- Mar 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Each highlighted statement expresses political talking points aligned to induce trump-like support.
Trump introduced new marketing and strategy, formulated using concepts and metrics mastered by Reality TV and Hollywood and then paired with advertising propaganda and "selling" techniques to create a "Brand". This is after-all Donald Trump, this is what he does, has done and is the only way he has found to make money. Trump built the "brand" (just barely) while teetering on self destruction.
His charismatic persona became "the glue" that allowed creative narratives to stick to certain types of people in-spite of risk. Trump learned OTJ how to capture a specific type of audience.
The mistake people make about Trump is assuming his audience to be "Joe Six-Pack", redneck's with limited education! This assumption does not have merit on its own.<br /> * There is a common "follower" theme among his audience that is exploited by those who: * Bought the "licensing rights" to the master-class Trump "how-to" course.
- Trump Audience
- Used Car salesman
- Putin-Trump
- Prosperity Preachers
- Trump
- Manipulation
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Trump licensed how-to
- Savvy Strongman
- Multi-Level-Marketing
- Reality TV
- PR
- Modern day Politician
- Mafia
- Creation of Brand
- BS
- Politics
- Professional Wrestling
- Snake-oil salesmen
- Vladimir Putin
- Sep 2021
www.brookings.edu www.brookings.edu
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
She gave about $12 million to a pair of political committees, the Reform America Fund and the Freedom Partners Action Fund, that bought ads attacking Feingold.
Political finance reform!
The Beloit-based billionaire has publicly pushed for tax breaks and said she wants to stop the U.S. from becoming “a socialistic ideological nation.”
I LOVE the dysfunctional thought process of this statement. This is Social Engineering 101. An educated public not drinking the cool-aid of Neoliberalism, aristocracy or silver-spoon wealth would realize the deception of that statement simply by the fact that the US is already a socialistic ideological nation in the same way the US is already a democracy or that the US is already a capitalist ideological nation. Point being: The US is like a "mutt", meaning it's not a pure bred anything and will never be a pure anything.
The original United States through the early 1970's represented the true American experiment and dream. The US (America) created opportunity and limited support for impoverished citizens and understood the strength and meaning of leadership (taking care of it's own). Having a somewhat balanced (more perceived) societal ideology for the US allowed America's unique nature to shine strong. Modern America (early 1980's to current) is not and should not be compared to what I call the Original America. Modern America is a nation corrupted by wealth and power. Modern America does not shine brightly anymore, the experiment is over and old school European aristocracy (wealth, status, power) rules the land. The problem is the public does not realize the extent of damage done to America and will completely forget within 2 generations.
The baby-boomer generation is the last representation of original America and makes up the largest demographic in our nations history. Boomers hold the true America in their hearts and minds. The real Patriotism and ideology derived from the original America has become the weapon of choice for those wishing to exploit the the concept of America past. Meaningless rhetoric tied to patriotic ideals is behind the controlled social engineering of today.
The statement above is a great example of meaningless rhetorical pandering with ambiguous words and phrases from a morally corrupt 1 to 2% of the new aristocracy grabbing power in America.
Billionaire business owners deployed lobbyists to make sure Trump’s 2017 tax bill was tailored to their benefit. Confidential IRS records show the windfall that followed.
@choppa1890 says "will read and get mad about one of these days"
With respect.....this learned attitude is the leading contributor to the problem with modern America. The quote reflects cognitive dissonance that is dealt with through a weak form of denial. @choppa1890 uses a mentally acceptable task (posting in Hypothesis) and 'avoidance', to resolve the dissonance. @choppa1890 can not allow him/herself to read the article, create knowledge and emotion. It's too much to think about so I will make a note in Hypothesis and move on!
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Meanwhile, population growth in Arizona and elsewhere in the basin is likely to continue, at least for now, because short-term fixes so far have obscured the seriousness of the risks to the region.
Modern America, corrupted by wealth!
One of the country’s most important sources of fresh water is in peril, the latest victim of the accelerating climate crisis.
The one article contains clues, examples and references to important factors that define modern America. I reference a couple and note them as a "Deep Concept".
Since about 70% of water delivered from the Colorado River goes to growing crops, not to people in cities, the next step will likely be to demand large-scale reductions for farmers and ranchers across millions of acres of land, forcing wrenching choices about which crops to grow and for whom — an omen that many of America’s food-generating regions might ultimately have to shift someplace else as the climate warms.
Deep Concept: The US Government, in the 1960's/70's provided a crystal ball glimpse into the future by defining climate change (man-made global warming) as a national security concern. Various reports warned of "exponential" growth (population) and related man-made factors (technology etc.) that would contribute to climate change and specifically discussed the possibility of irreconcilable damage to "finite" natural resources.
The tunnel far below represented Nevada’s latest salvo in a simmering water war: the construction of a $1.4 billion drainage hole to ensure that if the lake ever ran dry, Las Vegas could get the very last drop
Deep Concept: Modern America is mostly corrupt from it's own creation of wealth. Wealth is power, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Money and wealth have completely changed the underlying foundation of America. Modern America is the corrupted result of wealth. Morality and ethics in modern American have been reshaped to "fit" European Aristocracy, ironically the same European aristocracy America fled in the Revolutionary War.
Billions and billions of tax payer money is spent on projects that could never pass rigorous examination and best public ROI use. Political authoritative conditions rule public tax money for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. The public "cult-like" sheep have no clue how they are being abused.
The authoritative abusers (politicians) follow the "mostly" corrupt American (fuck-you) form of government and individual power tactics that have been conveniently embedded in corrupt modern morality and ethics, used by corrupted lawyers and judges to codify the fundamental moral code that underpins the original American Constitution.
The Uncomfortable Truth is the Difficult and Unpopular Decisions are Now Unavoidable.
Topic is relevant across a span of global issues. Natural resources are Finite.....period! Timely decisions are critical to insure intelligent use of resources. DENIAL is the enemy and 800lb gorilla in the room. Neoliberisim and social dysfunction feed on any cognitive dissonance and poop it out as "crap". True believers of American Capitalism (yes there is a difference) have become "cult-like" and drink the fluid of the cult to the very end, human consequence is of no concern.
Point being: Reality is always elusive within a cult controlled (authoritative) mindset. Cult members are weak sheep, incapable of individual logic/reason. Authority can not be challenged. -- Denial, a human defense mechanism has been and is the common denominator in all personal and global conflict. Denial can be traced throughout modern history and rears its ugly head whenever the stakes are high.
- man-made global warming
- modern america
- aristocracy
- Denial
- human defense mechanism
- corruption
- authoritarian
- modern morality and ethics
- modern America
- uncomfortable truth
- exponential growth
- neoliberism
- public tax dollars
- capitalism
- european aristocracy
- finite resources
- cults
- Lake Mead
- climate change
- denial
- american capitalism
- cult-like
- Aug 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Please see my reply to the original annotation.
- Jul 2021
www.economicliberties.us www.economicliberties.us
BlackRock employs a stable of former policymakers, underscoring the importance the company occupies in both financial and policymaking ecosystems, in something akin to a shadow government entity.[157] Good government groups have documented 118 examples of “revolving door” activity by the company—cases in which a government official joined BlackRock’s roster, or vice versa.[158] In one particularly troubling example of how Washington’s revolving door operates, in 2017, a former BlackRock executive was put in charge of reviewing the FSOC’s work for the Treasury Department.[159] Unsurprisingly, the Department’s conclusion was that FSOC should “prioritize its efforts to address risks to financial stability through a process that emphasizes an activities-based or industry-wide approach,” the company’s preferred position.[160] This conclusion all but ensures that BlackRock will not be designated for greater regulation by the FSOC under the Trump administration.
To Big To Fail? Above The Law? Shadow Government?
The term "shadow government" comes up often when investigating Revolving Door partnerships between corporations and former government policymakers. One particular public corporation, BlackRock Investments is the poster child of revolving door activity and comparisons to a shadow government.
BlackRock is front and center in the manipulation of todays Real Estate bubble.
BlackRock should be marketed as;*The Largest Asset Manager and Keeper of The Neo-liberal Flame; We Kill Children to Make You Money and We Enjoy Doing It!*
The New Money Trust: How Large Money Managers Control Our Economy and What We Can Do About It
WTF is wrong?
Where is the moral character and backbone of the American people. We know something is wrong! It smells and stinks yet no one does anything. Most of our elected politicians are useless turds floating in wastewater and the rest are multiple term professional corrupt politicians waiting for the appropriate revolving door opportunity. This has nothing to do with party affiliation, it is rampant on both sides. Political parties perpetuate the illusion as a control mechanism. We see it yet do nothing about it! WHY?
This paper (topic) is typical of the continued "head in the sand" passive financial regulatory system loaded with Sheeple and kiss-ass do nothing idiots. Alarms have been going off since 2005/6 and as predicted then, our financial system imploded in 07/08.
- What lesson was learned?
- Who were the players?
- What disciplinary actions took place?
- Who went to Jail?
Nothing has changed. Corruption and fraud fuel a dysfunctional financial system destined to cripple the American and Global economies. Economists and many within the financial sector know what is going on. Maybe they care about the average person but are afraid to come forward. Maybe they don't care and fully intend to rape and pillage as much of the global society as possible.
The question is what are YOU going to do to protect future generations, your children, grand children and so on?
- Feb 2021
consortiumnews.com consortiumnews.com
There’s so much money that goes to the creditors to the top 1 percent or 5 percent that there is no money for capital investment, there is no money for growth. And, since 1980 as you know, real wages in America have been stable. All the growth has been in property owners and predators and the FIRE sector, the rest of the economy is in stagnation.
Cross-reference with Post article "The intellectual cesspool of the inflation truthers" and "ShadowStats"
And if you read what the business schools in the late 19th century taught like Simon Patten at the Wharton School, it’s very much like socialism. In fact, it’s very much like what China is doing.
Interesting statement!
“We’ve moved away from the whole ethic of what was industrial capitalism.”
Defend this argument in 2021 America.<br> Refute this argument in 2021 America.<br> Contemplate the genesis behind this argument Share opinion regarding this argument.
And essentially, we became what’s called a rent-seeking economy, not a productive economy. So, when people in Washington talk about American capitalism versus Chinese socialism this is confusing the issue. What kind of capitalism are we talking about?
What kind of capitalism are we talking about?
We are starting to see critical thinking and discussion around "hard" but necessary truths. These truths center around complicated concepts, controlled by politicians, MSM and others who would rather not have this discussion. America's general population seems lost, gorging on the dumb-down need to know culture (those that have and can dictate what the rest need to know) and group think, herd mentality.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Even worse, Shadow Stat's numbers show so much inflation the past 25 years that, as Jim Pethokoukis points out, it implies the economy hasn't grown at all during that time.
Important Point
Real economic numbers validate a 25 year period (or more) of manipulated inflation and low growth economy. INCOME INEQUALITY statistics and recent studies ALL validate fuzzy math, rosy picture for the 1% and stagnant dismal picture for average Americans. Trump based his entire campaign and Presidency on Making America Great Again
Supporting Link
All it costs is $175 a year for your Shadow Stats subscription—and, of course, any credibility you had left.
Rhetoric - Government attack - Spin
So which seems likelier: that we're no better off than we were a quarter century ago, or that Shadow Stats is total bunk?
Great Question
This is an easy question to answer from my perspective. For me (age 62) and most of my peers, their kids and their peers, we are NO better off than we were a quarter century ago! A large part is the change from Industrial/Manufacturing to Technology and the outsourced labor and manufacturing. America has changed, this is FACT
And that's impossible.
