243 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Last, but not least, we have our own extensions to the language. As explained in the previous post on this series, this is code that could be part of the language but, for some reason, it’s not. In the case of PHP we can think, for example, of a DateTime class based on the one provided by PHP but with some extra methods. Another example could be a UUID class, which although not provided by PHP, it is by nature very aseptic, domain agnostic, and therefore could be used by any project independently of the Domain.
    1. Another problem is that now your business logic is obfuscated inside the ORM layer. If you look at the structure of the source code of a typical Rails application, all you see are these nice MVC buckets. They may reveal the domain models of the application, but you can’t see the Use Cases of the system, what it’s actually meant to do.
  2. Dec 2024
    1. And how one is gonna do that, one is gonna become not you. You're gonna become somebody else—specifically, you're gonna become a fully enlightened tantric deity, right? And you, with a sense of what's called dignity or pride, right, the, the... "lha’i nga rgyal," the "pride of being the deity."

      for - Buddhism - TIbetan - Clear light meditation - purpose of - deity visualization - become the deity to practice giving up your ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne

    1. the fourth pillar of well-being we call purpose

      for - fourth of four pillars of wellbeing - purpose - finding it in our everyday life here and now - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson - comparison - intention vs attention

      comment - Davidson does not provide much rich commentary on purpose, although it is quite an important idea to consider. - Intention is synonymous with purpose - The reason we consider the word intention instead is that we can compare to attention - intention - purpose or focus direction of future work (fourth pillar) - attention - focus awareness (first pillar) - Both of these acts are acts of constraining from the infinite field of our reality to a very narrow one - intention - among the infinite things I CAN do, I choose to do THIS specific one - attention - among all the infinite things I can sense, I choose to sense THIS specific one

  3. Nov 2024
    1. I'm reminded of poor online friend Jack Baty who can never seem to settle on a PKM approach, oscillating between 5 or so over the years, including publishing platforms/blogs. It's easy to reply "Don't! There's no greener grass on any side." But that also misses the point, I believe, when in the end one just wants to explore and tinker. And not get stuff done all the time. All that being said, I believe there's hope in simplicity of a Zettelkasten, but maybe that's not what is being searched for 😅

      via [[Christian Tietze]] at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/22076/#Comment_22076

      There's tremendous value in keeping a single zettelkasten store of knowledge. Spreading it out only dilutes things and can prevent building. Shiny object syndrome can be a problem as it's often splitting the stores of information and silo-ing them from each other. Unless the shiny object can do something radically different or has a dramatic affordance it's really only a distraction.

      But still, sometime the search for either simpler or better serves other needs...

    1. mankind isn't getting all that much more effective at collectively dealing with complex problems maybe that's what i could concentrate on so that's what i committed to

      for - Douglas Engelbart - life purpose - improve our ability to collectively deal with complex problems

    1. Lawmakers in both parties say they want to do something about the country’s child-care crisis. But if they’re serious, they’ll need to do what’s hardest on the Hill right now: come up with a lot of money.

      Similar to Dr. King's letter, Rosenberg gives the purpose for their writing in the beginning paragraph. The first paragraphs also seem to be much shorter than most of the thicker paragraphs of the bodies of these two different writing styles.

  4. Oct 2024
    1. To survive, living systems need to process information from their environment so they can predict environmental conditions. They then translate this information into organising their material structures to maximise the efficiency with which they extract and dissipate energy.

      for - question - entropy definition of life - investigate further - entropy definition of life

      question - I'm not fully appreciating his explanation. This requires further investigation - This physical explanation of life appears to be aimed at showing that the hardware and software aspects of life work together to dissipate physical energy - Is he saying that life's purpose is to accelerate the heat death of the universe?

    1. The analysis in this article reveals how key themes—the future of public libraries, DIY andmaker cultures, and informal learning—are being constructed in current discussions aboutmakerspaces in public libraries

      This first line of the conclusion succinctly relays the purpose of this article - to collect, analyze, and discuss common themes and conclusions in conversations and research around Maker education in libraries.

  5. Sep 2024
    1. The author does this by focusing on the role of Christian monastic communities.

      for - compare work - without purpose - vs- monastic perspective

      compare work - without purpose - vs- monastic perspective - To much work in modernity is felt as work without - purpose or - meaning - In this case, it feels like slavery because there is no joy present in the work - it feels meaningless to the individual - In contrast, in the monasteries if all traditions, the work is contextualised as another state in which the sacred manifests

    1. The point of GPL licenses is to protect the user of the software, not the developer. If you want "protection" as a developer, use MIT (disclaimer of warranty). GPL "infects" other parts of a system to combat a work-around which was used to violate the software freedom of the user, by firewalling sections of GPL'ed code from the rest of the system. If you don't care about your users' software freedom in the first place, then (L)GPL is the wrong choice.
      • goal: protect user rights/freedoms
      • non-goal: protect developer rights/freedoms
  6. Jul 2024
    1. "An' a fly go a moon And can't find food for the starving tummies" criticism on how the wealth and resources used on space exploration - is something that humanity can't understand when those billions used for the scientific pursuit/understanding of the universe, can instead be used to feed and clothe the hungry, the impoverish - basically poverty and world hunger would cease. it's sort of like criticisng the fact that we have problems here on this planet that we all need to work together to solve as a species/planet, yet we're not prioritising those problems as our main repsonisbility, something we need to fix, instead the most intelligent bunch/resourceful are spending their energy/time/reousrces on solving the mysteries of the universe instead. it's commenting on the notion of the microcosm within the macrocosm. if we as a species, esp. the intelligent and resurceful of our lot focused on solving problems like poverty, world hunger, war, crime... solve problems that continue to stagnate our human evolution/progress/conciousness, we could put an end to hegelian dialectics of problem, reaction, solution... this repititive state of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. why do we keep looking outside/external when we have problems in the inside/internal, in our very hearts, minds and homes.. on our own planet Earth? if we solved the problems at home, problems that create the suffering and keep just a few individuals privelaged/intelligent/resourceful over the rest of humanity who is stagnated and moving backwards and keeping humanity in a continous cycle of karma, the wheel of samsara of the human condition... then doesn't that mean that everyone as a whole is enlightened intelligent, resourceful? no one gets left behind and everyone becomes empowered self-sufficient, self-independent, self-enlightened, self-responsible...imagine each and every person self empowered now imagine the entire race of humanity self-empowered... that's billions of buddhas/christs - intellectuals, academics and enlightened individuals working together as a strong force of unity for a common cause. if we can fix those small problems that continue to keep humanity going backwards towards self-destructi, those small problems which greatly impact upon the bigger picture and schemes of things, then we can truly progress towards real change and together explore the universe as a human species. no one gets left behind.

