- Jun 2022
lx.uts.edu.au lx.uts.edu.au
panic and reduction but with planning for hybridity and transformation.
Such an important point. The role of design - iterative, planned, intentional design - is crucial. ULD cannot be an afterthought.
It wasn’t until 2000 that UD properly established itself in digital education with Rose and Meyer’s book Teaching every student in the Digital Age : universal design for learning. Since then, UDL has become a familiar concept across North American institutions. More recently, whilst it is generally felt that the COVID crisis has improved awareness of accessibility, inclusion and supported wider UDL adoption, the pandemic also created and highlighted more barriers. In Australia, the ADCET was recently launched and partnered with the LX.lab inclusive practices team to support educators to teach in accessible ways at UTS.
Another interesting reflection - at least based on my own experience - is that UDL was often, initially, popular amongst teachers or educators with a focus on students will special or additional needs. In some ways, this is the exact opposite of what should be happening - as UDL is about designing for all, not making adaptations for differentiation...
As an aside, I've always wrestled with the term 'universal' in UDL - simply because it's not universal (as in applicable to all). Instead, it's applicable to as many as possible. I'm conscious that this might be an impossibility - it just seems like the wrong word.
- May 2022
lx.uts.edu.au lx.uts.edu.au
Exploring UDL: design with everyone in mind
Welcome everyone to our reading for June. This month, we're going to focus on looking at UDL, as that's a hot topic in HE at the moment. It's not new, especially to those of us who've worked in school education - but I've never seen it gain traction as much as I think it should! This article by David Yeats (who might be joining us in the reading group) discusses the reasons for this - and more!