187 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jun 2024
      • This package can convert files between different document formats.

      • It provides several classes that can take files from one document format to another document format.

      • Currently, it can convert document files between:

      • Microsoft Excel to PDF

      • HTML to PDF

      • Image to PDF

      • Markdown to PDF

      • PDF to Microsoft Excel

      • PDF to HTML

      • PDF to Image

      • PDF to Markdown

      • PDF to RTF

      • PDF to Text

      • PDF Word

      • RTF to PDF

      • Text to PDF

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Documenten zijn het dominante transportmiddel in en tussen organisaties. Ze hebben doorgaans het formaat van staande of liggende a4tjes, of een verzameling daarvan, en heten .pdf, .doc of .xlsxl.

      Documents are dominant in organisations as a means of organising and communicating information.

    1. InhaltsverzeichnisHinweise zur Zitation von Primärquellen und zu weiteren Konventioneninnerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit ......................................................................... 6

      !? Offenbar funktioniert die Verlinkung der einzelnen Textteile aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis heraus nicht (mehr?)! Führt zur Fehlermeldung "410 Gone This resource is no longer available. No forwarding address is given. It appears you have requested out of date content"!

      Die Navigation über das Menü links funktioniert aber noch.

  4. Mar 2024
    1. Voici un résumé concis du document sur l'évaluation des politiques publiques en France :

      • Contexte Institutionnel: L'évaluation des politiques publiques en France est influencée par une institutionnalisation lente et une pratique centralisée, souvent perçue comme un outil de réforme de l'État.

      • Production d'Évaluations: Bien que modeste, la production d'évaluations d'impact basées sur des méthodes statistiques contrefactuelles a commencé à se développer en France depuis le milieu des années 2000.

      • Acteurs de l'Évaluation: Les demandes d'évaluations émanent principalement des administrations, avec une contribution significative des universités et centres de recherche.

      • Utilisation et Influence: L'évaluation d'impact reste peu structurée et son influence sur les décisions publiques est limitée, avec une diffusion des résultats principalement auprès des spécialistes.

  5. Feb 2024
  6. Jan 2024
    1. les cahiers de l'action que je vous présente ici mais que vous verrez également en ligne qui est accessible à 00:02:39 la fois sur le site de ninja paix sur le portail de deux revues kern et kate une collection à l'insep
  7. Dec 2023
  8. Nov 2023
    1. Glasp supports web-hosted PDF files to annotate at this moment. So, please open a PDF on the web browser.

      The operative phrase: web-hosted PDF, and only that. Still better than nothing :-)

  9. Oct 2023
  10. Sep 2023
  11. Aug 2023
  12. Jul 2023
  13. Jun 2023
  14. May 2023
  15. Apr 2023
  16. Mar 2023
  17. Jan 2023
  18. Nov 2022
  19. Oct 2022
  20. Sep 2022
    1. PDF-XChange Viewer The Link Tool can be used to create links to locations in the same document/different documents, external weblinks and files on the local computer. Follow the steps below to activate and use the Link Tool: 1. Click Tools in the Menu Toolbar. 2. Hover over Link Tool. 3. Select Rectangle Link Tool to create a rectangular link or Quadrilateral Link Tool to create a customized quadrilateral link. 4. Click and drag the pointer at the desired location to create the link. The Link Properties dialog box will open:
      • crear link
  21. Aug 2022
    1. I can't find a default setting for that, but you can do something that will give you the result you want. 1. right click the tool bar, select "customize toolbar..." >commands >tools 2. find the select tool, double click 3. set "esc" key as shortcut, then every time when you hit "esc" key, it will go to the select tool. You can choose other keys on the keyboard, too.
      • TESTED!
      • THANK YOU, Daisy!
    1. "PDF is where documents go to die. Once something is in PDF, it's like a roach motel for data."

      —Chris Pratley, Microsoft Office's general manager (in TechRadar, 2012)

      obvious bias here on part of Pratley...

      Oddly, even if this were true, I'm not seeing patterns in the wild by which Microsoft products are helping to dramatically accelerate the distribution and easy ability to re-use data within documents. Perhaps its happening within companies or organizations to some extent, but it's not happening within the broader commons of the internet.

