6,207 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors developed the TaG-EM system to address challenges in multiplexing Drosophila samples for behavioral and transcriptomic studies. This system integrates DNA barcodes upstream of the polyadenylation site in a UAS-GFP construct, enabling pooled behavioral measurements and cell type tracking in scRNA-seq experiments. The revised manuscript expands on the utility of TaG-EM by demonstrating its application to complex assays, such as larval gut motility, and provides a refined analysis of its limitations and cost-effectiveness.


      (1) Novelty and Scope: The study demonstrates the potential for TaG-EM to streamline multiplexing in both behavioral and transcriptomic contexts. The additional application to labor-intensive larval gut motility assays highlights its scalability and practical utility.

      (2) Data Quality and Clarity: Figures and supplemental data are mostly clear and significantly enhanced in the revised manuscript. The addition of Supplemental Figures 18-21 addresses initial concerns about scRNA-seq data and driver characterization.

      (3) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: New analyses of labor and cost savings (e.g., Supplemental Figure 8) provide a practical perspective.

      (4) Improvements in Barcode Detection and Analysis: Enhanced enrichment protocols (Supplemental Figures 18-19) demonstrate progress in addressing limitations of barcode detection and increase the detection rate of labeled cells.


      (1) Barcode Detection Efficiency: While improvements are noted, the low barcode detection rate (~37% in optimized conditions) limits the method's scalability in some applications, such as single-cell sequencing experiments with complex cell populations.

      (2) Sparse Labeling: Sparse labeling of cell populations, particularly in scRNA-seq assays, remains a concern. Variability in driver strength and regional expression introduces inconsistencies in labeling density.

      (3) Behavioral Applications: The utility of TaG-EM in quantifying more complex behaviors remains underexplored, limiting the generalizability of the method beyond simpler assays like phototaxis and oviposition.

      (4) Driver Line Characterization: While improvements in driver line characterization were made, variability in expression patterns and sparse labeling emphasize the need for further refinement of constructs and systematic backcrossing to standardize the genetic background.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors analyzed Xenopus oocytes at different stages of meiosis using quantitative phosphoproteomics. Their advanced methods and analyses revealed changes in protein abundances and phosphorylation states to an unprecedented depth and quantitative detail. In the manuscript they provide an excellent interpretation of these findings putting them in the context of past literature in Xenopus as well as in other model systems.


      High quality data, careful and detailed analysis, outstanding interpretation in the context of the large body of the literature.


      Merely a resource, none of the findings are tested in functional experiments.

      I am very impressed by the quality of the data and the careful and detailed interpretation of the findings. In this form the manuscript will be an excellent resource to the cell division community in general, and it presents a very large number of hypotheses that can be tested in future experiments.

      Xenopus has been and still is a popular and powerful model system that led to critical discoveries around countless cellular processes, including the spindle, nuclear envelope, translational regulation, just to name a few. This also includes a huge body of literature on the cell cycle describing its phosphoregulation. It is indeed somewhat frustrating to see that these earlier studies using phospho-mutants and phospho-antibodies were just scratching the surface. The phosphoproteomics analysis presented here reveals much more extensive and much more dynamic changes in phosphorylation states. Thereby, in my opinion, this manuscript opens a completely new chapter in this line of research, setting the stage for more systematic future studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The work by Gupta et al. addresses the role of tissue compressibility as a driver of cell competition. The authors use a planar epithelial monolayer system to study cell competition between wild type and transformed epithelial cells expressing HRasV12. They combine imaging and traction force measurements from which the authors propose that wild type cells generate compressive forces on transformed epithelial cells. The authors further present a novel setup to directly measure the compressibility of adherent epithelial tissues. These measurements suggest a higher compressibility of transformed epithelial cells, which is causally linked to a reduction in cell-cell adhesion in transformed cells. The authors support their conclusions by theoretical modelling using a self-Propelled Voronoi model that supports differences in tissue compressibility can lead to compression of the softer tissue type.

      The experimental framework to measure tissue compressibility of adherent epithelial monolayers establishes a novel tool, however additional controls of this measurement appear required. Moreover, the experimental support of this study is mostly based on single representative images and would greatly benefit from additional data and their quantitative analysis to support the authors' conclusions. Specific comments are also listed in the following:

      Major points:

      It is not evident in Fig2A that traction forces increase along the interface between wild type and transformed populations and stresses in Fig2C also seem to be similar at the interface and surrounding cell layer. Only representative examples are provided and a quantification of sigma_m needs to be provided.

      In Figure 1-3 only panel 2G and 2H provide a quantitative analysis, but it is not clear how many regions of interest and clusters of transform cells were quantified.

      Several statements appear to be not sufficiently justified and supported by data.<br /> For example the statement on pg 3. line 38 seems to lack supportive data 'This comparison revealed that the thickness of HRasV12-expressing cells was reduced by more than 1.7-fold when they were surrounded by wild type cells. These observations pointed towards a selective, competition-dependent compaction of HRasV12-expressing transformed cells but not control cells, in the intestinal villi of mice.'<br /> Similarly, the statement about a cell area change of 2.7 fold (pg 3 line 47) lacks support by measurements.

      What is the rationale for setting 𝐾p = 1 in the model assumptions if clear differences in junctional membranes of transformed versus wild type cells occur, including dynamic ruffling? This assumption does not seem to be in line with biological observations.

      The novel approach to measure tissue compressibility is based on pH dependent hydrogels. As the pH responsive hydrogel pillar is placed into a culture medium with different conditions, an important control would be if the insertion of this hydrogel itself would change the pH or conditions of the culture assays and whether this alters tissue compressibility or cell adhesion. The authors could for example insert a hydrogel pillar of a smaller diameter that would not lead to compression or culture cells in a larger ring to assess the influence of the pillar itself.

      The authors focus on the study of cell compaction of the transformed cells, but how does this ultimately lead to a competitive benefit of wild type cells? Is a higher rate of extrusion observed and associated with the compaction of transformed cells or is their cell death rate increased? While transformed cells seem to maintain a proliferative advantage it is not clear which consequences of tissue compression ultimately drive cell competition between wild type and transformed cells.

      The argumentation that softer tissues would be more easily compressed is plausible. However, which mechanism do the authors suggest is generating the actual compressive stress to drive the compaction of transformed cells? They exclude a proliferative advantage of wild type cells, which other mechanisms will generate the compressive forces by wild type cells?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The work by Gupta et al. addresses the role of tissue compressibility as a driver of cell competition. The authors use a planar epithelial monolayer system to study cell competition between wild type and transformed epithelial cells expressing HRasV12. They combine imaging and traction force measurements from which the authors propose that wild type cells generate compressive forces on transformed epithelial cells. The authors further present a novel setup to directly measure the compressibility of adherent epithelial tissues. These measurements suggest a higher compressibility of transformed epithelial cells, which is causally linked to a reduction in cell-cell adhesion in transformed cells. The authors support their conclusions by theoretical modelling using a self-Propelled Voronoi model that supports differences in tissue compressibility can lead to compression of the softer tissue type.

      The experimental framework to measure tissue compressibility of adherent epithelial monolayers establishes a novel tool, however additional controls of this measurement appear required. Moreover, the experimental support of this study is mostly based on single representative images and would greatly benefit from additional data and their quantitative analysis to support the authors' conclusions. Specific comments are also listed in the following:

      Major points:

      It is not evident in Fig2A that traction forces increase along the interface between wild type and transformed populations and stresses in Fig2C also seem to be similar at the interface and surrounding cell layer. Only representative examples are provided and a quantification of sigma_m needs to be provided.

      In Figure 1-3 only panel 2G and 2H provide a quantitative analysis, but it is not clear how many regions of interest and clusters of transform cells were quantified.

      Several statements appear to be not sufficiently justified and supported by data.<br /> For example the statement on pg 3. line 38 seems to lack supportive data 'This comparison revealed that the thickness of HRasV12-expressing cells was reduced by more than 1.7-fold when they were surrounded by wild type cells. These observations pointed towards a selective, competition-dependent compaction of HRasV12-expressing transformed cells but not control cells, in the intestinal villi of mice.'<br /> Similarly, the statement about a cell area change of 2.7 fold (pg 3 line 47) lacks support by measurements.

      What is the rationale for setting 𝐾p = 1 in the model assumptions if clear differences in junctional membranes of transformed versus wild type cells occur, including dynamic ruffling? This assumption does not seem to be in line with biological observations.

      The novel approach to measure tissue compressibility is based on pH dependent hydrogels. As the pH responsive hydrogel pillar is placed into a culture medium with different conditions, an important control would be if the insertion of this hydrogel itself would change the pH or conditions of the culture assays and whether this alters tissue compressibility or cell adhesion. The authors could for example insert a hydrogel pillar of a smaller diameter that would not lead to compression or culture cells in a larger ring to assess the influence of the pillar itself.

      The authors focus on the study of cell compaction of the transformed cells, but how does this ultimately lead to a competitive benefit of wild type cells? Is a higher rate of extrusion observed and associated with the compaction of transformed cells or is their cell death rate increased? While transformed cells seem to maintain a proliferative advantage it is not clear which consequences of tissue compression ultimately drive cell competition between wild type and transformed cells.

      The argumentation that softer tissues would be more easily compressed is plausible. However, which mechanism do the authors suggest is generating the actual compressive stress to drive the compaction of transformed cells? They exclude a proliferative advantage of wild type cells, which other mechanisms will generate the compressive forces by wild type cells?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Suzuki and colleagues aim to develop an in vitro organoid system to recapitulate the developmental process of the olfactory epithelium. The authors have succeeded in using a combination of niche factors to induce organoid development, which gives rise to multiple cell types including those with characteristics of mature olfactory sensory neurons. By comparing different cultural media in inducing lineage specification in the organoids, the authors show that the niche factors play an important role in the neuronal lineage whereas serum promotes the development of the respiratory epithelium. The authors further utilized single-cell RNASeq and trajectory analysis to demonstrate that the organoids recapitulate the developmental process of the olfactory epithelium and that some of the factory sensory neurons express only one receptor type per cell. Using these analyses, the authors proposed that a specific set of guidance modules are associated with individual receptor types to enable the formation of the factory map.


      The strength of the paper is that the authors have demonstrated that olfactory epithelium organoids can develop from dissociated cells from embryonic or tissue. This provides a valuable tool for studying the development of processes of the factory epithelium in vitro. Defining various factors in the media that influence the development trajectories of various cell types also provides valuable information to guide further development of the method. Single-cell RNA-Seq experiments provide information about the developmental processes of the olfactory system.


      The manuscript is also marked by a number of weaknesses. The premise of the studies is not well argued. The authors set out to use organoid culture to study the developmental process in order to unravel the mechanisms of single receptor choice, and its role in setting up the factory map. However, the paper has mostly focused on characterizing the organization rather than providing insights into the problem. The statement that the organoids can develop from single cells is misleading, because it's mostly likely that organoids develop after the dissociated cells form aggregates before developing into organoids. It is not known whether coarsely separated tissue chunks can develop into organoids with the same characteristics. Re-aggregation of the cells to form organoids is in and of itself is interesting. Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of the cells and how they contribute to the development of overnight is not explored. There is also a missed opportunity to compare single-cell RNASeq data from this study with existing ones. The in vitro system is likely to be different from embryonic development. It is critical to compare and determine how much the organoid is recapitulating the development of the OSNs in vivo. There are a number of comprehensive datasets from the OE in addition to that presented in the Fletcher paper. Finally, the quality of the functional assay (calcium imaging) of factory sensory neurons is poor. Experiments are of high quality are needed to verify the results.

      Major points:

      (1) Adding FBS in organoid culture medium has been shown to negatively affect the organoid formation and growth. Previous OE organoids culture method did not use FBS. Also, day 10 is an odd choice to compare the two conditions after showing day 20 of NF+ culture shows a better differentiation state. It is not known whether and how the differentiation may be different on day 20. Moreover, comparing Figure 2R to 2S, FBS treatment alone appears to have not only more Foxj1+ cells but also more Tuj1+ cells than NFs/FBS. This is inconsistent with the model. The authors should provide statistics for Tuj1+ cells as well.

      (2) As opposed to the statement in the manuscript, Plxnb2 had been shown to be expressed by the OSNs (Mclntyre et al. 2010; JNR), specifically in immature OSNs. It would be important to mention that Plxnb2 is expressed in OMP+ OSNs in the OE organoid system and its potential reasons to better guide the readers of the system mimicking the in vivo OSNs. Similarly, OSN expression of Cdh2 has been shown by Akins and colleagues. As Plxnb2 showed an expression pattern (immunofluorescence) with an anterior-posterior axis while Cdh2 expression level was not, it would be informative to show the odorant receptor types regarding the expression pattern of Plxnb2 (versus that of Cdh2) using single cell RNAseq data4.

      (3) There is no real layering of the organoids, although some cells show biases toward one side or the other in some regions of the organoid. The authors should not make a sweeping claim that the organoids establish layered structures.

      (4) Figure 2P, it is clear whether OMP is present in the cell bodies. The signal is not very convincing. Even the DAPI signal does not seem to be on a comparable scale compared to Figures 2N and 2O.

      (5) Annotation of the cell types in different single-cell RNA-Seq analysis. The iOSN is only marked in Figure 3A. In the marker expression panel, it appears that those marked as mOSN have high GAP43, which are an iOSN marker. These discrepancies are not detailed nor discussed.

      (6) The authors should merge the single-cell datasets from day 10 organoids cultured in NF-medium and FBS-medium to compare their differences.

      (7) The quality of the calcium imaging experiment is poor. Labeling and experimental details are not provided. The concentration of IVA, the manner of its delivery, and delivery duration are not provided. How many ROIs have been imaged, and what percentage of them responded to IVA? Do they respond to more than one odor? Do they respond to repeated delivery? There is no control for solution osmolarity. Cell body response was not recorded. Given that only a small number of cells express a receptor, it seems extraordinary that these axons respond to IVA receptors. The authors should also determine whether IVA receptor genes are found in their dataset.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Van der Linden et al. describe the addition of the T203Y mutation to their previously described fluorescence lifetime calcium sensor Tq-Ca-FLITS to shift the fluorescence to green emission. This mutation was previously described to similarly red-shift the emission of green and cyan FPs. Tq-Ca-FLITS_T203Y behaves as a green calcium sensor with opposite polarity compared with the original (lifetime goes down upon calcium binding instead of up). They then screen a library of variants at two linker positions and identify a variant with slightly improved lifetime contrast (Tq-Ca-FLITS_T203Y_V27A_N271D, named G-Ca-FLITS). The authors then characterize the performance of G-Ca-FLITS relative to Tq-Ca-FLITS in purified protein samples, in cultured cells, and in the brains of fruit flies.


      This work is interesting as it extends their prior work generating a calcium indicator scaffold for fluorescent protein-based lifetime sensors with large contrast at a single wavelength, which is already being adopted by the community for production of other FLIM biosensors. This work effectively extends that from cyan to green fluorescence. While the cyan and green sensors are not spectrally distinct enough (~20-30nm shift) to easily multiplex together, it at least shifts the spectra to wavelengths that are more commonly available on commercial microscopes.

      The observations of organellar calcium concentrations were interesting and could potentially lead to new biological insight if followed up.


      The new G-Ca-FLITS sensor doesn't appear to be significantly improved in performance over the original Tq-Ca-FLITS, no specific benefits are demonstrated.

      Although it was admirable to attempt in vivo demonstration in Drosophila with these sensors, depolarizing the whole brain with high potassium is not a terribly interesting or physiological stimulus and doesn't really highlight any advantages of their sensors; G-Ca-FLITS appears to be quite dim in the flies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      With this report, I suggest what are in my opinion crucial additions to the otherwise very interesting and credible research manuscript "Cluster size determines morphology of transcription factories in human cells".


      The manuscript in itself is technically sound, the chosen simulation methods are completely appropriate the figures are well-prepared, the text is mostly well-written spare a few typos. The conclusions are valid and would represent a valuable conceptual contribution to the field of clustering, 3D genome organization and gene regulation related to transcription factories, which continues to be an area of most active investigation.


      However, I find that the connection to concrete biological data is weak. This holds especially given that the data that are needed to critically assess the applicability of the derived cross-over with factory size is, in fact, available for analysis, and the suggested experiments in the Discussion section are actually done and their results can be exploited. In my judgement, unless these additional analysis are added to a level that crucial predictions on TF demixing and transcriptional bursting upon TU clustering can be tested, the paper is more fitted for a theoretical biophysics venue than for a biology journal.

      Major points

      (1) My first point concerns terminology. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes morphology as the study of structure and form. In my understanding, none of the analyses carried out in this study actually address the form or spatial structuring of transcription factories. I see no aspects of shape, only size. Unless the authors want to assess actual shapes of clusters, I would recommend to instead talk about only their size/extent. The title is, by the same argument, in my opinion misleading as to the content of this study.

      (2) Another major conceptual point is the choice of how a single TF:pol particle in the model relates to actual macromolecules that undergo clustering in the cell. What about the fact that even single TF factories still contain numerous canonical transcription factors, many of which are also known to undergo phase separation? Mediator, CDK9, Pol II just to name a few. This alone already represents phase separation under the involvement of different species, which must undergo mixing. This is conceptually blurred with the concept of gene-specific transcription factors that are recruited into clusters/condensates due to sequence-specific or chromatin-epigenetic-specific affinities. Also, the fact that even in a canonical gene with a "small" transcription factory there are numerous clustering factors takes even the smallest factories into a regime of several tens of clustering macromolecules. It is unclear to me how this reality of clustering and factory formation in the biological cell relates to the cross-over that occurs at approximately n=10 particles in the simulations presented in this paper.

      (3) The paper falls critically short in referencing and exploiting for analysis existing literature and published data both on 3D genome organization as well as the process of cluster formation in relation to genomic elements. In terms of relevant literature, most of the relevant body of work from the following areas has not been included:

      (i) mechanisms of how the clustering of Pol II, canonical TFs, and specific TFs is aided by sequence elements and specific chromatin states

      (ii) mechanisms of TF selectivity for specific condensates and target genomic elements

      (iii) most crucially, existing highly relevant datasets that connect 3D multi-point contacts with transcription factor identity and transcriptional activity, which would allow the authors to directly test their hypotheses by analysis of existing data

      Here, especially the data under point iii are essential. The SPRITE method (cited but not further exploited by the authors), even in its initial form of publication, would have offered a data set to critically test the mixing vs. demixing hypothesis put forward by the authors. Specifically, the SPRITE method offers ordered data on k-mers of associated genomic elements. These can be mapped against the main TFs that associate with these genomic elements, thereby giving an account of the mixed / demixed state of these k-mer associations. Even a simple analysis sorting these associations by the number of associated genomic elements might reveal a demixing transition with increasing association size k. However, a newer version of the SPRITE method already exists, which combines the k-mer association of genomic elements with the whole transcriptome assessment of RNAs associated with a particular DNA k-mer association. This can even directly test the hypotheses the authors put forward regarding cluster size, transcriptional activation, correlation between different transcription units' activation etc.

      To continue, the Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM) method from Ana Pombo's group has also yielded data sets that connect the long-range contacts between gene-regulatory elements to the TF motifs involved in these motifs, and even provides ready-made analyses that assess how mixed or demixed the TF composition at different interaction hubs is. I do not see why this work and data set is not even acknowledged? I also strongly suggest to analyze, or if they are already sufficiently analyzed, discuss these data in the light of 3D interaction hub size (number of interacting elements) and TF motif composition of the involved genomic elements.

      Further, a preprint from the Alistair Boettiger and Kevin Wang labs from May 2024 also provides direct, single-cell imaging data of all super-enhancers, combined with transcription detection, assessing even directly the role of number of super-enhancers in spatial proximity as a determinant of transcriptional state. This data set and findings should be discussed, not in vague terms but in detailed terms of what parts of the authors' predictions match or do not match these data.

      For these data sets, an analysis in terms of the authors' key predictions must be carried out (unless the underlying papers already provide such final analysis results). In answering this comment, what matters to me is not that the authors follow my suggestions to the letter. Rather, I would want to see that the wealth of available biological data and knowledge that connects to their predictions is used to their full potential in terms of rejecting, confirming, refining, or putting into real biological context the model predictions made in this study.

      References for point (iii):

      RNA promotes the formation of spatial compartments in the nucleus<br /> https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)01230-7?dgcid=raven_jbs_etoc_email

      Complex multi-enhancer contacts captured by genome architecture mapping<br /> https://www.nature.com/articles/nature21411

      Cell-type specialization is encoded by specific chromatin topologies<br /> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04081-2

      Super-enhancer interactomes from single cells link clustering and transcription<br /> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.08.593251v1.full

      For point (i) and point (ii), the authors should go through the relevant literature on Pol II and TF clustering, how this connects to genomic features that support the cluster formation, and also the recent literature on TF specificity. On the last point, TF specificity, especially the groups of Ben Sabari and Mustafa Mir have presented astonishing results, that seem highly relevant to the Discussion of this manuscript.

      (4) Another conceptual point that is a critical omission is the clarification that there are, in fact, known large vs. small transcription factories, or transcriptional clusters, which are specific to stem cells and "stressed cells". This distinction was initially established by Ibrahim Cisse's lab (Science 2018) in mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, and also is seen in two other cases in differentiated cells in response to serum stimulus and in early embryonic development:

      Mediator and RNA polymerase II clusters associate in transcription-dependent condensates<br /> https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aar4199

      Nuclear actin regulates inducible transcription by enhancing RNA polymerase II clustering<br /> https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aay6515

      RNA polymerase II clusters form in line with surface condensation on regulatory chromatin<br /> https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/msb.202110272

      If "morphology" should indeed be discussed, the last paper is a good starting point, especially in combination with this additional paper:

      Chromatin expansion microscopy reveals nanoscale organization of transcription and chromatin<br /> https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade5308

      (5) The statement "scripts are available upon request" is insufficient by current FAIR standards and seems to be non-compliant with eLife requirements. At a minimum, all, and I mean all, scripts that are needed to produce the simulation outcomes and figures in the paper, must be deposited as a publicly accessible Supplement with the article. Better would be if they would be structured and sufficiently documented and then deposited in external repositories that are appropriate for the sharing of such program code and models.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      ACVR2A is one of a handful of genes for which significant correlations between associated SNPs and the incidences of preeclampsia have been found in multiple populations. It is one of the TGFB family receptors, and multiple ligands of ACVR2A, as well as its coreceptors and related inhibitors, have been implicated in placental development, trophoblast invasion, and embryo implantation. This useful study builds on this knowledge by showing that ACVR2A knockout in trophoblast-related cell lines reduces trophoblast invasion, which could tie together many of these observations. Support for this finding is incomplete, as reduced proliferation may be influencing the invasion results. The implication of cross-talk between the WNT and ACRV2A/SMAD2 pathways is an important contribution to the understanding of the regulation of trophoblast function.


      (1) ACVR2A is one of very few genes implicated in preeclampsia in multiple human populations, yet its role in pathogenesis is not very well studied and this study begins to address that hole in our knowledge.

      (2) ACVR2A is also indirectly implicated in trophoblast invasion and trophoblast development via its connections to many ligands, inhibitors, and coreceptors, suggesting its potential importance.

      (3) The authors have used multiple cell lines to verify their most important observations.


      (1) There are a number of claims made in the introduction without attribution. For example, there are no citations for the claims that family history is a significant risk factor for PE, that inadequate trophoblast invasion of spiral arteries is a key factor, and that immune responses, and renin-angiotensin activity are involved.

      (2) The introduction states "As a receptor for activin A, ACVR2A..." It's important to acknowledge that ACVR2A is also the receptor for other TGFB family members, with varying affinities and coreceptors. Several TGFB family members are known to regulate trophoblast differentiation and invasion. For example, BMP2 likely stimulates trophoblast invasion at least in part via ACVR2A (PMID 29846546).

      (3) An alternative hypothesis for the potential role of ACVR2A in preeclampsia is its functions in the endometrium. In the mouse ACVR2A knockout in the uterus (and other progesterone receptor-expressing cells) leads to embryo implantation failure.

      (4) In the description of the patient population for placental sample collections, preeclampsia is defined only by hypertension, and this is described as being in accordance with ACOG guidelines. ACOG requires a finding of hypertension in combination with either proteinuria or one of the following: thrombocytopenia, elevated creatinine, elevated liver enzymes, pulmonary, edema, and new onset unresponsive headache.

      (5) I believe that Figures 1a and 1b are data from a previously published RNAseq dataset, though it is not entirely clear in the text. The methods section does not include a description of the analysis of these data undertaken here. It would be helpful to include at least a brief description of the study these data are taken from - how many samples, how were the PE/control groups defined, gestational age range, where is it from, etc. For the heatmap presented in B, what is the significance of the other genes/ why are they being shown? If the purpose of these two panels is to show differential expression specifically of ACVR2A in this dataset, that could be shown more directly.

      (6) More information is needed in the methods section to understand how the immunohistochemistry was quantified. "Quantitation was performed" is all that is provided. Was staining quantified across the whole image or only in anchoring villous areas? How were HRP & hematoxylin signals distinguished in ImageJ? How was the overall level of HRP/DAB development kept constant between the NC and PE groups?

      (7) In Figure 1E it is not immediately obvious to many readers where the EVT are. It is probably worth circling or putting an arrow to the little region of ACVR2A+ EVT that is shown in the higher magnification image in Figure 1E. These are actually easier to see in the pictures provided in the supplement Figure 1. Of note, the STB is also staining positive. This is worth pointing out in the results text.

      (8) It is not possible to judge whether the IF images in 1F actually depict anchoring villi. The DAPI is really faint, and it's high magnification, so there isn't a lot of context. Would it be possible to include a lower magnification image that shows where these cells are located within a placental section? It is also somewhat surprising that this receptor is expressed in the cytoplasm rather than at the cell surface. How do the authors explain this?

      (9) The results text makes it sound like the data in Figure 2A are from NCBI & Protein atlas, but the legend says it is qPCR from this lab. The methods do not detail how these various cell lines were grown; only HTR-SVNeo cell culture is described. Similarly, JAR cells are used for several experiments and their culture is not described.

      (10) Under RT-qPCR methods, the phrase "cDNA reverse transcription cell RNA was isolated..." does not make any sense.

      (11) The paragraph beginning "Consequently, a potential association..." is quite confusing. It mentions analyzing ACVR2A expression in placentas, but then doesn't point to any results of this kind and repeats describing the results in Figure 2a, from various cell lines.

      (12) The authors should acknowledge that the effect of the ACVR2A knockout on proliferation makes it difficult to draw any conclusions from the trophoblast invasion assays. That is, there might be fewer migrating or invading cells in the knockout lines because there are fewer cells, not because the cells that are there are less invasive. Since this is a central conclusion of the study, it is a major drawback.

      (13) The legend and the methods section do not agree on how many fields were selected for counting in the transwell invasion assays in Figure 3C. The methods section and the graph do not match the number of replicate experiments in Figure 3D (the number of replicate experiments isn't described for 3C).

      (14) Discussion says "Transcriptome sequencing analysis revealed low ACVR2A expression in placental samples from PE patients, consistent with GWAS results across diverse populations." The authors should explain this briefly. Why would SNPs in ACVR2A necessarily affect levels of the transcript?

      (15) "The expression levels of ACVR2A mRNA were comparable to those of tumor cells such as A549. This discovery suggested a potential pivotal role of ACVR2A in the biological functions of trophoblast cells, especially in the nurturing layer." Alternatively, ACVR2A expression resembles that of tumors because the cell lines used here are tumor cells (JAR) or immortalized cells (HTR8). These lines are widely used to study trophoblast properties, but the discussion should at least acknowledge the possibility that the behavior of these cells does not always resemble normal trophoblasts.

      (16) The authors should discuss some of what is known about the relationship between the TCF7/c-JUN pathway and the major signaling pathway activated by ACVR2A, Smad 2/3/4. The Wnt and TGFB family cross-talk is quite complex and it has been studied in other systems.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors conducted a comparative analysis of four networks, varying in the presence of excitatory assemblies and the architecture of inhibitory cell assembly connectivity. They found that co-tuned E-I assemblies provide network stability and a continuous representation of input patterns (on locally constrained manifolds), contrasting with networks with global inhibition that result in attractor networks.


      The findings presented in this paper are very interesting and cutting-edge. The manuscript effectively conveys the message and presents a creative way to represent high-dimensional inputs and network responses. Particularly, the result regarding the projection of input patterns onto local manifolds and continuous representation of input/memory is very Intriguing and novel. Both computational and experimental neuroscientists would find value in reading the paper.


      Intuitively, classification (decodability) in discrete attractor networks is much better than in networks with continuous representations. This could also be shown in Figure 5B, along with the performance of the random and tuned E-I networks. The latter networks have the advantage of providing network stability compared to the Scaled I network, but at the cost of reduced network salience and, therefore, reduced input decodability. Thus, tuned E-I networks cannot always perform better than any other network.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper develops an under-flow migration tracker to evaluate all the steps of the extravasation cascade of immune cells across the BBB. The algorithm is useful and has important applications.


      The algorithm is almost as accurate as manual tracking and importantly saves time for researchers. The authors have discussed how their tool compares to other tracking methods.


      Applicability can be questioned because the device used is 2D and physiological biology is in 3D. However, the authors have addressed this point in their manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Cell lineage tracing necessitates continuous visible tracking or permanent molecular markers that daughter cells inherit from their progenitors. To successfully trace cell lineages, it is essential to generate and detect sufficient new markers during each cell division. Thus, molecular cell lineages have been predominantly studied with stably inherited genetic markers in animal models and somatic DNA mutations in the human brain. DNA methylation is unstable across cell divisions and differentiation, and is hardly called barcodes. The use of "Human Brain Barcodes" in the title and across the whole paper lacks convincing evidence - it is questionable that CpG methylation is always stably inherited by daughter cells.


      Analysis of DNA methylation.


      The unstable nature of CpG methylation would introduce significant problems in inferring the true cell lineage. To establish DNA methylation as a means for lineage tracing, it is necessary to test whether the DNA methylation patterns can faithfully track cell lineages with in vitro differentiated & visibly tracked cell lineages.

      The unreliable CpG methylation status also raises the question of what the "Barcodes" refer to in the title and across this study. Barcodes should be stable in principle and not dynamic across cell generations, as defined in the Reference #1. The CRISPR/Cas9 mutable barcodes or the somatic mutations may be considered barcodes, but the reviewer is not convinced that the "dynamic" CpG methylation fits the "barcodes" terminology. This problem is even more concerning in the last section of the results, where CpG status fluctuates in post-mitotic cells.

      The manuscript frequently states assumptions in a tone of conclusions and interprets results without rejecting alternative hypotheses. For example, the title "Human Brain Barcodes" should be backed with solid supporting evidence. For another example, the author assumed that the early-formed brain stem would resemble progenitors better and have a higher average methylation level than the forebrain - however, this difference in DNA methylation status could well reflect cell-type-specific gene expression instead of cell lineage progression.

      Other points:

      (1) The conclusion that excitatory neurons undergo tangential migration is unclear - how far away did the author mean for the tangential direction? Lateral dispersion is known, but it is hard to believe that the excitatory neurons travel across different brain regions. More importantly, how would the author interpret shared or divergent methylation for the same cell type across different brain regions?

      (2) The sparsity and resolution of the single-cell DNA methylation data. The methylation status is detected in only a small fraction (~500/31,000 = 1.6%) of fCpGs per cell, with only 48 common sites identified between cell pairs. Given that the human genome contains over 28 million CpG sites, it is important to evaluate whether these fCpGs are truly representative.

      (3) While focusing on the X-chromosome may simplify the identification of polymorphic fCpGs, the confidence in determining its methylation status (0 or 1) is questionable when a CpG site is covered by only one read.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The main aim of this research was to explore whether and how self-associations (as opposed to other-associations) bias early attentional selection, and whether this can explain well-known self-prioritization phenomena, such as the self-advantage in perceptual matching tasks. The authors adopted the Visual Attention Theory (VAT) by estimating VAT parameters using a hierarchical Bayesian model from the field of attention and applied it to investigate the mechanisms underlying self-prioritization. They also discussed the constraints on the self-prioritization effect in attentional selection. The key conclusions reported were: (1) self-association enhances both attentional weights and processing capacity, (2) self-prioritization in attentional selection occurs automatically but diminishes when active social decoding is required, and (3) social and perceptual salience capture attention through distinct mechanisms.


      Transferring the Theory of Visual Attention parameters estimated by a hierarchical Bayesian model to investigate self-prioritization in attentional selection was a smart approach. This method provides a valuable tool for accessing the very early stages of self-processing, i.e., the attention selection. The authors conclude that self-associations can bias visual attention by enhancing both attentional weights and processing capacity, and that this process occurs automatically. These findings offer new insights into the self-prioritization from the perspective of early stage of attentional selection.


      The results are still not convincing enough to definitively support their conclusions. The generalization of the findings needs further examination. Whether this attentional selection mechanism of self-prioritization can be generalized to other stimuli, such as self-name, self-face, or other domains of self-association advantages, remains to be tested. More empirical data are needed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Microglia have been implicated in brain development, homeostasis, and diseases. "Microglia replacement" has gained traction in recent years, using primary microglia, bone marrow or blood-derived myeloid cells, or human iPSC-induced microglia. Here, the authors extended their previous work in the area and provided evidence to support: (1) Estrogen-regulated (ER) homeobox B8 (Hoxb8) conditionally immortalized macrophages from bone marrow can serve as stable, genetically manipulated cell lines. These cells are highly comparable to primary bone marrow-derived (BMD) macrophages in vitro, and, when transplanted into a microglia-free brain, engraft the parenchyma and differentiate into microglia-like cells (MLCs). Taking advantage of this model system, the authors created stable, Adar1-mutated ER-Hoxb8 lines using CRISPR-Cas9 to study the intrinsic contribution of macrophages to the Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS) disease mechanism.


      The studies are carefully designed and well-conducted. The imaging data and gene expression analysis are carried out at a high level of technical competence and the studies provide strong evidence that ER-Hoxb8 immortalized macrophages from bone marrow are a reasonable source for "microglia replacement" exercise. The findings are clearly presented, and the main message will be of general interest to the neuroscience and microglia communities.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript describes two new sets of data involving budgerigar hearing: 1) auditory-nerve tuning curves (ANTCs), which are considered the 'gold standard' measure of cochlear tuning, and 2) stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions (SFOAEs), which are a more indirect measure (requiring some assumptions and transformations to infer cochlear tuning) but which are non-invasive, making them easier to obtain and suitable for use in all species, including humans. By using a tuning ratio (relating ANTC bandwidths and SFOAE delay) derived from another bird species (chicken), the authors show that the tuning estimates from the two methods are in reasonable agreement with each other over the range of hearing tested (280 Hz to 5.65 kHz for the ANTCs), and both show a slow monotonic increase in cochlear tuning quality over that range, as expected. These new results are then compared with (much) older existing behavioral estimates of frequency selectivity in the same species.


      This topic is of interest, because there are some indications from the older behavioral literature that budgerigars have a region of best tuning, which the current authors refer to as an 'acoustic fovea', at around 4 kHz, but that beyond 5 kHz the tuning degrades. Earlier work has speculated that the source could be cochlear or higher (e.g., Okanoya and Dooling, 1987). The current study appears to rule out a cochlear source to this phenomenon.


      The conclusions are rendered questionable by two major problems.

      The first problem is that the study does not provide new behavioral data, but instead relies on decades-old estimates that used techniques dating back to the 1970s, which have been found to be flawed in various ways. The behavioral techniques that have been developed more recently in the human psychophysical literature have avoided these well-documented confounds, such as nonlinear suppression effects (e.g., Houtgast, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1913048; Shannon, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.381007; Moore, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.381752), perceptual confusion between pure-tone maskers and targets (e.g., Neff, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.393678), beats and distortion products produced by interactions between simultaneous maskers and targets (e.g., Patterson, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.380914), unjustified assumptions and empirical difficulties associated with critical band and critical ratio measures (Patterson, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.380914), and 'off-frequency listening' phenomena (O'Loughlin and Moore, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.385691). More recent studies, tailored to mimic to the extent possible the techniques used in ANTCs, have provided reasonably accurate estimates of cochlear tuning, as measured with ANTCs and SFOAEs (Shera et al., 2003, 2010; Sumner et al., 2010). No such measures yet exist in budgerigars, and this study does not provide any. So the study fails to provide valid behavioral data to support the claims made.

      The second, and more critical, problem can be observed by considering the frequencies at which the old behavioral data indicate a worsening of tuning. From the summary shown in the present Fig. 2, the conclusion that behavioral frequency selectivity worsens again at higher frequencies is based on four data points, all with probe frequencies between 5 and 6 kHz. Comparing this frequency range with the absolute thresholds shown in Fig. 3 (as well as from older budgerigar data) shows it to be on the steep upper edge of the hearing range. Thus, we are dealing not so much with a fovea as the point where hearing starts to end. The point that anomalous tuning measures are found at the edge of hearing in the budgerigar has been made before: Saunders et al. (1978) state in the last sentence of their paper that "the size of the CB rapidly increases above 4.0 kHz and this may be related to the fact that the behavioral audibility curve, above 4.0 kHz, loses sensitivity at the rate of 55 dB per octave."

      Hearing abilities are hard to measure accurately on the upper frequency edge of the hearing range, in humans as well as in other species. The few attempts to measure human frequency selectivity at that upper edge have resulted in quite messy data and unclear conclusions (e.g., Buus et al., 1986, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-2247-4_37). Indeed, the only study to my knowledge to have systematically tested human frequency selectivity in the extended high frequency range (> 12 kHz) seems to suggest a substantial broadening, relative to the earlier estimates at lower frequencies, by as much as a factor of 2 in some individuals (Yasin and Plack, 2005; https://doi.org/10.1121/1.2035594) - in other words by a similar amount as suggested by the budgerigar data. The possible divergence of different measures at the extreme end of hearing could be due to any number of factors that are hard to control and calibrate, given the steep rate of threshold change, leading to uncontrolled off-frequency listening potential, the higher sound levels needed to exceed threshold, as well as contributions from middle-ear filtering. As a side note, in the original ANTC data presented in this study, there are actually very few tuning curves at or above 5 kHz, which are the ones critical to the argument being forwarded here. To my eye, all the estimates above 5 kHz in Fig. 3 fall below the trend line, potentially also in line with poorer selectivity going along with poorer sensitivity as hearing disappears beyond 6 kHz.

      The basic question posed in the current study title and abstract seems a little convoluted (why would you expect a behavioral measure to reflect cochlear mechanics more accurately than a cochlear-based emissions measure?). A more intuitive (and likely more interesting) way of framing the question would be "What is the neural/mechanical source of a behaviorally observed acoustic fovea?" Unfortunately, this question does not lend itself to being answered in the budgerigar, as that 'fovea' turns out to be just the turning point at the end of the hearing range. There is probably a reason why no other study has referred to this as an acoustic fovea in the budgerigar.

      Overall, a safe interpretation of the data is that hearing starts to change (and becomes harder to measure) at the very upper frequency edge, and not just in budgerigars. Thus, it is difficult to draw any clear conclusions from the current work, other than that the relations between ANTC and SFOAEs estimates of tuning are consistent in budgerigar, as they are in most (all?) other species that have been tested so far.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors tested:

      (1) Whether mice learn that they are more/less likely to receive an aversive air puff outcome at different corners of a square-shaped open field apparatus, under 75%/25% probabilistic contingencies;

      (2) Whether stimulating basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and terminals in the prefrontal cortex affects learning in this context; and

      (3) Whether stimulating cholinergic neurons affects prefrontal cortical single neuron calcium signaling about outcome expectations during learning and contingency changes. They found that mice that received cholinergic stimulation approached high and low aversive outcome probability sites at similar velocities, while control mice approached high probability sites slower, suggesting that cholinergic stimulation impaired learning. Cholinergic stimulation reduced cortical neuron calcium activity during trials on the high-probability corner when the outcome was not delivered. The authors provide additional characterization of cellular responses during delivery/omission trials in high/low probability corners, using running speed as a proxy for low versus high expectations. The study will likely be of interest to those who are interested in prediction and error signaling in the cortex; however, the task and analyses do not permit very easy or clear dissociation of prediction versus prediction error signaling and place field versus place field-expectation multiplexing. The study has several strengths but some weaknesses, which are discussed below.


      It is clear the authors were very careful and did a great job with their image processing and segmentation procedures. The details in the methods are appreciated, as are the supplemental descriptive statistics on cell counts.

      There are careful experimental controls - for example, the authors showed that the effects of cholinergic stimulation with air puff present are greater than without it, thus ruling out effects of stimulation on cellular physiology that were independent of learning or the task.

      The addition of a channelrhodopsin stimulation group is helpful to show that the effects are robust and not wavelength/opsin-specific.

      The prefrontal cortex cholinergic terminal stimulation experiment is a great addition. It shows that the behavioral effects of cell body stimulation, which was used in the imaging experiments, are similar to cortical terminal stimulation, where the imaging was performed.


      The analyses were a bit difficult to follow and therefore it is difficult to determine whether the cells are signaling predictions versus prediction errors - a very important distinction.

      The task does not fully dissociate place field coding, since learning about the different probabilities necessarily took place at different areas in the apparatus. Some additional analyses could help address this.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors study a panel of sparsely labeled neuronal lines in Drosophila that each form multiple synapses. Critically, each axonal branch can be injured without affecting the others, allowing the authors to differentiate between injuries that affect all axonal branches versus those that do not, creating spared branches. Axonal injuries are known to cause Wnd (mammalian DLK)-dependent retrograde signals to the cell body, culminating in a transcriptional response. This work identifies a fascinating new phenomenon that this injury response is not all-or-none. If even a single branch remains uninjured, the injury signal is not activated in the cell body. The authors rule out that this could be due to changes in the abundance of Wnd (perhaps if incrementally activated at each injured branch) by Wnd, Hiw's known negative regulator. Thus there is both a yet-undiscovered mechanism to regulate Wnd signaling, and more broadly a mechanism by which the neuron can integrate the degree of injury it has sustained. It will now be important to tease apart the mechanism(s) of this fascinating phenomenon. But even absent a clear mechanism, this is a new biology that will inform the interpretation of injury signaling studies across species.


      (1) A conceptually beautiful series of experiments that reveal a fascinating new phenomenon is described, with clear implications (as the authors discuss in their Discussion) for injury signaling in mammals.

      (2) Suggests a new mode of Wnd regulation, independent of Hiw.


      (1) The use of a somatic transcriptional reporter for Wnd activity is powerful, however, the reporter indicates whether the transcriptional response was activated, not whether the injury signal was received. It remains possible that Wnd is still activated in the case of a spared branch, but that this activation is either local within the axons (impossible to determine in the absence of a local reporter) or that the retrograde signal was indeed generated but it was somehow insufficient to activate transcription when it entered the cell body. This is more of a mechanistic detail and should not detract from the overall importance of the study

      (2) That the protective effect of a spared branch is independent of Hiw, the known negative regulator of Wnd, is fascinating. But this leaves open a key question: what is the signal?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, Hallacy et al. used a compressed sensing-based optogenetic screening method to investigate the crucial neurons that regulate pathogenic avoidance behavior in C. elegans. They further substantiate their findings using complementary optogenetic activation and imaging techniques to confirm the roles of the key neurons identified through extensive screening efforts. Notably, they identified AIY and SIA as pivotal neurons in the dynamic process of pathogenic avoidance. Their significant discovery is the delayed or stalled reentry process, which drives avoidance behavior; to my knowledge, this dynamic has not been previously documented. Additionally, the successful integration of quantitative optogenetic tools and compressed sensing algorithms is noteworthy, demonstrating the potential for obtaining highly quantitative data from the C. elegans nervous system. This approach is quite rare in this field, yet it represents a promising direction for studying this simple nervous system.

