- May 2024
PROPAGANDA la fabrique du consentement
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:35:42][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo explore l'histoire et l'impact de la propagande, en se concentrant sur les techniques de persuasion développées aux États-Unis il y a un siècle. Elle examine comment ces méthodes ont été utilisées pour influencer l'opinion publique pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, pour promouvoir le capitalisme industriel, et comment elles ont été adaptées par des figures telles qu'Edward Bernays pour façonner la société américaine.
Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Origines de la propagande * Utilisation de la propagande pour orienter les choix des gens * Techniques de persuasion développées aux États-Unis + [00:01:32][^4^][4] Propagande pendant la guerre * Campagne de propagande pour vendre la guerre au peuple américain * Utilisation de célébrités et de leaders d'opinion pour influencer les masses + [00:10:28][^5^][5] Edward Bernays et relations publiques * Transition de la propagande vers les relations publiques * Influence de la psychologie des foules et de la psychanalyse + [00:18:26][^6^][6] Campagnes de Bernays * Utilisation de la psychanalyse pour les campagnes publicitaires * Campagnes pour le tabac et le petit déjeuner américain + [00:25:29][^7^][7] Impact de la propagande sur la société * Influence sur les habitudes de consommation et la perception des entreprises * Utilisation par les nazis et réaction à la crise économique + [00:33:28][^8^][8] Relations publiques et l'American way of life * Exposition universelle de New York comme vitrine du capitalisme * Rôle continu des relations publiques dans la société moderne Résumé de la vidéo [00:35:44][^1^][1] - [00:53:01][^2^][2]:
Cette partie de la vidéo discute de la propagande et de la manipulation de l'opinion publique par Edward Bernays et d'autres acteurs puissants. Elle explore comment la démocratie et le capitalisme ont été fusionnés pour influencer les perceptions publiques et comment les intérêts des grandes entreprises et des gouvernements ont dominé le discours public.
Points forts: + [00:35:44][^3^][3] La fusion de la démocratie et du capitalisme * Les grandes entreprises présentent l'avenir plutôt que le présent * La famille Middleton à l'Exposition universelle symbolise l'adoption du capitalisme * La propagande vise à promouvoir l'American way of life + [00:39:00][^4^][4] Les critiques de la manipulation * Les relations publiques soulèvent des inquiétudes sur la manipulation des esprits * Edward Bernays est parfois accusé directement mais trouve cela valorisant * La concurrence en matière de propagande favorise les acteurs les plus riches + [00:41:23][^5^][5] La propagande pendant la guerre * Les États-Unis entrent en guerre, et la propagande soutient l'effort de guerre * Les techniques de la Commission Creel sont réutilisées * Les industriels utilisent la guerre pour promouvoir l'American way of life + [00:45:02][^6^][6] La lutte contre le communisme * La peur du communisme est exploitée pour défendre des intérêts privés * Le Guatemala devient la cible d'une campagne de propagande par la United Fruit Company * Edward Bernays persuade les Américains que le gouvernement guatémaltèque est communiste + [00:49:03][^7^][7] Les conséquences de la propagande * La propagande a des effets durables sur la politique étrangère des États-Unis * Des interventions sont justifiées par la lutte contre le communisme * La propagande influence la perception de la démocratie et de la société
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
La fabrique de l'ignorance | ARTE
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:31:48][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo, intitulée "La fabrique de l'ignorance" par ARTE, explore comment l'industrie et certains acteurs créent délibérément de l'ignorance ou du doute pour entraver le progrès scientifique et éviter la responsabilité. Elle examine des cas historiques et contemporains où la recherche scientifique est manipulée ou discréditée pour protéger les intérêts commerciaux, en particulier dans les industries du tabac, de l'agrochimie et des produits pharmaceutiques.
