- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
The current global system of production and trade is reported to use three times more of its resource use for transport, not for making. This creates a profound ‘ecological’, i.e. biophysical and thermodynamic, rationale for relocalizing production
for - stats - motivation for cosmolocal - high inefficacy of resource and energy use - 3x for transport as for production - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- Oct 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
for - sustainable manufacturing - cosmolocal production
link.springer.com link.springer.com
for - sustainable manufacturing - cosmolocal production
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in food, what it means is local communities will start to grow their own food. So all the food you eat will be grown completely in say a 50 kilometer radius radius or 100 kilometer radius.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Food - food production will be relocaized - most food produced within 50 km radius, 100 km maximum - as per commons cosmolocal production, knowledge can be shared between production centers for greater efficacy (Gien)
what I'm proposing it will look like is you have local decision making. Regional sourcing of stuff, see everything that we're actually going to produce industrially is sourced from a radio, say four or 500 kilometers. So two or 300 miles, whatever that is. And on a global scale, we've got a global transfer of information.
!- aligned to : cosmolocal production - Michaux is speaking exactly of cosmolocal production
first thing's first is we reorder the vital industrial hubs. 00:38:13 Now yes, those industrial hubs will actually have to have decision makers what considers a vital hub. What's a vital activity? Then we need the people to actually operate those in industrial services. So you'll have a population inserted. Around that population, we have our food production and it all has to be local. So you have now a series of localized, decentralized networks that are actually, you'll have a 00:38:39 hub where everything balances, but in a local area.
!- alignment : Michaux's vision of industrial transformation and many others working in the commons - relocalization, dense local circular economies, community owned for democratization of production - in addition, commons theory of cosmolocal production networks all these relocalized dense production hubs together for information sharing efficacy
- Jul 2022
the two questions that we hopefully would uh try to answer with with this r d program is and and one of this i already 00:56:53 mentioned but out of all conceivable designs for societal systems so so so this isn't about capitalism versus socialism or something like that there's like i would think there's an unlimited 00:57:05 potential we're creative we're creative people there would be a million varieties of of societal systems and integrated societal systems that we might come up with 00:57:17 and some of those probably would work very well and some of them probably would work very poorly um so among those what what might be among the best and not the the single best that's not the purpose either it's not just to find one thing that works is 00:57:30 to find like a you know more of a a variety a process of things a mix mishmash of things that community the communities can choose to implement that you know 00:57:43 works well for them and that suits them and that works well for their neighbors and works well forever it works well for the whole really
Two questions to answer:
- out of all the conceivable societal systems possible, which are suited to a community? This is not one size fits all.
This requires careful consideration. There cannot be complete autonomy, as lack of standards will make things very challenging for any inter-community cooperation.
Cosmolocal framework (https://clreader.net) as well as Indyweb Interpersonal computing could mediate discussion between different community nodes and emerge common ground
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
The third example involves local manufacture and supply. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the risks associated with reliance on long globalized supply chains, which are energy- and resource-intensive and therefore help power the hyperthreat. Increasing local manufacturing and supply capacities helps deflate the hyperthreat and reduces risks associated with stockouts of critical items. Circular economies, which incorporate closed-loop manufacturing and recycling systems, can now be viewed as critical to achieving planetary security.
cosmolocal production (design global, manufacture local or what's light is shared, what's heavy is produced) can also help alleviate hyperthreat supply chain vulnerabilities, democratize production and increase local wealth at the same time (Ramos, Edes, Bauwens & Wong, 2021)
- Jose Ramos
- cosmolocal production
- Sharon Ede
- Michel Bauwens
- James Gien Wong
- cosmo-local
- cosmolocalism
- Cosmolocal