- Apr 2021
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
share their work with potential collaborators, employers, grad. schools, etc.
Spending time outside the Ivory Tower, I'm often surprised by the distaste people in HigherEd have about the very idea of “their” students catering to potential employers. Potential grad schools? Sure! There's even explicit discussion of the “grooming”(!) process. Potential collaborators? Sure, why not... if you really want to do that sort of thing, there's no harm in building a little page where you can display your work. But potential employers? Pffsh! That's not what Post-Secondary Education is about! Go to a vocational school for that. What we do here is serious work! Don't even try telling me about potential customers. Our students shouldn't sell out!
Obviously, there's a whole lot of college/university professorship where such a condescending attitude is completely absent. In fact, that ‘tude might be exceedingly rare. Yet it's incredibly vocal in some contexts.
crafting a digital identity
authentic portfolios that have use value beyond the needs of individual, course, programatic, or institutional assessment
...also an argument for badges.
Contracts run the risk of centering grades even more than traditional grading
Oh, yes! It also makes the learner/teacher interaction quite transactional. Yet it probably makes it easier to spend less time discussing grades.
humane in a way standardized teacher-centered rubrics usually are not
Interesting implication about rubrics. Advocates do find them humane. Yet it's probably fair to say that not all rubrics appear humane to those who are submitted to them.
focus on the work rather than the student
Another common problem... and a tricky one.
goal posts don't unexpectedly shift
A fine-tuned solution to a frequently-experienced problem: shifting goalposts, at least in perception.
In a service learning course, this community expands even further beyond the boundaries of the class
I feel there's something profound, here. Grades are primarily about individual achievement in an environment which is deemed to be competitive. Even in teamwork, there's often a notion that each individual's grade is more important than the team's success (which is part of the challenge of teaching teamwork). Peer-assessment can be pretty powerful. ... and becomes quite impactful in a community context. Learners whose work is directly embedded in a community setting often receive deeper feedback than grades. In some cases (such as university-supported Community Service Learning), they may receive partial course credit for volunteering.
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
The Library of Congress today announced the arrival of its 2020 Innovators in Residence, who will break new ground at the intersections of technology and hip hop, historic newspapers and classic illustrations.
Having experimented with Foo's Citizen DJ, I'd say this statement isn't hyperbolic.
“Design is about putting yourself in the shoes of your user… that’s what being a designer is all about — human-centered design.”
“Did you get anyone else’s insight on this project? Was it just you all? Have you considered how that might be limiting at all?”
...I always thought that gaining diverse insight was a basic principle throughout UX and specifically what makes HCD what it is.
It's so very surprising when you find out that the question bears asking. Yet, like Mannan, I've been in situations where UX and/or HCD people have needed to ponder that question.
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
«Doué d’une naïveté maladive, il vivait plus que les autres.» “Compulsively naive, he was living more than others were.”
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
innovation theater
Tagging for later
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
We welcome your thoughts and questions about this article. Please email the editors or submit a letter for publication.
While this approach to comment is understandable in context, the contrast between “submit a letter” and the act of annotating a text makes the former sound rather quaint.
the recently published collection Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead),
Ha! Just as I'm actively reading Jesse's How to Ungrade post...
Did you ever think you’d miss small talk in the hallway with your colleagues?
Sure did!
Students, just like us
Funny that, though the sentiment behind the statement is about empathy and inclusiveness, the wording makes it sound like there's a category difference between “us” and “them”. I guess the reason it strikes me is that we're talking about basic human needs and “students are humans too” feels a bit weird, to me.
I would much rather my students read one chapter closely, so that they’re able to understand its central concepts and discuss them in class, than skim three chapters and barely remember what they read
Reminds me of a shift I've done based on student feedback... In a course evaluation for one particular semester of my Material Culture course, someone said that I had assigned too many texts for what we did with them. Had it been a complaint about the burden of reading all of these texts, my reaction would have been quite different. In that case, it'd have been about learners using these texts efficiently instead of spending so much time reading them. In this case, though, it was constructive criticism about the fact that we didn't do enough with these texts to justify the load. So, the next semester, I reduced the reading list to one text per week and we really dug through each of them. That's a technique I kept using for several courses.
Another technique I've used, which is pretty much the mirror opposite: I list a large number of texts each week and each learner is responsible for one of those. Then, as learners work together, they get a bite out of each text and all of this material contributes significant to the week's topic. That technique is rather tricky. It's not one to enhance student satisfaction. It does have some important advantages, especially in terms of making learners responsible for their own process. Which is contrary to the customer-based approach.
what our students need — all of the time really but especially during a pandemic — is quality, not quantity
All of which means my courses this academic year are covering a lot less material than they normally would.
hechingerreport.org hechingerreport.org
In lieu of a four-year college, 16 percent of parents said they were interested in non-college vocational training and 22 percent said they preferred to see their children consider an array of other options, including starting a business, joining the military, getting a job or doing community service. Only 8 percent of parents said they would prefer a two-year community college, where more than a third of U.S. college students are enrolled and which also offer many vocational degrees and programs.