      If .pdfs are where information goes to die, then perhaps tools like Hypothes.is are meant to help resurrect that information?

  22. Jul 2022
    1. The xdocdiff PDF plugin uses a very old version of xdoc2txt (1.46). One of the features I was looking for, and found, in the latest version(2.20) is that it doesn't drop the space between two words when the font style changes from bold back to regular. The latest (as of September 2020) version of xdoc2txt can be obtained from http://ebstudio.info/home/xdoc2txt.html Installation is as easy as unpacking the xd2tx220.zip, and copying the new xdoc2txt.exe over the top of the version from xdocdiff (in the WinMerge executeable directory). I also copied the xd2txlib.dll into the same folder (possibly unnecessary, but disk is cheaper than time to translate the docs). The interface between versions 1.46 & 2.20 may have changed, but not enough to break WinMerge. Important, you will need to install the original xdocdiff plugin first (so you get the amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll) which drives the whole process.
      • TESTED: OK
    2. Steps 1. Download and extract the xdocdiff archive to a temporary folder 2. Copy the files "zlib.dll" and "xdoc2txt.exe" to both of the following folders inside your WinMerge Portable folders: WinMergePortable\App\WinMerge\ WinMergePortable\App\WinMerge64\ 4. Copy the file "MergePlugins\amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll" to both of the following folders: WinMergePortable-xdocdiff\App\WinMerge\MergePlugins WinMergePortable-xdocdiff\App\WinMerge64\MergePlugins 5. Launch "WinMergePortable.exe" 6. From the menu, select Plugins - Automatic Unpacking 7. From the menu select Plugins - Plugin Settings and make sure all boxes are checked --- To test with some documents, click File - Open and select 1, 2, or 3 documents to compare. If you have issues, set the File: Unpacker plugin in the Open window to "Automatic." ---
      • TESTED: OK
    1. Ver2.x(Unicode版) New ! 2020/6/26 xdoc2txt 2.20 ( xd2tx220_x64.zip ) - x64(64bit版) xdoc2txt 2.20 ( xd2tx220.zip ) - x86(32bit)版
      • TESTED 32b
    1. 听说你想用Java去掉或者替换PDF里全部文本?看这-爱代码爱编程

      关于 pdfbox 的好文章

    1. PDFBOX替换文本(pdfbox版本2.0.24)-爱代码爱编程

      关于 pdfbox 的好文章

  23. Jun 2022
  24. May 2022
  25. Mar 2022
    1. https://www.javeriana.edu.co/pesquisa/educacion-virtual-realidad-o-ficcion-en-tiempos-de-pandemia/

      Es interesante como Leonor en su Wiki, juega con las imágenes que ilustran de lo que está hablando, recurre a enlaces de artículos relacionados y finaliza con una reflexión sobre la virtualidad y cómo esta aunque se impulsó con la pandemia no es pasajera, sino que al igual que en el caso personal de Leonor los aprendizajes construidos sobre TICS, serán saberes que estarán constantemente enriqueciendo la práctica pedagógica de los maestros. En cuanto a los usos de las Tics que se evidencian en la experiencia personal de Leonor se puede interpretar un uso básico de plataformas y redes sociales, pero al igual interés por explorar otras formas de uso y lo complejo que resultó para los docentes enfrentarnos al uso de las tecnologías sin lamentablemente, contar con una alfabetización apropiada a la altura de la demanda de las problemáticas educativas enfrentadas, lo que a su vez refleja la realidad de nuestro país y la poca alfabetización digital con la que contamos las personas en general y especialmente los maestros.

    2. Es interesante como Leonor en su Wiki, juega con las imágenes que ilustran de lo que está hablando, recurre a enlaces de artículos relacionados y finaliza con una reflexión sobre la virtualidad y cómo esta aunque se impulsó con la pandemia no es pasajera, sino que al Igual que en el caso personal de Leonor los aprendizajes construidos sobre TICS, serán saberes que estarán constantemente enriqueciendo la práctica pedagógica de los maestros. En cuanto a los usos de las Tics que se evidencian en la experiencia personal de Leonor se puede interpretar un uso básico de plataformas y redes sociales, pero al igual interesa por explorar otras formas de uso y lo complejo que resultó para los docentes enfrentarnos al uso de las tecnologías sin lamentablemente, tener la formación para hacerlo.

