- Feb 2025
www.francaislibres.net www.francaislibres.net
Key information about the life of Alix Sophie Deguise
substack.com substack.com
People move abroad and then back again pretty regularly. If I wasn’t so damn lazy, I’d go back and check stats, but something like 50% of US immigrants move away from Portugal (either back to the US or to other countries) within five years.
- Dec 2024
substack.com substack.com
this trend took some time
But what is the trend in the US, in terms of reading level?
The news is mostly an aggregation of every bad event that happened in the last twenty four hours, anywhere on Earth.
This is a British perspective; the same is not true for residents of the U.S., for whom the world beyond its borders is rarely mentioned in the news, apart from the various wars that the US supports
- Mar 2019
www.green-acres.fr www.green-acres.fr
House with separate gites, as well as two discreet guest bedrooms to potentially let. Near the Canal du Midi
- Feb 2019
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
The location has been identified as Bruff, Co. Limerick, along the current R516, GPS 52.4771388,-8.5476751. Compare Google Street View image.
- Sep 2018
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at London (UK), British Library (General Reference Collection 505.f.4) has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0012
London (UK), British Library (General Reference Collection 505.f.4) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0012
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at London (UK), British Library (General Reference Collection 1602/138) has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0011
London (UK), British Library (General Reference Collection 1602/138) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0011
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0008
Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0008
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
An exemplar at Berlin (De), Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0007
Berlin (De), Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0007
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
Berlin (De), Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Ho 62653) has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0061
Berlin (De), Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Ho 62653) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0061
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Frankfurt am Main (De), Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Ltm 27 g 4 Q R) has been digitised and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0010](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0010
Salamanca (Sp), Universidad de Salamanca https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0034
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Frankfurt am Main (De), Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Ltm 27 g 4 Q R) has been digitised and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0010](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0010
Frankfurt am Main (De), Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Ltm 27 g 4 Q R) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0010
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
Frankfurt am Main (Gw), Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0005
Frankfurt am Main (Gw), Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte has been digitised and can be examined at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0005
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca (BG/5480) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0055
An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca (BG/5480) has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0055](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0055
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Auct. 1Q 6.29) https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/86bf757d-054f-4ac9-8c46-7be0f71b8b72.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0004](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0004
Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0004
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca (exemplar not specified) https://www.salamanca.school/en/iiif-out.xql?wid=W0003
An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0003
- Aug 2018
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Auct. 1Q 6.29) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/86bf757d-054f-4ac9-8c46-7be0f71b8b72
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S3.1499.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/75cfcba2-d4da-4167-98f8-d50b351322a4
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S3.1499.1) https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/75cfcba2-d4da-4167-98f8-d50b351322a4.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S6.1500.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/2e52084d-d656-452c-a8d7-7272f08b8590
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S6.1500.1) https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/2e52084d-d656-452c-a8d7-7272f08b8590.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. d. S6.1500.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/52b730d3-a1dc-4fd9-b047-90e5479fdd3d
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S6.1) https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/52b730d3-a1dc-4fd9-b047-90e5479fdd3d.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library Inc. e. S4.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/50202309-2ec0-4539-83c1-2b635cdc9686
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/50202309-2ec0-4539-83c1-2b635cdc9686.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S4.1496.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/93d172c4-c25e-41eb-b56f-85a3c58e4901
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S4.1496.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/93d172c4-c25e-41eb-b56f-85a3c58e4901
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S4.1496.1) https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/93d172c4-c25e-41eb-b56f-85a3c58e4901.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. d. S6.1500.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/2de28a2a-6744-4316-9dc7-8962bf82ab4d
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/2de28a2a-6744-4316-9dc7-8962bf82ab4d.json
iberian.ucd.ie iberian.ucd.ie
The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Auct. 5Q inf. 2.24) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/7167291f-e373-475c-8e8b-b782728ecf28
Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/f2961c8a-105c-46a6-9e90-fbce60a41570.json
- Jul 2017
github.com github.com
For this and following items, I think that it might be better to link to your endpoint rather than to quote the text.
"motivation": "TODO",
If it relates directly to what is represented on the canvas, my understanding is that sc:painting still applies ... at least according to Rob Sanderon
seeAlso Machine-processable links for this page include page-level representations of texts for consumption into indexing services. Verbatim Plaintext [Proposed] Emended Plaintext [Proposed] Plaintext for full-text search [Proposed]
Isn't this redundant?
Assuming that the items following are represented with URI references
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Actually, the building does still exist, but it is now 'surrounded' by a later addition. This is clear from Google maps: see https://goo.gl/maps/PvhMFSkn16K2
- Mar 2017
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
The NIAH provides details on the school building and a photograph.
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
The NIAH provides details of the convent building, at Vevay Road, Bray, County Wicklow, inventory no. 16301051.
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
An image of St. Paul's School, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow, appears at archiseek:
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
See the website of St. Cronan's School, Bray: http://www.stcronans.ie/
The site includes a photograph of the school building which housed the school from 1932.
- Feb 2017
dev01.digital.ucd.ie dev01.digital.ucd.ie
Kilcloney Cross
Kilcloney Cross; not cited in logainm.ie
Misery Rock
Misery Rock
Jim McDonald Skeough
Skeough, Jim McDonald Byrne, Maureen
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
See the Wikipedia article "St Mullin's," which includes a photographic image of the monastery ruins. Wikipedia, "St. Mullin's"
- Nov 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
‘Loreto 1916’ – A new online exhibition & digital collection. UCD Library Blog https://ucdlib.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/loreto-1916-a-new-online-exhibition-digital-collection/
- Jul 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Places named in the Joyce's story "Two Gallants" are charted sequentially and visualised in the StoryMap presentation at this location.