In a strange way, perhaps, this could be a shift in the customer-based approach in U.S. colleges? Parents are the primary customers and it sounds like a significant proportion of them want a different product. Learners themselves are quite a different story, whether or not they're the ones who end up paying for their studies.
www.amplifimedia.com www.amplifimedia.com
26%The number of podcasts in Apple Podcasts that have produced only one episode
Infographic material.
www.amplifimedia.com www.amplifimedia.com
44% of all podcasts have produced three or fewer episodes.
a remarkable 26% have produced just a single episode
docdrop.org docdrop.org
All the opens...
don't I have to have like the exact license or it's not an OER
Such a common misconception!
textbook maybe a 20th century kind of idea that we have to get away from
creating programs for people that we retire from La Cité
The shape of such a program could make it very fitting.
when professors leave the college that we we have some type of legacy of that teacher's material
we'll also talk about resources in a broader sense
Beyond textbooks (perhaps Francophones have less of an obsession with textbooks?).
r intellectual property has always been kind of just little a little bit muddy in terms of colleges because there's colleges are different than the universities in terms of collective bargaining rights colleges have one collective bargaining agreement and within that whole collective bargaining agreement there is some language around intellectual property
Possibly another piece of the puzzle. During a recent (late March 2021) event, Mélanie Brunet (uO librarian with a strong OER dossier) was mentioning differences between provinces in terms of IP. There's probably something there.
part of our culture's to build stuff
Almost Maker culture or, at least, a kind of "if it doesn't exist, just build it".
a French context is very fertile grounds in terms of building open educational resources
There might even be a philosophical backdrop for it.
what's happening at the college level which is a bit different than at the university level
Another important point. Our college-based network is leading some OER initiatives, these days. Partly because our needs are quite specific. Most of the OER scene focuses on universities (or merges colleges and universities, since they are very similar in some contexts).
not as as much approached by publishers to use their textbooks
While it's probably true overall, there must be some variability across disciplines. For instance, even though I've mostly been teaching in English (since last century), I've rarely been approached by publishers. When reps did approach me, incentives were either vague or almost laughable.
In fact... one case has been a key turning point in my life. A publisher offered me a gift certificate for Tim Horton (sic) if I adopted a textbook chapter (?) in my class. I notified the textbook author, who happened to be bestknown for his critical approach to something very similar. While my sending that email was a relatively insignificant gesture, a friend remarked that it was what I could do in my “sphere of agency”. That comment was important to me and the notion of a “sphere of agency” has remained relevant.
a French institution is kind of interested in terms of sharing materials and open educational materials because there's way less opportunities for us to work with publisher materials there's just not the same amount of resources out there
One key hunch about differences between language communities.
I'll be transitioning to a full-time role with eCampusontario here in the next couple of weeks
Ha! Called it!
Michel Singh who's a faculty member and senior adviser at La Cité College in Ottawa
Michel has been wearing different hats since then, including at eCampus Ontario itself and now at the Canada School of Public Service.
we don't have teeth for right now
Enforcement is key...? Some might say that a policy without teeth isn't much of a policy. Yet the teeth could come from another context.
it's there and we can point people to it
That's very strategic. Almost like the positive/active side of "show me the rule which says I can't do it". It's the "here's the rule which says I'm supposed to do it".
flabbergasted that we managed to get this through Senate pretty sure no one actually read it
This part does sound like politics as much as policy.
series of open resources
Combining the OER push with some unbundling, perhaps?
faculty should always first look to no-cost options rather than publishers and consider the feasibility of open educational resources when they're assigning learning materials
Some might say that enforcement is the key, and it probably has to do with syllabus review. It's also about a support system, creating a network effect.
senate-passed memo on reducing costs of students reducing cost of learning materials for students
The “topdown” part of policy. Or, at least, the institutional part.
www.thecrimson.com www.thecrimson.com
Hundreds Register for New Facebook Website
It was always a numbers' game?
bsc.harvard.edu bsc.harvard.edu
, centering his inquiry upon what he supposed might be the prob-lems inherent in an anthropologist’s observation of a culture which was his own, or nearly his own
+1 insightful
There was a leak, and the whole scandal broke on the front page of Tuesday’s Crimson.
present as my “premise,” then, an amoral fabliau.
Apart from writing style, there's something particularly juicy about this anecdote. Because it probably elicits very different reactions from diverse people.
“But sir, I don’t think I really deserve it, it was mostly bull, really.” This disclaimer from a student whose examination we have awarded a straight “A” is wondrously depressing. Alfred North Whitehead invent-ed its only possible rejoinder: “Yes sir, what you wrote is utter non-sense. But ah! Sir! It’s the right kind of nonsense!”
So many years later and as relevant as ever.
William Perry'sScheme of Intellectual and Ethical Development
Not only is Perry's model useful but I keep coming back to this one “journey”.
annotation.commons.gc.cuny.edu annotation.commons.gc.cuny.edu
alleviate students’ fear of failure by showing that learning is often about not knowing, indirection, and ambiguity
Could go well with William Perry's wellknown scheme, though it puts more emphasis on the perception (by young adults) that teachers hold the unambiguous Truth.
Online Social Annotation: Interpretation is Social
Not only is there a long tradition of scholarship about social interpretation through marginalia, one might even argue that it's the very basis of scholarship, at least based on the Talmud. Such was part of a lecture by Johannes Fabian, summarizing his work in Ethnography as Interpretation. Interestingly, three of us did some form of online annotation of that very lecture. Maximilian Forte's post goes pretty deep in the meta.
zeroanthropology.net zeroanthropology.net
Instead what he said first inspired him were Talmudic texts, quotes from the original source on a page surrounded by the commentaries of Talmudic scholars interpreting the text, and reacting to one another’s reinterpretations. “Am I saying we should be Talmudic writers? I think one can be worse things.”
www.profweb.ca www.profweb.ca
they’ve learned to collaborate and to work in a digital environment, which are some of the outcomes of the Plan d’action numérique
A sample descriptive rubric (that is very detailed) and a holistic rubric
My hunch is that both can be quite useful as starting points.
