- Aug 2024
Local file Local fileUntitled1
ccording to Freud, condensation and displacement are thetwo fundamental principles that determine the activity of theunconscious. They are at work in all the formations of the un-conscious (the symptom, slips of the tongue, etc.), though Freuddescribed them chiefly in relation to dreams. Condensation refersto the fact that one simple dream image can represent severalassociative chains at the same time. So, for example, it oftenhappens that a certain figure in a dream turns out on closeranalysis to represent several persons. I dream about my brother,but in the course of the analysis it turns
Can be connected to Convergent and divergent (and induction and deduction). Condensation is the idea of the dream presenting after it has been condensed or converged, and displacement refers to the idea of disparate clues all pointing to a common theme and meaning.
- May 2024
www.godayone.org www.godayone.org
Saturday, May 11, 2024BICYCLE TOUR OF PASADENA AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY: THE 710 STUBJoin Allen Edson, President of the NAACP Pasadena branch, as he leads a bike tour highlighting the 210 freeway, the 710 stub, and the community displaced by the construction.
The 710 freeway displaced a large number of people between 1965 and 1974 in West Pasadena.
- Dec 2023
Blurring the barline: metric displacement in the piano solos of herbie hancock Waters, Keith 1996
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
metric displacement
Chapter 26 provides an analysis of Lennie Tristano’s “Line Up.” Based on this analysis,specific elements of his style of improvisation are codified
no note: break up tristano style into atomic jazz style elements
rhythmic displacement using different improvisationalstrategies, such as phrase displacement, metric displacement, manipulation of phraseaccents, and melodic interpolations. Phrase displacement occurs when the phrase is shiftedby a beat (or more) and creates a dissonance with the underlying harmonic and metricstructure. Probably the most effective use of this technique occurs in m. 77 where theline begins on beat 2 with a downward arpeggiation of the E major upper-structure triadover the structural B≤7 and is further emphasized with a strong accent on the first quarternote, EΩ4. The manipulation of phrase accents shifts regular metrical accents, therebycreating metric ambiguity. This technique occurs when the phrase temporarily rendersbeats 2 and 4 as beats 1 and 3. The phrase in mm. 159–160 illustrates these features.Notice how beat 4 in m. 159 influences the perception of beat 2 in the next measure.Metric displacement implies the use of cross rhythm to create a characteristic rhythmic joltand increase in tension within the phrase. The phrase in mm. 81–83 displays thesecharacteristics. The distribution of accents and phrase groupings in mm. 81–83 createsan interesting superimposition of 3/4, 3/8, 2/4, and 4/4 respectively. Notice how theuse of 3/8 influences the metric location of sub-phrases in 2/4 and 4/4 in mm. 82–83,and how the perception of the meter in the ensuing measures is constantly beingchallenged
forms of rhythmic displacement
- line-up
- sidesteppings
- jse-mel-rhythmic-displacement-added
- rhythmic-displacement-types
- motivic-parallelism
- playing-outside
- source:terefenko
- metric-displacement
- melodic-interpolation
- phrase-displacement
- tristano-style
- neighbour-figures
- rhythmic-displacement
- melody-compound/polyphonic
- jse-mel-tristano-style-?
- metric-displacement-piece
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Note the rhythmic displacement
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Shaw, H., Ellis, D. A., Geyer, K., Davidson, B. I., Ziegler, F. V., & Smith, A. (2020, May 29). Subjective reports overstate the relationship between screen time and mental health. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/mpxra
www.oliverwyman.com www.oliverwyman.com
Wyman, O. (2020 May 05). Empowering Displaced Teams in the Time of COVID. https://www.oliverwyman.com/our-expertise/insights/2020/may/humanitarian-organizations-teach-us-to-empower-during-coronavirus.html
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Zocchi, B. (2020-04-30). What coronavirus looks like at the Bosnian-Croatian frontier for Europe’s unwanted migrants. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/what-coronavirus-looks-like-at-the-bosnian-croatian-frontier-for-europes-unwanted-migrants-137226
- Oct 2016
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
Departed, have left no addresses.
The term departed here along with no addresses could hint at a theme of isolation or displacement. These themes also would tie into the title being some type of wasteland or societal outcasts tying into there being no addresses listed. This lost or displaced feeling mirrors the poems amount “access” or maximalist diction. This poem evokes a sort of jumbled and dramatic tone; the beginning of this stanza also references a “rivers tent is broken” showing images and ideas of a sort of native or natural home being broken or associated with a fleeting sense of protection or shelter.