74 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. That isn't enougheither. "You said you wanted to know."

      An excuse, he takes whatever he can to resume his actions, to justify them.



  2. Sep 2024
    1. It's a juvenile display, the whole act, and pathetic; but it's something Iunderstand

      Something childlike in the commander, which is disturbing given the amount of power and control he has. Recalling her previous life with Luke, with others, old America.

    2. "I thought you were enjoying it," he says lightly, watching me, however,with intent bright eyes. If I didn't know better I would think it was fear. "Iwish you would."

      She keeps saying that she knows to see through his intentions and the lack of love that she has realised come through with the Commander. Juxtaposed with "Right now I almost like him."

    3. "Yes," he says. "Poor girl." He means Cora

      She clarifies that he means Cora because she also pities the girl that came before her, which is a reflection of what Offred will eventually be. This is a lack of understanding on his side.

    4. I think I lost control then, a little. Razor blades, I said. Books, writing,black-market stuff. All the things we aren't supposed to have. Jesus Christ,you ought to know. My voice was angrier than I'd intended, but he didn't evenwince

      The commander doesn't even know the conditions that he created. Like a child playing with and ruining his dolls.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. THE most frustrating part is trying to convince ppl they've been fooled, it's 99% impossible in my experience.

      blame pacifism, where all feel smart, where all consequences are postponed to "later".<br /> "all you can do is warn them. if they dont listen, move on so you can warn others."

    1. The idea of growing wiser vs. growing tall is likely not meant for the individual but for society as a whole or the world at large. The full context of the song. But it might have double meaning and refer to both individual and society.

      Reminds me of Taleb's concept of Epistemic Arrogance (overvaluing that which we know)

    1. we go from not  understanding it to apathy in the span of an afternoon which is another issue. Um, so so  what should we do?

      for - question - planetary emergency - ignorance or apathy - what should we do?

      question - planetary emergency - ignorance or apathy - what should we do? - Johan Rockstrom advocates for three simultaneous internventions that must be executed in order to achieve the following impacts: - Legally binding global governance regimes must be implemented: immediately - Paris Agreement - biodiversity agreements - Internalize all externalities - Implement a global price on carbon emissions of at least 100 USD / ton - Stop all expansion of human activity into intact nature

  4. Jul 2024
    1. Heiress to one of the world’s most powerful families. Her grandfather cut her out of the $15.4 BILLION family fortune after her scandal. But she fooled the world with her “dumb blond” persona and built a $300 MILLION business portfolio. This is the crazy story of Paris Hilton:

      Interesting thread about Paris Hilton.

      Main takeaway: Don't be quick to judge. Only form an opinion based on education; thorough research, evidence-based. If you don't want to invest the effort, then don't form an opinion. Simple as that.

      Similar to "Patience" by Nas & Damian Marley.

      Also Charlie Munger: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."

    1. (2:03) "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won't research and find the root of the truth that you seek of."

      So true this quote. Dunning-Krueger. Ignorance. Stupidity.

      Men should listen to Charlie Munger's advice: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."

  5. Jun 2024
    1. And this is what I believe is happening with students and reading, at least in part. They have convinced themselves that they aren’t readers. They have convinced themselves that reading old books, especially difficult old books, is just too arduous, too boring, too pointless. They have convinced themselves that even if the books are good and soul-enriching, there are better things to be doing with their time.

      Fixed mindset. Self fulfilling prophecies. Ignorance.

    1. One point for having many unread books is to show the extent of ignorance and develop intellectual humility.

      As Confucius already said: "True knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."

  6. May 2024
    1. La fabrique de l'ignorance | ARTE


      Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:31:48][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo, intitulée "La fabrique de l'ignorance" par ARTE, explore comment l'industrie et certains acteurs créent délibérément de l'ignorance ou du doute pour entraver le progrès scientifique et éviter la responsabilité. Elle examine des cas historiques et contemporains où la recherche scientifique est manipulée ou discréditée pour protéger les intérêts commerciaux, en particulier dans les industries du tabac, de l'agrochimie et des produits pharmaceutiques.