Yuja (has an excellent video commenting feature)
Speaking of YuJa, it's the tool ConU uses at an institution-level for lecture capture (replacing Panopto) and they integrate the videos in Moodle. The idea is to either capture your live lecture and distribute it as-is so that learners can go back to it... Or create clips “asynchronously”. Even in remote learning, there's a lot to be said about the flipped classroom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guA21RgRcSg&t=91s
As for video annotations in YuJa, there's a toolbar.
already comfortable with the basic platforms (Teams, MOODLE, etc.)
Layers of technopedagogical appropriation.
authenticity to the assessment
ecolebranchee.com ecolebranchee.com
Travailler plutôt directement avec des OSBL locaux lorsque possible est quelque chose qui tient à cœur à celle qui ne serait d’ailleurs pas surprise de voir arriver sous peu un « panier bleu » en éducation.
- Mar 2021
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Such a powerful slide.
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
moving away from student work as a thing to be “collected,” might actually prove best at creating intrinsic motivation to do the work of a course.
There must be a wealth of research on this. Admins and Old School teachers are quite likely to claim that only some students are intrinsically motivated and that a behaviourist carrot/stick extrinsic motivation is the only way to make them do what's good for them. Yet I'm also convinced that there's a wealth of solid evidence behind this notion that we can help learners develop their own intrinsic motivation by shifting the "reward system" to the thing itself. I keep going back to the gym analogy. Usually because of the sense of entitlement demonstrated by many customer-like students. It also works here: the work of a fitness coach builds intrinsic motivation, even if it addresses external rewards.
Metacognition is a practical skill that cuts across disciplines.
Yes, and... Like critical thinking, it's quite distinctive of HigherEd, in practice. Sure, most learning theories emphasize metacognition at one point or another. As a practical skill, though, it's quite difficult to develop through whole groups in most mainstream public education systems before college. (Yes, there are alternative systems where it's pushed since childhood and might work "at scale". My high school experience was actually one of those: a semi-alternative school in a local school board).
requires administrators and institutions to defend the academic freedom of teachers, especially adjuncts).
Precisely. Out of nine institutions, I almost never had administrators who'd support even a discussion of such an approach. While I've typically enjoyed my status of "Contingent Academic Labour" and never felt any "academic freedom" issue in terms of the academic content, this is one dimension where my lack of "teaching freedom" has been an issue. At one institution where I taught one specific course, I did have an administrator who was ok with my being lenient in grading. And there was one administrator at another institution who defended my teaching freedom around an issue which wasn't directly related to grading. Overall, though, most administrators in those nine organizations weren't very supportive of even discussing teaching practice apart from what's in their internal model or in official documentation.
easy, because “where they stood” in the course never felt arbitrary or mysterious.
Interesting interpretation of that comment. Had I received such feedback, I wouldn't react the same way in the least. With pressure around "grade inflation" (perceived as a problem in itself instead of a symptom of a deeper problem), I would have felt guilt and shame over such a comment.
Thankfully, nobody said to my face (or in course evaluations) that any of my courses was an easy A. I did get former students comment on the fact that one of my courses (especially in cultural anthropology) had been easy for them because they had already developed a clear understanding of the core material. Yet those who got an A in a class I taught never said that it was easy to do so.
Of course, Stommel's interactions with the student probably clarifies what was meant, especially if the comment was paired with the student's name.
observed a distinct gender imbalance
Been expecting the same and didn't really observe it. The imbalance I did perceive had more to do with an "attitude", which doesn't vary that much by gender in places where I've taught. It's not even so much about a sense of self-worth, though that does play a part. It's more about the emphasis on grades, which remains in my classes (because I never went as far as Stommel did).
I reserve the right to change grades as appropriate
Same here (for a self-assessment which usually amounts to 20% of the final grade, because rules). Initially, I'd modify a few grades, mostly by increasing them. Eventually, changes in those grades became really rare.
students as complex and deeply committed to their education
While the prevailing model tends to emphasize "potential", stratification, and control. While marketing constructs are deeply problematic, the frequent valuation of flexible paths by members of a given "generation" (basically, young adults at a certain point in time) goes well with "the world in which our graduates will live". It's been discussed in so many ways and bears repeating: we apply ideas from Old School HR to people who are entering (or going back to) a workforce which challenges diverse HR models.
necessary conversations
Reminds me of Radical Candor in that uncomfortable conversations are part of the difficulty.
crafted to privilege certain kinds of students
Students are increasingly conditioned to work within a system that emphasizes objective measures of performance, ranking, and quantitative marks
students are made to feel like they should care a great deal about grades
reducing individual students to cogs in a machine
Which goes well with the "learners as products" model.
americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
For those with a worldview that encompasses the term library customer, the individuals served at the library are people who have something that we want (usually money). They are just a number. We don’t owe them anything; on the contrary, they owe us.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
pretty much all of us have some version of a teaching stream faculty member now
These used to be rare.
valued differently
Maybe it's also the rest of profs' work which affords a rethink in terms of valuation. Hence DORA.
instructor nervous about using open for fear of exposure mistakes in their material could be noted
Remarkable in that it's both a shared feeling and one which is rarely discussed that openly.
www.jamesmskidmore.com www.jamesmskidmore.com
instructors there prepare to retire, they can participate in a legacy project
Been advocating something similar for quite a while. In fact, I distinctly remember discussing something like this while I was at UNB Fredericton for an intersession, back in 2003. Maybe my memory's off and I'm compounding two distinct events. Still, I'm quite sure it's something I've discussed while teaching in an English-speaking institution (since that's mostly where I've taught).
