- Sep 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
While this false vision, inspired by Desire, caused many mis-steps and much trouble andsuffering, and you gradually lost confidence in your Self -- in Me, the Impersonal One within, --in fact, you forgot Me, so that you did not know where to turn in your helplessness; yet it wasonly through your thus losing the memory of your Divine estate, and centering all yourconsciousness in these Earthly conditions, that I could develop your human mind and will, andall your faculties, and provide your human body with the strength and powers that would enableMe to give perfect expression to My Divine Idea on Earth, which eventually must BE
"While this false vision, inspired by Desire, caused many mis-steps and much trouble and suffering, and you gradually lost confidence in your Self -- in Me, the Impersonal One within, --in fact, you forgot Me, so that you did not know where to turn in your helplessness; yet it was only through your thus losing the memory of your Divine estate, and centering all your consciousness in these Earthly conditions, that I could develop your human mind and will, and all your faculties, and provide your human body with the strength and powers that would enable Me to give perfect expression to My Divine Idea on Earth, which eventually must BE"
31Real, keeping your consciousness continually busied with these myriad illusions of your DreamWorld.Now the intellect is a creature of and wholly controlled by Desire, and is not, as many suppose, afaculty of the Soul. In other words, this mist then was the clouded lens of your human intellect,which, because controlled by Desire, falsely portrayed and interpreted to your consciousnessevery image, idea and impulse I inspired from within or attracted from without, during theprocess of My awakening your consciousness to a recognition of My Idea within ever urging forouter expression.All this I did purposely, however, through the agency of Desire, in order to lead you consciouslyinto the heart of Earth conditions
Intellect is not Soul! Our desire, forgetfulness has a purpose and that is to allow us to fully immerse in our humanity.
While dwelling in the Garden you were still wholly Impersonal, for you had not yet tasted of thisfruit. Having once yielded to Desire, the Earthly agent of My Will, whose main work is to makeyou eat this fruit, the moment you had eaten, that moment you descended, or fell, or were forcedfrom your Edenic estate (like the chick from the shell or the rose from the bud), and you foundyourself involved in conditions altogether new and strange. For now, instead of having dominionover the lower kingdoms, and of their supplying your every want, you had to till the ground toget it to bring forth fruit, and by the sweat of your brow had you to earn your bread.Having taken upon yourself this Earthly mission, it now became necessary for you to enter fullyinto all conditions of Earth life, in order to develop a mind and perfect a body capable ofexpressing perfectly My Idea on Earth, -- the real cause and reason of your entering into thisDream condition.
Gods desire was for us to fully immerse in the human experience....... it is necessary to fulfil this Earthly mission.............. to have a body mind capable of expressing God in this dimension.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
29Now, perhaps, you can see why this all had to be, why You (Humanity) had to leave the Edenicstate of Impersonal Consciousness and lose Your Self wholly in the Earth illusions of this DreamWorld, in order to be able to create a body and develop in it a personal or self consciousnesscapable of fully expressing My Perfection.
Humanity entered the Dream fully to create a body mind and develop in it a consciousness capable of fully expressing God here on Earth...
Also the necessity of these seeming Earth influences being brought to bear to draw Yourconsciousness from purely Celestial delights and to hold it in this new Dream condition, in orderto develop a mortal mind, that You might through its natural selfish tendencies become centeredentirely upon Your Earthly mission of mortal expression
The purpose of falling asleep was to develop a mortal mind that was entirely focussed on the Earth mission of mortal expression......
Shall I explain further? -- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded toattract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, indue course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of theThought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it were, --until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what iscalled the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, MyAttribute, breathed into and then through its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and Youthen made your first appearance of Earth as a human being-- a living Soul (My Idea now able toexpress consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within your Self all of MyAttributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities
My Soul is God's Idea...............
saw You in perfect expression, even as I see You now -- the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity ofMy Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea.
"the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity of My Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea."
Yet that Desire you feel in you is from Me, because it is born of My Idea, which I implanted inyour mind only that It might come forth into expression through you. Indeed, whatever youdesire is I, knocking at the door of your mind, announcing My Purpose of manifesting My Self inyou or through you in the particular form indicated by that Desire.What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushingforth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being.What to you would seem to be in Me a desire for expression, is but the Necessity of My Idea ofMy Self to Be, or Express Itself
Desire is actually God in me wanting to express and manifest..
"What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushing forth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being." Definition of human desire..
You may wrongly interpret My Desires, My Urges from within, and seek to use them for yourown selfish purpose, but even while permitting this they still fulfill My Purpose. For it is only byletting you misuse My Gifts and by the suffering such misuse brings, that I can make you intothe clean and selfless channel I require for the perfect expression of My Ideas.
I can misperceive true inspirations..... yet even this is God supporting me to reach a point so that I am willing to go within and learn what is truly True.
Once I have given your human mind a view of Its possibilities, and have enlisted your interest,then does your human personality take up its task; for as I created and inspired the Idea in yourmind, so did I cause that Idea to fructify therein and give birth to Desire, -- desire to bring intoouter manifestation all the possibilities of the Idea, Desire thus becoming the mortal agent of MyWill and supplying the motive Power; just as the human personality is the mortal instrumentused to confine and focus that Power
Once I have allowed my mind to focus and receive the Idea/inspiration fully then to allow myself to desire it coming into manifestation............. to desire all possibilities of the Idea/inspiration. When I do this I become "the mortal agent of My Will and supplying the motive Power; just as the human personality is the mortal instrument used to confine and focus that Power."
Divine purpose, to be a mortal agent of Gods Will..
