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2016.1266574
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Agarwal, A. (2021). The Accidental Checkmate: Understanding the Intent behind sharing Misinformation on Social Media. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kwu58
- Apr 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Civai, C., Caserotti, M., Carrus, E., Huijsmans, I., & Rubaltelli, E. (2021). Perceived scarcity and cooperation contextualized to the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zu2a3
- Feb 2021
www.priceintelligently.com www.priceintelligently.com
Almost no one ever pays full price. In fact, studies show that people are much more inclined to pay $25 for an item valued at $50, than paying for the same item without a sale at $25. It’s all about the “price framing” of a product that creates a perceived value, which all leads to the excitement of getting a good deal
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
panzeri, f., Di Paola, S., & Domaneschi, F. (2020, October 30). Does the COVID-19 war metaphor influence reasoning? Socio-political factors mediate the framing effect. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/q5d48
- Jan 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Hulme and colleagues set out to reveal patterns of attention and, in particular, patterns of framing6 with regards to how climate change is portrayed in these editorials, and how these patterns are related to wider political and scientific events. The authors identified frames by reading and discussing nearly 500 editorials on climate change (333 in Nature, 160 in Science) published in the two journals between 1966 and 2016, extracted using search terms such as ‘climate’, ‘greenhouse’, ‘carbon’, ‘warming’, ‘weather’, ‘atmosphere’ and ‘pollution’.
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The web annotations can also help us make connections to prior experiences you may have had, current experiences you are having, or potential future experiences you may have (e.g., your field experience, future classroom, or work-related experiences).
(1) to what extent were students’ interactions expansively framed, (2) how was expansive framing related to individual learning outcomes, and (3) what was it about expansively framed interactions that appeared generative.
Expansive framing pushes learners to (a) be publicly recognized as authors of the connections they are making to other learning contexts, (b) be held accountable for their contributions, and (c) feel encouraged to adapt and generate new connections.
This could be used in the application of theories.
- Oct 2020
www.foldmagazine.com www.foldmagazine.com
But then I learned a Norwegian phrase which eloquently explains that the longest mile of any journey is stepping across your doorstep and starting. They call it ‘The Doorstep Mile’.
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13753/
twitter.com twitter.com
Alexandra Freeman on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from https://twitter.com/alex_freeman/status/1313533304696639489
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam Kucharski on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 5, 2020, from https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1312749950028189697
- Sep 2020
Spiegelhalter, D. (2020). Use of “normal” risk to improve understanding of dangers of covid-19. BMJ, 370. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3259
critter.cloudns.org critter.cloudns.org
All that inflated self importance trying to coddle the bride into a false sense of security, giving her an illusion of power so she’ll willingly undertake a ritual to strip her of power and individuality.
That sense is accurate, not inflated. Having a white knight defending your right to social dominance within a relationship is female privilege. Her husband will be duly, bitterly, reminded of his subhuman status till the end of his days.
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8-Up works like this: 1. Get eight people in a room and ask them a design ques-tion like “How might we do a better job of moving peo-ple around?”2. Then tell them: “You each have three minutes to come up with three ideas for how we might do a better job of moving people around.”3. Once those three minutes have passed, all eight people should have three ideas each. You then tell them: “Great, now turn to your neighbor, show them your three ideas, they will show you their three ideas, take those six ideas and whittle them down to two.”4. After they’ve done that, say to each pair: “Okay, show your two ideas to the pair next to you. They’ll show you their two ideas. Take those four ideas and whittle them down to two.”5. After that, you’ll have two groups of four with two ideas each. You get all eight people together and say: “Take those four ideas and whittle them down to one.”This tends to produce better ideas than just saying, “Hey, eight people, come up with ideas and we’ll vote on the best one.” Or: “Hey, eight people, I’m gonna lock you in a room until you agree on an idea.”