      However, the paper's main weakness lies in its lack of a detailed mechanism explaining how the delayed reentry process directly influences the actual locomotor output that results in avoidance. The term 'delayed reentry' is used as a dynamic metric for quantifying the screening, yet the causal link between this metric and the mechanistic output remains unclear. Despite this, the study is well-structured, with comprehensive control experiments, and is very well constructed.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have addressed all my concerns and suggestions. They particularly further clarified the AIY's role in navigation by providing a new figure. They also provided supplementary videos representing the re-entry process.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript explores in zebrafish the impact of genetic manipulation of individual microexons and two regulators of microexon inclusion (Srrm3 and Srrm4). The authors compare molecular, anatomical, and behavioral phenotypes in larvae and juvenile fish. The authors test the hypothesis that phenotypes resulting from Srrm3 and 4 mutations might in part be attributable to individual microexon deletions in target genes.

      The authors uncover substantial alterations in in vitro neurite growth, locomotion, and social behavior in Srrm mutants but not any of the individual microexon deletion mutants. The individual mutations are accompanied by broader transcript level changes which may resemble compensatory changes. Ultimately, the authors conclude that the severe Srrm3/4 phenotypes result from additive and/or synergistic effects due to the de-regulation of multiple microexons.


      The work is carefully planned, well-described, and beautifully displayed in clear, intuitive figures. The overall scope is extensive with a large number of individual mutant strains examined. The analysis bridges from molecular to anatomical and behavioral read-outs. Analysis appears rigorous and most conclusions are well-supported by the data.

      Overall, addressing the function of microexons in an in vivo system is an important and timely question.


      The main weakness of the work is the interpretation of the social behavior phenotypes in the Srrm mutants. It is difficult to conclude that the mutations indeed impact social behavior rather than sensory processing and/or vision which precipitates apparent social alterations as a secondary consequence. Interpreting the phenotypes as "autism-like" is not supported by the data presented.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors of this manuscript aim to investigate the formation of place fields (PFs) in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. They focus on the role of behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity (BTSP), a mechanism proposed to be crucial for the formation of new PFs. Using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging in head-restrained mice navigating virtual environments, employing a classification method based on calcium activity to categorize the formation of place cells' place fields into BTSP, non-BTSP-like, and investigated their properties.


      A new method to use calcium imaging to separate BTSP and non-BTSP place field formation. This work offers new methods and factual evidence for other researchers in the field.

      The method enabled the authors to reveal that while many PFs are formed by BTSP-like events, a significant number of PFs emerge with calcium dynamics that do not match BTSP characteristics, suggesting a diversity of mechanisms underlying PF formation. The characteristics of place fields under the first two categories are comprehensively described, including aspects such as formation timing, quantity, and width.


      There are some issues about data and statistics that need to be addressed before these research findings can be considered as rigorous conclusions.

      While the authors mentioned 3 features of PF generated by BTSP during calcium imaging in the Introduction, the classification method used features 1 and 2. The confirmation by feature 3 in its current form is important but not strong enough.

      Some key data is missing such as the excluded PFs, the BTSP/non-BTSP of each animal, etc


      This work is likely to provide a new method to classify BTSP and non-BTSP place field formation using calsium image to the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study investigates whether individuals can learn to adopt egalitarian norms that incur a personal monetary cost, such as rejecting offers that benefit them more than the giver (advantageous inequitable offers). While these behaviors are uncommon, two experiments demonstrate that individuals can learn to reject such offers through vicarious learning - by observing and acting in line with a "teacher" who follows these norms. The authors use computational modelling to argue that learners adopt these norms through a sophisticated process, inferring the latent structure of the teacher's preferences, akin to theory of mind.


      This paper is well-written and tackles a critical topic relevant to social norms, morality, and justice. The findings, which show that individuals can adopt just and fair norms even at a personal cost, are promising. The study is well-situated in the literature, with clever experimental design and a computational approach that may offer insights into latent cognitive processes. Findings have potential implications for policymakers.


      Note: in the text below, the "teacher" will refer to the agent from which a participant presumably receives feedback during the learning phase.

      (1) Focus on Disadvantageous Inequity (DI): A significant portion of the paper focuses on responses to Disadvantageous Inequitable (DI) offers, which is confusing given the study's primary aim is to examine learning in response to Advantageous Inequitable (AI) offers. The inclusion of DI offers is not well-justified and distracts from the main focus. Furthermore, the experimental design seems, in principle, inadequate to test for the learning effects of DI offers. Because both teaching regimes considered were identical for DI offers the paradigm lacks a control condition to test for learning effects related to these offers. I can't see how an increase in rejection of DI offers (e.g., between baseline and generalization) can be interpreted as speaking to learning. There are various other potential reasons for an increase in rejection of DI offers even if individuals learn nothing from learning (e.g. if envy builds up during the experiment as one encounters more instances of disadvantageous fairness).

      (2) Statistical Analysis: The analysis of the learning effects of AI offers is not fully convincing. The authors analyse changes in rejection rates within each learning condition rather than directly comparing the two. Finding a significant effect in one condition but not the other does not demonstrate that the learning regime is driving the effect. A direct comparison between conditions is necessary for establishing that there is a causal role for the learning regime.

      (3) Correlation Between Learning and Contagion Effects:<br /> The authors argue that correlations between learning effects (changes in rejection rates during the learning phase) and contagion effects (changes between the generalization and baseline phases) support the idea that individuals who are better aligning their preferences with the teacher also give more consideration to the teacher's preferences later during generalization phase. This interpretation is not convincing. Such correlations could emerge even in the absence of learning, driven by temporal trends like increasing guilt or envy (or even by slow temporal fluctuations in these processes) on behalf of self or others. The reason is that the baseline phase is temporally closer to the beginning of the learning phase whereas the generalization phase is temporally closer to the end of the learning phase. Additionally, the interpretation of these effects seems flawed, as changes in rejection rates do not necessarily indicate closer alignment with the teacher's preferences. For example, if the teacher rejects an offer 75% of the time then a positive 5% learning effect may imply better matching the teacher if it reflects an increase in rejection rate from 65% to 70%, but it implies divergence from the teacher if it reflects an increase from 85% to 90%. For similar reasons, it is not clear that the contagion effects reflect how much a teacher's preferences are taken into account during generalization.

      (4) Modeling Efforts: The modelling approach is underdeveloped. The identification of the "best model" lacks transparency, as no model-recovery results are provided, and fits for the losing models are not shown, leaving readers in the dark about where these models fail. Moreover, the reinforcement learning (RL) models used are overly simplistic, treating actions as independent when they are likely inversely related (for example, the feedback that the teacher would have rejected an offer provides feedback that rejection is "correct" but also that acceptance is "an error", and the later is not incorporated into the modelling). It is unclear if and to what extent this limits current RL formulations. There are also potentially important missing details about the models. Can the authors justify/explain the reasoning behind including these variants they consider? What are the initial Q-values? If these are not free parameters what are their values?

      (5) Conceptual Leap in Modeling Interpretation: The distinction between simple RL models and preference-inference models seems to hinge on the ability to generalize learning from one offer to another. Whereas in the RL models learning occurs independently for each offer (hence to cross-offer generalization), preference inference allows for generalization between different offers. However, the paper does not explore RL models that allow generalization based on the similarity of features of the offers (e.g., payment for the receiver, payment for the offer-giver, who benefits more). Such models are more parsimonious and could explain the results without invoking a theory of mind or any modelling of the teacher. In such model versions, a learner learns a functional form that allows to predict the teacher's feedback based on said offer features (e.g., linear or quadratic form). Because feedback for an offer modulates the parameters of this function (feature weights) generalization occurs without necessarily evoking any sophisticated model of the other person. This leaves open the possibility that RL models could perform just as well or even show superiority over the preference learning model, casting doubt on the authors' conclusions. Of note: even the behaviourists knew that as Little Albert was taught to fear rats, this fear generalized to rabbits. This could occur simply because rabbits are somewhat similar to rats. But this doesn't mean little Alfred had a sophisticated model of animals he used to infer how they behave.

      (6) Limitations of the Preference-Inference Model: The preference-inference model struggles to capture key aspects of the data, such as the increase in rejection rates for 70:30 DI offers during the learning phase (e.g. Figure 3A, AI+DI blue group). This is puzzling.

      Thinking about this I realized the model makes quite strong unintuitive predictions that are not examined. For example, if a subject begins the learning phase rejecting the 70:30 offer more than 50% of the time (meaning the starting guilt parameter is higher than 1.5), then overleaning the tendency to reject will decrease to below 50% (the guilt parameter will be pulled down below 1.5). This is despite the fact the teacher rejects 75% of the offers. In other words, as learning continues learners will diverge from the teacher. On the other hand, if a participant begins learning to tend to accept this offer (guilt < 1.5) then during learning they can increase their rejection rate but never above 50%. Thus one can never fully converge on the teacher. I think this relates to the model's failure in accounting for the pattern mentioned above. I wonder if individuals actually abide by these strict predictions. In any case, these issues raise questions about the validity of the model as a representation of how individuals learn to align with a teacher's preferences (given that the model doesn't really allow for such an alignment).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors examine the ability of the human visual system to adapt to optically induced phase shifts. The study shows clear adaptation to the relative phase created by exposure to vertical coma. The study assesses the impact of adaptation to the coma on the perceived relative phase of f and 3f compound gratings. It is observed that during the first couple of minutes of a 1-hour exposure to induced vertical coma, the apparent relative locations of the f and 3f shifted in the opposite direction to that induced by the coma, a classic adaptation effect. This result highlights a neural mechanism by which flawed information is used to create seemingly accurate perceptions of the visual environment.


      Sophisticated and rigorous optical and psychophysical methods, and a clear research question. The manuscript is well-written and the data quality is very high. The authors are to be congratulated on this challenging and complex optics and psychophysics study.


      Some more details on the phase and amplitude consequences of the induced coma would add value to the reader.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this present Mendelian randomization-phenome-wide association study, the authors found BMI to be positively associated with many health-related conditions, such as heart disease, heart failure, and hypertensive heart disease. They also found sex differences in some traits such as cancer, psychological disorders, and ApoB.


      The use of the UK-biobank study with detailed phenotype and genotype information.


      Previous studies have performed this analysis using the same cohort, with in-depth analysis. See this paper: Searching for the causal effects of body mass index in over 300,000 participants in UK Biobank, using Mendelian randomization. https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1007951

      I believe that the authors' claim, "To our knowledge, no sex-specific PheWAS has investigated the effects of BMI on health outcomes," is not well supported. They have not cited a relevant paper that conducted both overall and sex-stratified PheWAS using UK Biobank data with a detailed analysis. Given the prior study linked above, I am uncertain about the additional contributions of the present research.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Banse et al. experimentally validate the power of computational approaches that predict anti-aging molecules using the multi-species approach of the Caenorhabditis Intervention Testing Program (CITP). Filtering candidate molecules based on transcriptional profiles, ML models, literature searches, and the DrugAge database, they selected 16 compounds for testing. Of those, eight did not affect C.elegan's lifespan, three shortened it, and five extended C.elegan's lifespan, resulting in a hit rate of over 30%. Of those five, they then focused on all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), a compound that has previously resulted in contradictory effects. The lifespan-extending effect of atRA was consistent in all C. elegans strains tested, was absent in C. briggsae, and a small effect was observed in some C. tropicalis strains. Similar results were obtained for measures of healthspan. The authors then investigated the mechanism of action of atRA and showed that it was only partially dependent on daf-16 but required akt-1, akt-2, skn-1, hsf-1, and, to some degree, pmk-1. The authors further investigate the downstream effects of atRA exposure by conducting RNAseq experiments in both wild-type and mutant animals to show that some, but surprisingly few, of the gene expression changes that are observed in wild-type animals are lost in the hsf-1 and aak-2 mutants.


      Overall, this study is well conceived and executed as it investigates the effect of atRA across different concentrations, strains, and species, including life and health span. Revealing the variability between sites, assays, and the method used is a powerful aspect of this study. It will do a lot to dispel the nonsensical illusion that we can determine a percent increase in lifespan to the precision of two floating point numbers.

      An interesting and potentially important implication arises from this study. The computational selection of compounds was agnostic regarding strain or species differences and was predominantly based on observations made in mammalian systems. The hit rate calculated is based on the results of C. elegans and not on the molecules' effectiveness in Briggsae or Tropicalis. If it were, the hit rate would be much lower. How is that? It would suggest that ML models and transcriptional data obtained from mammals have a higher predictive value for C. elegans than for the other two species. This selectivity for C.elegans over C.tropicalis and C.Briggsae seems both puzzling and unexpected. The predictions for longevity were based on the transcriptional data in cell lines. Would it be feasible to compare the mammalian data to the transcriptional data in Figure 5 and see how well they match? While this is clear beyond the focus of this study, an implied prediction is that running RNAseqs for all these strains exposed to atRA would reveal that the transcriptional changes observed in the strains where it extends lifespan the most should match the mammalian data best. Otherwise, how could the mammalian datasets be used to predict the effects of C.elegans over C.Briggsae or C.Tropicalis have more predictive for one species than the other? There are a lot of IFs in this prediction, but such an experiment would reconsider and validate the basis on which the original predictions were made.


      Many of the most upregulated genes, such as cyps and pgps are xenobiotic response genes upregulated in many transcriptional datasets from C.elegans drug studies. Their expression might be necessary to deal with atRA breakdown metabolites to prevent toxicity rather than confer longevity. Because atRA is very light sensitive and has toxicity of breakdown, metabolites may explain some of the differences observed with the lifespan of machine effects compared to standard assay practices.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This paper presents an interesting and fresh approach as it investigates whether female moths utilize plant-emitted ultrasounds, particularly those associated with dehydration stress, in their egg-laying decision-making process.

      Female moths showed a preference for moist, fresh plants over dehydrated ones in experiments using actual plants. Additionally, when both plants were fresh but ultrasonic sounds specific to dehydrated plants were presented from one side, the moths chose the silent plant. However, in experiments without plants, contrary to the hypothesis derived from the above results, the moths preferred to oviposit near ultrasonic playback mimicking the sounds of dehydrated plants. 

      The results are intriguing, and I think the experiments are very well designed. However, if female moths use the sounds emitted by dehydrated plants as cues to decide where to oviposit, the hypothesis would predict that they would avoid such sounds. The discussion mentions the possibility of a multi-modal moth decision-making process to explain these contradictory results, and I also believe this is a strong possibility. However, since this remains speculative, careful consideration is needed regarding how to interpret the findings based solely on the direct results presented in the results section.

      Additionally, the final results describing differences in olfactory responses to drying and hydrated plants are included, but the corresponding figures are placed in the supplementary materials. Given this, I would suggest reconsidering how to best present the hypotheses and clarify the overarching message of the results. This might involve reordering the results or re-evaluating which data should appear in the main text versus the supplementary materials.

      There were also areas where more detailed explanations of the experimental methods would be beneficial.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript proposes that primary hepatocytes can replicate their DNA without the six-subunit ORC. This follows previous studies that examined mice that did not express ORC1 in the liver. In this study, the authors suppressed expression of ORC2 or ORC1 plus ORC2 in the liver.


      (1) I find the conclusion of the authors somewhat hard to accept. Biochemically, ORC without the ORC1 or ORC2 subunits cannot load the MCM helicase on DNA. The question arises whether the deletion in the ORC1 and ORC2 genes by Cre is not very tight, allowing some cells to replicate their DNA and allow the liver to develop, or whether the replication of DNA proceeds via non-canonical mechanisms, such as break-induced replication. The increase in the number of polyploid cells in the mice expressing Cre supports the first mechanism, because it is consistent with few cells retaining the capacity to replicate their DNA, at least for some time during development.

      (2) Fig 1H shows that 5 days post infection, there is no visible expression of ORC2 in MEFs with the ORC2 flox allele. However, at 15 days post infection, some ORC2 is visible. The authors suggest that a small number of cells that retained expression of ORC2 were selected over the cells not expressing ORC2. Could a similar scenario also happen in vivo?

      (3) Figs 2E-G shows decreased body weight, decreased liver weight and decreased liver to body weight in mice with recombination of the ORC2 flox allele. This means that DNA replication is compromised in the ALB-ORC2f/f mice.

      (4) Figs 2I-K do not report the number of hepatocytes, but the percent of hepatocytes with different nuclear sizes. I suspect that the number of hepatocytes is lower in the ALB-ORC2f/f mice than in the ORC2f/f mice. Can the authors report the actual numbers?

      (5) Figs 3B-G do not report the number of nuclei, but percentages, which are plotted separately for the ORC2-f/f and ALB-ORC2-f/f mice. Can the authors report the actual numbers?

      (6) Fig 5 shows the response of ORC2f/f and ALB-ORC2f/f mice after partial hepatectomy. The percent of EdU+ nuclei in the ORC2-f/f (aka ALB-CRE-/-) mice in Fig 5H seems low. Based on other publications in the field it should be about 20-30%. Why is it so low here? The very low nuclear density in the ALB-ORC2-f/f mice (Fig 5F) and the large nuclei (Fig 5I) could indicate that cells fire too few origins, proceed through S phase very slowly and fail to divide.

      (7) Fig 6F shows that ALB-ORC1f/f-ORC2f/f mice have very severe phenotypes in terms of body weight and liver weight (about on third of wild-type!!). Fig 6H and 6I, the actual numbers should be presented, not percentages. The fact that there are EYFP negative cells, implies that CRE was not expressed in all hepatocytes.

      (8) Comparing the EdU+ cells in Fig 7G versus 5G shows very different number of EdU+ cells in the control animals. This means that one of these images is not representative. The higher fraction of EdU+ cells in the double-knockout could mean that the hepatocytes in the double-knockout take longer to complete DNA replication than the control hepatocytes. The control hepatocytes may have already completed DNA replication, which can explain why the fraction of EdU+ cells is so low in the controls. The authors may need to study mice at earlier time points after partial hepatectomy, i.e. sacrifice the mice at 30-32 hours, instead of 40-52 hours.

      (9) Regarding the calculation of the number of cell divisions during development: the authors assume that all the hepatocytes in the adult liver are derived from hepatoblasts that express Alb. Is it possible to exclude the possibility that pre-hepatoblast cells that do not express Alb give rise to hepatocytes? For example the cells that give rise to hepatoblasts may proliferate more times than normal giving rise to a higher number of hepatoblasts than in wild-type mice.

      (10) My interpretation of the data is that not all hepatocytes have the ORC1 and ORC2 genes deleted (eg EYFP-negative cells) and that these cells allow some proliferation in the livers of these mice.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Peng et al. present a study using scRNA-seq to examine phenotypic properties of cervical cancer, contrasting features of both adenocarcinomas (ADC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and HPV-positive and negative tumours. They propose several key findings: unique malignant phenotypes in ADC with elevated stemness and aggressive features, interactions of these populations with immune cells to promote an immunosuppressive TME, and SLC26A3 as a biomarker for metastatic (>=Stage III ) tumours.


      This study provides a valuable resource of scRNA-seq data from a well-curated collection of patient samples. The analysis provides a high-level view of the cellular composition of cervical cancers. The authors introduce some mechanistic explanations of immunosuppression and the involvement of regulatory T cells that is intriguing.


      I believe many of the proposed conclusions are over-interpretations or unwarranted generalizations of the single-cell analysis. I believe there may also be some artifacts in the data that may not reflect true biology--eg. The presentation of KRT+ neutrophils, which may reflect doublets with cancer cells. In some cases there is mention of quality control steps to remove contaminant cell clusters, but there is no method or supplemental figure to describe and/or justify these steps.

      The key limitation is related to the "ADC-specific" Epi_10_CYSTM1 cluster, which is a central focus of the paper. This population only contains cells from one of the 11 ADC samples and represents only a small fraction of the malignant cells from that sample. Yet, this population is used to derive SLC26A3 as a potential biomarker. SLC26A3 transcripts are only detected in this small population of cells (none of the other ADC samples), which makes me question the specificity of the IHC staining on the validation cohort. The manuscript does not address why this marker is so rare in the scRNA-seq data, but abundant in the IHC.

      While I understand it may be out of the scope of this individual study, many of the conclusions are inferred from the data analysis with little follow-up in experimental models or orthogonal assays.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript, Yu et al reported a two-sample Mendelian randomization study to evaluate the causation between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and cerebral aneurysm, based on summary statistics from published genome-wide association studies. The authors identified that omega-3 fatty acids and Docosahexaenoic acid decreased the risk for intracranial aneurysm (IA) and aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). COLOC analysis suggested that the acids and IA, aSAH likely share causal variants in gene fatty acid desaturase 2.


      The methodology is sound, with appropriate sensitivity analysis.


      The results did not provide significant novel findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Ziółkowska et al. characterize the synaptic mechanisms at the basis of the RE-dCA1 contribution to the consolidation of fear memory extinction. In particular, they describe a layer specific modulation of RE-dCA1 excitatory synapses modulation associated to contextual fear extinction which is impaired by transient chemogenetic inhibition of this pathway. These results indicate that RE activity-mediated modulation of synaptic morphology contributes to contextual fear extinction


      The manuscript is well conceived, the statistical analysis is solid and methodology appropriate. The strength of this work is that it nicely builds up on existing literature and provides new molecular insight on a thalamo-hippocampal circuit previously known for its role in fear extinction. In addition, the quantification of pre- and post-synapses is particularly thorough.


      The results illustrated in this manuscript show nice incremental evidence about the neural mechanisms contributing to the RE-CA1 modulation of fear extinction. The novelty of this manuscript is therefore not exceptional, but still highly relevant for the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript introduced a volumetric trans-scale imaging system with an ultra-large field-of-view (FOV) that enables simultaneous observation of millions of cellular dynamics in centimeter-wide 3D tissues and embryos. In term of technique, this paper is just a minor improvement of the authors' previous work, which is a fluorescence imaging system working at visible wavelength region (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95930-7).


      In this study, the authors enhanced the system's resolution and sensitivity by increasing the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. Furthermore, they achieved volumetric imaging by integrating optical sectioning and computational sectioning. This study encompasses a broad range of biological applications, including imaging and analysis on organoids, mouse brains, and quail embryos, respectively. Overall, this method is useful and versatile.


      What is the unique application that only can be done by this high-throughput system remains vague. Meanwhile, there are also several outstanding issues in this paper, such as the lack of technical advances, unclear method details and non-standardized figures.

      Comments on revisions:

      The revised manuscript has significantly improved in response to the initial review comments, particularly with the detailed additions regarding the objective lens and confocal imaging modes, which enhance the clarity and comprehensibility of the paper. While the structure and arguments are much clearer overall, there are still key issues that need to be addressed, specifically regarding algorithm validation, computational sectioning presentation, and volume imaging rate.

      Algorithm Validation:<br /> The validation of the algorithm's accuracy is not sufficiently robust. Reviewer 1's comment is entirely reasonable, and the authors should validate the algorithm's accuracy using well-established methods as ground truth. In the revised version, the authors attempt to demonstrate the fidelity of the algorithm by employing deep learning methods for high-accuracy cell recognition. However, this validation relies solely on comparisons between deep learning results and manual annotation results. The problem lies in the fact that both manual annotations and deep learning outcomes are derived from algorithm-processed data, which fails to prove the authenticity or validity of the data itself. To strengthen the validation, the authors should incorporate independent, gold-standard methods for comparison.

      Computational Sectioning:<br /> In the revised manuscript, the authors effectively demonstrate the ability of optical sectioning to improve axial resolution using fluorescent beads, as shown in Fig. S3, which is a strong point. However, the manuscript lacks a direct comparison for computational sectioning and does not provide a clear evaluation of axial resolution before and after applying computational sectioning. While some related information is included in Figs. 5.C and D, the details are insufficient, and intensity profiles are absent. I recommend that the authors include more direct visual demonstrations of computational sectioning, along with comparisons of axial resolution before and after applying computational sectioning. This would better showcase the method's effectiveness.

      Volume Imaging Rate:<br /> The manuscript currently omits critical details about the method's volume imaging rate. In the description of the quail embryo imaging experiment, key parameters such as exposure time and imaging speed are missing. Additionally, the manuscript does not discuss the maximum imaging rate supported by the system in confocal mode. The volume imaging rate is an essential factor for biological researchers to evaluate the applicability of the technique. Therefore, this information should be included, ideally in the abstract and introduction. Furthermore, the authors could describe how the volume imaging rate performs under different conditions and discuss its potential applications across various biological research contexts. Including such details would significantly enhance the paper's utility and appeal to the broader research community.

      These adjustments will further strengthen the manuscript and address the reviewers' concerns effectively.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors evaluate spectral changes in electroencephalography (EEG) data as a function of the congruency of audio and visual information associated with biological motion (BM) or non-biological motion. The results show supra-additive power gains in the neural response to gait dynamics, with trials in which audio and visual information was presented simultaneously producing higher average amplitude than the combined average power for auditory and visual conditions alone. Further analyses suggest that such supra-additivity is specific to BM and emerges from temporoparietal areas. The authors also find that the BM-specific supra-additivity is negatively correlated with autism traits.


      The manuscript is well-written, with a concise and clear writing style. The visual presentation is largely clear. The study involves multiple experiments with different participant groups. Each experiment involves specific considered changes to the experimental paradigm that both replicate the previous experiment's finding yet extend it in a relevant manner.


      In the revised version of the paper, the manuscript better relays the results and anticipates analyses, and this version adequately resolves some concerns I had about analysis details. Still, it is my view that the findings of the study are basic neural correlate results that do not provide insights into neural mechanisms or the causal relevance of neural effects towards behavior and cognition. The presence of an inversion effect suggests that the supra-additivity is related to cognition, but that leaves open whether any detected neural pattern is actually consequential for multi-sensory integration (i.e., correlation is not causation). In other words, the fact that frequency-specific neural responses to the [audio & visual] condition are stronger than those to [audio] and [visual] combined does not mean this has implications for behavioral performance. While the correlation to autism traits could suggest some relation to behavior and is interesting in its own right, this correlation is a highly indirect way of assessing behavioral relevance. It would be helpful to test the relevance of supra-additive cortical tracking on a behavioral task directly related to the processing of biological motion to justify the claim that inputs are being integrated in the service of behavior. Under either framework, cortical tracking or entrainment, the causal relevance of neural findings toward cognition is lacking.

      Overall, I believe this study finds neural correlates of biological motion, and it is possible that such neural correlates relate to behaviorally relevant neural mechanisms, but based on the current task and associated analyses this has not been shown.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors study temporal summation of caged EPSPs in dendrite-targeting hippocampal CA1 interneurons. The data indicate non-linear summation, which is larger in dendrites of NDNF-expressing neurogliaform cells versus OLM cells. However, the underlying mechanisms are largely unclear.


      Synaptic integration in dendrites of cortical GABAergic interneurons is important and still poorly investigated. Focal 2-photon uncaging of glutamate is a nice and detailed method to study temporal summation of small potentials in dendritic segments. 2P calcium imaging is a powerful method to potentially disentangle dendritic signal processing in interneuron dendrites.


      Due to several experimental limitations of the study including a relatively low number of recorded dendrites, lack of voltage-clamp recordings, lack of NMDA-dependent calcium signals in OLM cells and lack of wash-out during pharmacological experiments (AP5-application), the mechanistic insights are limited.

      (1) NMDA-receptor signalling in NDNF-IN. The authors nicely show that temporal summation in dendrites of NDNF-INs is to a certain extent non-linear. Pharmacology with AP5 hints towards contribution of NMDA receptors. However, the authors report that the non-linearity in not significantly dependent on EPSP amplitude (Fig. S2), which should be the case if NMDA-receptors are involved. Unfortunately, there are no voltage-clamp data showing NMDA and AMPA currents, potentially providing a mechanistic explanation for the non-linear summation.

      (2) Recovery of drug effect. Pharmacological application of AP5 is the only argument for the involvement of NMDA receptors. However, as long-lasting experiments were apparently difficult to obtain, there is no washout-data presented - only drug effect versus baseline. For all the other drugs (TTX, Nimodipine, CPA) recordings were even shorter, lacking a baseline recording. Thus, it remains open to what extent the AP5-effect might be affected by rundown of receptors or channels during whole-cell recordings or beginning phototoxicity.

      (3) Nonlinear EPSP summation in OLM-IN. The authors do similar experiments in dendrite-targeting OLM-INs and show that the non-linear summation is smaller than in NDNF cells. The reason for this remains unclear. The diameter of proximal dendrites in OLM cells is larger than the diameter in NDNF cells. However, there is probably also an important role of synapse density and glutamate receptor density, which was shown to be very low in proximal dendrites of OLM cells and strongly increase with distance (Guirado et al. 2014, Cerebral Cortex 24:3014-24, Gramuntell et al. 2021, Front Aging Neurosci 13:782737). Therefore, it would have been helpful to see experiments quantifying synapse density (counting spines, PSD95-puncta, ...) and show how this density compares with non-linearity in the analyzed NDNF and OLM dendrites.

      (4) NMDA in OLM-IN. Similar to the NDNF cells, the authors argue for an involvement of NMDA receptors in OLM cells, based on bath-application of AP5 (Fig. 8). Again, there seems to be no significant dependence on EPSP amplitude (Fig. S3). Even more remarkable, the authors claim that there is no dendritic calcium increase after activation of NMDA receptors without showing data. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the calcium signals are just below detection threshold, or whether the non-linearity depends on other calcium-impermeable channels and receptors. To understand this phenomenon different calcium sensors, different Ca2+/Mg2+ concentrations or voltage-clamp data would have helped.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      HIV-1 infection induces CPSF6 aggregates in the nucleus that contain the viral protein CA. The study of the functions and composition of these nuclear aggregates have raised considerable interest in the field, and they have emerged as sites in which reverse transcription is completed and in the proximity of which viral DNA becomes integrated. In this work, the authors have mutated several regions of the CPSF6 protein to identify the domains important for nuclear aggregation, in addition to the already-known FG region; they have characterized the kinetics of fusion between CPSF6 aggregates and SC35 nuclear speckles and have determined the role of two nuclear speckle components in this process (SRRM2, SUN2).


      The work examines systematically the domains of CPSF6 of importance for nuclear aggregate formation in an elegant manner in which these mutants complement an otherwise CPSF6-KO cell line. In addition, this work evidences a novel role for the protein SRRM2 in HIV-induced aggregate formation, overall advancing our comprehension of the components required for their formation and regulation.


      Some of the results presented in this manuscript, in particular the kinetics of fusion between CPSF6-aggregates and SC35 speckles have been published before (PMID: 32665593; 32997983).

      The observations of the different effects of CPSF6 mutants, as well as SRRM2/SUN2 silencing experiments are not complemented by infection data which would have linked morphological changes in nuclear aggregates to function during viral infection. More importantly, these functional data could have helped stratify otherwise similar morphological appearances in CPSF6 aggregates.

      Overall, the results could be presented in a more concise and ordered manner to help focus the attention of the reader on the most important issues. Most of the figures extend to 3-4 different pages and some information could be clearly either aggregated or moved to supplementary data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, the authors leverage multiple cellular models including the drosophila fat body and cultured hepatocytes to investigate the metabolic programs governing cell size. By profiling gene programs in the larval fat body during the third instar stage - in which cells cease proliferation and initiate a period of cell growth - the authors uncover a coordinated downregulation of genes involved in mitochondrial pyruvate import and metabolism. Enforced expression of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier restrains cell size, despite active signaling of mTORC1 and other pathways viewed as traditional determinants of cell size. Mechanistically, the authors find that mitochondrial pyruvate import restrains cell size by fueling gluconeogenesis through the combined action of pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Pyruvate conversion to oxaloacetate and use as a gluconeogenic substrate restrains cell growth by siphoning oxaloacetate away from aspartate and other amino acid biosynthesis, revealing a tradeoff between gluconeogenesis and provision of amino acids required to sustain protein biosynthesis. Overall, this manuscript is extremely rigorous, with each point interrogated through a variety of genetic and pharmacologic assays. The major conceptual advance is uncovering the regulation of cell size as a consequence of compartmentalized metabolism, which is dominant even over traditional signaling inputs. The work has implications for understanding cell size control in cell types that engage in gluconeogenesis but more broadly raise the possibility that metabolic tradeoffs determine cell size control in a variety of contexts.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Jaber et al. describe the generation and characterization of a knock-in mouse strain expressing the p53 Y217C hot-spot mutation. While the homozygous mutant cells and mice reflect the typical loss-of-p53 functions, as expected, the Y217C mutation also appears to display gain-of-function (GOF) properties, exemplified by elevated metastasis in the homozygous context (as noted with several hot-spot mutations). Interestingly, this mutation does not appear to exhibit any dominant-negative effects associated with most hot-spot p53 mutations, as determined by the absence of differences in overall survival and tumor predisposition of the heterozygous mice, as well as target gene activation upon nutlin treatment.

      In addition, the authors noted a severe reduction in the female 217/217 homozygous progeny, significantly more than that observed with the p53 null mice, due to exencephaly, leading them to conclude that the Y217C mutation also has additional, non-cancer-related GOFs. Though this property has been well described and attributed to p53 functional impairment, the authors conclude that the Y217C has additional properties in accelerating the phenotype.

      Transcriptomic analyses of thymi found additional gene signature differences between the p53 null and the Y217C strains, indicative of novel target gene activation, associated with inflammation.


      Overall, the characterisation of the mice highlights the expected typical outcomes associated with most hot-spot p53 mutations published earlier. The quality of the work presented is well done and good, and the conclusions and reasonably well justified.


      The manuscript would benefit from the provision of additional data to strengthen the claims made, as follows:

      (1) Oncogenic GOF - the main data shown for GOF are the survival curve and enhanced metastasis. Often, GOF is exemplified at the cellular level as enhanced migration and invasion, which are standard assays to support the GOF. As such, the authors should perform these assays using either tumor cells derived from the mice or transformed fibroblasts from these mice. This will provide important and confirmatory evidence for GOF for Y217C.

      (2) Novel target gene activation - while a set of novel targets appears to be increased in the Y217C cells compared to the p53 null cells, it is unclear how they are induced. The authors should examine if mutant p53 can bind to their promoters through CHIP assays, and, if these targets are specific to Y217C and not the other hot-spot mutations. This will strengthen the validity of the Y217C's ability to promote GOF.

      (3) Dominant negative effect - the authors' claim of lack of DN effect needs to be strengthened further, as most p53 hot-spot mutations do exhibit DN effect. At the minimum, the authors should perform additional treatment with nutlin and gamma irradiation (or cytotoxic/damaging agents) and examine a set of canonical p53 target genes by qRT-PCR to strengthen their claim.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Fang et al., provides a tour-de-force study uncovering cancer cell's varied dependencies on several gene programs for their survival under different biological contexts. The authors addressed genomic differences in 2D vs 3D cultures and how hypoxia affects gene expression. They used a Myc-driven murine liver cancer model grown in 2D monolayer culture in normoxia and hypoxia as well as cells grown as 3D spheroids and performed CRISPR-based genome-wide KO screen to identify genes that play important roles in cell fitness. Some context-specific gene effects were further validated by in-vitro and in-vivo gene KO experiments.


      The key findings in this manuscript are:

      (1) Close to 50% of differentially expressed genes were common between 2D Hypoxia and 3D spheroids conditions but they had differences in chromatin accessibility.<br /> (2) VHL-HIF1a pathway had differential cell fitness outcomes under 2D normoxia vs 2D hypoxia and 3D spheroids.<br /> (3) Individual components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex had contrasting effects on cell fitness under hypoxia.<br /> (4) Knockout of organogenesis or developmental pathway genes led to better cell growth specifically in the context of 3D spheroids and knockout of epigenetic modifiers had varied effects between 2D and 3D conditions.<br /> (5) Another key program that leads to cells fitness outcomes in normoxia vs hypoxia is the lipid and fatty acid metabolism.<br /> (6) Prmt5 is a key essential gene under all growth conditions, but in the context of 3D spheroids even partial loss of Prmt5 has a synthetic lethal effect with Mtap deletion and Mtap is epigenetically silenced specifically in the 3D spheroids.

      Issues to address:

      (1) The authors should clarify the link between the findings of the enrichment of TGFb-SMAD signaling REACTOME pathway to the findings that knocking out TGFb-SMAD pathway leads to better cell fitness outcomes for cells in the 3D growth conditions.

      (2) Supplementary Figure 4C has been cited in the text but doesn't exist in the supplementary figures section.

      (3) A small figure explaining this ABC-Myc driven liver cancer model in Supplementary Figure 1 would be helpful to provide context.

      (4) The method for spheroids formation is not found in the method section.

      (5) In Supplementary Figure 1b, the comparisons should be stated the opposite way - 3D vs 2D normoxia and 2D-Hypoxia vs 2D-Normoxia.

      (6) There are typos in the legend for Supplementary Figure 10.

      (7) Consider putting Supplementary Figure 1b into the main Figure 1.

      (8) Please explain only one timepoint (endpoint) for 3D spheroids was performed for the CRISPR KO screen experiment, while several timepoints were done for 2D conditions? Was this for technical convenience?

      (9) In line 372, it is indicated that Bcor KO (Fig 5e) had growth advantage - this was observed in only one of the gRNA -- same with Kmt2d KO in the same figure where there was an opposite effect. Please justify the use of only one gRNA.

      (10) Why was CRISPR based KO strategy not used for the PRMT5 gene but rather than the use of shRNA.? Note that one of the shRNA for PRMT5 had almost no KO (PRMT5-shRNA2 Figure 7B) but still showed phenotype (Figure 7D) - please explain.

      (11) In Figure 7D, which samples (which shRNA group) were being compared to do the t-test?

      (12) In line 240, it is stated that oxphos gene set is essential for NEJF10 cell survival in both normoxia and hypoxia conditions. But shouldn't oxphos be non-essential in hypoxia as cells move away from oxphos and become glycolytic?

      (13) In line 485 it is mentioned that Pmvk and Mvd genes which are involved in cholesterol synthesis when knocked out had a positive effect on cell growth in 3D conditions and since cholesterol synthesis is essential for cell growth how does this not matter much in the context of 3D - please explain.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Shengsheng Zhao et al. investigated the role of nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 (NOLC1) in relegating gastric cancer (GC) development and cisplatin-induced drug resistance in GC. They found a significant correlation between high NOLC1 expression and the poor prognosis of GC. Meanwhile, upregulation of NOLC1 was associated with cis-resistant GC. Experimentally, the authors demonstrate that knocking down NOLC1 increased GC sensitivity to Cis possibly by regulating ferroptosis. Mechanistically, they found NOLC1 suppressed ferroptosis by blocking the translocation of P53 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and promoting its degradation. In addition, The authors also evaluated the effect of combinational treatment of anti-PD-1 and cisplatin in NOLC1 -knockdown tumor cells, revealing a potential role of NOLC1 in the targeted therapy for GC.


      Chemoresistance is considered a major reason causing failure of tumor treatment and death of cancer patients. This paper explored the role of NOLC1 in the regulation of Cis-mediated resistance, which involves a regulated cell death named ferroptosis. These findings provide more evidence highlighting the study of regulated cell death to overcome drug resistance in cancer treatment, which could give us more potential strategies or targets for combating cancer.


      More evidence supporting the regulation of ferroptosis induced by Cisplatin by NOLC1 should be added. Particularly, the role of ferroptosis in the cisplatin-resistance should be verified and whether NOLC1 regulates ferroptosis induced by additional FINs should be explored. Besides, the experiments to verify the regulation of ferroptosis sensitivity by NOLC1 are sort of superficial. The role of MDM2/p53 in ferroptosis or cisplatin resistance mediated by NOLC1 should be further studied by genetic manipulation of p53, which is the key evidence to confirm its contribution to NOLC1 regulation of GC and relative cell death.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study provides a novel understanding of CoV-host interaction, leading potential therapeutics for SARS-CoV2 infection. Tian et al. identified and demonstrated that the two E3 ligases UBR5 and MARCHF7 both interact with and catalyze the ubiquitination of NSP16 protein of SARS-CoV2, thereby leading to its degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 replication. It is interesting to see that the two E3 ligases perform their functions on the same target independently.


      Overall, the topic and initial discoveries appear interesting. The experimental designs of this study were rigorous and logical, most of the work has been carefully done, and the conclusions drawn from this study are relatively convincing and reliable.


      The quality of the presentation could be improved with better organization, a more conservative interpretation of the data, and further clarity in the writing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors conducted a study to evaluate the potential of circulating HPV cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a biomarker for monitoring recurrent or metastatic HPV+ cervical cancer. They analyzed serum samples from 28 patients, measuring HPV cfDNA levels via digital droplet PCR and comparing these to squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC-Ag) levels in 26 SCC patients, while also testing the association between HPV cfDNA levels and clinical outcomes. The main hypothesis that the authors set out to test was whether circulating HPV cfDNA levels correlated with metastatic patterns and/or treatment response in HPV+ CC.

      The main claims put forward by the paper are that:

      (1) HPV cfDNA was detected in all 28 CC patients enrolled in the study and levels of HPV cfDNA varied over a median 2-month monitoring period.<br /> (2) 'Median baseline' HPV cfDNA varied according to 'metastatic pattern' in individual patients.<br /> (3) Positivity rate for HPV cfDNA was more consistent than SCC-Ag.<br /> (4) In 20 SCC patients monitored longitudinally, concordance with changes in disease status was 90% for HPV cfDNA.

      This study highlights HPV cfDNA as a promising biomarker with advantages over SCC-Ag, underscoring its potential for real-time disease surveillance and individualized treatment guidance in HPV-associated cervical cancer.


      This study presents valuable insights into HPV+ cervical cancer with potential translational significance for management and guiding therapeutic strategies. The focus on a non-invasive approach is particularly relevant for women's cancers, and the study exemplifies the promising role of HPV cfDNA as a biomarker that could aid personalized treatment strategies.


      While the authors acknowledge the study's small cohort and variability in sequential sampling protocols as a limitation, several revisions should be made to ensure that (1) the findings are presented in a way that aligns more closely with the data without overstatement and (2) that the statistical support for these findings is made more clear. Specific suggestions are outlined below.

      (1) The authors should provide source data for Figures 2, 3, and 4 as supplementary material.

      (2) Description of results in Figure 2: Figure 2 would benefit from clearer annotations regarding HPV virus subtypes. For example, does the color-coding in Figure 2B imply that all samples in the LR subgroup are of type HPV16? If that is the case, is it possible that detection variations are due to differences in subtype detection efficiency rather than cfDNA levels? The authors should clarify these aspects. Annotation of Figure 2B suggests that the p-value comes from comparing the LR and LN+H+DSM groups. This should be clarified in the legend. If this p-value comes from comparing HPV cfDNA copies for the (LR, LNM, HM) and (LN+HM, LN+HM+DSM) groups, did the authors carry out post-hoc pairwise comparisons? It would be helpful to include acronyms for these groups in the legend also.

      (3) Interpretation of results in Figure 2 and elsewhere: Significant differences detected in Figure 2B could imply potential associations between HPV cfDNA levels (or subtypes) and recurrence/metastasis patterns. Figure 2C shows that there is a difference in cfDNA levels between the groups compared, suggesting an association but this would not necessarily be a direct "correlation". Overall, interpretation of statistical findings would benefit from more precise language throughout the text and overstatement should be avoided.

      (4) The authors state that six patients showed cfDNA elevation with clinically progressive disease, yet only three are represented in Figure 3B1 under "Patients whose disease progressed during treatment." What is the expected baseline variability in cfDNA for patients? If we look at data from patients with early-stage cancer would we see similar fluctuations? And does the degree of variability vary for different HPV subtypes? Without understanding the normal fluctuations in cfDNA levels, interpreting these changes as progression indicators may be premature.