They are -- to you, for all things are to man's mortal consciousness what he thinks or believesthey are.I have likewise caused them to appear to man to be what he thinks they are. This also is to suitMy purpose, and to fulfill the law of creating.Let us see if this is not true.If you believe a thing is so, is not that thing really so -- to you?Is it not true that a thing seems real to you, like some sin or evil, so-called, some sorrow, troubleor worry, only because your thinking or believing it so makes it such? Others might see thatthing entirely differently and might think your view of it foolish. Might they not?If this is true, then your body, your personality, your character, your environment, your world,are what they appear to be to you, because you have thought them into their present statu
It is being pointed out that if I think something and believe it, it seems true, yet to others who think differently they will not appear the same way..... and this is also a part of Divine purpose, to fulfil the law of creating...........
For I, within him, do all that he does; but I necessarily do it through his organism, through hispersonality, his body, mind and soul.I will point out how this can be.First, try to realize that I made you in My Image and Likeness, and that I have My Being withinyou. Even if you do not know this now and believe that I, God, AM somewhere without, and thatwe are separated, try for the time being to imagine I AM within you.Next, realize that which you do when you think is not real thinking, because it is not consciousthinking; for you are unconscious of Me, the Inspirer and Director of every idea and thought thatenters your mind.Next, realize because I AM within you, and you are My Image and Likeness, and thereforepossess all of My Faculties, you have the power of thinking; but not being conscious thatthinking is creating and that it is one of My Divine Powers you are using you have indeed allyour life been thinking, but it has all been mis-thinking, or what you would call error-thinking.And this error-thinking, this not knowing it is My Power you have been thus misusing, has beenseparating you in consciousness farther and farther from Me; but all the time fulfilling MyPurpose, which later on will be made manifest to you.The proof of this is, you think you are separated from Me, that you are living in a materialWorld, that your body of Flesh engenders and harbors pleasure and pain, and that an evilinfluence, called the Devil, is manifesting in the world, opposing My Will.Yes, you think all these things are so.
I am made in the image of God..... the Essence of my Being is God............. even my thoughts come from this source yet I have been unconscious of this. This mis-thinking and misuse of Gods power within me has been separating me further from the Truth, yet there still is a purpose in this.
You were also told that when man was thus possessed of My Breath he was given dominion overall the kingdoms of the Earth. Which means he was made lord of the Earth, the sea, the air andthe ethers, and all beings living in all these kingdoms paid him homage and were subject to hiswill.This naturally was so, for I, within man's consciousness and within all consciousness, AMalways manifesting My Will; and I, the lord and ruler of man's organism, AM likewise the lordand ruler of all organisms in which consciousness dwells. As all consciousness is MyConsciousness and It dwells wherever there is life , and as there is no substance in which there isnot life, then My Consciousness must be in everything, -- in Earth, water, air and fire, andtherefore must fill all space. In fact it is space, or that which man calls space.Then My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Thereforeman's will, which is but a focalization of My Will, must likewise reach everywhere; hence theconsciousness of all organisms, including his own, is subject to man's direction and control.All it needs is for him consciously to realize this, realize that I, the Impersonal Self within him,AM constantly directing, controlling and using the consciousness of all organisms every momentof every day of his life.I AM doing this by and through his thinking.I AM doing this with and through man's organism. Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I ofhim, who thinks through his organism. Through this thinking and his spoken word I accomplishall that man does, and make man and his world all that they are.It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose.But, if I do all the thinking, man does not and cannot think, I hear you say.Yes, here seems a mystery, but it will be revealed to you, if you note carefully what follows:For I AM going to teach you -- man -- HOW to think
"My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Therefore man's will, which is but a focalization of My Will."
"Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I of him, who thinks through his organism." Yet this is not the 'thinking' I am familiar with in my human mind and I need to learn how to 'think'.
"It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose."
Always I AM there to pick you up, after the fall, although you do not know it at the time; firststraightening you out and then starting you onward again, by pointing out the reason for yourfall; and finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, causing you to see that these powersaccruing to you by the conscious use of My Will, My Intelligence and My Love, are allowed youonly for use in My Service, and not at all for your own personal ends.Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, think to set themselves up as having aseparate will from your will, or a separate intelligence from your intelligence?No, they know no intelligence but yours, no will but yours.After a while it will be that you will realize you are only one of the cells of My Body; and thatyour will is not your will, but Mine; that what consciousness and what intelligence you have areMine wholly; and that there is no such person as you, you personally being only a physical formcontaining a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, acertain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form.All this may be difficult for you now to accept, and you may protest very strenuously that itcannot be, that every instinct of your nature rebels against such yielding and subordinatingyourself to an unseen and unknown power, however Impersonal or Divine.Fear not, it is only your personality that thus rebels. If you continue to follow and study MyWords, all will soon be made clear, and I will surely open up to your inner understanding manywonderful Truths that now are impossible for you to comprehend. Your Soul will rejoice singglad praises, and you will bless these words for the message they bring
I am supported through my healing, growing, learning, fashioning..........
to be able to be.. "a physical form containing a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, a certain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form."
It is only my personality that resists Truth.
- ConsciousBeing
- Inspiration
- Thoughts
- Soul
- DivinePurpose
- Substance
- Definition
- Expression
- Desire
- Personality
- TheDream
- Belief
- Humanity
- Reality
- Seperation
- TrueSelf
- HolyWill
- HolyLove
- BodyMind
- Create
- Breath
- Practice
- Resistance
- Earth
- Light
- Power
- Manifestation
- HolyTruth
- Suffering
- ImpersonalSelf
- Intelligence