9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Deleuze, Gilles. L’Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, avec Claire Parnet - Lecture Recording 1 - A to F, 15 December 1988. Interview by Claire Parnet. Transcript, December 15, 1988. https://deleuze.cla.purdue.edu/lecture/lecture-recording-1-f/.

    2. And everything that I learn, I learn for a particular task, and once it’s done, I immediately forget it, so that if ten years later, I have to – and this gives me great joy — if I have to get involved with something close to or directly within the same subject, I would have to start again from zero, except in certain very rare cases, for example Spinoza, whom I don’t forget, who is in my heart and in my mind.


      Gilles Deleuze: The ABC Primer / Recording 1 - A to F<br /> DECEMBER 15, 1988

    1. Everything that I learn, I learn for a particular task, and once it’s done, I immediately forget it, so that if ten years later, I have to—and this gives me great joy—if I have to get involved with something close to or directly within the same subject, I would have to start again from zero, except in certain very rare cases... (The ABC Primer)

      I'm definitely not like this and suspect that most people are not either.

  2. Sep 2023
    1. A rhizome is a concept in post-structuralism describing a nonlinear network that "connects any point to any other point".[1] It appears in the work of French theorists Deleuze and Guattari, who used the term in their book A Thousand Plateaus to refer to networks that establish "connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, sciences and social struggles" with no apparent order or coherency.
  3. Jul 2022
    1. Human beings are different from what they seem to be thinking, perceiving, or saying asmediated by social symbolic systems [29 ]. They are different from how they are represented intheir own narratives, they are different from language itself. Interestingly, learning to consciouslybecome aware to that difference—the bare human spirit, the preindividual, or being as becoming asSimondon [30 ] puts it—appears to be the state of mind towards which many spiritual traditionsare guiding. David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) refers to this state as thought sans image [ 13], offering itscontemporary conceptualisation via the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon andGilles Deleuze, in combination with the enactive theory of cognition [14 ] and inputs from complexityscience

      !- key insight : thought sans image !- definition : thought sans image * human beings are NOT defined by what they are thinking, perceiving or saying as mediated by social symbolic systems * They are also NOT defined by their own narratives or language itself - the symbolosphere is culturally imposed upon the bare human being * That primordial nature is described as the bare human spirit, the preindividual, being-as-becoming (Simondon) * Many spiritual traditions guide practitioners to experience this primordial state, the nondual state, stripped of all cultural embellishments * David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) calls this state thought sans image based on the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze and 4E theory of cognition

  4. Oct 2020
    1. L’homme a besoin d’exister et pour cela il doit pouvoir développer des pratiques que supportent les objets et à travers lesquelles il permet à sa libido de laisser des traces de ce en quoi consiste la – ou sa – singularité. Mais la réduction de toutes pratiques (savoir-faire des producteurs, savoir-vivre des consommateurs) à des usages normalisés par les sociétés de contrôle réduit leurs existences à une pure et simple subsistance. C’est ce que Gilles Châtelet appelait «Vivre et penser comme des porcs7».

      homogénéisation sociale; pensée programmatique sans égard à la subjectivité individuelle