- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
research shows that it's not so much about changing the narrative that is important but it is changing our relationship to this narrative so that we can see the narrative for what it is which is really a constellation of thoughts
for - illusion of self narrative / construction - third pillar - insight - key insight on insight! - not about CHANGING NARRATIVES - but about PENETRATING THE NARRATIVE to understand its essence - - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- Apr 2024
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - Google - penetrating the essence of language - https://www.google.com/search?q=penetrating+the+essence+of+language&oq=penetrating+the+essence+of+language&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigAdIBCTk1ODVqMGoxNqgCAbACAQ&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=penetrating%20the%20essence%20of%20language
Source - Reading Ernest Becker - The birth and death of meaning - listening to David Loy - https://youtu.be/UGEbXdFWfPA?si=ksPZePFzTrfS_gq. <br /> - https://youtu.be/ajwH-5YhxBc?si=y-Z9CFn09PvMfdUA - need to find someone for Deep Humanity work - Common human denominator of language
results returned of interest
- jstor https://www.jstor.org › stable Quest for the Essence of Language Roman Jakobson presented a communication en- titled Quest for the Essence of Language. The discussion of this question was introduced by recalling the work of ...
- De Gruyter https://www.degruyter.com › html Language and the mind: how language shapes our thinking by X Zhou · 2023 · Cited by 1 — Abstract. This paper analyzes languages and their connections to thinking and culture using an autoethnographic lens.
- U.S. Department of Education (.gov) https://files.eric.ed.gov › ful...PDF Language as a Field of Energy: A Critical Question for Language Pedagogy by AO Soter · 2017 · Cited by 5 — This essay offers a reorientation of our views on the interrelationships of language and thought as a field of constantly
- University of Pretoria https://repository.up.ac.za › ...PDF CHAPTER 3: HEIDEGGER'S CONCEPT OF TRUTH Heidegger's interpretation is meant to show that regardless of the important statements about language we find made in the realm of thought, in spite of the.
- U.S. Department of Education (.gov) https://files.eric.ed.gov › ful...PDF Linguistics; Verbal Communication A survey of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ...
by FH Lapointe · 1973 · Cited by 5 — child. Language is revelatory of being and existence. If we would grasp fully the meaning of language we must - https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED085799.pdf - Merleau-ponty's conceptions stand in opposition ts, Saussure's linguistic postulations and Korzybski's scientism. That is, if language is studied phenomenologically, the acts of speech and gesture take on greater importance than language as currently viewed in structural linguistics and general semantics. - Universidad de Granada https://www.ugr.es › Langu...PDF Language and Mind, Third Edition language to language. ... guages – that defines the “essence” of human language. ... rationalist view that Peirce outlined, we must penetrate the mysteries of - https://www.ugr.es/~fmanjon/Language%20and%20Mind.pdf - University of Pennsylvania - School of Arts & Sciences https://www.sas.upenn.edu › ...PDF 32 Relations Between Language and Thought by L Gleitman · Cited by 91 — If so, the suggestion is that labeling practice is penetrating to the level of nonlinguistic cognition. Roberson and colleagues adopt this - https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~gleitman/papers/Gleitman%20&%20Papafragou%202013_Relations%20between%20language%20and%20thought.pdf - Academia.edu https://www.academia.edu › The_I... (PDF) The Instruction of Imagination: Language as a Social ... While all other systems of communication in the biological world target the interlocutors' senses, language allows speakers to systematically instruct their - https://www.academia.edu/35571744/The_Instruction_of_Imagination_Language_as_a_Social_Communication_Technology - PhilArchive https://philarchive.org › MU...PDF The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein's Builders and Bühler's ... by K Mulligan · 1997 · Cited by 45 — I compare what Wittgenstein says about language and reference at the beginning of his Philosophical Investigations with some - https://philarchive.org/archive/MULTEO-3
- Mar 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - adjacency - liberalism - ubiquity - invisibility - polycrisis - climate change - climate crisis - book - Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change
summary - This is an insightful interview with Dr. Christopher Shaw as he discusses his book, Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change.
