100 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2020
    1. A New Yorkev, Ascher draws her examples for "On Compassion" Ffom life in that city.

      Based on experiences from living in New York.

    1. I hope my fellow South Floridians are also prepared; I hope — seriously — that we all come out of this OK. But whatever happens, I am confident that when it’s over, we will come together, as a united, caring community, and get into fistfights in gas lines.

      Barry seems to end on a serious note, but then quickly flips and ends on a humorous note.

    2. ELECTRICITY: No. JERKY: Going fast. LENTILS: Check!

      This list makes what we prioritize seem funny and useless, dipping further into a dark humor by emphasizing how we often do pointless things in order to feel prepared and safe. Why does Barry highlight this about humanity?

    3. a good and competent man named Ralph (I am sucking up here) who at the moment is dealing with frantic distress calls from pretty much every generator owner in the greater Florida-Georgia area.

      Another relatable anecdote that connects Barry to his audience by admitting that he will be nice and complement someone in order to get what he wants, a common human act.

    4. That is why I can calmly report that, with a major hurricane heading directly at my house, our generator, which has been well-treated for all these years and has never been asked to generate anything, IS NOT WORKING.

      Barry develops a dark form of humor by emphasizing how he worked so hard and spent so much money on his generator, and it still doesn't work. Barry is revealing that despite your best intentions and efforts, things often don't go as planned, but it's best to take these failures lightly with humor.

    5. As part of our preparedness we have a “whole house” generator, which is the size of a nuclear submarine but more expensive.

      This statement reveals how people have spent much money and time preparing for the hurricane, but the simile undercuts the heavy subject with humor. The author's purpose could be to provide comic relief in a time of fear and panic, a way to distract those in Florida from the hurricane.

    6. Checking these lines makes me nervous, so I try not to do it too often. Once every six minutes is plenty.

      People are fascinated by destruction, but when their lives are at risk they become more obsessive on making sure that destruction doesn't come to them.

    7. When we’re not eating our hurricane supplies or waiting in line to buy more

      During times of strife people find things to keep them busy and feel like they are doing something important, something to help them survive. Barry explains this in a way that makes it seem like a silly and pointless response.

    8. All our jerky will be gone before Irma gets here.

      Barry pokes fun at the way people react to disasters, like how they stock up on food so they feel prepared,but then eat it all out of stress.

    9. We NEVER eat lentils. I am not 100 percent sure what a lentil is. I do know for a fact that not once has anybody in our household ever said, “You know what would be great for dinner tonight? Lentils!” But at the moment we have roughly a 45-year supply of lentils on hand.

      This anecdote provides comic relief to the serious situation with Irma. It describes a reaction that many have to impending disasters, which is stocking up on food they usually would never eat. This is a relatable example told in way that lightens the situation by making it seem more funny.

    10. we are in Hurricane Preparedness Freakout Mode

      The occasion of this article is that Hurricane Irma is on its way toward Florida, and those living in Florida are preparing for it. This reveals that this is likely a stressful and scary time for those living in Florida.

    11. one of the things we Floridians do in this mode is go to Publix and get in long lines to buy mass quantities of things we will never eat.

      The audience is people living in Florida, made obvious by Barry's direct acknowledgement of his readers as "Floridians" (Barry). The pronoun "we" is used by Barry to connect himself to his audience and provide validity to his portrayal of Floridians due to the fact that he too lives in Florida.

    1. No, I’m not crying. I just stepped on a Lego.

      Uses humor to keep his audience grateful for what they have as parents and grandparents instead of focusing on time and age

    2. That’s what’s different about being a grandparent. You know how fast the days go by.

      Barry reveals that grandparents are much more aware of how little time they have left with their grandchildren as opposed to parents and their children. Gets a bit dark, but Barry lightens the mood a bit at the end while remaining sentimental.

    3. Rob was tired, too, his face showing the weariness that comes from a couple of months without more than two consecutive hours of sleep.

      Rleates to audience of parents.

    4. One of the best parts of grandparenthood, I think, is seeing your kids handle the awesome, sometimes terrifying, responsibility of raising their kids.

      Barry explains one of the best parts of being a grandparent, seeing your children become good parents and knowing that you raised them to be good parents.

    5. Like when I’m in charge of two-month-old Kyle, and he poops or spits up or starts wailing, I know exactly what to do: hand Kyle back to one of his parents.

      Grandparents can enjoy the benefits that parents of young children have without having to take care of all the less pleasant parts that come with having young children. (Benefit of being a grandparent.)

    6. ranging in size from French fry down to molecule.

      Barry provides facts the way a child would. Does he do this to emphasize the impact his grandchildren have had on him and how they make him take things less seriously?

    7. you were done, free to knock it down and move on to other educational play activities such as making fart noises with your armpit.

      Throughout his columns over the years, Barry maintains an obviously fake tone of formality and seriousness to describe something utterly ridiculous or amusing. Why does he do this? How does this affect the reader?

    8. When I was young, during the Cretaceous period

      Barry addresses his age in a humorous and light-hearted way to detract focus from the growing age of grandparents but instead focus on the experiences they get to have and all they should be thankful for.

    9. How will you get down there? ▪ How long will you stay? ▪ What if, while you are on the floor, an emergency arises, such as the phone rings or God forbid you have to go to the bathroom? ▪ How will you get back up?

      These questions are relatable to many elderly people, and further connects Barry to his audience by understanding and acknowledging their struggles.

    10. Legos are an evil plague.

      Uses hyperboles to exaggerate his thoughts and opinions and introduces them in a humorous and light way.

    11. The floor is not a friendly environment for older people. For us, the floor is like Europe: You do not go there on the spur of the moment.

      Because Barry uses the word "us," it can be concluded that his audience is older people, primarily grandparents.

    12. Another one is that I get to play.

      Another benefit of being a grandparent.

    13. and sure enough, there is a potato-shaped dwarf planet named Haumea, whirling around way out past Neptune. It is uninhabitable and has no cell service.

      Interesting contrast how Dylan observes the planet as looking like a potato while Barry is focused on whether or not it is inhabitable or has cell-service. Interesting that the two very different ages are both interested about the same main thing (the planet) but that they are interested about different parts of that thing.

    14. Literacy Day, Star Trek Day and Iguana Awareness Day

      Barry includes other holidays to briefly take the importance away from Grandparents Day so that he can then describe why Grandparents Day is so important and is much more celebrated in comparison to the other silly days.

    15. That’s the iguana community’s favorite movie. It’s showing 24/7 down at the LizardPlex.

      Barry continues his humorous tone while writing his article about the serious and emotional holiday of Grandparents Day by incorporating silly an obviously untrue pieces of "information."

    16. Dylan, who is 5 years old, and whose career objective, when he grows up, is to be a ninja. ▪ Kyle, who is two months old going on three months old (They grow up so fast!) and who, when he is not sleeping, eating, pooping or spitting up, spends his time staring up at the world with a perpetually startled expression, as if to say: “What the HECK?”

      Barry describes the children to build a connection with the audience by relating to them with the hilariously true descriptions of his young grandchildren. Therefore, it can be discerned that the audience is parents and grandparents.

    17. I assumed it was imaginary, like Shrek, or Customer Service.

      References to atruggles and descriptions that adults can relate to further supports that the audience is adults, specifically parents and grandparents.

    18. I like being a grandpa. For one thing, it’s educational.

      Benefit of being a grandparent. (Still learn new things when you are older.)

    19. The question is: Why? We already have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Anybody who’s a grandparent already falls into one of those categories, right? What’s so different about grandparenthood?

      Barry's purpose is to explain the importance/significance of Grandparents day by explaining why grandparents should be celebrated, and not just as a parent of their own children. Barry wants to reveal the differences between being a parent and being a grandparent.

    20. What we need is Stop Sign Awareness Day, or Your Car Has Turn Signals For A Reason Awareness Day, or It’s Not A Great Idea To Celebrate Festive Occasions By Shooting Your Gun Into The Air You Moron Awareness Day.

      Barry uses funny yet relatable and serious examples of what kind of days need to really be celebrated to emphasize that holidays like Iguana Day and Star Trek Day are unnecessary, but Grandparents Day is very special and important in comparison. He explains that Grandparents Day are as important as his unreal examples.

    21. today, September 8, is Grandparents Day


  2. Feb 2020
    1. That’s my favorite moment: to see my daughter, who was once too scared to kick the ball, now a confident young woman, walking shoulder-to-shoulder with her teammates, her fellow warriors

      Barry concludes his article by revealing a benefit of being a soccer dad: you get to see your daughter grow into a confident and strong young woman.

    2. They are not fragile flowers out there, not after all these years in the sport. They are warriors.

      This description contrasts with how he described his daughter when she was first learning to play soccer. In the beginning she was cautious and a bit afraid, and now she is strong and confident. Barry includes this comparison to reveal the positive impact that soccer has on girls since it teaches them to be fierce and brave, emphasizing the importance of soccer dads to keep their daughters motivated to keep going and growing.

    3. Except I don’t want my weekends back. I want to keep spending them on the sidelines with my fellow soccer parents, watching our daughters play a truly great game.

      Barry reveals that soccer dads don't entirely support their girls at games out of total selflessness, they also do it because they love being able to spend time with their daughters and other supportive parents. This is an idea that most dads of children who play sports can relate to. Barry takes this moment to add a bit more emotion and depth to his article, which reveals his own struggle with seeing his daughter grow up, ending his time as a soccer dad.

    4. On the soccer field, boys tend to be dramatic.

      This is ironic since people tend to see girls as the dramatic ones. How does playing a sport make boys more dramatic and girls more stoic and fierce?

    5. If you wanted to design a statue honoring soccer dads, it could be based loosely on the famous Iwo Jima statue, except instead of courageous young Marines struggling to raise a flagpole, it would be middle-aged men wrestling with what appears to be a huge mutant bat.

      Barry again exaggerates the struggles of soccer dads through imagery to emphasize that even though they may do only minimal things that aren't actually that important, their desire to help the team and do what they can is honorable in itself.

    6. we have one quality that every soccer team needs: a willingness to try, against all odds, to erect the team tent.

      Barry presents soccer dads as necessities to any soccer team, but provides a funny and simple example in order to remain light and not get too deep and emotional. This stays in line with Barry's method of discussing meaningful or serious things in a humorous way to keep the audience happy and entertained versus depressed or emotional.

    7. But it’s my fellow dads I want to talk about here.

      Barry makes it clear that his subject is soccer dads, not soccer moms (though he does repsect them as well).

    8. all of them warm and caring and nurturing, unless they think you are a threat to their children, in which case you will die.

      The contrast of the two descriptions of the Hispanic moms is comical due to their very different sides. This line also gives Barry a moment to acknowledge the soccer moms who also come out to support their daughters.

    9. Motor and Deano have starkly contrasting coaching styles.

      Barry develops stark contrast between the two coaches regarding their personalities and coaching styles, but then follows this up by saying "But they're both great coaches, and I love them" (Barry). Readers can infer that Barry possibly uses this contrast to convey that not all coaches are the same, just like how no two soccer dads are the same. He does this to convey that all soccer dads, no matter their personalities, deserve recognition for their devotion to supporting their daughters and being at their games.

    10. Our other coach is Deano Nunez. We call him “Deano” because that is his name.

      This unnecessary explanation is included to make people laugh since the reason they call the coach "Deano" is obvious. This adds a bit more humor and informality to the piece to keep its lightheartedness.

    11. We’ve watched a million games from our folding chairs on the sideline. We’ve been rained on more than a Vietnamese rubber plantation. We’ve cheered our girls when they won, and we’ve hugged them when they lost

      Barry is emphasizing the sacrifices and hard work that he has put in as a soccer dad to support his daughter in order to acknowledge all soccer dads that make a commitment to their daughter's love of soccer and their ability to grow from it. Readers can discern that the subject/topic of this article is not simply soccer dads, but it is the love, support, and sacrifice that they give for their daughters and how they need to be recognized for this on Father's Day.

    12. We’ve been through a lot together: We’ve driven countless miles to games and tournaments, and we’ve spent many nights in hotels with questionable hygiene standards

      Barry is emphasizing the sacrifices and hard work that he has put in as a soccer dad to support his daughter in order to acknowledge all soccer dads that make a commitment to their daughter's love of soccer and their ability to grow from it. Readers can discern that the subject/topic of this article is not simply soccer dads, but it is the love, support, and sacrifice that they give for their daughters and how they need to be recognized for this on Father's Day.

    13. Two Miami people can make more noise greeting each other in an elevator than the entire city of Des Moines makes on New Year’s Eve.

      More exaggeration to emphasize his point. A common strategy of Barry.

    14. We parents

      Barry is trying to relate to his audience, make all soccer parents feel included in his message.

    15. As years passed, Sophie’s soccer skills greatly improved

      Is the subject of the article how the role of soccer dad's is to support their girls as they grow? Or does Barry include this line to show the benefits of being a soccer dad, seeing your daughter grow into a confident young warrior?

    16. Offside is a rules infraction in soccer that nobody truly understands.

      Barry frequently expresses his own opinions (even if he's simply joking) as commonly held beliefs by the majority of the population. He comes across as assuming what he says or thinks is always right, but not in a snobby way since his development of humor is almost poking fun at himself and his own writing. Why does Barry do this?

    17. Sophie has always been a cautious, meticulous person; she hates to do the wrong thing.

      Barry uses his daughter as an example of how some children can be overly cautious and may need help getting out of their comfort zone, but he portrays this idea in a more humorous way to lighten the seriousness of his message. This helps the audience accept what he is saying while not feeling depressed or hopeless about it.

    18. my primary responsibility as a soccer dad was to stand on the sideline with the other parents and shout “Sophie, kick the ball!” several hundred times per game.

      Barry develops a sort of hyperbole effect by making his position as a parent on the sidelines sound more important and arduous than it really is. This humor is poking fun at soccer parents, but also builds an understanding between Barry and his audience.

    19. I am one.

      Readers can predict that Barry will write to soccer parents in a relatable and understanding way. Barry also can be considered biased on the subject since he is a soccer dad, and may advocate more strongly for their recognition and support.

    20. This Father’s Day I want to sing the praises of soccer dads

      Barry introduces this article by acknowledging Father's Day, which reveals that this article is written for dads and their children, specifically children who play soccer. The basic subject is soccer dads.

  3. Jan 2020
    1. This is what we are thinking as the big lighted ball begins to slowly descend the pole, traveling roughly two feet before it is vaporized by Russian fighter jets. Happy New Year, fellow Americans. It’s going to be exciting.

      The tone of the conclusion is dark and even a bit ominous. Why does Barry conclude his column this way?

    2. the death of Fidel Castro is greeted with expressions of sorrow from several dozen world leaders who never had to live under his rule, and tears of happiness from many thousands of Cubans who did.

      This is a powerful line. Go back to this line and explore its meaning and relevance to other things in the world.

    3. On TV, the professional Explainers, having failed spectacularly to predict what just happened, pause for a period of somber and contrite self-reflection lasting close to 15 minutes before they begin the crucial work of explaining to the rest of us what will happen next.

      Barry warns his audience to blindly follow/listen to the news and other sources of information.

    4. unless this turns out to be one of those really vivid dreams, like the one where you’re at the dentist but you’re naked and your dentist is Bette Midler and spiders keep coming out of your mouth.


    5. The Explainers are very sure of this, nodding in unison while smiling in bemusement at the pathetic delusions of the Trump people.

      Reinforces sarcastic tone by being overly optimistic and positive toward and idea and then completely discrediting it.

    6. No, dammit! We have to do this! What happens in …


    7. No, that would be wrong. This is supposed to be a review of the whole year, warts and all, and we have to face reality. So let’s all take a deep breath, compose ourselves and go back to …

      Syntax: Barry breaks into different thoughts and interrupts himself to make the sentences and ideas flow easily.

    8. ▪ A government report concludes that the Affordable Care Act (Motto: “If You Like Your Doctor, Maybe You’ll Like Your New Doctor”) is going to cost many people a lot more, while continuing to provide the same range of customizable consumer options as a parking meter. ▪

      Syntax: Barry likes to make bulleted lists to emphasize his points and lay them out in a clear manner. This makes his argument seem more like a lecture of sorts, implying that he is trying to teach/reveal something to the audience.


      Barry uses real world issues, such as Trump explaining his interactions with women, to push the audience to look in the mirror and see if what he's describing about Trump also describes them, such as reflecting/projecting your issues onto others.

    10. (a) it was recorded long ago when he was just 59 years old; (b) his remarks were “locker room banter” such as you would hear in any locker room in America occupied by morally deficient billionaire pigs; (c) Bill Clinton did way worse things; and (d) WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZI?

      Barry sections long sentences into smaller ones to provide a mix of complexity and simplicity.

    11. namely the alleged weight gain of Alicia Machado, Miss Universe 1996.

      Not serious, big shift

    12. Clinton and Trump square off in the first presidential debate, which leads to a national conversation about an issue of vital concern to all Americans


    13. with the most memorable performance coming from a team of athletes led by swimmer and rocket scientist Ryan Lochte competing in the Four-Man Gas Station Wall Pee.

      Topics consist mostly of politics and pop culture. Who does this target for the audience?

    14. — get a load of THIS wacky right-wing conspiracy theory! —

      Syntax: Barry often interrupts his own lines of thought, as if he is speaking directly to the audience and saying exactly what he thinks at the time.

