16 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Apr 2023
    1. Satire in the Age of Murdoch and Trump. The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast, 2023-03-09. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbOiXmMnyw4.

      Watched most of this passively while reading on 2023-04-06

  3. Mar 2023
  4. Jan 2022
    1. Another company, Pietra, connects influencers with manufacturers in order to help them launch their own product lines.

      When manufacturers, like Pietra, help influencers manufacture their own product lines, we've taken another step from big celebrities having their own product lines (think Martha Stewart cookware and other lifestyle plays her company has made).

      This is splitting the difference between the Tupperware parties of old where you're empowering your users to sell your product and having celebrities sell your product.

      What is the next step along this evolutionary path of breaking down the sales funnel? Can it be disintermediated further?

      Another example of this are the thousands of small Etsy shops that are churning out products as intermediaries. An example of this is the proliferation of sticker companies that are selling somewhat custom designs for 2-3x the going rate and adding a rather large mark up for themselves. In this case there are at least some modest creative pieces being added in the value chain, but at what overall cost?

      Will everyone be a manufacturer? When does it all become Amway?

  5. Nov 2021
    1. with attention to the nuances of issues like diversity and feminism where he has previously faltered in his own writers’ room

      How do we intentionally and proactively work to avoid the problem with Jon Stewart by addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the writers’ room?

  6. Feb 2017
    1. custody of children to the husband.

      Interesting to see the social change that has occurred since then. Women are now more than 60% more likely to win custody if a divorce is filed. Sort of reminds me of the quote from Stewart, " look at many of the most worthy and most interesting or us doomed to spend our lives in gentlemen 's kitchens"

      As the kitchen is now one of the sexist jokes regarding where a woman belongs, that statement seemed odd to me. This seems like a similar situation, although I'm sure that few jokes revolve around custody battles.

    1. One sign is the intense suffering of women speakers, who are fearful of allracting censure yet even more fearful or dis-obeying God's command

      Compare to Stewart: "I have come forward and made myself a hissing and a reproach among the people" through her public speaking (1039).

    1. He spares her body; but the war he has waged against her mind, her heurt, and her soul, has been no less deslructive 10 her as a moral being

      This seems like an example of the abolitionism movement's influence on her feminist arguments, since bondage of the mind, heart, soul is frequently described as an argument against slavery. This is similar to what Stewart says about the souls kept in chains.

    2. She denounces men's insistence on seeing women always as sexual beings and argues that women's eloquence arises not from sex but from spiritual and mental powers that they share equally with men and that they must he allowed to exercise.

      Perhaps that idea was only the effect of the sagacity common to the ,sex, and the advantages which their natural address gave them over rough and simple warriors. Stewart would agree that there was more to woman than the their beauty, but perhaps there is something there in terms of softness and ability to woo a crowd that gives women a little extra something?

    3. her Creator Imo; a'isigncd her:

      is it not the God of ancient times the God of these modem days? Did he not raise up Deborah, to be a mother, and a judge in lsrael?

    1. Alas, what keeps us so'! Prejudice, ignorance and poverty.

      In addition, the societal construct at the time determined their livelihood. I especially like her word choice of "ignorance," because I think it can apply to both whites and African Americans: whites are ignorant of the struggles that African Americans face and cannot truly know/understand their experiences; African Americans are ignorant of their own capabilities and do not understand their true potential, as society's judgments of them have clouded their self-image and have influenced them to think less of themselves. I don't know if she intended this, but it has a somewhat psychological connotation in regards to self-perception in light of the rhetoric/environment/society at the time.

    2. Take us generally as a people, we arc neither lazy nor idle; and considering how Huie we have to excite or stimulate us, I am almost astonished that there arc so many industrious and ambitious ones to be found; although I acknowledge, with extreme sorrow, that there arc some who never were and never will be serviceable lo society. And have you not a similar class among your· selves'!

      This is a nice summary of one of Stewart's main points: African Americans, of any sex, are just as capable, just as intelligent, and just as American as whites are. She concedes that there are some who are "idle," but counters that this does not just apply to African Americans, but also to whites (and by extension, all races). I wonder if this helped the reception of her speech: acknowledging shortcomings, but pointing out that these shortcomings apply to others as well, suggesting that all people are equal.

    3. Not content with these opportunities to address her community in print, unusual and somewhat undecorous as they were for an early-nineteenth-century woman, Stewart began, in 1832, to give public speeches on the issues that con·

      Opposite of Astell, who said that women should not speak publicly and should instead speak in "appropriate spheres".

    1. e learned to use his voice, nalurally deep and resonant, as a Jlexible inslrument that could range from rafter-shaking thunder to lenderly moving, quiet tones.

      Really love the extreme detail here given to the use of his voice in speaking. It is reminiscent of the comparison between men and women in Stewart. Perhaps Fred had a little bit of womanly softness with his "tenderly moving, quiet tones"

  7. Jan 2016