- Jan 2025
www.man7.org www.man7.org
-t sort by time, newest first; see --time
sorted output by time ; use-d
for descending order
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Meta-f Move forward a word, where a word is composed of letters and digits.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Show activity on this post. Use Esc + D or Alt + D to delete the word on the right.
itsfoss.com itsfoss.com
Ctrl + WDelete the word before the cursor.
Ctrl + UDelete from the cursor to the start of the line.
- Dec 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
for - Deep Humanity - Mortality Salience - Oliver Sacks - Announces his terminal cancer and says farewell - Source: NY Times - Opinion - My Own Life - Oliver Sacks - 2015, Feb 19
- Nov 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch
- ExxonMobil
- Romgaz
- Adnoc
- 2023
- Snam
- Conoco-Phillips
- Urgewald
- Aramco
- Qatar Energy
- Nils Bartsch
- Willow Project
- Deutsche Energy Terminal
- LNG Expansion
- date:: 2024-11-12
- Total Energies
- New Fortress Energy
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel)
- Tree Energy Solution
- Gazprom
- Gas Connect Austria
- GRTgaz
- Petrobras
- OMV Petrom
- author:: Günther.Strobl
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you run this in Powershell in Windows 10, you will get the error about "OI not recognized". Solution: Put the user+perms argument in quotes. For example: C:\>icacls "D:\test" /grant "John:(OI)(CI)F" /T
Very Important to know!
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der französische Konzern TotalEnergies fördert in den USA mit 17 00 Förderanlagen via Fracking Erdgas, das dann verflüssigt wird. Allein in der Region von Arlington in Texas sind dadurch 420.000 Menschen toxischen Emissionen ausgesetzt. Die Libération publiziert die Ergebnisse einer gemeinsamen mit Disclose durchgeführten Recherche. Das produzierte LNG wird auch nach Frankreich und Europa verschifft.
Disclose-Veröffentlichung: https://disclose.ngo/fr/article/gaz-de-schiste-totalenergies-au-coeur-dun-scandale-sanitaire-et-environnemental-au-texas
- Jan 2024
An der Küste Louisianas schädigt der Bau von LNG-Terminals die Umwelt. Deutsche Konzerne profitieren von den laxen Kontrollen. Der Bedarf Deutschlands treibt den LNG-Boom weiter an, deutsche Banken beteiligen sich an der Finanzierung. Reportage der Tat https://taz.de/LNG-Boom-in-den-USA/!5975624/
- Landesbank Baden Württemberg
- Deutsche Bank
- Cameron LNG
- DowDuPont
- LNG expansion
- Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
- Louisiana
- Plaquemines-Terminal
- by: Johannes Streeck
- The Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exported from the United States
- Germany
- Fracking
- Louisiana Bucket Brigade
- Venture Global
- 2024-01-05
- Bayerische Landesbank
- Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
- Deutsche Umwelthilfe
- USA-Germany
- Shell
- Sheila Tahir
- Dec 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Or more directly
Hack for pasting multiline Python scripts in a terminal:
exec('''<paste code>''')
- Nov 2022
www.warp.dev www.warp.dev
In summary, terminal input is weird. It’s weird largely because there’s a character-only pipe sitting between the terminal and shell. And going one step back, the weirdness comes from the whole historical division of terminal vs. shell, which is based on emulating a physical hardware setup that hasn’t been built since the 80s.
Summary of why the terminal input is so weird.
- Oct 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Apr 2022
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
What worked for me was to use the following command to send the VT320 "unhide" command sequence:
unhide the cursor in terminal
- Feb 2022
betterprogramming.pub betterprogramming.pub
ncduncduis a disk utility for Unix systems. Its name refers to its similar purpose to the du utility, but ncdu uses a text-based user interface under the [n]curses programming library. Users can navigate the list using the arrow keys and delete files that are taking up too much space by pressing the ‘d’ key.
Große Dateien finden
www.tecmint.com www.tecmint.com
To list files in a directory and sort them last modified date and time, make use of the -t option as in the command below:
ls -lt
Sort files by modified date ant time. If you want a reverse sorting files based on date and time, you can use the -r option
ls -ltr
- Jul 2021
echo -e "\e[2 q"
This is the workaround to disable blink cursor in windows terminal
- Apr 2021
linux.die.net linux.die.net
github.com github.com
This repository contains the source code for:
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The role of the terminal emulator process is:
Shows the relationship between a "terminal emulator" and a pseudoterminal, as alluded to in the intro:
is a pair of pseudo-devices, one of which, the slave, emulates a hardware text terminal device, the other of which, the master, provides the means by which a terminal emulator process controls the slave.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This clarifies that (one of) the terminal's responsibility is:
- provides line editing
linusakesson.net linusakesson.net
As far as the 'iSH' app is concerned: it seems that it merely emulates a virtual terminal.
The virtual terminal process resides in kernel space (called the console).It reads from the "tty", say the output from the "ls" process and renders the text. It interacts with the VGA driver to do so.
The (virtual) terminal (not the "tty") plays a central role here
as you may have guessed, things get even more complicated when you start running pseudo terminals inside pseudo terminals, à la screen(1) or ssh(1).
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
tabset makes life easier for iTerm2 users, enabling easy setting of tab and window titles, badges, and colors. If you have a lot of tabs/windows in operation simultaneously, tabset helps to visually distinguish them.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
for term in vt100 linux screen xterm { echo "$term:" infocmp -L1 $term|egrep 'key_(left|right|up|down|home|end)' }
- Dec 2020
manjaro.org manjaro.org
Setup and configure Manjaro in every detail using the CLI.
- Jan 2020
www.audioverse.org www.audioverse.org
46: Lean not on your own understanding.
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
- Aug 2019
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.comchalk1
- Sep 2016
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
alias kill3000="fuser -k -n tcp 3000"
Doesn't work on mac
forum.renoise.com forum.renoise.com
I don't know what then, I just remember somehow. Around the same time I install renoise, I also install vim. Then in renoise I go to Help>Show Preferences Folder.... Then I right click on Config.xml, then edit in VIM. Then I /search for showscr or something like that. Change false into true, done. On windows sometimes I'm lazy and I just modify the one shortcut that I use to have --scripting-terminal or something as an argument. Also: if you really do a lot of (re)installs I would advise to back up your Config.xml anyway, just like the KeyBindings.xml, TemplateSong.xrns, etc, it'll save you a lot of time right?
How to enable Scripting Tools in Renoise Tools menu