24 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. Reviewed by Nicola Diviani and Jane Clemensen

      The review team consists of an editorial board made up of other scholars and researchers.

    2. Yi-Ru Regina Chen, PhD#1 and Peter J Schulz, PhD21Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, China (Hong Kong)2University of Lugano, Lugano, SwitzerlandYi-Ru Regina Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, , China (Hong Kong), Phone: 852

      The authors have expertise in the field based on their credentials.

    3. The aging of the population is an inexorable change that challenges governments and societies in every developed country. Based on clinical and empirical data, social isolation is found to be prevalent among elderly people, and it has negative consequences on the elderly’s psychological and physical health. Targeting social isolation has become a focus area for policy and practice. Evidence indicates that contemporary information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to prevent or reduce the social isolation of elderly people via various mechanisms.

      The language is technical so the audience should have similar background with the author's to understand the content.

    4. MethodsSearching Strategy, Inclusion Criteria, and Study SelectionElectronic searches for this systematic review were conducted in July 2015 using PsycINFO, PubMed, MEDLINE, EBSCO, SSCI, Communication Studies: a SAGE Full-Text Collection, Communication & Mass Media Complete, Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore. These databases were used because they include research on subjects such as health, aging, social science, digital technologies, computer-mediated communication, and communication science. A unified search term using Boolean operators was applied for all databases: ((social isolation OR loneliness) AND elderly AND (Internet OR social media OR information and communication technology)). Next, to ensure a broad inclusion of published studies relevant to our review topic, we adopted the following criteria to select studies for the review: (1) publications must be in English; (2) studies must empirically investigate the effects of ICTs on one or more attributes of social isolation among the elderly; and (3) study participants must be aged 55 years or older.

      Most scholarly articles include a methodology section.

    5. Multimedia Appendix 1Characteristics of the selected studies.Click here to view.(247K, pdf)Go to:Multimedia Appendix 2Participant characteristics of the selected studies.Click here to view.(160K, pdf)Go to:FootnotesConflicts of Interest: Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

      Appendices and footnotes may be included as well.

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      The citations include references from other sources.

    1. Entertainment 11 Movies to Watch About Racism and Protests From 'Do the Right Thing' to 'Fruitvale Station'

      Lots of ads can be seen on this page.

    2. Friday

      No citations can be found anywhere.

    3. Associated Press

      The article was written by staff writers.

    4. NHL Plans Move to Small-Group Training, Reopening Practice Facilities as Phase 2 of Return <div class="inner-container"> <img src="https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/nhl-return-coronavirus.jpg" alt="Philadelphia Flyers left wing James van Riemsdyk (25) skates with the puck during the first period of an NHL hockey game against the Washington Capitals in Washington on March 4, 2020." title="Philadelphia Flyers left wing James van Riemsdyk (25) skates with the puck during the first period of an NHL hockey game against the Washington Capitals in Washington on March 4, 2020."> </div>

      The purpose of this article is to inform and entertain.

    5. The league, which was forced to pause its season on March 12 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, released a 22-page memo detailing the plan Monday. The document stresses there’s no exact date for the start of Phase 2 or a timetable for how long it will last. Only six players will be allowed in team facilities at one time for the voluntary workouts, and no on-ice coaching or instruction is permitted. On-ice sessions will be non-contact and players will be expected to maintain physical distancing at all times. Players will be required to wear masks when entering and exiting facilities and when not able to physically distance, except for when they’re practicing/exercising.

      The language is easy to understand.

    6. (TORONTO) — The NHL is hoping to move to Phase 2 of its return-to-play protocol, including the opening of practice facilities and allowing small group workouts, early next month.

      The content is focused on general interest—sports.

    1. Powered by MachineryPete.com,search listings from dealersacross the country.

      Ads are for products geared toward specific industry.

    2. Your research is complete. In one field you planted soybeans several weeks earlier than normal and managed them through the season. It paid off in higher yield. Now you’re ready to plant more early beans. “Early planting can be very successful — if you plan ahead,” says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie. Take these steps:

      Content is focused on news, trends, products, or development of the specific field or industry.

    3. Eight Steps to Early Soybean Planting

      Articles are about a certain business or industry.

    4. Adjusting practices to grow higher soybean yields isn’t simple. There are technology and management practices to master. To help you put everything together, visit AgWeb.com/high-yield-soybeans

      There may or may not be any citations.

    5. “Leave the surface level and ready to plant when conditions become fit next spring,” Ferrie says. “Plan what tillage tools you will need. For strip-till or no-till, consider applying a fall burndown herbicide to have a clean field in the spring.”

      Language may be technical since the audience is industry-focused.

    6. Darrell Smith

      Authors are industry experts. You can click their names to learn more about their backgrounds.

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      Content is focused on news, trends, products, or development of the specific field or industry.

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      There may or may not be any citations.

    3. ZAX MAX @660826xx 3 4 56 We are able to offer design and manufacturing services to our customers and have full CAD facilities and

      One indication of trade publications is that authors are industry experts.

    4. Elon Musk remains in the media every week. The South African that enhanced himself in the net-economy by developing Paypal has today come to be a star-patron with SpaceX, the initial subcontractor of Nasa, and Tesla, the firm which revolutionizes the sector of batteries and electric vehicles with its high-end designs. But Elon Musk does not wish to quit there: he plans to colonize Mars and also transform the high-speed train with the Hyperloop, his Los Angeles-San Francisco line task. A group of MIT pupils has actually just won the style competition which intends to make this electrical and magnetic train traveling at 1200 km/ h, which revisits the centenary method of the pneumatic tube, a fact.

      Content is focused on news, trends, products, or development of the specific field or industry.

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      Technical language is another factor as the audience is professional and industry-focused.