      This is a valid criticism (sorry Elon Musk)... By helping the other individual you in the end help society and therefore yourself.

      We should be focusing on present problems that are closer to us before moving on to more abstract problems that have less value at present.

      The same goes for ourselves. Try not to fix your family or neighborhood before you have fixed yourself (keep in mind diminishing returns). As Dan Koe said: "Your purpose is solving the most pressing problem you have right now." (not verbatim).

      Try not to learn how to learn before your sleep schedule is excellent, before you know how to be productive and have habits.

      Learning enablers first, THEN learning.

      Fix first yourself, then your household, then the city, then the country, then the continent, etc. This does not have to be taken literally, but use it as a wise guidance. It's a principle rather than a law.

    1. Kaczynski argued that such conveniences didn’t make us happy, only aimless. And to stave off this aimlessness, we had to continually set ourselves goals purely to have goals to pursue, which Kaczynski called “surrogate activities”. These included sports, hobbies, and chasing the latest product that ads promised would make us happy.

      this is interesting. we set goals just to have goals to pursue. we're chronically addicted to problem-solving.

  7. Jun 2024
    1. What is annotation as a genre? I think what he observed in the annotations was a wide range of reader responses, some highly engaging, others less clearly so.

      Comment by onewheeljoe: This question seems like it should be more specific to disciplines. What is annotation in the legal world? How about for scientists? For beginning readers?

      If I'm annotating a text to make meaning, that's different than if I'm a prof annotating a historical text to provide relevant background. The two notes have only their "noteness" in common, I'd say.

    1. While it often works, this is fraught with side effects and not the intended use case for dind. It was added to ease the development of Docker itself, not provide end user support for nested Docker installations.
  8. May 2024
    1. Students need space and structure thatwill invite them to engage actively

      reason for modules, Invite student engagement.

    2. online asynchronous class, the instructor must showstudents how to navigate, how to interact, and what isexpected.

      Instructors purpose in online setting - teaching students how to navigate the "virtual classroom", how to interact and expectations

  9. Mar 2024
    1. Bad Bunny is one of the world's biggest pop stars. His last album, "El Ultimo Tour Del Mundo," was the first entirely Spanish-language record ever to hit No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard albums chart.

      The podcast's purpose is to educate and amuse listeners about Bad Bunny's most recent album, "Un Verano Sin Ti." The hosts want to spark a vibrant conversation with the audience while offering evaluation, observations, and appreciation for the creative aspects of the record.

  10. Feb 2024
    1. "..man's task, is...to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious...As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence" Carl Jung

    1. Human beings, at some level, need bias to survive. So, are we biased? Of course. Virtually every one of us is biased toward something, somebody, or some group.

    1. https://www.blyberg.net/darien-statements

      The Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians<br /> Written by John Blyberg, Kathryn Greenhill, and Cindi Trainor<br /> Originally published April 3, 2009

  11. Jan 2024
    1. It's original purpose was definitely to create unique output but you can definitely use it for other reasons!

      reply to u/chasemac_ at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/19ep9rc/comment/kjempeu/

      I'm curious from where you draw your "original purpose" claim? This presupposes having identified a zettelkasten progenitor who has clearly made such a statement. (If you're thinking Luhmann, you're missing the mark by centuries. And even if you're thinking Luhmann, where did he say this specifically?) While Konrad Gessner seems to have been an early progenitor in 1548, the broader idea goes much further back. Even in the early days of the commonplace book, the primary analogy was using them as "storehouses" for collecting treasure (thesaurus) aka knowledge or wisdom.

      Even Luhmann's framing of his zettelkasten as his "second memory" was old by the time he wrote it:

      In a short academic dissertation on the art of excerpts, Andreas Stübel described the card index as a ‘secondary and subsidiary memory’ (‘memoria secundaria and subsidiaria’), summing up in just three words the dilemma scholars had been struggling with for two centuries with respect to the use of commonplace books. As far as I know, Stübel was the first among contemporaries to speak of secondary memory. —Alberto Cevolini in “Where Does Niklas Luhmann’s Card Index Come From?” Erudition and the Republic of Letters 3, no. 4 (October 24, 2018): 390–420. https://doi.org/10.1163/24055069-00304002.

      If we look even further back we read Seneca the Younger in Epistulae morales, writing positively about collecting with respect to classic rhetoric:

      "We should follow, men say, the example of the bees, who flit about and cull the flowers that are suitable for producing honey, and then arrange and assort in their cells all that they have brought in;

      Without a clear originator, I might suggest that historically the first purpose was for memory followed closely by learning and then accumulating wisdom and knowledge (sententiae). Using them for output only came much later.

      Why is there so much bad ink in the zettelkasten space about about "collecting"? (a la the "collector's fallacy") If you collect nothing, you'll have nothing. You have to start somewhere. Collecting happens first before anything useful comes out of the enterprise. Where are all these "people [who] do nothing but boast about the amount of cards in their box"? I'm not seeing lots of evidence of them in fora or online certainly. Show us your collection of examples of those to back up the claim. Are there index card hoarders out there who honestly have tens of thousands of notes with absolutely no purpose? I suspect it's rare.

