12 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. A September 2022 study predicts that clear-air turbulence will increase significantly around the globe by the period 2050-2080, in particular along the busiest flight routes, and the strongest type of turbulence will increase the most.

      Jeez, what could be the underlying reason for these changes? Hmm...

  2. Sep 2022
    1. via The Prepared. Circular economies seem like a potentially fundamental mindset for large spaces creating less impact/approaching climate change

  3. Mar 2020
  4. Sep 2019
    1. climate crisis

      Senator Roberts has asked the Greens to table the evidence for the so-called climate crisis on a number of occasions which they are still yet to do.

    2. He's got ministers questioning the fundamental connection between humanity and climate change. These are questions that could be answered by any sixth-grader in any classroom around the country.

      Clearly the Senator has no idea of the complexity involved in understanding natural climate variability.

    1. "This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean, yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you,

      Finally, Greta Thunberg says something I can agree with!

  5. Mar 2019
    1. 1-3. Nobody As it has in previous years, the Climate Change Performance Index leaves the top three slots of its rankings blank with a footnote that reads, "None of the countries achieved positions one to three. No country is doing enough to prevent dangerous climate change." As global temperatures and sea levels rise and the agricultural patterns we depend on for sustenance are disrupted, the index is a reminder that no country—not even France or Sweden—is doing everything right. Don't believe us? Take a look at the ever-growing list of places around the world that could mean as much to our grandchildren as Atlantis means to us.

      This article was showing the top 10 countries that were doing something to stop climate change. But these were the top three countries 1-3. Nobody As it has in previous years, the Climate Change Performance Index leaves the top three slots of its rankings blank with a footnote that reads, "None of the countries achieved positions one to three. No country is doing enough to prevent dangerous climate change." As global temperatures and sea levels rise and the agricultural patterns we depend on for sustenance are disrupted, the index is a reminder that no country—not even France or Sweden—is doing everything right. Don't believe us? Take a look at the ever-growing list of places around the world that could mean as much to our grandchildren as Atlantis means to us.

  6. Jan 2019
    1. embrainment of the body and embodiment ofthe mind

      Interesting to think of the World of Tomorrow film here--or, "San Junipero" for the Black Mirror fans. The separation of body and mind, or the hierarchy of the mind over the body, is often the subject of futuristic, post-apocalyptic stories. To see the relationship described as a continuum, however, sparks completely different questions.

      Granted, it's hard to have a body when the planet is dying.

  7. Oct 2018
    1. At a meeting between French industrialists and a climatologist a few years ago, Latour was struck when he heard the scientist defend his results not on the basis of the unimpeachable authority of science but by laying out to his audience his manufacturing secrets: “the large number of researchers involved in climate analysis, the complex system for verifying data, the articles and reports, the principle of peer evaluation, the vast network of weather stations, floating weather buoys, satellites and computers that ensure the flow of information.” The climate denialists, by contrast, the scientist said, had none of this institutional architecture. Latour realized he was witnessing the beginnings a seismic rhetorical shift: from scientists appealing to transcendent, capital-T Truth to touting the robust networks through which truth is, and has always been, established.

      A paradigm shift in the rhetoric of science, from metanarratives of truth to the mechanics of truth manufacture.

  8. May 2017
    1. The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability; and something is bound to come of it.

      Part of what we now know is that the large-scale manufacture of such "cheap and complex devices of great reliability" is linked to our excessive depletion of natural resources, our pollution and destruction of the global environment -- most especially our large and ever-increasing impact on the atmosphere. Heavily industrialization and consumerism are provoking long-term climate change across the planet. In the second decade of the 21st century, we realize that we are at a tipping point where the negative impacts are likely to exceed, increasingly, the positive effects that Bush evokes. So... how do we proceed from here? That's the important question. [Addendum: Donald J. Trump's undoing of environmental regulation and climate-change-mitigation and monitoring initiatives is, very clearly, a wrong pathway, unless the intent is to hasten the destruction of the stable and sustaining natural environment that allowed humanity to rise to this kind of thriving and global dominance.]

      Are there ways of harnessing tagging, linking and associative tools like Hypothes.is to help pull together the disparate webs of evidence and arguments on climate change that will help us as a species understand the dangers and the risks? Are there ways in which such tools might increase the democratic and ecological effectiveness of knowledge and learning? Do they have the potential to shift cultures and mindsets? Can technology prove helpful here?

  9. Dec 2016
    1. That evidence shows that partisans who score highest on a standard measure of AOT are in fact the most polarized on the reality of human-caused climate change.
  10. Sep 2015