470 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
    1. Now, you may fret this in your mind, if you wish, and I will get as boringly monotonous as I did in the beginning when I told you, “your income comes from being Centered” over and over again. Except now it is that your conscious connection with me constitutes an actual Fourth-dimensional conscious experience of Being, a joining of the two of us at the level of Reality, and not a joining which bridges a gap between the third and Fourth dimension. This clearly places you now in the Fourth dimension. And that is the deeper and broader meaning of my statement, “Your income comes from being Centered.” Your Wholeness comes from being at Home Consciously. And if our conversations are the only conscious experience you have of being at Home, then it is that connection which constitutes the Answer, which constitutes that which heals the illusion of lack. So, your task between now and our next conversation is to connect with me even more frequently than you have in the past twenty-four hours.

      “your income comes from being Centered”

      And centredness is 'at homeness' in 4d Reality, Being...

    1. Remember that your Being is the I that is the Us, the One that is the Many. The total Absolute Fact of Being is being you Totally. It is Perfect. Do not try to force answers. Being reveals Itself Perfectly, both specifically and infinitely. “The place whereon you stand is Holy ground”3 means that with or without answers you are perfectly being. Within the patterns-within-patterns, it fulfills the unfolding of Reality to “have” and “not have” answers. The moment it fulfills the Law for the answer to be known, at that moment All of YOU, the One and the Many, will be bound in a new pattern of intercooperation based on Love. The patterns of cooperation will move together in a manner of “brotherly love” (that’s the best way for you to grasp the larger meaning) and Self-recognition, and there will be no penalty.

      I am perfectly Being even if I have no idea in my thinking mind.

    2. Don’t force it. Your Being is Total, Entire. All of It is present as You. You say you don’t know, but you were willing to admit the possibility that you do Know. Admitting that, you will be able to see the Phoenix rise, and the transformation occur.
    3. No. Your Being is intent on being Itself and knows how to be Itself perfectly. When you have experienced this, you will be able to trust your Self implicitly.

      I can trust and relax and trust my heart.

    4. The world you walk through is the Mind that you Are.
  2. Dec 2015
    1. Psychological safety. This may be established by having an environment in which the person is accepted as being of unconditional worth; external evaluation is absent (no one is being critical of them), and there is empathic understanding from those around the person

      Agreed, trust is a significant component of psychological safety...

    2. the return to Innocence of sexuality profoundly liberates Consciousness SO that it can become fully open to the Impulses of SOUL.” (Jeshua letters 9)“The ‘house’ in which you will find the deep roots of Fear, of its contractions, of its judgements, of its attempt to mis-use Creation’s power FOR its Ego, is found in your relationship to Sexuality.” (Jeshua letters 9

      Sexual energy is the flow of Life force, God, Being in physicality.... to allow the flow of sexual energy is the healing of fearful beliefs that perceivably block the flow...

    3. There is a whole understanding to this that could be developed through unifying knowledge from spiritual/psychological/art guided from internal vision.

      Yes.... are you inclusive of the psychological work with disinhibiting the fearful beliefs and the consequent perceptions that lead to loss of freedom and flow in all areas inclusive of sexuality?

    4. Creativity has been viewed in our culture through the predominant values and lens of the spit mind. It has not been fully comprehended by modern psychologists any more than the nature of consciousness has been. The reason why this is so is because it involves a comprehension of dimensions of being beyond that of the physical world and an understanding of the ‘spectrum’ of consciousness and it’s relationship with matter.

      Expressive therapies are now widely used in approaches to psychology.... And works with the disinhibiting of the fearful mind and it is the mind that determines how the physical body behaves as well as the instincual eg the limbic brain and the trauma response.


      Being is Reality

    6. The completed process is one of divine creativity, a making love or union of the human and the divine within the channel of the human being. It is a movement into service in the old terminology. But the new phase is more one of ecstatic expression.

      I wonder that Expression naturally occurs from our Beingness.... ..... the choice of Being inclusive of form.... Being is expression of Reality in this dimension... Consciously Being .....

    7. he descent of Soul-infused Mind INTO Nature,

      Nature in psychology refers to personality and beliefs, not just physical body. Form is inclusive of body and mind, so physical body, personality and beliefs...

    8. My resonating feeling and revelatory unfoldment over the last four years has been that fourth stage atonement is only vaguely echoed at in the current forms of the teachings and a great expansion is set to take place

      Yes I resonate with this, there needs to be more grounded supports and practices to integrate spiritual concepts into the lived experience.

  3. Nov 2015
    1. When we go within and are silent, as you are doing each time we talk, we find the natural efficiency, the natural brilliance, the unbelievable perspicacity—that was a good one, Paul—that constitutes our very nature. Silence is as simple as we can get, and it is the cornerstone of Wisdom.

      Raj is very clear here re 'simply going within'....into our Beingness.

    2. Making the transition from a three-dimensional to a Fourth-dimensional frame of reference, and appearing to coexist in both dimensions at the same time with full communication in both dimensions, makes demands that require a fine attunement to Fourth-dimensional space. Those words are absurd, but you understand what I mean. Let us maintain good perspective right from the start. You will need a stability that can withstand the misperceptions of those looking with three-dimensional sight only. Seeing Fourth-dimensionally, you will handle the demands with ease. But, if you prematurely expose your new position you will unnecessarily jeopardize yourself. Until you know how to do it as Conscious Being, you will be wise to keep your mouth shut. This is why I am here. Your path does not need to be rough, and I know it is your desire for it to be smooth.

      This reminds me of watering the germinating seed, nurture it.

    3. Do not misunderstand me. To know Who You Are, What You Are, and that You Are Where It’s All Happening is, indeed, Divine Fulfillment of Purpose. It is to be One with God. It is to flow with the Divine Energies. It is to be One and in Harmony with the Great Works of Divine Intelligence. BUT, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL!

      It is incredible yet simply as it is....

    4. On the other hand, if you do recognize them as your own infinitude, you won’t care about recognition from them because you will be recognizing them as You. You will not need further input. The Self-recognition experienced as Conscious Being is Satisfaction. Being from the point obviates any necessity of looking for recognition of greatness from those “out there.“

      When I recognise who I really am, I feel satisfied and have no need of the perceived outside world. Being conscious allows me to see there is no outside and I am able to see others as aspects of mySelf

    5. You see, Paul until you truly understand that the “others” with whom you would share these events, are your Self, you will be approaching them ignorantly, and they will respond to you ignorantly.

      There is no outside, its all me...

    6. As I said yesterday, it is perfectly all right for you to share these conversations with your wife and your mother. But let a word to the wise be sufficient, Paul. You have already seen in their reaction not only an understanding of the Wisdom involved in these conversations and the value of their even taking place in the first place—you have also seen how easy it is for the human mind to give marvelous meaning to what is absolutely normal. This is why you must keep these conversations to yourself—other than sharing them with your wife and your mother—because people will place values on them that are based entirely upon their blindness, and not on their insight or understanding. Their emotional enthusiasm, generated by their intuitive recognition of Themselves in the things that we are talking about, will cause them to glorify what should not be glorified. They will do this only because they are unable to own their own Universe as Themselves. Their response will get in the way, drawing your attention back out from the Center of your Being into the “outer world,” and will make it difficult for you to be subjective about the issues.

      I hear here that we all have a journey to come to understand the true meaning and not let getting carried away with how fantastic it may seem get in the way of what it is truly about...

    7. I cannot make myself any clearer than to say: Paul, do not waste your time with heady trips of greatness, of holiness, of grand purpose, of fulfilling a Divine Purpose in the universal scheme of things that is outside or other than “simply existing.“ Existence is all of those things, but it is nothing “special.“ It is only by comparison with ignorance that that which is “normal” can seem special, and you will weaken yourself greatly if you indulge in such nonsense! This had better be a fundamental point in your awareness of what is happening here, or you will lose the Value.

      "It's no big deal" so to speak, it's all happening at once, always has been, it's not special, it's just becoming conscious of what is truly true always...

    8. Such a sanctuary is in some ways a satisfying experience, but you can’t pull a sanctuary behind your car with you everywhere you go, or pull it into a building on a wagon just so your place of living as Conscious Being can always be with you. If that is the only means one has, then one must work with what one has, but it is most certainly limited. I am glad to see that you are discovering that you can function intuitively out from Mind as Conscious Being. This indicates a rapid integration of being consciously aware of Who You Are, What You Are, and that You Are Where It’s All Happening.

      It's all happening right here with me in this moment regardless of where ever I find myself and I can be Conscious of this...

    9. Perhaps the simplest form of simplicity in life is withdrawing from outer activity, going within ourselves, to find our answers and our directions. But, as you have found out, even in ourselves, when we are attempting to be complex, when we are attempting to be very specific—in fact, when we are attempting anything at all within ourselves—we close ourselves off to the intuitive function of our Being, and we frustrate ourselves just as we did when we were attempting to work “out there.“

      Attempting, trying all have a fear core energy.

    1. Once you have set a thing into motion by being consciously aware of the Fact from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, your only responsibility is to continue forward, being from that point—exactly as you have been doing—without any care or concern as to how or when it will appear.

      Allowing myself to truly desire what I want than let go and let God.

    2. Paul, all of this is constituting the activity of Consciousness which acts according to Law upon the Nature of the Universal Substance of your Being. The correct vision, felt from the standpoint of Reality, must come forth according to Law as that which appears tangibly, three-dimensionally, as the infinitude of your Being.