      (5) It would be helpful if where p-values are given, the test used to derive these values was also stated within parentheses e.g. (P < 0.05, permutation test with Benjamini-Hochberg procedure).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This work presents a self-supervised method for the segmentation of 3D cells in microscopy images, an annotated dataset, as well as a napari plugin. While the napari plugin is potentially useful, there is insufficient evidence in the manuscript to support the claim that the proposed method is able to segment cells in other light-sheet microscopy image datasets than the four specific ones used here.

      I acknowledge that the revision is now more upfront about the scope of this work. However, my main point still stands: even with the slight modifications to the title, this paper suggests to present a general method for self-supervised 3D cell segmentation in light-sheet microscopy data. This claim is simply not backed up.

      I still think the authors should spell out the assumptions that underlie their method early on (cells need to be well separated and clearly distinguishable from background). A subordinate clause like "often in cleared neural tissue" does not serve this purpose. First, it implies that the method is also suitable for non-cleared tissue (which would have to be shown). Second, this statement does not convey the crucial assumptions of well separated cells and clear foreground/background differences that the method is presumably relying on.

      It does appear that the proposed method works very well on the four investigated datasets, compared to other pre-trained or fine-tuned models. However, it still remains unclear whether this is because of the proposed method or the properties of those specific datasets (namely: well isolated cells that are easily distinguished from the background). I disagree with the authors that a comparison to non-learning methods "is unnecessary and beyond the scope of this work". In my opinion, this is exactly what is needed to proof that CellSeg3D's performance can not be matched with simple image processing.

      As I mentioned in the original review, it appears that thresholding followed by connected component analysis already produces competitive segmentations. I am confused about the authors' reply stating that "[this] is not the case, as all the other leading methods we fairly benchmark cannot solve the task without deep learning". The methods against which CellSeg3D is compared are CellPose and StarDist, both are deep-learning based methods. That those methods do not perform well on this dataset does not imply that a simpler method (like thresholding) would not lead to competitive results. Again, I strongly suggest the authors include a simple, non-learning based baseline method in their analysis, e.g.:<br /> * comparison to thresholding (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)<br /> * comparison to a normalized cut segmentation (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)

      Regarding my feedback about the napari plugin, I apologize if I was not clear. The plugin "works" as far as I tested it (i.e., it can be installed and used without errors). However, I was not able to recreate a segmentation on the provided dataset using the plugin alone (see my comments in the original review). I used the current master as available at the time of the original review and default settings in the plugin.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study provides a detailed analysis and dissociation between two effects of activation of lateral inhibitory circuits in the olfactory bulb on ongoing single mitral/tufted cell (MTC) spiking activity, namely enhanced synchronization in the gamma frequency range or lateral inhibition of firing rate.

      The authors use a clever combination of single cell recordings, optogenetics with variable spatial stimulation of MTCs and sensory stimulation in vivo, and established mathematical methods, to describe changes in autocorrelation/synchronization of a single MTC's spiking activity upon activation of other, lateral glomerular MTC ensembles. This assay is rounded off by a gain of function experiment in which the authors enhance granule cell (GC) excitation to establish a causal relation between GC activation and enhanced synchronization of a single MTC's spiking to the gamma rhythm. They had used the same optogenetic manipulation in their previous paper Dalal & Haddad 2022, but use a smaller illumination spot here for spatially restricted activation.


      This study is of high interest for olfactory processing since it shows directly that interactions between only two selected active receptor channels are sufficient to enhance synchronization of single neurons to gamma in one receptor channel and thus by inference most likely in both. Such synchronization across co-active receptor channels in turn would enable upstream neurons in olfactory cortices to read out odour identity.

      The authors find that these interactions are distance-independent over many 100s of µms and thus can allow for non-topographical inhibitory action across the bulb, in contrast to the center-surround lateral inhibition known from other sensory modalities. In my view, analogies between vision and olfaction might have been overemphasized so far, since the combinatorial encoding of olfactory stimuli across the glomerular map might require different mechanisms of lateral interaction versus vision. This result is indicative of such a major difference.

      Such enhanced local synchronization to gamma in one channel was observed in a subset of activated channel pairs; in addition, the authors report another type of lateral interaction that does involve reduction of firing rates, drops off with distance and most likely is caused by a different circuit mediated by PV+ neurons (PVN). The evidence for the latter is more circumstantial since no manipulations of PVNs were performed.

      Weaknesses/Room for improvement

      This study is an impressive proof of concept that however does not yet allow for broad generalization. Thus the framing of results should be slightly more careful IMHO. While the claims in the initial version of this preprint have been toned down quite substantially, the authors do not provide direct hard evidence for synchronization across channels. Admittedly, this would be hard to achieve since it would require paired recordings from MTCs in different locations in vivo. Therefore, the term „lateral synchronization" as it is used in the abstract is still problematic, as well as the title which should rather say „can enable" instead of „enables". That being said, this study definitely provides important evidence regarding the concept of "lateral synchronization".

      The other comments and recommendations have been well taken care of in the new version.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this work, the authors trained RNN to perform a reversal task also performed by animals while PFC activity is recorded. The authors devised a new method to train RNN on this type of reversal task, which in principle ensures that the behavior of the RNN matches the behavior of the animal. They then performed some analysis of neural activity, both RNN and PFC recording, focusing on the neural representation of the reversal probability and its evolution across trials. Given the analysis presented, it has been difficult for me to assess at which point RNN can reasonably be compared to PFC recordings.


      Focusing on a reversal task, the authors address a challenge in RNN training, as they do not use a standard supervised learning procedure where the desired output is available for each trial. They propose a new way of doing that.

      They attempt to confront RNN and neural recordings in behaving animals.


      The design of the task for the RNN does not seem well suited to support the claim of the paper: no action is required to be performed by neurons in the RNN, instead, the choice of the animal is determined by applying a non-linearity to the RNN's readout (equation 7), no intervening behavior is thus performed by neurons on which the analysis is performed throughout the paper. 
Instead, it would have been nice to mimic more closely the task structure of the experiments on monkeys, with a fixation period where the read-out is asked to be at a zero value, and then asked to reach a target value (not just taking its sign), depending on the expected choice after a cue presentation period.

      The comparison between RNN and neural data focuses on very specific features of neural activity. It would have been nice to see how individual units in the RNN behave over the course of the trial, do all units show oscillatory behavior like the readout shown in Figure 1B?

      It would be nice to justify why it has been chosen to take a network of inhibitory neurons and to know whether the analysis can also be performed with excitatory neurons.
 All the analysis relies on the dimensionality reduction. It would have been nice to have some other analysis confirming the claim of the absence of a line attractor in the neural data. Or at least to better characterize this dimensionality reduction procedure, e.g. how much of the variance is explained by this analysis for instance?

      It is thus difficult to grasp, besides the fact that reversal behavior is similar, to what extent the RNN is comparable to PFC functioning and to what extent we learn anything about the latter.

      Other computational works (e.g. [1,2]) have developed procedures to train RNN on reversal-like tasks, it would have been nice to compare the procedure presented here with these other works.

      [1] H Francis Song & Xiao-Jing Wang. Reward-based training of recurrent neural networks for cognitive and value-based tasks. eLife doi:10.7554/elife.21492.001.

      [2] Molano-Mazón, M. et al. Recurrent networks endowed with structural priors explain suboptimal animal behavior. Current Biology 33, 622-638.e7 (2023).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript from Calhoun et al. uses a well-established screening protocol to investigate the functions of microexons in zebrafish neurodevelopment. Microexons have gained prominence recently due to their enriched expression in neural tissues and misregulation in autism spectrum disease. However, screening of microexon functionality has thus far been limited in scope. The authors address this lack of knowledge by establishing zebrafish microexon CRISPR deletion lines for 45 microexons chosen in genes likely to play a role in CNS development. Using their high throughput protocol to test larval behaviour, brain activity, and brain structure, a modest group of 9 deletion lines was revealed to have neurodevelopmental functions, including 2 previously known to be functionally important.


      (1) This work advances the state of knowledge in the microexon field and represents a starting point for future detailed investigations of the function of 7 microexons.

      (2) The phenotypic analysis using high-throughput approaches is sound and provides invaluable data.


      (1) There is not enough information on the exact nature of the deletion for each microexon.

      (2) Only one deletion is phenotypically analysed, leaving space for the phenotype observed to be due to sequence modifications independent of the microexon itself.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Li et al. investigated the potential anti-ageing role of 17α-Estradiol on the hypothalamus of aged rats. To achieve this, they employed a very sophisticated method for single-cell genomic analysis that allowed them to analyze effects on various groups of neurons and non-neuronal cells. They were able to sub-categorize neurons according to their capacity to produce specific neurotransmitters, receptors, or hormones. They found that 17α-Estradiol treatment led to an improvement in several factors related to metabolism and synaptic transmission by bringing the expression levels of many of the genes of these pathways closer or to the same levels to those of young rats, reversing the ageing effect. Interestingly, among all neuronal groups, the proportion of Oxytocin-expressing neurons seems to be the one most significantly changing after treatment with 17α-Estradiol, suggesting an important role of these neurons on mediating its anti-ageing effects. This was also supported by an increase in circulating levels of oxytocin. It was also found that gene expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons was significantly impacted by 17α-Estradiol even though it was not different between aged and young rats, suggesting that these neurons could be responsible for side effects related to this treatment. This article revealed some potential targets that should be further investigated in future studies regarding the role of 17α-Estradiol treatment in aged males.


      • The single nucleus mRNA sequencing is a very powerful method for gene expression analysis and clustering. The supervised clustering of neurons was very helpful in revealing otherwise invisible differences between neuronal groups and helped identify specific neuronal populations as targets.<br /> • There is a variety of functions used that allowed the differential analysis of a very complex type of data. This led to a better comparison between the different groups in many levels.<br /> • There were some physiological parameters measured such as circulating hormone levels that helped the interpretation of the effects of the changes in hypothalamic gene expression.


      • One main control group is missing from the study, the young males treated with 17α-Estradiol.<br /> • Even though the technical approach is a sophisticated one, analyzing the whole rat hypothalamus instead of specific nuclei or subregions makes the study weaker.<br /> • Although the authors claim to have several findings, the data fail to support these claims.<br /> • The study is about improving ageing but no physiological data from the study demonstrated such claim with the exception of the testes histology which was not properly analyzed and was not even significantly different between the groups.<br /> • Overall, the study remains descriptive with no physiological data to demonstrate that any of the effects on hypothalamic gene expression is related to metabolic, synaptic or other function.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors revised part of the manuscript to address some of the reviewers' comments This improved the language and the text flow to a certain extent. They also added an additional analysis including glial cells. However, they failed to address the main weaknesses brought up by the reviewers and did not add any experimental demonstration of their claims on lifespan expansion induced by 17α-estradiol in rats. In addition, they insisted i keeping parts in the discussion that are not directly linked to any of the papers' findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, the authors sought to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying the role of Naa10 in neurodevelopmental disruptions with a focus on its role in the hippocampus. The authors use an impressive array of techniques to identify a chain of events that occurs in the signaling pathway starting from Naa10 acetylating Btbd3 to regulation of F-actin dynamics that are fundamental to neurite outgrowth. They provide convincing evidence that Naa10 acetylates Btbd3, that Btbd3 facilitates CapZb binding to F-actin in a Naa10 acetylation-dependent manner, and that this CapZb binding to F-actin is key to neurite outgrowth. Besides establishing this signaling pathway, the authors contribute novel lists of Naa10 and Btbd3 interacting partners, which will be useful for future investigations into other mechanisms of action of Naa10 or Btbd3 through alternative cell signaling pathways. The evidence presented for an anxiety-like behavioral phenotype as a result of Naa10 dysfunction is mixed and tenuous, and assays for the primary behaviors known to be altered by Naa10 mutations in humans were not tested. As such, behavioral findings and their translational implications should be interpreted with caution. Finally, while not central to the main cell signaling pathway delineated, the characterization of brain region-specific and cell maturity of Naa10 expression patterns was presented in few to single animals and not quantified, and as such should also be interpreted with caution. On a broader level, these findings have implications for neurodevelopment and potentially, although not tested here, synaptic plasticity in adulthood, which means this novel pathway may be fundamental for brain health.

      Summarized list of minor concerns

      (1) The early claims of the manuscript are supported by very small sample sizes (often 1-3) and/or lack of quantification, particularly in Figures S1 and 1.

      (2) Evidence is insufficient for CA1-specific knockdown of Naa10.

      (3) The relationship between the behaviors measured, which centered around mood, and Ogden syndrome, was not clear, and likely other behavioral measures would be more translationally relevant for this study. Furthermore, the evidence for an anxiety-like phenotype was mixed.

      (4) Btbd3 is characterized by the authors as an OCD risk gene, but its status as such is not well supported by the most recent, better-powered genome-wide association studies than the one that originally implicated Btbd3. However, there is evidence that Btbd3 expression, including selectively in the hippocampus, is implicated in OCD-relevant behaviors in mice.

      (5) The reporting of the statistics lacks sufficient detail for the reader to deduce how experimental replicates were defined.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Bisht et al detail a novel interaction between the chaperone, Prefoldin 5, microtubules, and tau-mediated neurodegeneration, with potential relevance for Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Using Drosophila, the study shows that Pfdn5 is a microtubule-associated protein, which regulates tubulin monomer levels and can stabilize microtubule filaments in the axons of peripheral nerves. The work further suggests that Pfdn5/6 may antagonize Tau aggregation and neurotoxicity. While the overall findings may be of interest to those investigating the axonal and synaptic cytoskeleton, the detailed mechanisms for the observed phenotypes remain unresolved and the translational relevance for tauopathy pathogenesis is yet to be established. Further, a number of key controls and important experiments are missing that are needed to fully interpret the findings.

      The strength of this study is the data showing that Pfdn5 localizes to axonal microtubules and the loss-of-function phenotypic analysis revealing disrupted synaptic bouton morphology. The major weakness relates to the experiments and claims of interactions with Tau-mediated neurodegeneration. In particular, it is unclear whether knockdown of Pfdn5 may cause eye phenotypes independent of Tau. Further, the GMR>tau phenotype appears to have been incorrectly utilized to examine age-dependent, neurodegeneration.

      This manuscript argues that its findings may be relevant to thinking about mechanisms and therapies applicable to tauopathies; however, this is premature given that many questions remain about the interactions from Drosophila, the detailed mechanisms remain unresolved, and absent evidence that tau and Pfdn may similarly interact in the mammalian neuronal context. Therefore, this work would be strongly enhanced by experiments in human or murine neuronal culture or supportive evidence from analyses of human data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work addresses an important question of chromosome architecture changes associated with organotopic metastatic traits, showing important trends in genome reorganization. The most important observation is that 3D genome changes consistent with adaptations for new microenvironments, including lung metastatic breast cells exhibiting signatures of the genome architecture typical to a lung cell-like conformation and brain metastatic prostate cancer cells showing compartment shifts toward a brain-like state.


      This work presents interesting original results, which will be important for future studies and biomedical implications of epigenetic regulation in norm and pathology.


      The authors used publicly available data for 15 cell types. They should show how many different sources the data were obtained from and demonstrate that obtained results are consistent if the data from different sources were used.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study by Dorn et al. from Dr. Henrike Scholz's group investigates the function of serotonin signaling in state-dependent feeding control for protein and sugar intake. Using a dominant-negative serotonin transporter to block serotonin reuptake and optogenetics to activate serotoninergic neurons, the authors identified that serotonin released from a small group of Sert3-expressing neurons specifically reduces sucrose consumption of the fed files but not in the starved flies. Conversely, blocking serotonin reuptake in broad serotonergic neurons increases yeast consumption only in starved flies but does not affect fed flies. These results suggest prolonged serotonin signals may suppress sucrose appetite in fed flies while promoting protein intake in starved flies.

      Although the phenotypes presented are intriguing and fundamental to animal fitness, the data in its current form is insufficient to support the proposed mechanisms underlying the state-dependent diet control by serotonin signals. Specifically, the authors should carefully analyze the requirement of serotonin by showing the efficiency of the serotonin reuptake blockade caused by the dominant-negative serotonin and validating the requirement of serotonin in the optogenetic activation of Sert3-expressing neurons. Additionally, the conclusions based on the overexpressed Sert3::gfp transgene should be retrieved as the overexpression affects sucrose consumption. Therefore, I recommend some alternative interpretations and approaches below for authors to verify the current form of conclusions.


      The authors identified the state-dependent diet control for sucrose and yeast intake regulated by a restricted population of serotonin neurons expressing Sert3.


      The data only partially supports most conclusions. Specifically, findings based on the use of the transgene Sert3::GFP lack sufficient rigor, as the authors overlooked potential overexpression effects.

      Major issues

      (1) The authors try to distinguish the motivation to feed on sucrose or protein in fed or starved conditions using "sucrose appetite" and "protein hunger", respectively. However, appetite and hunger should be synonymous in the current context. When specifying protein hunger, readers will expect the craving for protein in the protein-deprived situation. In the current study, starved flies were prepared by starvation on wet tissues so the flies are supposed to be hungry for sugar and protein. To avoid confusion, "sucrose appetite in fed flies" and "protein appetite in starved flies" are better descriptions.

      (2) In Figure 1A-1I (lines 141-142), it remains unclear whether additional serotonergic neurons are required or if the serotonergic neurons labeled exclusively by R50H05-Gal4 and Tph-Gal4 are necessary to regulate yeast consumption in starved flies. The overlapping expressions of these two drivers with the Sert3-Gal4 make it hard to distinguish these two possibilities.

      (3) The data in Figure 1L-1M suggests that the serotonin-dependent regulation in yeast consumption of starved flies is suppressed by sucrose supplementation. However, the neurons required for yeast consumption remain undefined due to the overlapping expression. This result implies that the neurons labeled by R50H05-Gal4 and Tph-Gal4 influence both sucrose and yeast consumption but not specific to yeast.

      (4) The regulatory relationship between insulin receptors and serotonin signaling in sucrose appetite remains unclear. How do the authors interpret the result that both the constitutively active and dominant-negative forms of the insulin receptor (InR) reduce sucrose appetite in Figure 4? One possibility is that insulin receptors are involved in two parallel pathways to regulate sucrose consumption that converge to the same phenotype. However, the insulin receptor (InR) pathways can still be independent of the serotonin signaling pathway despite showing a comparable reduction of sucrose consumption in fed flies. This issue should be discussed further following lines 229-231.

      (5) The quantification of Figure 5 should be revised. First, as the transgene Sert3::GFP affects sucrose consumption, quantifying the transgene signals may not explain its endogenous function. Second, the quantification lacks a Gal4 expression control using an untagged fluorescent marker, preferably a different color so that the authors can quantify it in the same individual as the comparison. Lastly, it is hard to be convinced that the distance between two layers represents the broad expression of Sert3::GFP in response to insulin receptor alterations. Quantifying the area size of each layer with fixed imaging conditions such as the intervals of brain sections and the laser intensity may be a better alternative approach.

      (6) The conclusions drawn based on the Sert3::GFP transgene failed to explain the endogenous function of the serotonin transporter Sert3 in regulating sucrose consumption. Expressing the constitutive-active form of the insulin receptor in Sert3-expressing neurons reduces the total sucrose consumption of fed flies in Figure 4A, which appears inconsistent with the fly line with an additional Sert3::GFP expression shown in Figures 6F, where the suppression of sucrose consumption is not shown for the normalized sucrose intake. This inconsistency suggests that Sert3::GFP transgene itself affects sucrose consumption.

      (7) In lines 324-326, the authors should investigate whether IR60b neurons are indeed the downstream of serotoninergic neurons SE1 to regulate sucrose consumption in fed flies. First, synaptic connections could be confirmed by additional approaches. Following this, the authors could demonstrate that the knockdown of serotonin receptors in IR60b neurons eliminates the suppression in sucrose consumption induced by the activation of Sert3-expressing neurons or by the expression of the dominant-negative serotonin transporter in fed flies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript reports high-resolution functional MRI data and MEG data revealing additional mechanistic information about an established paradigm studying how foveal regions of the primary visual cortex (V1) are involved in processing peripheral visual stimuli. Because of the retinotopic organization of V1, peripheral stimuli should not evoke responses in the regions of V1 that represent stimuli in the center of the visual field (the fovea). However, functional MRI responses in foveal regions do reflect the characteristics of peripheral visual stimuli - this is a surprising finding first reported in 2008. The present study uses fMRI data with sub-millimeter resolution to study how responses at different depths in the foveal gray matter do or don't reflect peripheral object characteristics during 2 different tasks: one in which observers needed to make detailed judgments about object identity, and one in which observers needed to make more coarse judgments about object orientation. FMRI results reveal interesting and informative patterns in these two conditions. A follow-on MEG study yields information about the timing of these responses. Put together, the findings settle some questions in the field and add new information about the nature of visual feedback to V1.


      (1) Rigorous and appropriate use of "laminar fMRI" techniques.

      (2) The introduction does an excellent job of contextualizing the work.

      (3) Control experiments and analyses are designed and implemented well


      (1) While not necessarily a weakness, I do not fully agree with the description of the 2 kinds of feedback information as "low-order" and "high-order". I understand the motivation to do this - orientation is typically considered a low-level visual feature. But when it's the orientation of an entire object, not a single edge, orientation can only be defined after the elements of the object are grouped. Also, the discrimination between spikies and smoothies requires detecting the orientations of particular edges that form the identifying features. To my mind, it would make more sense to refer to discrimination of object orientation as "coarse" feature discrimination, and orientation of object identity as "fine" feature discrimination. Thus, the sentence on line 83, for example, would read "Interestingly, feedback with fine and coarse feature information exhibits different laminar profiles.".

      (2) Figure 2 and text on lines 185, and 186: it is difficult to interpret/understand the findings in foveal ROIs for the foveal control task without knowing how big the ROI was. Foveal regions of V1 are grossly expanded by cortical magnification, such that the central half-degree can occupy several centimeters across the cortical surface. Without information on the spatial extent of the foveal ROI compared to the object size, we can't know whether the ROI included voxels whose population receptive fields were expected to include the edges of the objects.

      (3) Line 143 and ROI section of the methods: in order for the reader to understand how robust the responses and analyses are, voxel counts should be provided for the ROIs that were defined, as well as for the number (fraction) of voxels excluded due to either high beta weights or low signal intensity (lines 505-511).

      (4) I wasn't able to find mention of how multiple-comparisons corrections were performed for either the MEG or fMRI data (except for one Holm-Bonferonni correction in Figure S1), so it's unclear whether the reported p-values are corrected.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript examined the impact of sulcal morphology on reading development. A very specific feature on the ventral surface of the brain was identified, namely the presence of an interruption in the posterior portion of the left occipitotemporal sulcus (pOTS). Compared to children with a continuous pOTS, children with an interruption at age 5 years had better reading ability at age 8. This was a large effect measured in 43 children. Surprisingly, this morphological feature was a better predictor of reading ability than measures of pre-literacy cognitive skills, such as phonological awareness. The effect was tested and reproduced across several different measures of reading ability. The authors hypothesised that the mechanism underlying this benefit related to greater local connectivity, which confers a computational advantage. This was demonstrated using analysis of diffusion-weighted imaging data in 29 of the children obtained at age 8.


      The novelty of the manuscript is threefold: (i) the measure was made in children who were pre-literate (previous work was in older children and adults); (ii) longitudinal brain imaging and behavioural data were analysed; and (iii) diffusion data were analysed to test a hypothesis about the underlying mechanism.

      The manuscript is exceptionally well written. The methods are detailed and easily reproduced. The approach is thoughtful and meticulous. All possible alternatives appear to have been considered. Where possible, further analyses have been done to address these alternatives. For example, the testing of the specificity of the sulcal interruption to left pOTS was an important addition. None predicted reading skills.


      The correlation of the interruption with all kinds of literacy measures and in particular reading comprehension and then PIQ suggest this interruption might confer a more general cognitive advantage rather than specifically a reading one.

      It would be interesting to know if the anatomical difference predicts any other cognitive ability or if there might be any cognitive cost (a negative correlation) of this sulcal interruption.<br /> The location of the interruption in the sulcus is quite variable and in some cases, there is more than one interruption. The sample size is probably not big enough to compare these different patterns or to evaluate the influence of the location of the sulcal interruption.

      The sample is quite high-functioning and the generalisability of the findings outside of this specific population is inevitably limited.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      This paper addresses a long-standing problem in microbiology: the evolution of bacterial cell shape. Bacterial cells can take a range of forms, among the most common being rods and spheres. The consensus view is that rods are the ancestral form and spheres the derived form. The molecular machinery governing these different shapes is fairly well understood but the evolutionary drivers responsible for the transition between rods and spheres is not. Enter Yulo et al.'s work. The authors start by noting that deletion of a highly conserved gene called MreB in the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens reduces fitness but does not kill the cell (as happens in other species like E. coli and B. subtilis) and causes cells to become spherical rather than their normal rod shape. They then ask whether evolution for 1000 generations restores the rod shape of these cells when propagated in a rich, benign medium.

      The answer is no. The evolved lineages recovered fitness by the end of the experiment, growing just as well as the unevolved rod-shaped ancestor, but remained spherical. The authors provide an impressively detailed investigation of the genetic and molecular changes that evolved. Their leading results are:

      (1) the loss of fitness associated with MreB deletion causes high variation in cell volume among sibling cells after cell division;<br /> (2) fitness recovery is largely driven by a single, loss-of-function point mutation that evolves within the first ~250 generations that reduces the variability in cell volume among siblings;<br /> (3) the main route to restoring fitness and reducing variability involves loss of function mutations causing a reduction of TPase and peptidoglycan cross-linking, leading to a disorganized cell wall architecture characteristic of spherical cells.

      The inferences made in this paper are on the whole well supported by the data. The authors provide a uniquely comprehensive account of how a key genetic change leads to gains in fitness and the spectrum of phenotypes that are impacted and provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying models of cell shape.

      Suggested improvements and clarifications include:<br /> (1) A schematic of the molecular interactions governing cell wall formation could be useful in the introduction to help orient readers less familiar with the current state of knowledge and key molecular players;<br /> (2) It remains unclear whether corrections for multiple comparisons are needed when more than one construct or strain is compared to the common ancestor, as in Supp Fig 19A (relative PG density of different constructs versus the SBW25 ancestor). The author's response did not clarify matters: was data for the WT obtained independently alongside each each strain/construct (justifying a paired t-test) or was a single set of data for the WT obtained and used to compare against all other strains/constructs (which would demand a correction for multiple comparisons)?<br /> (3) The authors refrain from making strong claims about the nature of selection on cell shape, perhaps because their main interest is the molecular mechanisms responsible. They identify sources of stabilizing selection favouring an intermediate cell size (lack of DNA in small cells and disorganized DNA in large cells). Their interpretation of stabilizing selection in the review is correct and entirely consistent with the mechanistic causes identified here. I think this is valuable and interesting, although I recognize it is not the focus of the paper.

      Comments on revisions:

      Please further clarify the experimental design and replication for the contrast between mutants and WT to address the issue of multiple comparisons.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study evaluated the aperiodic component in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using resting-state EEG recordings from 149 individuals with chronic pain and 115 healthy participants. The findings showed no significant differences in the aperiodic component of the mPFC between the two groups, nor was there any correlation between the aperiodic component and pain intensity. These results were consistent across various chronic pain subtypes and were corroborated by whole-brain analyses. The study's robustness was further reinforced by preregistration and multiverse analyses, which accounted for a wide range of methodological choices.


      This study was rigorously conducted, yielding clear and conclusive results. Furthermore, it adhered to stringent open and reproducible science practices, including preregistration, blinded data analysis, and Bayesian hypothesis testing. All data and code have been made openly available, underscoring the study's commitment to transparency and reproducibility.


      The aperiodic exponent of the EEG power spectrum is often regarded as an indicator of the excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance. However, this measure may not be the most accurate or optimal for quantifying E/I balance, a limitation that the authors might consider addressing in the future.

      Comments on revisions:

      All my comments have been well addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Bloch et al. studied the relationships between aerial foragers (lesser swifts) tracked using an automated radio telemetry system (Atlas) and their prey (flying insects) monitored using a small vertical-looking radar (BirdScan MR1). The aim of the study was to check whether swifts optimise their foraging according to the abundance of their prey. The results provide evidence that small swifts can increase their foraging rate when aerial insect abundance is high, but found no correlation between insect abundance and flight energy expenditure.

      Key points:

      This study fills gaps in fundamental knowledge of prey-predator dynamics in the air. It describes the coincidence between the abundance of flying insects and the characteristics derived from monitoring individual swifts.


      The paper uses assumptions largely derived from optimal foraging theory, but mixes up the form of natural selection: parental energy, parental survival (predation risk), nestling foraging and reproductive success. The results are partly inconsistent, and confounding factors (e.g., the brooding phase versus the nestling phase) remained ignored. In conclusion, the analyses performed are insufficient to rigorously assess whether lesser swifts are optimising their foraging beyond making shorter foraging trips.<br /> The filters applied to the monitoring data are necessary but may strongly influence the characteristics derived based on maximum or mean values. Sensitivity tests or the use of characteristics that are less dependent on extreme values could provide more robust results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This theoretical paper examines genetic drift in scenarios deviating from the standard Wright-Fisher model. The authors discuss Haldane's branching process model, highlighting that the variance in reproductive success equates to genetic drift. By integrating the Wright-Fisher model with the Haldane model, the authors derive theoretical results that resolve paradoxes related to effective population size.


      The most significant and compelling result from this paper is perhaps that the probability of fixing a new beneficial mutation is 2s/V(K). This is an intriguing and potentially generalizable discovery that could be applied to many different study systems.

      The authors also made a lot of effort to connect theory with various real-world examples, such as genetic diversity in sex chromosomes and reproductive variance across different species.

      Comments on revisions:

      The author has addressed some of the concerns in my review, and I think the revised manuscript is more clear. I like the discussion about the caveats of the WFH model.

      I hope the authors could also discuss the conditions needed for V(K)/Ne to be a reasonable approximation. It is currently unclear how the framework should be adopted in general.

      The idea about estimating male-female V(K) ratios from population genetic data is interesting. Unfortunately, the results fell short. The accuracy of their estimators (derived using approximation Ne/V(K) approximation, and certain choice of theta, and then theta estimated with Watterson's estimator) should be tested with simulated results before applying to real data. The reliability of their estimator and their results from real data are unclear.

      Arguments made in this paper sometimes lack precision (perhaps the authors want to emphasize intuition, but it seems more confusing than otherwise). For example: The authors stated that "This independence from N seems intuitively obvious: when an advantageous mutation increases to say, 100 copies in determining a population (depending mainly on s), its fixation would be almost certain, regardless of N.". Assuming large Ne, and with approximation, one could assume the probability of loss is e^(-2sn), but the writing about "100 copies" and "almost certain" is very imprecise, in fact, a mutation with s=0.001 segregating at 100 copies in a large Ne population is most probably lost. Whereas in a small population, it will be fixed. Yet the following sentence states "regardless of N. This may be a most direct argument against equating genetic drift, certainly no less important than 1/ N . with N, or Ne (which is supposed to be a function of N's)." I find this new paragraph misleading.

      Some of the statements/wordings in this paper still seem too strong to me.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this paper, Lin and colleagues aim to understand the role of different salts on the phase behavior of a model protein of significant biological interest, Caprin1, and its phosphorylated variant, pY-Caprin1. To achieve this, the authors employed a variety of methods to complement experimental studies and obtain a molecular-level understanding of ion partitioning inside biomolecular condensates. A simple theory based on rG-RPA is shown to capture the different salt dependencies of Caprin1 and pY-Caprin1 phase separation, demonstrating excellent agreement with experimental results. The application of this theory to multivalent ions reveals many interesting features with the help of multicomponent phase diagrams. Additionally, the use of CG model-based MD simulations and FTS provides further clarity on how counterions can stabilize condensed phases.


      The greatest strength of this study lies in the integration of various methods to obtain complementary information on thermodynamic phase diagrams and the molecular details of the phase separation process. The authors have also extended their previously proposed theoretical approaches, which should be of significant interest to other researchers. Some of the findings reported in this paper, such as bridging interactions, are likely to inspire new studies using higher-resolution atomistic MD simulations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is a well written manuscript describing studies directed at identifying the cell type responsible for pacemaking in murine collecting lymphatics. Using state-of-the-art approaches, the authors identified a number of different cell types in the wall of these lymphatics and then using targeted expression of Channel Rhodopsin and GCaMP, the authors convincingly demonstrate that only activation of lymphatic muscle cells produces coordinated lymphatic contraction and that only lymphatic muscle cells display pressure-dependent Ca2+ transients as would be expected of a pacemaker in these lymphatics.


      The use of targeted expression of channel rhodopsin and GCaMP to test the hypothesis that lymphatic muscle cells serve as the pacemakers in musing lymphatic collecting vessels.


      The only significant weakness was the lack of quantitative analysis of most of the imaging data shown in Figures 1-11. In particular, the colonization analysis should be extended to show cells not expected to demonstrate colocalization as a negative control for the colocalization analysis that the authors present. These weaknesses have been resolved by revision and addition of new and novel RNAseq data, additional colocalization data and membrane potential measurements.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors combine diffusion MRI and high-resolution x-ray synchrotron phase-contrast imaging in monkey and mouse brains to investigate the 3D organization of brain white matter across different scales and species. The work is at the forefront of the anatomical investigation of the human connectome and aligns with several current efforts to bridge the resolution gap between what we can see in vivo at the millimeter scale and the complexity of the human brain at the sub-micron scale. The authors compare the 3D white matter organization across modalities within 2 small regions in one monkey brain (body of the corpus callosum, centrum semiovale) and within one region (splenium of the corpus callosum) in healthy mice and in one murine model of focal demyelination. The study compares measures of tissue anisotropy and fiber orientations across modalities, performs a qualitative comparison of fasciculi trajectories across brain regions and tissue conditions using streamlined tractography based on the structure tensor, and attempts to quantify the shape of fasciculi trajectories by measuring the tortuosity index and the maximum deviation for each reconstructed streamline. Results show measures of anisotropy and fiber orientations largely agree across modalities, especially for larger FOV data. The high-resolution data allows us to explore the fiber trajectories in relation to tissue complexity and pathology. The authors claim the study reveals new common organization principles of white matter fibers across species and scales, for which axonal fasciculi arrange into sheet-like laminar structures.


      The aim of the study is of central importance within present efforts to bridge the gap between macroscopic structures observable in vivo in humans using conventional diffusion MRI and the microscopic organization of white matter tissue. Results obtained from this type of study are important to interpret data obtained in vivo, inform the development of novel methodologies, and expand our knowledge of the structural and thus functional organization of brain circuits.

      Multi-scale data acquired across modalities within the same sample constitute extremely valuable data that is often hard to acquire and represent a precious resource for validation of both diffusion MRI tractography and microstructure methods.

      The inclusion of multi-species data adds value to the study, allowing the exploration of common organization principles across species.

      The addition of data from a murine cuprizone model of focal demyelination adds interesting opportunities to study the underlying biological changes that follow demyelination and how these impact tissue anisotropy and fiber trajectories. These data can inform the interpretation and development of diffusion MRI microstructure models.

      [Editors' note: The Reviewing Editor considers that the authors addressed the reviewers' questions adequately. The original reviews are here: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/94917/reviews]

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Here the authors address the idea that postural and movement control are differentially impacted with stroke. Specifically, they examined whether resting postural forces influenced several metrics of sensorimotor control (e.g., initial reach angle, maximum lateral hand deviation following a perturbation, etc.) during movement or posture. The authors found that resting postural forces influenced control only following the posture perturbation for the paretic arm of stroke patients, but not during movement. They also found that resting postural forces were greater when the arm was unsupported, which correlated with abnormal synergies (as assessed by the Fugl-Meyer). The authors suggest that these findings can be explained by the idea that the neural circuitry associated with posture is relatively more impacted by stroke than the neural circuitry associated with movement. They also propose a conceptual model that differentially weights the reticulospinal tract (RST) and corticospinal tract (CST) to explain greater relative impairments with posture control relative to movement control, due to abnormal synergies, in those with stroke.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors should be commended for being very responsive to comments and providing several further requested analyses, which have improved the paper. However, there is still some outstanding issues that make it difficult to fully support the provided interpretation.

      The authors say within the response, "We would also like to stress that these perturbations were not designed so that responses are directly compared to each other ***(though of course there is an *indirect* comparison in the sense that we show influence of biases in one type of perturbation but not the other)***." They then state in the first paragraph of the discussion that "Remarkably, these resting postural force biases did not seem to have a detectable effect upon any component of active reaching but only emerged during the control of holding still after the movement ended. The results suggest a dissociation between the control of movement and posture." The main issue here is relying on indirect comparisons (i.e., significant in one situation but not the other), instead of relying on direct comparisons. Using well-known example, just because one group / condition might display a significant linear relationship (i.e., slope_1 > 0) and another group / condition does not (slope_2 = 0), does not necessarily mean that the two groups / conditions are statistically different from one another [see Figure 1 in Makin, T. R., & Orban de Xivry, J. J. (2019). Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for when writing or reviewing a manuscript. eLife, 8, e48175.].

      The authors have provided reasonable rationale of why they chose certain perturbation waveforms for different. Yet it still holds that these different waveforms would likely yield very different muscular responses making it difficult to interpret the results and this remains a limitation. From the paper it is unknown how these different perturbations would differentially influence a variety of classic neuromuscular responses, including short-range stiffness and stretch reflexes, which would be at play here.

      Much of the results can be interpreted when one considers classic neuromuscular physiology. In Experiment 1, differences in resting postural bias in supported versus unsupported conditions can readily be explained since there is greater muscle activity in the unsupported condition that leads to greater muscle stiffness to resist mechanical perturbations (Rack, P. M., & Westbury, D. R. (1974). The short-range stiffness of active mammalian muscle and its effect on mechanical properties. The Journal of physiology, 240(2), 331-350.). Likewise muscle stiffness would scale with changes in muscle contraction with synergies. Importantly for experiment 2, muscle stiffness is reduced during movement (Rack and Westbury, 1974) which may explain why resting postural biases do not seem to be impacting movement. Likewise, muscle spindle activity is shown to scale with extrafusal muscle fiber activity and forces acting through the tendon (Blum, K. P., Campbell, K. S., Horslen, B. C., Nardelli, P., Housley, S. N., Cope, T. C., & Ting, L. H. (2020). Diverse and complex muscle spindle afferent firing properties emerge from multiscale muscle mechanics. eLife, 9, e55177.). The concern here is that the authors have not sufficiently considered muscle neurophysiology, how that might relate to their findings, and how that might impact their interpretation. Given the differences in perturbations and muscle states at different phases, the concern is that it is not possible to disentangle whether the results are due to classic neurophysiology, the hypothesis they propose, or both. Can the authors please comment.

      The authors should provide a limitations paragraph. They should address 1) how they used different perturbation force profiles, 2) the muscles were in different states which would change neuromuscular responses between trial phase / condition, 3) discuss a lack of direct statistical comparisons that support their hypothesis, and 4) provide a couple of paragraphs on classic neurophysiology, such as muscle stiffness and stretch reflexes, and how these various factors could influence the findings (i.e., whether they can disentangle whether the reported results are due to classic neurophysiology, the hypothesis they propose, or both).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The paper describes an effort to identify the factors responsible for intron retention and alternate exon splicing in a complex system known to be regulated by the O-GlcNAc cycling system. The CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to identify potential factors. The bioinformatic analysis is sophisticated and compelling. The conclusions are of general interest and advance the field significantly.


      (1) Exhaustive analysis of potential splicing factors in an unbiased screen.

      (2) Extensive genome wide bioinformatic analysis.

      (3) Thoughtful discussion and literature survey.


      (1) No firm evidence linking SFSWA to an O-GlcNAc specific mechanism.

      (2) Resulting model leaves many unanswered questions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors generated three mouse lines harboring ASD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar-associated variants in the TRIO gene. Anatomical, behavioral, physiological, and biochemical assays were deployed to compare and contrast the impact of these mutations in these animals. In this undertaking, the authors sought to identify and characterize the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for ASD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder development.


      The establishment of TRIO dysfunction in the development of ASD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder is very recent and of great interest. Disorder-specific variants have been identified in the TRIO gene, and this study is the first to compare and contrast the impact of these variants in vivo in preclinical models. The impact of these mutations was carefully examined using an impressive host of methods. The authors achieved their goal of identifying behavioral, physiological, and molecular alterations that are disorder/variant specific. The impact of this work is extremely high given the growing appreciation of TRIO dysfunction in a large number of brain-related disorders. This work is very interesting in that it begins to identify the unique and subtle ways brain function is altered in ASD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder.


      (1) Most assays were performed in older animals and perhaps only capture alterations that result from homeostatic changes resulting from prodromal pathology that may look very different.

      (2) Identification of upregulated (potentially compensating) genes in response to these disorder-specific Trio variants is extremely interesting. However, a functional demonstration of compensation is not provided.

      (3) There are instances where data is not shown in the manuscript. See "data not shown". All data collected should be provided even if significant differences are not observed.

      I consider weaknesses 1 and 2 minor. While they would very interesting to explore, these experiments might be more appropriate for a follow-up study. I would recommend that the missing data in 3 should be provided in the supplemental material.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors use a genetic screen in C. elegans to investigate the physiological roles of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). They screen for mutations that rescue fat-2 mutants, which have strong reductions in PUFAs. As a result, either mutations in fat-2 itself, or mutations in genes involved in the HIF-1 pathway, were found to rescue fat-2 mutants.

      Strengths:<br /> As C. elegans can produce PUFAs de novo as essential lipids, the genetic model is well suited to study the fundamental roles of PUFAs, and the results are very interesting. The genetic screen finds mutations in convergent pathways, suggesting that it has reached near-saturation. The link between the HIF-1 pathway and lipid unsaturation is very interesting. As many of the mutations found to rescue fat-2 mutants are of gain-of-function, it is unlikely that similar discoveries could have been made with other approaches like genome-wide CRISPR screenings, making the current study distinctive.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors make very important statements, but some are not sufficiently supported by data. In page 5, they conclude that membrane rigidity is a minor cause of fat-2 mutant defects, which is a relevant observation regarding why PUFAs are important. However, they use treatments that have rescued fluidity in another mutant (paqr-2), but do not test if they have the same fluidifying effects in fat-2 mutants.

      The screening results seem to converge into the HIF-1 pathway, which is hypothetically correct according to the literature. However, the authors do not validate this hypothesis, which is a critical limitation, especially because many of the mutations they obtained seem to be of gain-of-function. Therefore, without experimental testing, it cannot be concluded that the mutations have the expected effect on the HIF-1 pathway.

      In some of the mutants, the rescues in lipid compositions seem to be weak, and it is arguable whether phenotypic rescues are really via a restoration in lipid compositions.

      The hypothesis linking iron homeostasis and the rescue of fat-2 mutants is interesting, but the data of rescue by iron repletion seem to be against it. The results might be due to the inefficiency in iron repletion, as the authors suggest, but this has not been formally addressed.

      Therefore, the authors propose multiple very interesting and important hypotheses, but experimental validations remain limited.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this work, the authors wish to explore the metabolic support mechanisms enabling lamellocyte encapsulation, a critical antiparasitic immune response of insects. They show that S-adenosylmethionine metabolism is specifically important in this process through a combination of measurements of metabolite levels and genetic manipulations of this metabolic process.


      The metabolite measurements and the functional analyses are generally very strong and clearly show that the metabolic process under study is important in lamellocyte immune function.


