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  1. Mar 2024
    1. there's the famous quote from David Foster Wallace about you know the story about the two fish

      metaphor - liberalism and fish in the water - Christopher illustrates the relationship that often persists between - something that is ubiquitous and - its invisibility - He attributes this to David Foster Wallace's metaphoric story of - two young fish swimming in a body of water and - a school of older fish come by and ask them "how's the water?" - to which they respond "what's water?"

      adjacency - between - ubiquity - invisibility - liberalism - the unintended consequences of liberalism - adjacency statement - An idea such as liberalism is so fundamental in the fabric of modernity that - everyone takes it for granted and - subsequently, it fades into invisibility - The main challenge of something that is invisible is that - if we cannot see it, - then we cannot really deal with it if there are any problems with it

      adjacency - between - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators (CHD) - ubiquity - invisibility - adjacency statement - This often-cited metaphor also lies at the heart of Deep Humanity, - an open source praxis that also lay at the heart of Stop Reset Go, developed precisely to deal with - tacit awareness, - hidden assumptions - deeply held and unquestioned beliefs and - ubiquitous ideas that become invisible - In fact, the Common Human Denominators (CHD) of Deep Humanity - is precisely that set of ideas that are - ubiquitously known by all humans - to such an extent that their value becomes invisible - and their appreciation thereby lost - Deep Humanity's purpose is to recover this lost appreciation in order to facilitate a sufficiently powerful collective transition out of our current poly-meta-perma-crisis