- Mar 2022
www.statista.com www.statista.com
What could account for such views? - Desire for power in a globaliziing conext? - Nostalgia? - Ignorance of what "empire" meant for the experience of those subject to it and the continuing legacy? Would they express the same views if they really knew what it meant? - Others?
- Jul 2016
medium.com medium.com
MOOCs hold potential benefit for many in the developing world
Especially if we hold a view that the developing world’s ultimate goal is to become exactly like the developed world.
In some ways, it’s quite remarkable that one of the key figures of post-development was also the one who called for “deschooling society”. As is obvious from observing humanitarian and philanthropic work is that “development” participates in neocolonialism, despite (or often because of) the best of intentions. MOOCs are closer to development than to postdevelopment. Even cMOOCs.
A Postcolonial Look at the Future of #EdTech
Timely. Sent it to a few people, already, as it connects with several discussions we’ve been having on neocolonialism in EdTech, including the content side of Open Education (OER). Some of it reminds me of Crissinger’s critical take on OER, based on her experience with Open Access.
- philanthropy
- Modernization Theory
- humanitarianism
- #EdTech
- MOOC Hype
- A Celebration of Awareness
- postdevelopment
- White Man’s Burden
- international development
- #IvanIllich
- Neocolonialism
- Globalisation
- Deschooling Society
- global inequalities
- postcolonialism
- diversity
- Mission civilisatrice