      So for something to manifest physically in 3d it must come from the 4d vision... where Reality is, Conscious Beingness is

    3. It is for this reason that Substance must be activated from the standpoint of your experience of Being as Conscious Being. In other words, the activation of that energy field called Substance, in order to be fulfilled, must originate while you are experiencing your Being as Conscious Being, Fourth-dimensional Awareness, Awareness from that Place. For the sake of convenience, you can call that Place the Center of your Being.

      So Substance refers to the energy field activated by experiencing oneself as a Conscious Being. Comes from the centre of our being, our heart.... heart and feeling are fourth dimensional..

    4. As you can see, this is not self-hypnosis, nor is it an attempt to influence the three-dimensional conscious frame of reference. It does not involve manipulation of things “out there,” or ideas within your head. You simply go to the Source, bringing to it the perfect desire. The Law, then, together with the Nature of Substance Itself, takes care of the objects “out there” and the beliefs “in here”—in three-dimensional awareness.

      Simply go to the Source, true Beingness, bringing what is desired into perfect desire...... then through universal laws............ it comes into manifestation

    5. placed at the point of Conscious Being, and set into action by the Law of Being. I would suggest that you simply begin to use that facility to see your desire manifest in your life.

      Yes so if we want something to manifest in the 3d physical body mind realm it needs to come from the heart and feeling in the 4d realm, than it simply does

    6. You must realize that Being functions according to Its own infinite, eternal Harmonies. If that which has been set into motion has not appeared, it is because appearing at that point would not be in harmony with Its unfolding Being. You can trust you do not need it at the moment you are considering the fact that it hasn’t yet appeared.

      So the timing will manifest when it is perfect timing..

    7. As you know, when you are in that Place, it is totally impossible to experience fear, doubt, or any sense of limitation. This is a scientific Law that I am talking about. You can prove it day after day after day, without fail, because it is Law functioning according to the scientific, principled Nature of Being.

      So when we are truly in 4d, Beingness.... it is impossible to have the fearful thoughts?

    8. Remember that once this Law is set into motion. It cannot be stopped from manifesting by any fearful or limited thoughts in which you might indulge from the standpoint of a finite, three-dimensional point of view. Such a point of view cannot be placed at the point of Conscious Being, which is the only Place any action can be set into motion.

      So again once truly desired in the heart in 4d, a challenge in 3d cannot be stopped.... so we don't need to fear our fearful thoughts form stopping what we truly desire.....

    1. However, it must become clear that the apparent relationship of a three-dimensional consciousness becoming the Door and then the Christ-Truth—the direct perception of Reality as It is—flowing through that Door as the conscious experience of a three-dimensional, finite man, does not then become the new “norm.” Man, as he conceives himself to be three-dimensionally, does not simply forever remain the “conduit” for Reality to flow through. The fact is that the more consistently he is willing to stand as the Door, the more consistently he will begin to experience himself less and less as “a three-dimensional man standing as the Door.” He will become consciously aware of himself as that conscious experience of Reality which includes no distortions of any kind—the Christ-consciousness, the means by which God, or Conscious Being, experiences Its Infinity.

      I hear this as 'stay at the edge of my mat' so to speak... desire, faith.....

    1. You are sitting, right now, as the Omnipresence of infinite Good, actively, Omnipotently unfolding and fulfilling Itself without exception. It is the intuitive perception—it is the desire, faith, and intuition of there being something to wake up into—which must remain the focal point of your conscious experience, regardless of the illusion of being boxed in. Then you must desire to wake up. Do not waste any energy in attempting to overcome any facet of the dream, since the way things appear is imaginary. It, therefore, cannot be dealt with in any way other than waking up!

      Here Raj gives a practical reminder, focus on the desire to wake up, have faith..... and do not waste time and energy on overcoming the dream of separation. And everything inclusive of me is unfolding and fulfilling itself without exception.

    1. RAJ: Paul, when you ask that question, you are seeing Substance gathered together in clumps, so to speak—objects—which imply that Substance is absent in the spaces between those objects. In other words, you are thinking of Substance three-dimensionally. In fact, Substance is Fourth-dimensional or non-dimensional. It constitutes every aspect of conscious experience as Conscious Being. You must remember that none of what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel is going on external to the conscious experience of it, even though that is the way it appears. All of it is Consciousness. All of it is Mind’s Self-experience.

      There is no separation, Substance is everything...

    1. Further, even though you have been highly distressed at times during these past two weeks, it has in no way retarded the work that we are doing together. This also should allow you to relax somewhat, because it is evidence—you might say “objective evidence”—of the fact that there is something real occurring here. It is not simply a figment of your imagination. you will know soon enough for an actual fact, that these communications are not fictitious, but that must wait in order for fulfillment of purpose to be accomplished.

      Raj uses the example of Paul's stress and then the ongoing communication to demonstrate that all that is going on in the 3d experience does not affect Reality.

    2. The only thing which you can afford to listen to with any confidence, is what your Being is obviously unfolding to you at any given moment. Then continue to be listening at that Place wherein your Being unfolds Itself as your conscious experience.

      Again Raj really reiterates this. "The only thing which you can afford to listen to with any confidence, is what your Being is obviously unfolding to you at any given moment."

    3. The point is to always remain currently obedient to what your Being is unfolding. If possible, do it unthinkingly, willingly, and with a confidence in the absolutely cohesive manner in which It is unfolding Itself—with no sense of It being actually destructive in any way, shape, or form.

      Loyalty to the Self is what comes to me... and trust this....

    4. RAJ: Here is a perfect example of the thought processes you must be willing to let go of. In other words, if your Being unfolds the necessity of living in or moving to a particular area on the west coast of the state of Washington, then you must act upon that unfolding of your Being—regardless of Susan’s “knowledge” of the unsettled land mass. Since Being is unfolding Itself with absolute Intelligence and Principle, then It will not unfold as your conscious experience of Being in any way which is destructive or detrimental to your continued experience of Being. Therefore, you may trust that if you are led to be located in an area on the west coast of the state of Washington, it will not involve any destructive element, whatsoever, for you.

      Raj brings Paul back to another example of 3d thoughts and the importance of letting them go and to trust in his own Being...

    5. Both you and Susan continue as you have been in listening for the direction in which you need to move. I do not want you to throw the responsibility for figuring everything out in my lap. You must continue to be aware that you are yourself, and I am myself. I am doing what I need to do, and you must do what you need to do. Do not give away any responsibility to another at all.

      No one can do it for us....

    6. Seeing out from Being is that perfect Awareness which Mind experiences of its own infinite Self-expression. All that actually happens is that the illusion, or misunderstanding, caused by conceptual thinking simply evaporates. One is left with a clear view of the Actuality of one’s own Being and the Harmony of it as one’s own experience.

      Reality is Reality, all else melts away...

    7. Fundamental to your being able to let go is going to be your willingness to trust what you already theoretically know. That the entire Nature of your Being is absolutely and totally constructive—that It is actually fulfilling Itself at this very moment in all Its completeness with absolute perfection.

      So to trust that the essence of my Being is fully constructive............ so I can trust, let go and in this experience fulfillment, completeness, perfection..

    8. I recognize fully from my own experience that this is not an easy step to make, because it is not a head trip. Rather, it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being.

      "it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being."

      Wow, nothing I can say except just to really let this sink in....

    9. It has been a habit of yours to attempt to live your universe from the standpoint of your conscious thought, rather than from the point of your subjective Being. This is why I continue to say that, as you are willing to be in and to be that Place where you experience your Being as Conscious Being, then you will find that your Being is the Answer which has already answered Itself by being Its own fullness and completeness with total success. You must be willing to stay at that point, no matter what activity you may appear to be involved in, and to not attempt to exercise any control, whatsoever, over what your Being is being.

      It is in our Being where the answers are... Our Beingness is the answer...

      "You must be willing to stay at that point, no matter what activity you may appear to be involved in, and to not attempt to exercise any control, whatsoever, over what your Being is being."

    10. You see, Paul, the flaw in the Power of Positive Thinking lies in the fact that it assumes that, if one does not engage in positive thinking, the Universe will not unfold Itself in a positive manner. So, this theory and practice creates a fundamental distrust of the Universe Itself, of Being Itself. This, of course, puts one at odds with his Self, with his Being, since any distrust in the basic Nature of the Universe is a basic distrust in one’s own Nature and Being. This is basically why you are having trouble letting go and simply being. The world literally is not going on “out there” at all, but within You, as your Being. More correctly, your Being is unfolding Itself and is seen and experienced by Itself (your Self) as conscious experience. As I have said before, the difficulty you are having is because you flip-flop back and forth, in and out.

      So it seems it is rather arrogant to think that it takes my positive thoughts for the Universe to unfold as it should..... it reminds me of 'it is all unfolding, happening anyway, it is a choice as which dimension I tune into..... And this then leads to distrusting the Universe, of Being..

    11. Until you are willing to let go of this concept—that you must in some way be able to control your environment and your life experience with your thought—you will seem to suffer from the unfoldment of your Being.

      Gosh I sure have tried this one. So the importance of learning that yes in our psychology, in our human experience, we learn that we feel and act according to our thoughts... yet for peace and harmony our thoughts need to come into alignment with our Being....

    12. You must come to the realization that it is your Being which is unfolding Itself infinitely on the basis of Its Nature as Intelligence, as Life, and as Mind. Therefore, It is—before you think a single thought about it—unfolding Itself (your Self) with all the precision, Intelligence, and Principle which constitutes Itself. It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them. This is a part of the letting go which is necessary for you in order for you to experience the unfolding of your Being as complete Harmony.

      This is a very key point I feel, "It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them."