      The gene expression data are a potential weakness. Not enough is explained about how the RNAseq experiments in Figures 2 and 4 were done, and the representation of the data is unclear. The paper would also be strengthened by the inclusion of some measure of encapsulation effectiveness: the authors show that manipulation of the S-adenosylmethionine pathway in lamellocytes affects the ability of the host to survive infection, but they do not show direct effects on the ability of the host to encapsulate wasp eggs.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors hypothesize that "causal inferences about illness depend on content-specific semantic representations in the animacy network". They test this hypothesis in an fMRI task, by comparing brain activity elicited by participants' exposure to written situations suggesting a plausible cause of illness with brain activity in linguistically equivalent situations suggesting a plausible cause of mechanical failure or damage and non-causal situations. These contrasts identify PC as the main "culprit" in a whole-brain univariate analysis. Then the question arises of whether the content-specificity has to do with inferences about animates in general, or if there are some distinctions between reasoning about people's bodies versus mental states. To answer this question, the authors localize the mentalizing network and study the relation between brain activity elicited by Illness-Causal > Mech-Causal and Mentalizing > Physical stories. They conclude that inferring about the causes of illness partially differentiates from reasoning about people's states of mind. The authors finally test the alternative yet non-mutually exclusive hypothesis that both types of causal inferences (illness and mechanical) depend on shared neural machinery. Good candidates are language and logic, which justifies the use of a language/logic localizer. No evidence of commonalities across causal inferences versus non-causal situations is found.


      (1) This study introduces a useful paradigm and well-designed set of stimuli to test for implicit causal inferences.

      (2) Another important methodological advance is the addition of physical stories to the original mentalizing protocol.

      (3) With these tools, or a variant of these tools, this study has the potential to pave the way for further investigation of naïve biology and causal inference.


      (1) This study is missing a big-picture question. It is not clear whether the authors investigate the neural correlates of causal reasoning or of naïve biology. If the former, the choice of an orthogonal task, making causal reasoning implicit, is questionable. If the latter, the choice of mechanical and physical controls can be seen as reductive and problematic.

      (2) The rationale for focusing mostly on the precuneus is not clear and this choice could almost be seen as a post-hoc hypothesis.

      (3) The choice of an orthogonal 'magic detection' task has three problematic consequences in this study:<br /> (a) It differs in nature from the 'mentalizing' task that consists of evaluating a character's beliefs explicitly from the corresponding story, which complicates the study of the relation between both tasks. While the authors do not compare both tasks directly, it is unclear to what extent this intrinsic difference between implicit versus explicit judgments of people's body versus mental states could influence the results.<br /> (b) The extent to which the failure to find shared neural machinery between both types of inferences (illness and mechanical) can be attributed to the implicit character of the task is not clear.<br /> (c) The introduction of a category of non-interest that contains only 36 trials compared to 38 trials for all four categories of interest creates a design imbalance.

      (4) Another imbalance is present in the design of this study: the number of trials per category is not the same in each run of the main task. This imbalance does not seem to be accounted for in the 1st-level GLM and renders a bit problematic the subsequent use of MVPA.

      (5) The main claim of the authors, encapsulated by the title of the present manuscript, is not tested directly. While the authors included in their protocol independent localizers for mentalizing, language, and logic, they did not include an independent localizer for "animacy". As such, they cannot provide a within-subject evaluation of their claim, which is entirely based on the presence of a partial overlap in PC (which is also involved in a wide range of tasks) with previous results on animacy.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      I must note that my comments pertain to the evolutionary interpretations rather than the study's technical results. The techniques appear to be appropriately applied and interpreted, but I do not feel sufficiently qualified to assess this aspect of the work in detail.

      I was repeatedly puzzled by the use of the term "function." Part of the issue may stem from slightly different interpretations of this word in different fields. In my understanding, "function" should denote not just what a structure does, but what it has been selected for. In this context, where it is unclear if cfChPs have been selected for in any way, the use of this term seems questionable.

      Similarly, the term "predatory genome," used in the title and throughout the paper, appears ambiguous and unjustified. At this stage, I am unconvinced that cfChPs provide any evolutionary advantage to the genome. It is entirely possible that these structures have no function whatsoever and could simply be byproducts of other processes. The findings presented in this study do not rule out this neutral hypothesis. Alternatively, some particular components of the genome could be driving the process and may have been selected to do so. This brings us to the hypothesis that cfChPs could serve as vehicles for transposable elements. While speculative, this idea seems to be compatible with the study's findings and merits further exploration.

      I also found some elements of the discussion unclear and speculative, particularly the final section on the evolution of mammals. If the intention is simply to highlight the evolutionary impact of horizontal transfer of transposable elements (e.g., as a source of new mutations), this should be explicitly stated. In any case, this part of the discussion requires further clarification and justification.

      In summary, this study presents important new findings on the behavior of cfChPs when introduced into a foreign cellular context. However, it overextends its evolutionary interpretations, often in an unclear and speculative manner. The concept of the "predatory genome" should be better defined and justified or removed altogether. Conversely, the suggestion that cfChPs may function at the level of transposable elements (rather than the entire genome or organism) could be given more emphasis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This article elucidates the biochemical and cellular mechanisms by which the FHOD-family of formins, particularly FHOD3, contributes to sarcomere formation and contractility in cardiomyocytes. Formins are mainly known to nucleate and elongate actin filaments, with certain family members also exhibiting capping, severing, and bundling activities. Although FHOD3 has been well-established as essential for sarcomere assembly in cardiomyocytes, its precise biochemical functions and contributions to actin dynamics remain poorly understood.

      In this study, the authors combine in vitro biochemical assays with cellular experiments to dissect FHOD3's roles in actin assembly and sarcomere formation. They demonstrate that FHOD3 nucleates actin filaments and acts as a transient elongator, pausing elongation after an initial burst of filament growth. Using separation-of-function mutants, they show that FHOD3's elongation activity - rather than its nucleation, capping, or bundling capabilities - is key for its sarcomeric function.

      The experiments have been conducted rigorously and well-analyzed, and the paper is clearly written. The data presented support the authors' conclusions. I appreciate the detailed description and rationale behind the FHOD3 constructs used in this study.

      However, I was somewhat surprised and a bit disappointed that while the authors conducted single-color TIRF experiments to observe the effects of FHOD3 on single filaments, they did not use fluorescently labeled FHOD3 to directly visualize its behavior. Incorporating such experiments would significantly strengthen their conclusions regarding FHOD3's bursts of elongation interspersed with capping activity. While I understand this might require a few additional weeks of experiments, these data would add considerable value by directly testing the proposed mechanism.

      There is a typo in the word "required" in line number 30. The authors also use fit data to extract parameters in several panels (e.g., Figures 2b, 2d, 3a, and 3b). While these fit functions may be intuitive to actin experts, explicitly describing the fit functions in the figure legends or methods would greatly benefit the broader readership.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Seguchi and Izawa provide robust evidence for the role of vasopressin in modulating same-sex affiliative relationships. Especially striking is that these effects appear to be selective to key relationships within a triadic social context. Overall, this is an interesting and rich dataset with compelling results. I largely have some clarifying questions.

      Experiment 1 Comments:

      (1) The primary argument/finding in this experiment is that a triadic situation/environment facilitates the development of male-male reciprocal social relationships. Overall, this effect appears striking in that male-male affiliative bonds (defined as reciprocal allopreening) formed in 6 of the 8 triads tested. However, there is no comparison group of dyads to determine whether co-housing for 2 weeks could also support the formation of male-male social bonds. This lack of a comparison group makes it unclear to what extent the triad is the key aspect of the environment that supports social bonding.

      (2) More specifically, the authors argue that it is not just that triads support affiliative male-male bonds, but that bonds form between the second "middle" (dominant/subordinate) and third "low" (subordinate/subordinate) individuals in each triad. However, it was difficult to assess this from the results.<br /> a) For example, in Figure 3B is each data point the average of two individuals, since in each triad there are two dominant and two subordinate individuals?<br /> b) For me, using more precise language beyond dominant and subordinate (e.g. middle and low), and more clearly displaying the results of allopreening for each pairwise dyad within a triad would improve the impact of the results and support the authors' argument.

      (3) Experiment 2 Comments:<br /> The results here are quite striking, despite the low sample size. In Figure 4, it appears that in every instance of administration V1aRA low and high administration decreased allopreening for both dominant and subordinate individuals.

      (4) Some methodological questions:<br /> a) Can you clarify whether the duration of the post-test was also 30 min?<br /> b) As in Experiment 1, how are individual birds represented in the triad? Was the second "Middle" bird (dominant/subordinate) tested as both a dominant and subordinate bird? My understanding is that the dominant and subordinate birds in Figure 4 are different individuals but that they are the same individuals represented between the affiliated dyad and unaffiliated dyad.

      (5) Throughout the manuscript (Lines 57-67; 557-566) the authors argue that the role of VP in regulating gregariousness can be extrapolated to understand the role of same-sex affiliative bonding. Importantly, gregariousness does not necessarily reflect affiliative bonding. While allopreening is specifically associated with social bonding (e.g. monogamous pair bonds) independent of broader social systems, gregariousness in general, and specifically as defined in many of the references cited, is independent of social bonds - in fact, it is assessed primarily in novel social contexts.

      (6) To clarify, adult prairie voles in the wild do not engage in same-sex affiliative behavior commonly. In fact one of the primary components of opposite-sex pair bonding is same-sex aggression. Thus, while mechanistic studies on the neurobiology of same-sex peer bonds are relevant for this work, I am less convinced that you can make comparisons between the ultimate function of same-sex affiliative relationships in prairie voles.

      (17) The results here are consistent with VP having an anxiolytic effect, as has been suggested in birds, with the consequences on social behaviors being directly or indirectly related. This may be a useful point to draw on in the discussion when considering your findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study examines a novel role of the Hpo signaling pathway, specifically of wts-1/LATS and the downstream regulator of gene expression, yap, in age-related neurodegeneration in C. elegans touch-responsive mechanosensory neurons, ALM and PLM. The study shows that knockdown or deletion of wts-1/LATS causes age-associated morphological abnormalities of these neurons, accompanied by functional loss of touch responsiveness. This is further associated with enhanced, abnormal, microtubule stabilization in these neurons.


      This study examines a novel role of the Hpo signaling pathway, specifically of wts-1/LATS and the downstream regulator of gene expression, yap, in age-related neurodegeneration in C. elegans touch-responsive mechanosensory neurons, ALM and PLM. The study shows that knockdown or deletion of wts-1/LATS causes age-associated morphological abnormalities of these neurons, accompanied by functional loss of touch responsiveness. This is further associated with enhanced, abnormal, microtubule stabilization in these neurons. Strong pharmacological and especially genetic manipulations of MT-stabilizing or severing proteins show a strong genetic link between yap and regulation of MTs stability. The study is strong and uses robust approaches, especially strong genetics. The demonstrations on the aging-related roles of the Hpo signaling pathway, and the link to MTs, are novel and compelling. Nevertheless, the study also has mechanistic weaknesses (see below).


      Specific comments:

      (1) The study demonstrates age-specific roles of the Hpo pathway, specifically of wts-1/LATS and yap, specifically in TRN mechanosensory neurons, without observing developmental defects in these neurons, or effects in other neurons. This is a strong demonstration. Nevertheless, the study does not address whether there is a correlation of Hpo signaling pathway activity decline specifically in these neurons, and not other neurons, and at the observed L4 stage and onwards (including the first day of adulthood, 1DA stage). Such demonstrations of spatio-temporal regulation of the Hpo signaling pathway and its activation seem important for linking the Hpo pathway with the observed age-related neurodegeneration. Can this age-related response be correlated to indeed a decline in Hpo signaling during adulthood? Especially at L4 and onwards? It will be informative to measure this by examining the decline in wts1 as well as yap levels and yap nuclear localization.

      (2) The Hpo pathway eventually activates gene expression via yap. Although the study uses robust genetic manipulations of yap and wts-1/LATS, it is not clear whether the observed effects are attributed to yap-mediated regulation of gene expression (see 3).

      (3) The observations on the abnormal MT stabilization, and the subsequent genetic examinations of MT-stability/severing genes, are a significant strength of the study. Nevertheless, despite the strong genetic links to yap and wts-1/LATS, it is not clear whether MT-regulatory genes are regulated by transcription downstream of the Hpo pathway, thus not enabling a strong causal link between MT regulation and Hpo-mediated gene expression, making this strong part of the study mechanistically circumstantial. Specifically, it will be good to examine whether the genes addressed herein, for example, Spastin, are transcriptionally regulated downstream of the Hpo pathway. This comment is augmented by the finding that in the wts-1/ yap-1 double mutants, MT abnormality, and subsequent neuronal morphology and touch responses are restored, clearly indicating that there is an associated transcriptional regulation

      Other comments:

      (1) The TRN-specific knockdown of wts-1 and yap-1 is a clear strength. Nevertheless, these do not necessarily show cell-autonomous effects, as the yap transcription factor may regulate the expression of external cues, secreted or otherwise, thus generating non-cell autonomous effects. For example, it is known that yap regulates TGF-beat expression and signaling.

      (2) Continuing from comment (3) above, it seems that many of the MT-regulators chosen here for genetic examinations were chosen based on demonstrated roles in neurodegeneration in other studies. It would be good to show whether these MT-associated genes are directly regulated by transcription by the Hpo pathway.

      (3) The impairment of the touch response may not be robust: it is only a 30-40% reduction at L4, and even less reduction at 1DA. It would be good to offer possible explanations for this finding.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      -Summary of the Authors' Aims:<br /> The authors aimed to investigate the role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) neurons in the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) in modulating defensive behaviors in response to threats. They sought to determine whether these neurons, previously shown to be involved in passive freezing behavior, also play a role in active defensive behaviors, such as fleeing, when faced with imminent threats.

      -Major Strengths and Weaknesses of the Methods and Results:<br /> The authors utilized an innovative approach by employing a predator-like robot to create a naturalistic threat scenario. This method allowed for a detailed observation of both passive and active defensive behaviors in mice. The combination of electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioral analysis provided a comprehensive examination of CGRP neuron activity and its influence on defensive behaviors. The study's strengths lie in its robust methodology, clear results, and the multi-faceted approach that enhances the validity of the findings.

      No notable weakness found.

      -Appraisal of Aims and Results:<br /> The authors successfully achieved their aims by demonstrating that CGRP neurons in the PBN modulate both passive and active defensive behaviors. The results clearly show that activation of these neurons enhances fear memory and promotes conditioned fleeing behavior, while inhibition reduces these responses. The study provides strong evidence supporting the hypothesis that CGRP neurons act as a comprehensive alarm system in the brain.

      -Impact on the Field and Utility of Methods and Data:<br /> This work has significant implications for the field of neuroscience, particularly in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying adaptive defensive behaviors. The innovative use of a predator-like robot to simulate naturalistic threats adds ecological validity to the findings and may inspire future studies to adopt similar approaches. The comprehensive analysis of CGRP neuron activity and its role in defensive behaviors provides valuable data that could be useful for researchers studying fear conditioning, neural circuitry, and behavior modulation.

      -Additional Context:<br /> The study builds on previous research that primarily focused on the role of CGRP neurons in passive defensive responses, such as freezing. By extending this research to include active responses, the authors have provided a more complete picture of the role of these neurons in threat detection and response. The findings highlight the versatility of CGRP neurons in modulating different types of defensive behaviors based on the perceived intensity and immediacy of threats.

      Overall, this manuscript makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the neural basis of defensive behaviors and offers valuable methodological insights for future research in the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Luo et. al. use SHAPE-MaP to find suitable RNA targets in Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus. Results show that dynamic and transient structures are good targets for small molecules, and that exposed strand regions are adequate targets for siRNA. This work is important to segment the RNA targeting.


      This work is well done and the data supports its findings and conclusions. When possible, more than one technique was used to confirm some of the findings.


      The study uses a cell line that is not porcine (not the natural target of the virus).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      RNAs can function across cell borders and animal generations as sources of epigenetic information for development and immunity. The specific mechanistic pathways how RNA travels between cells and progeny remains an open question. Here, Shugarts, et al. use molecular genetics, imaging, and genomics methods to dissect specific RNA transport and regulatory pathways in the C. elegans model system. Larvae ingesting double-stranded RNA is noted to not cause continuous gene silencing throughout adulthood. Damage of neuronal cells expressing double-stranded target RNA is observed to repress target gene expression in the germline. Exogenous short or long double-stranded RNA required different genes for entry into progeny. It was observed that the SID-1 double-stranded RNA transporter showed different expression over animal development. Removal of the sid-1 gene caused upregulation of two genes, the newly described sid-1-dependent gene sdg-1 and sdg-2. Both genes were observed to be negatively regulated by other small RNA regulatory pathways. Strikingly, loss then gain of sid-1 through breeding still caused variability of sdg-1 expression for many, many generations. SDG-2 protein co-localizes with germ granules, intracellular sites for heritable RNA silencing machinery. Collectively, sdg-1 presents a model to study how extracellular RNAs can buffer gene expression in germ cells and other tissues.


      (1) Very cleaver molecular genetic methods and genomic analyses, paired with thorough genetics, were employed to discover insights into RNA transport, sdg-1 and sdg-2 as sid-1-dependent genes, and sdg-1's molecular phenotype.

      (2) The manuscript is well cited, and figures reasonably designed.

      (3) The discovery of the sdg genes being responsive to the extracellular RNA cell import machinery provides a model to study how exogenous somatic RNA is used to regulate gene expression in progeny. The discovery of genes within retrotransposons stimulates tantalizing models how regulatory loops may actually permit the genetic survival of harmful elements.


      (1) The manuscript is broad, making it challenging to read and consider the data presented. Of note, since the original submission, the authors have improved the clarity of the writing and presentation.

      Comments on revised version:

      This reviewer thanks the authors for their efforts in revising the manuscript. In their rebuttal, the authors acknowledged the broad scope of their manuscript. I concur. While I still think the manuscript is a challenge to read due to its expansive nature, the current draft is substantially improved when compared to the previous one. This work will contribute to our general knowledge of RNA biology, small RNA regulatory pathways, and RNA inheritance.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors describe elevated GSDMD expression in psoriatic skin, and knock-out of GSDMD abrogates psoriasis-like inflammation.


      The study is well conducted with transgenic mouse models. Using mouse-models with GSDMD knock-out showing abrogating inflammation, as well as GSDMD fl/fl mice without neutrophils having a reduced phenotype.

      My major concern would be the involvement of other inflammasome and GSDMD bearing cell types, esp. Keratinocytes (KC), which could be an explanation why the experiments in Fig 4 still show inflammation.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have sufficiently addressed my questions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Unlike previous traditional protein fusion protocols, the author claims their proposed new method is fast, simple, specific, reversible, and results in a complete 1:1 fusion. A multi-disciplinary approach from cloning and purification, biochemical analyses, and proteomic mass spec confirmation revealed fusion products were achieved.


      The author provides convincing evidence that an alternative to traditional protein fusion synthesis is more efficient with 100% yields using connectase. The author optimized the protocol's efficiency with assays replacing a single amino acid and identification of a proline aminopeptidase, Bacilius coagulans (BcPAP), as a usable enzyme to use in the fusion reaction. Multiple examples including Ubiquitin, GST, and antibody fusion/conjugations reveal how this method can be applied to a diverse range of biological processes.


      Though the ~100% ligation efficiency is an advancement, the long recognition linker may be the biggest drawback. For large native proteins that are challenging/cannot be synthesized and require multiple connectase ligation reactions to yield a complete continuous product, the multiple interruptions with long linkers will likely interfere with protein folding, resulting in non-native protein structures. This method will be a good alternative to traditional approaches as the author mentioned but limited to generating epitope/peptide/protein tagged proteins, and not for synthetic protein biology aimed at examining native/endogenous protein function in vitro.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript investigates how neural cell development is affected in Lowe syndrome. Using neural cultures differentiated from human iPSCs carrying either an LS mutation or a genetically engineered mutation in OCRL, the authors show a depletion of mitochondrial DNA and a decrease in mitochondrial activities that correlate with an increased formation of astrocytes at the expense of neurons. Similar effects on mitochondria and on astrocyte development were observed in an LS mouse model. Moreover, these mutant brain cells are less likely to be ciliated and show a reduction in Sonic Hedgehog signalling.


      The study derives strength from the analyses of two different models of Lowe syndrome, both reaching similar conclusions. However, the observed changes in mitochondrial defects, neuronal/astrocytic development, and primary cilia are only correlated, with no attempt to investigate a causal relationship. Moreover, the mouse model is only analysed at the adult stage providing no insights into the development of the defects. Different brain regions are analysed with immunostainings and qRT-PCR making it challenging to draw clear correlations between these findings. The quality of the corresponding figures is often poor and the selection of markers is frequently inappropriate. Taken together, these limitations complicate the interpretations of the data and significantly limit the conclusions that can be drawn from the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors employ theoretical analysis of an elastic membrane model to explore membrane vesiculation pathways in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. A complete understanding of clathrin-mediated endocytosis requires detailed insight into the process of membrane remodeling, as the underlying mechanisms of membrane shape transformation remain controversial, particularly regarding membrane curvature generation. The authors compare constant area and constant membrane curvature as key scenarios by which clathrins induce membrane wrapping around the cargo to accomplish endocytosis. First, they characterize the geometrical aspects of the two scenarios and highlight their differences by imposing coating area and membrane spontaneous curvature. They then examine the energetics of the process to understand the driving mechanisms behind membrane shape transformations in each model. In the latter part, they introduce two energy terms: clathrin assembly or binding energy, and curvature generation energy, with two distinct approaches for the latter. Finally, they identify the energetically favorable pathway in the combined scenario and compare their results with experiments, showing that the constant-area pathway better fits the experimental data.


      The manuscript is well-written, well-organized, and presents the details of the theoretical analysis with sufficient clarity.<br /> The calculations are valid, and the elastic membrane model is an appropriate choice for addressing the differences between the constant curvature and constant area models.<br /> The authors' approach of distinguishing two distinct free energy terms-clathrin assembly and curvature generation-and then combining them to identify the favorable pathway is both innovative and effective in addressing the problem.<br /> Notably, their identification of the energetically favorable pathways, and how these pathways either lead to full endocytosis or fail to proceed due to insufficient energetic drives, is particularly insightful.


      Membrane remodeling in cellular processes is typically studied in either a constant area or constant tension ensemble. While total membrane area is preserved in the constant area ensemble, membrane area varies in the constant tension ensemble. In this manuscript, the authors use the constant tension ensemble with a fixed membrane tension, σe. However, they also use a constant area scenario, where 'area' refers to the surface area of the clathrin-coated membrane segment. This distinction between the constant membrane area ensemble and the constant area of the coated membrane segment may cause confusion.

      As mentioned earlier, the theoretical analysis is performed in the constant membrane tension ensemble at a fixed membrane tension. The total free energy E_tot of the system consists of membrane bending energy E_b and tensile energy E_t, which depends on membrane tension, σe. Although the authors mention the importance of both E_b and E_t, they do not present their individual contributions to the total energy changes. Comparing these contributions would enable readers to cross-check the results with existing literature, which primarily focuses on the role of membrane bending rigidity and membrane tension.

      The authors introduce two different models, (1,1) and (1,2), for generating membrane curvature. Model 1 assumes a constant curvature growth, corresponding to linear curvature growth, while Model 2 relates curvature growth to its current value, resembling exponential curvature growth. Although both models make physical sense in general, I am concerned that Model 2 may lead to artificial membrane bending at high curvatures. Normally, for intermediate bending, ψ > 90, the bending process is energetically downhill and thus proceeds rapidly. the bending process is energetically downhill and thus proceeds rapidly. However, Model 2's assumption would accelerate curvature growth even further. This is reflected in the endocytic pathways represented by the green curves in the two rightmost panels of Fig. 4a, where the energy steeply increases at large ψ. I believe a more realistic version of Model 2 would require a saturation mechanism to limit curvature growth at high curvatures.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Al Asafen, Clark et al., use fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to quantitatively analyze the mobility of Dl along the DV axis of the early Drosophila embryo. Dl is essential for dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning and its gradient initiates the activation of several genes and thereby orchestrates the formation of the Drosophila body plan. While the mechanisms underlying the formation of the Dl gradient have been extensively studied by this group and others, there are some observations for which there is not yet a mechanistic explanation. For example, the peak of the Dl gradient grows continuously during nuclear cycles 10-14. This is likely due to Cact-dependent Dl diffusion and Dl binding to DNA. However, the biophysical parameters governing Dl nuclear dynamics that would support these claims have not been previously measured. In this work, the authors provide evidence that GFP-tagged Dl may be separated into a mobile pool and an immobile pool. Interestingly, the fraction of immobile Dl is position-dependent along the DV axis, revealing more binding to DNA in the ventral than in the dorsal nuclei. This is either due to higher binding affinity in ventral locations (due to Toll-dependent Dl phosphorylation) or to higher Dl-Cact binding in dorsal nuclei that would prevent Dl from binding to DNA. Using dl-mutant alleles, the authors support the latter hypothesis.


      The manuscript is well written and their conclusions are convincingly supported by their methodology and analysis. As a quantitative study, the biophysical analysis seems rigorous, in general.

      Although this is not the first study that employs FSC to investigate the dynamics of a morphogen, it further exemplifies how these quantitative tools can be used to uncover mechanistic aspects of morphogen dynamics during development. In particular, the manuscript reports novel biophysical parameters of Dl dynamics that will be helpful in future hypotheses-driven modeling studies.


      In my opinion, the main weakness of the manuscript is that the main biological implication of the study, namely that the asymmetry in the fraction of immobile Dl is a result of nuclear Dl-Cact binding which prevents Dl from binding DNA (Figure 5), occurs in a region of the embryo where there is very little Dl anyways (Figure 1A, 5A). While it is interesting that the fraction of immobile Dl increases (just a little, but significantly) in dorsal nuclei in mutants expressing a form of Dl with reduced Cact binding it is unclear what is the biological impact of this effect in a location where Dl is nearly absent. As can be seen in Figure 3F, the fraction of immobile is unaffected in Dl-mutant forms with reduced DNA binding, because it is already very low. It is unlikely that Dl binding to Cact in dorsal nuclei would affect shuttling as well since the fraction is very low anyway.

      While the authors have a very clear understanding of the biology of the Dl gradient, I feel that the manuscript is more written as a 'tools' paper (i.e., to exemplify how FSC methods and analysis can be used for biological discovery). This is ok, but I think that the authors should discuss further what are the biological implications of these findings other than the contribution to uncovering the biophysical parameters. For example, I think that the implications of the rejected hypothesis (i.e., that Toll-dependent Dl phosphorylation does not seem to have an impact on Dl binding affinities to DNA) are important and should be further discussed (even if no additional experiments are performed). What is then the role of Dl phosphorylation? Perhaps it could have an impact on patterning robustness in lateral regions. The authors should report in Figure 5 also what happens to the fraction of Dl bound to DNA in lateral regions in the reduced Cact binding and reduced Toll phosphorylation mutants.

      The way that position along the DV axis is reported using the nuclear-cytoplasmic-ratio (NCR) in Figures 1-3 is not incorrect, but I wonder if it is the best way of doing it. The reason is that it spreads out a relatively small region of the embryo (the ventral-most locations) and shrinks a relatively large region of the embryo (lateral and dorsal regions), see Figure 1A. Perhaps reporting the NCR in log_2 units would be more appropriate.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Bisen et al. characterized the state-dependency of insulin-producing cells in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster. They successfully established that IPC activity is modulated by the nutritional state and age of the animal. Interestingly, they demonstrate that IPCs respond to the ingestion of glucose, rather than to perfusion with it, an observation reminiscent of the incretin effect in mammals. The study is well conducted and presented and the experimental data convincingly support the claims made.


      The study makes great use of the tools available in *Drosophila* research, demonstrating the effect that starvation and subsequent refeeding have on the physiological activity of IPCs as well as on the behavior of flies to then establish causal links by making use of optogenetic tools.<br /> It is particularly nice to see how the authors put their findings in context to published research and use for example TDC2 neuron activation or DH44 activity to establish baselines to relate their data to.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Zhang et al. established chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) mouse model, which displayed osteoporosis phenotype, suggesting a potential correlation between psychological stress and bone metabolism. They found that miRNA candidate miR-335-3p is downregulated in the long bone of CUMS mice through microRNA sequencing experiments and qRT-PCR. They further demonstrated that miR-335-3p attenuates osteoclast activity via inhibiting Fos signaling, which can induce NFATC1 expression and regulate osteoclast activity.

      My concerns have been addressed. And the quality of the manuscript is improved significantly.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors build a gene expression model based on histone post-translational modifications, and find that H3K27ac is correlated with gene expression. They proceed to perturb H3K27ac at 13 gene promoters in two cell types, and measure gene expression changes to test their model.


      The combination of multiple methods to model expression, along with utilizing 6 histone datasets in 13 cell types allowed the authors to build a model that correlates between 0.7-0.79 with gene expression. They use dCas9-p300 fusions to perturb H3K27ac and monitor gene expression to test their model. Ranked correlations of the HEK293 data showed some support for the predictions after perturbation of H3K27ac.


      The perturbation of 5 genes in K562 with perturb-seq data shows a modest correlation of ~0.5 and isn't included in the main figures. The authors are then left to speculate reasons why the outcome of epigenome editing doesn't fit their predictions, which highlights the limited value in the current version of this method.

      As mentioned before, testing genes that were not expressed being most activated by dCas9-p300 weaken the correlations vs. looking at a broad range of different gene expression as the original model was trained on.<br /> If the authors want this method to be used to predict outcomes of epigenome editing, expanding to dCas9-KRAB and other CRISPRa methods (SAM and VPR) would be useful. Those datasets are published and could be analyzed for this manuscript.<br /> The authors don't compare their method to other prediction methods.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study investigates the effect of a fed vs hungry state on food decision-making.

      70 participants performed a computerized food choice task with eye tracking. Food images came from a validated set with variability in food attributes. Foods ranged from low caloric density unprocessed (fruits) to high caloric density processed foods (chips and cookies).

      Prior to the choice task participants rated images for taste, health, wanting, and calories. In the choice task participants simply selected one of two foods. They were told to pick the one they preferred. Screens consisted of two food pictures along with their "Nutri-Score". They were told that one preferred food would be available for consumption at the end.

      A drift-diffusion model (DDM) was fit to the reaction time values. Eye tracking was used to measure dwell time on each part of the monitor.


      Participants tended to select the item they had rated as "tastier", however, health also contributed to decisions.


      The most interesting and innovative aspect of the paper is the use of the DDM models to infer from reaction time and choice the relative weight of the attributes.

      Were the ratings redone at each session? E.g. were all tastiness ratings for the sated session made while sated? This is relevant as one would expect the ratings of tastiness and wanting to be affected by the current fed state.


      My main criticism, which doesn't affect the underlying results, is that the labeling of food choices as being taste- or health-driven is misleading. Participants were not cued to select health vs taste. Studies in which people were cued to select for taste vs health exist (and are cited here). Also, the label "healthy" is misleading, as here it seems to be strongly related to caloric density. A high-calorie food is not intrinsically unhealthy (even if people rate it as such). The suggestion that hunger impairs making healthy decisions is not quite the correct interpretation of the results here (even though everyone knows it to be true). Another interpretation is that hungry people in negative calorie balance simply prefer more calories.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This article reviews the studies on the relationship between slow oscillation (SO)-spindle (SP) coupling and memory consolidation. It innovatively employs non-normal circular linear correlations through a Bayesian meta-analysis. A systematic analysis of the retrieved studies highlighted that co-coupling of SO and the fast SP's phase and amplitude at the frontal part better predicts memory consolidation performance. I only have a few comments that I recommend are addressed.

      Major Comments:

      Regarding the Moderator of Age: Although the authors discuss the limited studies on the analysis of children and elders regarding age as a moderator, the figure shows a significant gap between the ages of 40 and 60. Furthermore, there are only a few studies involving participants over the age of 60. Given the wide distribution of effect sizes from studies with participants younger than 40, did the authors test whether removing studies involving participants over 60 would still reveal a moderator effect?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors explored the importance of data quality and representation for ligand-based virtual screening approaches. I believe the results could be of potential benefit to the drug discovery community, especially to those scientists working in the field of machine learning applied to drug research. The in silico design is comprehensive and adequate for the proposed comparisons.

      This manuscript by Chong A. et al describes that it is not necessary to resort to the use of sophisticated deep learning algorithms for virtual screening, since based on their results considering conventional ML may perform exceptionally well if feeded by the right data and molecular representations.

      The article is interesting and well-written. The overview of the field and the warning about dataset composition are very well thought-out and should be of interest to a broad segment of the AI in drug discovery readership. This article further highlights some of the considerations that need to be taken into consideration for the implementation of data-centric AI for computer-aided drug design methods.


      This study contributes significantly to the field of machine learning and data curation in drug discovery. The paper is, in general, well-written and structured. However, in my opinion, there are some suggestions regarding certain aspects of the data analyses.


      The conclusions drawn in the study are based on the analysis of a two dataset. The authors chose BRAF as an example in this study, and expanded with BACE-1 dataset; however a benchmark with several targets would be suitable to evaluate reproducibility or transferability of the method. One concern could be the applicability of the method in other targets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, Menegas et al. classify the "control" behavior of captive marmosets. They combine behavioral screening from video recordings with audio and neural recordings (from the striatum) to better define what can be considered a typical behavioral repertoire for captive marmoset monkeys. A range of analyses is presented, investigating various aspects of behavior, such as social interactions and the detection of atypical individuals.

      The manuscript is compelling in many respects, especially due to the richness of the dataset and the breadth of analyses presented. However, a significant issue with the manuscript lies in its writing: the results are conveyed in an overly succinct and superficial manner, and the "Methods" section is nearly absent. Key concepts are often undefined, and the mathematical details underlying the figures are not explained, leaving readers to guess the authors' approach.

      Another issue is the vague use of the term "natural behavior." All data presented here appear to have been collected in small cages with limited climbing opportunities and enrichment. Thus, the authors should refrain from using "natural" to describe these conditions.

      Below, we elaborate further on the lack of methodological detail. Based on these issues, we believe the manuscript, in its current form, does not meet the scientific standards necessary for proper review. We strongly encourage the authors to undertake an extensive revision.

      Major Revision Points:

      The methods and results require significantly more detail. A scientific publication should provide readers with enough information to reproduce the study. Here, the detail level is far too low to fully understand, or reproduce, the study, and in many instances, readers are left to guess how the figure panels were produced. Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples illustrating these issues:

      (1) "we temporarily placed horizontal cage dividers to reduce the total cage size during data collection": What were the resulting (and initial) cage dimensions?

      (2) "After training the network, we hierarchically clustered the latent space": What is the latent space? Based on Figure 2a, it appears related to the network's recurrent layer, but this is not clarified in the text.

      (3) Alpha and perplexity parameters: Please define these terms. Since these concepts appear fundamental, readers should not have to consult external references.

      (4) "We then traced cluster identities across hierarchical levels": What are hierarchical levels?

      (5) "To understand how the input time series data was weighed in the bottleneck layer of the model": What is the bottleneck layer?

      (6) "we measured the average attention allocation to previous time points": The authors should define "attention allocation."

      (7) "we compared each neuron's firing rate distribution to shuffled data based on the overall frequency of each behavior during the session": This description is insufficient to understand the analysis.

      (8) "we hierarchically clustered neurons according to their firing rate enrichment maps": No mathematical explanation is provided for neuron clustering, nor is the concept of a "firing rate enrichment map" clarified.

      (9) "Cluster 4 showed higher activity when neurons were 'alone' or 'active'": This is vague and uses unclear jargon (e.g., "neurons alone"). Additionally, no mathematical explanation is provided for assigning neuronal activity to behavioral states.

      (10) Figure 3f, right-side panels: The analysis seems to involve cage mate positioning, yet no description is provided.

      (11) "we used motion watches to measure activity across all hours": Are these motion-sensitive watches physically attached to the animals? The methodology should be described, including data analysis details.

      This list could continue, but we trust the authors understand the point. There is a wealth of analyses and information in this study, but the descriptions are too superficial. We understand that fully describing each analysis may require significant rewriting, including supplementary figures, and will likely make the manuscript longer. This is entirely acceptable, as the ideas presented here are worth the added rigor.

      "Natural behavior": Typically, the term "natural" suggests that the dataset reflects the range of behaviors exhibited by animals in the wild. Here, however, recordings were made in a small cage with limited climbing opportunities and enrichment. Under these conditions, it's hard to justify describing the behavior as "natural". In a project aimed at classifying the behavioral repertoire of marmoset monkeys and making this dataset accessible to other laboratories, it would be helpful to include more detailed information about the animals' housing conditions. This might include cage sizes, temperature, humidity, and details on food quantities, quality, and feeding times.

      Correlation versus causation: In the section titled "Large-scale data collection reveals variability across days and correlation between cagemates," the authors conclude: "Overall, these results indicate that measurements of animals' behavioral traits depend heavily on their social environment." This interpretation seems incorrect. We know that animal behavior varies throughout the day, with activity peaks typically occurring in the morning and afternoon. Such factors, or other external influences, could induce correlations between animals that are not caused by social interactions.

      Figure 4g: What are we intended to conclude from this analysis?

      Figure 5: Please specify the type of calls analyzed. For example, did you analyze only long-distance calls (aka 'loud phees' or 'shrills')? In "We split the audio data into 5-minute (non-continuous) segments and found that the average call rate in these segments varied from 0 calls per minute to 60 calls per minute (Fig. 5d-e)," does the call rate refer to individual animals or the entire cage?

      "This implies that a high rate of calls in a room can interrupt animals during social resting states and cause them to preferentially exhibit more active/attentive states." Does it? This could simply indicate that more active animals produce more calls.

      "We recorded neural activity in the striatum because it is known to contain diverse signals related to movement and social interactions." While I understand that the authors intend to publish neural data separately, a brief discussion of the striatum's role here would be helpful.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Hu et. al presents a clearly-designed examination of the role of tachykinin1-expressing neurons in the parasubthalamic nucleus of the lateral posterior hypothalamus (PTSN) in active avoidance learning. These glutamatergic neurons have previously been implicated in responding to negative stimuli. This manuscript expands the current understanding of PTSNTac1 neurons in learned responses to threats by showing their role in encoding and mediating the active avoidance response. The authors first use bulk fiber photometry imaging to show the encoding of the active avoidance procedure, followed by cell-type specific manipulations of PTSNTac1 neurons during active avoidance. Finally, they show that encoding and mediation of active avoidance in a downstream target of PTSNTac1 neurons, the PVT/intermediodorsal nuclei of the dorsal thalamus (IMD), has the same effect as what was discovered in the cell body. This contrasts other output regions of the PTSN, such as the PBN and CeA, which were not found to promote active avoidance learning. The experiments presented were well-designed to support the conclusions of the authors, however, the manuscript is missing several key control experiments and supplemental information to support their main findings.


      The manuscript provides information on a brain region and downstream target that mediates active avoidance learning. The manuscript provides valuable information via necessity and sufficiency experiments to show the role of the population of interest (PTSNTac1 neurons) in active avoidance learning. The authors also performed most behavior experiments in male and female mice, with adequate power to address potential sex differences in the control of active avoidance by PTSNTac1 neurons. Finally, the manuscript provides valuable information about the specificity of the PTSNTac1 downstream target in regulating active avoidance learning, identifying the PVT/intermediodorsal nuclei of the dorsal thalamus as the key target and ruling out the PBN and CeA.


      However, several main conclusions of the paper must be interpreted carefully due to missing or inadequate control experiments and histological verification.

      (1) Inadequate presentation of viral localization. The authors state that expression was "largely restricted within PSTN" however there is no quantification of the amount of viral expression beyond the target region. Given that Tac1 is expressed in neighboring regions, it is critical to show the viral expression and fiber implant location data for all animals included in the figures. Furthermore, criteria for inclusion and exclusion based on mistargeting should be delineated. This should also be clearly outlined for the experiments in Figure S5, where "behavioral effects of activation of sparsely Tac1-expressing neurons in two adjacent areas of PSTN" was tested but the location of viral expression in those cases is unclear.

      (2) Lack of motion artifact correction with isosbestic signal for GCamp recordings. It is appreciated that the authors included a separate EGFP-expressing group to compare to the GCamp-expressing group, however, additional explanation is required for the methods used to analyze the raw fluorescent signal. Namely, were fluorescent signals isosbestic-corrected prior to calculating ΔF/F? If no isosbestic signal was used to correct motion artifacts within a recording session, additional explanation is needed to explain how this was addressed. The lack of motion artifacts in the EGFP signal in a separate cohort is inadequate to answer this caveat as motion artifacts are within-animal.

      (3) Missing control experiment demonstrating intact locomotor performance in caspase ablation experiments. The authors use caspase ablation of PTSNTac1 neurons prior to active avoidance learning to appraise the necessity of this cell population. However, a control experiment showing intact locomotor ability in ablated mice was not performed.

      (4) Missing control experiment demonstrating [lack of] valence with PTSN silencing manipulations. The authors performed a real-time and conditioned place preference experiments for ChR2-expressing mice (Fig 3M) and found stimulation to be negatively-valenced and generate an aversive memory, respectively. Absent this control experiment with silencing, an alternative conclusion remains possible that optogenetic silencing via GtACR2 created nonspecific location preferences in the active avoidance apparatus, confounding the interpretation of those results.

      (5) Incomplete analysis of sex differences. Data in female mice is conspicuously missing from inhibition experiments. The rationale for exclusion from this dataset would be useful for the interpretation of the other noted sex differences.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors sequence 45 new samples of S. Gallinarum, a commensal Salmonella found in chickens, which can sometimes cause disease. They combine these sequences with around 500 from public databases, determine the population structure of the pathogen, and coarse relationships of lineages with geography. The authors further investigate known anti-microbial genes found in these genomes, how they associate with each other, whether they have been horizontally transferred, and date the emergence of clades.


      - It doesn't seem that much is known about this serovar, so publicly available new sequences from a high burden region are a valuable addition to the literature.<br /> - Combining these sequences with publicly available sequences is a good way to better contextualise any findings.<br /> - The genomic analyses have been greatly improved since the first version of the manuscript, and appropriately analyse the population and date emergence of clades.<br /> - The SNP thresholds are contextualised in terms of evolutionary time.<br /> - The importance and context of the findings are fairly well described.


      - There are still a few issues with the genomic analyses, although they no longer undermine the main conclusions:

      (1) Although the SNP distance is now considered in terms of time, the 5 SNP distance presented still represents ~7yrs evolution, so it is unlikely to be a transmission event, as described. It would be better to use a much lower threshold or describe the interpretation of these clusters more clearly. Bringing in epidemiological evidence or external references on the likely time interval between transmissions would be helpful.

      (2) The HGT definition has not fundamentally been changed and therefore still has some issues, mainly that vertical evolution is still not systematically controlled for. Using a 5kb window is not sufficient, as LD may extend across the entire genome. As the authors have now run gubbins correctly, they could use the results from this existing analysis to find recent HGT. To definite mobilisation, perhaps a standard pipeline such (e.g. https://github.com/EBI-Metagenomics/mobilome-annotation-pipeline) would be more convincing.

      (3) The invasiveness index is better described, but the authors still did not provide convincing evidence that the small difference is actually biologically meaningful (there was no statistical difference between the two strains provided in response Figure 6). What do other Salmonella papers using this approach find, and can their links be brought in? If there is still no good evidence, a better description of this difference would help make the conclusions better supported.

      In summary, the analysis is broadly well described and feels appropriate. Some of the conclusions are still not fully supported, although the main points and context of the paper now appear sound.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this version of manuscript, the author clarified many details and rewrote some sections. This substantially improved the readability of the paper. I also recognized that the author spent substantial efforts in the Appendix to answer the potential questions.