      Points saillants: + [00:02:48][^3^][3] Le déclin des abeilles et les néonicotinoïdes * L'augmentation des pertes d'abeilles liée à l'usage des néonicotinoïdes * La confusion et le manque de consensus scientifique malgré les preuves * Les efforts pour détourner l'attention vers d'autres causes possibles + [00:10:43][^4^][4] L'industrie du tabac et la manipulation de la science * La stratégie de l'industrie pour créer du doute sur les dangers du tabac * L'utilisation de la recherche scientifique pour discréditer la science établie * La révélation des tactiques de l'industrie grâce aux documents internes divulgués + [00:18:00][^5^][5] La fabrique du doute et ses conséquences * L'impact de la désinformation sur la santé publique et l'environnement * La lutte contre la réglementation et les poursuites judiciaires par la création de doute * Les retards dans la reconnaissance des vérités scientifiques et les coûts humains associés + [00:29:01][^6^][6] L'agnotologie et l'étude de l'ignorance * La naissance de l'agnotologie, l'étude de l'ignorance délibérément produite * L'importance de comprendre les obstacles à la connaissance et au progrès scientifique * La nécessité de sensibiliser le public aux tactiques utilisées pour semer la confusion Résumé de la vidéo [00:31:58][^1^][1] - [01:00:35][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo explore le concept d'agnotologie, l'étude de la production culturelle de l'ignorance. Elle examine comment l'ignorance est stratégiquement fabriquée par des industries telles que le tabac et les plastiques pour influencer la perception publique et les politiques. La vidéo met en lumière les tactiques utilisées pour semer le doute sur les risques pour la santé et les impacts environnementaux, et comment les scientifiques et les régulateurs luttent pour établir la vérité.

      Points saillants: + [00:32:00][^3^][3] L'agnotologie * Intersection de diverses disciplines * Comprendre la production de l'ignorance * Protéger contre la désinformation + [00:33:01][^4^][4] Les pratiques scientifiques * Importance des méthodes de recherche * Protocoles comme points de vulnérabilité * Manipulation des résultats par des protocoles mal conçus + [00:37:02][^5^][5] L'industrie du tabac * Attaques contre l'épidémiologie * Stratégies pour discréditer les risques du tabagisme passif * Influence sur les normes de recherche + [00:45:09][^6^][6] Les perturbateurs endocriniens * Découverte d'effets à des doses infimes * Remise en question des principes de toxicologie * Résistance de l'industrie face aux preuves scientifiques Résumé de la vidéo [01:00:37][^1^][1] - [01:31:03][^2^][2]:

      La troisième partie de la vidéo explore les tactiques utilisées par certaines industries pour discréditer la science environnementale et promouvoir leurs intérêts. Elle révèle comment l'industrie de l'amiante a orchestré l'Appel de Heidelberg pour saper les recherches sur les dangers de l'amiante, en se présentant comme défenseur de la "bonne science". La vidéo examine également la manière dont les climatosceptiques utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour diffuser leurs idées et comment des idéologies personnelles peuvent influencer la perception de la science.

      Points saillants: + [01:00:37][^3^][3] L'Appel de Heidelberg * Un texte soutenant le progrès scientifique contre l'écologisme "irrationnel" * Révélé comme une initiative de l'industrie de l'amiante pour discréditer la science environnementale * Utilisation de la rhétorique de la "bonne science" pour déformer le langage et les faits + [01:06:03][^4^][4] La manipulation du langage * L'industrie a redéfini la "bonne science" pour favoriser ses intérêts * Les chercheurs documentant les risques sont classés comme "mauvaise science" * Création d'une fausse dichotomie entre science fondée sur des preuves et "déni de science" + [01:09:58][^5^][5] Les réseaux sociaux et le climatoscepticisme * Les climatosceptiques forment des communautés denses et actives sur Twitter * Utilisation de faits alternatifs pour contrer les preuves scientifiques du changement climatique * L'Institut Heartland, un think tank climatosceptique influent, propage des idées contraires au consensus scientifique + [01:17:22][^6^][6] Idéologie et science * Certains scientifiques climatosceptiques motivés par des convictions idéologiques plutôt que financières * La lutte contre le réchauffement climatique perçue comme une menace pour le libre marché et les valeurs personnelles * L'influence de l'économie sur la recherche scientifique et la liberté académique Résumé de la vidéo [01:31:07][^1^][1] - [01:35:59][^2^][2]:

      La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde la manière dont l'économie de marché influence la science, en valorisant et privilégiant les recherches lucratives. Les chercheurs sont poussés à générer des fonds et à suivre les tendances pour obtenir des financements, ce qui oriente la science dans une direction spécifique et laisse d'autres domaines inexplorés.