    13. Today we need to deeply consider the orderliness of things—the orderliness of Life in Its infinite manifestations. We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it.

      Our thoughts in 3d do not have an effect on the unfolding on our Being. So... I hear that even though in this human experience our thoughts and beliefs create how we feel and act, this ultimately does not affect the harmonious unfolding in the cosmos of which we are a part..

    1. Paul, there is only one thing going on. That one thing is the Life Principle Itself, which constitutes Your Being. It is not necessary for you, as a person, to duplicate what your Being is already being. I know you are having difficulty relating that to your experience, since it appears that everyone is demanding that you, as a mortal, respond to and fulfill these demands.

      Being is already occurring....

    2. The need here is to let go of the thought process, which you are already rather proficient at, as well as the misidentification of your self as that thought process. You are that Mind which functions perfectly and infinitely without thinking a thought in order to do so. This Mind has, as one of Its capacities, the ability to formulate verbalizations of Its infinite Self-action. Yet, It is never in Its verbalizations, and never mistakes Itself as being the “thought process” by which means the verbalizations are developed.

      You are that Mind which functions perfectly and infinitely without thinking a thought in order to do so.

    3. You are having difficulty because you are trying to bring your “thought processes,” which you have mistakenly identified as “your self,” into that Place where your Self is already being Itself infinitely and perfectly. In this Place, there is no thought process whatsoever.

      So Raj shares here what is creating the difficulty..

    4. Nothing has ever happened as a result of your thought. You must get used to the idea that your thinking mind is there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its infinite identification. It is not something which can be used to cause that infinite manifestation of Its identification.

      Our thinking mind is 'there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its Infinite identification."

    5. You don’t have control, and have never had control as a person—as a thinking mind—whereas your Being has always had complete Control in Its Self-expression. It will forever continue to do so.

      Again so clear and to the point...

    6. Your responsibility is entirely to being in that Place where your Being may fulfill Itself

      So clear..

    7. The fact remains that as you let go in those other areas, just as you are doing right now while talking with me, the fullness will flow and be recognized by you—the fullness of your Being, that is.
    1. PAUL: Raj, can you tell me why it would be indicative of the omnipresence and omniaction of my Being for us to have to declare bankruptcy, and for the people to whom we owe money to be out that money that is rightfully theirs?

      Paul is struggling to understand in his thinking mind..

    2. RAJ: Paul, do not resist that feeling, but simply do not invest too much attention in it. You can move away from it, where you will not be reached by the apparent dynamics of its meaning. Even if it does not appear to resolve anything from your present point of view, you will, nevertheless, be in the best position possible to have the answer be revealed as your conscious experience. I will ask you to do that this evening before you go to sleep, in preparation for the work we will do while you are sleeping.

      To acknowledge our feelings yet to not 'go down the rabbit hole' with them.

    3. PAUL: I will truly appreciate that very much. To tell you the truth, I can see that I am beginning to panic somewhat here, and I don’t like that feeling.

      Panic, anxiety are the affect of fearful thinking in the mind.

    4. And I guess I have a whole lot of different feelings: angry, hopeless, hopeful, discouraged, and so on.

      Paul is acknowledging his feelings..

    1. You are not able to see the good it has done, because you insist on looking in the wrong place. You insist on looking “out there,” rather than remaining solidly, steadfastly, and faithfully at that within point which you call the Place.
    1. I want you to consider that in everything we are doing, we are harmonizing and flowing with the divine energies—with the outpouring of the river of Life, right at Its source. This river of Life flows freely and totally through and as your conscious experience of Being. It is always doing this, whether or not you have placed yourself properly in that Place. This is important to understand, since it makes clear that the only thing we need to do in order to find the resolution to whatever situation we are faced with, is simply go to the Source as the Door.

      Again, it's all happening at once....... the simply choice to become conscious, to be a Conscious Being

    1. You must learn to flow. You must learn that you are not self-directed in the sense of being a puppet with no strings attached, three-dimensionally speaking. From this standpoint, you will always seem to be a puppet with strings attached, and you will not have hold of the controls. From the standpoint of being as Conscious Being, as Fourth-dimensional Man, the concept of strings and controls is irrelevant.
    1. Mrs. Eddy said, “All consciousness is Mind; and Mind is God—an infinite and not a finite consciousness.“1 Now, if there is no other might nor Mind but God, then there is no other consciousness of things to be experienced than that one conscious experience of Being, which is God’s.

      In Reality we are in the Holy Mind of God and even if we perceive we are not there, even if we lose conscious awareness of being there, in Reality there is no outside and it is just a shift in our perception to recognise where we are in Reality all the time.go

    2. Conscious Being, or the Function of being conscious, is actually the Thing, Itself, which is manifest as All—as this Universe full of galaxies, planets, individualities, and thoughts. This Function of Conscious Being is not only what you have called God, but God is what you are to experience as your conscious experience of Being.

      Now this is very clear and quite profound.... "Conscious Being, or the Function of being conscious, is actually the Thing, Itself, which is manifest as All"

      So being conscious, consciously Being (in 4d) is actually what it is all about... so Being is more than just a flow of conscious ideas..

      "This Function of Conscious Being is not only what you have called God, but God is what you are to experience as your conscious experience of Being."

      That consciously Being is to experience God!

    3. You could say that when you have been actively engaged in living out your life from the position of the “screen” or the three-dimensional frame of reference, at that point you were taking time out from your Being, and that was where you were in error.

      I wonder that Raj is saying that Paul can 'perceive' that he is in 3d and perceptually he was not 'conscious' of his true Being....and this could be perceived as being in error...

    1. As I said yesterday, observe the process of communication that we are enjoying. As you do, you will begin to grasp the process by which you may communicate with and understand the meaning of any and all parts of the infinitude of your Being, whether it is visible or invisible to the five physical senses. Everything about this process of communication illustrates and includes lessons to be learned and understood.

      Real communication occurs in the consciousness of Being and Raj is showing Paul that what he is experiencing in these communications is very Real and gives him the experience of an example.

    1. Now we are going to talk for a bit about the idea of what it is that you are going to practice on. As your entire Being is becoming consciously integrated as your conscious experience of your Self, it will appear as though the Reality of your Being—to whatever degree you are aware of it—will be brought to bear upon that disowned portion of your experience which is not clear to you is your own Being. It will appear as though that aspect will be “healed,” “improved,” “changed,” or “reversed.” But, the actuality of such appearances is one of the revealing of its true nature as your Being.

      Healing...... true nature being revealed.

    2. Now, what does this have to do with you? It is that which constitutes your Being. What it is and how it works as the inherent Nature of your Being is essential to understanding how to Practice what You Are. You see, you cannot put these Laws into practice, you cannot set them into motion, because they are already functioning totally before you can even make the mistake of thinking that you are a finite mentality—a three-dimensional awareness—which could use them to bring about your good ends.

      So I hear him saying that I need to understand what Law is as it is what makes up who I am and how to practice that. That these Laws are already functioning anyway.

    3. Paul, we do not have to do anything in order to deserve to be in immediate and total contact with the infinitude of our Being. The main, essential step to making such contact is to realize that everything we see “out there”—universally—is, indeed, our Being. What separates us from our Good is the belief that our Good is not our Self—nothing more!

      "What separates us from our Good is the belief that our Good is not our Self—nothing more!"<br> I love how he so clearly puts this, again it's simply our illusory beliefs that are simply made up and not true, yet we believe they are true and therefore feel and experience them as true.

    4. It should be becoming clear to you that, since there is no evil power, presence, or force, you do not need to protect yourself from it under any circumstances. Certainly not in order to speak with me.

      He clearly shares here that any need for protection is born out of fear.

    1. This means that creativity does not occur from the standpoint of a three-dimensional consciousness called a “person” or “personality.”

      Another reminder that we do not manifest from 3d

    1. The conclusion that you are coming to is correct. The only appearance of the Christ that is worth a hill of beans for you is that dawning in your own experience of your own perception of Reality. It comes as the result of being the Door. It literally doesn’t matter one way or the other whether Maitreya returns or not.
    2. The degree of enlightenment/belief each one is at will govern the degree to which Maitreya will have followers or co-workers. Those who are enlightened will continue to pursue their own inner, unfolding Self-discovery. As that growth takes place, they will become co-facilitators in one form or another, working shoulder to shoulder with Maitreya. They will not be blinded by what He is, because they will recognize that He is what They are, and that They are what He is to some degree.

      Raj seems to be alerting Paul to the fact that we are all Christ, that One....

    3. They could not conceive that it was themselves, so it had to be someone else, someone else new and small.

      He begins to really tell Paul it is within him.....

    1. You are to follow the Inner Path of the evolving of your very own Being as It unfolds and reveals Itself as your conscious experience.

      Yes all teachings teach us to do this, to go within.

    1. , no one will be allowed to indulge in disowning his Christhood by placing it “out there”

      For me this means at this point to not 'follow another', to not look outside of oneself.

    1. You must realize that you are an Eternal Being. The reappearance of the Christ is simply one of the events in the ongoing evolution of Life. You are experiencing a correlative point of growth to that which the earth and mankind are about to go through—that is a shift of dimension. That shift is normal. It is natural. However, because it involves a shift, it seems to be more dynamic at the time of the shift than it did before the shift, or than it will seem to be after the shift. Once again, keep in mind that the shift is as natural as the periods in between the shifts, and you will not be swept away by the way things appear.
    1. Your corona is located in the position of the Third Eye. It is an energy field or pattern and it serves both as a radiator and a receptor. By stabilizing it with this blue luminescence it will allow this session and future sessions to proceed more easier for you to see visual images. These images will help you to understand more completely than you have in the past what I am saying to you.
    2. I appreciate the fact that you are cautious. I appreciate the fact that you have strong individual desires. And I appreciate the fact that you do not want those desires to get in the way of a correct apprehension of what I have to say concerning these matters. I know that you would rather hear nothing than to hear yourself. That is Wisdom.