- May 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
"Historic trove of documents discovered in city attic," Herald.ie (2016-05-16) http://www.herald.ie/news/historic-trove-of-documents-discovered-in-city-attic-34707155.html
The four missing volumes of Prisoner Books listing the arrests of more than 30,000 people between 1905 and 1918 include the "crimes" of labour leaders Jim Larkin (seditious conspiracy), James Connolly (incitement to crime), revolutionary Maud Gonne MacBride (defence of the realm), and suffragette Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington (glass-breaking with other suffragettes).
"Dublin Metropolitan Police Prisoner Books 1905-1918," The British GENES blog (2016-05-12) http://britishgenes.blogspot.ie/2016/05/dublin-metropolitan-police-prisoner.html
University College Dublin's Digital Library (http://digital.ucd.ie) has just uploaded digitised editions of four Dublin Metropolitan Police prisoners books from 1905-1908, and 1911-1918, at http://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:43945.
- Apr 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Related writings:
Crossman, V. (1998). The Shan Van Vocht: Women, Republicanism, and the Commemoration of the 1798 Rebellion. Eighteenth-Century Life, 22(3), 128–139. Retrieved from https://muse.jhu.edu/article/10463
Innes, C. L. (1991). “A voice in directing the affairs of Ireland”: L’Irlande libre, The Shan Van Vocht and Bean na h-Eireann. In P. Hyland & N. Sammells (Eds.), Irish Writing (pp. 146–158). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-349-21755-7_10
Steele, K. (2002). Editing out Factionalism: The Political and Literary Consequences in Ireland’s “Shan Van Vocht.” Victorian Periodicals Review, 35(2), 113–132. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20083865
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Dairmaid Ferriter's talk from the launch of the Kevin Barry Colleciton is on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/history-hub/diarmaid-ferriter-kevin-barry-and-his-legacy.
- Jul 2015
crl.acrl.org crl.acrl.org
Users need digital collections that contain interoperable content or functionality that facilitates comparative analyses of digital materials.
Enter IIIF for images
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Compare this exemplar (from the Library of Congress) to that at Oxford, Bodleian Library.
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Dundalk market day, Co. Louth
The Dundalk Market Square web site offers the following history of the Dundalk market:
In the 17th century, Lord Limerick (later James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Clanbrassil) created the modern town we know today. He was responsible for the construction of streets leading to the town centre; his ideas came from many visits to Europe. In addition to the demolition of the old walls and castles, he had new roads laid out eastwards of the principal streets. The most important of these new roads connected a newly laid down Market Square, which still survives, with a linen and cambric factory at its eastern end, adjacent to what was once an army cavalry and artillery barracks (now Aiken Military Barracks).
In the 19th century, the town grew in importance and many industries were set up in the local area. This development was helped considerably by the opening of railways, the expansion of the docks area or 'Quay' and the setting up of a board of commissioners to run the town.
The present photograph was captured by the Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann (CBÉ) / Irish Folklore Commission (1935).
- Jun 2015
support.altmetric.com support.altmetric.com
Altmetric guidelines for optimising web pages
scholar.google.com scholar.google.com
Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters
This documentation describes the technology behind indexing of websites with scholarly articles in Google Scholar. It's written for webmasters who would like their papers included in Google Scholar search results. Detailed technical information is helpful if you're trying to fix an error in indexing of your own website, or you need to make sure that your article hosting product is compatible with Google and Google Scholar search services.
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Hammam Hotel, O'Connell Street, Dublin
The Hammam Family Hotel and Turkish Baths, Sackville St. (11-12 O'Connell Street Upper), Dublin, was destroyed on 5 July 1922. See: Architecture of Dublin City - Lost Buildings of Ireland http://archiseek.com/2013/1869-hammam-family-hotel-and-turkish-baths/
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
The National Library of Ireland holds collections of related letters:
- Roger Casement: MS 13,073 – MS 13,092
- Roger Casement: Mss 36,199-36,212)
- May 2015
wiki.harvard.edu wiki.harvard.edu
Fundamental questions for the library revolve around issues of: stewardship (what types of annotations are appropriate for library ownership, vs. say a course platform), persistence (how long should different types of annotations be persisted and preserved), costs (who will fund annotation storage over time) access (what privacy and distribution controls need to be placed on access to annotations.)
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
The Fr. Francis A. Gleeson Papers digital collection was officially launched on Monday April 27 by the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin at a reception in Holy Cross Diocesan Centre, in Clonliffe. The event was attended by members of Fr Gleeson’s family as well as the British and French Ambassadors to Ireland and Archbishop Michael Jackson.
For press commentaries on this collection see:
- Decade of Centenaries http://www.decadeofcentenaries.com/27-april-2015-fr-gleeson-digital-archive-launch/
- HistoryHub.ie http://historyhub.ie/fr-francis-gleeson-papers
- The Irish Times http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/war-diaries-of-fr-francis-gleeson-go-online-1.2191271
- The Irish Examiner http://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/features/fr-francis-gleeson--the-irish-saint-of-the-trenches-283785.html
- theJournal.ie http://www.thejournal.ie/diary-priest-world-war-one-2073121-May2015/
- Dublin News http://www.dublinnews.com/index.php/sid/232377229
- The Irish Catholic http://www.irishcatholic.ie/article/dublin-diocese-putting-wwi-chaplain%E2%80%99s-diary-online