How about the opposite of this with throwing out the worst option first as a means of setting a bar for coming up with better. Example: In a group of people going out to lunch, suggest everyone goes to McDonalds, a restaurant you're reasonably sure no one will want to go to, to get better ideas. This is another sort of framing by creating a dreadfully low set point.
Question design is one of the key tools we have at our disposal when trying to get people to work together. The art of turning a “should” statement into a “how might we” statement works something like this: for any “should” question, understand what the goal of the proposed solution is, and then frame a “how” question around that goal.
Again, we only changed a few words, but that new frame engenders a completely different conversation. This is why designers love the phrase “How might we...”—because it opens up the conversation to solutions.
Framing the problem can create different sorts of solutions
uclaspecialevents.ucla.edu uclaspecialevents.ucla.edu
How will artists help us through this? (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2020, from http://uclaspecialevents.ucla.edu/arts-resilience
- Aug 2020
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Much of the fire-suppression apparatus — the crews themselves, the infrastructure that supports them — is contracted out to private firms. “The Halliburton model from the Middle East is kind of in effect for all the infrastructure that comes into fire camps,” Beasley said, referencing the Iraq war. “The catering, the trucks that you can sleep in that are air-conditioned…”
critter.cloudns.org critter.cloudns.org
making rich men very rich
Rich men have rich wives, who are entitled to half their assets. Just to put things into perspective here.
They want women to deserve to be barred from higher education.
Wrong. Desperate horny men like you want women at all costs. You pretend not to realize that men opening up their spaces to the opposite sex is the default social dynamic, even though females never reciprocate in kind when it comes to sharing their spaces. Elite schools that only let males to attend is a fickle thing that only survives as long as wise men have enough of a political wherewithal to sustain the safe space. Yes, the conversation that you'll never bring up, is the fact that males need safe spaces to learn and develop too, even more than girls.
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The framing effect, which is the bias the above examples exploit, is in my opinion the most dangerous bias in the world.
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Economic Policies for COVID-19. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/pp156/
- Jul 2020
osf.io osf.io
Hameleers, M. (2020). Prospect Theory in Times of a Pandemic: The Effects of Gain versus Loss Framing on Policy Preferences and Emotional Responses During the 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/7pykj
Yildirim, U. (2020). Disparate Impact Pandemic Framing Decreases Public Concern For Health Consequences [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/rs3va
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ecker, U. K. H., Butler, L. H., Cook, J., Hurlstone, M. J., Kurz, T., & Lewandowsky, S. (2020). Using the COVID-19 Economic Crisis to Frame Climate Change as a Secondary Issue Reduces Mitigation Support [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zc2q8
- Jun 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Saltelli, A., Bammer, G., Bruno, I., Charters, E., Di Fiore, M., Didier, E., Nelson Espeland, W., Kay, J., Lo Piano, S., Mayo, D., Pielke Jr, R., Portaluri, T., Porter, T. M., Puy, A., Rafols, I., Ravetz, J. R., Reinert, E., Sarewitz, D., Stark, P. B., … Vineis, P. (2020). Five ways to ensure that models serve society: A manifesto. Nature, 582(7813), 482–484. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01812-9
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Berg, A. C. van den, Giest, S. N., Groeneveld, S. M., & Kraaij, W. (n.d.). Inclusivity in Online Platforms: Recruitment Strategies for Improving Participation of Diverse Sociodemographic Groups. Public Administration Review, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13215
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Sharma, N., Uttrani, S., & Dutt, V. (2020, June 19). Modeling the Absence of Framing Effect in an Experience-based Covid-19 Disease Problem. 18th Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342313460_Modeling_the_Absence_of_Framing_Effect_in_an_Experience-based_Covid-19_Disease_Problem
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r/BehSciResearch—A global test of message framing on behavioural intentions, policy support, information seeking, and experienced anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/oIBXORAWwM. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/g7zj9f/a_global_test_of_message_framing_on_behavioural/
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Wallis, P., & Nerlich, B. (2005). Disease metaphors in new epidemics: The UK media framing of the 2003 SARS epidemic. Social Science & Medicine, 60(11), 2629–2639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2004.11.031
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Chong, D., & Druckman, J. N. (2007). Framing Theory. Annual Review of Political Science, 10(1), 103–126. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.polisci.10.072805.103054