Points saillants: + [00:02:48][^3^][3] Le déclin des abeilles et les néonicotinoïdes * L'augmentation des pertes d'abeilles liée à l'usage des néonicotinoïdes * La confusion et le manque de consensus scientifique malgré les preuves * Les efforts pour détourner l'attention vers d'autres causes possibles + [00:10:43][^4^][4] L'industrie du tabac et la manipulation de la science * La stratégie de l'industrie pour créer du doute sur les dangers du tabac * L'utilisation de la recherche scientifique pour discréditer la science établie * La révélation des tactiques de l'industrie grâce aux documents internes divulgués + [00:18:00][^5^][5] La fabrique du doute et ses conséquences * L'impact de la désinformation sur la santé publique et l'environnement * La lutte contre la réglementation et les poursuites judiciaires par la création de doute * Les retards dans la reconnaissance des vérités scientifiques et les coûts humains associés + [00:29:01][^6^][6] L'agnotologie et l'étude de l'ignorance * La naissance de l'agnotologie, l'étude de l'ignorance délibérément produite * L'importance de comprendre les obstacles à la connaissance et au progrès scientifique * La nécessité de sensibiliser le public aux tactiques utilisées pour semer la confusion Résumé de la vidéo [00:31:58][^1^][1] - [01:00:35][^2^][2]:
La vidéo explore le concept d'agnotologie, l'étude de la production culturelle de l'ignorance. Elle examine comment l'ignorance est stratégiquement fabriquée par des industries telles que le tabac et les plastiques pour influencer la perception publique et les politiques. La vidéo met en lumière les tactiques utilisées pour semer le doute sur les risques pour la santé et les impacts environnementaux, et comment les scientifiques et les régulateurs luttent pour établir la vérité.
Points saillants: + [00:32:00][^3^][3] L'agnotologie * Intersection de diverses disciplines * Comprendre la production de l'ignorance * Protéger contre la désinformation + [00:33:01][^4^][4] Les pratiques scientifiques * Importance des méthodes de recherche * Protocoles comme points de vulnérabilité * Manipulation des résultats par des protocoles mal conçus + [00:37:02][^5^][5] L'industrie du tabac * Attaques contre l'épidémiologie * Stratégies pour discréditer les risques du tabagisme passif * Influence sur les normes de recherche + [00:45:09][^6^][6] Les perturbateurs endocriniens * Découverte d'effets à des doses infimes * Remise en question des principes de toxicologie * Résistance de l'industrie face aux preuves scientifiques Résumé de la vidéo [01:00:37][^1^][1] - [01:31:03][^2^][2]:
La troisième partie de la vidéo explore les tactiques utilisées par certaines industries pour discréditer la science environnementale et promouvoir leurs intérêts. Elle révèle comment l'industrie de l'amiante a orchestré l'Appel de Heidelberg pour saper les recherches sur les dangers de l'amiante, en se présentant comme défenseur de la "bonne science". La vidéo examine également la manière dont les climatosceptiques utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour diffuser leurs idées et comment des idéologies personnelles peuvent influencer la perception de la science.
Points saillants: + [01:00:37][^3^][3] L'Appel de Heidelberg * Un texte soutenant le progrès scientifique contre l'écologisme "irrationnel" * Révélé comme une initiative de l'industrie de l'amiante pour discréditer la science environnementale * Utilisation de la rhétorique de la "bonne science" pour déformer le langage et les faits + [01:06:03][^4^][4] La manipulation du langage * L'industrie a redéfini la "bonne science" pour favoriser ses intérêts * Les chercheurs documentant les risques sont classés comme "mauvaise science" * Création d'une fausse dichotomie entre science fondée sur des preuves et "déni de science" + [01:09:58][^5^][5] Les réseaux sociaux et le climatoscepticisme * Les climatosceptiques forment des communautés denses et actives sur Twitter * Utilisation de faits alternatifs pour contrer les preuves scientifiques du changement climatique * L'Institut Heartland, un think tank climatosceptique influent, propage des idées contraires au consensus scientifique + [01:17:22][^6^][6] Idéologie et science * Certains scientifiques climatosceptiques motivés par des convictions idéologiques plutôt que financières * La lutte contre le réchauffement climatique perçue comme une menace pour le libre marché et les valeurs personnelles * L'influence de l'économie sur la recherche scientifique et la liberté académique Résumé de la vidéo [01:31:07][^1^][1] - [01:35:59][^2^][2]:
La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde la manière dont l'économie de marché influence la science, en valorisant et privilégiant les recherches lucratives. Les chercheurs sont poussés à générer des fonds et à suivre les tendances pour obtenir des financements, ce qui oriente la science dans une direction spécifique et laisse d'autres domaines inexplorés.