    1. https://www.zotero.org/blog/zotero-6/

      Starting in version 6, Zotero will allow you to view annotations previously made in Adobe software. It will also let one extract all the annotations from within a text and save them into a note in Zotero and then export them as markdown into Obsidian or other tools.

    1. I already have several highlights made by external pdf applications like ocular. These annotations are being detected by the pdf viewer used by this plugin. I wanted a way to add the existing annotations to markdown instead of having to repeat the process. As you can see, the highlights' metadata is being detected upon clicking the highlights. What can be done is add 2 options - Either import all existing annotations and highlights Import the selected annotation/highlight I would love to see this feature being added

      The work to add this particular feature to the plugin may be quite a lot, but for those who want it in the erstwhile and for the developers as an example, one might try looking at https://forum.obsidian.md/t/zotero-zotfile-mdnotes-obsidian-dataview-workflow/15536.

  26. Feb 2022
    1. Free All-in-one PDF tools A reliable, intuitive and productive PDF Software




    1. See the Adobe PDF References page 126 for more details

      *http://www.verypdf.com/document/pdf-format-reference/pg_0218.htm * Checkout the above out or search 'line dash pattern' in original Adobe PDF References .

    1. pupka12Dec '21Does anyone know a way to do this with my annotations on locally stored pdfs? That would be lovely. I know I could probably move them to some cloud, but I have no idea which one could work (the most popular ones seem not to)

      If you've annotated local (private) files within your browser using Hypothes.is, you'll need to find the uri path (a rough equivalent to http address for web pages) for your .pdf file with its "fingerprint" (a long unique number).

      To do this 1. Visit https://jonudell.info/h/facet/ 2. Search for your Hypothes.is username (and perhaps a tag) to find the document name and annotations you made on it. 3. You should be able to click on the document title which will take you to a non-loading web page with an address that looks something like this: urn:x-pdf:1ab23cd45e678fgh9012i34j56k78l90 4. Copy and paste that address you get into Hypothesidian as the address for an appropriate option like "Retrieve my annotations for a web article or web pdf". 5. Hit enter/return. 6. Hypothesidian should return the appropriate annotations for that document.

      If others know of alternate/faster methods of finding URis for local pdf files I'd be happy to hear about them.

  27. Jan 2022
    1. Here’s an even more magical trick. Download that PDF to your file system, load it into a third tab, and annotate again. Now you’ll see all three annotations in all three tabs!

      Since Hypothesis doesn’t know that the local copy of the PDF came from http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597&type=printable, or that it’s related to http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597, how is that possible?

      The answer is that the PDF standard defines a unique identifier, or “fingerprint,” that authoring tools encode into the PDFs they create. When you use the Hypothesis client to annotate web-hosted PDF, it captures the fingerprint and sends it to the server.

    2. First, here’s a magic trick you might not realize Hypothesis has up its sleeve. Consider this PLOS One article. Annotate it in one tab, then open a second tab and annotate the PDF version there. You’ll see both annotations in both tabs. How is that possible?

      The answer is that when scholarly publishers provide HTML versions of articles, they typically include metadata that points to PDF versions of the same articles. Here’s one way that happens:

      <meta name=”citation_pdf_url” content=”http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597&type=printable”>

      Hypothesis remembers the correspondence between the HTML and PDF versions, and coalesces annotations across them.

  28. Dec 2021
    1. violencia de género

      «Todo acto de violencia sexista que tiene como resultado posible o real un daño físico, sexual o psíquico, incluidas las amenazas, la coerción o la privación arbitraria de libertad, ya sea que ocurra en la vida pública o en la privada».

    2. Esa “formación” del hombre, que lo conduce a una estructura de la personalidad de tipo psicopático

      No existe un perfil único de maltratador. Tampoco se trata de hombres agresivos ni de psicópatas. Nuestro estudio pone en cuestión los estereotipos relacionados hasta ahora con la conducta y los rasgos del maltratador, como puede ser el consumo de sustancias tóxicas y de alcohol, la vivencia de experiencias traumáticas en la edad infantil o los problemas psíquicos. En este último aspecto, los datos del patrón de personalidad de un grupo de maltratadores basados en el inventario clínico multiaxial Millon-II señalan a la compulsividad como rasgo más destacado de estas personas; no obstante, el percentil no supera el grado de normalidad, por lo que se descarta la posibilidad de una psicopatología.