      Points forts: + [01:31:07][^3^][3] Influence de l'économie de marché * La science lucrative est favorisée * Les chercheurs doivent attirer des fonds * La compétition entre laboratoires est intense + [01:32:02][^4^][4] Tendances de la recherche * Les mots clés comme "génomique" et "nanotechnologie" attirent des financements * L'intelligence artificielle est le mot clé actuel * La recherche est orientée par ces tendances + [01:33:01][^5^][5] La science non faite * Des domaines scientifiques sont négligés faute d'impératif commercial * La "science non faite" représente des connaissances jamais explorées * L'ignorance est parfois choisie ou financièrement motivée + [01:35:06][^6^][6] La fabrique de l'ignorance * L'agnotologie étudie la production délibérée de l'ignorance * Les chercheurs en agnotologie sont une nouvelle force pour le public * Ils protègent la science et sa progression méticuleuse

  7. Mar 2024
    1. He that is robbed, not wanting what is stol'n,Let him not know’t, and he’s not robbed at all.

      His point is that ignorance is bliss -- all is destroyed from knowing, from suspecting, from understanding. (connects to Blake)

    2. Nay, yet there’s more in this.I prithee speak to me as to thy thinkings,As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughtsThe worst of words

      Iago has not elaborated or said much, it is Othello who is prying deeper and deeper into "knowing" what he should not, into peering into something that would disturb his peace. This connects to Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience. It is then Othello's fault for looking for answers to his suspicions which he confirms with confirmation bias.

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:05:58][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo explore le concept de l'ignorance pluraliste, démontrant comment les individus dans un groupe peuvent s'aligner sur une opinion commune sans nécessairement être d'accord, simplement parce qu'ils perçoivent un faux consensus.

      Points forts: + [00:00:09][^3^][3] Ignorance pluraliste * Notion produisant des consensus illusoires + [00:00:32][^4^][4] Comportement de groupe * Importance de l'association à un groupe * Conformisme basé sur la perception du consensus + [00:01:09][^5^][5] Conformisme et silence * Tendance à se taire si les autres semblent d'accord * Risque de camoufler le désaccord réel + [00:02:50][^6^][6] Nécessité de la contradiction * Importance des voix discordantes pour la vérité * Le débat permet de clarifier les raisons d'une croyance + [00:03:56][^7^][7] Démocratie et débat * La contradiction est essentielle en démocratie * Les bons arguments doivent être distingués des mauvais + [00:05:25][^8^][8] Consensus et critique * Le consensus non testé peut être illusoire * Importance de la pensée critique et de la parole alternative

  8. Feb 2024
    1. La nécessité de promouvoir la connaissance face aux défis mondiaux tels que les transformations environnementales, numériques et les luttes contre les inégalités en tout genre semble reconnue de tous.

      Pourquoi alors ce paradoxe entre les discours politiques sur l'importance de l'éducation et de la recherche, la réalité des budgets alloués, les actions entreprises ?

      Si rien n'est entrepris, quel sera le prix de l'ignorance ? Et comment lutter contre l'ignorance qui s'ignore, que l'on soit citoyen ou professionnel ?

      Une table ronde avec Bertrand Monthubert (Ancien Président de l'Université Toulouse III-Paul-Sabatier, Président du Conseil National de l'Information Géolocalisée, d'Ekitia, d'OPenIG et du GT Data Governance du GPAI), Thierry Ripoll (Professeur des Universités en sciences cognitives, auteur) et Eric Valmir (alors secrétaire général de l'information du groupe Radio France, aujourd'hui directeur Territorial Sud Ouest France Bleu)

  9. Dec 2023
    1. This is a courageous and highly important documentary. Sadly, when I share with some friends, most outright tell me to keep the negativity to myself. I guess Ignorance is bliss, but also dangerous. Thank you for sharing this work for all. I’ll do my best to spread the word to anyone open to hearing/watching.

      the only paradox = contradiction with such ignorant = shortsighted peeople<br /> is that they want to continue living, but only as long as life is easy.<br /> as soon as life gets hard, these are the first ones who run away to suicide.

      so the paradox is, that i dont have a right to kill such obviously useless people today,<br /> because i am "only" 99% certain, and they are betting on the remaining 1% that i am wrong.

      as they say:<br /> All you can do is warn them. If they dont listen, move on, so you can warn others.