Falco, P., & Zaccagni, S. (2020). Promoting social distancing in a pandemic: Beyond the good intentions [Preprint]. Open Science Framework. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/a2nys
oxfordre.com oxfordre.com
Oxley, Z. (2020, May 29). Framing and Political Decision Making: An Overview. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1250
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ryan, W., & Evers, E. (2020). Logarithmic Axis Graphs Distort Lay Judgment. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cwt56
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Romano, A., Sotis, C., Dominioni, G., & Guidi, S. (2020). COVID-19 Data: The Logarithmic Scale Misinforms the Public and Affects Policy Preferences [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/42xfm
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Jordan, J., Yoeli, E., & Rand, D. (2020). Don’t get it or don’t spread it? Comparing self-interested versus prosocially framed COVID-19 prevention messaging. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yuq7x
- Mar 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
how the computer can be made to watch for some kinds of plan-change possibilities, and to point them out to the human when they arise.
Augmenting discoverability of adjacent possibles. A deeper level is that of discovering framing, and opportunities for re-framing & paradigm shifting.
setting up objectives
How do we augment our ability as humans to set objectives? How do we observe that process? How do we gain insight into hidden aspects and drivers of setting intention? How do we recognize our own framings? How do we re-frame? If the Anthropocene Epoch means anything, it is that our own emoto-cognitive lenses make all the difference.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
alternative frame
Reminds me of Erving Goffman's frame analysis . A way in which to organize.
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journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
indexing hyp~thesis,~~ news professionals tend to “index” the range of viewpoints according to the range of views expressed in the mainstream government debate
News media are often criticized for reducing important social issues to mere individual-level problems
Reasons why news coverage of social issues tends to skew individual-level:
- American culture is individualistic
- Societal approaches/solutions seen as too radical (economically, political)
- News coverage tends to be episodic, focusing on the individual
The discussion of responsibility involves two conflicting views.
Two conflicting views of responsibility attributions:
- societal: social or structural issues are at the heart of the problem, and need to be addressed through social forces (e.g. policies, business practices, laws, etc)
- individual: social problems are largely caused by individual deficiencies; change efforts tend to focus on modifications of problematic behaviours
Attributions of responsibility can be categorized into two types: causal and treatment responsibilities
Causal responsibility: what/who is the source of the problem Treatment responsibility: who has the power or the responsibility to alleviate the problem
internal and external factors of news organizations that may affect how journalists frame a given issue.I3 First, social norms and cultural values can affect the way an issue is framed.
Factors that influence frame building:
- social norms and cultural values
- organizational pressurs and constraints
- pressures from interest groups
- professional routines
- characteristics of individual journalists
rame building captures what roles are played by social and structur- al factors in the media system and by the characteristics of individual journalists in influencing the production and modification of frames
cmci.colorado.edu cmci.colorado.edu
Calling upon media theory, which considers how mass media frames and focusesthekind ofattention an eventreceives,e.g., [4,8], social media can do the same.
Evokes media framing and Chouliaraki's work on distant suffering
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, journalists look for "pegs"-that is, topical events that provide an opportunity for broader, more long-term coverage and commentary
Pegs: key topical events that journalists use to provide broader coverage and commentary about an ongoing issue. Aka "critical discourse moments" (Chilton, 1987)
if packages and their elements are essential tools, then it makes a considerable difference that some are more readily available than others. Making sense of the world requires an effort, and those tools that are developed, spotlighted, and made readily accessible have a higher probability of being used
i.e. the most available and accessible frames are the most likely to influence public opinion
While an indi- vidual columnist is not expected to provide more than one package, a range of "liberal" and "conservative" commentators are used to observe this norm
Balance Norm, a media practice that influences framing
metaphors, catchphrases, visual images, moral appeals, and other symbolic devices that characterize this discourse
Interpretive packages: the clusters of metaphors, catchphrases, visual images, moral appeals, and other symbolic devices that characterize the discourse around a policy issue, giving meaning to relevant events.
deas and language resonate with larger cultural themes. Resonances increase the appeal of a package; they make it appear natural and familiar.