  29. Nov 2021
    1. You’ll see something like this: PDF fcfbb33577a82236301d15889a77df36 [1.3 Mac OS X 10.12.3 Quartz PDFContext / Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0.5)] (PDF.js: 1.1.215)

      (Spanish) Este mensaje aparece al activar el icono de H.is en la solapa del PDF La clave, NO COINCIDE con el internalid del body, sin activar H.is

    2. Select More Tools -> Developer Tools -> Console

      (Spanish) Pulsar F12 En "Console" no aparece En "Elements" <body>: name="" internalid=""

  30. Oct 2021
    1. FOP, an XSL Formatting Objects to PDF converrter, now has a "tiny bit of SVG support" according to it's author, James Tauber. It generates XSL FO output, with embedded SVG, and renders this all to PDF taking advantage of the pluggable element handlers for rendering the SVG portion. See example PDF slides made from XM· source (including SVG) using XSL-T and FOP.

      FOP mentioned

  31. Sep 2021
    1. Fundamentos pedagógicos. En el PEI de la institución pudimos identificar las tendencias pedagógicas del colegio universitario de socorro como lo son: el aprendizaje significativo- humanista y constructivista, al igual orientan contenidos al estudio del medio ambiente.

  32. Aug 2021
    1. WeasyPrint is a smart solution helping web developers to create PDF documents. It turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous:

      Tool mentioned in IndieWeb chat. Could be used to turn a site into a physical book.

  33. Jul 2021
    1. Titi Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri SexWith a Translation and NotesVolume 1Edited by H. A. J. Munro Lucretius

      Testing out the OCR functionality of docdrop.org.

      I'm noticing that the pdf fingerprint of this text somehow matches that of other texts as there are a lot of non-related annotations on this page.

      Is docdrop doing something squirrelly with the fingerprint @dwhly?

  34. Jun 2021
  35. May 2021
    1. These all look interesting, but my primary worry is the ability to do cross-platform note taking with them. Perhaps worth delving into some more custom reviews, but the price points of these compared to my laptop versus the functionality and flexibility needs to improve greatly.

  36. Apr 2021
  37. Mar 2021
  38. Feb 2021
  39. Jan 2021
  40. Dec 2020
    1. No obstante, aunque desconocemos qué partícula constituye la materia oscura, ésto no significa que no entendamos cómo se comporta.

      El comprender el comportamiento de la materia oscura es un gran aporte a la ciencia

    2. A finales de la década de los 70 y comienzos de la década de los 80 del siglo XX, la necesidad de materia oscura no bariónica para explicar la formación de estructuras cosmológicas, junto con una muestra cada vez mayor de curvas de rotación de galaxias que mostraban un comportamiento plano, consolidaban la hipótesis de la existencia de materia oscura en el Universo.

    3. Casi 100 años después de que se empezara a hablar de materia oscura, la realidad es que no sabemos lo que es, pero afortunadamente sabemos qué no es.

      A pesar de todas las investigaciones, nos falta mucho por aprender y descubrir.

    1. Le projet d’accueil individualisé (PAI) Le projet personnalisé de scolarisation (PPS) Le plan d’accompagnement personnalisé (PAP)_ Le programme personnalisé de réussite éducative (PPRE)

  41. Nov 2020
  42. Sep 2020
  43. Aug 2020
  44. Jul 2020
  45. Jun 2020
    1. Le cadre national de référence définit ainsi des responsabilités partagées par l'État et les Régions et des compétences spécifiques exercées de façon concertée et coordonnée.

      un document de16 pages

  46. May 2020
    1. The latest version of Ubuntu's default PDF viewer Evince has a built-in highlighter. It is very efficient. And unlike other softwares, the highlighted text is also detected when we open it using other softwares like Adobe PDF Viewer.
    1. Un convertor BUN spre FOARTE BUN din multe puncte de vedere, dar din păcate fișierul DOCX rezultat NU poate fi paginat după cum vreau eu (ORICÂT m-am chinuit NU am reușit să formatez pagina la A4 și marginile la „normal”=2,5 cm)