  10. Nov 2023
    1. all mass people are learning that that you know what you put in comes out you're connected to it you are nature so you can't destroy it or you'll destroy 00:17:47 yourself so that's mirroring the reality of interconnection actually
      • for: ignorance becomes the mirror-like wisdom
  11. Oct 2023
    1. Backpacker Jobs Backpackers and vagabonds do work that I’ll call “alternative” travel jobs. The type of work that may not require a computer or a college degree, but has a more hands-on approach. Think musicians, artists, or manual labor. Pay could be under the table. Examples: Street vendor, musician, farm work, etc.

      farm work is by far the most important work.

      its crazy how farm work gets almost zero attention in this article.

      hey idiots? have fun starving!

  12. Sep 2023
    1. Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.

      The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.

      The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.

      Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

  13. Jul 2023
    1. Both the cult of learning around Dante and the cult ofignorance around Newton are phenomena of the vicious spe-cialization of scholarship.

      p. xxiv

      Hutchins seems to indicate that the "vicious specialization of scholarship" is in part to blame for the emergence of the "two cultures" delineated by C. P. Snow later in the decade.

  14. Jun 2023
    1. The Doctrine and Covenants provides some interpretation of this parable, explaining that the blessings promised to those who are wise include the promise to be with the Lord during His Millennial reign on earth (see D&C 45:56–59). The wise are described as those who “have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived” (D&C 45:57).

      humility is wisdom:

      [[education is a gradual realization of our ignorance]]

      "Education is a gradual realization of our own ignorance. The expansion of one's awareness of of one's own ignorance as one learns ensures that the educated person remains humble about knowledge and understanding." - Everybody is Ignorant, Only on Different Subjects

  15. Mar 2023
  16. Feb 2023
    1. warfare
      • Comment
      • Observation
        • it is known that warfare is a significant source of technological innovation
        • this can be explained by evolutionary biology
        • our instruct for survival is strongest in ( inter-species) conflict
        • such is the deep irony of human progress
        • now, in the Anthropocene, humanity is waging another war for survival, caused by our war against nature
      • we can characterized this war as a war against past ignorance
  17. Dec 2022
    1. Understand that they need the other side, and admit their basic ignorance. But that’s always been the beginning of wisdom, no matter what technological era we happen to inhabit.
    1. “Deliberate ignorance” is — spoiler alert! — the phrase academics use to mean “the conscious choice to ignore information even when the costs of obtaining it are negligible.” (Avoiding spoilers is a kind of deliberate ignorance, you see.)
    2. Given all that madness, the need for critical thinking is obvious. But so is the need for critical ignorance — the skill, tuned over time, of knowing what not to spend your attention currency on. It’s great to be able to find the needle in the haystack — but it’s also important to limit the time spent in hay triage along the way.
  18. Oct 2022
  19. Sep 2022
    1. For example, let’s consider the type property. For most of the projects I am working on, it isn’t practical to have a webpage dedicated to each type of possible error.

      That's not required. The standard doesn't require this to be a URL locator — merely a URI! So you can just make up a URI and use it even if it's not resolvable. ... like you did for the URN below.