      It is better to hear nothing than the fearful voice of ego.

    1. The ultimate goal here is to live your whole day as Mind, as Conscious Being, as Fourth-dimensional Being
    2. In spite of appearances, Fourth-dimensionally speaking, you and your family’s whole Universe—being the infinite Expression of the One that each One is—is lovingly and wonderfully bent on the fulfillment of infinite progression. You have an opportunity here to observe, to participate in, and be the experience of being Conscious Being, and to observe the most unique way in which being out from Mind resolves the illusion of conflict within the three-dimensional frame of reference.
    3. You see, Paul, Conscious Being experiences all as Conscious Being. The concept “person” is only an illusion existing from within a three-dimensional framework. I mentioned in an earlier conversation that since the One is infinite, It constitutes the Many, and that the Many constitutes the All-Oneness rather than aloneness of the One. From the standpoint of Conscious Being, every infinitesimal facet of the Universe finds expression through the Matrix of Love, since Love is the One which is being infinitely expressed—as are all the other synonyms for God which you are familiar with. This means that there is a bond of mutual cooperation spontaneously manifesting itself throughout the totality of Conscious Being—Fourth-dimensional existence.

      We are an aspect of the totality of all that is...

    4. She does, indeed, have a Guide. Her apparent earth age has nothing to do with it. She is a total and complete individualization of God.

      We all are a complete individuation of God

    1. As I said yesterday, lean on your Self. Depend on It. Trust It. Demand the answers from It rather than what appear to be “others.” Remember that whether I truly am a separate individual or not, I am Your Conscious Experience when we are together. This is imperative and it is a key to further unfoldment. I know that you grasp this from an experiential standpoint and that this is not just a “head trip.“
    2. your focus of attention remains at the point of your Consciousness. This is why you are finding yourself successful.

      When we focus on our Self, our true beingness, it will flow.

    3. When your attention is removed from your Self—and that means your experience of your Self as all that is being experienced—and you have your attention external to It, it is like depriving your Self of oxygen; and the activity will not support itself. This is why your practice did not succeed. All activity is Self-activity. All activity is the Activity of the One and Only thing going on, which you experience as your Self.
    4. The more practice you get at moving as Your World, as Conscious Being, the more you find yourself recognizing your Self as All, what traces of egotism remain will dwindle spontaneously for lack of nourishment.
    5. As Conscious Being, you are going to move around in an environment of ideas, of activities, of functions that are totally mental, and you will learn to do this while apparently living three-dimensionally, as a “material being.“

      This reminds me of being in the world (of 3d) yet not of the world..

    6. It is time for you to move forward being consciously and completely aware of your Self as Conscious Being, no longer a “material being.” I say that for you, because you understand that I am not speaking about being a mortal. It is a matter of the focal point.
    7. You don’t need to relax. You don’t really have to go into a special state in order to communicate with me. In fact, it’s essential for you to discover that the Whole Spectrum, from gross to subtle, is always present all the time, no matter what level of consciousness you seem to be operating from. It’s time for you to become aware that All of You is present at all times, both in the sense of all levels of consciousness being available at all times, and in the sense that all dimensions—infinity and eternity—are always present all the time. It does not matter where you seem to be coming from three-dimensionally.

      It's all happening at once,it's where we choose to focus our consciousness. even if I am focussed in 3d, it is still all happening at once.

    1. Remain with the fact that your “others” (Really, and not in belief) are your Self, and that in this closely harmonized set of patterns you are each playing integral parts as aspects of the individual transformations that reflect the Transformation Universal.
    2. You can’t get outside of your Self; therefore, you aren’t outside of your Self. This means that the devolution and Evolution that you are experiencing is in total consonance with You. What is threatening you (Being) is what is moving you to the point of not being threatened again.
    3. Evolution of Your Being is the Activity.
    4. You must grasp that every specific aspect of the Universe is the individualization of God without any diminution of God. Three-dimensionally, it appears to be finite, but Fourth-dimensionally, every individuation of God is all of God, all of the Life/Principle, all of the Love, all of the All. Therefore, the One being Many, you could say the One is not alone.

      Having the experience of being an individuated being does not mean I am alone and separate as I and still an aspect of the totality of all that is.

    5. The Divine Purpose is the DNA code of your Being. You can’t get outside of it except in your imagination.
    1. As long as you are able to think that your discovery of the finer levels of Reality is coming from “out there,” you will not have the necessary strength to support the actual finer levels of consciousness which you want to experience.

      So it is essential to let go of looking outside of oneself to have the strength to support the finer levels of consciousness

    2. Everything fell apart because you couldn’t support it or correctly perceive it without transforming Yourself. The image reflected the Dying, that is the Birthing, that is the unbroken Eternal Constant called Existence.
    3. but the simple fact is that your Being Evolves whether you’re “with it” or not.
    4. By “understanding” I mean real, actual felt, experiential awareness of the Physiology of that Body. You will never control your environment if you think the environment is the Image which you call the three-dimensional world. The three-dimensional world is Pure Image. The distortions you see in it are not in it. They are caused by your ignorance of the workings of the Source, of which the Image is just an image.

      What I see with the human eyes is just Image...

    5. Not having realized that what you call “body” is Image, and not Body, and not having realized that Body is Consciousness, You, you have ignored the lesson about the Reality (Source) of the Image that can only be learned by understanding the True Body.

      So what I think is the body is really only image whereas Body refers to my Body of Consciousness...

    6. The inner strength gained by the specific awareness of Who You Are, What You Are, and that You Are Where It’s All Happening, is the only way for you to move forward at the new level that you are entering into.
    7. You have been terribly weakened by your belief that your Good has ever come from anywhere else but You, and I will probably harp on this again and again, until it is supremely clear to you.
    8. I want you to continue to rely on the inherent Intelligence of Your Being to reveal Itself in clearer and clearer evidence; AND I WANT YOU TO BE AWARE THAT IT IS YOUR BEING “DOING ITS OWN THING” that you are observing.

      It's me, it's inherent in me, I am it, the unfolding evolution..

    9. As we go along and you have become conscious of the Body of Consciousness through observation, through your method of meditation, and through your healing work, your Self-awareness will allow me to speak about further things.

      The importance of growing into self awareness

    10. I want you to begin an extremely thorough study of the functions of your Mental Body. Dissect it. Look at it. Don’t be afraid to delve into every nook and cranny you find. It is you, and yet it is the infinite Reality you have been looking for in all your studying and listening for the Truth.

      The importance of understanding our mind and psychology.

    11. It is time to become aware of the “physiology” or anatomy of your mentality. Be attentive to the process of what you call inspiration, intuition, psychic awareness, enlightenment. It is not something happening to you at all. Rather, it is You happening as You.

      I am the inspirations, intuition, psychic awareness and enlightenment.

    12. You see, it is a primary function of Being—and that means You—to evolve Itself out of Itself

      Enlightenment is inherent and the primary function of our being.

    1. To say that you should see Supply as Supply means to lift it out of the range of optics, out of the range of visibility, into the perception that Simply is the omnipresent Substance that constitutes the warp and woof of Consciousness. It is the “stuff” of Existence.

      Definition of Supply

    1. Now, you can see that this understanding cannot be used to overcome lack. It reveals unequivocally that it is impossible for there to be lack to overcome. Abide steadfastly in this understanding of Substance—as being that which constitutes Your Being Totally, infinitely, and unfailingly—from that Place where you are experiencing Being as Conscious Being. Joyously observe what unfolds.

      As I truly understand Substance as the Totality of my Being and stay with this consciously , Consciously Being, what will unfold will unfold...

    2. When you have been conversing with your Supply or Substance, you have been consciously experiencing the constitutional Universal Substance of Your Being. Substance and Its omnipotent omniaction is in no way separate or apart from that which You Are. It is the All-constituting Spirit Omnipresencing Itself, and is experienced as your conscious experience of Being when you are standing as the Door. There is only One Substance, no matter how infinitely seen nor how great its diversification. Substance is not an attribute or a manifestation of God, of Being, but is Its Constitution.

      Substance is not apart from me, it is the Universal Substance of My Being

      "It is the All-constituting Spirit Omnipresencing Itself, and is experienced as your conscious experience of Being when you are standing as the Door."

      "Substance is not an attribute or a manifestation of God, of Being, but is Its Constitution."

    3. RAJ: I reiterate that Supply is not a movement from “here” to “there,” not even from God to man—meaning, the infinite to the finite—since in Reality there is no finite realm, only a finite view of the Infinite. The revelation for you today is not only a clearer understanding of what Substance is, but the specific disclosure that You—as Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being—are this Self-fulfilling omnipotent, omniactive Substance in exactly the same way that you are the Answer.

      As a Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, I am Self-fulfilling omnipotent, omniactive Substance in exactly the same way that I am the Answer!!!!!!

    4. PAUL: Thank you. How does Substance relate to health? RAJ: Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being. Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness.

      "Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being."

      "Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness."