Points forts: + [01:31:07][^3^][3] Influence de l'économie de marché * La science lucrative est favorisée * Les chercheurs doivent attirer des fonds * La compétition entre laboratoires est intense + [01:32:02][^4^][4] Tendances de la recherche * Les mots clés comme "génomique" et "nanotechnologie" attirent des financements * L'intelligence artificielle est le mot clé actuel * La recherche est orientée par ces tendances + [01:33:01][^5^][5] La science non faite * Des domaines scientifiques sont négligés faute d'impératif commercial * La "science non faite" représente des connaissances jamais explorées * L'ignorance est parfois choisie ou financièrement motivée + [01:35:06][^6^][6] La fabrique de l'ignorance * L'agnotologie étudie la production délibérée de l'ignorance * Les chercheurs en agnotologie sont une nouvelle force pour le public * Ils protègent la science et sa progression méticuleuse
comtext.space comtext.space
формулировка, изрядно отдающая схоластикой
Втаптывать в грязь, вешать ярлыки и т.п. думаю стоит хотя бы после того как читатель полностью и нейтрально введён в курс дела. А то так получается что логика "дела" строится на эмоциях (негативных в частности).
Проблема в том, что данным недочётом можно половину текста многих статей пометить. 😢 Эта заметка в единичном виде бессмысленна, толко если не размечены вся статья, и многие книги. Поэтому более продвунтуой системой будут не заметки (hypothes.is в частности), а полная манипуляция с векторизированным текстом, когда можно будет манипулировать текстом "по осям смыслов" (скрыть "навешивание ярлыков", поменять порядок повествования, убрать "уточнения", увидеть "цитирование в других статьях").
Формулировка само по себе бессмысленна, в отрыве от контекста, от смысла который хотел ею передать автор. Даже если прикрываться "общественными определениями", всё равно, они не точны (могут постоянно уточнятся) и не всегда кто-либо постояно может придерживаться общим определением.
Не секрет, что политическая популярность/влиятельность, повсеместно — от Лабы до Енисея — провозглашается важнейшей целью политического коммунизма.
Формула повестования "Не секрет что непонятно что непонятно кем провозглашается". Блеск манипулятивного повествования. 🥸
Если тема была сказана выше, то начиналось бы так "Как писалось выше ..." Если явно указывалось на кого-то, то так "Как некто писал ..." со ссылкой на цитату/ы.
А так как будто сами приписали и сами же обвинили.
Дело не в "хотели ли явно этого", а втом "как это в итоге смотрится, со стороны".
- Dec 2023
braveneweurope.com braveneweurope.com
This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate societal aspirations and the narratives around climate change.
for: quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - 1% manipulation
- This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
- societal aspirations and
- the narratives around climate change.
- These extend from
- well-funded advertising to
- pseudo-technical solutions,
- the financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to
- labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
- This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
The big tech companies, left to their own devices (so to speak), have already had a net negative effect on societies worldwide. At the moment, the three big threats these companies pose – aggressive surveillance, arbitrary suppression of content (the censorship problem), and the subtle manipulation of thoughts, behaviors, votes, purchases, attitudes and beliefs – are unchecked worldwide
- for: quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias,quote - future of democracy, quote - tilting elections, quote - progress trap, progress trap, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap, indyweb - support, future - education
- quote
- The big tech companies, left to their own devices , have already had a net negative effect on societies worldwide.
- At the moment, the three big threats these companies pose
- aggressive surveillance,
- arbitrary suppression of content,
- the censorship problem, and
- the subtle manipulation of
- thoughts,
- behaviors,
- votes,
- purchases,
- attitudes and
- beliefs
- are unchecked worldwide
- author: Robert Epstein
- senior research psychologist at American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
- paraphrase
- Epstein's organization is building two technologies that assist in combating these problems:
- passively monitor what big tech companies are showing people online,
- smart algorithms that will ultimately be able to identify online manipulations in realtime:
- biased search results,
- biased search suggestions,
- biased newsfeeds,
- platform-generated targeted messages,
- platform-engineered virality,
- shadow-banning,
- email suppression, etc.
- Tech evolves too quickly to be managed by laws and regulations,
- but monitoring systems are tech, and they can and will be used to curtail the destructive and dangerous powers of companies like Google and Facebook on an ongoing basis.
- Epstein's organization is building two technologies that assist in combating these problems:
- reference
- seminar paper on monitoring systems, ‘Taming Big Tech -: https://is.gd/K4caTW.