      Unfortunately, I am not currently convinced by the theory proposed in this paper. In the next section, I will first recap the logic of the author and explain why I am not convinced. Although the theory fits many experimental results, other theories on overflow metabolism are also supported by experiments. Hence, I do not think based on experimental data we could rule in or rule out different theories.

      Recap: To explain the origin of overflow metabolism, the author uses the following logic:

      (1) There is a substantial variability of single-cell growth rate<br /> (2) The flux (J_r^E) and (J_f^E) are coupled with growth rate by Eq. 3<br /> (3) Since growth rate varies from cells to cells, flux (J_r^E) and (J_f^E) also varies<br /> (4) The variabilities of above fluxes in above create threshold-analog relation, and hence overflow metabolism.

      My opinion:

      The logic step (2) and (3) have caveats. The variability of growth rate has large components of cellular noise and external noise. Therefore, variability of growth rate is far from 100% correlated with variability of flux (J_r^E) and (J_f^E) at the single-cell level. Single-cell growth rate is a complex, multivariate functional, including (Jr^E) and (J_f^E) but also many other variables. My feeling is the correlation could be too low to support the logic here.

      One example: ribosomal concentration is known to be an important factor of growth rate in bulk culture. However, the "growth law" from bulk culture cannot directly translate into the growth law at single-cell level [Ref1,2]. This is likely due to other factors (such as cell aging, other muti-stability of cellular states) are involved.

      Therefore, I think using Eq.3 to invert the distribution of growth rate into the distribution of (Jr^E) and (J_f^E) is inapplicable, due to the potentially low correlation at single-cell level. It may show partial correlations, but may not be strong enough to support the claim and create fermentation at macroscopic scale.

      Overall, if we track the logic flow, this theory implies overflow metabolism is originated from variability of k_cat of catalytic enzymes from cells to cells. That is, the author proposed that overflow metabolism happens macroscopically as if it is some "aberrant activation of fermentation pathway" at the single-cell level, due to some unknown partially correlation from growth rate variability.

      Compared with other theories, this theory does not involve any regulatory mechanism and can be regarded as a "neutral theory". I am looking forward to seeing single cell experiments in the future to provide evidences about this theory.

      [Ref1] https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.19.590370v2<br /> [Ref2] https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.08.617237v2

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study investigates the impact of mother-child neural synchronization and the quality of parent-child relationships on the development of Theory of Mind (ToM) and social cognition. Utilizing a naturalistic fMRI movie-viewing paradigm, the authors analyzed inter-subject neural synchronization in mother-child dyads and explored the connections between neural maturity, parental caregiving, and social cognitive outcomes. The findings indicate age-related maturation in ToM and social pain networks, emphasizing the importance of dyadic interactions in shaping ToM performance and social skills, thereby enhancing our understanding of the environmental and intrinsic influences on social cognition.


      This research addresses a significant question in developmental neuroscience, by linking social brain development with children's behaviors and parenting. It also uses a robust methodology by incorporating neural synchrony measures, naturalistic stimuli, and a substantial sample of mother-child dyads to enhance its ecological validity. Furthermore, the SEM approach provides a nuanced understanding of the developmental pathways associated with Theory of Mind (ToM).


      (1) Upon reviewing the introduction, I feel that the first goal - developmental changes of the social brain and its relation to age - seems somewhat distinct from the other two goals and the main research question of the manuscript. The authors might consider revising this section to enhance the overall coherence of the manuscript. Additionally, the introduction lacks a clear background and rationale for the importance of examining age-related changes in the social brain.

      (2) The manuscript uses both "mother-child" and "parent-child" terminology. Does this imply that only mothers participated in the fMRI scans while fathers completed the questionnaires? If so, have the authors considered the potential impact of parental roles (father vs. mother)?

      (3) There is inconsistent usage of the terms ISC and ISS in the text and figures, both of which appear to refer to synchronization derived from correlation analysis. It would be beneficial to maintain consistency throughout the manuscript.

      (4) Of the 50 dyads, 16 were excluded due to data quality issues, which constitutes a significant proportion. It would be helpful to know whether these excluded dyads exhibited any distinctive characteristics. Providing information on demographic or behavioral differences-such as Theory of Mind (ToM) performance and age range between the excluded and included dyads would enhance the assessment of the findings' generalizability.

      (5) The article does not adhere to the standard practice of using a resting state as a baseline for subtracting from task synchronization. Is there a rationale for this approach? Not controlling for a baseline may lead to issues, such as whether resting state synchronization already differs between subjects with varying characteristics.

      (6) The title of the manuscript suggests a direct influence of mother-child interactions on children's social brain and theory of mind. However, the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) may not fully establish causal relationships. It is possible that the development of children's social brain and ToM also enhances mother-child neural synchronization. The authors should address this alternative hypothesis of the potential bidirectional relationship in the discussion and exercise caution regarding terms that imply causality in the title and throughout the manuscript.

      (7) I would appreciate more details about the 14 Theory of Mind (ToM) tasks, which could be included in supplemental materials. The authors score them on a scale from 0 to 14 (each task 1 point); however, the tasks likely vary in difficulty and should carry different weights in the total score (for example, the test and the control questions should have different weights). Many studies have utilized the seven tasks according to Wellman and Liu (2004), categorizing them into "basic ToM" and "advanced ToM." Different components of ToM could influence the findings of the current study, which should be further examined by a more in-depth analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The past five years have seen the publication of both new (Witvliet et al., 2021) and newly analyzed (Cook et al., 2019; Moyle et al., 2021; Brittin et al., 2021) data for the C. elegans connectome. The increase in data availability for a single species allows researchers to examine variability due to both stochastic events and changes over development. The quantity of these data is huge. To help the community make these data more accessible, the authors present a new online tool that allows the examination of 3D models for C. elegans neurons in the central neuropil across development. In addition to visualizing the overall structure of the neuronal processes and locations of synapses, the NeuroSCAN tool also allows users to probe into the C-PHATE visualization results, which this group previously pioneered to describe similarities in neuron adjacency (Moyle et al., 2021).


      The ability to visualize the data from both a connectomics and contactomics perspective across developmental time has significant power. The original C. elegans connectome (White et al., 1986) presented their circuits as line drawings with chemical and electrical synapses indicated through arrows and bars. While these line drawings remain incredibly useful, they were also necessary simplifications for a 2D publication and they lack details of the complex architecture seen within each EM image. Koonce et al take advantage of segmented image data of each neuronal process within the nerve ring to create a web interface where users can visualize 3D models for their neuron of choice. The C-PHATE visualization allows users to explore similarities among different neurons in terms of adjacency and then go directly to the 3D model for these neurons. The 3D models it generates are beautiful and will likely be showing up in many future presentations and publications. The tool doesn't require any additional downloading and is open source.


      While it's impossible to create one tool that will satisfy all potential users, I found myself wanting to have numbers associated with the data. For example, knowing the number of connections or the total surface area of contacts between individual neurons wasn't possible through the viewer, which limits the utility of taking deep analytical dives. While connectivity data are readily accessible through other interfaces such as Nemanode and WormWiring, a more thorough integration may be helpful to some users.

      There were several issues with the user interface that made it a bit clunky to use. For example, as I added additional neurons to the filter search box, the loading time got longer and longer. I ran an experiment uploading all of the amphid neurons, one pair at a time. Each additional neuron pair added an additional 5-10 seconds to the loading. By the time I got to the last pair, it took over a minute to load. Issues like these, some of which may be unavoidable given the size of the data, could be conveyed through better documentation. I did not find the tutorial very helpful and the supplementary movies lacked any voiceover, so it wasn't always clear what they were trying to show.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      There are two accounts in the literature that propose that expectations suppress the activity of neurons that are (a) not tuned to the expected stimulus to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for expected stimuli (sharpening model) or (b) tuned to the expected stimulus to highlight novel information (dampening model). One recent account, the opposing process theory, brings the two models together and suggests that both processes occur, but at different time points: initial sharpening is followed by later dampening of the neural activity of the expected stimulus. In this study, the authors aim to test the opposing process theory in a statistical learning task by applying multivariate EEG analyses and finding evidence for the opposing process theory based on the within-trial dynamics.


      This study addresses a very timely research question about the underlying mechanisms of expectation suppression. The applied EEG decoding approach offers an elegant way to investigate the temporal characteristics of expectation effects. A major strength of the study lies in the experimental design that aims to control for repetition effects, one of the common confounds in prediction suppression studies. The reported results are novel in the field and have the potential to substantially improve our understanding of expectation suppression in visual perception.


      The strength in controlling for repetition effects by introducing a neutral (50% expectation) condition also adds a weakness to the current version of the manuscript, as this neutral condition is not integrated into the behavioral (reaction times) and EEG (ERP and decoding) analyses. This procedure remained unclear to me. The reported results would be strengthened by showing differences between the neutral and expected (valid) conditions on the behavioral and neural levels. This would also provide a more rigorous check that participants had implicitly learned the associations between the picture category pairings.

      It is not entirely clear to me what is actually decoded in the prediction condition and why the authors did not perform decoding over trial bins in prediction decoding as potential differences across time could be hidden by averaging the data. The manuscript would generally benefit from a more detailed description of the analysis rationale and methods.

      Finally, the scope of this study should be limited to expectation suppression in visual perception, as the generalization of these results to other sensory modalities or to the action domain remains open for future research.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Measurements of the reward positivity, an electrophysiological component elicited during reward evaluation, have previously been used to understand how self-benefitting effort expenditure influences the processing of rewards. The present study is the first to complement those measurements with electrophysiological reward after-effects of effort expenditure during prosocial acts. The results provide solid evidence that effort adds reward value when the recipient of the reward is the self but discounts reward value when the beneficiary is another individual.


      An important strength of the study is that the amount of effort, the prospective reward, the recipient of the reward, and whether the reward was actually gained or not were parametrically and orthogonally varied. In addition, the researchers examined whether the pattern of results generalized to decisions about future efforts. The sample size (N=40) and mixed-effects regression models are also appropriate for addressing the key research questions. Those conclusions are plausible and adequately supported by statistical analyses.


      Although the obtained results are highly plausible, I am concerned whether the reward positivity (RewP) and P3 were adequately measured. The RewP and P3 were defined as the average voltage values in the time intervals 300-400 ms and 300-440 ms after feedback onset, respectively. So they largely overlapped in time. Although the RewP measure was based on frontocentral electrodes (FC3, FCz, and FC4) and the P3 on posterior electrodes (P3, Pz, and P4), the scalp topographies in Figure 3 show that the RewP effects were larger at the posterior electrodes used for the P3 than at frontocentral electrodes. So there is a concern that the RewP and P3 were not independently measured. This type of problem can often be resolved using a spatiotemporal principal component analysis. My faith in the conclusions drawn would be further strengthened if the researchers extracted separate principal components for the RewP and P3 and performed their statistical analyses on the corresponding factor scores.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript: "Synergistic effect of inhibiting CHK2 and DNA replication on cancer cell growth" successfully demonstrates that the compounds BKC and IBC found in Psoralea corylifolia act synergistically to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, using a wide range of well-chosen methodologies. Moreover, the authors characterized the mechanisms of action of both drugs, which result in inhibition of cell proliferation. The use of multiple cell lines and the mice models makes the study robust and complete.


      The manuscript presents a well written study that offers new insights and contributions to the field. Although the inhibitors described have been known in science, the authors present convincingly their mode of action, which is either better characterized (for BKC) or inhibiting a different than previously suggested enzyme (for IBC). Authors also nicely pinpoint and explain the narrow window of concentrations when these two compounds act synergistically rather than additively. The analyses in multiple cell lines, mouse models and in combination with other cancer treatments, make this study of interest not only for fundamental researchers but also for translational scientists and industry.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Ngo et al. use AlphaFold2 and Rosetta to model closed, open, and inactive states of the human ion channel hERG. Subsequent MD simulations and comparisons with experiments support the plausibility of their models.


      This is thorough work studied from many different angles. It provides a self-consistent picture of how conformational changes in hERG may affect its function and binding to different targets.


      Though this work claims the methodologies can be generalized to other systems, it is not obvious how. Many modeling choices seem arbitrary and also seem to have required extensive expert knowledge of the system. This limits the applicability of the modeling strategy.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Kume et al. found for the first time that Semaphorin 4A (Sema4A) was downregulated in both mRNA and protein levels in L and NL keratinocytes of psoriasis patients compared to control keratinocytes. In peripheral blood, they found that Sema4A is not only expressed in keratinocytes but is also upregulated in hematopoietic cells such as lymphocytes and monocytes in the blood of psoriasis patients. They investigated how the down-regulation of Sema4A expression in psoriatic epidermal cells affects the immunological inflammation of psoriasis by using a psoriasis mice model in which Sema4A KO mice were treated with IMQ. Kume et al. hypothesized that down-regulation of Sema4A expression in keratinocytes might be responsible for the augmentation of psoriasis inflammation. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, Kume et al. showed that KO of Sema4A in non-hematopoietic cells was responsible for the enhanced inflammation in psoriasis. The expression of CCL20, TNF, IL-17, and mTOR was upregulated in the Sema4AKO epidermis compared to the WT epidermis, and the infiltration of IL-17-producing T cells was also enhanced.


      Decreased Sema4A expression may be involved in psoriasis exacerbation through epidermal proliferation and enhanced infiltration of Th17 cells, which helps understand psoriasis immunopathogenesis.


      The mechanism of decreased Sema4A expression in psoriasis is not clear, although this does not affect the strength of this research.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors discovered that the chemoresistance in RCC cell lines correlates with the expression levels of the drug transporter ABCA1 and the EMT-related transcription factor Snail. They demonstrate that Snail induces ABCA1 expression and chemoresistance, and that ABCA1 inhibitors can counteract this resistance. The study also suggests that Snail disrupts the cholesterol-sphingomyelin (Chol/SM) balance by repressing the expression of enzymes involved in very long-chain fatty acid-sphingomyelin synthesis, leading to excess free cholesterol. This imbalance activates the cholesterol-LXR pathway, inducing ABCA1 expression. Moreover, inhibiting cholesterol esterification suppresses Snail-positive cancer cell growth, providing potential lipid-targeting strategies for invasive cancer therapy.


      This research presents a novel mechanism by which the EMT-related transcription factor Snail confers drug resistance by altering the Chol/SM balance, introducing a previously unrecognized role of lipid metabolism in the chemoresistance of cancer cells. The focus on lipid balance, rather than individual lipid levels, is a particularly insightful approach. The potential for targeting cholesterol detoxification pathways in Snail-positive cancer cells is also a significant therapeutic implication.


      The study's claim that Snail-induced ABCA1 is crucial for chemoresistance relies only on pharmacological inhibition of ABCA1, lacking additional validation. The causal relationship between the disrupted Chol/SM balance and ABCA1 expression or chemoresistance is not directly supported by data. Some data lack quantitative analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors use deep mutational scanning to assess the effect of ~6,600 protein-coding variants in MC4R, a G protein-coupled receptor associated with obesity. Reasoning that current deep mutational scanning approaches are insufficiently precise for some drug development applications, they focus on articulating new, more precise approaches. These approaches, which include a new statistical model and innovative reporter assay, enable them to probe molecular phenotypes directly relevant to the development of drugs that target this receptor with high precision and statistical rigor.

      They use the resulting data for a variety of purposes, including probing the relationship between MC4R's sequence and structure, analyzing the effect of clinically important variants, identifying variants that disrupt downstream MC4R signaling via one but not both pathways, identifying loss of function variants are amenable to a corrector drug and exploring how deep mutational scanning data could guide small molecule drug optimization.


      The analysis and statistical framework developed by the authors represent a significant advance. In particular, the study makes use of barcode-level internally replicated measurements to more accurately estimate measurement noise.

      The framework allows variant effects to be compared across experimental conditions, a task that is currently hard to do with rigor. Thus, this framework will be applicable to a large number of existing and future deep mutational scanning experiments.

      The authors refine their existing barcode transcription-based assay for GPCR signaling, and develop a clever "relay" new reporter system to boost signaling in a particular pathway. They show that these reporters can be used to measure both gain of function and loss of function effects, which many deep mutational scanning approaches cannot do.

      The use of systematic approaches to integrate and then interrogate high-dimensional deep mutational scanning data is a big strength. For example, the authors applied PCA to the variant effect results from reporters for two different MC4R signaling pathways and were able to discover variants that biased signaling through one or the other pathway. This approach paves the way for analyses of higher dimensional deep mutational scans.

      The authors use the deep mutational scanning data they collect to map how different variants impact small molecule agonists activate MC4R signaling. This is an exciting idea, because developing small-molecule protein-targeting therapeutics is difficult, and this manuscript suggests a new way to map small-molecule-protein interactions.


      The authors derive insights into the relationship between MC4R signaling through different pathways and its structure. While these make sense based on what is already known, the manuscript would be stronger if some of these insights were validated using methods other than deep mutational scanning.

      Likewise, the authors use their data to identify positions where variants disrupt MC4R activation by one small molecule agonist but not another. They hypothesize these effects point to positions that are more or less important for the binding of different small molecule agonists. The manuscript would be stronger if some of these insights were explored further.


      In this manuscript, the authors present new methods, including a statistical framework for analyzing deep mutational scanning data that will have a broad impact. They also generate MC4R variant effect data that is of interest to the GPCR community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work highlights a novel role for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in mitigating cellular senescence associated with age-related and painful intervertebral disc degeneration. Prior literature has demonstrated the importance of the accumulation of senescent cells in mediating many of the pathological effects associated with the degenerate disc joint such as inflammation and tissue breakdown. In this study, the authors treat clinically relevant human nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus cells from patients undergoing discectomy with recombinant PDGF-AB/BB for 5 days and then deep phenotyped the outcomes using bulk RNA sequencing. In addition, they irradiated healthy human disc cells which they subsequently treated with PDGF-AB/BB examining the expression of SASP-related markers and also PDGFRA receptor gene expression. Overall PDGF was able to down-regulate many senescent-associated pathways and the degenerate phenotype in IVD cells. Altered pathways were associated with neurogenesis, mechanical stimuli, metabolism, cell cycle, reactive oxygen species, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Overall the authors achieved their aims and the results by and large support their conclusions although improvements could be made to enhance the rigor of the study and findings.


      A major strength of this study is the use of human cells from patients undergoing discectomy for disc herniation as well as access to healthy human cells. Investigating the role of PDGF regarding cellular senescence in the degenerate disc joint is a novel and underexplored area of research which is a significant contribution to the field of spine. This study highlights a potential target for addressing cellular senescence where most of the prior focus has been on senolytic drugs. Such studies have broad implications for other age-related diseases where senescence plays a major role. The use of transcriptomics and therefore an unbiased approach to investigating the role of PDGF is also considered a strength as are the follow-up studies involving irradiating healthy human disc cells and treating these cells with PDGF. The combined assessment of both nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus cells in the context of these studies adds to the impact.


      A weakness of these studies lies in the lack of experimental details provided in the methodology including the rationale for such methods/conditions. Many details such as the specific culture models utilized, substrates, cell density, and media components are missing which impacts rigor. Such details would strengthen the manuscript and the ability to replicate and build on such work/findings. An additional weakness relates to qualitative data presented such as the B-galactosidase assay and immunofluorescence of senescence-associated proteins such as P21 and P16. Quantification of such data sets would greatly strengthen the studies and lend further support to the hypotheses. The study in its current form could be strengthened by the inclusion of mechanistic studies probing the downstream PDGF receptor-associated pathways for example specifically targeting or modulating the activity of the PDGF receptor PDGFRA including validation of the gene data for PDGFRA with protein level data to determine if the transcripts are being translated to protein. The claim that in annulus fibrosus cells, PDGF do not mediate their effects via the PDGFRA does not appear to be supported by the current data as only gene expression for the receptor was assessed with no functional or mechanistic studies being performed. Further discussion, interpretation, and direct comparison of the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus data sets would be helpful for the readers. The magnitude of changes related to the effects of PDGF-BB on the S-phase in irradiated NP and AF cells between control and treated groups seem small making interpretation of these findings challenging.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript offers an important contribution to the field of virology, especially concerning NNV entry mechanisms. The major strength of the study lies in the identification of MmMYL3 as a functional receptor for RGNNV and its role in macropinocytosis, mediated by the IGF1R-Rac1/Cdc42 signaling axis. This represents a significant advance in understanding NNV entry mechanisms beyond previously known receptors such as HSP90ab1 and HSC70. The data, supported by comprehensive in vitro and in vivo experiments, strongly justify the authors' claims about MYL3's role in NNV infection in marine medaka.


      (1) The identification of MmMYL3 as a functional receptor for RGNNV is a significant contribution to the field. The study fills a crucial gap in understanding the molecular mechanisms governing NNV entry into host cells.

      (2) The work highlights the involvement of IGF1R in macropinocytosis-mediated NNV entry and downstream Rac1/Cdc42 activation, thus providing a thorough mechanistic understanding of NNV internalization process. This could pave the way for further exploration of antiviral targets.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work investigates transcriptional responses to varying levels of transcription factors (TFs). The authors aim for gradual up- and down-regulation of three transcription factors GFI1B, NFE2, and MYB in K562 cells, by using a CRISPRa- and a CRISPRi line, together with sgRNAs of varying potency. Targeted single-cell RNA sequencing is then used to measure gene expression of a set of 90 genes, which were previously shown to be downstream of GFI1B and NFE2 regulation. This is followed by an extensive computational analysis of the scRNA-seq dataset. By grouping cells with the same perturbations, the authors can obtain groups of cells with varying average TF expression levels. The achieved perturbations are generally subtle, not reaching half or double doses for most samples, and up-regulation is generally weak below 1.5-fold in most cases. Even in this small range, many target genes exhibit a non-linear response. Since this is rather unexpected, it is crucial to rule out technical reasons for these observations.


      The work showcases how a single dataset of CRISPRi/a perturbations with scRNA-seq readout and an extended computational analysis can be used to estimate transcriptome dose responses, a general approach that likely can be built upon in the future.


      (1) The experiment was only performed in a single replicate. In the absence of an independent validation of the main findings, the robustness of the observations remains unclear.

      (2) The analysis is based on the calculation of log-fold changes between groups of single cells with non-targeting controls and those carrying a guide RNA driving a specific knockdown. How the fold changes were calculated exactly remains unclear, since it is only stated that the FindMarkers function from the Seurat package was used, which is likely not optimal for quantitative estimates. Furthermore, differential gene expression analysis of scRNA-seq data can suffer from data distortion and mis-estimations (Heumos et al. 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-023-00586-w), Nguyen et al. 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37126-3)). In general, the pseudo-bulk approach used is suitable, but the correct treatment of drop-outs in the scRNA-seq analysis is essential.

      (3) Two different cell lines are used to construct dose-response curves, where a CRISPRi line allows gene down-regulation and the CRISPRa line allows gene upregulation. Although both lines are derived from the same parental line (K562) the expression analysis of Tet2, which is absent in the CRISPRi line, but expressed in the CRISPRa line (Figure S3A) suggests substantial clonal differences between the two lines. Similarly, the PCA in S4A suggests strong batch effects between the two lines. These might confound this analysis.

      (4) The study uses pseudo-bulk analysis to estimate the relationship between TF dose and target gene expression. This requires a system that allows quantitative changes in TF expression. The data provided does not convincingly show that this condition is met, which however is an essential prerequisite for the presented conclusions. Specifically, the data shown in Figure S3A shows that upon stronger knock-down, a subpopulation of cells appears, where the targeted TF is not detected anymore (drop-outs). Also Figure 3B (top) suggests that the knock-down is either subtle (similar to NTCs) or strong, but intermediate knock-down (log2-FC of 0.5-1) does not occur. Although the authors argue that this is a technical effect of the scRNA-seq protocol, it is also possible that this represents a binary behavior of the CRISPRi system. Previous work has shown that CRISPRi systems with the KRAB domain largely result in binary repression and not in gradual down-regulation as suggested in this study (Bintu et al. 2016 (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aab2956), Noviello et al. 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38909-4)).

      (5) One of the major conclusions of the study is that non-linear behavior is common. This is not surprising for gene up-regulation, since gene expression will reach a plateau at some point, but it is surprising to be observed for many genes upon TF down-regulation. Specifically, here the target gene responds to a small reduction of TF dose but shows the same response to a stronger knock-down. It would be essential to show that his observation does not arise from the technical concerns described in the previous point and it would require independent experimental validations.

      (6) One of the conclusions of the study is that guide tiling is superior to other methods such as sgRNA mismatches. However, the comparison is unfair, since different numbers of guides are used in the different approaches. Relatedly, the authors point out that tiling sometimes surpassed the effects of TSS-targeting sgRNAs, however, this was the least fair comparison (2 TSS vs 10 tiling guides) and additionally depends on the accurate annotation of TSS in the relevant cell line.

      (7) Did the authors achieve their aims? Do the results support the conclusions?: Some of the most important conclusions are not well supported because they rely on accurately determining the quantitative responses of trans genes, which suffers from the previously mentioned concerns.

      (8) Discussion of the likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:<br /> Together with other recent publications, this work emphasizes the need to study transcription factor function with quantitative perturbations. Missing documentation of the computational code repository reduces the utility of the methods and data significantly.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Soares et al characterize several P. falciparum exported proteins that localize to Maurer's Clefts (MCs), membrane structures formed in the host erythrocyte cytosol. MCs are thought to act as sorting stations that mediate the trafficking of effector proteins to the erythrocyte membrane, such as the surface adhesin and major virulence factor PfEMP1. While initially mobile within the host cytosol, MCs become anchored at the erythrocyte periphery around the time PfEMP1 appears on the RBC surface. While MC immobilization is thought to be important for the delivery of PfEMP1 onto the erythrocyte surface, this hypothesis has remained untested due to the lack of mutants that prevent anchoring. The study begins by determining the sequence features able to mediate the export of PF3D7_0830300 and MSRP6, both PEXEL-Negative Exported Proteins (PNEPs) with signal peptides. The authors show that in both proteins, a region downstream of the signal peptide is sufficient to mediate export, indicating the mature N-terminus is also important for the translocation of this type of PNEP, similar to other classes of exported proteins. Surprisingly, an additional C-terminal region of MSRP6 is also sufficient to mediate export when placed downstream of the signal peptide in the absence of other MSRP6 features. This region also mediates recruitment to MCs and was used as BioID bait to identify proximal MC proteins, several of which form a complex with MSRP6. Strikingly, disruption of certain MSRP6 interacting proteins (PeMP2, PIESP2, and Pf332) abolishes MC anchoring and in some cases also results in major changes in MC morphology. Surprisingly, neither PfEMP1 surface display nor cytoadhesion of infected RBCs is impacted in these mutants. This study features an impressive array of genetically modified parasites and will be of broad interest in providing the first functional analysis of MC anchoring, challenging the prevailing model for PfEMP1 trafficking within the infected RBC.


      (1) The first section of the paper presents an in-depth dissection of the features that enable the export of signal peptide-containing PNEPs, confirming the mature N-terminus is sufficient for export across all known types of exported proteins. While it remains unknown how these features enable export, the results reinforce the universal importance of the mature N-terminus, whether generated by signal peptidase or Plasmepsin 5.

      (2) The discovery that a C-terminal region of MSRP6 (MAD) is also sufficient for export is novel. The authors suggest this may be the result of piggybacking on another exported protein, although the discussion acknowledges there are challenges with this model since unfolding by PTEX would be expected to disrupt these interactions. An alternative might be considered: the related protein MSRP7 is also exported but consists essentially of a signal peptide and MSP7-like domain without the large N-terminal region found in MSRP6. Presumably, the mature N-terminus of MSRP7 mediates export. If MSRP6 is derived from an exported predecessor composed only of the MSP7-like domain (like MSRP7), the MAD domain might retain the ancestral export information near the beginning of the MSP7-like domain. If this were the case, then the MAD domain (3cd region) should only be sufficient to mediate export when positioned immediately after the signal peptide as in the experiment in Fig 3C (SP-3cd-GFP). It would be interesting to determine if an SP-GFP-3cd construct is exported.

      (3) Disruption of PeMP2, PIESP2 or Pf332 is found to prevent MC anchoring. This is the most exciting part of the study as it provides the first set of mutants that interfere with anchoring, enabling the surprising observation that MC immobilization is not important for PfEMP1 surface display or cytoadhesion. The MC movement assay is a nice way to visualize anchoring and would be strengthened by a quantitative measure of colocalization between the time-lapse images (ie, Pearson correlation coefficient) to enable a statistical test. The use of SLI to specifically activate a var gene of choice is an exciting new approach that will be of great use to the PfEMP1 field together with the semi-automated binding assay that helps to increase throughput and reduce bias.


      (1) At least two of the MSRP6 complex members were found to depend on other complex members for MC trafficking: PeMP3 depends on MSRP6 and Pf332 depends on PIESP2 (previously shown by Zhang et al 2018 and confirmed in the present study). While the authors disrupted all seven MSRP6 complex members, the impact on the trafficking of the other complex members was not systematically investigated. It would be particularly interesting to know which (if any) complex members are required for MC recruitment of PeMP2 since this protein is also needed for MC anchoring.

      (2) Some images of exported puncta are interpreted as localization to the MCs without a co-marker. Since other compartments have been identified in the RBC cytosol in addition to MCs (ie, J dots), an MC co-marker would help to verify these actually correspond to MCs. For example, in Figure 5B, GEXP18 gives an exported punctate appearance but lack of co-localization with SBP1 in Fig S2B shows that this does not correspond to MCs.

      (3) The authors show MAHRP2 localization is not impacted in their PIESP2 and Pf332 mutants and this is interpreted to indicate the tether structures are not disrupted. However, this conclusion requires actual analysis of the tether structures by electron microscopy since MAHRP2 association to MCs may not require tether integrity and could persist even if the tethers are altered or disrupted. Otherwise, this statement should be adjusted. Additionally, since T2A skipping efficiency can vary between constructs, it would be a good idea to perform a western blot to ensure that the SBP1-GFP and MAHRP2-mScarlet signals in Figure 8D,F reflect separated proteins.

      (4) The trypsin assays to monitor PfEMP1 surface display would benefit from a more detailed explanation of how the results were interpreted. For instance, though perhaps less intense than in the PIESP2, Pf332, and MSRP6 mutants, a Var01-protected fragment is also seen in the SBP1 mutant. Additionally, a protected fragment is indicated for most of the SBP1N controls (asterisk). As per the author's experimental design (lines 956-957), does this indicate that the RBC membrane was partially compromised during the experiment? In line 505, the trypsin assay data in the mutants is interpreted relative to the parent IT4var01-HA line but no data is shown for the parent.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The study by Deganutti and co-workers is a methodological report on an adaptive sampling approach, multiple walker supervised molecular dynamics (mwSuMD), which represents an improved version of the previous SuMD.<br /> Case-studies concern complex conformational transitions in a number of G protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) involving long time-scale motions such as binding-unbinding and collective motions of domains or portions. GPCRs are specialized GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) of heterotrimeric Gα proteins of the Ras GTPase superfamily. They constitute the largest superfamily of membrane proteins and are of central biomedical relevance as privileged targets of currently marketed drugs.<br /> MwSuMD was exploited to address:

      a) binding and unbinding of the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) cyclic peptide agonist to the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R);<br /> b) molecular recognition of the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) and heterotrimeric GDP-bound Gs protein;<br /> c) molecular recognition of the A1-adenosine receptor (A1R) and palmotoylated and geranylgeranylated membrane-anchored heterotrimeric GDP-bound Gi protein;<br /> d) the whole process of GDP release from membrane-anchored heterotrimeric Gs following interaction with the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R), converted to the active state following interaction with the orthosteric non-peptide agonist danuglipron.

      The revised version has improved clarity and rigor compared to the original also thanks to the reduction in the number of complex case studies treated superficially.<br /> The mwSuMD method is solid and valuable, has wide applicability and is compatible with the most world-widely used MD engines. It may be of interest to the computational structural biology community.<br /> The huge amount of high-resolution data on GPCRs makes those systems suitable, although challenging, for method validation and development.<br /> While the approach is less energy-biased than other enhanced sampling methods, knowledge, at the atomic detail, of binding sites/interfaces and conformational states is needed to define the supervised metrics, the higher the resolution of such metrics is the more accurate the outcome is expected to be. Definition of the metrics is a user- and system-dependent process.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Chang et al. investigated the mechanisms governing collagen fibrillogenesis, firstly demonstrating that cells within tail tendons are able to uptake exogenous collagen and use this to synthesize new collagen-1 fibrils. Using an endocytic inhibitor, the authors next showed that endocytosis was required for collagen fibrillogenesis and that this process occurs in a circadian rhythmic manner. Using knockdown and overexpression assays, it was then demonstrated that collagen fibril formation is controlled by vacuolar protein sorting 33b (VPS33b), and this VPS33b-dependent fibrillogenesis is mediated via Integrin alpha-11 (ITGA11). The authors also demonstrated increased expression of VPS33b and ITGA11 at the gene level in fibroblasts from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and greater expression of these proteins in both lung samples from IPF patients and in chronic skin wounds, indicating that endocytic recycling is disrupted in fibrotic diseases. Finally, the authors performed knockdown assays in patient derived IPF fibroblasts to confirm that silencing of VPS33b and ITGA11 results in a decrease in recycling of exogenous collagen-1


      The authors have performed a comprehensive functional analysis of the regulators of endocytic recycling of collagen, providing compelling evidence that VPS33b and ITGA11 are crucial regulators of this process, and that this endocytic recycling becomes disrupted in fibrotic diseases.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This important study provides a mechanism that can explain the rapid diversification of poison-antidote pairs (wtf genes) in fission yeast: recombination between existing genes.


      The authors analyzed the diversity of wtf in S. pombe strains, and found pervasive copy number variations. They further detected signals of recurrent recombination in wtf genes. To address whether recombination can generate novel wtf genes, the authors performed artificial recombination between existing wft genes, and showed that indeed a new wtf can be generated: the poison cannot be detoxified by the antidotes encoded by parental wtf genes but can be detoxified by own antidote.


      The study can benefit from demonstrating that the novel poison-antidote constructed by the authors can serve as a meiotic driver.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Definition of the role of CdK5 in circadian locator activity and light induced neural activity in the mouse SCN in-vivo revealing its mode of action through PKA-CaMK-CREB signaling pathway.


      The experimental approaches are carried from in-vivo, to cellular and molecular level and provide first evidence for the specific involvement of CdK5 in light-induced phase advance of the free-running rhythm.


      The behavioral analyses are limited to some selected parameters.

      Downstream effects on circadian oscillation of gene expression and physiological functions in other brain regions, organs is missing.

      Comments on revisions:

      I am happy with the manuscript in its present form.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Murphy et al. titled "Change point estimation by the mouse medial prefrontal cortex during probabilistic reward learning" investigated the role of the mPFC in the exploitation of task structure. Previous work had shown that monkeys and humans exploit predictable task structures (e.g., switching rapidly when heavily trained a reversal learning task), but whether this was also the case for mice was not known. To test this, Murphy et al. trained head-fixed mice on a two-armed bandit task in which the contingencies reversed when mice met a performance criterion (10 trials choosing the better option) plus an additional random number of trials (referred to as Lrandom). They found that as the length of Lrandom increased, mice began to exhibit pre-emptive switching in their choices as if they were expecting and/or anticipating the reversal to occur. They report that unilateral lesions of the mPFC (ACC + MO) led to earlier pre-emptive switching (although I found this part of the manuscript the most challenging to understand) and faster post-reversal switching that they argue reflects an impairment in the proper estimation of the reversal. They also report that this requires inter-hemispheric coordination because bilateral lesions did not further impair this estimation. Optogenetic inhibition just prior to the mouse making a choice recapitulated some of the behavioral metrics observed in the mPFC lesioned animals. Finally, the authors developed a novel hybrid belief-choice kernel model to provide a computational approach to quantifying these behavioral differences.


      The paper is extremely well written and was an absolute pleasure to read. The results are novel and provide exciting (although not surprising) evidence that mice exploit task structures to earn rewards. Moreover, the experiments were well-designed and included appropriate controls and/or control conditions that support their findings.


      Some of the results need to be clarified and/or language changed to ensure that readers will understand. Restricting analyses to expert mice that show the predicted effect is problematic.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study analyzes protein abundance data from six VAMP-seq experiments, comprising over 31,000 single amino acid substitutions, to understand how different amino acids contribute to maintaining cellular protein levels. The authors develop substitution matrices that capture the average effect of amino acid changes on protein abundance in different structural contexts (buried vs. exposed residues). Their key finding is that these simple structure-based matrices can predict mutational effects on abundance with accuracy comparable to more complex physics-based stability calculations (ΔΔG).

      Major strengths:

      (1) The analysis focuses on a single molecular phenotype (abundance) measured using the same experimental approach (VAMP-seq), avoiding confounding factors present when combining data from different phenotypes (e.g., mixing stability, activity, and fitness data) or different experimental methods.

      (2) The demonstration that simple structural features (particularly solvent accessibility) can capture a significant portion of mutational effects on abundance.

      (3) The practical utility of the matrices for analyzing protein interfaces and identifying functionally important surface residues.

      Major weaknesses:

      (1) The statistical rigor of the analysis could be improved. For example, when comparing exposed vs. buried classification of interface residues, or when assessing whether differences between prediction methods are significant.

      (2) The mechanistic connection between stability and abundance is assumed rather than explained or investigated. For instance, destabilizing mutations might decrease abundance through protein quality control, but other mechanisms like degron exposure could also be at play.

      (3) The similar performance of simple matrix-based and complex physics-based predictions calls for deeper analysis. A systematic comparison of where these approaches agree or differ could illuminate the relationship between stability and abundance. For instance, buried sites showing exposed-like behavior might indicate regions of structural plasticity, while the link between destabilization and degradation might involve partial unfolding exposing typically buried residues. The authors have all the necessary data for such analysis but don't fully exploit this opportunity.

      (4) The pooling of data across proteins to construct the matrices needs better justification, given the observed differences in score distributions between proteins (for example, PTEN's distribution is shifted towards high abundance scores while ASPA and PRKN show more binary distributions).

      (5) Some key methodological choices require better justification. For example, combining "to" and "from" mutation profiles for PCA despite their different behaviors, or using arbitrary thresholds (like 0.05) for residue classification.

      The authors largely achieve their primary aim of showing that simple structural features can predict abundance changes. However, their secondary goal of using the matrices to identify functionally important residues would benefit from more rigorous statistical validation. While the matrices provide a useful baseline for abundance prediction, the paper could offer deeper biological insights by investigating cases where simple structure-based predictions differ from physics-based stability calculations.

      This work provides a valuable resource for the protein science community in the form of easily applicable substitution matrices. The finding that such simple features can match more complex calculations is significant for the field. However, the work's impact would be enhanced by a deeper investigation of the mechanistic implications of the observed patterns, particularly in cases where abundance changes appear decoupled from stability effects.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors report novel and exciting findings delineating a non-transcriptional mechanism whereby glucocorticoids desensitize CRH neurons to NE in response to somatic stress. The authors find that this desensitization induced by CORT 1. persists more than 18h, 2. reduces surface expression of AR1bR (NE receptors) by redirecting trafficking from rapid recycling to late endosomal pools and lysosomes, 3. is dependent on NE binding to the AR1bR, 4. involves cellular nitrosylation, 5. involves ubiquitination of beta-arrestin, and 5. involves interactions between glucocorticoid receptors and AR1bs, glucocorticoid receptors and ubiquitinated beta-arrestin, and AR1b and ubiquitinated beta-arrestin. While the authors do not directly provide evidence for a trimeric complex composed of these three proteins, their data that CORT causes translocation of these dimeric complexes to the cell nucleus suggests it is likely. Overall, these results are highly informative for understanding novel mechanisms mediating glucocorticoid regulation of GPCRs.

      Strengths:<br /> - Good rationale for each experiment, which describes many parts of the CORT-NE desensitization mechanism<br /> - Great discussion of limitations of the approaches and the parts of the mechanism we do not fully understand yet<br /> - Appropriate approaches for questions being answered<br /> - Describes a highly novel CORT mechanism that non-transcriptionally switches GPCR trafficking dynamics, something that could have far reaching implications for other GPCRs involved in stress responses

      Weaknesses:<br /> - Unclear how this mechanism would generalize to other stressor modalities. Restraint stress is a somatic stressor, but can also be considered a psychological stressor (model of depression-like behavior). A purely somatic stressor might increase the robustness of this phenomenon.<br /> - Remains unknown how nitrosylation plays into the mechanism in terms of specific proteins affected by CORT (GRK2, endophilin, clathrin possibilities)

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Campbell et al have described the dynamic pattern of two Bmps (Bmp5, Bmp4), one of their receptors (Acvr2a), putative joint inhibitors of the Bmp & Wnt pathways (sostdc1, apcdd1) and an effector of Bmp signaling phosph-Smad, in the experimentally tractable sterlet sturgeon to better understand the role of Bmp signaling in electroreceptor development. The role of Bmp signaling is poorly understood in the lateral line system. Furthermore, the development of electroreceptors in ampullary organs remains poorly understood as most recent analysis of lateral line development has focused on model organisms Xenopus and zebrafish, which the electroreceptors have been lost. They show that expression of these players is consistent with a role for Bmp signaling in electroreceptor development. Furthermore, they show that Bmp5 crispants have fewer ampullary organs. However, inhibition of Bmp signaling with the small molecule inhibitor DMH1 for 20 hours starting from stage 36 after hatching and before ampullary organ development results in supernumerary ampullary organ development. These strikingly different results lead the authors to conclude that Bmp signaling has opposing roles in ampullary organ development.

      These observations are interesting and the conclusions are supported by the data presented and the study makes important contributions to our understanding of the role of Bmp signaling in electroreceptor development in lateral line development. However, the study opens and leaves unresolved a number of questions. While a definitive answer to these questions may be outside the scope of this paper, some additional experiments may help strengthen the paper.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study utilized two complimentary techniques (EEG and 7T MRI/MRS) to directly test a theory of dyslexia: the neural noise hypothesis. The authors report finding no evidence to support an excitatory/inhibitory balance, as quantified by beta in EEG and Glutamate/GABA ratio in MRS. This is important work and speaks to one potential mechanism by which increased neural noise may occur in dyslexia.


      This is a well conceived study with in depth analyses and publicly available data for independent review. The authors provide transparency with their statistics and display the raw data points along with the averages in figures for review and interpretation. The data suggest that an E/I balance issue may not underlie deficits in dyslexia and is a meaningful and needed test of a possible mechanism for increased neural noise.


      The researchers did not include a visual print task in the EEG task, which limits analysis of reading specific regions such as the visual word form area, which is a commonly hypoactivated region in dyslexia. This region is a common one of interest in dyslexia, yet the researchers measured the I/E balance in only one region of interest, specific to the language network.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study provides a valuable data set showing changes in the spatial organization of synaptic proteins at the retinogeniculate connection during a developmental period of active axonal and synaptic remodeling. The data collected by STORM microscopy is state-of-the-art in terms of the high-resolution view of the presynaptic components of a plastic synapse. The revision has addressed many, but not all, of the initial concerns about the authors interpretation of their data. However, with the revisions, the manuscript has become very dense and difficult to follow.


      The data presented is of good quality and provides an unprecedented view at high resolution of the presynaptic components of the retinogeniculate synapse during active developmental remodeling. This approach offers an advance to the previous mouse EM studies of this synapse because the CTB label allows identification of the eye from which the presynaptic terminal arises.


