6 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2021
destroytoday.com destroytoday.com
I know, I know—needing to use JavaScript when writing CSS does feel like defeat, but unless there’s a vwWithoutTheScrollbarPlease unit in CSS, you’re going to need use JavaScript.
Maybe someday, we’ll get a viewport unit that doesn’t factor in the scrollbars, but until then, we can only work around the current one.
- Feb 2021
It makes me happy to see people actually think about things and not just accept a shitty API.
- describe the ideal hypothetical solution
- less than ideal / not optimal
- don't settle for/accept something that's not as good as it can be
- actually consider / think about how it _should_ (ideally) be
- intentional/well-considered decisions
- doing something without knowing why/how it works
- can we do even better?
- "makes me happy when ..."
- Nov 2020
acorwin.com acorwin.com
The answer should be: you write a language that compiles to Go’s IR.
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
It would be cool though to have a framework that does not add any specific limitations
Example with fantasy syntax: