- Sep 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
So having fallen or stepped out of your Impersonal or Edenic estate, you yielded completely tothe lure of this Dream World, and now permitting Desire wholly to lead, you no longer werecapable of seeing the Reality or Soul of things; for you had put on a physical body, an Earthlycovering with a human brain, which acted as a veil to your Soul Consciousness, and sobedimmed your sight and clouded your mind that the light of Truth did not penetrate through,and everything was falsely colored and distorted by your human understanding.In this Dream condition you saw all things darkly, as through a mist, and with this mistenshrouding everything you could not see things in their Reality, but only their mistyappearance, which now however seemed to you the real things themselves.This was so with everything you saw through your Dream eyes, with things both animate andinanimate, with everything you conceived in your human mind, with even your own Self andyour other Selves round about you.Thus no longer seeing the Soul of things, but only their misty shadows, you grew to thinkingthese shadows were real substance, and that the world about you was composed of and filledwith such substance
In the immersion into humanity with body and mind I lost conscious connection with Soul and hence Truth was conscious to me..... no longer seeing Truth rather 'misty shadows'.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
And so I Spake the Word, and drove You out of the Garden of Eden, and clothed You with a"coat of skin," or, in other words, with flesh, the same as other animals. For now, in order thatYou might enter into the heart of Earth conditions, into the real Earth, the Earth of My Idea, --not the one of your Dream, -- so as to quicken My Idea therein into active life expression, You,My Attribute, had to have an organism and a covering appropriate to the conditions in whichYou were to manifest in your Dream
Humanity entered the dream of separation so as to manifest a form, an organism to be an active life expression of God....
29Now, perhaps, you can see why this all had to be, why You (Humanity) had to leave the Edenicstate of Impersonal Consciousness and lose Your Self wholly in the Earth illusions of this DreamWorld, in order to be able to create a body and develop in it a personal or self consciousnesscapable of fully expressing My Perfection.
Humanity entered the Dream fully to create a body mind and develop in it a consciousness capable of fully expressing God here on Earth...
You likewise possibly now can understand how in your Dream you became more and moreengrossed in and attached to this false Earth state, through first eating of this fruit and learning toknow Good and Evil, and after learning of the new and enticing world thus opened up to you,dying to the knowledge of the Reality back of it all; and how and why it was You learned thatYou were naked -- both the thinking and the feeling parts of You; and also why you grew afraidand tried to hide from Me, thus creating in your consciousness the sense of separation from Me
And finally the necessity of Desire casting its complete spell over You (Humanity), that YourCelestial or Impersonal nature might be kept deep in sleep; until, in your Dream, by the free butignorant use of My Will, You could taste and fully eat of the fruit of the so-called Tree ofKnowledge of Good and Evil, and through the eating could learn properly to discriminate andknow its fruit for what it really is; and thus acquire the strength to use the knowledge thus gainedwisely and perfectly in the expression of My Idea onl
Humanity entered full forgetfulness to learn "and know its fruit for what it really is" to develop the strength so as to use the knowledge as a perfect expression of God...
Also the necessity of these seeming Earth influences being brought to bear to draw Yourconsciousness from purely Celestial delights and to hold it in this new Dream condition, in orderto develop a mortal mind, that You might through its natural selfish tendencies become centeredentirely upon Your Earthly mission of mortal expression
The purpose of falling asleep was to develop a mortal mind that was entirely focussed on the Earth mission of mortal expression......
Now, I shall not tell you in detail how or why it became necessary for Me to "drive" You (nowmanifesting as Man or Humanity) out of the Garden of Eden, other than to remind you of the partthat Desire plays in Earth expression, and its relation to My Will; how it centers your interest inouter things and makes you forget Me within.When you have solved that and comprehended somewhat of My reason, then perhaps you canunderstand the necessity of first causing You (Humanity) to fall into a deep sleep (You havingarrived at the close of another Cycle called a Cosmic day), and of letting you dream you hadawakened, -- but in reality you were and are still asleep, and everything from that day to this,including all seeming Earthly events and conditions, have been but a Dream, from which youwill fully awaken only when You (Humanity) again become wholly conscious of Me within, --and of finding Yourself (Humanity) no longer outwardly one, but two; one an active, thinking,aggressive part, thereafter called a man, and the other a passive, feeling, receptive part, -- awomb-man, or woman
Masculine, the outer..... Feminine, the recpetive, feeling, womb..........