    5. PAUL: In what way does Substance constitute Supply? RAJ: Let us first be clear that when we speak of Supply we are not speaking from a finite, three-dimensional standpoint. Supply is not something that comes from one point to another point, such as payment from a client or customer. Supply does not come from one thing to another, such as food value from wheat. Supply is not given or received. Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being. You must remember that Substance is Activity, not a static lump of stuff. We have already spoken in regard to the fact that It has intent or purpose. Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment—Supply in its truest meaning. Supply is inescapable, unavoidable, when understood.

      "Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being."

      "Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment."

    6. PAUL: What is the function of Substance? RAJ: Its function is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence. There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being.

      The function of Substance"is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being...."

    7. Substance is the infinite “recognition” of Reality when we are standing as the Door, since there is no disparity between the perception of Reality and the concrete or substantial experience of It in all of Its completeness.
    8. Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good.“2

      "Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good"

    9. Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect.

      "Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect."

    10. PAUL: How does Substance function? RAJ: It functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind.

      "Substance functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind."

    11. Faith, intuition, and desire constitute three aspects of our everpresent conscious experience of Reality while we are involved in the deception of existing as a finite mentality. Now, it does no good to have a lifeline attached to us while trekking around in the foreboding territory of the three-dimensional frame of reference if we do not use it to guide ourselves back into the Fourth-dimensional view, wherein perspective returns and there is no foreboding. In other words, it serves no purpose to stand in the finite view and have faith, have intuition, and have desires. From within that frame of reference, the distortion applies equally to those three everpresent perceptions of Reality. It causes them to be experienced as arising out of the absence of that which we have faith in, intuition about, and desires for. One can sit and rot in the illusion of “hell” while tenderly fondling and embracing his intuitions, faith, and desires. Your faith in what is Real, your intuitions about It, and your desire to experience It must be seen for what they are, and utilized, no matter how infinitesimal they seem to be from the standpoint of the partial view!

      Am I to understand that having faith, intuition and desire in 3d is of no use unless I use them to support me to find my way into 4d, Reality.

      "Your faith in what is Real, your intuitions about It, and your desire to experience It must be seen for what they are, and utilized, no matter how infinitesimal they seem to be from the standpoint of the partial view!"

    12. The Bible says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“1 This means that no matter how deeply we may seem to be buried in the distortions of a personal, three-dimensional, finite frame of mind, the faith that we find everpresently abiding within us is our everpresent “connection” with the Actuality of our Being as It is really going on. In other words, it is our Actual experience of Substance, inviolably “held in trust” for us, you might say, so long as we indulge in attempting to experience the Reality of our Being from a partial view. This is why it is “the evidence of things not seen.” It is the evidence of Reality, present and undistorted, in spite of the distortions inherent in the partial view.

      “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“ In 3d, 'finite frame of mind' faith is our connection with the 'Actuality of Being. The Reality of Substance, Reality, Being is held in trust while in 3d we may attempt to have partial view of it. Faith is the evidence/presence of Reality even if unseen in 3d.

    13. PAUL: Very well. My first question is: What is Substance? RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were. It is Intelligence. It is Soul. It is Spirit. It is Principle. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Mind. It is, in the final analysis, what is meant by the word God. It is omnipresent. It is omniactive. It is the nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. It is that which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not.

      Substance is; Infinite, Nondimensional, Pure Energy, Life Force, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Mind, Omnipresent, Omniactive. Nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. That which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not. It is GOD!

    14. Be aware of your reluctance to have this conversation. Simply recognize it. Notice that the reluctance is because you are wanting to glide over the information and understanding which you imagine you are going to be confronted with. You imagine it is going to discredit you in some way. Realize, further, to what extent this fear or reluctance is manifested physically in terms of strong perspiration, discomfort in the pit of your stomach, and just a general yukkiness. I am going to suggest that you clean up your act mentally and physically before we continue further. Go take a bath! And while you’re taking the bath, refresh your consciousness also. PAUL: Very well, Raj, I shall. [So, I took a bath.] Okay, I’m back, and that does feel better. Let’s go ahead and take the plunge. As I observe myself, it seems incredible to me that there is this definite reluctance to get into the subject of Substance, or into the specific answer to the problems we have been faced with over the past number of months. It is extremely strong. RAJ: And, Paul, it is entirely operating at the level of belief. It is a totally ignorant experience. That is what makes it most incredible. It simply means that you are going to have to move through it purposely, and not hope for some way to get around it.

      Paul is experiencing reluctance, resistance as a result of fearful thinking/beliefs to learning more about Substance. As a result/effect of this his physical body is experiencing symptoms of the 'stress' response to the 'perception' of threat.

      Raj encourages him to move through it 'purposely' and not try to get around it.

    15. PAUL: What is the function of Substance? RAJ: Its function is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence. There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being.

      The function of substance is; "congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence.There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being."

      Totality of Being is the the Holy Idea for Enneagram 8 which is Holy Truth.

    1. Remember that standing as the Door, at the edge of the Unknown, will become a constant activity or point of observation in your life. You might as well see it in its proper perspective right from the beginning as being totally normal and not “special” in any way
    1. The call for action this evening is for you to consciously relinquish your attempts at control and conceptualization and get back to that Point where you stand as Nothing. Thereby you allow the Somethingness of your Being to become apparent as your conscious experience of being.

      get back to that Point where you stand as Nothing. Thereby you allow the Somethingness of your Being to become apparent as your conscious experience of being.

    2. You must get back to the fact that it is the infinitude of your Being with which you are confronted.

      Our infinitude of our Being that confronts us....

    1. If All is Infinite Mind, then All is Infinite Mind! One must live his experience of the infinitude of his Being as though that were the Fact. Not because that will help make it so, but because that is what is so! And such thinking is, therefore, in line with what is already true.
    2. Yes, in your terms, it would mean a dispassionate, uninvolved experience of what is appearing. You must learn to get your satisfaction from being What You Are as Conscious Being, rather than what you appear to be by virtue of what is done three-dimensionally.

      And I recall Raj sharing that fulfilment can only come from Consciously Being and now he adds satisfaction.

    3. Your focal point must remain at that within Point wherein you are constantly aware of being as Conscious Being

      To be constantly aware of being a Conscious Being is essential.

    4. WISDOM: Of Course. The wisest thing to do is to acknowledge that you are already established Universally at every point of the Infinitude of Your Being.
    1. The Kingdom of Heaven is apparently guarded by “demons,” “evils,” “devils,” because that is the only way ego can see the impersonal existence of Being. It is very EVIL because it means the demise of ego. Ego is the only baggage that cannot go through the eye of the needle. Since it can’t go through, it applies fearful images around the eye to ensure that one will not proceed through it.

      Ego is 3d, being is 4d, plain and simple

    2. There is no way to keep a little bit of the finite view to “work with” and yet move into the Fourth-dimensional experience of Being (Your Being). Being is not finite (dimensional) in the very heavy, burdensome, sweat-producing way that three-dimensional things and thoughts are.
    3. It is the “consideration” of beliefs, the manipulations of objects “out there,” the orienting of “position” and “power” which ties us into the three-dimensional frame of reference
    4. Being is that way. It radiates Itself, and there is no other than It.
    1. Cars are not inventions of man, but rather they are that which identifies the Omnipresence of Being to some extent. They illustrate the everpresent availability of your Being as conscious experience. Recording devices, likewise, illustrate or demonstrate the omnipresent availability of some part of your “past”—information which is of value to you to have in your present experience. Do not separate them from their Source, conceptually speaking, and they will continually identify the fulfillment of Purpose. You are beginning to lose sight of the fact that all of You is always present—and that means right now! You are letting some things depend on other things (objectively speaking), and this is fouling up your perceptions of these things by seeing them as having independent existence and purpos

      Do not separate them from their Source, conceptually speaking, and they will continually identify the fulfillment of Purpose.

    1. RAJ: I understand what you are trying to get at, Paul. As a matter of fact, when I am speaking to you, it is your Being which is speaking to you. That is, unless I am relating some aspect of my experience, as in my work dealing with the return of Maitreya. You don’t believe that, I see. PAUL: I guess I don’t want to believe it. RAJ: Well, Paul, I would suggest that you test it out and see for yourself. PAUL: Do you mean that right now, this very instant, I am speaking with my Being? It is my Being revealing Itself to me as my conscious experience of being, and not “Raj” at all? RAJ: That is correct, Paul. Don’t misunderstand. I am not a figment of your imagination, as I have told you before. I am here, but I am here as the Door. I am here to facilitate what you did not think you could do, because you did not conceive it as an existing possibility. In a way, it was like getting to your Self through the back door, unobtrusively, without upsetting or exciting the three-dimensional self-thought-processes.

      The guide is the door..... to support seeing through the 3d illusions of self to remember Self as Being and Being is Oneness with all that is.

    2. You need to come into the Power of your Being as your Being!

      I wonder that this is a beautiful definition of empowerment!

    1. RAJ: I know you feel like you need help, but no one can help you at this point. There is no other One but You, and you had better be sure that you have no other “ones” before You, You Self, God. Your entire Being, in all Its infinitude, is harmonizing with You, loving You, and supporting You because of the Integrity of your Being. No one but You can relinquish consciously your hold on the false sense of self—the misidentification which feels it can’t do it. At this point I want to terminate the conversation. I will be instantly available if you need to talk, but I want you to be consciously and quietly alone with your own Being and the Reality of things. This is your baby!

      This is my journey to take, no one can do it for me.... I need to remember my True Identity and let go of all of my perceptions...

      To BE alone with my Being, Reality. Trusting my Being in all of its infinitude because it is harmonising, loving and supporting me...