      From these data the authors conclude that eye-specific increase in mAZ synapse density occur over retinogeniculate refinement, that sAZ synapses cluster close to mAZ synapses over age, and that this process depends on spontaneous activity and proximity to eye-specific mAZ synapses. While the interpretation of this data set is much more grounded in this revised submission, some of the authors' conclusions/statements still lack convincing supporting evidence.<br /> This includes:

      (1) The conclusion that multi-active zone synapses are loci for synaptic clustering. This statement, or similar ones (e.g., line 407) suggest that mAZ synapses actively or through some indirect way influence the clustering of sAZ synapses. There is no evidence for this. Clustering of retinal synapses are in part due to the fact that retinal inputs synapse on the proximal dendrites. With increased synaptogenesis, there will be increased density of retinal terminals that are closely localized. And with development, perhaps sAZ synapses mature into mAZ synapses. This scenario could also explain a large part of this data set.

      (2) The conclusion that, "clustering depends on spontaneous retinal activity" could be misleading to the reader given that the authors acknowledge that their data is most consistent with a failure of synaptogenesis in the mutant mice (in the rebuttal). Additionally clustering does occur in CTB+ projections around mAZ synapses.

      (3). Line 403: "Since mAZ synapses are expected to have a higher release probability, they likely play an important role in driving plasticity mechanisms reliant on neurotransmission.":What evidence do the authors have that mAZ are expected to have higher release probability?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper documents a compelling attempt to accurately determine the locations and boundaries of the anatomically and functionally defined layers in macaque primary visual cortex using voltage signals recorded from a high-density electrode array that spans the full depth of cortex with contacts at 20 um spacing. First, the authors attempt to use current source density (CSD) analysis to determine layer locations, but they report a striking failure because the results vary greatly from one electrode penetration to the next and because the spatial resolution of the underlying local field potential (LFP) signal is coarse compared to the electrical contact spacing. The authors therefore turn to examining higher frequency signals related to action potentials and provide evidence that these signals reflect changes in neuronal size and packing density, response latency and visual selectivity, which taken together can advance the state-of-the-art accuracy in making layer assignments from in vivo recordings.


      There is a lot of nice data to look at in this paper that show interesting quantities as a function of depth in V1. Bringing all of these together offers the reader a rich data set: CSD, action potential shape, response power and coherence spectrum, and post-stimulus time response traces. Furthermore, data are displayed as a function of eye (dominant or non-dominant) and for achromatic and cone-isolating stimuli.

      This paper takes a strong stand in pointing out weaknesses in the ability of CSD analysis to make consistent determinations about cortical layering in V1. Many researchers have found CSD to be problematic, and the observations here may be important to motivate other researchers to carry out rigorous comparisons and publish their results, even if they reflect negatively on the value of CSD analysis.

      The paper provides a thoughtful, practical and comprehensive recipe for assigning traditional cortical layers based on easily-computed metrics from electophysiological recordings in V1, and this is likely to be useful for electrophysiologists who are now more frequently using high-density electrode arrays.


      Considerable space is taken in pointing out features that are well known, for example, the latency difference associated with different retinogeniculate pathways, the activity level differences associated with input layers, and the action potential shape differences associated with white vs. gray matter. These have been used for decades as indicators of depth and location of recordings in visual cortex as electrodes were carefully advanced. High density electrodes allow this type of data to now be collected in parallel, but at discrete, regular sampling points. Perhaps more emphasis could be placed on developing a rigorous analysis of how variable vs. reproducible are quantitative metrics of these features across penetrations, as a function of distance or functional domain, and from animal to animal, but this paper certainly makes a substantial push in this direction.

      Another important piece of information for assessing the ability to determine layers from spiking activity is to carry out post-mortem histological processing so that the layer determination made in vivo can be compared to anatomical layering. However, histological methods also suffer from distortion and noise, thus it remains to be seen how much can ultimately be gained by integrating histology with the physiological methods explored here.


      Overall, this paper makes a compelling argument in favor of using action potentials and stimulus driven responses, instead of CSD measurements, to assign cortical layers to electrode contacts in V1. The rich presentation of data, combined with the authors' highly educated interpretation and speculation about how useful such measurements will be for layer assignment make this an important paper for many labs using high-density electrodes. It is easy to agree with much of what is postulated here and to hope that we will soon have reliable, quantitative methods to make layer assignments that will be meaningful in terms of the differentiated roles of single neurons in cortical computation. How much this will end up corresponding to the canonical layer numbering that has been used for many decades will be interesting to see.

      Comments on revisions:

      I found that the authors addressed my main concerns to the degree they were able. They improved the consistency of language and figures, and they added some useful quantification.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This interesting paper examines the earliest steps in progesterone-induced frog oocyte maturation, an example of non-genomic steroid hormone signaling that has been studied for decades but is still very incompletely understood. In fish and frog oocytes it seems clear that mPR proteins are involved, but exactly how they relay signals is less clear. In human sperm, the lipid hydrolase ABHD2 has been identified as a receptor for progesterone, and so the authors here examine whether ABHD2 might contribute to progesterone-induced oocyte maturation as well. The main results are:

      (1) Knocking down ABHD2 makes oocytes less responsive to progesterone, and ectopically expressing ABHD2.S (but not the shorter ABHD2.L gene product) partially rescues responsiveness. The rescue depends upon the presence of critical residues in the protein's conserved lipid hydrolase domain, but not upon the presence of critical residues in its acyltransferase domain.

      (2) Treatment of oocytes with progesterone causes a decrease in sphingolipid and glycerophospholipid content within 5 min. This is accompanied by an increase in LPA content and arachidonic acid metabolites. These species may contribute to signaling through GPCRs. Perhaps surprisingly, there was no detectable increase in sphingosine-1-phosphate, which might have been expected given the apparent substantial hydrolysis of sphingolipids. The authors speculate that S1P is formed and contributes to signaling but diffuses away.

      (3) Pharmacological inhibitors of lipid-metabolizing enzymes support, for the most part, the inferences from the lipidomics studies, although there are some puzzling findings. The puzzling findings may be due to uncertainty about whether the inhbitors are working as advertised.

      (4) Pharmacological inhibitors of G-protein signaling support a role for G-proteins and GPCRs in this signaling, although again there are some puzzling findings.

      (5) Reticulocyte expression supports the idea that mPRβ and ABHD2 function together to generate a progesterone-regulated PLA2 activity.

      (6) Knocking down or inhibiting ABHD2 inhibited progesterone-induced mPRβ internalization, and knocking down ABHD2 inhibited SNAP25∆20-induced maturation.

      Strengths:<br /> All in all, this could be a very interesting paper and a nice contribution. The data add a lot to our understanding of the process, and, given how ubiquitous mPR and AdipoQ receptor signaling appear to be, something like this may be happening in many other physiological contexts.


      I have several suggestions for how to make the main points more convincing.

      Main criticisms:

      (1) The ABHD2 knockdown and rescue, presented in Fig 1, is one of the most important findings. It can and should be presented in more detail to allow the reader to understand the experiments better. E.g.: the antisense oligos hybridize to both ABHD2.S and ABHD2.L, and they knock down both (ectopically expressed) proteins. Do they hybridize to either or both of the rescue constructs? If so, wouldn't you expect that both rescue constructs would rescue the phenotype, since they both should sequester the AS oligo? Maybe I'm missing something here.

      In addition, it is critical to know whether the partial rescue (Fig 1E, I, and K) is accomplished by expressing reasonable levels of the ABHD2 protein, or only by greatly overexpressing the protein. The author's antibodies do not appear to be sensitive enough to detect the endogenous levels of ABHD2.S or .L, but they do detect the overexpressed proteins (Fig 1D). The authors could thus start by microinjecting enough of the rescue mRNAs to get detectable protein levels, and then titer down, assessing how low one can go and still get rescue. And/or compare the mRNA levels achieved with the rescue construct to the endogenous mRNAs.

      Finally, please make it clear what is meant by n = 7 or n = 3 for these experiments. Does n = 7 mean 7 independently lysed oocytes from the same frog? Or 7 groups of, say, 10 oocytes from the same frog? Or different frogs on different days? I could not tell from the figure legends, the methods, or the supplementary methods. Ideally one wants to be sure that the knockdown and rescue can be demonstrated in different batches of oocytes, and that the experimental variability is substantially smaller than the effect size.

      (2) The lipidomics results should be presented more clearly. First, please drop the heat map presentations (Fig 2A-C) and instead show individual time course results, like those shown in Fig 2E, which make it easy to see the magnitude of the change and the experiment-to-experiment variability. As it stands, the lipidomics data really cannot be critically assessed.

      [Even as heat map data go, panels A-C are hard to understand. The labels are too small, especially on the heat map on the right side of panel B. And the 25 rows in panel C are not defined (the legend makes me think the panel is data from 10 individual oocytes, so are the 25 rows 25 metabolites? If so, are the individual oocyte data being collapsed into an average? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of assessing individual oocytes?) And those readers with red-green colorblindness (8% of men) will not be able to tell an increase from a decrease. But please don't bother improving the heat maps; they should just be replaced with more-informative bar graphs or scatter plots.]

      (3) The reticulocyte lysate co-expression data are quite important, and are both intriguing and puzzling. My impression had been that to express functional membrane proteins, one needed to add some membrane source, like microsomes, to the standard kits. Yet it seems like co-expression of mPR and ABHD2 proteins in a standard kit is sufficient to yield progesterone-regulated PLA2 activity. I could be wrong here-I'm not a protein expression expert-but I was surprised by this result, and I think it is critical that the authors make absolutely certain that it is correct. Do you get much greater activities if microsomes are added? Are the specific activities of the putative mPR-ABHD2 complexes reasonable?

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have satisfied my concerns with their response letter and revisions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Sullivan and Bashaw delve into the mechanisms that drive neural circuit assembly, and specifically, into the regulation of cell surface proteins that mediate axon pathfinding. During nervous system development, axons must traverse a molecularly and physically complex extracellular milieu to reach their synaptic targets. A fundamental, conserved repulsive signaling pathway is initiated by the Slit-Robo ligand-receptor pair. Robo, expressed on axon growth cones, binds Slit, secreted by midline cells, to prevent "pre-crossing" and "re-crossing" of axons at the midline. To control this repulsion, Robo surface levels are tightly regulated. In Drosophila, Commissureless (Comm) downregulates Robo surface levels and is required for axon crossing at the midline. Several studies suggest that PY motifs in Comm are required to localize Robo to endosomes. PY motifs have been shown to bind WW-domain containing proteins including the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 family, so the authors propose that Comm may regulate Robo through Nedd4 interactions. Previous studies have hinted at a role for Nedd4-mediated ubiquitination of Comm in regulation of Robo localization, but there have also been conflicting data. For example, Comm mutants that are unable to be ubiquitinated mimic wild-type Comm, suggesting that ubiquitination of Comm is not required for regulation of Robo. The current study utilizes a suite of genetic analyses in Drosophila to resolve discrepancies pertaining to the mode of Comm-dependent regulation of Robo1 and proposes that Comm acts as an adapter for the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase to recognize Robo1 as a substrate. The authors also demonstrate that Nedd4 is indeed required for midline crossing.


      While this work is more incremental rather than field-shifting, it is nonetheless an excellent example of a rigorous, thorough analysis that culminates in enriching our mechanistic understanding of how neurons regulate cell-surface receptors in a spatiotemporal manner to control fundamental steps of circuit wiring. The experimental approach is thorough, and the manuscript is extremely well-written.


      Some key experiments (eg. complex formation) were performed in cell culture in an overexpression background. However, updated experiments demonstrated complex formation using immunoprecipitation in tissues overexpression the corresponding components. Also, there was a missed opportunity to bolster the model proposed by using Comm PY mutants in several experiments.

      Comments on revised version:

      The revised manuscript bolsters the authors' conclusions and now provides evidence for interactions in tissue. No additional experiments are needed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Gao et al. investigated the change of aggression strategies by the social experience and its biological significance by using Drosophila. Two modes of inter-male aggression in Drosophila are known: lunging, high-frequency but weak mode, and tussling, low-frequency but more vigorous mode. Previous studies have mainly focused on the lunging. In this paper, the authors developed a new behavioral experiment system for observing tussling behavior and found that tussling is enhanced by group rearing while lunging is suppressed. They then searched for neurons involved in the generation of tussling. Although olfactory receptors named Or67d and Or65a have previously been reported to function in the control of lunging, the authors found that these neurons do not function in the execution of tussling, and another olfactory receptor, Or47b, is required for tussling, as shown by the inhibition of neuronal activity and the gene knockdown experiments. Further optogenetic experiments identified a small number of central neurons pC1[SS2] that induce the tussling specifically. In order to further explore the ecological significance of the aggression mode change in group rearing, a new behavioral experiment was performed to examine territorial control and mating competition. Finally, the authors found that differences in the social experience (group vs. solitary rearing) are important in these biologically significant competitions. These results add a new perspective to the study of aggressive behavior in Drosophila. Furthermore, this study proposes an interesting general model in which the social experience-modified behavioral changes play a role in reproductive success.


      A behavioral experiment system that allows stable observation of tussling, which could not be easily analyzed due to its low frequency, would be very useful. The experimental setup itself is relatively simple, just the addition of a female to the platform, so it should be applicable to future research. The finding about the relationship between the social experience and the aggression mode change is quite novel. Although the intensity of aggression changes with the social experience was already reported in several papers (Liu et al., 2011, etc), the fact that the behavioral mode itself changes significantly has rarely been addressed and is extremely interesting. The identification of sensory and central neurons required for the tussling makes appropriate use of the genetic tools and the results are clear. A major strength of the neurobiology in this study is the finding that another group of neurons (Or47b-expressing olfactory neurons and pC1[SS2] neurons), distinct from the group of neurons previously thought to be involved in low-intensity aggression (i.e. lunging), function in the tussling behavior. Further investigation of the detailed circuit analysis is expected to elucidate the neural substrate of the conflict between the two aggression modes.


      The experimental systems examining the territory control and the reproductive competition in Figure 5 are novel and have advantages in exploring their biological significance. However, at this stage, the authors' claim is weak since they only show the effects of age and social experience on territorial and mating behaviors, but do not experimentally demonstrate the influence of aggression mode change itself. In the Abstract, the authors state that these findings reveal how social experience shapes fighting strategies to optimize reproductive success. This is the most important perspective of the present study, and it would be necessary to show directly that the change of aggression mode by social experience contributes to reproductive success.

      In addition, a detailed description of the tussling is lacking. For example, the authors state that the tussling is less frequent but more vigorous than lunging, but while experimental data are presented on the frequency, the intensity seems to be subjective. The intensity is certainly clear from the supplementary video, but it would be necessary to evaluate the intensity itself using some index. Another problem is that there is no clear explanation of how to determine the tussling. A detailed method is required for the reproducibility of the experiment.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript claims to present a novel method for direct imaging of electric field networks from EEG data with higher spatiotemporal resolution than even fMRI. Validation of the EEG reconstructions with EEG/FMRI, EEG, and iEEG datasets are presented. Subsequently, reconstructions from a large EEG dataset of subjects performing a gambling task are presented.


      If true and convincing, the proposed theoretical framework and reconstruction algorithm can revolutionize the use of EEG source reconstructions.


      There is very little actual information in the paper about either the forward model or the novel method of reconstruction. Only citations to prior work by the authors are cited with absolutely no benchmark comparisons, making the manuscript difficult to read and interpret in isolation from their prior body of work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Host-derived lipids are an important factor during Mtb infection. In this study, using CRISPR knockouts of genes involved in fatty acid uptake and metabolism, the authors claim that a compromised uptake, storage, or metabolism of fatty acid restricts Mtb growth upon infection. Further, the authors claim that the mechanism involves increased glycolysis, autophagy, oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and nutrient limitation. The authors also claim that impaired lipid droplet formation restricts Mtb growth. However, promoting lipid droplet biogenesis does not reverse/promote Mtb growth.


      The strength of the study is the use of clean HOXB8-derived primary mouse macrophage lines for generating CRISPR knockouts.


      There are many weaknesses of this study, they are clubbed into four categories below

      (1) Evidence and interpretations: The results shown in this study at several places do not support the interpretations made or are internally contradictory or inconsistent. There are several important observations, but none were taken forward for in-depth analysis. A<br /> a) The phenotypes of PLIN2-/-, FATP1-/-, and CPT-/- are comparable in terms of bacterial growth restriction; however, their phenotype in terms of lipid body formation, IL1B expression, etc., are not consistent. These are interesting observations and suggest additional mechanisms specific to specific target genes; however, clubbing them all as altered fatty acid uptake or catabolism-dependent phenotypes takes away this important point. b) Finding the FATP1 transcript in the HOXB8-derived FATP1-/- CRISPR KO line is a bit confusing. There is less than a two-fold decrease in relative transcript abundance in the KO line compared to the WT line, leaving concerns regarding the robustness of other experiments as well using FATP1-/- cells.<br /> c) No gene showing differential regulation in FATP-/- macrophages, which is very surprising.<br /> d) ROS measurements should be done using flow cytometry and not by microscopy to nail the actual pattern.

      (2) Experimental design: For a few assays, the experimental design is inappropriate<br /> a) For autophagy flux assay, immunoblot of LC3II alone is not sufficient to make any interpretation regarding the state of autophagy. This assay must be done with BafA1 or CQ controls to assess the true state of autophagy.<br /> b) Similarly, qPCR analyses of autophagy-related gene expression do not reflect anything on the state of autophagy flux.

      (3) Using correlative observations as evidence:<br /> a) Observations based on RNAseq analyses are presented as functional readouts, which is incorrect.<br /> b) Claiming that the inability to generate lipid droplets in PLIN2-/- cells led to the upregulation of several pathways in the cells is purely correlative, and the causal relationship does not exist in the data presented.

      (4) Novelty: A few main observations described in this study were previously reported. That includes Mtb growth restriction in PLIN2 and FATP1 deficient cells. Similarly, the impact of Metformin and TMZ on intracellular Mtb growth is well-reported. While that validates these observations in this study, it takes away any novelty from the study.

      (5) Manuscript organisation: It will be very helpful to rearrange figures and supplementary figures.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      It is generally believed that higher-order areas in the prefrontal cortex guide selection during working memory and attention through signals that selectively recruit neuronal populations in sensory areas that encode the relevant feature. In this work, Parto-Dezfouli and colleagues tested how these prefrontal signals influence activity in visual area V4 using a spatial working memory task. They recorded neuronal activity from visual area V4 and found that information about visual features at the behaviorally relevant part of space during the memory period is carried in a spatially selective manner in the timing of spikes relative to a beta oscillation (phase coding) rather than in the average firing rate (rate code). The authors further tested whether there is a causal link between prefrontal input and the phase encoding of visual information during the memory period. They found that indeed inactivation of the frontal eye fields, a prefrontal area known to send spatial signals to V4, decreased beta oscillatory activity in V4 and information about the visual features. The authors went one step further to develop a neural model that replicated the experimental findings and suggested that changes in the average firing rate of individual neurons might be a result of small changes in the exact beta oscillation frequency within V4. These data provide important new insights into the possible mechanisms through which top-down signals can influence activity in hierarchically lower sensory areas and can therefore have a significant impact on the Systems, Cognitive, and Computational Neuroscience fields.


      This is a well-written paper with a well-thought-out experimental design. The authors used a smart variation of the memory-guided saccade task to assess how information about the visual features of stimuli is encoded during the memory period. By using a grating of various contrasts and orientations as the background the authors ensured that bottom-up visual input would drive responses in visual area V4 in the delay period, something that is not commonly done in experimental settings in the same task. Moreover, one of the major strengths of the study is the use of different approaches including analysis of electrophysiological data using advanced computational methods of analysis, manipulation of activity through inactivation of the prefrontal cortex to establish causality of top-down signals on local activity signatures (beta oscillations, spike locking and information carried) as well as computational neuronal modeling. This has helped extend an observation into a possible mechanism well supported by the results.


      Although the authors provide support for their conclusions from different approaches, I found that the selection of some of the analyses and statistical assessments made it harder for the reader to follow the comparison between a rate code and a phase code. Specifically, the authors wish to assess whether stimulus information is carried selectively for the relevant position through a firing rate or a phase code. Results for the rate code are shown in Figures 1B-G and for the phase code are shown in Figure 2. Whereas an F-statistic is shown over time in Figure 1F (and Figure S1) no such analysis is shown for LFP power. Similarly, following FEF inactivation there is no data on how that influences V4 firing rates and information carried by firing rates in the two conditions (for positions inside and outside the V4 RF). In the same vein, no data are shown on how the inactivation affects beta phase coding in the OUT condition.

      Moreover, some of the statistical assessments could be carried out differently including all conditions to provide more insight into mechanisms. For example, a two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc tests could be employed to include comparisons across both spatial (IN, OUT) and visual feature conditions (see results in Figures 2D, S4, etc.). Figure 2D suggests that the absence of selectivity in the OUT condition (no significant difference between high and low contrast stimuli) is mainly due to an increase in slope in the OUT condition for the low contrast stimulus compared to that for the same stimulus in the IN condition. If this turns out to be true it would provide important information that the authors should address.

      There are also a few conceptual gaps that leave the reader wondering whether the results and conclusion are general enough. Specifically,

      (1) the authors used microstimulation in the FEF to determine RFs. It is thus possible that the FEF sites that were inactivated were largely more motor-related. Given that beta oscillations and motor preparatory activity have been found to be correlated and motor sites show increased beta oscillatory activity in the delay period, it is possible that the effect of FEF inactivation on V4 beta oscillations is due to inactivation of the main source of beta activity. Had the authors inactivated sites with a preponderance of visual neurons in the FEF would the results be different?

      (2) Somewhat related to this point and given the prominence of low-frequency activity in deeper layers of the visual cortex according to some previous studies, it is not clear where the authors' V4 recordings were located. The authors report that they do have data from linear arrays, so it should be possible to address this.

      (3) The authors suggest that a change in the exact frequency of oscillation underlies the increase in firing rate for different stimulus features. However, the shift in frequency is prominent for contrast but not for orientation, something that raises questions about the general applicability of this observation for different visual features.

      (4) One of the major points of the study is the primacy of the phase code over the rate code during the delay period. Specifically, here it is shown that information about the visual features of a stimulus carried by the rate code is similar for relevant and irrelevant locations during the delay period. This contrasts with what several studies have shown for attention in which case information carried in firing rates about stimuli in the attended location is enhanced relative to that for stimuli in the unattended location. If we are to understand how top-down signals work in cognitive functions it is inevitable to compare working memory with attention. The possible source of this difference is not clear and is not discussed. The reader is left wondering whether perhaps a different measure or analysis (e.g. a percent explained variance analysis) might reveal differences during the delay period for different visual features across the two spatial conditions.

      The use of the memory-guided saccade task has certain disadvantages in the context of this study. Although delay activity is interpreted as memory activity by the authors, it is in principle possible that it reflects preparation for the upcoming saccade, spatial attention (particularly since there is a stimulus in the RF), etc. This could potentially change the conclusion and perspective.

      For the position outside the V4 RF, there is a decrease in both beta oscillations and the clustering of spikes at a specific phase. It is therefore possible that the decrease in information about the stimuli features is a byproduct of the decrease in beta power and phase locking. Decreased oscillatory activity and phase locking can result in less reliable estimates of phase, which could decrease the mutual information estimates.

      The authors propose that coherent oscillations could be the mechanism through which the prefrontal cortex influences beta activity in V4. I assume they mean coherent oscillations between the prefrontal cortex and V4. Given that they do have simultaneous recordings from the two areas they could test this hypothesis on their own data, however, they do not provide any results on that.

      The authors make a strong point about the relevance of changes in the oscillation frequency and how this may result in an increase in firing rate although it could also be the reverse - an increase in firing rate leading to an increase in the frequency peak. It is not clear at all how these changes in frequency could come about. A more nuanced discussion based on both experimental and modeling data is necessary to appreciate the source and role (if any) of this observation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Padder et al. demonstrates that ATG5 mediates lysosomal repair via the recruitment of the retromer components during LLOMe-induced lysosomal damage and that mAtg8-ylation contributes to retromer-dependent cargo sorting of GLUT1. Although previous studies have suggested that during glucose withdrawal, classical autophagy contributes to retromer-dependent GLUT1 surface trafficking via interactions between LC3A and TBC1D5, the experiments here demonstrate that during basal conditions or lysosomal damage, ATGs that are not involved in mATG8ylation, such as FIP200, are not functionally required for retromer-dependent sorting of GLUT1. Overall, these studies suggest a unique role for ATG5 in the control of retromer function, and that conjugation of ATG8 to single membranes (CASM) is a partial contributors to these phenotypes.


      (1) Overall, these studies suggest a unique non-autophagic role for ATG5 in the control of retromer function. They also demonstrate that conjugation of ATG8 to single membranes (CASM) is a partial contributors to these phenotypes. Overall, these data point to a new role for ATG5 and CASM-dependent mATG8ylation in lysosomal membrane repair and trafficking.

      (2) Although the studies are overall supportive of the proposed model that the retromer is controlled by CASM-dependent mATG8-ylaytion, it is noteworthy that previous studies of GLUT1 trafficking during glucose withdrawal (Roy et al. Mol Cell, PMID: 28602638) were predominantly conducted in cells lacking ATG5 or ATG7, which would not be able to discriminate between a CASM-dependent vs. canonical autophagy-dependent pathway in the control of GLUT1 sorting. Is the lack of GLUT1 mis-sorting to lysosomes observed in FIP200 and ATG13KO cells also observed during glucose withdrawal? Notably, deficiencies in glycolysis and glucose-dependent growth have been reported in FIP200 deficient fibroblasts (Wei et al. G&D, PMID: 21764854) so there may be difference in regulation dependent on the stress imposed on a cell.

      Comments on revisions:

      My previous comments have been addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors investigate the problem of olfactory search in turbulent environments using artificial agents trained using tabular Q-learning, a simple and interpretable reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. The agents are trained solely on odor stimuli, without access to spatial information or prior knowledge about the odor plume's shape. This approach makes the emergent control strategy more biologically plausible for animals navigating exclusively using olfactory signals. The learned strategies show parallels to observed animal behaviors, such as upwind surging and crosswind casting. The approach generalizes well to different environments and effectively handles the intermittency of turbulent odors.


      (1) The use of numerical simulations to generate realistic turbulent fluid dynamics sets this paper apart from studies that rely on idealized or static plumes.

      (2) A key innovation is the introduction of a small set of interpretable olfactory states based on moving averages of odor intensity and sparsity, coupled with an adaptive temporal memory.

      (3) The paper provides a thorough analysis of different recovery strategies when an agent loses the odor trail, offering insights into the trade-offs between various approaches.

      (4) The authors provide a comprehensive performance analysis of their algorithm across a range of environments and recovery strategies, demonstrating the versatility of the approach.

      (5) Finally, the authors list an interesting set of real-world experiments based on their findings, that might invite interest from experimentalists across multiple species.


      (1) The inclusion of Brownian motion as a recovery strategy, seems odd since it doesn't closely match natural animal behavior, where circling (e.g. flies) or zigzagging (ants' "sector search") could have been more realistic.

      (2) Using tabular Q-learning is both a strength and a limitation. It's simple and interpretable, making it easier to analyze the learned strategies, but the discrete action space seems somewhat unnatural. In real-world biological systems, actions (like movement) are continuous rather than discrete. Additionally, the ground-frame actions may not map naturally to how animals navigate odor plumes (e.g. insects often navigate based on their own egocentric frame).

      (3) The lack of accompanying code is a major drawback since nowadays open access to data and code is becoming a standard in computational research. Given that the turbulent fluid simulation is a key element that differentiates this paper, the absence of simulation and analysis code limits the study's reproducibility.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The paper by Nelson KA, et al. explored the collective migration, coalescence and positioning of the posterior signaling center (PSC) cells in Drosophila embryo. With live imaging, the authors observed the dynamic progress of PSC migration. Throughout this process, visceral mesoderm (VM), alary muscles (Ams) and cardioblasts (CBs) are in proximity of PSC. Genetic ablation of these tissues reveals the requirement for VM and CBs, but not AMs in this process. Genetic manipulations further demonstrated that Slit-Robo signaling was critical during PSC migration and positioning. While the genetic mechanisms of positioning the PSC were explored in much detail, including using live imaging, the functional consequence of mispositioning or (partial) absence of PSC cells has not been addressed, but would much increase the relevance of their findings. A few additional issues need to be addressed as well in this otherwise well-done study.

      Previous major points:

      (1) The only readout in their experiments is the relative correctness of PSC positioning. Importantly, what is the functional consequence if PSC is not properly positioned? This would be particularly important with robo-sli manipulations, where the PSC is present but some cells are misplaced. What is the consequence? Are the LGs affected, like specification of their cell types, structure and function? To address this for at least the robo-slit requirement in the PSC, it may be important to manipulate them directly in the PSC with a split Gal4 system, using Antp and Odd promoters.

      (2) The densely, parallel aligned fibers in the lower part of Figure 1J seemed to be visceral mesoderm, but further up (dorsally) that may be epidermis. It is possible that the PSC migrate together with the epidermis? This should be addressed.

      (3) Although the authors described the standards of assessing PSC positioning as "normal" or "abnormal", it is rather subtle at times and variable in the mutant or KD/OE examples. The criteria should be more clearly delineated and analyzed double-blind, also since this is the only readout. Further examples of abnormal positioning in supplementary figures would also help.

      (4) Discussion is very lengthy and should shortened.

      Comments on revised version:

      Although the authors have responded to my concerns as they deemed suitable, these concerns still stand for the revised version.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      The author presents a novel theory and computational model suggesting that grid cells do not encode space, but rather encode non-spatial attributes. Place cells in turn encode memories of where those specific attributes occurred. The theory accounts for many experimental results and generates useful predictions for future studies. The model's simplicity and potential explanatory power will interest others in the field. There are, however, a few weaknesses outlined below which undermine the theory.

      Main criticisms:

      (1) A crucial assumption of the model is that grid cells express grid-like firing patterns if and only if the content of experience is constant in space. It is difficult to imagine a real world example that satisfies this assumption. Odors and sounds are used as examples. While they are often more spatially diffuse than an object on the ground, odors and sounds have sources that are readily detectable and thus are not constant in space. Animals can easily navigate to a food source or to a vocalizing conspecific. This assumption is especially problematic because it predicts that all grid cells should become silent when their preferred non-spatial attribute (e.g. a specific odor) is missing. I'm not aware of any experimental data showing that grid cells become silent. On the contrary, grid cells are known to remain active across all contexts that have been tested, including across sleep/wake states. Unlike place cells, grid cells have never been shown to turn off. Since grid cells are active in all contexts, their preferred attribute must also be present in all contexts, and therefore they would not convey any information about the specific content of an experience. The author lists many attributes that could in theory be constant in a laboratory setting, but there is no data I'm aware of that shows this is true in practice. As it stands, this crucial assumption of the model remains mere speculation.

      (2) The proposed novelty of this theory is that other models all assume that grid cells encode space. This is not quite true of models based on continuous attractor networks, the discussion of which is essentially absent. More specifically, attractor models focus on the importance of intrinsic dynamics within entorhinal cortex in generating the grid pattern. While this firing pattern is aligned to space during navigation and therefore can be used a representation of that space, the neural dynamics are preserved even during sleep. Similarly, it is because the grid pattern does not strictly encode physical space that grid-like signals are also observed in relation to other two-dimensional continuous variables.

      (3) The use of border cells or boundary vector cells as the main (or only) source of spatial information in the hippocampus is not well supported by experimental data. Border cells in entorhinal cortex are not active in the center of an environment. Boundary-vector cells can fire farther away from the walls, but are not found in entorhinal cortex. They are located in the subiculum, a major output of the hippocampus. While the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit is a loop, the route from boundary-vector cells to place cells is much less clear than from grid cells. Moreover, both border cells and boundary-vector cells (which are conflated in this paper) comprise a small population of neurons compared to grid cells.

      Minor comments:

      (1) There is substantial theoretical and experimental work supporting the idea that grid cell modules instantiate continuous attractor networks, yet this class of models is largely ignored:

      p. 7 "In contrast, most grid cell models (Bellmund et al., 2016; Bush et al., 2015; Castro & Aguiar, 2014; Hasselmo, 2009; Mhatre et al., 2012; Solstad et al., 2006; Sorscher et al., 2023; Stepanyuk, 2015; Widloski & Fiete, 2014) are domain specific models of spatial navigation"

      The following references should be added:

      McNaughton, B. L., Battaglia, F. P., Jensen, O., Moser, E. I. & Moser, M.-B. Path integration and the neural basis of the 'cognitive map'. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 7, 663-678 (2006).

      Fuhs, M. C. & Touretzky, D. S. A spin glass model of path integration in rat medial entorhinal cortex. J. Neurosci. 26, 4266-4276 (2006).

      Burak, Y. & Fiete, I. R. Accurate path integration in continuous attractor network models of grid cells. PLoS Comput. Biol. 5, e1000291 (2009).

      Guanella, A., Kiper, D. & Verschure, P. A model of grid cells based on a twisted torus topology. Int. J. Neural Syst. 17, 231-240 (2007).

      Couey, J. J. et al. Recurrent inhibitory circuitry as a mechanism for grid formation. Nat. Neurosci. 16, 318-324 (2013).

      (Note: the Bellmund et al. (2016) citation is likely a mistake and was intended to be Bellmund et al. (2018).)

      (2) The author claims in two places that this model is the first to explain that grid cell population activity lies on a torus. While it may be the first explicit computational account of why grid cell activity is mapped onto a torus, these claims should be moderated for clarity, for example by adding "but see McNaughton et al. (2006) and others".

      Box 1. Results Uniquely Explained by this Memory Model - the population code of grid cells lies on a torus

      p.11 "In addition, this simplifying assumption allows the model to capture the finding that the population of grid cells lies on a torus (Gardner et al., 2022), although I note that the model was developed before this result was known."

      (3) Lateral entorhinal cortex is largely ignored in this memory model. It should be considered that the predominance of spatial representations reported in the literature is due to historical reasons. Namely, the discovery of hippocampal place cells spurred interest in looking upstream for the source of spatial information, which was later abundantly clear in medial entorhinal cortex. Lateral entorhinal cortex is relatively understudied, but is known to encode odors, objects, and time in a way that medial entorhinal cortex does not. It is therefore confusing to assume that these attributes are instead encoded by grid cells.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Building on their detailed dissection of the role of Hox-Gbx genes in endomesodermal segmentation in Nematostella, He and colleagues attempt to understand the evolutionary conservation of this process in anthozoans. In a move that should be congratulated, the authors perform this work in the coral M. capitata, a species that is not well established in the lab. The authors show convincing expression data using both RNAseq and in-situ hybridization and discover the conserved expression of Hox-Gbx genes preceding the segmentation of the enodmesoderm. The authors further attempt to understand whether BMP signalling is playing a role in this process and present data that certainly points to this being the case.


      The overall quality of the data is very high and the authors show very convincing expression data for the Hox-Gbx genes as well as putting forward a well-thought-out hypothesis for segment evolution.


      There are a number of weaknesses in the paper which I believe can be easily addressed:

      (1) The authors in many cases claim to have provided functional evidence for the role of Hox-Gbx genes in M. capitata. This is not, however, the case, and although the expression data along with their previous work in Nematostella make their claims very likely I still believe it is necessary to set a higher bar for claiming to understand function. In the abstract, for example, they claim: "These findings demonstrate the existence of a functionally conserved Hox-Gbx module....", something which is not substantiated by the data presented. At the end of the introduction, they say they "systematically interrogate the molecular functions of Hox-Gbx genes" (line 75) which again is not what is presented in the manuscript. Finally, on line 289-291 the authors state: "Taken together, our findings strongly suggest that the heterochronic deployment of a conserved Hox-Gbx module contributes to the divergent adult body plans observed between Edwardsiidae and other anthozoans." I would remove "Strongly" given the absence of functional data. There are also other examples where functional understanding is implied and I would suggest the authors tone this down throughout the manuscript.

      (2) On Line 185, the authors state "To determine the function of the Hox-Gbx network in M.capitata segmentation..." when introducing their BMP experiments. I would reword this since they are looking at BMP signalling and do not look directly at Hox-Gbx function.

      (3) Although the BMP inhibitor experiments are very interesting I think there is a lack of basic understanding of BMP signalling in this system. Where are the BMP components expressed and how would this match with the hypothesis derived from the data? The authors present some expression patterns in Figure S3 but do not discuss them. In addition, the authors do not show pSMAD staining etc, and do not validate that the inhibitors have an effect on this. I entirely understand the difficulties in doing such experiments in a system like this and would not suggest the authors should now do them but an acknowledgment of this in the discussion would be very welcome.

      (4) In both lines 88 and 294 the authors talk about the mechanism of gastrulation. It is not clear to me how they infer this from the figure. If the authors could include some more high-resolution images that show this it would be very helpful and interesting.

      (5) On line 169/170 the authors state that two Anthox6 paralogs, McAnthox6 and McAnthox6.1, were specifically expressed at the time of settlement. This is not what I see in the images. I see that McAnthox6 is expressed at 14 hpf more strongly than at the later time point. The authors should clarify this point.

      (6) On lines 259-261 the authors state "How temporally and spatially coordinated gene expression can be achieved in this scenario remains an interesting and open question." This seems like a strange statement to include given that they have shown that there is no spatial and temporal collinearity in cnidarians. Surely it is not an open question to ask how it would work if there is none. I would simply remove this.

      (7) The authors should cite the sources of information contained in Fig. S2 including how orthology was assigned.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Ye et al. have developed a theoretical model of osmotic pressure adaptation by osmolyte production and wall synthesis.


      They validate their model predictions of a rapid increase in growth rate on osmotic shock experimentally using fission yeast. The study has several interesting insights which are of interest to the wider community of cell size and mechanics.


      Multiple aspects of this manuscript require addressing, in terms of clarity and consistency with previous literature. The specifics are listed as major and minor comments.

      Major comments:

      (1) The motivation for the work is weak and needs more clarity.

      (2) The link between sections is very frequently missing. The authors directly address the problem that they are trying to solve without any motivation in the results section.

      (3) The parameters used in the models (symbols) need to be explained better to make the paper more readable.

      (4) Throughout the paper, the authors keep switching between organisms that they are modelling. There needs to be some consistency in this aspect where they mention what organism they are trying to model, since some assumptions that they make may not be valid for both yeast as well as bacteria.

      (5) The extent of universality of osmoregulation i.e the limitations are not very well highlighted.

      (6) Line 198-200: It is not clear in the text what organisms the authors are writing about here. "Experiments suggested that the turgor pressure induce cell-wall synthesis, e.g., through mechanosensors on cell membrane [45, 46], by increasing the pore size of the peptidoglycan network [5], and by accelerating the moving velocity of the cell-wall synthesis machinery [31]". This however is untrue for bacteria as shown by the study (reference 22 is this paper:  E. Rojas, J. A. Theriot, and K. C. Huang, Response of escherichia coli growth rate to osmotic shock, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 7807 (2014).

      (7) The time scale of reactions to hyperosmotic shocks does not agree with previous literature (reference 22). Therefore defining which organism you are looking at is important. Hence the statement " Because the timescale of the osmoresponse process, which is around hours (Figure 3B), is much longer than the timescale of the supergrowth phase, which is about 20 minutes, the turgor pressure at the growth rate peak can be well approximated by its immediate value after the shock." from line 447 does not seem to make sense. The authors need to address this.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript investigates how olfactory representations are transformed along the cortico-hippocampal pathway in mice during a non-associative learning paradigm involving novel and familiar odors. By recording single-unit activity in several key brain regions (AON, aPCx, LEC, CA1, and SUB), the authors aim to elucidate how stimulus identity and experience are encoded and how these representations change across the pathway.

      The study addresses an important question in sensory neuroscience regarding the interplay between sensory processing and signaling novelty/familiarity. It provides insights into how the brain processes and retains sensory experiences, suggesting that the earlier stations in the olfactory pathway, the AON aPCx, play a central role in detecting novelty and encoding odor, while areas deeper into the pathway (LEC, CA1 & Sub) are more sparse and encodes odor identity but not novelty/familiarity. However, there are several concerns related to methodology, data interpretation, and the strength of the conclusions drawn.


      The authors combine the use of modern tools to obtain high-density recordings from large populations of neurons at different stages of the olfactory system (although mostly one region at a time) with elegant data analyses to study an important and interesting question.


      (1) The first and biggest problem I have with this paper is that it is very confusing, and the results seem to be all over the place. In some parts, it seems like the AON and aPCx are more sensitive to novelty; in others, it seems the other way around. I find their metrics confusing and unconvincing. For example, the example cells in Figure 1C show an AON neuron with a very low spontaneous firing rate and a CA1 with a much higher firing rate, but the opposite is true in Figure 2A. So, what are we to make of Figure 2C that shows the difference in firing rates between novel vs. familiar odors measured as a difference in spikes/sec. This seems nearly meaningless. The authors could have used a difference in Z-scored responses to normalize different baseline activity levels. (This is just one example of a problem with the methodology.)

      (2) There are a lot of high-level data analyses (e.g., decoding, analyzing decoding errors, calculating mutual information, calculating distances in state space, etc.) but very little neural data (except for Figure 2C, and see my comment above about how this is flawed). So, if responses to novel vs. familiar odors are different in the AON and aPCx, how are they different? Why is decoding accuracy better for novel odors in CA1 but better for familiar odors in SUB (Figure 3A)? The authors identify a small subset of neurons that have unusually high weights in the SVM analyses that contribute to decoding novelty, but they don't tell us which neurons these are and how they are responding differently to novel vs. familiar odors.

      (3) The authors call AON and aPCx "primary sensory cortices" and LEC, CA1, and Sub "multisensory areas". This is a straw man argument. For example, we now know that PCx encodes multimodal signals (Poo et al. 2021, Federman et al., 2024; Kehl et al., 2024), and LEC receives direct OB inputs, which has traditionally been the criterion for being considered a "primary olfactory cortical area". So, this terminology is outdated and wrong, and although it suits the authors' needs here in drawing distinctions, it is simplistic and not helpful moving forward.

      (4) Why not simply report z-scored firing rates for all neurons as a function of trial number? (e.g., Jacobson & Friedrich, 2018). Figure 2C is not sufficient. For example, in the Discussion, they say, "novel stimuli caused larger increases in firing rates than familiar stimuli" (L. 270), but what does this mean? Odors typically increase the firing in some neurons and suppress firing in others. Where does the delta come from? Is this because novel odors more strongly activate neurons that increase their firing or because familiar odors more strongly suppress neurons?

      (5) Lines 122-124 - If cells in AON and aPCx responded the same way to novel and familiar odors, then we would say that they only encode for odor and not at all for experience. So, I don't understand why the authors say these areas code for a "mixed representation of chemical identity and experience." "On the other hand," if LEC, CA1, and SUB are odor selective and only encode novel odors, then these areas, not AON and aPCx, are the jointly encoding chemical identity and experience. Also, I do not understand why, here, they say that AON and PCx respond to both while LEC, CA1, and SUB were selective for novel stimuli, but the authors then go on to argue that novelty is encoded in the AON and PCx, but not in the LEC, CA1, and SUB.

      (6) Lines 132-140 - As presented in the text and the figure, this section is poorly written and confusing. Their use of the word "shuffled" is a major source of this confusion, because this typically is the control that produces outcomes at the chance level. More importantly, they did the wrong analysis here. The better and, I think, the only way to do this analysis correctly is to train on some of the odors and test on an untrained odor (i.e., what Bernardi et al., 2021 called "cross-condition generalization performance"; CCGP).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The submitted manuscript aims to characterize the role of mast cells in TB granuloma. The manuscript reports heterogeneity in mast cell populations present within the granulomas of tuberculosis patients. With the help of previously published scRNAseq data, the authors identify transcriptional signatures associated with distinct subpopulations.


      (1) The authors have carried out a sufficient literature review to establish the background and significance of their study.

      (2) The manuscript utilizes a mast cell-deficient mouse model, which demonstrates improved lung pathology during Mtb infection, suggesting mast cells as a potential novel target for developing host-directed therapies (HDT) against tuberculosis.