- quote - tilting elections
- quote -search engine manipulation effect
- progress trap - digital technology
- search engine manipulation effect
- quote SEME
- quote - mind control
- progress trap
- search engine bias
- progress trap - search engine
- progress trap - Google
- quote - Robert Epstein
- progress trap - social media
- quote
- quote - progress trap
- quote - election bias
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
- for: titling elections, voting - social media, voting - search engine bias, SEME, search engine manipulation effect, Robert Epstein
- summary
- research that shows how search engines can actually bias towards a political candidate in an election and tilt the election in favor of a particular party.
In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013, we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
- for: search engine manipulation effect, SEME, voting, voting - bias, voting - manipulation, voting - search engine bias, democracy - search engine bias, quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias, stats, stats - tilting elections
- paraphrase
- quote
- In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013,
- we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
- 2015 PNAS research on SEME
- http://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/E4512.full.pdf?with-ds=yes&ref=hackernoon.com
- stats begin
- search results favoring one candidate
- could easily shift the opinions and voting preferences of real voters in real elections by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups
- with virtually no one knowing they had been manipulated.
- stats end
- Worse still, the few people who had noticed that we were showing them biased search results
- generally shifted even farther in the direction of the bias,
- so being able to spot favoritism in search results is no protection against it.
- stats begin
- Google’s search engine
- with or without any deliberate planning by Google employees
- was currently determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections.
- This is because Google’s search engine lacks an equal-time rule,
- so it virtually always favors one candidate over another, and that in turn shifts the preferences of undecided voters.
- Because many elections are very close, shifting the preferences of undecided voters can easily tip the outcome.
- stats end
Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson, now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston, and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us; it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
- for: big tech - bias, big tech - manipulation, big tech - mind control, big tech - influence
- paraphrase
- Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson,
- now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston,
- and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us;
- it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
- Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson,
- big tech - influence
- Robert Epstein
- search engine manipulation effect
- stats - tilting elections
- Washington Post story - search engine bias
- elections - interference
- PNAS SEME study
- search engine bias
- voting
- democracy - social media
- voting - social media
- quote - search engine bias
- big tech - manipulation
- quote - Robert Epstein
- big tech - mind control
- democracy - search engine bias
- quote
- voting - search engine bias
- big tech - bias
- elections - bias
- stats
- Dec 2022
arxiv.org arxiv.org
We find that, during the pandemic, no-vax communities became more central in the country-specificdebates and their cross-border connections strengthened, revealing a global Twitter anti-vaccinationnetwork. U.S. users are central in this network, while Russian users also become net exporters ofmisinformation during vaccination roll-out. Interestingly, we find that Twitter’s content moderationefforts, and in particular the suspension of users following the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, had aworldwide impact in reducing misinformation spread about vaccines. These findings may help publichealth institutions and social media platforms to mitigate the spread of health-related, low-credibleinformation by revealing vulnerable online communities
arxiv.org arxiv.org
On Facebook, we identified 51,269 posts (0.25% of all posts)sharing links to Russian propaganda outlets, generating 5,065,983interactions (0.17% of all interactions); 80,066 posts (0.4% of allposts) sharing links to low-credibility news websites, generating28,334,900 interactions (0.95% of all interactions); and 147,841 postssharing links to high-credibility news websites (0.73% of all posts),generating 63,837,701 interactions (2.13% of all interactions). Asshown in Figure 2, we notice that the number of posts sharingRussian propaganda and low-credibility news exhibits an increas-ing trend (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), whereas after the invasion ofUkraine both time series yield a significant decreasing trend (moreprominent in the case of Russian propaganda); high-credibilitycontent also exhibits an increasing trend in the Pre-invasion pe-riod (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), which becomes stable (no trend)in the period afterward. T
We estimated the contribution of veri-fied accounts to sharing and amplifying links to Russian propagandaand low-credibility sources, noticing that they have a dispropor-tionate role. In particular, superspreaders of Russian propagandaare mostly accounts verified by both Facebook and Twitter, likelydue to Russian state-run outlets having associated accounts withverified status. In the case of generic low-credibility sources, a sim-ilar result applies to Facebook but not to Twitter, where we alsonotice a few superspreaders accounts that are not verified by theplatform.