    15. were basically as secure from prying eyes as a neon beer sign.

      Imagery relatable to audience.

    16. This entire process takes about two weeks, or less time than it takes the major American political parties to agree on the seating arrangements for a “town hall debate.”

      Barry likes to poke fun at the American government, and using hyperboles to exaggerate the truth about the government helps him express his concerns in a way that attracts the attention of others.

    17. In sports, Cleveland — in a historic upset — actually wins something.

      Barry is straightforward and blunt, showing an oddly endearing disregard for other opinions.

    18. The North Korean government insists that these items are intended for “medical research.”

      Although Barry greatly exaggerates throughout his column, he is still warning readers to not trust everything they hear and read. Perhaps his style of writing and twisting truths is meant to show readers how writers often tell truths in their own way to manipulate beliefs.

    19. The spokesperson suggests that people planning to travel by air during busy times should consider other options, such as suicide.

      Barry is unafraid to offend anyone, and speaks his mind in a very direct way.

    20. Harambe, who instantly becomes way more revered on the internet than Mother Teresa.

      Pushes the audience to question their own values. Barry wants the audience to face their own flaws.

    21. A Trump spokesperson, speaking on condition of anonymity, says that the Trump campaign “will not speculate on Mrs. Clinton’s health,” adding that “she obviously has some terrible disease.”

      Barry frequently attacks the hypocrisy of others, revealing negative sides to people some may favor and pushing the audience to acknowledge hypocrisy in their own lives and society as a whole.

    22. Meanwhile world tension mounts when satellite imagery reveals that North Korea has positioned an 18-story plastic bottle containing an estimated 40 million liters of Diet Coke on the border with South Korea, and has somehow obtained what one military analyst describes as “Mentos mints the size of barns.” North Korea insists that the project is “strictly defensive,” but the United Nations Security Council, responding with its toughest sanctions yet against the rogue nation, votes to unfriend Kim Jong-un on Facebook.

      The imagery that Barry develops is easy for the audience to understand and lightens a serious issue going on.

    23. Republican leaders are quick to note that, while Garland appears to be qualified, his name is an anagram for “Rancid Lark Germ.”

      Conveys how the two political parties dislike each other, and how this aversion blinds them from acknowledging the accomplishments and qualifications of others.

    24. chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz states that “the DNC is scrupulously neutral in the contest between Secretary Clinton and the senile Commie fart.”

      Barry attacks hypocrisy in society.

    25. Meanwhile Ben Carson announces, in his extremely low-key and soft-spoken manner, that he is going to suspend his campaign. Or visit Spain. Or possibly rob a train. There is no way to be certain.

      Barry frequently executes a structure of syntax where he states one long sentence followed by one or more very short sentences or even just a word. He starts with a complex idea and sentence structure, and then he makes his sentences shorter and more simple as he speaks more informally and describes things more humorously.

    26. A lengthy standoff at a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon finally comes to an end when anti-government militants, after protracted negotiations

      Barry begins most of his sentences with profound diction, and then ends his sentences with a twist of sarcasm or irony.

    27. a feisty 217-year-old Vermont senator

      Barry develops caricatures by describing the qualities and traits of the presidential candidates with extreme exaggeration to emphasize their flaws.

    28. Gandhi would want to punch him in the face.

      Informal and direct

    29. a veteran debater so knowledgeable and confident

      Professional, positive diction vs...

    30. Since then Guzmán has been in hiding except for an interview with Sean Penn, a guest spot with Jimmy Kimmel and a series of commercials for Buffalo Wild Wings. Mexican police finally are able to track him down during his four-week stint as a guest judge on “America’s Got Talent.”

      Exaggeration and hyperboles are frequently utilized by Barry in his effort to create a satirical piece.

    31. even though they are both physically attractive.

      Attacks our value of looks and attractiveness, and reveals that they are not the defining part of a person or relationship.

    32. In a fad even stupider than “planking,” millions of people wasted millions of hours, and sometimes risked their lives, trying to capture imaginary Pokémon Go things on their phones, hoping to obtain the ultimate prize: a whole bunch of imaginary Pokémon Go things on their phones.

      Conveys the idea that people place too much importance on the small things and that sometimes what we see as a huge part of our life isn't actually that big of a deal. Barry uses humor to develop a piece of writing like satire, where he portrays human values in comedic descriptions and comparisons to reveal how trivial they really are.