Interesting that it'd be associated with Francophone colleges.
very smart way of capturing the OER that is more common at Francophone colleges due to the lack of publisher interest in producing French language materials
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Ghana’s copyright law for folklore hampers cultural growth
L'UNESCO et la science ouverte : au-delà du libre accès
centaurtheatre.com centaurtheatre.com
The people of the Kanienkéha:ka Nation– known in English as the Mohawk – are now considered the caretakers of the land and water around Montreal. In their language this island bears the name of Tiohtià:ke, which means “broken in two” because of the way the river breaks around it.
montrealenaction.com montrealenaction.com
At Montréal in Action, we acknowledge that our work in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal takes place on the unceded Indigenous lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka/Mohawk Nation. Kanien’kehá:ka is known as a gathering place for many First Nations, and we recognize the Kanien’kehá:ka as custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather today. Committed to bringing justice to those who face systemic racism and discrimination in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, Montreal in Action aims to work alongside Indigenous organizers to empower Indigenous and racialized communities. Through volunteer-led initiatives and the generation of accessible educational content, Montréal in Action strives to raise awareness on the consequences of colonialism and the ways in which it can be resisted.
www.concordia.ca www.concordia.ca
I/We would like to begin by acknowledging that Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather today. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.
www.mcgill.ca www.mcgill.ca
Land Acknowledgement McGill University (Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal) is situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehà:ka, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst many First Nations including the Kanien’kehá:ka of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Huron/Wendat, Abenaki, and Anishinaabeg. We recognize and respect the Kanien’kehà:ka as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we meet today. The Cultural and Indigenous Research in Counselling Psychology (CIRC) lab is committed to supporting the Kanien’kehà:ka and Haudenosaunee Peoples, among other First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Indigenous Peoples globally. CIRC aims to do all within its power to recruit and support Indigenous students as well as to partner with Indigenous communities in research projects that reflect their priorities.
kpu.pressbooks.pub kpu.pressbooks.pubWelcome1
This game is intentionally frustrating! If it’s frustrating for you, imagine how students feel.
everestpipkin.medium.com everestpipkin.medium.com
I’ve been working in digital spaces making artwork since well before cryptocurrency was around, and lack of scarcity is the only thing we’ve got.
www.concordia.ca www.concordia.ca
Tuition fee calculator
Is going to Cegep worth it? I am lost 16M
onevisiontour.com onevisiontour.com
Due to an agreement between the Government of Quebec and France, French students enjoy certain privileges.At CEGEP, they pay no tuition fees.
educaloi.qc.ca educaloi.qc.ca
After you turn 18 (or 21), you have to pay for your textbooks.
cegepoutaouais.qc.ca cegepoutaouais.qc.ca
SCIENCESDELANATURE(200.B0)La première année, prévoir environ 620 $ pour les manuels et 80 $ pour les équipements et une calculatrice; la deuxièmeannée, prévoir environ 480 $ pour les manuels (incluant les cours optionnels) et environ 50 $ pour les équipements (selon les cours optionnels).
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
Pour 2017 et les années d’imposition suivantes, un étudiant ne pourra plus réclamer les crédits d’impôt pour études et pour manuels
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
Le montant pour manuels fédéral a été éliminé en 2017.
www.cegepsth.qc.ca www.cegepsth.qc.ca
4. Manuels et articles scolaires Le prix des manuels scolaires se situe, selon les programmes d’études, entre 225 $ et 450 $ par session (à titre indicatif). Certains programmes requièrent l’achat de matériel supplémentaire.
I ended up renting an ebook version for more money than I should have had to pay to buy the thing, which is my darn fault because I wanted quick access
She cites three things in particular: Barth, R.S. (1972). Open Education and the American School Katz, L. G. (1972). “Research on Open Education: Problems and Issues” Resnick, L. B. (1972). “Open Education: Some Tasks for Technology.”
Ha! Was just searching for those three texts. Resnick's is on Archive.org (1hr loan).
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
It’s not clear how the university – reported to be Stanford – failed to notice hundreds of laptops disappearing over a decade, though you can probably use your imagination.
daringfireball.net daringfireball.net
Apple’s apparent distaste for the phrase “challenging governments” in the context of VPN apps is no more helping to spread authoritarianism globally than their distaste for promoting pornography (say, in the app description of a web browser with private browsing) is helping spread puritanism.
This quote could be the basis for a nuanced discussion of cultural influence and cultural imperialism… If such a thing as nuanced discussion remains possible.
read.aupress.ca read.aupress.ca
The price of textbooks has become an increasing issue for North American students, with the average cost per student over US$900 per year (Hilton, Robinson, Wiley, & Ackerman, 2014).
books and equipment
With equipment being a more significant cost than books, UK students pay much less for textbooks than North American ones.
Maher, J., Rooney, K., Toomse-Smith, M., Kiss, Z., Pollard, E., & Williams, M. (2017, June). Student income and expenditure survey 2014/15: Welsh-domiciled students. Cardiff, Wales: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Welsh Government.
gov.wales gov.wales
Total student direct costs and main sources of direct costs for Welsh-domiciled full-time students, by subject of study
Mean: 167/97/79/118/118/122/93
339Table A5.16: Total student direct course costs and main sourcesof direct costsfor Welsh-domiciled students, by year of study£Full-timePart-timeFirst yearOther yearsFinal year or one year courseFirst yearOther yearsFinal year or one year courseBooksMean12710184906870Median1005050504050SE12771076Base (N) unweighted445468423151152215
Mean: 127/101/84 vs 90/68/70
Total student participation costs and main sources of student participation costs for Welsh-domiciled students, by parental experience of higher education
Total student participation costs and main sources of student participation costs for Welsh-domiciled students, by socio-economic group
Total student participation costs and main sources of student participation costs for Welsh-domiciled students, by ethnic group
325Table A5.2: Total student participation costs and main sources of student participation costs for Welsh-domiciled students, by age group at the start of the academic year
Table A5.1: Total student participation costs and main sources of student participation costs for Welsh-domiciled students, by gender
306Table 5.5: Total student direct course costs and main sources for Welsh-domiciled students, by full-time and part-time status
Part-time students spent a lower amount on direct course costs than full-time students (£447 and £519 respectively), although these costs accounted for a larger proportion of part-time students’ spending (14 per cent compared with sixper cent). As with full-time students, their largest items of expenditure were computers (£228) then printing, photocopying and stationery (£104) followed by books (£77) andother equipment (£22;Table 5.5).
