- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
All Western philosophy, Whitehead once remarked, is but "a footnote to Plato";and the later Greeks themselves had a saying: "Everywhere Igo in my head, I meet Plato coming back."
See full quote: https://hypothes.is/a/TTPGtl_GEe6psRsVpOxigg
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The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato . I do not mean thesystematic scheme of thought which scholars have doubtfully extractedfrom his writings . I allude to the wealth of general ideas scattered throughthem . His personal endowments, his wide opportunities for experience ata great period of civilization, h is inheritance of an intellectual traditionnot yet stiffened by excessive systematization, have made h is writings t aninexhaustible mine of suggestion
- Jul 2023
*For a more elaborate description of the structure and uses of the Syntopicon, see the PossibleApproaches to This Set in this volume (pp. 85-89) and the Preface to the Syntopicon (Vol.II, pp. xi-xxxi).
This is the first footnote of the work—a simple pointer for learning how the Syntopicon works. Because of the value of the Syntopicon, whose two volumes follow this one, this is a nice little bit of pedagogy here leading up to the Syntopicon's value.
- Dec 2022
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Even when reading a book,the goal-oriented nature and intention of reading is paramount.6
61 Mortimer Jerome Adler and Charles Van Doren, How to Read a Book, Rev. and updated ed (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972), 45.
I see some of the sense of this footnote, which helps to establish some ethos by calling to mind Adler/Van Doren's classic, but this particular page in their text is really about paying enough attention not to fall asleep and thus doesn't underline Scheper's point as well as references to other portions of their book about goals and active reading.
- Sep 2022
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IntertextsAs Jonathan Culler writes: “Liter-ary works are not to be consideredautonomous entities, ‘organicwholes,’ but as intertextual con-structs: sequences which havemeaning in relation to other textswhich they take up, cite, parody,refute, or generally transform.” ThePursuit of Signs (Ithaca, NY: CornelUniversity Press, 1981), 38.
Throughout Rewriting: How To Do Things With Texts (Utah State University Press, 2006) Joseph Harris presents highlighted sidebar presentations he labels "Intertexts".
They simultaneously serve the functions of footnotes, references, (pseudo-)pull quotes, and conversation with his own text. It's not frequently seen this way, but these intertexts serve the function of presenting his annotations of his own text to model these sorts of annotations and intertextuality which he hopes the reader (student) to be able to perform themselves. He explicitly places them in a visually forward position within the text rather than hiding them in the pages' footnotes or end notes where the audience he is addressing can't possibly miss them. In fact, the reader will be drawn to them above other parts of the text when doing a cursory flip through the book upon picking it up, a fact that underlines their importance in his book's thesis.
This really is a fantastic example of the marriage of form and function as well as modelling behavior.
cc: @remikalir
- Aug 2022
Forms w e d in footnote citations. The following formsare in standard use in footnote citations: id. (idem, thesame), meaning by the same author as the book last cited;ibid. (ibidem, in the same place), meaning in the same bookas the one last cited; op. cit. (opere citato, in the workcited), meaning in the author’s work cited in an earlier, butnot immediately preceding, footnote in the same chapter; Zoc.cit. (loco citato, in the place cited), meaning the author’sarticle in the periodical or review previously cited in thesame chapter; cf. (confer, compare), meaning compare thestatement in the text with the one cited in the footnote eon-cerned; supra (above) and infra (below) or ante (before)and post (after), used to cite passages earlier or later inthe book or article itself; passim (scattered), sometimesused instead of exact citations when references to the sub-ject are scattered freely through a work; et seq. ( a t sequen-tee, and following), meaning on the several successive pagesfollowing the one cited, but the English abbreviation, ff.(following) is more commonly used instead. In the last twocases, however, it is preferable to give the exact page cita-tions instead of the vague reference.
a nice little collections of notations used in footnotes in the early 20th century.
Not all of these are seen or commonly used now.
- Jul 2022
typography.com typography.com
There are standard fourth-, fifth- and sixth-order reference marks, too: they are the section mark (§), parallels (||), and number sign (#), after which the cycle repeats with doubles, triples, and so on: *, †, ‡, §, ||, #, **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ||||, ###, ***, †††, ‡‡‡, etc. Beyond three, numbered footnotes are always preferable, even if you are David Foster Wallace.