      (1) The manuscript requires significant improvement, particularly in the clarity of the experimental design, as well as in the interpretation and discussion of the results. Enhanced focus on these areas will provide better coherence and understanding for the readers.

      (2) Throughout the manuscript, the authors have mislabelled the legends for WT B6 mice and mast cell-deficient mice. As a result, the discussion and claims made in relation to the data do not align with the corresponding graphs (Figure 1B, 3, 4, and S2). This discrepancy undermines the accuracy of the conclusions drawn from the results.

      (3) The results discussed in the paper do not add a significant novel aspect to the field of tuberculosis, as the majority of the results discussed in Figure 1-2 are already known and are a re-validation of previous literature.

      (4) The claims made in the manuscript are only partially supported by the presented data. Additional extensive experiments are necessary to strengthen the findings and enhance the overall scientific contribution of the work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Background and Summary: 

      This study addresses the intriguing question of whether and how tumours can develop in the freshwater polyp hydra and how they influence the fitness of the animals. Hydra is notable for its significant morphogenetic plasticity and nearly unlimited capacity for regeneration. While its growth through asexual reproduction (budding) and the associated processes of pattern formation have been extensively studied at the cellular level, the occurrence of tumours was only recently described in two strains of Hydra oligactis (Domazet-Lošo et al, 2014). Here, tumour-like tissue bulges formed within the ectodermal epithelial layer and contained increased numbers of interstitial cell-like cells which exhibited female germline markers, but none specific for somatic derivatives of interstitial stem cells (e.g., nematocytes, neurons or glandular cells). It seems likely that the cellular basis of these malformations is a misregulation of oogenesis. In wild-type polyps, interstitial-cell-related germline precursors give rise to oocytes and nurse cells, which are subsequently phagocytosed by the growing egg cell. By comparison, in the mutant strains, this uptake is disturbed, but the homeostasis between germline cells and epithelial cells must remain functional enabling further growth pattern formation in hydra. Determining whether this differentiation arrest constitutes a neoplasm also remains a challenge. 

      Clonal lines of both strains have been maintained in the laboratory for years and have also been used by Boutry and colleagues. They published two further papers on the ecological and evolutionary aspects of hydra tumour formation (Boutry et al 2022, 2023), which is also the focus of this manuscript. In their paper, the authors demonstrate an increase in the number of tentacles when "tumour tissue" was transplanted to intact gastric tissue of wildtype and mutant strains. While the impact on tentacle formation is relatively modest, small, it indicates a potential influence on the cross-talk between epithelial and interstitial cells in growth control (proportion regulation). The presented data are of interest, although the underlying molecular processes remain to be demonstrated. The authors offer a different interpretation. They conclude that this growth pattern (increased number of tentacles) is correlated with "reducing the burden on the host by (over-) compensating for the reproductive costs of tumours" and claim that "transmissible tumours in hydra have evolved strategies to manipulate the phenotype of their host". 

      Strength <br /> The question of whether and how tumours can develop in simple systems, here the freshwater polyp hydra, is of general interest. The authors describe transplantation experiments by using mutant strains that indicate an influence of tumour-like malformation on pattern formation. The experiments also suggest an interaction between epithelial cells and germline cells during oogenesis, interfering with the homeostatic growth control between the cell lineages. 

      Weaknesses <br /> Although it is stimulating to consider a fresh perspective from other disciplines (here, ecological and evolutionary aspects), it appears that this interpretation of the data (reducing the burden on the host by (over-) compensating for the reproductive costs of tumours) is somewhat beyond what can be reasonably inferred from the evidence presented. It is essential, particularly in the context of evolutionary biology, to conduct further analysis of the underlying cell biology of these intriguing mutant hydra strains. Such cellular analysis is a relatively straightforward approach that could provide a mechanistic understanding of the phenomenon described by the authors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Saijilafu et al. demonstrate that MLCK/MLCP proteins promote axonal regeneration in both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) using primary cultures of adult DRG neurons, hippocampal and cortical neurons, as well as in vivo experiments involving sciatic nerve injury, spinal cord injury, and optic nerve crush. The authors show that axon regrowth is possible across different contexts through genetic and pharmacological manipulation of these proteins. Additionally, they propose that MLCK/MLCP may regulate F-actin reorganization in the growth cone, which is significant as it suggests a novel strategy for promoting axonal regeneration.


      This manuscript presents a wide range of experimental models to address its hypothesis and biological question. Notably, the use of multiple in vivo models significantly enhances the overall validity of the study.


      -The authors previously published that blocking myosin II activity stimulates axonal growth and that MLCK activates myosin II. The present work shows that inhibiting MLCK blocks axonal regeneration while blocking MLCP (the protein that dephosphorylates myosin II) produces the opposite effect. Although this contradiction is discussed, no new evidence has been added to the manuscript to clarify this mechanism or address the remaining questions. Critical unresolved questions include: what happens to myosin II expression when both MLCK and MLCP are inhibited? If MLCK/MLCP are acting through an independent mechanism, what would that mechanism be?<br /> -In the discussion, the authors mention the existence of two myosin II isoforms with opposing effects on axonal growth. Still, there is no evidence in the manuscript to support this point.<br /> -It is also unclear how MLCK/MLCP acts on the actin cytoskeleton. The authors suggest that proteins such as ADF/cofilin, Arp 2/3, Eps8, Profilin, Myosin II, and Myosin V could regulate changes in F-actin dynamics. However, this study provides no experimental evidence to determine which proteins may be involved in the mechanism.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study examines how local DNA features around the amino acid permease gene GAP1 influence adaptation to glutamine limited conditions through changes in GAP1 Copy Number Variation (CNV). The study is well motivated by the observation of numerous CNVs documented in many organisms, but difficulty in distinguishing the mechanisms by which they are formed, and whether or how local genomic elements influence their formation. The main finding is convincing and is that a nearby Autonomous Replicating Sequence (ARS) influences the formation of GAP1 CNVs and this is consistent with a predominate mechanism of Origin Dependent Inverted Repeat Amplification (ODIRA). These results along with finding and characterizing other mechanisms of GAP1 CNV formation will be of general interest to those studying CNVs in natural systems, experimental evolution and in tumor evolution. While the results are limited to a single CNV of interest (GAP1), the carefully controlled experimental design and quantification of CNV formation will provide a useful guide to studying other CNVs and CNVs in other organisms.


      The study was designed to examine the effects of two flanking genomic features next to GAP1 on CNV formation and adaptation during experimental evolution. This was accomplished by removing two Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs), removing a downstream ARS, and removing both LTRs and the ARS. Although there was some heterogeneity among replicates, later shown to include the size and breakpoints of the CNV and the presence of an unmarked CNV, both marker assisted tracking of CNV formation and modeling of CNV rate and fitness effects showed that deletion of the ARS caused a clear difference compared to the control and the LTR deletion.

      The consequence of deletion of local features (LTR and ARS) was quantified by genome sequencing of adaptive clones to identify the CNV size, copy number and infer the mechanism of CNV formation. This greatly added value to the study as it showed that i) ODIRA was the most common mechanism but ODIRA is enhanced by a local ARS, ii) non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) is also used but depends on LTRs, and iii) de novo insertion of transposable elements mediate NAHR in strains with both ARS and LTR deletions. Together, these results show how local features influence the mechanism of CNV formation, but also how alternative mechanism can substitute when primary ones are unavailable.


      The CNV mutation rate and effect on fitness are hard to disentangle. The frequency of the amplified GFP provides information about mutation rate differences as well as fitness differences. The data and analysis show that each evolved population has multiple GAP1 CNV lineages within it, with some being unmarked by GFP. Thus, estimates of CNV fitness are more of a composite view of all CNV amplifications increasing in frequency during adaptation. Another unknown but potential complication is whether the local (ARS, LTR) deletions influence GAP1 expression and thus the fitness gain of GAP1 CNVs. The neural network simulation based inference does a good job at estimating both mutation rates and fitness effects, while also accounting for unmarked CNVs. However, the model does not account for population heterogeneity of CNVs and their fitness effects. Despite these limitations of distinguishing mutation rate and fitness differences, the authors' conclusions are well supported in that the LTR and ARS deletions have a clear impact on the CNV mediated evolutionary outcome and the mechanism of CNV formation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is an interesting and well-performed study that develops a new modeling approach (MoA-HMM) to simultaneously characterize reinforcement learning parameters of different RL agents, as well as latent behavioral states that differ in the relative contributions of those agents to the animal's choices. They performed this study in rats trained to perform the two-step task. While the major advance of the paper is developing and rigorously validating this novel technical approach, there are also a number of interesting conceptual advances. For instance, humans performing the two-step task are thought to exhibit a trade-off between model-free and model-based strategies. However, the MoA-HMM did not reveal such a trade-off in the rats, but instead suggested a trade-off between model-based exploratory vs. exploitative strategies. Additionally, the firing rates of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) reflected latent behavioral states estimated from the HMM, suggesting that (1) characterizing dynamic behavioral strategies might help elucidate neural dynamics supporting behavior, and (2) OFC might reflect the contributions of one or a subset of RL agents that are preferentially active or engaged in particular states identified by the HMM.


      The claims were generally well-supported by the data. The model was validated rigorously, and was used to generate and test novel predictions about behavior and neural activity in OFC. The approach is likely to be generally useful for characterizing dynamic behavioral strategies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Wang and colleagues successfully uncovered an important function of the Drosophila PRDM16/PRDM3 homolog Hamlet (Ham) - a PR domain-containing transcription factor with known roles in the nervous system in Drosophila. To do so, they generated and analyzed new mutants lacking the PR domain, and also employed diverse preexisting tools. In doing so, they made a fascinating discovery: They found that PR-domain containing isoforms of ham are crucial in the intriguing development of the fly genital tract. Wang and colleagues found three distinct roles of Ham: (1) specifying the position of the testis terminal epithelium within the testis, (2) allowing normal shaping and growth of the anlagen of the seminal vesicles and paragonia and (3) enabling the crucial epithelial fusion between the seminal vesicle and the testis terminal epithelium. The mutant blocks fusion even if the parts are positioned correctly. The last finding is especially important, as there are few models allowing one to dissect the molecular underpinnings of heterotypic epithelial fusion in development. Their data suggest that they found a master regulator of this collective cell behavior. Further, they identified some of the cell biological players downstream of Ham, like for example E-Cadherin and Crumbs. In a holistic approach, they performed RNAseq and intersected them with the CUT&TAG-method, to find a comprehensive list of downstream factors directly regulated by Ham. Their function in the fusion process was validated by a tissue-specific RNAi screen. Meticulously, Wang and colleagues performed multiplexed in situ hybridization and analyzed different mutants, to gain a first understanding of the most important downstream pathways they characterized, which are Wnt2 and Toll.

      This study pioneers a completely new system. It is a model for exploring a process crucial in morphogenesis across animal species, yet not well understood. Wang and colleagues not only identified a crucial regulator of heterotypic epithelial fusion but took on the considerable effort of meticulously pinning down functionally important downstream effectors by using many state-of-the-art methods. This is especially impressive, as the dissection of pupal genital discs before epithelial fusion is a time-consuming and difficult task. This promising work will be the foundation future studies build on, to further elucidate how this epithelial fusion works, for example on a cell biological and biomechanical level.


      The developing testis-genital disc system has many moving parts. Myotube migration was previously shown to be crucial for testis shape. This means, that there is the potential of non-tissue autonomous defects upon knockdown of genes in the genital disc or the terminal epithelium, affecting myotube behavior which in turn affects fusion, as myotubes might create the first "bridge" bringing the epithelia together. The authors clearly showed that their driver tools do not cause expression in myoblasts/myotubes, but this does not exclude non-tissue autonomous defects in their RNAi screen. Nevertheless, this is outside the scope of this work.

      However, one point that could be addressed in this study: the RNAseq and CUT&TAG experiments would profit from adding principal component analyses, elucidating similarities and differences of the diverse biological and technical replicates.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study is an innovative and fundamental study that clarified important aspects of brain processes for integration of information from speech and iconic gesture (i.e., gesture that depicts action, movement, and shape), based on tDCS, TMS, and EEG experiments. They evaluated their speech and gesture stimuli in information-theoretic ways and calculated how informative speech is (i.e., entropy), how informative gesture is, and how much shared information speech and gesture encode. The tDCS and TMS studies found that the left IFG and pMTG, the two areas that were activated in fMRI studies on speech-gesture integration in the previous literature, are causally implicated in speech-gesture integration. The size of tDC and TMS effects are correlated with the entropy of the stimuli or mutual information, which indicates that the effects stem from the modulation of information decoding/integration processes. The EEG study showed that various ERP (event-related potential, e.g., N1-P2, N400, LPC) effects that have been observed in speech-gesture integration experiments in the previous literature, are modulated by the entropy of speech/gesture and mutual information. This makes it clear that these effects are related to information decoding processes. The authors propose a model of how the speech-gesture integration process unfolds in time, and how IFG and pMTG interact with each other in that process.


      The key strength of this study is that the authors used information theoretic measures of their stimuli (i.e., entropy and mutual information between speech and gesture) in all of their analyses. This made it clear that the neuro-modulation (tDCS, TMS) affected information decoding/integration and ERP effects reflect information decoding/integration. This study used tDCS and TMS methods to demonstrate that left IFG and pMTG are causally involved in speech-gesture integration. The size of tDCS and TMS effects are correlated with information-theoretic measures of the stimuli, which indicate that the effects indeed stem from disruption/facilitation of the information decoding/integration process (rather than generic excitation/inhibition). The authors' results also showed a correlation between information-theoretic measures of stimuli with various ERP effects. This indicates that these ERP effects reflect the information decoding/integration process.


      The "mutual information" cannot fully capture the interplay of the meaning of speech and gesture. The mutual information is calculated based on what information can be decoded from speech alone and what information can be decoded from gesture alone. However, when speech and gesture are combined, a novel meaning can emerge, which cannot be decoded from a single modality alone. When example, a person produces a gesture of writing something with a pen, while saying "He paid". The speech-gesture combination can be interpreted as "paying by signing a cheque". It is highly unlikely that this meaning is decoded when people hear speech only or see gestures only. The current study cannot address how such speech-gesture integration occurs in the brain, and what ERP effects may reflect such a process. Future studies can classify different types of speech-gesture integration and investigate neural processes that underlie each type. Another important topic for future studies is to investigate how the neural processes of speech-gesture integration change when the relative timing between the speech stimulus and the gesture stimulus changes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors provide a very thorough investigation of the role of UBR-1 in anthelmintic resistance using the non-parasitic nematode, C. elegans. Anthelmintic resistance to macrocyclic lactones is a major problem in veterinary medicine and likely just a matter of time until resistance emerges in human parasites too. Therefore, this study providing novel insight into the mechanisms of ivermectin resistance is particularly important and significant.


      The authors use very diverse technologies (behavior, genetics, pharmacology, genetically encoded reporters) to dissect the role of UBR-1 in ivermectin resistance. Deploying such a comprehensive suite of tools and approaches provides exceptional insight into the mechanism of how UBR-1 functions in terms of ivermectin resistance.


      I do not see any major weaknesses in this study. My only concern is whether the observations made by the authors would translate to any of the important parasitic helminths in which resistance has naturally emerged in the field. This is always a concern when leveraging a non-parasitic nematode to shed light on a potential mechanism of resistance of parasitic nematodes, and I understand that it is likely beyond the scope of this paper to test some of their results in parasitic nematodes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript describes a first-in-human clinical trial of autologous stem cells to address IPF. The significance of this study is underscored by the limited efficacy of standard-of-care anti-fibrotic therapies and increasing knowledge of the role p63+ stem cells in lung regeneration in ARDS. While models of acute lung injury and p63+ stem cells have benefited from widespread and dynamic DAD and immune cell remodeling of damaged tissue, a key question in chronic lung disease is whether such cells could contribute to the remodeling of lung tissue that may be devoid of acute and dynamic injury. A second question is whether normal regions of the lung in an otherwise diseased organ can be identified as a source of "normal" p63+ stem cells, and how to assess these stem cells given recently identified p63+ stem cell variants emerging in chronic lung diseases including IPF. Lastly, questions of feasibility, safety, and efficacy need to be explored to set the foundation for autologous transplants to meet the huge need in chronic lung disease. The authors have addressed each of these questions to different extents in this initial study, which has yielded important if incomplete information for many of them.


      As with a previous study from this group regarding autologous stem cell transplants for COPD (Ref. 24), they have shown that the stem cells they propagate do not form colonies in soft agar or cancers in these patients. While a full assessment of adverse events was confounded by a wave of Covid19 infections in the study participants, aside from brief fevers it appears these transplants are tolerated by these patients.


      The source of stem cells for these autologous transplants is generally bronchoscopic biopsies/brushings from 5th-generation bronchi. Although stem cells have been cloned and characterized from nasal, tracheal, and distal airway biopsies, the systematic cloning and analysis of p63+ stem cells across the bronchial generations is less clear. For instance, p63+ stem cells from the nasal and tracheal mucosa appear committed to upper airway epithelia marked by 90% ciliated cells and 10% goblet cells (Kumar et al., 2011. Ref. 14). In contrast, p63+ stem cells from distal lung differentiate to epithelia replete with Club, AT2, and AT1 markers. The spectrum of p63+ stem cells in the normal bronchi of any generation is less studied. In the present study, cells are obtained by bronchoscopy from 3-5 generation bronchi and expanded by in vitro propagation. Single-cell RNAseq identifies three clusters they refer to as C1, C2, and C3, with the major C1 cluster said to have characteristics of airway basal cells and C2 possibly the same cells in states of proliferation. Perhaps the most immediate question raised by these data is the nature of the C1/C2 cells. Whereas they are clearly p63/Krt5+ cells as are other stem cells of the airways, do they display differentiation character of "upper airway" marked by ciliated/goblet cell differentiation or those of the lung marked by AT2 and AT1 fates? This could be readily determined by 3-D differentiation in so-called air-liquid interface cultures pioneered by cystic fibrosis investigators and should be done as it would directly address the validity of the sourcing protocol for autologous cells for these transplants. This would more clearly link the present study with a previous study from the same investigators (Shi et al., 2019, Ref. 9) whereby distal airway stem cells mitigated fibrosis in the murine bleomycin model. The authors should also provide methods by which the autologous cells are propagated in vitro as these could impact the quality and fate of the progenitor cells prior to transplantation.

      The authors should also make a more concerted effort to compare Clusters 1, 2, and 3 with the variant stem cell identified in IPF (Wang et al., 2023, Ref. 27). While some of the markers are consistent with this variant stem cell population, others are not. A more detailed informatics analysis of normal stem cells of the airways and any variants reported could clarify whether the bronchial source of autologous stem cells is the best route to these transplants.

      Other than these issues the authors should be commended for these first-in-human trials for this important condition.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript investigates the genetic basis of otitis media with effusion (OME) in children with Down syndrome (DS). Utilizing an impressive number of mouse models, the study identifies a significant locus on mouse chromosome 16 that contributes to the development of OME. Notably, the gene Dyrk1a is identified as a critical factor for OME in DS; Normalizing Dyrk1a dosage in Dp3Tyb mice restores the wild-type phenotype, highlighting its major contribution to OME in DS. The research also explores the downstream pathways affected by DYRK1A, revealing interactions with TGFβ signaling and the modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6 and IL-17, as well as increased VEGF levels linked to middle ear inflammation.

      This work is novel in its comprehensive approach to linking specific genetic loci and genes to the development of OME in DS, and offers a refined genetic analysis, pinpointing Dyrk1a as a key gene. Additionally, the identification of some of the signaling pathways involved provides new insights into the pathophysiology of OME in DS. The findings have significant clinical implications, as they suggest that targeting Dyrk1a could be a potential therapeutic strategy for managing OME in children with DS. This could lead to improved treatment options that go beyond current surgical interventions, reducing the need for repeated tympanostomy tube placements and potentially mitigating the associated risks. Overall, this research enhances our understanding of the genetic factors underlying OME in DS, motivates future studies on the newly identified genetic loci, and opens avenues for future therapeutic developments.


      (1) Robust methodology: The use of a comprehensive set of mouse models allows for precise localization of genetic loci associated with OME, an advancement over previous studies.

      (2) Identification of Key Genes: The clear demonstration of Dyrk1a's role in OME provides a strong basis for further exploration of targeted therapies.

      (3) Pathway Insights: The exploration of signaling pathways, including TGFβ and IL-6 interactions, enriches the discussion around the inflammatory mechanisms that contribute to OME in DS.


      (1) Limited Human Data: While the mouse models are robust, the translation of findings to human populations could be further strengthened with comparative studies.

      (2) Pathway Complexity: The study primarily focuses on Dyrk1a and its immediate inflammatory pathways, which may oversimplify the multifactorial nature of OME in DS; exploring additional genetic interactions, and further exploring the implications of the potential ciliogenesis role of DYRK1A in OME could provide a more complete view.

      This study is a valuable contribution to the field of genetic research in Down syndrome, providing critical insights that could inform future therapeutic strategies for managing OME. The implications for treatment and understanding of DS phenotypes in mouse models are particularly noteworthy. The findings are well-supported and present clear avenues for further research.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Mehta et al., in constructing E. coli strains unable to synthesize polyamines, noted that strains deficient in putrescine synthesis showed decreased movement on semisolid agar. They show that strains incapable of synthesizing putrescine have decreased expression of Type I pilin and, hence, decreased ability to perform pilin-dependent surface motility.


      The authors characterize the specific polyamine pathways that are important for this phenomenon. RNAseq provides a detailed overview of gene expression in the strain lacking putrescine. The data suggest homeostatic control of polyamine synthesis and metabolic changes in response to putrescine.


      In this version, the authors ignore phase variation of the pil operon promoter, which can be monitored via PCR. The gene expression data suggest that shifting to the pilin "off" state could help explain the phenotype.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript by Lu et al addresses the understudied interplay between structural and functional changes underlying homeostatic plasticity. Using hippocampal organotypic slice cultures allowing chronic imaging of dendritic spines, the authors showed that a partial or complete inhibition of AMPA-type glutamate receptors differentially affects spine density, respectively leading to an increase or decrease. Based on that dataset, they built a model where activity-dependent synapse formation is regulated by a biphasic rule and tested it in stimulation- or deprivation-induced homeostatic plasticity. The model matches experimental data (from the authors and the literature) quite well, and provides a framework within which functional and structural changes coexist to regulate firing rate homeostasis.

      While the correlation between changes in AMPAR numbers and in spine number/size has been well characterized during Hebbian plasticity, the situation is much less clear in homeostatic plasticity due to multiple studies yielding diverging results. This manuscript adds new experimental results to the existing data and presents a valuable effort to generate a model that can explain these divergences in a unifying framework.

      The model and its successive implantation steps are well presented along a clear thread. However, the manuscript would benefit from clarifications at several key points (Hebbian vs homeostatic timeline).

      First of all, it would have benefited from having an actual timeline of structural changes throughout the three days of AMPAR inhibition, especially as their experimental model allows it. This would have provided much-needed and otherwise entirely lacking information on spine dynamics (especially on transient spines) and on the respective timescale of the structural and functional changes, instead of modelling an entire timeline based solely on an experimental endpoint.

      Additionally, the model would have been strengthened by an experimental dataset with homeostatic plasticity induced by higher activity (e.g. with bicuculline). To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no data on structural plasticity following scaling down, and it is also known that scaling up and down are mediated by different molecular pathways. The extension of the model from scaling up (in response to silencing) to scaling down (in response to increased activity) offers an interesting perspective, but its biological relevance is limited as there is no experimental data to support it.

      Finally, the difference between weak and complete inhibition could have been more extensively characterized. The authors focus indeed on the effects of either condition on spine number, but only integrate synaptic weights following complete inhibition. This is a pity, as they show some intriguing data suggesting a differential effect on spine size by partial or complete AMPAR inhibition (although further work is required to support some of their interpretations). Since the model aims at correlating structural and functional homeostatic plasticity, the fact that it is only demonstrated for one of the two conditions tested severely undermines the claims of the authors in the discussion that the model tackles that question.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Reeves et al explore a model of bone healing in the context of aging. They show that intermittent fasting can improve bone healing, even in aged animals. Their study combines a 'bone bandage' which delivers a canonical Wnt signal with intermittent fasting and shows impacts on the CD90 progenitor cell population and the healing of a critical-sized defect in the calvarium. They also explore potential regulators of this process and identify mitochondrial dysfunction in the age-related decline of stem cells. In this context, by modulating NAD+ pathways or the gut microbiota, they can also enhance healing, hinting at an effect mediated by complex impacts on multiple pathways associated with cellular metabolism.

      The study shows a remarkable finding: that age-related decreases in bone healing can be restored by intermittent fasting. There is ample evidence that intermittent fasting can delay aging, but here the authors provide evidence that in an already-aged animal, intermittent fasting can restore healing to levels seen in younger animals. This is an important finding as it may hint at the potential benefits of intermittent fasting in tissue repair.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Neuromodulators are important for circuit function, but their roles in the retinal circuitry are poorly understood. This study by Gonschorek and colleagues aims to determine the modulatory effect of nitric oxide on the response properties of retinal ganglion cells. The authors used two photon calcium imaging and multi-electrode arrays to classify and compare cell responses before and after applying a NO donor DETA-NO. The authors found that DETA-NO selectively increases activity in a subset of contrast-suppressed RGC types. In addition, the authors found cell-type specific changes in light response in the absence of pharmacological manipulation in their calcium imaging paradigm. This study focuses on an important question and the results are interesting. The limitations of the method and data interpretation are adequately discussed in the revised manuscript.

      The authors have addressed my previous comments, included additional discussions on the limitations of the method, and provided a more careful interpretation of their data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this work, Chang-Gonzalez and coworkers follow up on an earlier study on the force-dependence of peptide recognition by a T-cell receptor using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. In this study, they compare the results of pulling on a TCR-pMHC complex between two different TCRs with the same peptide. A goal of the paper is to determine whether the newly studied B7 TCR has the same load-dependent behavior mechanism shown in the earlier study for A6 TCR. The primary result is that while the unloaded interaction strength is similar, A6 exhibits more force stabilization.

      This is a detailed study, and establishing the difference between these two systems with and without applied force may establish them as a good reference setup for others who want to study mechanobiological processes if the data were made available, and could give additional molecular details for T-Cell-specialists. As written, the paper contains an overwhelming amount of details and it is difficult (for me) to ascertain which parts to focus on and which results point to the overall take-away messages they wish to convey.

      Detailed comments:

      (1) In Table 1 - are the values of the extension column the deviation from the average length at zero force (that is what I would term extension) or is it the distance between anchor points (which is what I would assume based on the large values. If the latter, I suggest changing the heading, and then also reporting the average extension with an asterisk indicating no extensional restraints were applied for B7-0, or just listing 0 load in the load column. Standard deviation in this value can also be reported. If it is an extension as I would define it, then I think B7-0 should indicate extension = 0+/- something. The distance between anchor points could also be labeled in Figure 1A.

      (2) As in the previous paper, the authors apply "constant force" by scanning to find a particular bond distance at which a desired force is selected, rather than simply applying a constant force. I find this approach less desirable unless there is experimental evidence suggesting the pMHC and TCR were forced to be a particular distance apart when forces are applied. It is relatively trivial to apply constant forces, so in general, I would suggest this would have been a reasonable comparison. Line 243-245 speculates that there is a difference in catch bonding behavior that could be inferred because lower force occurs at larger extensions, but I do not believe this hypothesis can be fully justified and could be due to other differences in the complex.

      (3) On a related note, the authors do not refer to or consider other works using MD to study force-stabilized interactions (e.g. for catch bonding systems), e.g. these cases where constant force is applied and enhanced sampling techniques are used to assess the impact of that applied force: https://www.cell.com/biophysj/fulltext/S0006-3495(23)00341-7, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.10.617580v1. I was also surprised not to see this paper on catch bonding in pMHC-TCR referred to, which also includes some MD simulations: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38267-1

      (4) The authors should make at least the input files for their system available in a public place (github, zenodo) so that the systems are a more useful reference system as mentioned above. The authors do not have a data availability statement, which I believe is required.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The mechanism(s) by which the therapeutic drug metformin lowers blood glucose in type 2 diabetes and inhibits cell proliferation at higher concentrations remain contentious. Inhibition of complex 1 of the mitochondrial respiratory chain with consequent changes in cellular metabolites which favour allosteric activation of phosphofructokinase-1, allosteric inhibition of fructose bisphosphatase-1 and cAMP signalling and activation of AMPK which phosphorylates transcription factors are candidate mechanisms. The current manuscript proposes the e-subunit of ATP-synthase as a putative binding protein of biguanides and demonstrates that it regulates the expressivity of the Complex 1 protein NDUFB8.


      (1) The metformin conjugate and metformin show comparable efficacy on inhibition of cell proliferation in the millimolar range.

      (2) Demonstration of compromised expression of the Complex I protein NDUFB8 by the ATP5I knockout and its reversal by ATP5I expression is an important strength of the study. This shows that the decreased "sensitivity" to metformin in the ATP5I knock-out cells could be due to various proteins.

      (3) Demonstration of converse effects of ATP5I KO and re-expression ATP5I on the NAD/NADH ratio.


      (1) The interpretation of the cellular co-localization of the biotin-biguanide conjugate with TOMM20 (Figure 1-D) as mitochondrial "accumulation" of the conjugate is overstated because it cannot exclude binding of the conjugate to the mitochondrial membrane. It would have been more convincing if additional incubations with the biotin-biguanide conjugate in combination with metformin had shown that metformin is competitive with the biotin-conjugate.

      (2) The manuscript reports the identification of 69 proteins by mass spectrometry of the pull-down assay of which 31 proteins were eluted by metformin. However, no Mass Spectrometry data is presented of the peptides identified. The methodology does not state the minimum number of peptides (1, 2?) that were used for the identification of the 31/69 proteins.

      (3) The validation of ATP5I was based on the use of recombinant protein (which was 90% pure) for the SPR and the use of a single antibody to ATP5I. The validity of the immunoblotting rests on the assumption that there is no "non-specific" immunoactivity in the relevant mol wt range. Information on the validation of the antibody would be helpful.

      (4) Knock-out of ATP5I markedly compromised the NAD/NADH ratio (Fig.3A) and cell proliferation (Figure 3D). These effects may be associated with decreased mitochondrial membrane potential which could explain the low efficacy of metformin (and most of the data in Figures 3-5). This possibility should be discussed. Effects of [metformin] on the NAD/NADH ratio in control cells and ATP5I-KO would have been helpful because the metformin data on cell growth is normalized as fold change relative to control, whereas the NAD/NADH ratio would represent a direct absolute measurement enabling comparison of the absolute effect in control cells with ATP5I KO.

      (5) Figure-6 CRISPR/Cas9 KO at 16mM metformin in comparison with 70nM rotenone and 2 micromolar oligomycin (in serum-containing medium). The rationale for the use of such a high concentration of metformin has not been explained. In liver cells metformin concentrations above 1mM cause severe ATP depletion, whereas therapeutic (micromolar) concentrations have minimal effects on cellular ATP status. The 16mM concentration is ~2 orders of magnitude higher than therapeutic concentrations and likely linked to compromised energy status. The stronger inhibition of cell proliferation by 16mM metformin compared with rotenone or oligomycin raises the issue of whether the changes in gene expression may be linked to the greater inhibition of mitochondrial metabolism. Validation of the cellular ATP status and NAD/NADH with metformin as compared with the two inhibitors could help the interpretation of this data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      A particular challenge in treating infections caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii is to target (and ultimately clear) the tissue cysts that persist for the lifetime of an infected individual. The study by Maus and colleagues leverages the development of a powerful in vitro culture system for the cyst-forming bradyzoite stage of Toxoplasma parasites to screen a compound library for candidate inhibitors of parasite proliferation and survival. They identify numerous inhibitors capable of inhibiting both the disease-causing tachyzoite and the cyst-forming bradyzoite stages of the parasite. To characterize the potential targets of some of these inhibitors, they undertake metabolomic analyses. The metabolic signatures from these analyses lead them to identify one compound (MMV1028806) that interferes with aspects of parasite mitochondrial metabolism. The authors claim that MV1028806 targets the bc1 complex of the mitochondrial electron transport chain of the parasite, although the evidence for this is indirect and speculative. Nevertheless, the study presents an exciting approach for identifying and characterizing much-needed inhibitors for targeting tissue cysts in these parasites.


      The study presents convincing proof-of-principle evidence that the myotube-based in vitro culture system for T. gondii bradyzoites can be used to screen compound libraries, enabling the identification of compounds that target the proliferation and/or survival of this stage of the parasite. The study also utilizes metabolomic approaches to characterize metabolic 'signatures' that provide clues to the potential targets of candidate inhibitors, although falls short of identifying the actual targets.


      (1) The authors claim to have identified a compound in their screen (MMV1028806) that targets the bc1 complex of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC). The evidence they present for this claim is indirect (metabolomic signatures and changes in mitochondrial membrane potential) and could be explained by the compound targeting other components of the ETC or affecting mitochondrial biology or metabolism in other ways. In order to make the conclusion that MMV1028806 targets the bc1 complex, the authors should test specifically whether MMV1028806 inhibits bc1-complex activity (i.e. in a direct enzymatic assay for bc1 complex activity). Testing the activity of MMV1028806 against other mitochondrial dehydrogenases (e.g. dihydroorotate dehydrogenase) that feed electrons into the ETC might also provide valuable insights. The experiments the authors perform also do not directly measure whether MMV1028806 impairs ETC activity, and the authors could also test whether this compound inhibits mitochondrial O2 consumption (as would be expected for a bc1 inhibitor).

      (2) The authors claim that compounds targeting bradyzoites have greater lipophilicity than other compounds in the library (and imply that these compounds also have greater gastrointestinal absorbability and permeability across the blood-brain barrier). While it is an attractive idea that lipophilicity influences drug targeting against bradyzoites, the effect seems pretty small and is complicated by the fact that the comparison is being made to compounds that are not active against parasites. If the authors are correct in their assertion that lipophilicity is a major determinant of bradyzoicidal compounds compared to compounds that target tachyzoites alone, you would expect that compounds that target tachyzoites alone would have lower lipophilicity than those that target bradyzoites. It would therefore make more sense to (statistically) compare the bradyzoicidal and dual-acting compounds to those that are only active in tachyzoites (visually the differences seem small in Figure S2B). This hypothesis would be better tested through a structure-activity relationship study of select compounds (which is beyond the scope of the study). Overall, the evidence the authors present that high lipophilicity is a determinant of bradyzoite targeting is not very convincing, and the authors should present their conclusions in a more cautious manner.

      (3) Page 11 and Figure 7. The authors claim that their data indicate that ATP is produced by the mitochondria of bradyzoites "independently of exogenous glucose and HDQ-target enzymes." The authors cite their previous study (Christiansen et al, 2022) as evidence that HDQ can enter bradyzoites, since HDQ causes a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential. Membrane potential is linked to the synthesis of ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. If HDQ is really causing a depletion of membrane potential, is it surprising that the authors observe no decrease in ATP levels in these parasites? Testing the importance of HDQ-target enzymes using genetic approaches (e.g. gene knockout approaches) would provide better insights than the ATP measurements presented in the manuscript, although would require considerable extra work that may be beyond the scope of the study. Given that the authors' assay can't distinguish between ATP synthesized in the mitochondrion vs glycolysis, they may wish to interpret their data with greater caution.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The present study by Le Gac et al. investigates the vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries during neurovascular coupling. It proposes that pyramidal neurons firing at high frequency lead to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release and activation of arteriolar EP1 and EP3 receptors, causing smooth muscle cell contraction. The authors further claim that interneurons and astrocytes also contribute to vasoconstriction via neuropeptide Y (NPY) and 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) release, respectively. The study mainly uses brain slices and pharmacological tools in combination with Emx1-Cre; Ai32 transgenic mice expressing the H134R variant of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in the cortical glutamatergic neurons for precise photoactivation. Stimulation with 470 nm light using 10-second trains of 5-ms pulses at frequencies from 1-20 Hz revealed small constrictions at 10 Hz and robust constrictions at 20 Hz, which were abolished by TTX and partially inhibited by a cocktail of glutamate receptor antagonists. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) or -2 (COX-2) by indomethacin blocked the constriction both ex vivo (slices) and in vivo (pial artery), and inhibition of EP1 and EP3 showed the same effect ex vivo. Single-cell RT-PCR from patched neurons confirmed the presence of the PGE2 synthesis pathway.

      While the data are convincing, the overall experimental setting presents some limitations. How is the activation protocol comparable to physiological firing frequency? The delay (minutes) between the stimulation and the constriction appears contradictory to the proposed pathway, which would be expected to occur rapidly. The experiments are conducted in the absence of vascular "tone," which further questions the significance of the findings. Some of the targets investigated are expressed by multiple cell types, which makes the interpretation difficult; for example, cyclooxygenases are also expressed by endothelial cells. Finally, how is the complete inhibition of the constriction by the NPY Y1 receptor antagonist BIBP3226 consistent with a direct effect of PGE2 and 20-HETE in arterioles? Overall, the manuscript is well-written with clear data, but the interpretation and physiological relevance have some limitations. However, vasoconstriction is a rather understudied phenomenon in neurovascular coupling, and the present findings may be of significance in the context of pathological brain hypoperfusion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors aim to investigate the role of spontaneous activity in shaping the development of multisensory integration in the brain, specifically focusing on the connections between primary visual and somatosensory sensory areas (V1 and S1) and a higher-order cortical area rostro-lateral to V1 (RL). They seek to understand how spontaneous activity guides the formation of aligned topographic maps and the emergence of bimodal neurons in RL.

      First, the authors found that spontaneous activity in all three areas sparsifies over time, but S1 exhibits more mature patterns earlier than V1 and RL. They claimed that correlated activity among neighboring regions of these areas during development carries topographic information. These data were used to implement a computational model that employed Hebbian rules of synaptic plasticity. The model indicated that correlated spontaneous activity can generate topographic connectivity between S1/V1 and RL and bimodal neurons in RL. The model suggested that the more mature spontaneous activity in S1 can guide map alignment between V1 and RL. In addition, the model also suggested that a mixture of bimodal and unimodal neurons in RL is optimal for decoding information from V1 and S1.

      While the data presented in the manuscript is promising and provides preliminary insights into the role of spontaneous activity in multisensory integration, it would be beneficial to strengthen the experimental foundation regarding the correlation between V1, S1, and RL. Incorporating more rigorous spatio-temporal analyses of spontaneous activity could enhance the robustness of these findings.

      Here are some important concerns:

      (1) The analysis of how spatial topography influences activity correlations in Figure 2 has several issues.<br /> 1a. While squares in V1 and S1 covered a small area of these sensory areas, the correlated territories in RL covered the entire area of RL. The topographic map in V1 continues caudally, so where is the rest of the map in RL? Something similar applies to the relationship between S1 and RL.<br /> 1b. It is essential to know how areas were drawn. High precision is required.<br /> 1c. It is not clear if correlated activity means different events in sync or large events that cover 2 or all 3 cortical areas of interest. The figure points to the second option, which contradicts the size of events at these stages, mainly in the oldest mice analyzed here.<br /> 1d. It is fundamental to know in detail and provide examples of how the detection of events was performed. For instance, could the dispersion of light from an event in V1 close to RL cause the detection of activity in RL?

      (2) For the correlations among V1, S1, and RL, it is crucial to have a consistent method to delineate the borders of cortical areas. The authors mention in one sentence that areas were drawn according to a reference map. More details are needed to convince the reader that the borders are accurate, especially because their shape and position change with age.

      (3) The results from the model seem to be based on the initial bias in connectivity between neighboring cells from the different areas. Then, it seems straightforward that implementing correlated activity with Hebbian and synaptic depression rules will force the strengthening of connections between spatially close cells. Despite this apparent predisposition of the model towards a defined outcome, the flaws in the experimental data used prevent a rigorous interpretation of the computational model.

      (4) In the Introduction, the authors nicely and briefly explain the role of primary and higher-order sensory cortices in information processing. They also explain how spontaneous activity during development helps to build these circuits by refining connections or establishing hierarchies. They continue explaining the relevance of aligning different topographic maps to allow multisensory integration. Then they provide some examples of sites of multisensory integration. This provides a general context for the data presented in the Results section; however, and importantly, there is no specific introduction of why they are interested in RL and its interaction with V1 and S1. The authors should introduce the RL area and explain why it is an interesting site for multisensory processing.

      (5) The results shown in Figure 1 corroborate published data from Golshani et al, Rochefort et al, Murakami et al. While the reproduction of data is more than welcome, the authors should specify which part of the data is completely new and acknowledge clearly the rest as corroboration of previous data. The sentence "As described in previous experiments ..." partially acknowledges this fact but is not clear enough. In addition, the transition between this part of the manuscript and the next data is not smooth. Data seems to be used to feed the model so perhaps the organization of the manuscript leaves room for improvement.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Briola and co-authors have performed a structural analysis of the human CTF18 clamp loader bound to PCNA. The authors purified the complexes and formed a complex in solution. They used cryo-EM to determine the structure to high resolution. The complex assumed an auto-inhibited conformation, where DNA binding is blocked, which is of regulatory importance and suggests that additional factors could be required to support PCNA loading on DNA. The authors carefully analysed the structure and compared it to RFC and related structures.

      Strength & Weakness

      Their overall analysis is of high quality, and they identified, among other things, a human-specific beta-hairpin in Ctf18 that flexibly tethers Ctf18 to Rfc2-5. Indeed, deletion of the beta-hairpin resulted in reduced complex stability and a reduction in a primer extension assay with Pol ε. This is potentially very interesting, although some more work is needed on the quantification. Moreover, the authors argue that the Ctf18 ATP-binding domain assumes a more flexible organisation, but their visual representation could be improved.

      The data are discussed accurately and relevantly, which provides an important framework for rationalising the results.

      All in all, this is a high-quality manuscript that identifies a key intermediate in CTF18-dependent clamp loading.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper describes the molecular characterisation of a new isolate of the giant virus Jyvaskylavirus, a member of the Marseilleviridae family infecting Acanthamoeba castellanii. The isolate comes from a boreal environment in Finland, showcasing that giant viruses can thrive in this ecological niche. The authors came up with a non-trivial isolation procedure that can be applied to characterise other members of the family and will be beneficial for the virology field. The genome shows typical Marseilleviridae features and phylogenetically belongs to their clade B. The structural characterisation was performed on the level of isolated virion morphology by negative stain EM, virions associated with cells either during the attachment or release by helium microscopy, the visualisation of the virus assembly inside cells using stained thin sections, and lastly on the protein secondary structure level by reconstructing ~6 A icosahedral map of the massive virion using cryoEM. The cryoEM density combined with gene product structure prediction enabled the identification and functional assessment of various virion proteins.


      The detailed description of the virus isolation protocol is the largest strength of the paper and this reviewer believes it can be modified for isolating various viruses infecting small eukaryotes. The cryoEM map allows us to understand how exceptionally large virions of these viruses are stabilised by minor capsid proteins and nicely demonstrates the integration of medium-resolution cryoEM with protein structure prediction in deciphering virion protein function. The visualisation of ongoing virus assembly inside virus factories brings interesting hypotheses about the process that; however, needs to be verified in the next studies.