    2. Leave the “split experience” of Reality/unreality alone, as illustrated in the tares and the wheat parable.3 Let them appear to exist side by side. Let them appear to cause different consciousnesses. As long as there are two, you are not caught—deluded—into the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. This dual experience of consciousness is an affirmation or proof of your having crossed the change line. You are not in three-dimensional territory, although you can still see it and feel it. Take my word for it. Now, turn your back on the old territory and begin to look into the depths of your Being as Fourth-dimensional Man. As I said, once you cross the change line, clarification spontaneously begins to occur, and occur more rapidly. This is inevitable.

      This reminds me where Raj has shared words to the effect that it is all happening at once.

      Raj shares that be able to be aware of 3d and 4d at once means that Paul is not caught in 3d..

      The 'change line'..... is this the 'shift' that Wayne Dyer speaks of ?

    3. PAUL: Okay. I know that all of me has to be present and functioning… RAJ: Don’t add that “but.” Stay with the simple Fact you have just stated. The “but” is the hooker! “All is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation.“1 There aren’t any “buts” about it! Being is “neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing towards it. It is at that point and must be understand therefrom.“2 It will never be understood from the standpoint of the three-dimensional frame of awareness (ego). You must stop looking for clues, helpful hints, or reassurances objectively. Being doesn’t need them, and “ego” only needs them in order to hook you. Remember, as you “do battle,” that there is no battle going on at all. It is a process by which you are becoming less slipshod in your self-identification. It seems as though it is an attempt to influence you in the direction of misidentification, but you are at a point where the thrust truly cannot reach you because you are hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High. You have experienced It.

      “All is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation," so any 'buts' is the ego attempting to hook.

      Raj tells Paul that Being can never be understood in 3d, ego and it is pointless to look for hints or reassurance. That the ego only looks for these things to rehook, to attempt to influence in the direction of mis-identification.

      Raj again refers to the 'battle' and clarifies that this is the process of becoming less fooled by the attempted seductions of the egoic mind towards misidentification.

      Being is my Identity!

    4. PAUL: I feel really shaky. RAJ: No, Paul, it is not You. Ego is feeling really shaky right now. That’s a positive indicator! PAUL: I feel as though I’m really going out on a limb here by maintaining the position which you outlined this morning and previously. RAJ: Why? PAUL: Because it appears that I might lose something. RAJ: There it is! Ego. If nothing can get outside the infinitude of your Being, then how can You lose anything? Paul, you must be very strict. If you can’t lose anything, then you haven’t lost anything. All of You is still present and functioning, and all of You will continue to be present and functioning.

      Raj reminds Paul that it is the ego that feels shaky and that this is a good sign.

      Raj illustrates to Paul that the belief that he might lose something is ego because in Being, nothing can be lost.

    5. PAUL: Okay, Raj, I’m alone… RAJ: Although you caught it, I want to amplify on it. “Alone” is a three-dimensional concept implying that there’s everyone else, and then there’s “me.” This is ego. You’ve got to be alert. Notice that your body is having physical sensations that you recognize as feeling disheartened, worried, or fearful. Notice that it has an intent; it is not just a feeling. It is there to motivate you to “do” something objective. Notice that in observing it, the I that is You that is observing is clear, unmoved, and at peace.

      Raj reminds Paul to be alert to the the ego. That 'alone' is a 3d concept, ego, suggesting that there is everyone else and then there is me. Raj brings Paul's attention to witnessing the body which is having physical sensations and feeling e.g. disheartened. Raj goes onto share that the ego has an intent to motivate Paul to do something objective. And even though this is occurring, it can be observed and the 'I' the Being observing is unmoved and at peace.

    6. To be alone with one’s Being is to be totally Present, Universally Present, without one iota projected “out there.” It is to have no other Mind but God. Notice that Its intent is not directed at you. Notice that It does not try to coerce you. Notice that you are not aware of a separate selfhood upon which It can act. Don’t try to reason it out or figure it out. Just notice It. At the present moment, you are not completely free of the inclination to believe that you are what ego says, and that you are in a pickle. On the other hand, you are not buying the story, either. Just notice.

      Raj defines 'presence' as to be alone with one's Being and conscious that there is only the Mind of God.

      Raj prompts Paul to notice that in 'presence' there is no sense of separateness.

      Again Raj suggests to just observe, to just notice the ego and its antics...

    1. Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able.

      I choose to be willing to be alone in my Being, aware in Reality..

      I choose to remain steadfast and to abide with the fact that my Being is One... The One being inclusive of all that is, now matter how it can be perceived in 3d.

      I choose to receive the encouragement that I am able to do this, to wake up fully from the dream, thank you Raj.......

    2. Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able

      I choose to be willing to be alone in my Being, aware in Reality..

      I choose to remain steadfast and to abide with the fact that my Being is One... The One being inclusive of all that is, now matter how it can be perceived in 3d.

      I choose to receive the encouragement that I am able to do this, to wake up fully from the dream, thank you Raj...

    3. It is imperative that you be alone with your own Being—absolutely alone! Don’t compare (that’s ego!). Don’t try to find affirmation or agreement with your stance from “out there” (that’s ego!). Don’t—and I say this especially—don’t let any feeling of pride enter the picture because of what you might have to do, and the fact that you are willing to do it (that’s ego!). This is a dirty fight! Fight it dirty! I say this because you will have a tendency to be “polite,” “civilized,” “courteous” if you can. Once again, you will be abiding by a set of concepts which drip with “ego.“

      Comparing, looking for agreement, looking outside of oneSelf are ego...

      Feelings such as pride are ego.

      Perceptions such as being polite, courteous are ego.

      Any set of concepts are ego..

      Raj encourages Paul to fight... i.e. to really see the ego for what it is, how it attempts to seduce and keep going no matter what...

    4. Let’s handle that thought right now—that it’s not this hard for others. First of all, that’s ego whining! It’s not You. Secondly, this idea of “others” is another ploy of ego. Only ego divides things into me and thee. Ego, ego, ego!} Watch out for it! Realize right now that ego is ego is ego. Consciously or purposely putting it down will evoke the same whining, pleading, pitiful “show,” no matter who is putting it down. I told you, Paul, it’s a liar! lies, lies, lies!

      Raj clearly points out the way of the ego e.g. believing that it is not hard for others, believing there are others.... and alerts Paul to watch out for it... and judging ego is ego itself!

    5. Do not indulge in the mistaken belief that it is going to be anything less than hard work, Paul. Accept that right now! Do not look at this “stage” of your growth as being peaches and cream. Do not indulge in self-pity or indignation at it not being easier since you “know the Truth” and are “having these conversations with me.“ Realize right now that indignation and self-pity are ego, ego, ego right down the line. You’ve got to not give a damn about whether it’s easy, hard, pleasant, unpleasant, quick or slow. These are all three-dimensional, “ego-bound” concepts. Even if they seem to parade as your feelings or thinking, do not “connect” up with them. I reiterate, Paul: Plan on it being hard work! Fight the fight! Follow through to the end wherein “ego’s” claims become the nonsense that they are, just as when HAL began reciting nursery rhymes and singing children’s songs. Do not misunderstand. I am not saying there is a real fight. I’m not saying there is a real antagonist. I am saying that if you don’t behave as though there were one—if you don’t tend to follow through “come hell or high water”—then you will be lazy and slipshod in your approach. One way or another, ego will insinuate itself into and as your self-awareness, because it is a habit through long years of apparent Self-ignorance.

      Raj seems to be really nailing it here..... he shares that remembering our real Identity isn't easy, it is hard work and he encourages Paul to really keep going no matter what.....

      Raj reminds Paul that to let go of concepts such as easy or hard though, to let go of the feelings associated with them, this is all 3d ego...

    6. Stay with the Fact that your Being is totally present. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is totally functioning. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is being totally successful in fully identifying Itself. THAT’S FACT. You are not a small part of the totality of God’s Universe. THAT’S FACT. And you are not part of God’s Universe, because God is the only Identity you have. Therefore, your Being is infinite and cannot be contained. Do not let yourself be coerced into accepting the pea-sized concept of Identity called three-dimensional man. You must stay with the Infinity of your Being, together with Its Omnipresence and Omnipotence. You are all of It. It is all of You. God is the only thing going on. it is the Happening. Do not buy the hypnotic suggestions being put forth by “ego.“

      Raj really clearly spells it out here.... Being IS my only identity..... it IS the ONLY identity I have.

      God IS the only thing going on...

      And do not be fooled by the ego....

    1. Form does not supply Being with anything, whereas Being supplies Itself with all form. It is the initial misidentification of form as function that fouls everything up. Our limited viewpoint, taking itself as the center and circumference, is the flaw.

      It is when I identify with form that I loose sight of the truth of who I am which is Being.

    2. Every aspect of your day identifies your Being, and not any one is more important or less important than another. Work does not generate income. Being generates work and income and leisure and growth. Yet, not any one of these things exist for their own independent purpose or identity. They identify Being, and Being is the Alpha and Omega—that which is and is identifying Itself completely and successfully. It is the flow of Being which is the Function. It is identified by the forms which constitute your daily activities. Your need is to identify yourself as Being and not as form.

      I love how Raj speaks in such a practical way..."Being generates work and income and leisure and growth."

      And Raj clearly shares that "the flow of Being which is the Function".

    1. You can see that it truly, completely, means getting yourself out of the way. This is the grand lesson. Do not be afraid of being “out of control.” So many times people feel that if they are out of control, they will be wide open to being controlled by other entities, forces, or powers. But the omnipresent I Am—the infinite, divine Mind that constitutes the Being of every being that be’s—is the only Presence and Power which can exert and manifest Itself, and be the center and circumference—the Alpha and Omega. Therefore, such concepts or beliefs are groundless, and one need never be afraid to let go and say and be the statement, “Thy Will be done.“

      Raj is telling us/me to not fear loosing control because "the the infinite, divine Mind that constitutes the Being of every being that be's—is the only Presence and Power which can exert and manifest Itself, and be the center and circumference."