      If you're a collector, collect away! Take solace in the words of historian Keith Thomas:

      Unfortunately, such diverse topics as literacy, numeracy, gestures, jokes, sexual morality, personal cleanliness or the treatment of animals, though central to my concerns, are hard to pursue systematically. They can’t be investigated in a single archive or repository of information. Progress depends on building up a picture from a mass of casual and unpredictable references accumulated over a long period. That makes them unsuitable subjects for a doctoral thesis, which has to be completed in a few years. But they are just the thing for a lifetime’s reading. So when I read, I am looking out for material relating to several hundred different topics.

    1. 27.09 be consumed by the system, or serve it purposefully

      Live in the system, don't try to change it, resisting it (Joseph Campbell)

    1. computational boundary of the self notion is simply a way to try to be able to think about very diverse kinds of uh beings diverse kinds 00:08:12 of intelligences all all on one scale

      for: purpose - computational boundary of self - it's utility is to have one idea that can help define intelligence non-anthropomorphically, not just of humans

    1. Winston Churchill once said, “It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” Think about what you are working toward this year. Are you doing what is required or are you looking for a shortcut?

      This is the difference between acting excellence and purposeful.

    2. When I am well rested and working on something I am genuinely excited about, finding time is rarely a problem

      It is about energy and purpose, and not about time.

  12. Dec 2023
    1. 59:00 Purpose and belonging as drivers for happiness. Try to balance both. Purpose can easily cannibalise belonging.

  13. Nov 2023
    1. 16:00 passion is selfish, so, like an alchemist, turn it into purpose

  14. Oct 2023
    1. As a kid, you get the impression that everyone has a calling, and all they have to do is figure out what it is. That's how it works in movies, and in the streamlined biographies fed to kids. Sometimes it works that way in real life. Some people figure out what to do as children and just do it, like Mozart. But others, like Newton, turn restlessly from one kind of work to another.
    1. Knowledge that is excluded from synthesis... .t3_17beucn._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } questionOr... what do you all do with expansive lit notes that have been taken from a textbook for future reference and broad understanding of a methodology, rather than for its direct relevance to research and synthesis of new ideas?It's too unwieldly to keep in current form - six chapters of highlighted paras + notes on how I might apply certain approaches, but it resists atomisation/categorisation. Maybe just chapter summaries?Not suggesting there's 'A' way of doing this, but interested in others' approaches to directly applicable/foundational 'textbook' knowledge that is unlikely to evolve.(Someone really should do a PhD in the epistemology of Zettelkasten!)Cheers,Chris

      reply to u/Admirable_Discount75 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/17beucn/knowledge_that_is_excluded_from_synthesis/

      What is your purpose/need/desire to turn all this material into individual zettels or atomic ideas? If you've read the material, taken some literature notes, and reviewed them a bit, don't you broadly now know and understand the methodology? If this is the point and you might only need your notes/outline to review occasionally, then there's nothing else you need to do. If you're comparing other similar methodologies and comparing and contrasting them, then perhaps it's worth breaking some of them out into their own zettels to connect to other things you're working on. Perhaps you're going to write your own book on the topic? Then having better notes on the subject is worthwhile. If you don't have a good reason or gut feeling for why you would want or need to do it, taking hundreds of notes from a book and splitting them all into interconnected atomic notes is solely busy work.

      It's completely acceptable to just keep your jumble of literature notes next to your bibliographic entry for potential future reference or quick review if necessary. Perhaps you've gotten everything you need from this source without creating any permanent notes? Or maybe only one or two of the hundreds are actually valuable to your potential long term goals?<br /> It's really only the material you feel that is relevant to your longer term goals, research, and synthesis needs that's worthwhile breaking out into permanent notes/zettels.

      syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/17beucn/comment/k5lr0mz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      Just as Adler and Van Doren (1972) suggest that most books are only worth a quick inspectional read and fewer are worth a deeper, analytical read, most (fleeting) notes, highlights, and annotations you make are only worth their quick scribble while vanishingly few others are worthy of greater expansion and permanent note status. You might also find by extension that some of the most valuable work you'll do is syntopical reading and the creation of high value syntopical notes which you can weave into folgezettel (sequences of notes) that generate new knowledge.

      Don't fall into the trap of thinking that everything needs to be a perfect, permanent note. If you're distilling and writing one or two good permanent notes a day, you're killing it; the rest is just sour mash.

      As ever, practice to see what works best for your needs.

    1. A good college, ifit does nothing else, ought to produce competent syntopicalreaders.

      Adler and Van Doren's minimal bar of a college education is that it produce competent syntopical readers.

    1. t's a hard-driving, danceable track. And that's what I'm saying - where he plays with that nuance again. He's like, oh, you want to dance in the club? Okay, let's dance in the club. But we're going to be talking about Puerto Rican politics while we do it.

      During the interview, the host explains that Bad Bunny creates songs like "El Apagon" with the intention of both entertaining and informing his audience. Sayre points out that Bad Bunny desires for his fans to dance and enjoy themselves, which is why he creates songs with upbeat tempos. However, he also seeks to bring attention to societal injustices and incorporates politically charged lyrics into his music that still maintain a club-like beat.