Compared with the cost of tuition fees, expenditure on direct course costs made up a smaller proportion of full-time students’ participation costs –they spent on average £519(six per cent of total participation costs) on these items in the 2014/15 academic year. Full-time students spent the most on computers (£258), followed by printing, photocopying and stationery (£107) and books (£105) and least on other equipment (£33)as shown in Table 5.5.
Across all full-time students the average amount spent on direct course costs such as books, computers and equipment was £519 and for part-time students the figure was £447. The majority of full-time students reported having direct course costs, and the average spend for these students was £535 on direct course costs. Across full-timers, those studying creative arts, languages or humanities reported the highest expenditure on direct course costs of £857on average. The majority of part-time students also incurred direct course costs. Those who did incur these costs spent slightly less than full-time students on average, £478. The largest contributor to direct course costsfor both full-time and part-time studentswere computers.
archeodoublageqcdoublage.blogspot.com archeodoublageqcdoublage.blogspot.com
Réal Picard qui avait aussi travaillé sur la série des Pierrafeu après le départ de Clément Fleut.
www.cse.gouv.qc.ca www.cse.gouv.qc.ca
l’État pourrait reprendre le contrôle du développement des ressources éducatives numériques, ce qui nécessiterait une approche systémique et un cadre de référence. L’État pourrait ainsi assumer les coûts du développement de ressources conformes aux programmes, libres, accessibles et gratuites.
Le rôle de l'état dans le développement des ressources éducatives numériques.
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
all members contributed content that ensured the course incorporated principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL); diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); Indigenous pedagogies; and open pedagogy.
Inclusive from the start
Identifying a project manager:
Setting clear goals
Some OER creators may have skipped that important step. It's important to celebrate accomplishments, especially in “agile methodologies”. What makes it even more important with OERs is that promoting the work is an integral part of the work itself. Plus, a team which is able to celebrate its accomplishment is likely to lead to new accomplishments.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Alexander von Humboldt, one of the world's greatest scientists, pioneered the idea nearly 200 years ago, in 1828!
Giving credit to either of the Humboldt Brothers is ok in my book.
Sara Winge is the person behind Foo Camp, O'Reilly Media's pioneering "unconference," which we launched in 2003, and which has spawned hundreds of related events known and loved by passionate geeks worldwide, from Bar Camp to City Camp to ORD Camp.
Some historical perspective.
view.genial.ly view.genial.ly
(Leroux et al., 2015) Une tâche d’évaluation authentique devrait : représenter un défi pour l’apprenant,mener à la réalisation d’une production ou d'une performance,assurer le transfert des connaissances,permettre à l’étudiant de développer des habiletés métagognitives;amener les étudiants à collaborer,mener à une production authentique (vie courante ou contexte professionnel),prévoir des moments de discussion et de rétroaction.
www.42quebec.com www.42quebec.com
Notre pédagogie d’apprentissage par les pairs permet réellement de développer l’esprit communautaire et de rendre les gens proactifs.
Est-ce que je peux être dispensé de la Piscine, puisque je l’ai déjà fait dans un autre campus de 42? Malheureusement, il n’est pas possible de transférer votre dossier vers 42 Québec et d’être dispensé de l’étape de la Piscine. Il faut la refaire à Québec.
cdm.link cdm.link
I don’t believe that generative systems can create great music on their own, but they can help us to hear unlikely ideas and therefore increase our sensitivities beyond our conditioning.
www.montrealdeclaration-responsibleai.com www.montrealdeclaration-responsibleai.com
github.com github.com
Open source code library for building innovative e-learning that is accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. Based on the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) and bootstrap. This collaborative open source project is led by the Canada School of Public Service, Government of Canada.
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
Digital, it’s now everything we do!
A key lesson from Canada's federal public service, which also resonates at the provincial level. Everything we do is somehow digital, whether or not we want to emphasize that.
It also helps contextualize the digital standards behind the Government of Canada. It's much more about change management and design thinking than about tools.
There might be some lesson for hybrid pedagogy, somewhere in there...
www.leancoffeetable.com www.leancoffeetable.com
EFFECTIVE ONLINE MEETINGS Focusing on the human element, facilitating active engagement, trust and valued contributions.
Instead of starting a meeting “going around the table” or sending a survey ahead of time, an effective approach to running a meeting meant to respond to people's diverse needs. Also, about effective meetings, the “two pizzas” rule probably applies... https://meetingcostcalculator.ca/
barcamp.org barcamp.org
The pocket guide to organizing your own Barcamp
Sounds to me like there's room for new models for large events. One approach could be to adapt the BarCamp-style unconference to online venues.
We Have the Technology
teachinginhighered.com teachinginhighered.com
Maha: [00:27:10] Like trying to bring out whatever elements of difference we have in the class and trying to see if people are willing to talk about that and bring that up and make it part of our identity. Like one of the things I do in my classes is ask my students to do an alternative CV at the beginning with class. This is an activity we developed for digital writing month. And it’s about presenting yourself, not with what degrees you have or whatever that you do for regular CV, but how you want people to know you. And I don’t specify what students need to say. And some of them say a lot of really interesting things about themselves and reveal those things about themselves and it makes a difference in the class.
