411 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
  2. Dec 2015
    1. AB_2107448

      Antibody ID: AB_2107448

      Target Antigen: GAPDH antibody [6C5]

      Vendor: Abcam Go To Vendor

      Cat Num: ab8245

      Proper Citation: (Abcam Cat# ab8245, RRID:AB_2107448)

      Reference: PMID:24899721

      Clonality: monoclonal antibody

      Clone ID: None

      Host Organism: mouse

      Comments: manufacturer recommendations: IgG1; IgG1 ELISA, ICC, ICC/IF, IHC-Fr, WB; Immunocytochemistry; Immunoprecipitation; Other; Western Blot; ELISA; Immunohistochemistry - frozen; Immunofluorescence; Immunohistochemistry; Chromatography human, mouse, rat, baboon, chicken, dog, fish, monkey, pig, rabbit, xenopus laevis, zebrafish, porcine, canine, non-human primate, rat, human, zebrafish/fish, chicken/bird, mouse, xenopus/amphibian, rabbit

      resolver lookup

    1. AB_2107448

      Antibody ID: AB_2107448

      Target Antigen: GAPDH antibody [6C5]

      Vendor: Abcam Go To Vendor

      Cat Num: ab8245

      Proper Citation: (Abcam Cat# ab8245, RRID:AB_2107448)

      Reference: PMID:24899721

      Clonality: monoclonal antibody

      Clone ID: None

      Host Organism: mouse

      Comments: manufacturer recommendations: IgG1; IgG1 ELISA, ICC, ICC/IF, IHC-Fr, WB; Immunocytochemistry; Immunoprecipitation; Other; Western Blot; ELISA; Immunohistochemistry - frozen; Immunofluorescence; Immunohistochemistry; Chromatography human, mouse, rat, baboon, chicken, dog, fish, monkey, pig, rabbit, xenopus laevis, zebrafish, porcine, canine, non-human primate, rat, human, zebrafish/fish, chicken/bird, mouse, xenopus/amphibian, rabbit

      resolver lookup