    1. 03:33 5 intrinsic motivators 04:20 curiosity 04:50 purpose 05:30 mastery 06:00 autotelic: enjoyment of the activity itself (Doris his enjoyment of the topic, and previous three was fairly high, but he didn’t like spreadsheets etc.) 07:00 autonomy

      Aligning these 5 as driving tremendous intrinsic motivation

  15. Sep 2023
    1. Passion, purpose, and curiosity are psychological elements that serve as powerful flow triggers, driving you to experience heightened engagement and enjoyment in your work. Here’s how each plays into performance and flow: Passion: Passion refers to that deep, fiery connection to a specific activity or endeavor that fuels your journey into flow state. It sparks an intrinsic motivation that propels you to wholeheartedly immerse yourself in the task at hand, surmounting challenges and maintaining unwavering focus throughout. Purpose: Purpose gives meaning and significance to your actions and goals. When your work aligns with your values, it’s easier to get into a flow state. Purpose acts as a guiding compass, enabling you to stay resilient despite obstacles and distractions. Curiosity: Approaching tasks with genuine curiosity is key to hacking flow state. As your mind thirsts for novelty and discovery, curiosity drives unwavering focus, honing creative problem-solving abilities and a deep sense of engagement.The triad of passion, purpose, and curiosity creates a formidable fusion of flow triggers. These triggers help boost intrinsic motivation, achieve a challenge-skill balance, and provide a clear sense of direction to enter flow state.

      First flow trigger is passion, purpose, curiosity

      • see zk: on how discernment of these is important to achieve flow (discoverable in many sections), and how we have to figure these out in a bottom-up manner, with tools that aid us
    1. Since arriving at the school, I have said to each class that I am too old to change journalism. Instead, I would watch and try to help students take on that responsibility.
    1. welcome stillness (to discern purpose)

      • see: discernment happens to you, you don't do it) (movement happens to you, you don't force it)
    2. purpose as not my purpose, what does the greater purpose want (power of now written through Eckhart) "what does god/life want from me, rather than what do I want from life" (finding place in the whole)

  16. Aug 2023
    1. We might view human social organization in general in this lens: social organization exists to maximize the extraction of energy from the environment to the group and individual (X), and the efficiency of the conversion of extracted energy into offspring (E). This is identical to the claim that social organization exists to maximize the fitness of the group (Wilson and Sober 1994) and/or the individuals which compose the group (Nowak et al. 2010), given an energetic definition of fitness.
      • for: social organization - evolutionary purpose,
      • paraphrase
        • human social organization exists to maximize
          • the extraction of energy from the environment to the group and individual (X), and
          • the efficiency of the conversion of extracted energy into offspring (E). -This is identical to the claim that
          • social organization exists to maximize the fitness of the group (Wilson and Sober 1994) and/or the individuals which compose the group (Nowak et al. 2010),
        • given an energetic definition of fitness.
  17. Jul 2023
    1. For any action, habit, and belief you have, ask yourself: "Does this help toward my goals and future self or not?", if the answer is no, it is a distraction and part of the 80% you need to let go in order to reach 10X

      Your future self and 10X (or 100X) vision and goals serve as a massive filter for action and belief.

      Note: You should not 10X everything! Just 3 priorities.

    2. Counterintuitively, the 10X mindset and goal setting is not about goals. It is about identifying the essential PROCESSES that lead to significant progress.

    3. What is the game you want to play? What is the game you could play? What is a game you could go all in on and succeed at and be really good at?

      This defines your pathways and strategies within your 20%

      The path can change and adjust over time.

  18. Jun 2023
    1. Something to introduce into your yearly review is to reflect on the period and find out what your 10x cycles were.

      A 10x mindset is defined by letting go of the 80% that isn't useful, and focusing on the 20% that is essential while building 80% new skills or standards that benefit your purpose. A lot of true progress requires sacrifice (stripping down that which is not beneficial or essential).

      Related to what Mihaly Csikszentmihaliy, author of Flow, calls the Ulterior purpose, where the purpose serves as a big filter to focus on what actually matters. Antonin Sertillanges gives a similar account in The Intellectual Life

      The solid maxim: Big change requires great sacrifice.""

      Likely, identifying the essential 20% (and the 80% to learn) requires a lot of introspection and reflection. Something that will help significantly is Kolb's.

  19. May 2023
  20. Feb 2023
    1. If you don't like Zettlekasten (I have my "own" version of Zettlekasten that I use so it's not 100% the original, but it's very heavily based on it - if you hate Zettlekasten this really isn't going to work). 


      Elizabeth Filips is running a validation cohort for a course (presumably called MUSE, the marketing name for her "system" as well) on how to take notes and build a zettelkasten (or a second brain—there's evidence that she's taken Tiago Forte's course). She's got some indications that she's using a zettelkasten-like method for creation, but her burgeoning empire also appears to be firmly centered in the productivity porn space. I'm curious how she views her Muse system being different from a zettelkasten?

      She's got an incredibly focused sales funnel web presence here.

  21. Jan 2023
  22. Nov 2022
    1. In a world that’s heating up, speeding up, and increasingly interconnected, there’s so much that can’t wait—and can be made better. We believe that a more sustainable, equitable future is for all of us to design. Here’s the work we’re doing to get there, and what we’re learning along the way.

      sustainable, equitable future! Yay!

    1. And this is the art-the skill or craftthat we are talking about here.

      We don't talk about the art of reading or the art of note making often enough as a goal to which students might aspire. It's too often framed as a set of rules and an mechanical process rather than a road to producing interesting, inspiring, or insightful content that can change humanity.

    2. Knowing what the four questions are is not enough. Youmust remember to ask them as you read.
    3. 4. WHAT OF IT?

      This reminds me of the purpose of reading at CAA. If you tell no one about it, then it wasn't worth the effort. What new did you learn and how did you pass that on to improve your friends, colleagues, and society?

    1. When I come across interesting information, I highlight then comment a corresponding question:

      Every studio has a slate.

      What is the source for this?

      It's highly related to having a direction in life, or the famous example of Feynman's 12 Favorite Problems that he always kept in mind to slowly be working at.

      Part of having a list of purpose dovetails to how one builds their identity too.