Ha! Found it! Adopted and adapted this activity for use in one of my courses, calling it “Cultural Curriculum” («curriculum culturel», ANT3540 Cultures & sociétés was one of the few courses I taught in French). The relevant slide is still online. The Moodle assignment isn't, partly because uO switched to Brightspace right after that semester.
www.spreaker.com www.spreaker.com
David Wiley
Background on #OpenEd confs.
education.okfn.org education.okfn.org
Oer15: Window Boxes, Battles, and Bandwagons
I keep mentionning this text because of #OpenSilos and #OpenWashing.
WellAlwaysHaveParis il y a 7 ans • Testament to the power of the Internet...Leonard Bernstein has been dead for 23 years, and yet his knowledge, insight and wisdom perpetually echo forward for future generations. This video was probably lost in an attic somewhere before somebody decided to drop it on YouTube. It warms my heart that 59,000+ people have seen it.
Recordings from the whole lecture series by “born teacher” Leonard Bernstein has been “making the rounds”, thanks in part to YouTubers like Adam Neely who has been linking to those videos in descriptions of some of his episodes.
Part of the reason the series interests me for its #PedagogicalHeritage is that it extend Bernstein’s role, who’s been mostly known as a composer and conductor. These really are lectures, delivered on campus. At the beginning of the first lecture, Bernstein explicitly described his relationship to Harvard and his being “petrified” at lecturing there. His outside status is important. In music, it’s not uncommon for lectures to be given by renowned musical experts without the academic #credentials which usually serve to “qualify” a prof. According to his bio (archive), LB was a visiting prof at Brandeis in the 1950s. When he delivered those lectures on campus, he was “Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard”. The lectures were a significant part of the deal. There’s a direct continuity between the lecturer’s experience and the delivery of “teaching material”. In another context, the research behind those lectures might not have qualified a prof for tenure.
There’s quite a bit about prestige to unpack, there. And more than a little about “The Canon”. If I use excerpts from this series in my teaching, I’ll likely start from that: who was Bernstein? Why does it matter that we hear his voice instead of somebody else’s? What learning affordances from these recordings, including the musical examples performed on the piano? The context would likely be my beloved ethnomusicology course. Otherwise, some kind of course about “broad approaches to music theorization”.
What strikes me in this comment (and in the “well, actually…” reply) is the very notion that the Internet gives us access to something valuable. Yet this access might be taken away at a moment’s notice (the ways of the DMCA are impenetrable). Yes, DVDs exist and the content might be retrieved. It’s technically possible to make backups of those videos. Yet the 5Rs of Open Content aren’t obvious, here.
Although, Neely did remix some of the content.
federico amato il y a 3 ans • hey, Bernstein died in 1990.....thats 17 years now....14 years when you wrote the comment. the video is availiable to purchase all over the world.
learn.enkerli.com learn.enkerli.com
Deconstructing Prensky’s argument
I keep going back to things I used to teach in #CyberspaceSociology. The notion of a #DigitalNative still bothers me and the alternative from Le Cornu & White still inspires me. Some argue that Prensky's 2001 article was important when it came out, as a wakeup call to teachers. I get that. Especially with those who may not have fully grasped that younger learners have different approaches to appropriating digital tools. I just find the original text deeply flawed when used as though it were the result of robust academic research. And the notional distinction ends up erasing important differences between learners who were born the same year.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Talking About Things - Michael Silverstein
Item for #OEweek 2021 Voices from Beyond: Michael Silverstein #OE2021vfb
I would use this video in a broad course on language sciences, at the time we would move from established notions of languages as systems to culturally-sensitive language theories, probably in the second class meeting.
Michael Silverstein passed away last Summer. Having learners hear his voice would bring life to his words. Were this content fully open, I would likely remix the track containing Silverstein's voice, without the background music, and get learners to add comments about their own experiences.
linkeddatabook.com linkeddatabook.com
Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space
This book remains my favourite reference on #LinkedOpenData
- Feb 2021
labsel.cgodin.qc.ca labsel.cgodin.qc.ca
compétences en littératie. Celles-ci se définissent comme une capacité à utiliser le langage dans une société de l’écrit afin d’apprendre, de communiquer et de traiter l’information de manière efficace et responsable.
www.profweb.ca www.profweb.ca
if I am sharing with my classmates or my friends I want to put in additional effort’
Further support to this approach might come from similar comments which were made about blogging and other dimensions of online readership.
comment on elements of a discourse, but also on each other’s comments
Anchoring a threaded conversation on a text.
students support one another in understanding
peer-teaching experience
You’re asking them to think deliberately about a particular perspective on a topic, the relevance of each piece to that perspective, the validity of each source, and its appropriateness for the audience.
consume media critically
People are getting increasingly interested in digital literacy. It's useful to remember that much of that is based on media literacy and that we have useful organizations which help with both.
Students can curate individually or collaboratively.
As learning exercises, both are incredibly valuable... And probably quite distinct. My reflex is to overuse the "think/pair/share" model. "Start curating on your own; exchange notes with a classmate; share with the whole group." In this case, there's a lot to be said about jumping into collaboration right away. A bit like an #AnnotationFlashMob, just for the curation side.
sharing it on a cloud-based platform.
Interesting that tools would come up at this stage. Chances are, someone's curation toolkit will cover all the steps and there are some tools which integrate several of these. Refworks, Zotero, and Mendeley might be interesting examples in that they allow for cloud sharing yet focus on the information management.
organizing it;
To my mind, this step might easily merge with the selection process.
online curation is:
The most prominent example of this type of online curation, in my personal experience as a teacher, is curating reading lists for my university courses.