  20. Jul 2022
    1. another way to put this and we're going to go there in a moment um is that we could say that we're tempted just overwhelmingly 00:05:09 tempted to believe that to believe that when we have perceptual experience including introspective experience of our own minds we think that we know that content immediately the idea that to be in a 00:05:22 cognitive state is to know that state and the idea that our inner states present themselves to introspection even trained introspection just as they are

      Another way to articulate our two ignorances: we're overwhelmingly tempted to believe when we have perceptual experience including introspective experience of our own minds we think that we know that content immediately. When we are experiencing a cognitive state, we believe we know that state and the idea that our inner states present themselves to introspection even trained introspection just as they are

    2. buddhism is first and foremost a solution to a problem the problem is the 00:02:47 ubiquity of suffering in samsara and buddhism is all about trying to solve that problem and famously there's a diagnosis of that problem where the immediate conditions 00:02:59 of suffering are attraction and aversion but where the root cause the thing that gives rise to that attraction and aversion to those pathologies is a profound confusion about the nature of reality and it's that confusion that 00:03:13 leads us to the attraction and aversion that takes us into samsara and since it's an illusion we should pay attention to the classical indian understanding of what illusion is and 00:03:25 that is something that appears in one way but exists in another that is an illusion isn't something that's completely non-existent it's something his mode of existence and his mode of appearance are discordant from one 00:03:37 another and we're going to be focusing on that a great deal in this talk but the idea is that because this primal confusion this illusion lies at the root of suffering the only way to end the 00:03:50 problem of suffering is to extinguish the illusion and what i want to talk about today is how that illusion manifests in the case of our own minds and what i'm going to argue is is this 00:04:03 that that confusion manifests as a conviction that we have an immediate knowledge of our own minds that we can be indubitably aware of the contents of our own minds and the second aspect of that delusion equally pernicious is that 00:04:16 it involves the sub the superimposition of a subject object duality on experience that is uh primordially non-dual um so that primal confusion can be 00:04:28 thought of this way um it's taking that which is impermanent to be permanent that which is a source of suffering to be a source of happiness that which is only conventionally real to be ultimately real that which is 00:04:42 interdependent to be independent and the important point for our purposes is that the thesis that our own experience is permeated with illusion applies to our experience of our own minds as well 00:04:55 that's what i want to emphasize here

      Jay introduces the purpose of Buddhism is to get to the root of suffering, shine the light of wisdom on it to dissipate the ignorance.

      The ignorance manifests in two ways: 1. We have an immediate and indubitable knowledge of our own minds 2. we impose an equally compelling subject/object dualism upon our nondual reality

    1. Well, it’s pretty obvious to most of us that we can’t entirely trust in the world, in people and in appearances. The world of appearances is filled with the three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance. Sometimes, our closest people have betrayed us. The world as it appears in conditioned reality and ordinary life, is filled with unpredictable and often unexplainable occurrences that definitely go against how we wish things would be. Because of our unfulfilled desires, we suffer. When I was teaching recently at the prison sangha, The Unpolished Diamond Sangha, one man laughed at me and said, “You might be able to trust out there, but in here, that’s seems almost impossible. There is almost nothing and no one that can be trusted.” That has stuck with me. How to respond to that? Is there something unconditioned that we can trust in?

      The world is steeped in ignorance of the sacred. This ignorance creates the atmosphere of distrust. It is also dependently arisen. Ignorance and all the harm it brings, emerges in the same way as wisdom does, and from the same source, a source we can trust in.

    1. and then the deepest level is what's maybe more relevant for our discussion 00:27:04 we call it we call it all pervasive it's a conditioned kind of suffering and it's conditioned by ignorance the ignorance that does not understand reality correctly okay and that's really 00:27:17 what we're that's the opposite of what we're talking about when we talk about you know shunyata or emptiness uh this ignorance is 100 180 degrees opposite um so in that last level of suffering is 00:27:32 really the underpinnings of all the other sufferings okay so if we can address and remove that level of ignorance then all the other sufferings fall away 00:27:43 and you could also see it as all of our attachments that get us into trouble our aversions that can end in anger hatred and now we see so much violence in the world all that and 00:27:55 and our selfishness and our greed and you know on and on all that just falls away when we begin to get rid of this ignorance and we begin to not only intellectually understand emptiness but 00:28:08 we put it into our lives it percolates down and it starts to be part of our attitude the way we think the way we feel it permeates every aspect of our sleep and wake life and when that happens it's 00:28:22 it's like a revolution i don't speak from personal experience because i don't have that but according to the great saints and masters who have it's like a total revolution it's full of joy it's complete love and compassion 00:28:36 there's no moment where there isn't and it's always bathed in this wisdom of emptiness taking things as you said so beautifully in the beginning of your remarks carlo that everything is 00:28:48 in relation there are no discrete entities at all there's no independent existence i think those are the words that were used by david bohm who was a very close friend of his holiest the dalai lamas and as 00:29:01 you know a well-recognized quantum physicist um so those are just some contextual opening remarks to put us in in the in the right ball field if you will uh as a 00:29:15 with an american background baseball field right could be a soccer field

      all pervasive ignorance is the ignorance at the deepest level. When that is removed, all the other more superficial levels of ignorance go away as well.