  23. Oct 2022
    1. level 1tristanjuricek · 4 hr. agoI’m not sure I see these products as anything more than a way for middle management to put some structure behind meetings, presentations, etc in a novel format. I’m not really sure this is what I’d consider a zettlecasten because there’s really no “net” here; no linking of information between cards. Just some different exercises.If you actually look at some of the cards, they read more like little cues to drive various processes forward: https://pipdecks.com/products/workshop-tactics?variant=39770920321113I’m pretty sure if you had 10 other people read those books and analyze them, they’d come up with 10 different observations on these topics of team management, presentation building, etc.

      Historically the vast majority of zettelkasten didn't have the sort of structure and design of Luhmann's, though with indexing they certainly create a network of notes and excerpts. These examples are just subsets or excerpts of someone's reading of these books and surely anyone else reading any book is going to have a unique set of notes on them. These sets were specifically honed and curated for a particular purpose.

      The interesting pattern here is that someone is selling a subset of their work/notes as a set of cards rather than as a book. Doing this allows different sorts of reading and uses than a "traditional" book would.

      I'm curious what other sort of experimental things people might come up with? The "novel" Cain's Jawbone, for example, could be considered a "Zettelkasten mystery" or "Zettelkasten puzzle". There's also the subset of cards from Roland Barthes' fichier boîte (French for zettelkasten), which was published posthumously as Mourning Diary.

  24. Sep 2022
    1. No slogan of democracy is more worthy of immortality than that of the women of the New Russia,“Without the participation of women, suffrage is not universal.”

      This quote explains how suffrage shouldn't be just for men or it wouldn't be "universal" it should be for both men and women.

  25. Aug 2022
    1. men in the army of the trenches, women in the supportingarmy behind the trenches. They paid frightful cost of war and bore its sad and sickening sorrowstogether. Tomorrow they will share its rewards together in democracies which make no discriminationon account of sex

      Shows the staute of men and women during the time. Men would fight , women would take care. the only way they were the same or similar is that they went through similar things. But back then it wouldn't have seen it that way. they would only see the men fighting.

    2. Ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

      Clearly during this time, we know women and African Americans were not included in anything. So only white men would be included in this statement.

    1. Given these converging lines of research, we tested whetherfriendships with majority-group peers would buffer minoritystudents who are high in RS-race from feelings of alienation anddiscomfort in historically White university settings.
    2. Givenresearch documenting the benefits of cross-group friend-ship for intergroup attitudes, we tested whether friend-ships with majority-group peers would attenuate theeffects of RS-race within these contexts
  26. www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
    1. Zande, 1999), we report a study in which friendship was inducedbetween same- and cross-group dyads of Latinos/as and Whites.
    2. Building on the experimental paradigm used by Wright andcolleagues (Wright et al., 1998, 2002, 2005; Wright & van der
    3. Wright and his colleagues(see Wright, Aron, & Tropp, 2002; Wright, Brody, & Aron, 2005;Wright, Ropp, & Tropp, 1998; Wright & van der Zande, 1999)described research that provided initial evidence for the causaleffects of cross-group friendship on self-reported anxiety.
    4. Even though interactions between members of different socialgroups are sometimes characterized by anxiety and threat (Blas-covich, Mendes, Hunter, Lickel, & Kowai-Bell, 2001; Mendes,Blascovich, Lickel, & Hunter, 2002; Stephan & Stephan, 1985,2000), a growing body of research suggests that cross-groupfriendship can attenuate such anxiety.
    5. The authors induced cross-group friendship between Latinos/as and Whites to test the effects ofcross-group friendship on anxiety in intergroup contexts.
    1. A blog post is a very long and complex search query to find fascinating people and make them route interesting stuff to your inbox.

      This phrasing imo instrumentalises those fascinating people you find. Interesting stuff is a byproduct of interacting with those fascinating people, a result from fascinating conversation, a residue of the construct you've built together in conversation.

  27. Jul 2022
    1. society by you know by uh uh you know it's just that's necessarily shares a similar related intrinsic 01:29:58 purpose which is to achieve and maintain vitality maintain and maintain and by maintain i mean anticipate into the future maintain vitality which is accomplished through 01:30:11 cognition and cooperation so the self that we must keep vital is the extended self and it follows that the intrinsic purpose of societal systems like financial systems and other is to serve the intrinsic purpose of society

      Similiarly, the intrinsic purpose of a society as an individual organism, a superorganism is to maintain vitality and sustain a flourishing of itself, including its extended self through its cognitive architecture - sensing, evaluating, modeling, anticipating and taking action.

    2. a biological i call it an intrinsic purpose but like from evolution by being the fact that we are a part of life we have a purpose because 01:28:53 all organisms making capability casual power causal powers and the intrinsic purpose of an organism is to achieve and maintain vitality a sustainable flourishing of self which 01:29:09 can include that extended self and we do that by sensing and evaluating states of the world and ourselves and implementing appropriate actions that that are based on anticipation we 01:29:21 we anticipate what will happen if we do or don't take an action and we choose if we're for functional we choose those actions that can serve our intrinsic intrinsic purpose of of 01:29:33 remaining vital into the future so anticipating vitality and that obviously implies some kind of modeling of the world anticipation implies some kind of modeling in the world so that's an organism's intrinsic 01:29:45 purpose

      Individual organism's intrinsic purpose is to maintain vitality and sustain a flourishing of itself, including its extended self (ie. the environment) through sensing, evaluating states and take actions based on anticipation through models of reality.

  28. Jun 2022
    1. This is a space where we might ask ourselves:

      1. What might emerge from these annotations?
      2. How might we sum up the annotations?
      3. What are fav responses and why?

      Please add to this so we can have a larger purpose and purview. In other words, how can we put the social into social annotation?

    1. A child struggling with emotional regulation, neurodivergence, disability, etc. needs a lot of support. These supports are typically available to families with money, time, and resources available to help their kids.

      Purpose of the article

  29. Apr 2022
    1. Group projects require that learners be present on a particular schedule, reducing the flexibility and convenience factor in online study and possibly causing anxiety and/or resentment, particularly if the purpose of the group work is not clear and the group experience is not positive.