    33. F​​or​​ much of the year the economy continued to struggle, with the only growth sector being people paying insane prices for tickets to “Hamilton.”

      Uses pop culture and other areas that most people can understand and relate to to explain politics and economics.

    34. OK, since 2015.

      informal and funny

    35. American race relations reached their lowest point since

      Serious and professional vs.

    36. It wasn’t just bad. It was the Worst. Election. Ever.

      Barry uses a mix of complex, long, and detailed sentences with very simple sentences (sometimes just a word) to further develop his contrasting style of writing. This contrast allows Barry to speak in an intellectual and descriptive way, while also adding an equal amount of simple sentences to keep all readers, no matter their level of intelligence, engaged.

    37. the two that We, the People, in our collective wisdom, deemed worthy of competing for the most important job on Earth, turned out to be …

      Barry's formal diction builds through the words "deemed," "worthy," and "wisdom," and then abruptly crashes to a very informal and disdainful tone. This contrast of very different choices of diction and tone that shift from one to the next is a unique method that conveys a great amount of sarcasm and humor.

    38. John Kasich didn’t get the message until his own staff felled him with tranquilizer darts.

      Barry frequently describes things in humorous and exaggerated ways while keeping a serious tone which makes his writing even more comical. Barry is a mastermind at sounding serious in comical situations, and at sounding humorous in serious situations. This contrast is what develops the complex tone of his column as informal, sarcastic, and facetious and while keeping the audience engaged and entertained.

    39. In the future, Americans — assuming there are any left — will look back at 2016 and remark: “What the HELL?”

      Barry immediately sets the tone for his column with his very informal approach where he says exactly how he feels. Barry is not afraid to cuss or say anything to upset his readers, he just speaks his mind with irony and sarcasm.

    40. the outcome of a presidential election was decided by a tiny group of deeply confused Florida residents who had apparently attempted to vote by chewing on their ballots.

      Since he describes the people who determined the outcome of the 2000 presidential election as "a tiny group of Florida residents," readers can infer that Barry is referring to the Florida representatives of the electoral college. His descriptive imagery of how the residents "attempted to vote by chewing on their ballots" clearly reveals that Barry disagrees with their decision on voting for Bush. His tone is not angry, but flippant. Barry is writing in way that shows no respect toward his subject, but also not in a way that shows extreme anger or hatred, just misunderstanding and almost pity.

    41. Then there was 2003, when a person named “Paris Hilton” suddenly became a major international superstar, despite possessing a level of discernible talent so low as to make the Kardashians look like the Jackson 5.

      Barry's tone shifts as he moves from a flippant tone to a sarcastic one by abruptly changing his topic from something serious (the 2000 presidential election) to something much more casual and less important to the country. This shift lightens the mood of the topic, and alludes to the fact people often place trivial parts of life (the Kardashians) in a place of importance when there are much more serious and significant matters at hand (the election). Barry conveys human flaws through humor to reveal truths in a way that people can accept, and even laugh at themselves for. Barry's method is similar to satire.

    42. shot a 78-year-old man in the face, only to be exonerated after an investigation revealed that the victim was an attorney.

      Barry's tone is facetious while talking about serious matters, exposing how wrong things are and exemplifying how society often accepts these wrongs and makes excuses for them.

    43. And — perhaps most inexplicable of all — there was 2007, when millions of people voluntarily installed Windows Vista.

      Again, Barry moves from a serious topic to a lighter one. This allows shifts throughout his column that surprises and intrigues his audience, allowing for comedic relief between the heavy subjects being described.

    44. If years were relatives, 2016 would be the uncle who shows up at your Thanksgiving dinner wearing his underpants on the outside.

      Barry uses comparisons and imagery frequently to intrigue the audience and add touches of humor that are relatable to the audience.

    45. like suit-wearing seals trained to bark out talking points

      Uses similes to emphasize his lack of respect and even disdain toward the thing being compared.

    46. But a reasonable number of the candidates seemed to meet at least the minimum standard that Americans have come to expect of their president in recent decades, namely: Not Completely Horrible.

      Barry takes something serious/complex and explains it in a simple way that is easy for the audience to understand, which often means oversimplifying and exaggerating the topic to fit it into a simple description. By doing this, Barry develops his comedic and conversational tone while exploring politics and less important matters.

    47. gruesome train wreck

      Charged diction is developed through the words "gruesome" and "wreck" to emphasize his displeasure with the 2000 election and to enforce his facetious tone.