- Mar 2016
jakupsclass.wikispaces.com jakupsclass.wikispaces.com
Steve Ketchel was the finest and most beautiful man that ever lived. I never saw a man as clean and as white and as beautiful as Steve Ketchel.
He was white and beautiful and represents a brighter and more loving side of the hookers, which results in empathy from the bystanders. He is portrayed as a symbol of the hookers more uplifting past.
“Did I know him? Did I know him?
She never really answers "Yes", so this indicates that she is trying to avoid being specific and giving a straight answer (because she probably did not know him)
as clean and as white and as beautiful
The use of adjectives such as "clean", "white" and "beautiful", to describe Stanley, says a lot about what qualities she admires in a man.
“It would be impossible for Steve to have said that,” Peroxide declared.
Implicitely implying something about Steve's character.
Did I know him? Did I know him?
Needs to convince herself and the others that she knows him and what he stands for
I never saw a man as clean and as white and as beautiful as Steve Ketchel
Wasn’t his name Stanley Ketchel?”
They dont even know his name - this could indicate that the important thing is not what his name is (or Jesus' name) but what he stands for. It could also indicate that she desperately needs to believe in something even though she dont know what that means.
We were married in the eyes of God and I belong to him right now and always will and all of me is his.
ja yes
“What do you know about Steve? Stanley. He was no Stanley. Steve Ketchel
The girls do not know his real name which indicates that they probably never really knew him at all. This can be compared to Steve = Jesus, because no one really knows Jesus at all. No one really knew him but everyone claims that they do.
“He was more than any husband could ever be
ja yes
Peroxide blondes = LIGHT, but fake light.
I loved him like you love God
He was like a god
My soul belongs to Steve Ketchel
her soul belongs to him