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  1. Apr 2024
    1. In summary, public and private rangeland resources provide a wide variety of EGS. Additionally,spiritual values are vital to the well-being of ranching operations, surrounding communities, and the nation as a whole. Society is placing multiple demands on the nation’s natural resources,and it is extremely important that NRCS be able to provide resource data and technical assistance at local and national levels. (4) Rangelands are in constant jeopardy, either from misuse or conversion to other uses. Holechek et al. (2004) andHolechek (2013) states that in the next 100 years, up to 40percentof U.S. rangelands could be converted and lost to other uses. Land-use shifts from grazing use to urbanization will be much greater in areas of more rapid population increases and associated appreciating land values. Projections supporting forage demand suggestthat changes in land use will decrease the amount of land available for grazing to a greater extent in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountains,compared to the North or South Assessment Regions (Mitchell 2000).(5) As society attempts to satisfy multiple demands with limited resources, many ranching and farming operations seek to expand operations for multiple goods and services beyond traditional cattle production. Some diversifiedenterprises may include the following: (i) Management to enhance wildlife abundance and diversityfor fishing, hunting and non-hunting activities(ii) Maintaining habitat for rare plants(iii) Accommodatingnature enthusiasts, bird watchers, and amateur botanists. (6) Planning, evaluation, and communication are necessary steps (consult conservation planning steps) prior to initiating any new rangeland EGS-based enterprises.
  2. Oct 2020
    1. By default all content inside template strings is escaped. This is great for strings, but not ideal if you want to insert HTML that's been returned from another function (for example: a markdown renderer). Use nanohtml/raw for to interpolate HTML directly.
  3. Feb 2020
    1. The coat is a use value that satisfies a particular want

      Marx: "Yesterday I pawned a coat dating back to my Liverpool days in order to buy writing paper" (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, vol. 38 [1852-55]: 221).

      On the significance of Marx's coat, see Peter Stallybrass, “Marx’s Coat,” in Border Fetishisms: Material Objects in Unstable Spaces, ed. Patricia Spyer (New York: Routledge, 1998): 183–207. [PDF].

    2. Section 1. The Two Factors of a Commodity, Use-Value and Value

      Marx's analysis of a capitalist system begins by postulating that it's fundamentally composed of units called commodities.

      In the capitalist system commodities have two features.

      1. They are produced

      2. They are produced by capitalists

      Capitalists produce commodities by employing workers to produce them.

      In this section, Marx begins his analysis of the first feature of the capitalist system (viz. that it is commodity producing). Workers and capitalists will not appear in Marx's analysis for several more chapters.

    3. A commodity, such as iron, corn, or a diamond, is therefore, so far as it is a material thing, a use value, something useful

      What commodities are thought to be useful for or not is irrelevant to Marx at this very early stage of his analysis, even from a moral point of view. Diamonds satisfy a need in some societies at specific times and places the same as corn or iron.