4 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. In the face of these facts we ask you, Legislators of the United States, is not the immediateenfranchisement of the women of our nation the duty of the hour?

      After listing examples of the authors argument, they further go into it by stating their main question. It seems to be as if they want to know what's now currently happening to women and why is nothing being done about it.

    2. men in the army of the trenches, women in the supportingarmy behind the trenches. They paid frightful cost of war and bore its sad and sickening sorrowstogether. Tomorrow they will share its rewards together in democracies which make no discriminationon account of sex

      Shows the staute of men and women during the time. Men would fight , women would take care. the only way they were the same or similar is that they went through similar things. But back then it wouldn't have seen it that way. they would only see the men fighting.

    3. Ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

      Clearly during this time, we know women and African Americans were not included in anything. So only white men would be included in this statement.

    4. The History of Our Country and the Theory of Our Government. Ours is a nation born of revolution; ofrebellion against a system of government so securely entrenched in the customs and traditions ofhuman society that in 1776 it seemed impregnable. From the beginning of things nations had beenruled by kings and for kings, while the people served and paid the cost. The American Revolutionistsboldly proclaimed there heresies:

      In this paragraph, context is seen throughout it. The author speaks about how the nation was born, by revolution. Fought about the mistreatment of people under the king's rule.