      There is no independent existence. Everything is in relation.

    1. But I’m also glad that you highlight the "political" in your question, because politics gets left out a lot of the time. People have tended to focus more on how corporate actors such as big tobacco, big pharma and big food have all engaged in the strategic production of ignorance. This can sideline the problem of strategic ignorance by governments or the judiciary. It’s one of the reasons why I argue that it is important not to treat strategic ignorance as simply a psychological problem at the individual level. I think it’s better to suggest that different groups in society have enhanced political power to make the deliberate avoidance of inconvenient truths appear more legitimate or defensible than it really is. To give one example, when he was prime minister, Tony Blair put pressure on the former attorney general Lord Goldsmith to halt an investigation into bribery at BAE Systems. Blair didn’t want the embarrassment of having corruption at a major British firm exposed, and his effort to shut down the legal investigation is a type of strategic ignorance.

      This definitely requires systematic research and exposure as it is a ploy used often in both business and politics for supporting plausible deniability. Hey, I didn't know, you can't blame me! If you manufacture your own ignorance knowing that the truth could expose harm, then you need to take responsibility for shirking responsibility. In fact, there should be debate about whether this could become a legal precedent.

    2. ociologists and historians, on the other hand, usually view it more in line with my definition above. They view strategic ignorance as both an individual and a collective phenomenon. This helps to underscore the role of institutional power and institutional actors in preventing inconvenient facts from becoming more widely known or accepted.

      Willful ignorance, intentional ignorance. For those who are economically benefiting, ignorance that ignores data that threatens their economic livelihood causes maladaptive behavior to intentionally ignore the data that maintains one's own economic benefits.

    3. Behavioural economists and psychologists, on the one hand, tend to define strategic ignorance in a psychological way. They see it as the personal avoidance of inconvenient or uncomfortable facts.

      Behavioral science definition of strategic ignorance.

  21. Jun 2022
    1. A love triangle in the making of heartfelt experienceAt the seat of all knowingIn the wisdom of not knowingThe natural inclusion of being in becomingThe in-breath in out-breathIn common passion

      We are each steeped in infinite ignorance but that analytic knowing cannot compare to the embodied wisdom of simply INTERbeing in which we are the natural embodiment of all the laws of the universe keeping us alive and in a state of INTERbeing Embodying the wisdom is far more inline and in harmony with the universe than knowing about it Embodiment is already our natural articulation of the living truth

    1. i had known about this phenomenon which we call collective illusions historically has been called things like pluralistic ignorance um the illusion of universality things like this and because we'd known about it uh we 00:02:21 started asking people not only what they thought about certain issues but what they thought most people thought right and what was so shocking it was that actually the first time we ever did it was in like 2015 and it was 00:02:33 almost like a throwaway question and we weren't even sure what we'd get and what we found over and over again since is that it almost doesn't matter what topic we ask about if it's socially important it's like a coin toss whether we're 00:02:46 wrong about what the majority really believes and so we're living in this time when these collective illusions may actually be one of the defining features of modern society and as we can talk about they have such 00:02:59 like damaging consequences for the individual and the group and i felt like this could no longer just be an academic conversation like we need to have a conversation with the general public about this issue

      Collective illusion is having major harmful social impacts today, bring about polarization and conflict. It has also been called pluralistic ignorance and ignorance of universality.