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Dear god I really hate when publishers do their references/notes like this. Sitting here at the end, unlinked to the actual text. There's a special place in hell for editors that do this in the digital age.
- Jun 2022
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If you’re looking for a more precise answer of how much content to capture inyour notes, I recommend no more than 10 percent of the original source, atmost. Any more than that, and it will be too difficult to wade through all thematerial in the future. Conveniently, 10 percent also happens to be the limitthat most ebooks allow you to export as highlights.
Rules of thumb and useful heuristics like this should appear in the main bod of the text instead of being hidden in the footnotes.
- Apr 2022
In an ever-increasing sphere of digital print, why can't publishers provide readers a digitally programmed selection of footnote references in texts?
This digital version of Annie Murphy Paul's book has endnotes with links from the endnotes back to the original pages, but the opposite links from the reading don't go to the endnotes in an obvious way.
I'd love to be able to turn on/off a variety of footnote options so that I can see them on the pages they appear, as pop up modals, or browse through them in the end notes after-the-fact as I choose. This would allow me to have more choice and selection from a text based on what I want to get out of it rather than relying on a publisher to make that choice for me.
Often in publishing a text written for the broad public will "hide" the footnotes at the end of the text in unintuitive ways where as more scholarly presses will place them closer to their appearance within the text. Given the digital nature of texts, it should be possible to allow the reader to choose where these items appear to suit their reading styles.
- Dec 2021
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
- Aug 2021
www.khanacademy.org www.khanacademy.org
Dots and lines are particularly common ingredients of such footnote symbols. Interestingly, their first appearance is not as a connector of comment and text, but as an insertion mark that added an omitted line into the text.
In a version similar to a footnote, a line and a dot were first used much as we use the carot symbol (^) today for editing to indicate the insertion of a missing line.
Connecting a marginal remark to the relevant passage in the text was usually done with a duplicated symbol, called a signe de renvoi: one was placed in front of the marginal note, the other near the word or passage that the remark commented upon.
Evolution of footnotes
- Aug 2020
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I've been wondering about what I perceive as a dreadful editorial choice in how these footnote links have been done. Given the book however, I'm also now wondering if this is consciously done by design to provide a blindfold of sorts to prevent bias either for or against these sources.
Either way I, still wish they were more traditionally done and/or presented. I at least wish I had the added context about them on their respective pages.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I need to pause here for a moment to say how deeply appreciative I am for articles that use footnotes instead of endnotes. I'll scroll to the bottom of the page, but I'll be damned if I'm going to flounder around jumping from front to end and back again.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Footnotes and bibliographiesbeing the expression of democracy in the tex
Ok if someone would have explained it to me like this in high school I would have had a reason to care about doing them instead of hating them.
Endnotes, huh? 😒
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I need to pause here for a moment to say how deeply appreciative I am for articles that use footnotes instead of endnotes. I'll scroll to the bottom of the page, but I'll be damned if I'm going to flounder around jumping from front to end and back again.
- Dec 2018
The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradi- tion is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato
But these footnotes are inscribed forms of thought. Plato is himself nothing but a series of written inscription - of which these footnotes are a part.
- Jun 2018
people.cs.umass.edu people.cs.umass.edu
Specifically, we use data collectedby the ICLab platform [28] to detect censorship and generate con-straints. This enables us to identify the networks performing suchcensorship at a global scale. Conceptually, our techniques could beapplied to other platforms such as OONI [15] as well
globalnetworkinitiative.org globalnetworkinitiative.org
Without diminishing the need for further analysis of those scenarios, it is also imperative that digital rights activists develop a deeper understanding of the positive role that the Internet plays to facilitate the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion to better understand how network disruptions impact these activities. This could lead to strategies where new and important actors fight against network disruptions.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The footnotes are strange. There seems to be something symbolic here in placing men in the footnotes when they have traditionally been the primary text. But it also shows Cixous interest in multiple viewpoints.
- Mar 2016
chronicle.com chronicle.com
If we’re trying to help undergraduate writers enter the scholarly discourse, let’s allow their writing to look even more like academic writing.
I've thought of essays looking professional, but I've not thought how footnotes add to that look.
Why, then, aren’t we teaching first-year undergraduate writers to use footnotes?
Good point.
- Apr 2015
test.langsci-press.org test.langsci-press.org
Zweiter Versuch in footnotes