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- Feb 2020
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- May 2019
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“ungovernable” spaces
alternate forms of governance and coercion
proliferation of organized crime
Feral Cities
Mega Slums
Large concentrated populations create very large vulnerabilities.
greater opportunities for terrorists and other non-state actors
Asymmetric Disruption and Destruction
greater collaboration and information sharing between and among the various agencies tasked with the defense and security of the nation and the vast majority of the population
power shifts to municipal/local rather than national government
hallenge to the Legitimacy of Traditional Defense and Security Forces
humanitarian, defense and security challenges
non-state actors such as terrorists and revolutionaries
Defense organizations will also be challenged
higher level of interagency information-sharing and collaboration
Providing adequate police and security for these areas will be costly
growth of radicalization and alternative governance structures
outpacegovernments ability to provide basicservices
explosion in urbanization
aggregate power will rival
megacities grow
cloud technology, mobile devices, data analytics, and social networks to automate and connect city departments and promote eco-friendly practices
Smart Cities
150 cities strategy
massive investments in smart infrastructure
in emerging economies, new cities will rise rapidly
In developed economies and older cities in the developing world, infrastructure will be strained to the utmost— and beyond—as populations expand
Large scale migrations from rural areas
growth in urban population will likely take place in Asia and Africa
By 2050, the world’s urban population will have increased by some 44%
By 2015, the United Nations (UN) estimated that there would be 22 mega-cities—those with populations of 10 million or more
by 2030, the UN projects that some 4.9 billion people will be urban dwellers.