  22. Apr 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, February 1). @MaartenvSmeden @richarddmorey 2/2 Having conducted experiments on lay understanding of arguments from ignorance, in my experience, people intuitively understand probabilistic impact of factors, such as quality of search, that moderate strength. Rather than build on that, we work against it with slogan! [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1356228495714746370

  23. Mar 2022
    1. that although evil exists, people aren’t born evil. How they live their lives depends on what happens after they’re born

      So very true. Monsters are made, not born. Everyone is born into the sacred, but then life can transform the sACred into the sCAred. Pathological fear can motivate a host of pathological responses such as selfishness, alienation, greed, anger, control, abuse, othering,dehumanization, etc.

  24. Jan 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 9). There are many things I would not have believed about the pandemic pre 2020, but top of them is the fact that Western nations would completely ignore 24 months worth of actually implemented policies that were vastly more successful [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1480162136240398339

  25. Sep 2021
  26. Jul 2021
    1. https://hedgehogreview.com/web-features/thr/posts/writing-a-life

      Jacobs suggests taking the idea of "walking a mile in another's shoes" to a higher level. He takes Herman Hesse's idea in The Glass Bead Game of the Castalian community's writing a Life in which people write an autobiography about seeing themselves placed in other times/places in history.

      Similar examples he includes:

      • Flannery O'Connor's story "Revelation" in which a woman chooses being remade as "white trash" or a Black woman.
      • Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin (1961)
      • White Like Me, a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Eddie Murphy
      • Soul Sister by Grace Halsell
      • Rachel Dolezal passing as black because she felt it was her identity
      • John Rawls' "veil of ignorance"

      Jacob suggests this could be a useful exercise for people to attempt, particularly as a senior exercise for university students.

  27. May 2021
    1. Lezing: De eigen blik door Margo Neale Tijdens deze editie van Framer Framer mede georganiseerd door de Australische tijdschrift Artlink ter gelegenheid van de publicatie van de speciale uitgave Blak op blak, hield dr. Margo Neale, Senior Research Fellow van het National Museum of Australia, een inleiding over de historische positie van de Aboriginal kunstenaars in Australië. Deze lezing werd gehouden tijdens het programma De eigen blik / Blak op blak bij het ​​AAMU – Museum voor hedendaagse Aboriginal kunst in Utrecht, 30 mei 2010. Links Artlink Magazine AAMU - Museum voor Hedendaagse Aboriginal Kunst Netwerk Margo Neale Onderzoeker, adjunct-professor Magazine Hedendaagse Aboriginal kunst / Videoverslag: The view of Self / Blak on blak

      Quote from the video:

      here for the unaware, rather than the ignorant —Margo Neale

  28. Feb 2021
    1. So, whenever you hear the medieval argument “Trailblazer is just a nasty DSL!”, forgive your opponent, you now know better. The entire framework is based on small, clean Ruby structures that can be executed programmatically.
  29. Dec 2020
  30. Nov 2020
    1. Jeff Bezos has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it all, so he figures he’d might as well spend it on spaceships. That’s what the Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, -1.04%   founder and chief executive told Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of Business Insider parent Axel Springer, in an interview published over the weekend.
  31. Sep 2020
  32. Jul 2020
    1. He had put the case (without mentioning names) to an eminent physician; and the eminent physician had smiled, had shaken his head, and had said–nothing. On these grounds, Mr. Bruff entered his protest, and left it there.

      So to say nothing is enough proof that there is no merit to this experiment? Isn't Ezra's thoughts inspired by textbooks/an intention to mimic the scientific process?

      I feel like such ignorance towards science is relevant today *cough*,*cough* people who refuse to wear face masks *cough*,*cough*

  33. Jun 2020
  34. May 2020
  35. Apr 2020
  36. Mar 2020
    1. Taking pride in one’s ignorance and stupidity and refusal to engage in the world thoughtfully should be socially unacceptable
    1. In an article on Pinyin around this time, the Chicago Tribune said that while it would be adopting the system for most Chinese words, some names had "become so ingrained in our usage that we can't get used to new ones."
  37. Jan 2020
    1. Often questions phrased specifically for ignorance of better methods. When there isn't a substantive contextual difference (like here), optimal solutions should get at least as much profile as the question-specific ones.
  38. Feb 2019
    1. religion, morality, and the line arts and support the British constitution.

      If we know anything about ancient Rome, it's that the populous was religious, moral, lovers of the arts and law. /s

    1. If we argue falsly and know not that we do so, we s hall be more pillicd than when we do, but either way disappointed.