    1. This would work if your transaction only wraps a single model's save operation. I need to wrap at least Node + Version + Attachment

      looking for a callback that you can register to happen after current transaction is committed, not just after_commit of model -- though actually, that might fire precisely when current transaction is committed, too (except that it might only get triggered for nested transactions, not the top-most transaction), so it could maybe go there ... but I think the problem is just that it doesn't belong there, because it's not specific to the model...

      I guess the OP said it best:

      I am not looking for model based after commits on update/create/etc, I want to be able to dynamically define a block that will be executed only if the current (top-most) transaction passes:

    1. structural and functional psychology. I am not sure that I understand the difference, but it probably has something to do with what I have privately been accustomed to distinguish as the analytical and the clinical points of view in psychological observation

      Here James (1907) Is trying to distinguish study of the mind and the treatment of the mind. With structural the organizational study how the mind work, alternatively functional how are mind functions.

    1. An alternative kind of note-taking was encouraged in the late Middle Agesamong members of new lay spiritual movements, such as the Brethren of theCommon Life (fl. 1380s–1500s). Their rapiaria combined personal notes andspiritual reflections with readings copied from devotional texts.

      I seem to recall a book or two like this that were on the best seller list in the 1990s and early 2000s based on a best selling Christian self help book, but with an edition that had a journal like reflection space. Other than the old word rapiaria, is there a word for this broad genre besides self-help journal?

      An example might be Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret (Atria Books, 2006) which had a gratitude journal version (Atria Books, 2007, 978-1582702087).

      Another example includes Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life (Zondervan, 2002) with a journal version (Zondervan, 2002, 978-0310807186).

      There's also a sub-genre of diaries and journals that have these sort of preprinted quotes/reflections for each day in addition to space for one to write their own reflections.

      Has anyone created a daily blogging/reflection platform that includes these sorts of things? One might repurpose the Hello Dolly WordPress plugin to create journal prompts for everyday writing and reflection.

  30. Mar 2022
    1. Capybara can get us part of the way there. It allows us to work with an API rather than manipulating the HTML directly, but what it provides isn't an application specific API. It gives us low-level API methods like find, fill_in, and click_button, but it doesn't provide us with high-level methods to do things like "sign in to the app" or "click the Dashboard item in the navigation bar".
    1. Transferring ideas into the external memory also allows us toforget them.

      While placing our ideas into external memory devices like notebooks or zettelkasten may allow us to forget them, mnemotechniques allow us to perform a similar task, but provides us hooks upon which they might be hung by means of association with other ideas. These hooks and association can be reactivated at later times when the ideas may be needed.

      The zettelkasten allows us to do multiple things. It encourages us to clarify our ideas by writing them down, we extend them by linking them to other contexts, we actively write towards a multitude of interesting goals, by writing, we can forget the original ideas which we can later serendipitously re-link to new concepts.

  31. Feb 2022
    1. In her 2021 book "Bet on Yourself," which features a foreword by Schmidt, Hiatt lays out the two key ways she "up-leveled" her career."First I have prioritized finding a manager who is modeling the career path I want to take and embodies the leadership qualities I want to possess," she wrote. "Second, I have chosen roles that surround me with top quality people and a depth of opportunities to grow with them."

      Look at their life and how it can bring opportunities and then if you will be exposed and streched.

  32. Jan 2022
    1. History will remember technology's leaders not just for exceptional financial results, but for the values and integrity of the companies they built.

      Yes ... and "Fitter, happier, more productive". Where is the systems change.

  33. Dec 2021
  34. Nov 2021
    1. I think it’s a good idea to have a fall break. Also a mental day. But the mental day has to be productive. A roundtable discussion is a really good idea. Maybe even some group therapy sessions if that’s even a thing. And with students with disabilities. We should also have classes that talk about serious subjects. And also give The students with disabilities a chance to air their grievances. And also have teachers explain to them what’s going on and how they can make a change. Or have some additional counseling. Maybe we can even have a way to make sure everybody is safe both physically mentally. And educationally. Students with disabilities have a right to. It’s harder for students is with mental challenges to grasp at serious subject. Maybe we should have a class maybe at the Achieve center like a roundtable class or a class and teaching us how to be more resilient. How to deal with trauma and PTSD and she CPTSD.

    1. we pro-pose to enhance her conceptualization of participationwith the help of Nancy Fraser’s model of justice inwhich parity of participation is the normative aim.

      Improve Arnstein's model by layering on Fraser.



  35. Oct 2021
    1. In psychology, self-affirmation theory suggests that reflecting on our personal values, we are less likely to experience distress when confronted with information that threatens our sense of self. Self-affirmation consists in engaging in activities that promote our values, our beliefs, and the roles we consider to our personal identity. These activities help us to establish and assert our concept of self. 

      I would think that it is more about saying kind things to yourself, but you affirm yourself doing things that align with your purpose and values, that's interesting

  36. Sep 2021
    1. I build upon Shove, Pantzar,

      The author is using past research developed from the theory of dynamics of social practice in order to prove her point. She also later references interviews that were conducted (it wouldn't let me highlight all the way down for some reason). It seems she is using older information to prove her more modern point.



  37. Aug 2021
    1. So try imagining that today may be your last; it might make you second-guess spending the night watching TV when you could be spending that time with your children or partner. Or what about that book you’ve always wanted to write? The business idea you have? Mindfulness of death is a sure way to eliminate, or at least severely reduce, procrastination.

      purpose...how are we really living our lives?

  38. Jul 2021
  39. Apr 2021
    1. The role of the terminal emulator process is:

      Shows the relationship between a "terminal emulator" and a pseudoterminal, as alluded to in the intro:

      is a pair of pseudo-devices, one of which, the slave, emulates a hardware text terminal device, the other of which, the master, provides the means by which a terminal emulator process controls the slave.