On Twitter, the picture is very similar in the case of Russianpropaganda, where all accounts are verified (with a few exceptions)and mostly associated with news outlets, and generate over 68%of all retweets linking to these websites (see panel a of Figure 4).For what concerns low-credibility news, there are both verified (wecan notice the presence of seanhannity) and not verified users,and only a few of them are directly associated with websites (e.g.zerohedge or Breaking911). Here the top 15 accounts generateroughly 30% of all retweets linking to low-credibility websites.
Figure 5: Top 15 spreaders of Russian propaganda (a) andlow-credibility content (b) ranked by the proportion ofretweets generated over the period of observation, with re-spect to all retweets linking to websites in each group. Weindicate those that are not verified using “hatched” bars
ieeexplore.ieee.org ieeexplore.ieee.org
We applied two scenarios to compare how these regular agents behave in the Twitter network, with and without malicious agents, to study how much influence malicious agents have on the general susceptibility of the regular users. To achieve this, we implemented a belief value system to measure how impressionable an agent is when encountering misinformation and how its behavior gets affected. The results indicated similar outcomes in the two scenarios as the affected belief value changed for these regular agents, exhibiting belief in the misinformation. Although the change in belief value occurred slowly, it had a profound effect when the malicious agents were present, as many more regular agents started believing in misinformation.
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
We analyzed and visualized Twitter data during the prevalence of the Wuhan lab leak theory and discovered that 29% of the accounts participating in the discussion were social bots. We found evidence that social bots play an essential mediating role in communication networks. Although human accounts have a more direct influence on the information diffusion network, social bots have a more indirect influence. Unverified social bot accounts retweet more, and through multiple levels of diffusion, humans are vulnerable to messages manipulated by bots, driving the spread of unverified messages across social media. These findings show that limiting the use of social bots might be an effective method to minimize the spread of conspiracy theories and hate speech online.
- Sep 2022
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Even our ability to detect online manipulation is affected by our political bias, though not symmetrically: Republican users are more likely to mistake bots promoting conservative ideas for humans, whereas Democrats are more likely to mistake conservative human users for bots.
- Aug 2022
www.local10.com www.local10.com
Milberg, G. (2021, December 21). Florida pulls pro-vaccination television ads, replacing with spots that don’t mention vaccines. WPLG. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/12/21/florida-pulls-pro-vaccination-television-ads-replacing-with-spots-that-dont-mention-vaccines/
www.blocknative.com www.blocknative.com
MakerDAO liquidations on March 12 and 13
A company that keeps data on Ethereum mempools around the world, Blocknative, may have an explanation for the "zero-bid" attack on MakerDAO on Black Thursday. Mempools are a holding bin for transactions waiting to get mined into blocks. Under market stress, they tend to get clogged. Blocknative found an endless stream of clever, worthless transactions in mempools on the day of the attack, apparently designed to make it hard for transactions to get through. Falling ETH prices triggered auctions of collateral on MakerDAO. Because the mempools were clogged, bidders could not get bids on those auctions through in many cases, allowing attackers to win ETH collateral with bids worth $0. The attackers walked away with $8.3 million
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
Colonel Wallis’s gallantry
Colonel Wallis is very useful - telling the Elliot's about the first wife earlier and here ensuring Mr Elliot gets the seat by Anne, then distracting Elizabeth to keep her happy. He's been, I think, entirely removed from the adaptations. This the only time we see him in the book
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Such optical modulation of atomic motion is an alternative path towards realizing 2D electronic states and will be a useful platform upon which novel phases in quantum materials may be discovered.
- Jul 2022
fileinfo.com fileinfo.com
If you do not have an iOS device or a machine running OS X to open your IMOVIEMOBILE file, you can still access its contents. First, copy the IMOVIEMOBILE file, rename the file extension to "zip", decompress the file, and the project content will be in a folder called "Assets." You can then open the original content in a video editing program.
It's not rational, but I'd like to note how angy I am with myself in retrospect for not looking this up before. I have literally given up on old project files because I assumed the video was unretrievable and then... I just did this on my iPad in a matter of seconds lol.
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Nick Sawyer, MD, MBA, FACEP [@NickSawyerMD]. (2022, January 3). The anti-vaccine community created a manipulated version of VARES that misrepresents the VAERS data. #disinformationdoctors use this data to falsely claim that vaccines CAUSE bad outcomes, when the relationship is only CORRELATED. Watch this explainer: Https://youtu.be/VMUQSMFGBDo https://t.co/ruRY6E6blB [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/NickSawyerMD/status/1477806470192197633
- Mar 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Each highlighted statement expresses political talking points aligned to induce trump-like support.