adjacency - between - liberalism - ubiquity - invisibility - polycrisis - metaphor - fish in water, fish in the ocean - adjacency statement - Above all, this book points out that - liberalism is an idea that is - so ubiquitous and j - which everyone without exception is profoundly steeped within that, - like fish in water, a medium that is everywhere, the medium becomes invisible. - At the heart of - modernity's culture wars and - political polarization, - there is a kind of false dichotomy between - liberals and - conservatives, - as both are steeped in the worldview of liberalism - From the Stop Reset Go perspective, - Dr. Shaw's thesis aligns with - the Stop Reset Go Deep Humanity open source praxis, - whose essence is precisely to facilitate helping individuals to understand the powerful connection between - ubiquity and - invisibility. - via Common Human Denominators (CHD)
there's the famous quote from David Foster Wallace about you know the story about the two fish
metaphor - liberalism and fish in the water - Christopher illustrates the relationship that often persists between - something that is ubiquitous and - its invisibility - He attributes this to David Foster Wallace's metaphoric story of - two young fish swimming in a body of water and - a school of older fish come by and ask them "how's the water?" - to which they respond "what's water?"
adjacency - between - ubiquity - invisibility - liberalism - the unintended consequences of liberalism - adjacency statement - An idea such as liberalism is so fundamental in the fabric of modernity that - everyone takes it for granted and - subsequently, it fades into invisibility - The main challenge of something that is invisible is that - if we cannot see it, - then we cannot really deal with it if there are any problems with it
adjacency - between - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators (CHD) - ubiquity - invisibility - adjacency statement - This often-cited metaphor also lies at the heart of Deep Humanity, - an open source praxis that also lay at the heart of Stop Reset Go, developed precisely to deal with - tacit awareness, - hidden assumptions - deeply held and unquestioned beliefs and - ubiquitous ideas that become invisible - In fact, the Common Human Denominators (CHD) of Deep Humanity - is precisely that set of ideas that are - ubiquitously known by all humans - to such an extent that their value becomes invisible - and their appreciation thereby lost - Deep Humanity's purpose is to recover this lost appreciation in order to facilitate a sufficiently powerful collective transition out of our current poly-meta-perma-crisis
- metaphor - fish in water - ubiquity - invisibility
- adjacency - liberalism - ubiquity - invisibility - polycrisis - climate change - climate crisis
- adjacency - Deep Humanity - essence - invisibility - ubiquity - common human denominators
- adjacency - ubiquity - invisibility
- Christopher Shaw
- book - Llberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change
- Feb 2024
grahamhancock.com grahamhancock.com
Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) – the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence – Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.
Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, writing [via direct email] ’exclusively’ to The War Zone reporter, Brett Tingley, defined what has become decorously known as The Pais Effect, stating:
"…do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept). The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local energy densities) generated by controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states) subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients.
Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) – the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence – Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.
The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of.
I must stress that all this work (patents, patent applications and technical papers) was conducted as a NAVAIR/NAWCAD employee, and that my current position with Navy SSP has absolutely no bearing or in any way, shape or form has anything to do with this advanced physics work.
Thank you for your interest in my physics concepts, and try to keep an open mind in regard to my work.
Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D. A.D. MMXIX"
- Dec 2023
i'd start at the beginning of the book by talking about how kids build their imaginary realities 01:12:32 and ben and kate when they were playing together when they were young use the phrase how about all the time how about you know we create this with lego blocks how about we imagine this world and then live in it for a while 01:12:45 and we forget to do those how abouts and in some sense this book commanding hope is my how about for the children
- for: book - Commanding Hope - essence - How about ?
- Nov 2020
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
It's remarkable how much strategy and screwage can derive from just a pair of actions
- Jul 2020
rails.lighthouseapp.com rails.lighthouseapp.com
It would be nice if the tests weren't so implementation specific, but rather tested the essence of the functionality. I tried to make them less brittle but failed. To that end, re-writing all the tests in rspec would be (IMHO) a brilliant improvement and pave the way for better tests in the future and more flexibility in implementation.
- Nov 2019
scolaire.loupbrun.ca scolaire.loupbrun.ca
La philosophie avait fortifié ma tendance à saisir les choses dans leur essence, à la racine, sous l’aspect de la totalité ; et comme je me mouvais parmi des abstractions, je croyais avoir découvert, de façon décisive, la vérité du monde.
Beauvoir explicite l’influence de la philosophie sur sa manière d’avoir une « saisie » sur le monde, dans les termes de la philosophie (« essence », « racine », « totalité », « abstractions »).