In some cases (more "traditional"), this list is part of the syllabus and coursepack that I distribute ahead of the semester so it's something that I would do in the Summer or during a Winter break. Having taught several courses on a short notice (getting the contract a couple of weeks before the semester starts), I've fine-tuned my technique to be as efficient as possible. Some of my reading lists were better than others and a few were really solid. Teaching with such a reading list is quite a joy. Much more so than teaching from a textbook. At one point, I stopped having printed coursepacks. I simply give links to the fulltext articles available through #OpenAccess or through the databases to which the university's library is subscribed. A few students complained early on but it does mean that they don't have to purchase text material for the course. The reason it's important to me does have to do with the cost of higher education. It's also about shifting the role of text resources. We use these texts to do some work together. It's not like these texts are "transmitting the knowledge" to learners' brains.
So, that's my more traditional pattern: a syllabus with a list of links to articles (typically PDFs) that I distributed before the semester starts.
In other cases (my "enhanced" practice), it's something I do every week, based on what has happened in the course. And I do mean a full reading list each week. Class members choose the text on which they want to focus. Though several of them expect me to be "the sage on the stage" who will lead them to that one nugget of wisdom they will have to "retain", a shift happens once they take ownership of those reading choices. That practice is quite timeconsuming and it doesn't necessarily improves my teaching in obvious ways. It's rewarding in other ways. (I sometimes ask learners to find resources on their own, which really deepens the learning process. It requires a significant level of autonomy that they might not reveal during a given semester, even if they have significant experience as university students).
My routine of building weekly reading lists also means that I got quite a bit of practice at this.
Typically, I start the collecting with a "forward citation search" in Web of Knowledge, Scopus, or Google Scholar. I often know this one key article which is likely to have been cited by a number of authors more recently. I collect as many of those as possible and some patterns emerge. Quite frequently, there would be subtopics that I rearrange. It might send me in a "rabbithole". Which is ok. I'm in a discovery mode. And some of the texts which fall under my radar at that point become relevant at a further point.
In other words, I often cast a wide net during the collection phase.
The selection process is mostly a matter or rearranging the reading list so that the first few items cover enough of the range of subtopics. Sometimes, my lists remain quite long, which means that learners have more choice (which is uncomfortable enough to help them learn). It also involves an organization phase.
Summarizing the significance of the collection is the basis for my presentation of the list to the class. My description of the collection is the moment in a class meeting during which I switch to lecture mode. If I do it at the end of the class meeting (or just before the break), students are likely to pay less attention, even though it's typically short. If I do If I do it before discussing the items for the current week, it gets a bit confusing. So it often works best if I present this list after we've worked through the previous ones but before some kind of activity which links the two topics.
As for sharing in the cloud, I typically do this through the LMS I'm using in that institutions. I've tried more public methods but they weren't that effective.
All this to say... I could probably optimize my method.
summarizing its significance for the collection;
Part of what's interesting here is that it isn't necessarily about summarizing each text, as might be done in preparation for a literature review. It allows for more distance from the individual resources. And it's about what makes the collection itself relevant. Since the assessment of resource's relevance has been done, it sounds more like putting the puzzle pieces together and describing the picture which emerges.
In practice, it's bound to be a cyclical process in many instances. You've built much of the puzzle and find out that you're missing some pieces so you go search for more. And your searches become increasingly directed, like concentric circles.
This phase in the curation process also sounds like thematic analysis, à la Braun & Clarke, although the collection isn't quite like a corpus. Maybe the two methods are complementary.
selecting the most relevant or interesting information;
There's a pragmatic dimension to the selection process: some of these resources might only be appropriate in specific usage so it's probably important to focus on the curation's endgoal. For instance, a primary account full of inaccuracies might be quite useful to gain insight on someone's perspective, albeit flawed.
purposefully collecting online content on a given topic
The collection phase is topical and not haphazard. Which might not mean that topics are welldefined in advance or that the collecting is itself selective. It might also be useful to "sideload" content from semi-directed environmental scans. "These are resources which came under my radar while I was getting a lay of the land."
Social annotation involves collaborative discussion of media (texts, videos, images) in a cloud-based environment
Online curation entails the collecting, organizing, annotating and sharing of relevant content with others.
peer-teaching strategies
- #OnlineCuration
- #Encapsulation
- #AuthenticLearning
- #DigitalLiteracy
- Syllabus as Educational Resource
- Textbooks
- #ContextualRelevance
- #GroupAnnotations
- Syllabi
- #OpenAccess
- #CollaborativeLearning
- #PeerLearning
- #PeerInstruction
- #GroupCuration
- #SocialAnnotation
- #PeerTeaching
- Coursepacks
- Curation Tools
- #MediaLiteracy
- #ReadingLists
forums.zotero.org forums.zotero.org
Does someone know if there is an alternative to the retired Vertov plugin?
Opportunity for Open Annotations?
netquiz.ccdmd.qc.ca netquiz.ccdmd.qc.ca
Déontologie et comportements non discriminatoires en Soins infirmiersLa déontologie – Questionnaire 2.1
opentextbooks.concordia.ca opentextbooks.concordia.ca
example.com example.com
Before creating a course-level install, please check and make sure your LMS administrator hasn’t already installed Hypothesis site-wide.