Cultural resonances: ideas or language within an interpretive package that resonate with larger cultural themes, increasing the appeal of the package.
Packages frequently have sponsors, interested in promoting their careers. Sponsorship is more than merely advocacy, in- volving such tangible activities as speech making, interviews with jour- nalists, advertising, article and pamphlet writing, and the filing of legal briefs to promote a preferred package
Sponsor activities: speech making, interviews with journalists, article and pamphlet writing, etc to promote a specific package, usually based off of some collective agenda. Sponsors could be organizations, political parties, activists, companies, etc and often employ PR specialists.
. Journalists' working norms and practices add consid- erable value to the process
Media practices: journalists' working norms and practices that add value to the process of constructing interpretive packages
Media packages.-We suggested earlier that media discourse can be conceived of as a set of interpretive packages that give meaning to an issue. A package has an internal structure. At its core is a central organiz- ing idea, orframe, for making sense of relevant events, suggesting what is at issue
Each system interacts with the other: media discourse is part of the process by which individuals construct meaning, and public opinion is part of the process by which journalists and other cultural entrepreneurs develop and crystallize meaning in public discourse.
Media discourse (framing) and public opinion are parallel processes: each informs the other, but the relationship should not be seen as causational
e. Individuals bring their own life histories, social interactions, and psychological predispositions to the process of con- structing meanin
Framing is influenced by individual predisposition or schemas
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
The manner in which we isolate supposedly discrete "figures" from their surrounding "ground" is also manifested in the way we come to experience ourselves. 52 It involves a form of mental differentiation that entails a fundamental distinction between us and the rest of the world. It is known as our sense of identity.
Evokes Csikszentmihalyi and Rochberg-Halton on developing a sense of self.
The need to substantiate the way we segment time into discrete blocks also accounts for the holidays we create to commemorate critical transition points between historical epochs 112 as well as for the rituals we design to articulate significant changes in our relative access to one another-greetings, first kisses, farewell parties, bedtime stories. 113
Rituals also have temporal qualities that help to make sense of socially constructed times/events.
Most of the fine lines that separate mental entities from one another are drawn only in our own head and, therefore, totally invisible. And yet, by playing up the act of "crossing" them, we can make mental discontinuities more "tangible." Many rituals, indeed, are designed specifically to substantiate the mental segmentation of reality into discrete chunks. In articulating our "passage" through the mental partitions separating these chunks from one another, such rituals, originally identified by Arnold Van Gennep as "rites of passage,"107 certainly enhance our experience of discontinuity.
Rituals help connect the frame to the spatial qualities of the mental models we create to understand complex ideas.
Nonetheless, without some lumping, it would be impossible ever to experience any collectivity, or mental entity for that matter. The ability to ignore the uniqueness of items and regard them as typical members of categories is a prerequisite for classifying any group of phenomena. Such ability to "typify"106 our experience is therefore one of the cornerstones of social reality
Classification is the mechanism for making sense of disparate objects through the process of lumping and making differences invisible.
A mental field is basically a cluster of items that are more similar to one another than to any other item. Generating such fields, therefore, usually involves some lumping.
Evokes Bowker and Star's boundary object work re: the mental models of lumping and splitting
Such mental geography has no physical basis but we experience it as if it did
Evokes Moser's cognitive mental models and Borditsky's spatial metaphor work on how we use the language of physical space to carve out understanding about self and the social/cultural concepts.