    1. Un convertor BUN spre FOARTE BUN din multe puncte de vedere, dar din păcate fișierul DOCX rezultat NU poate fi paginat după cum vreau eu (ORICÂT m-am chinuit NU am reușit să formatez pagina la A4 și marginile la „normal”=2,5 cm)

  47. Apr 2020
  48. Feb 2020
    1. The coat is a use value that satisfies a particular want

      Marx: "Yesterday I pawned a coat dating back to my Liverpool days in order to buy writing paper" (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, vol. 38 [1852-55]: 221).

      On the significance of Marx's coat, see Peter Stallybrass, “Marx’s Coat,” in Border Fetishisms: Material Objects in Unstable Spaces, ed. Patricia Spyer (New York: Routledge, 1998): 183–207. [PDF].

  49. Nov 2019
    1. (Grenier (2017), p. 2)↩

      Je pense que justement à cause de la double parenthèse, cette référence n'a pas été interprêtée dans le pdf

  50. Sep 2019
  51. Jun 2019
    1. Wong and Gerras did a frightening study of the need for Army officers to lie routinely

      The original PDF is currently unavailable, but Google has cached it here.

  52. May 2019
    1. The transformation between two coordinate systems is represented by a 3-by-3transformation matrix written as Because a transformation matrix has only six elements that can be changed, it isusually specified in PDF as the six-element array [abcdef].

      Transformation vector definition.

    2. Translations are specified as[1001txty], where txand tyare the distances totranslate the origin of the coordinate system in the horizontal and verticaldimensions, respectively. •Scaling is obtained by [sx00sy00]. This scales the coordinates so that 1unit in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the new coordinate system isthe same size as sx and sy units, respectively, in the previous coordinate system. •Rotations are produced by [cosθsinθ−sinθcosθ00], which has the effectof rotating the coordinate system axes by an angle θ counterclockwise. •Skew is specified by [1tanαtanβ100], which skews the xaxis by an angleα and the y axis by an angle β.

      Transformation vector component definitions.

  53. Apr 2019
  54. Mar 2019
    1. This is one of many discussions of Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation. More of the page is taken up with decoration and graphics than needs to be the case but this page is included in this list because it offers a printable guide and because the hierarchy of the four levels is clearly shown. The text itself is printed in black on a white background and it is presented as a bulleted list (the bullets are not organized as well as they could be). Nonetheless it is a usable presentation of this model. rating 3/5

  55. Jan 2019
  56. sso.davidson.edu sso.davidson.edu
    1. "What is regarded as important and interesting is what is likely to be recognised by others as important and interesting, and thus to make the man who produces it appear more important and interesting in the eye of others."

      There are many different reasons scientists research different subject matters. These intentions are not always known to the public, but the public has a sense of hope that these intentions are in the interest of the people and the research is done to better those who will be affected. The research to find a cure to cancer is a prime example where the people hope this research is done to better the people. The public hopes that scientists will find a cure to save their loved ones. However, this quote bursts this bubble of hope, in a sense. It takes away the innocence of these good intentions and creates doubt in the minds of the public. This quote makes the people wonder if research is being conducted to further the professional reputation of the scientists by being the first one to discover a knew piece of information and create history. People often default to thinking others have the best intentions in mind, but this quote brings a sense of darkness about that innocence. Is research really conducted to benefit the public, or is it done so a scientist can become a piece of history?

  57. Nov 2018
  58. Oct 2018
  59. Apr 2018
    1. If the ID can’t be extracted (because the PDF doesn’t contain a trailer, the trailer doesn’t contain a valid ID array, etc) then use an MD5 digest of the first 1024 bytes of the file instead
    2. The ID entry is an array of two byte strings. The first byte string in the array is a “permanent identifier” that’s “based on the contents of the file at the time it was originally created” and “shall not change when the file is incrementally updated”. This is the identifier that we’re interested in. The second byte string is a secondary identifier that should also be based on the contents of the file, and should initially have the same value as the first identifier, but that should be re-computed based on the new file contents each time the file is updated. It enables you to identify a different version of the same file. Hypothesis doesn’t use this second identifier.
  60. Mar 2018
  61. Jan 2018
  62. Nov 2017
    1. if cross-format identifiers like DOIs are used, annotations made in one format (eg, EPUB) can be seen in the same document published in other formats (eg, HTML, PDF) and in other locations.