  40. Mar 2021
    1. throughout white society are among the factors that led to Jim Crow and the triumph of Southern reaction at turn of the 20th century.

      The author ends by claiming that Lodge's bill was not the only thing that delayed African American rights, a common misconception to his article. By ending the article like this, the audience understands that the Lodge's bill was stopped by senators filibustering. Only in the previous article did the author establish how filibustering is harmful to the society and he once again brings this topic to let the public be more aware of this prevalent issue.

  41. Feb 2021
    1. free rein to twist the institutions of the American republic against its values.

      He ends with his purpose by contrasting the two parties. He praises the Democrats for their ability to stop this nonsense, and he gives an example of a hypothetical situation where Republicans are in control. However, from his diction and negative connotation, one can predict that that society would be dangerous for the public. Overall, he enforces that although Republicans are trying to suppress the voters from voting, the Democrats can succeed if extra support is provided.

    2. And if all this takes eliminating the filibuster,” Obama concluded, “then that’s what we should do.”

      This word filibuster is talked throughout the essay and how it is an impedance to enacting a law or right quickly. The author senses that the person reading this article is educated about political terms and therefore does not feel a need to clarify the term. Also, using previous knowledge, filibusters are one example of what the Congress uses to drag on the bill without coming to a solution. Therefore, the readers are aware that the author is taking a criticizing perspective on either the Congress or parts of the congress.

    1. We cannot and will not realize our full potential as a nation unless we have both parties working to forge a new sense of shared association that can enable a much more diverse America to journey together into the 21st century. Today, sadly, only one party is in that business.

      Friedman ties in his purpose once again at the end. He accentuates that the nation as a whole cannot develop or reach its full potential until the two political parties work together; until they both place importance to the diversity of the nation. This allows him to demonstrate that without change occurring in the Republican party, change cannot occur in the nation. He shows that the Republicans need to change and the parties need to work together to make nation better. He places emphasis to show that we are well into the 21st century and yet we are still not treating everyone equally, showing the importance of what his point of view is. Then he ends with a sentence that is almost demoralizing to emphasize that we cannot become diverse until the Republican party changes.

    2. Can you imagine how much healthier American politics would be if we had a center-right conservative party that was embracing diversity, inclusion, climate change mitigation, and common-sense health care and immigration reform — based on conservative, small-government, more market-oriented solutions — competing with a center-left party?

      He illustrates an image of a world where everyone is included. He forces the readers to imagine a world where politics was helping the people and not working against some of them. He shows how there would be changes within many of the topics and how the people would see an improved society: one that put the needs of the people at the highest.

    3. It tells you that there is a market for a center-right conservative party that appeals to today’s America, not yesterday’s. But is there such a party? It’s been suppressed.

      This is almost a call to action. He shows that there are people that are willing to make a change and have ideas that will benefit society, but they are being suppressed. Their ideas are not given importance and they are not being evaluated. Friedman shows that the time to act is now and that we need to do something to prevent this from occurring. He shows that there are people that believe in changes and that they need to become more prominent.

    4. Appealing to the grievances of a minority is easy. Is anyone surprised the Republicans keep choosing the easy path? If we want to revive American democracy, we have to close off that easy path for them once and for all.”

      Friedman highlights how the Republican party has been taking the easy way out. Instead of working to support the rights of the minority and get them more representation, the party is simply trying to deal with their grievances. He then asks a rhetorical question forcing the reader to really consider the impact of the Republican party. After giving various examples of what the Republican party has done and how they are really helping the nation, Friedman is able to emphasize their lack of change. He then brings up democracy, stating that if we want change, then we cannot allow them to have that easy path. Things that are worth doing and that are right for the people are hard, but in the end they are necessary.

    5. But instead of adopting that plan, the party doubled down on its old ways: It tried to gain and hold power one more time with a guy named Trump winking at white supremacy, defending Confederate statues and using every voter suppression trick in the book to protect a predominantly white Christian America.

      To develop his point of view further, Friedman brings up how in the past, the Republican Party was supposed to become inclusive to all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, and nationality. However, instead of doing that, the Party went back to white supremacy and stopped being inclusive. Through this, he once again emphasizes how our democracy has been breached. He brings attention to how everyone is not being treated equally and that change needs to come.

    6. My deer and San Francisco’s school board are local problems. The fact that one of our two national parties would stick with a leader who dispatched a mob to ransack the Capitol in hopes of overturning our last election is an acute national problem — a cancer, in fact.

      Now he ties them all in together. But his main point is Trump's administration. He states that deer and the school board are local problems, but the Republican party is national, making it much more influential. By making this small distinction, Friedman brings attention to how Trump's actions affect our country as a whole. This allows him to establish how Trump's administration is negatively affecting the country. To support this, he references the mob that ransacked the Capitol, demonstrating just how harmful their actions were. He even goes on to compare it to cancer, accentuating that this is no small thing. By specifically comparing the political party to cancer, he is showing the readers that this is not just bad, but it is dangerous. By slowly introducing the party's incompetence by comparing it to deer, then showing how Trump could do anything, and then comparing the party to cancer, Freidman effectively demonstrates his point of view to the audience in a way that is hard to deny.

    1. Donald Trump refused to treat the coronavirus pandemic as a challenge to overcome with leadership and expertise. Instead, he made it another battle in the culture wars, from whether you wore a mask to whether you remained away from public places. He spent more time trying to racialize the virus for cheap points — calling it the “China virus” and the “kung flu” — than he did giving guidance to the American public.

      Donald Trump is a famous politician who was the President of the United States. By describing Trump and even using quotes from him, he utilizes with what the audience already knows and then connects it to his claim. This improves the author's credibility as he is providing many examples of different esteemed individuals to assert his claim to the audience and make them understand the government's role in a crisis.