Trump introduced new marketing and strategy, formulated using concepts and metrics mastered by Reality TV and Hollywood and then paired with advertising propaganda and "selling" techniques to create a "Brand". This is after-all Donald Trump, this is what he does, has done and is the only way he has found to make money. Trump built the "brand" (just barely) while teetering on self destruction.
His charismatic persona became "the glue" that allowed creative narratives to stick to certain types of people in-spite of risk. Trump learned OTJ how to capture a specific type of audience.
The mistake people make about Trump is assuming his audience to be "Joe Six-Pack", redneck's with limited education! This assumption does not have merit on its own.<br /> * There is a common "follower" theme among his audience that is exploited by those who: * Bought the "licensing rights" to the master-class Trump "how-to" course.
- PR
- Used Car salesman
- Savvy Strongman
- Snake-oil salesmen
- Politics
- Modern day Politician
- Vladimir Putin
- Trump
- Mafia
- Prosperity Preachers
- Putin-Trump
- Trump Audience
- Manipulation
- Creation of Brand
- Trump licensed how-to
- BS
- Professional Wrestling
- Reality TV
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Multi-Level-Marketing
- Jan 2022
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
Put more simply, the product is dirt — four-and-a-half ounces of it, sealed in a sleek black plastic baggie and sold for $110 plus shipping.
Oh my god! It's like a family friendly version of Bell Delphine's bath water! It's a useless product sold for ridiculous prices to an audience that is desperately looking for something to fill a space. In one case, it was a want for some physical representation of an idol, and in this case, it was a want for a solution to COVId or a feeling of security. If we were to relate this to the game we played in the blog post assignment, then I would probably classify this as emotional manipulation. People looking to feel secure in their health while the pandemic rages were taken advantage of by this company selling dirt.
- Dec 2021
support.apple.com support.apple.com
With text replacement, you can use shortcuts to replace longer phrases. When you enter the shortcut in a text field, the phrase automatically replaces it. For example, you could type "GM" and "Good morning" would automatically replace it. To manage text replacement, tap Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement. To add a text replacement, tap the Add button , then enter your phrase and shortcut. When you're done, tap Save. To remove a text replacement, tap Edit, tap the Remove button then tap Delete. To save your changes, tap Done.
They also have another, debatably much more relevant function Apple’s docs don’t acknowledge!
Setting the same values for
in this menu basically achieves the same thing as “Learn Spelling.”
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
obrázok je údajne screenshot z webu novinky.cz. neuvádza sa však odkaz na článok, ktorý je na screenshote przentovaný. Pri snahe nájsť pôvodný článok som neuspela. Nenašla som cez prehliadač ani titulok, ani text, ktorý mala údajne osoba v texte povedať. Nič podobné som nenašla ani pri hľadaní priamo na novinky.cz. Článok, ktorý je na "screenshote" neexistuje a "Screenshot" bol vytvorený umelo ako montáž. Podnecuje odpor a strach z očkovania, pretože tvrdí, že hlavná hygienička Pavla Svrčinová povedala, že ak by sa nechala zaočkovať, tak zomrie.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Smith, B. (2021, November 29). Inside the ‘Misinformation’ Wars. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/28/business/media-misinformation-disinformation.html
- May 2021
medium.com medium.com
@DFRLab. (2021, May 13). Official Twitter account of Sputnik V manipulates information to target Western COVID-19 vaccines. Medium. https://medium.com/dfrlab/official-twitter-account-of-sputnik-v-manipulates-information-to-target-western-covid-19-vaccines-c1a13dac580d
- propaganda
- COVID-19
- discreditation
- Russia
- lang:en
- is:article
- critique
- vaccine
- Sputnik V
- manipulation of information
Chang, H.-C. H., Chen, E., Zhang, M., Muric, G., & Ferrara, E. (2021). Social Bots and Social Media Manipulation in 2020: The Year in Review. ArXiv:2102.08436 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.08436
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Carl Bergstrom: “People are using data to bullshit.” (2020, August 1). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/aug/01/carl-bergstrom-people-are-using-data-to-bullshit
Yang, K.-C., Pierri, F., Hui, P.-M., Axelrod, D., Torres-Lugo, C., Bryden, J., & Menczer, F. (2020). The COVID-19 Infodemic: Twitter versus Facebook. ArXiv:2012.09353 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.09353
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Democrat Chicago to allow the economy to open up less than a week after Biden's inauguration...it's all planned to make Biden appear successful! Democrats allowed millions of people to suffer and lose businesses all for their own greed and power!