Like them, all frames basically define parts of our perceptual environment as irrelevant, thus separating that which we attend in a focused manner from all the out-of-frame experience44 that we leave "in the background" and ignore.
Evokes Geertz' advice in ethnographic thick description to focus on the details in order to make sense of the situational context and place people/events in an interpretative frame.
A frame is characterized not by its contents but rather by the distinctive way in which it transforms the contents' meaning.
How does this square with the definition of "boundary objects"?
Framing is the act of surrounding situations, acts, or objects with mental brackets35 that basically transform their meaning by defining them as a game, a joke, a symbol, or a fantasy
Definition of framing.
- Dec 2018
- Oct 2018
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
he anti-relativists counter that the very notion of a “faultless” disagreement is incompatible with our common understanding of what it means to disagree. It is a hallmark of disagreement, as commonly understood, that the parties involved find fault with the other sides’ views.
Negative for relativism
If well-informed, honest and intelligent people are unable to resolve conflicts of opinion, we should, some relativists argue, accept that all parties to such disputes could be right and their conflicting positions have equal claims to truth, each according to their own perspective or point of view.
Good point to use
Defenders see it as a harbinger of tolerance and the only ethical and epistemic stance worthy of the open-minded and tolerant. Detractors dismiss it for its alleged incoherence and uncritical intellectual permissiveness.
The main points for both sides of my paper
Relativism, roughly put, is the view that truth and falsity, right and wrong, standards of reasoning, and procedures of justification are products of differing conventions and frameworks of assessment and that their authority is confined to the context giving rise to them
Definition, find a twist on this to frame the way I want, at first what seems like a beneficial definition, but one I can reframe and redefine when I need to
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
hird, at this juncture, control is being equated with visibility and visibility with personal security. But how these individuals are made visible matters for both privacy and security, let alone the politics of conflating refugees, migration and terrorism. Indeed, working with specific data framing mechanisms affects how the causes and effects of disasters are identified and what elements and people are considered (Frickel 2008
A finer point on threat surveillance that stems from how classifications and categories are framed.
This also gets at post-colonial interpretations of people, places, and events.
See: Winner, Do Artifacts Have Politics? See: Bowker and Star, Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences. See: Irani, Post-Colonial Computing
- Sep 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“It is also important to note that what we are doing now is in some ways fulfilling a number of longstanding principles that other presidents have always talked about.”
Neomi Rao, newly confirmed administrator of White House Information and Regulatory affairs attempts here to renounce personal ownership of deregulation efforts instead framing the current move as the continuation of an existing motion present in previous leadership. She attempts to insure the rational saliency of deregulation through this logic of a theoretical continuum.
- Mar 2017
thelastlineofdefense.org thelastlineofdefense.org
Banning Baby Jesus
"Banning Baby Jesus" is an interesting way to phrase the subject of this fake news article. Certainly, using the word "banning" is meant to elicit stronger, negative feelings about what is being done. Also, phrasing the alleged action in terms of banning "baby Jesus", as opposed to say, banning "the nativity scene" is also a way to elicit stronger, negative feelings.
- Sep 2016
www.educationdive.com www.educationdive.com
Survey: Teachers dislike smartphones, interactive whiteboards in classroom
Contrast this with the THE title:
Research: Laptops, Chromebooks and Tablets Most Valuable Education Tools, Teachers Say
- Jun 2016
www.jstor.org.proxyau.wrlc.org www.jstor.org.proxyau.wrlc.org
But schemata actually move such mental grids from a synchronic position
Framing his Quotation.
- Oct 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
But my analysis is simple.
Shift to first person singular.
- Jan 2014
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The challenge is that while biologists best understand the questions that can be addressed using the atlas, they may not always possess the computational and mathematical skills needed to conduct sophisticated analyses of such data files. For this reason, biologists generally collaborate with computational scientists. It is not always clear, though, what is the best way to frame the analysis.
1) The challenge 2) Literacy 3) Framing the analysis