Government Spin
3. The Shadow Stats numbers would mean we've been in a depression since 1988.
Truth. History now validates this statement
2. Private inflation estimates match the government's.
Create credible narrative talking points
That's not a method. It's a punchline.
Planned Rhetoric
Shadow Stats,
Government Target
The intellectual cesspool of the inflation truthers
Powerful Headline (words) from a Washington Post article under Economic Policy. WORDS.....! Words..... When you study Legal Theory you learn that "words" play a significant role in all aspects of social order.
Controlling the rhetoric with consistent narrative
This statement simply implies the use of consistent narrative (story) to allow control of the rhetoric. Narrative can be viewed as believable while Rhetoric is a general pejorative. When the rhetoric is mis or dis-information the narrative must be credible.
Main stream media (MSM) has held a long-term standing across the world as being credible. This standing is eroding. It has eroded considerably over the last 25 years among critical thinkers and the general population has started to take notice.
I question everything from MSM especially when narrative is duplicated with identical rhetoric across known government media assets. History is a wonderful thing when searching for Truth. Events in historical time periods can be researched, parsed and studied for patterns based on future evidence and outcomes.
Information "Spin" is real and happens for one purpose, that purpose is to benefit a position, agenda, person, plan, etc., by manipulating (advertising, PR, propaganda) information. Spin is difficult to refute without hard facts. Spin has a short-term shelf life, but that is all it needs to chart a new course, set the "ball" in motion so to say.
History allows Truth to overcome Spin.
The Quest for Truth
The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.
Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation
The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.
Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.
Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
- Words
- Truth
- Motive
- Semantics
- Media manipulation
- Inflation
- American economy
- Spin
- Inflation Stats
- Advertising
- Propaganda
- Verifying and Validating
- Discredit the messager
- US Economy
- Income Inequality
- Average American economic outlook
- PR
- Status
- Predicdted Programming
- Means
- Economic Policy
- Outsourced labor
- Rhetoric
- Narrative
- Government manipulation
- US Economy no growth
- Government attack
- Truth is a concept
www.thebalance.com www.thebalance.com
How the U.S. Constitution Protects America's Market Economy
This is a bold statement. Argumentcan be made that America is no longer a Market Economy and has morphed into a Hybrid Mixed Economy. If true, the U.S. Constitution has been usurped.
21st Century Economics (USA)
Economic Theory of a Market Economy, Characteristics, Pros, and Cons
Americans and the World believe or want to believe that the United States is built upon a Market Economy.
Historical context validates a classic Market Economy theory as directed by our Founding Fathers and Constitution. We clearly do not have a pure Market Economy today (2021).
- To Big to Fail - (Bailouts)
- Farm Subsidies
- Political Influence (money, lobbying, tenure)
- Government Agencies
- Military/Industrial Complex
- Federal Reserve (Central Banking)
- Social Security
- Medicare
- Other
Most Americans lump (through education) the concept of economics and government together, into 3 basic categories; Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.
The U.S. is a Capitalist Nation with a corresponding market economy.
Is this statement Fact or Hypothesis ?
Can we still rely on textbook economic models in the 21st Century?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Interesting topic. On the surface there is an Investigative Reporter in a common activist role. He had a Heroin problem and hacktivist ties which certainly did not help his situation.
- Stratfor gets hacked by Jeremy Hammond ,
- Hammond, a part of LulzSec leaks all to Wikileaks
- Brown, with ties to LulzSec most likely combs through the leaked data
- Brown is subjected to what appears to be excessive LE abuse and manipulation
- Brown is reported to have threatened an FBI Agent via YouTube.....ok.....and this is the reason for additional charges and outrageous sentencing recommendations.
- WHY...is Brown subjected to this type of treatment and President Donald Trump gets away with far worse?