- Feb 2021
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The Quest for Truth
The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.
Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation
The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.
Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.
Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk
- Aug 2020
Laghaie, A., & Otter, T. (2020). Measuring evidence for mediation in the presence of measurement error [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5bz3f
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Identifying social media manipulation with OSoMe tools. (2020, August 11). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BMv0PrdVGs&feature=youtu.be
- Jul 2020
www.somanyofus.com www.somanyofus.com
www.nationalgeographic.com www.nationalgeographic.com
Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab. (2020, May 4). Science. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/anthony-fauci-no-scientific-evidence-the-coronavirus-was-made-in-a-chinese-lab-cvd/
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
This encounter then came to mind during a smaller conference the following spring when Tony Kubiak spoke of the recent creation of a chimeric human-cat protein intended to block allergic reactions (in humans).6
Genetic manipulation has been a running gag/ideal within the furry community for as long as it has existed. The idea of transformation by any means possible is appealing, and these sorts of genetic components would go a long way in establishing that sense of identity.
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kozyreva, A., Lewandowsky, S., & Hertwig, R. (2019, December 4). Citizens Versus the Internet: Confronting Digital Challenges With Cognitive Tools. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ky4x8
- disinformation
- algorithm
- internet
- reasoning
- digital
- is:preprint
- online manipulation
- self-nudging
- technocognition
- online behavior
- boosting
- choice architecture
- behavioral policy
- decision aid
- artificial intelligence
- fake news
- attention economy
- misinformation
- cognitive tools
- decision autonomy
- lang:en
- nudging
- AI
www.springer.com www.springer.com
Journal of Computational Social Science. Springer. Retrieved June 10, 2020, from https://www.springer.com/journal/42001/updates/17993070
Haelle, T. (2020, May 8). Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2020/05/08/why-its-important-to-push-back-on-plandemic-and-how-to-do-it/
vague business advice - simple information that can be found for free
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
anchoring products - stating what products would otherwise sell for, while advocating that purchasers buy sooner than later such that they receive the products for cheap
-> creation of urgency
particularization and discrete-formation of activity - activity is reduced from an ambiguous relationship of activities to singular "do this" or "do that" activities for ambiguous "success"
- Apr 2020
emljames.github.io emljames.github.io
James, E. Tutorial Home. Github.io. https://emljames.github.io/GorillaR/
twitter.com twitter.com
Carl Miller en Twitter: “We’re working hard at the moment to scale up our attempts to detect COVID-19 disinformation, online manipulation, attacks on public health officials and miracle cures. If you’ve come across this kind of stuff, I’d really appreciate hearing about it. DMs are open” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from https://twitter.com/carljackmiller/status/1244569393440468997#annotations:9pvychrpeeqhh0_wtrrs1q
- Mar 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
We saw the internet turn into this weird, dark manipulation machine,
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
We are not sensible, free thinking decision making people. As an individual I imagine that you will say "Yes I am". That's the beauty of the entire system. Consciously individuals believe that they are in control and make their own choices and yet I have met and experienced very few who have full autonomy
The deceitful obfuscation of commercial intention certainly runs all the way through the data brokering and ad tech industries that sit behind much of the ‘free’ consumer Internet. Here consumers have plainly been kept in the dark so they cannot see and object to how their personal information is being handed around, sliced and diced, and used to try to manipulate them.
From an ad tech perspective, the concern is that manipulation doesn’t work when it’s obvious. And the goal of targeted advertising is to manipulate people’s decisions based on intelligence about them gleaned via clandestine surveillance of their online activity (so inferring who they are via their data). This might be a purchase decision. Equally it might be a vote.
So it’s not surprising that Facebook is so coy about explaining why a certain user on its platform is seeing a specific advert. Because if the huge surveillance operation underpinning the algorithmic decision to serve a particular ad was made clear, the person seeing it might feel manipulated. And then they would probably be less inclined to look favorably upon the brand they were being urged to buy. Or the political opinion they were being pushed to form. And Facebook’s ad tech business stands to suffer.