Interesting that both are possible.
cegepvirtuel.ca cegepvirtuel.ca
Les Cégeps partenaires
Abitibi-Témiscamingue Baie-Comeau Beauce-Appalaches GIM Matane LaPoc Rimouski RdL Shawi Thetford
www.olivertacke.de www.olivertacke.de
Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Learning Analytics (LA) are among the top buzzwords of the EdTech scene right now.
colab.plymouthcreate.net colab.plymouthcreate.net
dynamic hub for teaching & learning praxis and community-driven academic professional development
Concise description of a broad mandate. Quite effective!
www.erudit.org www.erudit.org
décoder et analyser les effets réels plutôt que les effets anticipés
pas nécessaire d'établir de? séquences à l'intérieur d'un ensemble
les moyens et les résultats sont diversifiés
les objectifs à atteindre ne sont pas codés au départ
Ouverture des objectifs, en renversement direct de la conception inversée si chère à l'ingénierie pédagogique. Les résultats d'apprentissage ne sont pas dans une relation de causalité linéaire avec les objectifs d'apprentissages.
comprendre ce qui s'y passe plutôt que de le juger.
Parallèle à la linguistique descriptive et non prescriptive (ou aux évaluations formatives, mais avec certaines nuances).
règles de gestion de la classe s'établissent conjointement par les étudiants et l'enseignant
C'est précisément ce que mon père faisait en adaptation scolaire à Sainte-Thérèse, de 1970 à 2000, environ.
aménagement physique
Intéressant de penser à l'aménagement physique lors d'une pandémie qui pousse les apprenants hors des lieux physiques conçus pour l'apprentissage et vers un aménagement physique de l'espace familial.
utilisés en fonction des fondements qui animent les tenants d'une pédagogie ouverte
Depuis maintenant plus de dix ans, des enseignants au Québec tentent de vivre dans leur pratique quotidienne une pédagogie ouverte.
En pleine Révolution Tranquille.
- Learning Outcomes
- Usage des REL
- Innovation through Usage
- Instructional Design
- Ententes de classe
- Innovation par l'usage
- Learning Pathways
- Learning Spaces
- Backwards Design
- OER Usage
- Analyse évaluative de l'apprentissage
- Empirical Approach to Learning
- Comprendre sans jugement
- Comportement en classe
- #UDL
- Espaces d'apprentissage
- Aménagement physique pour l'apprentissage
- #CUA
- Open-Ended Pedagogy
- Démarche empirique
- Pédagogie ouverte
- Gestion de classe
- Révolution Tranquille
- Rapport Parent
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
Open Education, yes, but also Open Access, Open Science, Open Data, Open Source, Open Government, etc.
All the Opens... Is OA stealing the OER thunder?
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
Free, Open, Online: Rethinking Learning Materials Online (Slidecast)
Packaging some of my early material on what we now call OER, Open Educational Resources.
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Free, Open, Flexible: Rethinking Learning Materials Online
One of my early sessions on Open Education, with an emphasis on leveraging the material we create in the course of our work.
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
One of my early prototyping experiences in the OER field.
www.vteducation.org www.vteducation.org
pedagogical value
Collaborative annotations can have a deep impact on approaches to learning and teaching.
observatoire-ia.ulaval.ca observatoire-ia.ulaval.ca
enjeux techniques, éthiques et sociétaux
www.education.gouv.qc.ca www.education.gouv.qc.ca
Pour assurer la qualité et la quantité du contenu développé, le financement pourrait permettre de dégager ou de rémunérer, en surplus de leurs tâches régulières, des enseignants qui souhaitent développer ces ressources.
Modèle CCDMD?
moteurs de recherche intuitifs, conviviaux et efficaces
Sans référencement uniformisé?
une banque de ressources éducatives libres pour les étudiants et le personnel,
www.education.gouv.qc.ca www.education.gouv.qc.ca
expérience étudiante
www.education.gouv.qc.ca www.education.gouv.qc.ca
Accroître l’accessibilité des REN
ebsi.umontreal.ca ebsi.umontreal.ca
formation aux licences libres Creative Commons
activités de formation
Particulièrement autour de Creative Commons
retard dans l'utilisation et le développement de ressources éducatives libres
Course aux REL
- Oct 2020
analytictech.com analytictech.com
The individual is helpless socially, if left by himself. Even the association of the members of one's own family fails to satisfied that desire which every normal individual has of being with his fellows, of being a part of a larger group than the family. If he comes into contact with his neighbors, there will be an accumulation of social capital, which may immediately satisfy his social needs and which may bear a social potentiality sufficient for the substantial improvement of life in the whole community. The community as a whole will benefit by the cooperation of all its parts, while the individual will find in his associations the advantages of the help, the sympathy, and the fellowship of his neighbors. First, then, there must be an accumulation of community social capital. Such accumulation may be effected by means of public entertainments, picnics, and a variety of other community gatherings. When the people of a given community have become acquainted with one another and have formed a habit of coming together occasionally for entertainment, social intercourse, and personal enjoyment, then by skillful leadership this social capital may easily be directed towards the general improvement of the community well-being.
- Nov 2019
We did a study, many many years ago in education, about the importance and the role of technology in the classroom, how can it help with the education process. The result of this education research we did was that the students who succeed are the ones who are most engaged, which is really simple.
This ‘graph might be the key to something rather deep about Apple in education. And about Old School EdTech.
People are focusing on Schiller’s comment about Chromebooks, yet this reference to an old study is perhaps more revealing.
- Jul 2019
mikeindustries.com mikeindustries.com
because of this spyware pixel, most of the people they are collecting information on aren’t even Superhuman customers and never even signed up for this policy
This point is where Vohra’s post is probably the weakest. Most of the reaction is about protecting the company’s customers (brought in by invitation). But the company has a social responsibility towards email recipients from whom they collect information, even if they’re not customers of this specific service.