      Therefore he assures us that there is never any need to fear letting go and relaxing and surrendering to Thy Will be done.

      According to Almaas in the book Facets of Unity, the Holt Idea of the Enneagram 2 is Holy Will.... there is only one Will because our Being is an aspect of the Light.

    1. If at the end of the day you say you are feeling bad, you should in the same breath be able to acknowledge that you have had a very good day, since the Universe has unfolded Itself with Absolute Perfection—regardless of how you feel. The trick is in where the emphasis is being laid. You can be aware of how you may feel, but it is what you Know about the Nature of the Universe and your Being which should get the emphasis. That should be what you base your interpretation or understanding of things upon. It doesn’t really matter whether you feel good or bad. It really doesn’t.

      Again Raj shares that the Universe, our Being is unfolding itself in Absolute Perfection regardless of how I feel. It is where I choose to focus.... and Raj is suggesting that the emphasis be on Being...

    2. Emotional responses have very little to do with Reality. In either case, Reality is unfolding Itself perfectly. The only thing that happens when you are feeling good is that it’s easier to take than when you are feeling bad.

      I wonder that Raj is meaning that emotional reactions have noting to do with Reality, Being as they are in the world of ego and 3d, yet feeling bliss, joy, love in Being can also be referred to as emotions.

    1. This truly is your task from this moment forward. As I said before, any attempt to avoid the fulfillment of your Being will result in discomfort far greater than you can imagine. It will be far greater than you care to experience, because you have graduated into the Fourth-dimensional frame of reference. Although you may attempt to ignore it at times, you cannot succeed in moving backwards. Growth only moves in one direction, and it moves inexorably and irreversibly.
    2. You see, it was your desire to no longer have what you think is right, and what you ought to be able to do, that opened the Door of your Being to allow your Identity as Fourth-dimensional Man to begin to flow through as your conscious experience of Being.
    3. Drop the concept of time as you request and desire the answer to your need. Stay fixed on the desire. Do it gently. Do not push it. Do not be overly intense. On the other hand, be genuine, sincere, and consistent. Realize that it is your very own Being to which the desire is being expressed, knowing as you do, that every answer and every demand arises out of your very own Being. As I have said before, trust Your Self. Lean on It. Depend on It.

      Trust and depend on my true Self, my Being..

    4. RAJ: That is a wise approach. it is only as you are fulfilling the Purpose of your Being that true progress can be made—not by attempting to fulfill the intellectually-developed ideas and concepts which you have come up with.
    1. You are also aware that when the perception of the Reality of your Being is clear enough, it is easier to give up the false sense of individuality for the true experience of Identity. You can, indeed, anticipate a divine adventure, even though it will involve some labor. Do not expect this to occur overnight, Paul. As a matter of fact, this process began the first night we began our conversations. Be patient and stick with it, and be ready to put your shoulder to the wheel.

      A Divine adventure

    2. As one makes the shift from the three-dimensional frame of reference to the being of Fourth-dimensional Man, it seems as though one must give up his individuality and allow something which he does not recognize as himself to take over and speak through him. But, the fact is that that which is speaking through him is his original and unchanging Identity. It is on the false sense of individuality called “personality” which is being given up.

      We only given up that which is founded in illusion as we shift form 3d to 4d.

    3. There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.

      In our Being there is far greater meaningful satisfaction than any ego thrill or fix.

    4. On the other hand, Identity, when It is perceived to be the expression of the Universal, omnipresent divine Mind or Intelligence, is capable of expressing Itself on a sustained basis—so sustained that the word “eternal” is the only word that describes It. It is so substantial by virtue of Its Nature as Intelligence, that It is called Omnipotent.

      Because our True Identity is an expression of Divine Mind it naturally sustains itself.

    5. Ego behaves exactly like a drug. As one gets used to it, it requires a bigger “fix” in order to get the thrill. It also engages one in a quest which had no foundation to begin with. Each additional “fix” requires the further development of a personality and an intellectual originality which can then become identified in a “thrilling” way, so that a higher “high” can be achieved. Since ego has no basis in Actuality, this superstructure of “fixes” has not the strength to support itself. Therefore, the so-called ego is met with interminable collapses of one sort or another. Its “importance,” its “skill,” its “ability” are fabulous in nature—substanceless, incapable of providing a sustained high.

      The ego cannot support itself because it has no Real foundation, so needs 'fixes' to support itself.

    6. It is very important to realize that Identity is something far different from ego. Identity is what exists before ego can seem to be formed. Yet, once ego develops, Identity becomes practically invisible. This is because ego supplies one with a “high,” a thrill, an excitement which Identity does not.

      Our true Identity is our Beingness in 4d..... it is eternal and exists before ego develops in our human experience. Once the ego develops though we loose conscious contact with our true Identity in the 3d experience..

    1. As I said yesterday, your Being is unfolding Itself infinitely in all Its perfection. This is the Fact which underlies everything that Is, as well as everything that seems to be. Do not get hung up on what seems to be the case. Your Being is capable of manifesting Itself as your conscious experience of being, and has never stopped doing so. It is this ongoing eternal, abiding Fact which needs to become an integral part of your conscious experience. Cultivate It and you will not be sorry.

      Our Being is evolving, unfolding eternally...fact!

    1. You need to take some time each day to specifically be out from Mind and ignore the demands which seem to be coming from “out there.“
    2. You will never be able to experience the infinitude of your Being clearly if you think that there are nooks or crannies—or “levels of belief”—in which the omnipresent Love which constitutes your Being is somehow not present. You must come to the realization that all of you truly is always available to you, no matter how things seem to be. Right now, I am aware that you are feeling as though you are somehow beyond the range of the direct perception and experience of the Reality of your Being as Love. It simply is not true.

      Raj speaks very directly here.. Another powerful paragraph that is worthy of just resting with...

    3. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions.

      Again Raj shares that Love is everywhere, because Love makes up our Being. Even if I become unaware of this in 3d it is still what is true all the time and I can be consciously aware of it whenever I choose. If I am caught up in 3d though I will not feel the "loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being".

    4. I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact.

      Fact.... my Being is constituted of infinite Love! Fact.... Love constitutes the Substance of my total experience...

    5. You must get over this idea that your life is actually occurring in the way you see and experience it from a three-dimensional standpoint. You must realize that whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your Being is infinitely unfolding Itself at all times, and is doing so in all of Its perfection. Infinitely speaking, you never become more nor less than You Are. Whether you choose to focus in on any particular detail of your Infinity or not, your Being continues to unfold Itself on the basis of Its Infinity, and not on the basis of what you choose to narrow your attention down to.

      This is a powerful paragraph and so much in it.... my Being is unfolding all the time anyway whether I am conscious of it or not. I can never be less than I am. Even if I focus my attention in 3d, it is all this happening at once. If I really understand this!!!!!

    6. RAJ: Very well, Paul. Tonight it is very necessary for you to once again begin to relax out of the personal, three-dimensional sense of responsibility. I realize it has been difficult to take care of the necessities which have required your attention, and yet remain uninvolved and free of believing that you must respond as a three-dimensional man to three-dimensional demands. Nevertheless, you need to do so. I sense that you are more than ready, since it is, indeed, very tiring to believe that you are making the world go round.

      I smile with Raj's sense of humour here, "I sense that you are more than ready, since it is, indeed, very tiring to believe that you are making the world go round."

    1. I know that you do not yet trust your Self completely, but by the same token, your Self-trust is greatly increased over what it was when we began our conversations. At that point, you were not even consciously aware of the experience of your Self—of your True Identity—as opposed to your concept and experience of yourself as three-dimensional man. Right now ego is confused—you are not, even though what seems most forcible in your thought at the moment is the feeling of confusion.

      The ego in 3d can be confused, the True Self in 4d cannot be.

    2. Since you are presently at the point of experiencing the change line, you are finding that the dynamics apparently are greater and somewhat confusing, unsettling, and disorienting. Do not get caught up in any of those points. Allow them. Adjustment is very rapid once the shift has been made, and things will become spontaneously clear to you.

      I hear Raj say to be present with what is occurring, allow them without getting caught up.....Raj shares that at the change line, the shift, dynamics are apparently greater, confusing, unsettling, disorientating...

    3. You are truly beginning to experience the Fourth- and third-dimensional frames of reference existing side by side. You are able to observe yourself, and actually experience what seems to you to be yourself, being depressed. At the same time, you are able to experience your Self as being totally clear, at peace, in harmony with your Being, and not emotionally vexed in any way.

      I find this very useful and very affirming of my recent experiences of the neurobiological response in 3d while still maintaining awareness of Being in 4d. It was all happening at once and the more I embraced and fully felt the 3d experience the more of Being I became aware of....

    1. You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being. Ego is what Jesus referred to as “the devil,” being a liar and the father of it. It is imperative that you understand that there is no other evil. The only sin there is is the misidentification of one’s Self as “ego” rather than Being, as Conscious Being.

      Raj calls the 'ego' mythical here which is interesting. In psychology there are three aspects of the ego, the id which focusses on basic biological needs and desires. It is there at birth. The ego which is conscious, the the rational part of personality which emerges in infancy and the superego which begins to emerge from 3 years is often referred to as conscience. This is referenced Freud's Psychosexual stages of development in lifespan theory. I generally resonate more with Eriksons Psychosocial stages of development.

      In our humanity the ego fulfils the purpose of functioning in this 3d experience, I feel it is neither bad nor good.... it supports the individuated human experience. In the ego though we only identify ourselves as a body mind with no deeper recognition of self other than the development of conscience. This 'operating program' for our human experience is geared with a security system to keep this body mind, this organism safe. This is the job given to it to do and it does it well. Our security system, the trauma response which is inclusive of the fight, flight freeze response responds to real or perceived threat.

      The flight, fight freeze is in the id, it is an honest response, yet in adulthood it can go into ego with perceived threat and include reaction, yet in itself it is intrinsicly occurring as a neurbiological response....

      There is much to this. Too much to share here in this space.

      I wonder that Raj calls the ego mythical because the body mind is not in Reality who we really are, yet we are having a human experience. It is our identification with ourselves as the egoic body mind that is disolving.

      In time as we come to experience, to know our Being in 4d, to learn our True identity is not the body mind. The ego wants to maintain its authority and resists our journey to remember our true identity, pure essence, Love in form, Being.

    2. You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.

      So I am hearing that in Reality, in Being, everything is connected, is One, there is no separation in this place...

      Again I reflect that the ego is what supports the 3d experience, we chose to experience this and now it is time to remember that real Reality is 4d and the world of separation, 3d does not exist in Reality... it is a journey into this remembrance though..

    3. This conversation is, perhaps, one of the most important ones we’ve had. I would suggest that you make an extra copy which you can keep separate from the rest and refer to a number of times each day. You may not seem to feel particularly comfortable and at ease objectively or three-dimensionally speaking. Therefore, it will be well for you to be able to easily remind yourself that ego is an “android” and, therefore not even capable of dying. it had no life to begin with. Although it will seem to present itself as the downfall and destruction of your individuality, such will not be the case. Again, this is a conversation of serious import. It should receive the attention due it, no matter what other demands present themselves.

      The importance of practice.

    4. You must beware of the withdrawal symptoms, since the “ego habit” is going to demand another “fix”—and another, and another, and another. It will do so with less and less strength, but it will do so, nevertheless. I am forewarning you of this, so that you may understand the method of its operation, and will not take it seriously.

      Fixing is to see that there is something that needs fixing and in Reality in 4d Being, there is nothing to fix..... all fixing, desire to fix can only be 3d, ego... So here Raj warns us of this trap...

    1. RAJ: Thank you, Paul. You have been very patient and cooperative. Everything that we have done has been absolutely necessary. It has caused you and your family to grow beyond what they would have otherwise.

      We need to experience what we do to create the contexts of learning and readiness to understand more deeply....

    1. RAJ: Paul, do not despair. You are going to find the answer unfolding within and as your conscious experience of Being as being already completed.

      You are going to find the answers unfolding within... The answers are coming from within and they unfold.....

    1. Remember not to get into the picture. Do not see yourself the way the three-dimensional frame of reference sees you and wants to convince you of. Remember that Being is Eternal. No single event in the Eternality of your conscious experience of Being takes precedence over that which is aware of it. You are not in it. It is not larger than you, and it is not controlling your Being.
    1. That will be a good idea, Paul. The wheel of history repeats itself, but Being never repeats Itself.

      So clear, being never repeats itself!

  4. Oct 2015
    1. Growth, itself, is like this, in that there are times of changing speed, and there are times of not changing speed, and yet speed is everpresent. The change lines are as natural to life as the spaces in between. And you can see this.
    2. You are also correct that the reappearance of the Christ, even to those who have longed for His reappearance and who would give their right arm to be in His Presence, will not necessarily find themselves able to let go and acknowledge that it is truly Him.

      By not letting go and identifying with and holding onto our perceptions in our 3d world we do not come to acknowledge our True Self as Christ.

    1. Therefore, until further notice, I want you to proceed as though you do not know what your purpose is, nor what effect it has when you are doing healing work. This will not be hard for you to do, and when it occurs to you to contact me during a healing session, do not hesitate to do so. I will be glad to work with you, because, after all, we are both working for the purpose of preparing the Way.

      The humility of 'don't know mind'....

    2. You were correct in your recognition that it is the White Light of Christ which is passing between your hands. It is not another colour at this point. That Light does Its transforming work. It does His work, which is why it is so clear to you that you are not doing it yourself. Nevertheless, your knowing that it is His work that is being done, and that you are, indeed, being His willing servant, will add greater power and potency to your work than has been evidenced prior to this time. Stay with this knowledge. Do not share this particular fact with those whom you are working. They will, nevertheless, feel it and experience it.

      Thy Will not mine.....

    3. Yes, Paul, Maitreya is on this planet, and He will be making Himself known. But the making of Himself known is not that the Person, Maitreya, is here—but the Christ Light, the Christ Energy, the Christ Love is here. It is an active, living Presence. It is here to bathe, wash, and heal the spirit of all mankind on earth.

      Becoming aware of the Christ within, the true Self...

    4. The reason you are having trouble is that you are temporarily caught up in a three-dimensional image of yourself—a body of ideas and concepts that are the equivalent of a three-dimensional image. You need to be in touch with yourself as Conscious Being. You know you are capable of this because you are doing it right at this moment while I am speaking to you. This is because you are not afraid of what I am going to say.
    5. I can feel that. Paul, you mentioned before we began that you were feeling a love growing within you for me. That love could not be growing if there were not, first, a basic trust within you. I am here to help and to guide. If you misunderstand me. I will immediately let you know. I can appreciate that this process seems like a quantum leap to you. I can appreciate your fear that if you do not hear me correctly, you will feel like a fool. But, Paul, you and I are alone right now. This conversation is not to be transcribed, nor is it to be shared until I let you know otherwise. So, no one will know whether you turned out to be a fool or not. Take a moment and relax, and get within yourself. I want you to get to the feeling that you have while you were driving this afternoon when there was no sensation of anxiety. I will help you.
    6. I do have things to say to you tonight, and you are not pushing things. And at this point, your attempts to be sure that you are not imposing your will are actually standing in the way. I am telling you that you can let go and you do not need to worry. In fact, it is essential that you let go tonight, Paul.

      Our attempts to not be coming from fear is already the presence of fear.

    7. Paul, really go ahead and let go here. It is not necessary for you already to understand the words in the manner in which I am going to be using them. It doesn’t matter whether you may have already heard them in the past somewhere. Tonight you are going to find out that I really am a separate individuality, and that I am here to teach you things that you do not know and have not heard before. In order to do this you are really going to have to let go, and you are able to let go. When you feel that you need to stop and get into that awareness of yourself as Conscious Being, don’t hesitate to do so. Nobody is watching. Nobody will know that you are not highly proficient at this right now.

      Letting go.....

    8. Paul, I do love you, and the reason you are not getting words this time is because there are no words capable of expressing what that word Love means when I use it. However, you do feel it. Words are not necessary at this time.

      Love is a felt experience well beyond words

    1. Your assignment is: As best as you can, leave our conversation, but stay in the same place. Be there when you listen to the tape. You have already experienced the meaning of the words and the communication as Mind. Now you are having the opportunity of feeling the meaning of listening to a tape recording of the conversation and of discerning the subtle structures and patterns of that experience as Conscious Being.

      Conscious practice of Being (4d) while being in 3d.

    2. You are familiar with the statement that Jesus walked through the dream awake. This means that He walked through and participated in the three-dimensional world as a Fourth-dimensional Being. Yet not one had the slightest idea that He was not basically like one of them.

      To be in the world (3d) yet not of the world.

    3. Thank you for opening your eyes, for it is a definite aid in broadening your ability to be out from Mind while being in an apparently more natural state from a three-dimensional point of view. You see, Paul, you are going to have to be able to move incognito in the three-dimensional world
    4. Again, whatever appears to be going on three-dimensionally, is going on Fourth-dimensionally as Mind fulfilling itself Perfectly. You need not be apprehensive concerning it.
    5. I am giving you an assignment here. it is to be alert, ready and open to observing everything that occurs from both an objective and subjective standpoint. This can be done simultaneously during this phase of transition. Remember, however, that at no time are you to leave the Fourth-dimensional standpoint as Conscious Being. You will find that seeing three-dimensionally is so much a habit with you that you will still be able to see things from that standpoint, even though you are absolutely riveted to experiencing your Infinity as your Self—Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being.
    6. Apparently existing simultaneously in two dimensions, you will be able to observe the structural patterns and changes that occur, and you will begin to understand experientially why things appeared the way they did from a three-dimensional-only standpoint.
    7. Again, lean on your Self absolutely and unequivocally whenever you are in contact with the one you call your mother, not because there is a danger, but because it will provide you with another jewel in the structure of your experience as Conscious Being.
    8. The Fourth Dimension is the Governing dimension, as you are beginning to discern. There is only one thing going on, and every aspect of that one thing is perfectly harmonizing—literally the Music of the Spheres in concert—in the unfoldment of Divine Purpose.

      It's all happening at once.

    9. However, to return to the situation that you are finding yourself faced with, let me remind you to “simplify, simplify, simplify.” It does not matter who else does, or does not, see what you see as Conscious Being. It does not matter if their viewpoint is primarily three-dimensional, finite, limited and distorted. You stick to your perceptions, as Conscious Being, of the Fourth-dimensional Fact of what is going on and appearing three-dimensionally to those around you.

      We all have the freedom to choose where we focus, which dimension.

    10. I tell you that there is great fulfillment in being the Guide rather than the guided.