- Dec 2019
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
Before we pursue further direct discussion of the H-LAM/T system, let us examine some background material. Consider the following historical progression in the development of our intellectual capabilities:2c4a 2c4b (1) Concept Manipulation—Humans rose above the lower forms of life by evolving the biological capability for developing abstractions and concepts. They could manipulate these concepts within their minds to a certain extent, and think about situations in the abstract. Their mental capabilities allowed them to develop general concepts from specific instances, predict specific instances from general concepts, associate concepts, remember them, etc. We speak here of concepts in their raw, unverbalized form. For example, a person letting a door swing shut behind him suddenly visualizes the person who follows him carrying a cup of hot coffee and some sticky pastries. Of all the aspects of the pending event, the spilling of the coffee and the squashing of the pastry somehow are abstracted immediately, and associated with a concept of personal responsibility and a dislike for these consequences. But a solution comes to mind immediately as an image of a quick stop and an arm stab back toward the door, with motion and timing that could prevent the collision, and the solution is accepted and enacted. With only non-symbolic concept manipulation, we could probably build primitive shelter, evolve strategies of war and hunt, play games, and make practical jokes. But further powers of intellectual effectiveness are implicit in this stage of biological evolution (the same stage we are in today).2c4b1 (2) Symbol Manipulation—Humans made another great step forward when they learned to represent particular concepts in their minds with specific symbols. Here we temporarily disregard communicative speech and writing, and consider only the direct value to the individual of being able to do his heavy thinking by mentally manipulating symbols instead of the more unwieldly concepts which they represent. Consider, for instance, the mental difficulty involved in herding twenty-seven sheep if, instead of remembering one cardinal number and occasionally counting, we had to remember what each sheep looked like, so that if the flock seemed too small we could visualize each one and check whether or not it was there.2c4b2 (3) Manual, External, Symbol Manipulation—Another significant step toward harnessing the biologically evolved mental capabilities in pursuit of comprehension and problem solutions came with the development of the means for externalizing some of the symbol-manipulation activity, particularly in graphical representation. This supplemented the individual's memory and ability to visualize. (We are not concerned here with the value derived from human cooperation made possible by speech and writing, both forms of external symbol manipulation. We speak of the manual means of making graphical representations of symbols—a stick and sand, pencil and paper and eraser, straight edge or compass, and so on.) It is principally this kind of means for external symbol manipulation that has been associated with the evolution of the individual's present way of doing his concept manipulation (thinking).
- Sep 2018
www.lostgarden.com www.lostgarden.com
We can’t force two people to become friends, nor should we want to.
How many social engineers does it take to change a light bulb? An infinite number. That's why they leave you in the dark till you become the change you seek and make your own light to live by.
If you cant force two people to become friends, then how do 'diplomats' (political manipulators?) profess to do the same thing with entire nations? Especially while so often, using the other hand to deal the deck for other players, in a game of "let's you and him fight"; or just being bloody mercenaries with sheer might is right political ethos installed under various euphemistic credos. 'My country right or wrong' or 'Mitt Got Uns' or ...to discover weapons of mass destruction...etc.
So much for politics and social engineering, but maybe we can just be content with not so much forcing two people to be friends, as forcing them to have sex while we're filming them, so we can create more online amateur porn content. LOL ;)
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
In short, the "language of time" identified here is by no means a merely intellectual phenomenon invented by sociology. Not only are we all aware of its existence, we also use it quite actively in our own "speech."7 The manipulative use of temporality is quite evident not only at the macrosocial level of societal politics, but also at the microsocial level of interpersonal relations. We employ the language of time quite strategically in our every- day "speech" and, quite often, what appears on the surface as entirely spontaneous behavior may actually involve a deliberate manipulation of temporal circu
The language of time incorporates "deliberate mainpulation of temporal circumstances."
People use symbolic associations to convey special meanings to certain periods of time. Example provided is a late night phone call that hints at a desire for a closer, more intimate relationship.
- May 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
hi there get the full insights on MSBI tools training and tutorial with the Real time Examples and application on the Running Projects as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzmdY0zCw4g
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
make his audience feel
I like that he stresses manipulating the audience's perception of the speaker, rather than actually seeking to possess positive qualities. ;)