L’aboutissement de ce constat, celui de « croire avoir découvert, de façon décisive, les <mark>vérités du monde</mark> », demeure rhétorique (elle » croit », mais n’en a pas la certitude; oxymore avec « façon décisive »…)
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Sartre argued that a central proposition of Existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the most important consideration for individuals is that they are individuals—independently acting and responsible, conscious beings ("existence")—rather than what labels, roles, stereotypes, definitions, or other preconceived categories the individuals fit ("essence"). The actual life of the individuals is what constitutes what could be called their "true essence" instead of there being an arbitrarily attributed essence others use to define them. Thus, human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life.[27]
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
universal propositions, and would settle in their minds universal truths,
The desire for both universality and essence is interesting. Universality is a concept with breadth, applicable on a large scale and encompassing many things. Essence, on the other hand, is extremely narrow, focused and boiled down to a pinpoint. It's a juggling act to attempt both.
real constitution, or (as it is apt to be called) essence, being utterly unknown to us, any sound that is put to stand for it must be very un· certain in its application;
Basically, be careful about naming anything that has an essence that's unknown to us, and it seems that most everything has an uncertain essence, so...
- Dec 2018
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
But there is no such substratum, there is no "being" behind doing, working, becoming; "the doer" is a mere appanage to the action. The action is everything. In point of fact, the people duplicate the doing, when they make the lightning lighten, that is a "doing-doing"; they make the same phenomenon first a cause, and then, secondly, the effect of that cause.
Sentence reused by Butler in Gender Trouble:
The challenge for rethinking gender categories outside of the metaphysics of substance will have to consider […] that « there is no ‘being’ behind doing, effecting, becoming; the ‘doer’ is merely a fiction added to the deed – the deed is everything. » […] There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender; that identity is perfomatively constituted by the very expressions that are said to be its results. » (Gender Trouble Routledge, 1990 p. 25)
- Sep 2018
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Technology is therefore no mere means. Technology is a way of revealing. If we give heed to this, then another whole realm for the essence of technology will open itself up to us. It is the realm of revealing, i.e., of truth.
Technology opening itself to us giving us the essence of technology to which we--as a species-- can conquer the mysteries of the natural laws around us. As many fears for the day of the technological singularity, they should not worry since by the fact that that piece of information is unlocked for researchers to tinker then there will always be a counter measure to such an event. Knowing the truth of the machine allows for loopholes of the machine to be exploited and neutralize.
- Nov 2017
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Accordingly, the correct instrumental definition of technology still does not show us technology’s essence.
Technology's essence is more than the ability of humans to control it, as thought with most previous technologies. While establishing definitions in the introduction, Heidegger finds it important to establish a distinction between what was instrumental to technology in the past and what we will find technology can become without definitions that limit technology to something outside of the basic, instrumental necessities.
- Mar 2017
nicolassauret.net nicolassauret.net
, se joue un nouvel humanisme.
Milad. Il y a la question de la dynamique homme-machine dans la production de ce que nous pensons être un être humain. Dans ce sens j'employerais le concept d'humanisme. Pour savoir ce qu'est l'homme, il faut dire ce qu'est la machine. Il n'y a pas deux essences en dialogue, mais le dialogue dynamique produit les essences comme des contre-coups - après-coups. C'est l'idée d'intermédialité de Méchoulan.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
telling the truth about my own experiences as a body
Woolf is so difficult because of her contradictions.She often seems to advocate that there is some essence in women which they haven't been able to discover; but here she seems to suggest a lower-case "truth," in which truth is confined to individual experience. I wonder if the contradictions of her text are part of her mission for "elasticity."
- May 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
The concept of nature concerns modification not essence
Nice move.
- Jan 2014
blog.ingineering.it blog.ingineering.it
The true essence of DevOps is empathy.
Information exchange requires (and can contribute to) mutual understanding; e.g., empathy.
What is the essence of empathy? Is it mutual understanding? What else is there?
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions- they are metaphors that have become worn out and have been drained of sensuous force, coins which have lost their embossing and are now considered as metal and no longer as coins.
Forgetting the emblematic property of words as concepts, we adhere false "essence" to concepts and call it "truth" for the construction of convention and thus empty rhetoric, metaphors, and illusions. Not that we can actually construct convention that is not void of essence, but we might consider the folly of acting as if "truth" is real.