- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Nick Sawyer, MD, MBA, FACEP [@NickSawyerMD]. (2022, January 3). The anti-vaccine community created a manipulated version of VARES that misrepresents the VAERS data. #disinformationdoctors use this data to falsely claim that vaccines CAUSE bad outcomes, when the relationship is only CORRELATED. Watch this explainer: Https://youtu.be/VMUQSMFGBDo https://t.co/ruRY6E6blB [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/NickSawyerMD/status/1477806470192197633
- Dec 2021
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obrázok je údajne screenshot z webu novinky.cz. neuvádza sa však odkaz na článok, ktorý je na screenshote przentovaný. Pri snahe nájsť pôvodný článok som neuspela. Nenašla som cez prehliadač ani titulok, ani text, ktorý mala údajne osoba v texte povedať. Nič podobné som nenašla ani pri hľadaní priamo na novinky.cz. Článok, ktorý je na "screenshote" neexistuje a "Screenshot" bol vytvorený umelo ako montáž. Podnecuje odpor a strach z očkovania, pretože tvrdí, že hlavná hygienička Pavla Svrčinová povedala, že ak by sa nechala zaočkovať, tak zomrie.
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Carl Bergstrom: “People are using data to bullshit.” (2020, August 1). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/aug/01/carl-bergstrom-people-are-using-data-to-bullshit
- Apr 2020
emljames.github.io emljames.github.io
James, E. Tutorial Home. Github.io. https://emljames.github.io/GorillaR/
- Mar 2020
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
The deceitful obfuscation of commercial intention certainly runs all the way through the data brokering and ad tech industries that sit behind much of the ‘free’ consumer Internet. Here consumers have plainly been kept in the dark so they cannot see and object to how their personal information is being handed around, sliced and diced, and used to try to manipulate them.
- May 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
hi there get the full insights on MSBI tools training and tutorial with the Real time Examples and application on the Running Projects as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzmdY0zCw4g