      Intent matters. Ignorance, though, can not be used as an excuse.

  39. Jan 2019
    1. o one, or almost no one, fads to beheve 1n climate chan~Je out of sincere ignorance. Ttiey •choose-to d1sbeheve either for material gain or 1ust to be dicks.

      "If people were more aware of x, then they would realize they're wrong about y, and they would do z" is a line that is constantly repeated in my WGST classes, and I always look like an asshole when I argue that that's not how things work.

    2. To doubt Blum was to doubt the traditional edu-cational system and therefore the entire society. Nobody wanted to do it.

      This is the politics of ignorance at play. If you acknowledge that there is a problem, you must then address that problem. You must do something about that problem. If you don't want to do something, then you will choose not to acknowledge that there is a problem.

  40. Dec 2018
    1. Social scientists refer to the feeling of imagining oneself to be a lonely minority when in fact there are many people who agree with you, maybe even a majority, as “pluralistic ignorance.”39 Pluralistic ignorance is thinking that one is the only person bored at a class lecture and not knowing that the sentiment is shared, or that dissent and discontent are rare feelings in a country when in fact they are common but remain unspoken.
  41. Jul 2018
  42. Feb 2017
    1. Alas, what keeps us so'! Prejudice, ignorance and poverty.

      In addition, the societal construct at the time determined their livelihood. I especially like her word choice of "ignorance," because I think it can apply to both whites and African Americans: whites are ignorant of the struggles that African Americans face and cannot truly know/understand their experiences; African Americans are ignorant of their own capabilities and do not understand their true potential, as society's judgments of them have clouded their self-image and have influenced them to think less of themselves. I don't know if she intended this, but it has a somewhat psychological connotation in regards to self-perception in light of the rhetoric/environment/society at the time.

    1. In other words, he pro-poses either to dispel ignorance or to vanquish error

      A speaker's goal is to eliminate idiocy or carelessness, and how he goals about solving either one determines how he dispels the lies. Ignorant people need to be shown observable and repeatable evidence, careless people need their conviction to the lie to be broken. To Campbell, knowing the difference is crucial to the power of one's rhetoric.

  43. Jul 2016
  44. Jan 2016
    1. As I said earlier, our dialoguing like this does constitute your connection with Reality, with Sanity, and you are now beginning to grasp why it is that the one who is dreaming must reach out, and why one’s Guide cannot enforce his or her presence upon the one guided. The one being guided has been engaging in the denial of Reality, the effective blocking of It, and that resistance cannot be penetrated. It isn’t actually a shell, but an insistence upon ignoring. And no one can penetrate an act of ignoring—you could say, an act of ignorance.

      I need to reach out to my guide because I have been in denial of Reality and blocking it, I have been insisting on ignoring it.

    2. This does, indeed, cause it to seem to be entirely up to you, which, of course, does not compute with the ego’s suggestion that That which is divine has ultimate power to penetrate illusion, and therefore if one’s Guide is not penetrating illusion, then we must not be Who we say we are. That is simply another part of the defense, another part of the justification for ignore-ance.

      The ego attempts to use the need for one to ask for guidance as evidence to prove that I am not Who I really am.

  45. Nov 2013
    1. and then suspect that man is sustained in the indifference of his ignorance by that which is pitiless, greedy, insatiable, and murderous-as if hanging in dreams on the back of a tiger.

      Small, fragile, and tenuously suspended and preserved, encased in ignorance, by the same substance, ego, source of good and ill. It reminds me of the fable of a woman hanging from a cliff by a thin reed, tigers above and tigers below, and spying a ripe strawberry plucks and savors its sweetness, as a parable for life.

  46. Oct 2013
    1. By such persons a gladiator, who rushes to battle without any knowledge of arms, and a wrestler, who struggles with the whole force of his body to effect that which he has once attempted, is called so much the braver, though the latter is often laid prostrate by his own strength, and the other, however violent his assault, is withstood by a gentle turn of his adversary's wrist.

      The ignorant are fearless. Is this why my writer's block has gotten worse in college? Now I know how much there is I can do wrong I'm afraid to even begin?