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for - annotate - David Bohm interview
- Nov 2024
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unfold your unfolding changes of Planet
David Bohm's Implicate Order = unfolding and enfolding
- Sep 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Knowledge Presentation vs RePresentation
FOR David Bohm spoke to this deeply as a way to show that when people speak, they do so from re-representations which are slightly different to that which they heard This is how communication becomes INCOHERENT
Authoring Tool for Thought, which helps individuals in augmenting their tacit awareness , through developing, sharing and collaborating on
According to David Bohm 1991 paper, 'Thought is the Problem"
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
David Bohm [ 31 ]: “Thinking’ implies the present tense (...) ‘Thought’is the past participle of that. We have the idea that after we have been thinking something, it justevaporates. But thinking doesn’t disappear. It goes somehow into the brain and leaves something—atrace—which becomes thought. And thought then acts automatically.
!- follow up : David Bohm's ideas on thinking and thoughts * Thinking implies the present tense because it is an act we can only do in the present * When the present act of thinking is finished, it leaves traces in our consciousness * Those traces we refer to as "thoughts" * Thoughts act automatically - this is quite a pithy observation. We become thought automatons because once the thought is associated with all the other ideas, it alters the entire network of other thoughts on its own * "Thinking beyond the image of thought" may mean penetrating the existing automatized associations of thoughts with one that is quite novel and does not necessarily fit in, so is disruptive and can bring about a paradigm shift. * Read the reference to gain clarity
docdrop.org docdrop.org
and then the deepest level is what's maybe more relevant for our discussion 00:27:04 we call it we call it all pervasive it's a conditioned kind of suffering and it's conditioned by ignorance the ignorance that does not understand reality correctly okay and that's really 00:27:17 what we're that's the opposite of what we're talking about when we talk about you know shunyata or emptiness uh this ignorance is 100 180 degrees opposite um so in that last level of suffering is 00:27:32 really the underpinnings of all the other sufferings okay so if we can address and remove that level of ignorance then all the other sufferings fall away 00:27:43 and you could also see it as all of our attachments that get us into trouble our aversions that can end in anger hatred and now we see so much violence in the world all that and 00:27:55 and our selfishness and our greed and you know on and on all that just falls away when we begin to get rid of this ignorance and we begin to not only intellectually understand emptiness but 00:28:08 we put it into our lives it percolates down and it starts to be part of our attitude the way we think the way we feel it permeates every aspect of our sleep and wake life and when that happens it's 00:28:22 it's like a revolution i don't speak from personal experience because i don't have that but according to the great saints and masters who have it's like a total revolution it's full of joy it's complete love and compassion 00:28:36 there's no moment where there isn't and it's always bathed in this wisdom of emptiness taking things as you said so beautifully in the beginning of your remarks carlo that everything is 00:28:48 in relation there are no discrete entities at all there's no independent existence i think those are the words that were used by david bohm who was a very close friend of his holiest the dalai lamas and as 00:29:01 you know a well-recognized quantum physicist um so those are just some contextual opening remarks to put us in in the in the right ball field if you will uh as a 00:29:15 with an american background baseball field right could be a soccer field
all pervasive ignorance is the ignorance at the deepest level. When that is removed, all the other more superficial levels of ignorance go away as well.
There is no independent existence. Everything is in relation.
- Oct 2021
www.brainpickings.org www.brainpickings.org
trailblazing physicist David Bohm and Indian spiritual philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti sat down for a mind-bending, soul-stretching series of conversations about some of the most abiding human concerns: time, transcendence, compassion, death, the nature of reality, and the meaning of existence.
What came up for me in exploring the parallels between writing and mathematics.
- Sep 2021
www.infinitepotential.com www.infinitepotential.com
His questioning of the scientific orthodoxy was the expression of a rare and maverick intelligence. He shows us that the nature of reality is infinite and believed in a “hidden” regime of reality – the Quantum Potential – that underlies all of creation and which will remain beyond scientific endeavor, an idea echoed by many mystical traditions.
“We are all participants and observers in the emergence of a reality…the Observer is the Observed. Bohm shows us that we are all co-producers of a possible future in which personal and global transformation is possible.”
- Jan 2021
aeon.co aeon.co
In his classic text, Thought as a System (1992), the US physicist and philosopher David Bohm
I have his QM text, but didn't know(?) he did philosophy like this.
- Apr 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Guido Bacciagaluppi, Antony Valentini: Quantum theory at the crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-81421-8
- Mar 2018
www.thedivineconspiracy.org www.thedivineconspiracy.org
www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk
A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, David Bohm