      Whaa..? This sounds seriously hard. But remarkably clever.

  63. Sep 2017
    1. The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has evolved since it was first announced, and HEFCE guidance to institutions on its implementation reveals a number of significant concessions to evidence, common sense and fairness. Institutions may well implement useful teaching improvement mechanisms in response, as they have always done regardless of the nature of external quality assurance demands. However the rationale of the TEF remains – and it is deeply flawed. It is the rationale that this paper focuses on. It is argued here that its interpretation of evidence about educational quality, employability and value for money ratings, used to justify a TEF, are irrational and are not supported by evidence. Making fine judgments about institutional rankings (and hence fee levels) on the basis of metrics is likely to be thwarted by the very small differences in scores between institutions. Some of its proposed metrics are invalid. Its belief in the ability of a small panel of experts to make sound quality judgments is not well founded given the poor record of past attempts to make such judgments about teaching quality in higher education. The higher education market is very complex and perhaps only a minority of institutions will be able to benefit in the way the TEF intends. The TEF seems unlikely to be perceived, by most, as rewarding.

      This is interesting I can annotate this abstract in html format but I cannot annotate the article in the pop up window because it is in PDF format. So going forwards it might be a good idea to have a html format for the articles? Discuss....

  64. Jun 2017
    1. Hypothesis now uses DOIs to join variants of the same document in the same way it uses PDF fingerprints. Both pieces of metadata — the DOI, and the PDF URL — are typically included in HTML metadata.

      This is really cool! Thanks for the great explanation!

    1. What can you do with a PDF? You can read it! It’s pretty just like the print versions. You can send it to someone else.

      One of the biggest barriers to OER adoption/adaption. . Serious work yet to do in this area.

  65. May 2017
  66. Mar 2017
  67. Jun 2016
  68. Mar 2016
  69. Oct 2015
    1. PDFs have be­come bur­den­some

      However, PDFs are great for printing and archiving papers, so I'm not suggesting that they be completely replaced, but merely supplemented.

  70. Sep 2015
  71. Aug 2015



  72. Jul 2015
    1. Forexample, in a 2–MW wind turbine, the weight of the rotorand the tower is typically about 250 tons [10]. As reportedbelow, a kite generator of the same rated power can beobtained using a 500–m2kite and cables 1000–m long, witha total weight of about 2 tons only.

      Is this a reasonable claim?

  73. May 2015
    1. —both in the future as a better world and as one in which the United States bestrides the globe as a colossus. 2

      On the public version of this PDF at Project Muse (password protected), I've created an annotation at this point in the text. But it does not appear in this local version of the PDF.


      This is my demo PDF for local annotation with hypothes.is. See my sample annotation on the first paragraph of the essay. Add your own test annotations and replies.

  74. Feb 2015
  75. Sep 2014
    1. An array of FDF annotation dictionaries (see “FDF Annotation Dictionaries” on page 681). The array can include annotations of any of the standard types listed in Table 8.16 on page 580 except Link , Movie , Widget , PrinterMark , Screen , and TrapNet .
  76. Aug 2014
    1. Adobe Acrobat Standard has the same functionality as Adobe Elements, but it can also organize comments from multiple reviewers with sorting and fil- tering tools; combine applicat ion files into a single Adobe PDF document; digitally sign and certify documents; and manage specialized content from Microsoft Outlook, MS Internet Explorer, Access, and Publisher.

      This one isn't bad.

    2. In this book, I assume you and the end users of the PDF files you’re produc- ing have Adobe Reader—a free PDF viewer that works with a plethora of operat- ing systems—installed. You can use it as a standalone product or as a plug-in for your browser. It allows you to view, print, and search PDF files. It doesn’t let you create or change PDF files. People often confuse Adobe Reader with Acrobat— for example, thinking that the free read er is capable of saving data entered into any PDF form. (That’s only possible with reader-enabled PDF s.)

      Sad times in annotation town.

  77. Feb 2014