    2. What do you get when you add a sudden surge of demand to an equally sudden loss of capacity? A crisis, whose roots lie in a decade’s worth of deregulation and cost-cutting, of an energy “independence” that has left the state at the mercy of the elements.

      The author is asking a rhetorical question and answering it immediately. He is doing this not only to clear one of the audience's questions regarding the consequences of Texas situations, but also to make the government officials more guilty for leaving Texas in this situation.

    3. Texas is blessed with multiple sources of energy, such as natural gas and oil and nuclear, as well as solar and wind. But … our wind and our solar got shut down, and they were collectively more than 10 percent of our power grid, and that thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power on a statewide basis.

      Rather than taking charge of the action, the governor blamed the fault on the renewable energy and claims that he did the best possible thing he could do for the country. This once again develops the author claim as this now emphasizes that the author wants to criticize these officials for not only ignoring the crisis as a whole, but also blaming the crisis on other people or things.

  42. Jan 2021
    1. A Svelte component that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport/parent element. Performant and efficient thanks to using Intersection Observer under the hood. Can be used in multiple projects including lazy loading images, infinite scrolling, playing/pausing the video when in the viewport, tracking user behaviour firing link pre-fetching and animations and many many more.
  43. Oct 2020
  44. Aug 2020
    1. This is twitter. What is its purpose? It is a general-purpose electronic communication medium on the Internet, accessible via web and apps, comprising a high-volume global stream of written thoughts of people, attached with pics, gifs, links and audio- & video-embeds.

  45. Jul 2020
    1. As mentioned earlier in these guidelines, it is very important that controllers assess the purposes forwhich data is actually processed and the lawful grounds on which it is based prior to collecting thedata. Often companies need personal data for several purposes, and the processing is based on morethan one lawful basis, e.g. customer data may be based on contract and consent. Hence, a withdrawalof consent does not mean a controller must erase data that are processed for a purpose that is basedon the performance of the contract with the data subject. Controllers should therefore be clear fromthe outset about which purpose applies to each element of data and which lawful basis is being reliedupon.
    1. The surprising truth about what motivates us

      MIT Study Mechanical skills: larger reward leads to better performance Cognitive skills: larger reward leads to poorer performance

      Pay people enough to not think about money, it is no longer a factor

      Autonomy/Mastery/Self-Actualization If want engagement, self-direction is better Atlassian, work on whatever you want for 24 hours Allow learners to guide their own learning

      Mastery--we want to get better at stuff because it's satisfying; people have jobs, and for free people do lots of hard work; challenge, mastery and making a contribution: purpose motive

      We are purpose motivated and want to be self-directed

  46. Jun 2020
    1. NHL Plans Move to Small-Group Training, Reopening Practice Facilities as Phase 2 of Return <div class="inner-container"> <img src="https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/nhl-return-coronavirus.jpg" alt="Philadelphia Flyers left wing James van Riemsdyk (25) skates with the puck during the first period of an NHL hockey game against the Washington Capitals in Washington on March 4, 2020." title="Philadelphia Flyers left wing James van Riemsdyk (25) skates with the puck during the first period of an NHL hockey game against the Washington Capitals in Washington on March 4, 2020."> </div>

      The purpose of this article is to inform and entertain.

    1. Your research is complete. In one field you planted soybeans several weeks earlier than normal and managed them through the season. It paid off in higher yield. Now you’re ready to plant more early beans. “Early planting can be very successful — if you plan ahead,” says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie. Take these steps:

      Content is focused on news, trends, products, or development of the specific field or industry.

  47. May 2020
    1. In this textbook, we’ll cover theconventions of writing, and we’ll alsocover some of the resources available toyou as a CNM student

      The purpose of the textbook is inform college students attending CNM, the resources available to them and to educate the conventions of writing.

    2. In Part One of this textbook, we covered collegewriting at CNM, and reading strategies that will helpyou succeed in different disciplines. As reading andwriting go hand-in-hand, we will now turn to the stepsyou can take toward effective writing, also known asdeveloping a writing process.

      This is the conclusion to Part one of the textbook, and it includes the purpose for all the Chapters. This also brings us to what we will see next in Part 2 of the textbook.

    3. in high school, teachers generally focus on teaching you to write in avariety of modes and formats, including personal writing, expository writing,research papers, creative writing, and writing short answers and essays for exams.Over time, these assignments help you build a foundation of writing skills. Incollege, many instructors will expect you to already have that foundation

      The purpose of this chapter is to inform the reader that the way you used to write in high school is going to just be the foundation and assignments are going to be different going forward.

    4. College instructors are familiar with the ups and downs ofwriting, and most universities have support systems in place to help students learnhow to write for an academic audience. The following sections discuss common on-campus writing services, what to expect from them, and how they can help you.

      One of the goals for this chapter was to inform students that if they needed help there are resources available for them at CNM

    5. we will discuss another important strategy:college reading. Two important steps of reading at the college level includeconsidering your writing situation and developing strong reading strategies.

      The purpose of this chapter is to educate students on how to develop strong reading strategies that will help with other classes and writing.

  48. Mar 2020
    1. As part of our preparedness we have a “whole house” generator, which is the size of a nuclear submarine but more expensive.

      This statement reveals how people have spent much money and time preparing for the hurricane, but the simile undercuts the heavy subject with humor. The author's purpose could be to provide comic relief in a time of fear and panic, a way to distract those in Florida from the hurricane.

    2. We NEVER eat lentils. I am not 100 percent sure what a lentil is. I do know for a fact that not once has anybody in our household ever said, “You know what would be great for dinner tonight? Lentils!” But at the moment we have roughly a 45-year supply of lentils on hand.

      This anecdote provides comic relief to the serious situation with Irma. It describes a reaction that many have to impending disasters, which is stocking up on food they usually would never eat. This is a relatable example told in way that lightens the situation by making it seem more funny.