      The conclusions from helium microscopy images are overinterpreted, as the native membrane structure cannot be preserved in a fixed and dehydrated sample. In the image, there are many other parts of the curved membrane and a lot of virions, to me it seems the specific position of the highlighted virion could arise by a random chance. The claim that the cells were imaged in the near-original state by this method should be therefore omitted. Also, no mass spectrometry data are presented that would supplement and confirm the identity of virion proteins which predicted models were fitted into the cryoEM density. For a general virology reader outside of the giant virus field, the results presented in the current state might not have enough influence and the section should be rewritten to better showcase the novelty of findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors recently uncovered a novel nested gene, Aff3ir, and this work sets out to study its function in endothelial cells further. Based on differences in expression correlating with areas of altered shear stress, they investigate a role for the isoform Aff3ir-ORF2 in endothelial activation and development of atherosclerosis downstream of disturbed shear stress. Using a knockout mouse model and in vivo overexpression experiments, they demonstrate a strong potential for Aff3ir-ORF2 to alleviate atherosclerosis. They find that Aff3ir-ORF2 interacts with the pro-inflammatory transcription factor IRF5 and retains it in the cytoplasm, hence preventing upregulation of inflammation-associated genes. The data expands our knowledge of IRF5 regulation which could be relevant to researchers studying various inflammatory diseases as well as adding to our understanding of atherosclerosis development.


      The in vivo data is solid using immunofluorescence staining to assess AFF3ir-ORF2 expression, a knockout mouse model, overexpression and knockdown studies, and rescue experiments in combination with two atherosclerotic models to demonstrate that Aff3ir-ORF2 can lessen atherosclerotic plaque formation in ApoE-/- mice.


      While the in vivo data is generally convincing, a few data panels have issues and will need addressing. Also, the knockout mouse model will need to be described, since the paper referred to in the manuscript does not actually report any knockout mouse model. Hence it is unclear how Aff3ir-ORF2 is targeted, but Figure S2B shows that targeting is partial, since about 30% expression remains at the RNA level in MEFs isolated from the knockout mice.

      While the effect on atherosclerosis is clear, the conclusion that this is the result of reduced endothelial cell activation is not supported by the data. The mouse model is described as a global knockout and the shRNA knockdowns (Figure 5) and overexpression data in Figure 2 are not cell type-specific. Only the overexpression construct in Figure 6 uses an ICAM-2 promoter construct, which drives expression in endothelial cells, though leaky expression of this promoter has been reported in the literature. Therefore, other cell types such as smooth muscle cells or macrophages could be responsible for the effects observed.

      The weakest part of the manuscript is the in vitro experiments. While they are solidly executed, all experiments are performed in MEFs, and results are interpreted as being equivalent to endothelial cell responses. There is also an RNA-seq experiment performed on MEFs from the Aff3ir-ORF2 knockout and control mice, but the data is not disclosed other than showing some non-identifiable expression differences. The data is used to hypothesise on a role for IRF5 in the effects observed with Aff3ir-ORF2 knockout.

      Overall, the paper succeeds in demonstrating a link between Aff3ir-ORF2 and atherosclerosis, but the cell types involved and mechanisms remain unclear. The study also shows a functional interaction between Aff3ir-ORF2 and IRF5 in embryonic fibroblasts, but any relevance of this mechanism for atherosclerosis or any cell types involved in the development of this disease remains largely speculative.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In their study 'AI-Based Discovery and CryoEM Structural Elucidation of a KATP Channel Pharmacochaperone', ElSheikh and colleagues undertake a computational screening approach to identify candidate drugs that may bind to an identified binding pocket in the SUR1 subunit of KATP channels. Other KATP channel inhibitors such as glibenclamide have been previously shown to bind in this pocket, and in addition to inhibition of KATP channel function, these inhibitors can very effectively rescue cell surface expression of trafficking deficient KATP mutations that cause excessive insulin secretion (Congenital Hyperinsulinism). However, a challenge for their utility for the treatment of hyperinsulinism has been that they are powerful inhibitors of the channels that are rescued to the channel surface. In contrast, successful therapeutic pharmacochaperones (eg. CFTR chaperones) permit the function of the channels rescued to the cell membrane. Thus, a key criterion for the authors' approach, in this case, was to identify relatively low-affinity compounds that target the glibenclamide binding site (and be washed off) - these could potentially rescue KATP surface expression but also permit KATP function.


      The main findings of the manuscript include:

      (1) Computational screening of a large virtual compound library, followed by functional screening of cell surface expression, which identified several potential candidate pharmacochaperones that target the glibenclamide binding site.

      (2) Prioritization and functional characterization of Aekatperone as a low-affinity KATP inhibitor which can be readily 'washed off' in patch clamp and cell-based efflux assays. Thus the drug clearly rescues cell surface expression but can be manipulated experimentally to permit the function of rescued channels.

      (3) Determination of the binding site and dynamics of this candidate drug by cryo-EM, and functional validation of several residues involved in drug sensitivity using mutagenesis and patch clamp.

      The experiments are well-conceived and executed, and the study is clearly described. The results of the experiments are very straightforward and clearly support the conclusions drawn by the authors. I found the study to provide important new information about the KATP chaperone effects of certain drugs, with interesting considerations in terms of ion channel biology and human disease.


      I don't have any major criticisms of the study as described, but I had some remaining questions that could be addressed in a revision.

      (1) The chaperones can effectively rescue KATP trafficking mutants, but clearly not as strongly as the higher affinity inhibitor glibenclamide. Is this relationship between inhibitory potency, and efficacy of trafficking an intrinsic challenge of the approach? I suspect that it may be an intractable problem in the sense that the inhibitor-bound conformation that underlies the chaperone effect cannot be uncoupled from the inhibited gating state. But this might not be true (many partial agonist drugs with low efficacy can be strongly potent, for example). In this case, the approach is really to find a 'happy medium' of a drug that is a weak enough inhibitor to be washed away, but still strong enough to exert some satisfactory chaperone effect. Could some additional clarity be added in the discussion on whether the chaperone and gating effects can be 'uncoupled'?

      (2) Based on the western blots in Figure 2B, the rescue of cell surface expression appears to require a higher concentration of AKP compared to the concentration-response of channel inhibition (~9 microM in Figure 3, perhaps even more potent in patch clamp in Figure 2C). Could the authors clarify/quantify the concentration response for trafficking rescue?

      (3) A future challenge in the application of pharmacochaperones of this type in hyperinsulinism may be the manipulation of chaperone concentration in order to permit function. In experiments, it is straightforward to wash off the chaperone, but this would not be the case in an organism. I wondered if the authors had attempted to rescue channel function with diazoxide in the presence of AKP, rather than after washing off (ie. is AKP inhibition insurmountable, or can it be overcome by sufficient diazoxide).

      (4) Do the authors have any information about the turnover time of KATP after the wash-off of the chaperone (how stable are the rescued channels at the cell surface)? This is a difficult question to probe when glibenclamide is used as a chaperone, but may be much simpler to address with a lower affinity chaperone like AKP.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The regulation of kinesin is fundamental to cellular morphogenesis. Previously, it has been shown that OSM-3, a kinesin required for intraflagellar transport (IFT), is regulated by autoinhibition. However, it remains totally elusive how the autoinhibition of OSM-3 is released. In this study, the authors have shown that NEKL-3 phosphorylates OSM-3 and releases its autoinhibition.

      The authors found NEKL-3 directly phosphorylates OSM-3 (although the method is not described clearly) (Figure 1). The phophorylated residue is the "elbow" of OSM-3. The authors introduced phospho-dead (PD) and phospho-mimic (PM) mutations by genome editing and found that the OSM-3(PD) protein does not form cilia, and instead, accumulates to the axonal tips. The phenotype is similar to another constitutive active mutant of OSM-3, OSM-3(G444A) (Imanishi et al., 2006; Xie et al., 2024). osm-3(PM) has shorter cilia, which resembles with loss of function mutants of osm-3 (Figure 3). The authors did structural prediction and showed that G444E and PD mutations change the conformation of OSM-3 protein (Figure 3). In the single-molecule assays G444E and PD mutations exhibited increased landing rate (Figure 4). By unbiased genetic screening, the authors identified a suppressor mutant of osm-3(PD), in which A489T occurs. The result confirms the importance of this residue. Based on these results, the authors suggest that NEKL-3 induces phosphorylation of the elbow domain and inactivates OSM-3 motor when the motor is synthesized in the cell body. This regulation is essential for proper cilia formation.


      The finding is interesting and gives new insight into how the IFT motor is regulated.


      The methods section has not presented sufficient information to reproduce this study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Farber and colleagues have performed single-cell RNAseq analysis on bone marrow-derived stem cells from DO Mice. By performing network analysis, they look for driver genes that are associated with bone mineral density GWAS associations. They identify two genes as potential candidates to showcase the utility of this approach.


      The study is very thorough and the approach is innovative and exciting. The manuscript contains some interesting data relating to how cell differentiation is occurring and the effects of genetics on this process. The section looking for genes with eQTLs that differ across the differentiation trajectory (Figure 4) was particularly exciting.


      The manuscript is in parts hard to read due to the use of acronyms and there are some questions about data analysis that need to be addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The present study described GEARBOCS, an adeno-associated virus tool for in vivo gene editing in astrocytes. This tool is timely and important for glial biologists who often are troubled by efficient gene targeting in astrocytes. Overall the significance of the finding is valuable, and the strength of the evidence is solid. Presumably, there will be great potential associated with GEARBOCS applications in the future.


      As efficient tools for targeting non-neuronal cells in the brains are rather limited for astrocytes and microglia, GEARBOCS adds to the small pool of currently available tools and will provide new options for glial biologists studying these tools. As the study revealed, GEARBOCS are capable of knockout and knockin manipulations for genes of interest, also ascribed with reporter tracking and gene-trap strategy. The promising multi-functional tool will advance our understanding of astrocytes and help to further elucidate the mechanism of neuron-glia interaction.


      Even though the tool seems promising and powerful. the authors failed to provide more evidence on the robustness and specificity of GEARBOCS. Also, the advantages of GEARBOCS over some of the traditional methods were not clearly stated. Some of these concerns are described below.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Wang et al. developed a set of optical sensors to monitor Rab protein activity. Their investigation into Rab activity in dendritic spines during structural long-term plasticity (sLTP) revealed sustained Rab10 inactivation (>30min) and transient Rab4 activation (~5 min). Through pharmacological and genetic manipulation to constitutively activate or inhibit Rab proteins, they found that Rab10 negatively regulates sLTP and AMPA receptor insertion, while Rab4 positively influences sLTP but only in the transient phase. The optical sensors provide new tools for studying Rab activity in cells and neurobiology. However, a full understanding of the timing of Rab activity will require a detailed characterization of sensor kinetics.


      (1) Introduction of a series of novel sensors that can address numerous questions in Rab biology.

      (2) Multiple methods to manipulate Rab proteins to reveal the roles of Rab10 and rab4 in LTP.

      (3) Discovery of Rab4 activation and Rab10 inhibition with different kinetics during sLTP, correlating with their functional roles in the transient (Rab4) and both transient and sustained (Rab10) phases of sLTP.


      (1) Lack of characterization of sensor kinetics, making it difficult to determine if the observed Rab kinetics during sLTP were due to sensor behavior or actual Rab activity.

      (2) It is crucial to assess whether the overexpression of Rab proteins as reporters, affects Rab activity and cellular structure and physiology (e.g. spine number and size).

      (3) The paper does not explain the apparently different results between NMDA receptor activation and glutamate uncaging. NMDA receptor activation increased Rab10 activity, while glutamate uncaging decreased it. NMDA receptor activation resulted in sustained Rab4 activation, whereas glutamate uncaging caused only brief activation of about 5 minutes. A potential explanation, ideally supported by data, is needed.

      (4) There is a discrepancy between spine phenotype and sLTP potential with Rab10 perturbation. Rab10 perturbation affected spine density but not size, suggesting a role in spinogenesis rather than sLTP. However, glutamate uncaging affected sLTP, and spinogenesis was not examined. Explaining the discrepancy between spine size and sLTP potential is necessary. Exploring spinogenesis with glutamate uncaging would strengthen these results. Additionally, Figure 4j shows no change in synaptic transmission with Rab10 knockout, despite an increase in spine density. An explanation, ideally supported by data, is needed for the unchanged fEPSP slope despite an increase in spine density.

      (5) Spine volume was imaged using acceptor fluorophores (mCherry, or mCherry/Venus) at 920nm, where the two-photon cross-section of mCherry is minimal. 920nm was also used to excite the donor fluorophore, hence the spine volume measurement based on total red channel fluorescence is the sum of minimal mCherry fluorescence from direct 920nm excitation, bleed-through from the green channel, and FRET. This confounded measurement requires correction and clarification.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript examines network mechanisms that allow networks of neurons to perform context-dependent decision-making.

      In a recent study, Pagan and colleagues identified two distinct mechanisms by which recurrent neural networks can perform such computations. They termed these two mechanisms input-modulation and selection-vector modulation. Pagan and colleagues demonstrated that recurrent neural networks can be trained to implement combinations of these two mechanisms, and related this range of computational strategies with inter-individual variability in rats performing the same task. What type of structure in the recurrent connectivity favors one or the other mechanism however remained an open question.

      The present manuscript addresses this specific question by using a class of mechanistically interpretable recurrent neural networks, low-rank RNNs.

      The manuscript starts by demonstrating that unit-rank RNNs can only implement the input-modulation mechanism, but not the selection-vector modulation. The authors then build rank three networks that implement selection-vector modulation and show how the two mechanisms can be combined. Finally, they relate the amount of selection-vector modulation with the effective rank, ie the dimensionality of activity, of a trained full-rank RNN.


      (1) The manuscript is written in a straightforward manner.<br /> (2) The analytic approach adopted in the manuscript is impressive.<br /> (3) Very clear identification of the mechanisms leading to the two types of context-dependent modulation.<br /> (4) Altogether this manuscript reports remarkable insights into a very timely question.


      - The introduction could have been written in a more accessible manner for any non-expert readers.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Scott and Frank propose a new method for controlling generalization and interference in neural networks that undergo continual learning. Their method called coordinated eligibility models (CEM), relies on the factorization of synaptic updates into input-driven and output-driving factors. They subsequently employ the fact that it is sufficient to orthogonalize any one of these two factors across different data points to nullify the interference during learning. They exemplify this on a number of toy tasks while comparing their result to vanilla gradient.


      The specific mechanism proposed here is novel (while, as authors acknowledge, there is a large number of other mechanisms for the selective recruitment of synapses for the prevention of catastrophic forgetting). Furthermore, it is simple, elegant, and to a large extent biologically plausible, potentially pointing to specific and testable aspects of learning dynamics.


      (1) Scope and toy nature of experiments: the model was only applied to very simple problems tailored specifically to demonstrate the strengths of the CEM method. Furthermore, single hyperparameter setting is presented for every scenario which leaves it questionable how general the numerical results are. The selection of input, output dimensionality and data set size also seems to be underexplored. Will a larger curriculum, smaller or larger dimension, compromise any of the CEM ingredients? Restriction to linear models seems arbitrary (it should be a no-time test to add non-linearity within a pytorch framework that authors used), and applicability for any non-synthetic problem is not obvious.

      It is also unclear to what extent of domain knowledge is needed for surprise signals to be successfully generated. Can the authors make a stronger case about novel curriculum entries being easily recognizable by cosine distance, either in the brain or in machine learning? Can they alternatively demonstrate their method on a less toy benchmark (e.g. permuted MNIST from Kirkpatrick et al 2017 that they cite)?

      Another limitation is that unlike smoother models of plasticity budgets (e.g. Kirkpatrick et al 17, Zenke et al 17), here eligibility seems to be lost forever, once surprise is applied. What happens to the model if more data from a previously visited task becomes available? Will the system be able to continue learning within the right context and how does CEM perform compared to other catastrophic-forgetting-prevention strategies?

      (2) The clarity and organization must be improved. Specifically, the balance between verbal descriptions, equations, figures, and their captions needs to be improved. For example - two full-size equations are dedicated to the application of linear regression (around lines 183 and 236) while by far less obvious math such as settings for fig 7, including 'feature loadings', 'demands', etc., is presented in a hardly readable mixture figure and main text. Similarly, the surprise mechanism which is a key ingredient for the model is presented in a very non-straightforward fashion, scattered between the main text, figure, and methods. The figure legends are poorly informative in many cases as well (see minor comments for examples).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The author investigates the role of background noise on EEG-assessed speech tracking in a series of five experiments. In the first experiment, the influence of different degrees of background noise is investigated and enhanced speech tracking for minimal noise levels is found. The following four experiments explore different potential influences on this effect, such as attentional allocation, different noise types, and presentation mode.

      The step-wise exploration of potential contributors to the effect of enhanced speech tracking for minimal background noise is compelling. The motivation and reasoning for the different studies are clear and logical and therefore easy to follow. The results are discussed in a concise and clear way. While I specifically like the conciseness, one inevitable consequence is that not all results are equally discussed in depth.

      Based on the results of the five experiments, the author concludes that the enhancement of speech tracking for minimal background noise is likely due to stochastic resonance. Given broad conceptualizations of stochastic resonance as a noise benefit this is a reasonable conclusion.

      This study will likely impact the field as it provides compelling support questioning the relationship between speech tracking and speech processing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This paper examines how structural plasticity in neural circuits, particularly in dopaminergic systems, is regulated by Drosophila neurotrophin-2 (DNT-2) and its receptors, Toll-6 and Kek-6. The authors show that these molecules are critical for modulating circuit structure, dopaminergic neuron survival, synaptogenesis, and connectivity. They demonstrate that the loss of DNT-2 or Toll-6 function leads to the loss of dopaminergic neurons, reduced dendritic arborization, and synaptic impairment, whereas overexpression of DNT-2 increases dendritic complexity and synaptogenesis. Additionally, DNT-2 and Toll-6 influence dopamine-dependent behaviors, including locomotion and long-term memory, suggesting a link between DNT-2 signaling, structural plasticity, and behavior.

      A major strength of this study is the impressive cellular resolution achieved. By focusing on specific dopaminergic neurons, such as the PAM and PPL1 clusters, and using a range of molecular markers, the authors were able to clearly visualize intricate details of synapse formation, dendritic complexity, and axonal targeting within defined circuits. Given the critical role of dopaminergic pathways in learning and memory, this approach provides a valuable foundation for exploring the role of DNT-2, Toll-6, and Kek-6 in experience-dependent structural plasticity. While the manuscript hints at a connection to experience-induced plasticity, the study does not establish a direct causal link between neurotrophin signaling and experience-driven changes. To support this idea, it would be necessary to observe experience-induced structural changes and demonstrate that downregulation of DNT-2 signaling prevents these changes. The closest attempt in this study was the artificial activation of DNT-2 neurons using TrpA1, which resulted in overgrowth of axonal arbors and an increase in synaptic sites in both DNT-2 and PAM neurons. However, whether the observed structural changes were dependent on DNT-2 signaling remains unclear.

      In conclusion, this study demonstrates that DNT-2 and its receptors play a role in regulating the structure of dopaminergic circuits in the adult fly brain. Whether DNT-2 signaling contributes to experience-dependent structural plasticity within these circuits remains an exciting open question and warrants further investigation.

      Comments on revisions:

      I appreciate the authors' responses to my previous comments and have no further suggestions.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Qin and colleagues study the role of Malat1 in bone biology. This topic is interesting given the role of lncRNAs in multiple physiologic processes. A previous study (PMID 38493144) suggested a role for Malat1 in osteoclast maturation. However, the role of this lncRNA in osteoblast biology was previously not explored. Here, the authors note osteopenia with increased bone resorption in mice lacking Malat1 globally and in osteoblast lineage cells. At the mechanistic level, the authors suggest that Malat1 controls beta-catenin activity. These result advance the field regarding the role of this lncRNA in bone biology.


      The manuscript is well-written and data are presented in a clear and easily understandable manner. The bone phenotype of osteoblast-specific Malat1 knockout mice is of high interest. The role of Malat1 in controlling beta-catenin activity and OPG expression is interesting and novel.


      The lack of a bone phenotype when Malat1 is deleted with LysM-Cre is of interest given the previous report suggesting a role for this lncRNA in osteoclasts, especially in light of satisfactory deletion efficiency in this model. The data in the fracture model in Figure 8 is enhanced with quantitative data. The role of Malat1 and OPG in chondrocytes is unclear since the osteocalcin-Cre mice (which should retain normal Malat1 levels in chondrocytes) have similar bone loss as the global mutants.

      Comments on revised version:

      All previous comments have been addressed in a satisfactory manner.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Mutations in SUFU are implicated in SHH medulloblastoma (MB). SUFU modulates Shh signaling in a context-dependent manner, making its role in MB pathology complex and not fully understood. This study reports that elevated FGF5 levels are associated with a specific subtype of SHH MB, particularly in pediatric cases. The authors demonstrate that Sufu deletion in a mouse model leads to abnormal proliferation of granule cell precursors (GCPs) at the secondary fissure (region B), correlating with increased Fgf5 expression. Notably, pharmacological inhibition of FGFR restores normal cerebellar development in Sufu mutant mice.


      The identification of increased FGF5 in subsets of MB is novel and a key strength of the paper.


      The study appears incomplete despite the potential significance of these findings. The current paper does not fully establish the causal relationship between Fgf5 and abnormal cerebellar development, nor does it clarify its connection to SUFU-related MB. Some conclusions seem overstated, and the central question of whether FGFR inhibition can prevent tumor formation remains untested.

      Comments on revisions:

      In this revised version, many of the concerns and comments raised by this and other reviewers remain unaddressed and require attention in future studies. The manuscript does not demonstrate significant improvement.

      Specific Comments:

      (1) In the figure provided by the authors, FGF5 appears to be highly expressed beneath the GCPs. Regarding our comment and Reviewer 1's Comment 7, it is essential to identify the cell types secreting FGF5 and clarify whether it functions in a paracrine or autocrine manner. This should be incorporated into the working model illustrated in Figure 5.<br /> (2) Contrary to the authors' claim that their results align completely with Jiwani et al. (2020), there is a discrepancy in the data. Jiwani et al. reported an increase in Gli2 levels in the Sufu mutant, whereas the current study shows the opposite result. This inconsistency needs to be addressed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      If synaptic input is functionally clustered on dendrites, nonlinear integration could increase the computational power of neural networks. But this requires the right synapses to be located in the right places. This paper aims to address the question of whether such synaptic arrangements could arise by chance (i.e. without special rules for axon guidance or structural plasticity), and could therefore be exploited even in randomly connected networks. This is important, particularly for the dendrites and biological computation communities, where there is a pressing need to integrate decades of work at the single-neuron level with contemporary ideas about network function.

      Using an abstract model where ensembles of neurons project randomly to a postsynaptic population, back-of-envelope calculations are presented that predict the probability of finding clustered synapses and spatiotemporal sequences. Using data-constrained parameters, the authors conclude that clustering and sequences are indeed likely to occur by chance (for large enough ensembles), but require strong dendritic nonlinearities and low background noise to be useful.


      - The back-of-envelope reasoning presented can provide fast and valuable intuition. The authors have also made the effort to connect the model parameters with measured values. Even an approximate understanding of cluster probability can direct theory and experiments towards promising directions, or away from lost causes.

      - I found the general approach to be refreshingly transparent and objective. Assumptions are stated clearly about the model and statistics of different circuits. Along with some positive results, many of the computed cluster probabilities are vanishingly small, and noise is found to be quite detrimental in several cases. This is important to know, and I was happy to see the authors take a balanced look at conditions that help/hinder clustering, rather than just focus on a particular regime that works.

      - This paper is also a timely reminder that synaptic clusters and sequences can exist on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The authors present results pertaining to the standard `electrical' regime (~50-100 µm, <50 ms), as well as two modes of chemical signaling (~10 µm, 100-1000 ms). The senior author is indeed an authority on the latter, and the simulations in Figure 5, extending those from Bhalla (2017), are unique in this area. In my view, the role of chemical signaling in neural computation is understudied theoretically, but research will be increasingly important as experimental technologies continue to develop.


      - The paper is mostly let down by the presentation. In the current form, some patience is needed to grasp the main questions and results, and it is hard to keep track of the many abbreviations and definitions. A paper like this can be impactful, but the writing needs to be crisp, and the logic of the derivation accessible to non-experts. See, for instance, Stepanyants, Hof & Chklovskii (2002) for a relevant example.

      It would be good to see a restructure that communicates the main points clearly and concisely, perhaps leaving other observations to an optional appendix. For the interested but time-pressed reader, I recommend starting with the last paragraph of the introduction, working through the main derivation on page 7, and writing out the full expression with key parameters exposed. Next, look at Table 1 and Figure 2J to see where different circuits and mechanisms fit in this scheme. Beyond this, the sequence derivation on page 17 and biophysical simulations in Figures 5 and 6 are also highlights.

      - The analysis supporting the claim that strong nonlinearities are needed for cluster/sequence detection is unconvincing. In the analysis, different synapse distributions on a single long dendrite are convolved with a sigmoid function and then the sum is taken to reflect the somatic response. In reality, dendritic nonlinearities influence the soma in a complex and dynamic manner. It may be that the abstract approach the authors use captures some of this, but it needs to be validated with simulations to be trusted (in line with previous work, e.g. Poirazi, Brannon & Mel, (2003)).

      - It is unclear whether some of the conclusions would hold in the presence of learning. In the signal-to-noise analysis, all synaptic strengths are assumed equal. But if synapses involved in salient clusters or sequences were potentiated, presumably detection would become easier? Similarly, if presynaptic tuning and/or timing was reorganized through learning, the conditions for synaptic arrangements to be useful could be relaxed. Answering these questions is beyond the scope of the study, but there is a caveat there nonetheless.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript builds from the interesting observation that local recruitment of the DHPH domain of the RhoGEF PRG can induce local retraction, protrusion, or neither. The authors convincingly show that these differential responses are tied to the level of expression of the PRG transgene. This response depends on the Rho-binding activity of the recruited PH domain and is associated with and requires (co?)-activation of Cdc42. This begs the question of why this switch in response occurs. The use a computational model to predict that the timing of protein recruitment can dictate the output of the response in cells expressing intermediate levels and found that, "While the majority of cells showed mixed phenotypes irrespectively of the activation pattern, in few cells (3 out of 90) we were able to alternate the phenotype between retraction and protrusion several times at different places of the cell by changing the frequency while keeping the same total integrated intensity (Figure 6F and Supp Movie)."

      Comments on the revised manuscript:

      The authors have addressed the previous points and they have convincingly demonstrated that an optogenetically recruited PRG-GEF acts, as expected, as a GEF for RhoA. However, if this fragment is strongly over-expressed, it activates Cdc42, instead of RhoA. This appears to be due to sequestration of active RhoA by the overexpressed PRG-GEF.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors characterized the cardiovascular effects of acute and repetitive taVNS as an index of safety and concluded that taVNS treatment does not induce adverse cardiovascular effects such as bradycardia or QT prolongation.


      This study contributes important information about the clinical utility of taVNS as a safe immunomodulatory treatment approach for SAH patients.

      Comments on revised version:

      A number of limitations were identified previously: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/100088/reviews#peer-review-2. These major concerns were largely addressed by the authors.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Wada et al. investigate the low potential ferredoxin from Bacillus thermoproteolyticus (BtFd) using a combination of neutron crystallography, x-ray crystallography, DFT and spectroscopy to determine the influence of hydrogen bonding networks on the redox potential of ferredoxin's 4Fe-4S cluster. The use of neutron diffraction allowed the authors to probe the precise location of hydrogens around the 4Fe-4S cluster, which was not possible from prior studies, even with the previously reported high-resolution (0.92 Å) structure of BtFd. This allowed the authors to revise prior models of the proposed H bonding network theorized from earlier x-ray crystallography studies ( for example, showing that there is not in fact a H bond formed between the Thr63-O𝛾1 and the [4Fe-4S]-S4 atoms). With this newly described H-bonding network established, the electronic structure of the 4Fe-4S cluster was then investigated using DFT methodology, revealing a startling role of the deprotonated surface residue Asp64, which bears substantial electronic density in the LUMO which is otherwise localized to the 4Fe-4S cluster. While aspartate is usually deprotonated at physiological pH, the authors provide compelling evidence that this aspartate has a much higher pKa than is usual, and is able to act as a protonation-dependent switch which controls the stability of the reduced state of the 4Fe-4S cluster, and thus the redox potential.

      The findings of this study and the conclusions drawn from them are well supported by the data and computational work. Their findings have implications for similar control mechanisms in other, non-ferredoxin 4Fe-4S bearing electron transport proteins which have yet to be explored, providing great value to the metalloprotein community. One change that the authors may consider to enhance the clarity of the manuscript regards the nomenclature used for the varying models discussed (CM, CMNA, CMH and so forth). It would be beneficial to the reader if the nomenclature included the redox state (ox. vs red.) of the model in the model's name.

      Comments on revisions:

      I'm satisfied with their revisions, it looks good to me.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Scx is a well-established marker for tenocytes, but the expression in myogenic-lineage cells was unexplored. In this study, the authors performed lineage-trace and scRNA-seq analyses and demonstrated that Scx is expressed in activated SCs. Further, the authors showed that Scx is essential for muscle regeneration using conditional KO mice and identified the target genes of Scx in myogenic cells, which differ from those of tendons.


      Sometimes, lineage-trace experiments cause mis-expression and do not reflect the endogenous expression of the target gene. In this study, the authors carefully analyzed the unexpected expression of Scx in myogenic cells using some mouse lines and scRNA-seq data.


      Scx protein expression has not been verified.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors sincerely addressed all concerns, excluding the protein expression of Scx. There is convincing evidence from other experiments that indirectly indicate the protein expression of Scx. In addition, the importance of this study is solid. So, this reviewer doesn't require the authors to make more revisions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript reports results of a combined experimental and simulation study of magnetotactic bacteria in microfluidic channels containing sediment-mimicking obstacles. The obstacles were produced based on micro-computer tomography reconstructions of bacteria-rich sediment samples. The swimming of bacteria through these channels is found experimentally to display the highest throughput for physiological magnetic fields. Computer simulations of active Brownian particles, parameterized based on experimental trajectories are used to quantify the swimming throughput in detail. Similar behavior as in experiments is obtained, but also considerable variability between different channel geometries. Swimming at strong field is impeded by the trapping of bacteria in corners, while at weak fields the direction of motion is almost random. The trapping effect is confirmed in the experiments, as well as the escape of bacteria with reducing field strength.


      This is a very careful and detailed study, which draws its main strength from the fruitful combination of construction of novel microfluidic devives, their use in motility experiments, and simulations of active Brownian particles adapted to the experiment.<br /> Based on their results, the authors hypothesize that magnetotactic bacteria may have evolved to produce magnetic properties that are adapted to the geomagnetic field in order to balance movement and orientation in such crowded environments. They provide strong arguments in favor of such a hypothesis.


      Some of the issues touched upon here have been studied also in other articles. It would be good to extend the list of references accordingly and discuss the relation briefly in the text.

      Comments on revisions:

      In their rebuttal letter, the authors have responded in detail to all points raised in my previous report. They have revised their manuscript accordingly.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work addresses the question of how human macrophages restrict intracellular replication of Salmonella.


      Through a series of genetic knockouts and using specific inhibitors, Egan et al. demonstrated that the inflammasome components caspase-1, caspase-4, gasdermin D (GSDMD), and the final lytic death effector ninjurin-1 (NINJ1) are required for control of Salmonella replication in human macrophages. Interestingly, caspase-1 proved crucial in restricting Salmonella early during infection, whereas caspase-4 was essential in the later stages of infection. Furthermore, using a chloroquine resistance assay and state-of-the-art microscopy, the authors found that NAIP receptor and caspase-1 mostly regulate replication of cytosolic bacteria, with smaller, yet significant, impact on the vacuolar bacteria.

      The finding that inflammasomes are critical in the restriction of replication of intracellular Salmonella in human macrophages contrasts with the published minimal role of inflammasomes in restriction of replication of intracellular Salmonella in murine macrophages. Some of these differences could be due to differences in the methodologies used in the two studies. However, the findings suggest yet another example of interspecies and intercellular differences in regulation of bacterial infections by the immune system.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors may wish to comment that the measurements of released cytokines by ELISA do not discriminate between active and full-length forms of the cytokines.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript "Quantifying microbial fitness in high-throughput experiments" provides a comprehensive analysis of the various approaches to quantifying fitness in microbial evolution, focusing on three primary factors: encoding of relative abundance, time scale of measurement, and the choice of reference subpopulation. The authors systematically explore how these choices impact fitness statistics and provide recommendations aimed at standardizing practices in the field. This manuscript aims to highlight the impact of differing fitness definitions and the methodologies utilized for analysis and how that can significantly alter interpretations of mutant fitness, affecting evolutionary predictions and the overall understanding of genetic interactions in the experiments. Although this manuscript focuses on a critical issue in the quantification of fitness in high throughput experiments, it heavily relies on only one experimental dataset (Warringer et al 2003) and one organism i.e, Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) grown in a defined medium, the environmental influence is not completely captured. While the theoretical framework is strong, more experimental examples with more organisms (i.e., more datasets) in their analysis and comparison would enhance the manuscript, especially its conclusion.


      The choices for quantifying fitness in evolution experiments are critical and highly relevant given the increasing prevalence of high-throughput experiments in evolutionary biology. The authors methodically categorize fitness statistics and their implications, providing clarity on a complex subject. This structured approach aids in understanding the nuances of fitness measurement. The manuscript effectively highlights how different choices in fitness measurement can influence fitness rankings and the understanding of epistasis, which is important for modeling evolutionary dynamics.


      The theoretical framework is robust, but the manuscript could benefit from more empirical examples to illustrate how different fitness quantification methods lead to varied conclusions in experiments. The discussion on the choice of reference subpopulation could be expanded with the influence of the environment or the condition. Different types of reference groups might yield different implications for fitness calculations, and further elaboration would enhance this section. The authors overgeneralize some findings; for instance, the implications of fitness measurement choices could vary significantly across different microbes or experimental conditions. A more detailed discussion would strengthen the conclusion.

      Overall, this manuscript is a significant contribution to the field of evolutionary biology, addressing a critical issue in the quantification of fitness but lacks more experimental support to make it a wider claim. By systematically exploring the factors that influence fitness measurements, the authors provide valuable insights that can guide future research - the framework is computationally thorough but needs a more detailed explanation of concepts instead of generalizing. Further work is needed, particularly to incorporate empirical examples and expand certain discussions to include environmental variation and their impact, which would improve clarity and applicability.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, Cao et al. evaluated the efficacy and safety of 12 months pyrotinib after trastuzumab-based adjuvant therapy in patients with high-risk, HER2-positive early or locally advanced breast cancer. Notably, the 2-year iDFS rate reached 94.59% (95% CI: 88.97-97.38) in all patients, and 94.90% (95% CI: 86.97-98.06) in patients who completed 1-year treatment of pyrotinib. This is an interesting and uplifting results, given that in ExteNET study, the 2-year iDFS rate was 93.9% (95% CI 92·4-95·2) in the 1-year neratinib group, and the 5-year iDFS survival was 90.2%, and 1-year treatment of neratinib in ExteNET study did not translate into OS benefit after 8-year follow-up. In this case, readers will be eagerly anticipating the long-term follow-up results of the current PERSIST study, as well as the results of the phase III clinical trial (NCT03980054).

      I have the following comments:

      (1) The introduction of the differences between pyrotinib and neratinib in terms of mechanism, efficacy, resistance, etc. is supposed to be included in the text so that authors could better highlight the clinical significance of the current trial.

      (2) Please make sure that a total of 141 patients were enrolled in the study, 38 patients had a treatment duration of less than or equal to 6 months, and a total of 92 and 31 patients completed 1-year and 6-month treatment of extended adjuvant pyrotinib, respectively, which means 7 patients had a treatment duration of fewer than 6 months.

      (3) The previous surgery history should be provided, and how many patients received lumpectomy, and mastectomy.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This is a nice article that presents interesting findings. One main concern is that I don't think the predictions from the simulation are overlaid on the animal data at any point - I understand the match is qualitative, which is fine, but even that is hard to judge without at least one figure overlaying some of the data. Second is that it's not clear how the lateral coupling strengths of the model were trained/set, so it's hard to judge how important this hemi-split-belt paradigm is. The model's predictions match the data qualitatively, which is good; but does the comparison using the hemi-split-belt paradigm not offer any corrections to the model? The discussion points to modeling plasticity after SCI, which could be good, but does that mean the fit here is so good there's no point using the data to refine?

      The manuscript is well-written and interesting. The putative neural circuit mechanisms that the model uncovers are great, if they can be tested in an animal somehow.

      Page 2, lines 75-6: Perhaps it belongs in the other paper on the model, but it's surprising that in the section on how the model has been revised to have different regimes of operation as speed increases, there is no reference to a lot of past literature on this idea. Just one example would be Koditschek and Full, 1999 JEB Figure 3, where they talk about exactly this idea, or similarly Holmes et al., 2006 SIAM review Figure 7, but obviously many more have put this forward over the years (Daley and Beiwener, etc). It's neat in this model to have it tied down to a detailed neural model that can be compared with the vast cat literature, but the concept of this has been talked about for at least 25+ years. Maybe a review that discusses it should be cited?

      Page 2, line 88: While it makes sense to think of the sides as supraspinal vs afferent driven, respectively, what is the added insight from having them coupled laterally in this hemisection model? What does that buy you beyond complete transection (both sides no supra) compared with intact? I can see how being able to vary cycle frequencies separately of the two limbs is a good "knob" to vary when perturbing the system in order to refine the model. But there isn't a ton of context explaining how the hemi-section with split belt paradigm is important for refining the model, and therefore the science. Is it somehow importantly related to the new "regimes" of operation versus speed idea for the model?

      Page 5, line 212: For the predictions from the model, a lot depends on how strong the lateral coupling of the model is, which, in turn, depends on the data the model was trained on. Were the model parameters (especially for lateral coupling of the limbs) trained on data in a context where limbs were pushed out of phase and neuronal connectivity was likely required to bring the limbs back into the same phase relationship? Because if the model had no need for lateral coupling, then it's not so surprising that the hemisected limbs behave like separate limbs, one with surpaspinal intact and one without.

      Page 8, line 360: The discussion of the mechanisms (increased influence of afferents, etc) that the model reveals could be causing the changes is exciting, though I'm not sure if there is an animal model where it can be tested in vivo in a moving animal.

      Page 9, line 395: There are some interesting conclusions that rely on the hemi-split-belt paradigm here.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      I have reviewed a manuscript submitted by Wang et al., which is entitled "Shc1 cooperates with Frs2 and Shp2 to recruit Grb2 in FGF-induced lens development". In this paper, the authors first examined lens phenotypes in mice with Le-Cre-mediated knockdown (KD) of all four FGFR (FGFR1-4), and found that pERK signals, Jag1, and foxe3 expression are absent or drastically reduced, indicating that FGF signaling is essential for lens induction. Next, the authors examined lens phenotypes of FGFR1/2-KD mice and found that lens fiber differentiation is compromised and that proliferative activity and cell survival are also compromised in lens epithelium. Interestingly, Kras activation rescues defects in lens growth and lens fiber differentiation in FGFR1/2-KD mice, indicating that Ras activation is a key step for lens development. Next, the authors examined the role of Frs2, Shp2, and Grb2 in FGF signaling for lens development. They confirmed that lens fiber differentiation is compromised in FGFR1/3-KD mice combined with Frs2-dysfunctional FGFR2 mutants, which is similar to lens phenotypes of Grb2-KD mice. However, lens defects are milder in mice with Shp2YF/YF and Shp2CS mutant alleles, indicating that the involvement of Shp2 is limited for the Grb2 recruitment for lens fiber differentiation. Lastly, the authors showed new evidence on the possibility that another adapter protein, Shc1, promotes Grb2 recruitment independent of Frs2/Shp2-mediated Grb2 recruitment.


      Overall, the manuscript provides valuable data on how FGFR activation leads to Ras activation through the adapter platform of Frs2/Shp2/Grb2, which advances our understanding of complex modification of the FGF signaling pathway. The authors applied a genetic approach using mice, whose methods and results are valid to support the conclusion. The discussion also well summarizes the significance of their findings.


      The authors eventually found that the new adaptor protein Shc1 is involved in Grb2 recruitments in response to FGF receptor activation. however, the main data for Shc1 are histological sections and statistical evaluation of lens size. So, my major concern is that the authors need to provide more detailed data to support the involvement of Shc1 in Grb2 recruitment of FGF signaling for lens development.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Kumar and Zhang presents compelling evidence that Edc3 and Scd6 decapping activators present a high degree of redundancy that can only be overcome by a double mutant. In addition, the authors provide strong evidence of these complexes in regulating starvation-induced pathways as evidenced by measurements of mitochondrial membrane potential, metabolomics, and analysis of the flux of Krebs cycle intermediates.


      Kumar and Zhang et al provide multiple sources of evidence of the direct mechanism of Edc3 and Scd6 function, by using and comparing different approaches such as mRNA-seq, ribosome occupancies, and translational efficiencies. By extensive analysis, the authors show that this complex can also regulate genes outside the Environmental Stress Response (non-iESR), which are significantly up-regulated in all three mutants. Remarkably, the gene ontology analysis of these non-iESR genes identifies enrichment for mitochondrial proteins that are implicated in the Krebs cycle. Overall, this study adds novel mechanistic insight into how nutrients control gene expression by modulating decapping and translational repression.


      The authors show very nicely in Figure S1A that growth phenotypes from scd6Δedc3∆ can be rescued by transformation of EDC3 (pLfz614-7) or SCD6 (pLfz615-5). The manuscript might benefit from using these rescue strategies in the analysis performed (e.g. RNA-seq, ribosome occupancies, and translational efficiencies). Also, these rescue assays could provide a good platform to further characterise the protein-protein interactions between Edc3, Scd6, and Dhh1.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      By combining bioinformatical and experimental approaches, the authors address the question of why several vertebrate lineages lack specific genes of the necroptosis pathway or those that regulate the interplay between apoptosis and necroptosis. The lack of such genes was already known from previous publications, but the current manuscript provides a more in-depth analysis and also uses experiments in human cells to address the question of the functionality of the remaining genes and pathways. A particular focus is placed on RIPK3/RIPK1 and their dual roles in inducing NFkB and/or necroptosis.


      The well-documented bioinformatical analyses provide a comprehensive data basis of the presence/absence of RIP-kinases, other RHIM proteins, apoptosis signaling proteins (FADD, CASP8, CASP10), and some other genes involved in these pathways. Several of these genes are known to be missing in certain animal lineages, which raises the question of why their canonical binding partners are present in these species. By expressing several such proteins (both wildtype and mutants destroying particular interaction regions) in human cells, the authors succeed in establishing a general role of RIPK3 and RIPK1 in NFkB activation. This function appears to be better conserved and more universal than the necroptotic function of the RHIM proteins. The authors also scrutinize the importance of the kinase function and RHIM integrity for these separate functionalities.


      A major weakness of the presented study is the experimental restriction to human HEK293 cells. There are several situations where the functionality of proteins from distant organisms (like lampreys or even mussels) in human cells is not necessarily indicative of their function in the native context. In some cases, these problems are addressed by co-expressing potential interaction partners, but not all of these experiments are really informative.

      A second weakness is that the manuscript addresses some interesting effects only superficially. By using host cells that are deleted for certain signaling components, a more focussed hypothesis could have been tested.

      Thus, while the aim of the study is mostly met, it could have been a bit more ambitious. The limited conclusions drawn by the authors are supported by convincing evidence. I have no doubts that this study will be very useful for future studies addressing the evolution of necroptosis and its regulation by NFkB and apoptosis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Casas-Tinto et al., provide new insight into glial plasticity using a crush injury paradigm in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of adult Drosophila. The authors find that both astrocyte-like glia (ALG) and ensheating glia (EG) divide under homeostatic conditions in the adult VNC and identify ALG as the glial population that specifically ramps up proliferation in response to injury, whereas the number of EGs decreases following the insult. Using lineage-tracing tools, the authors interestingly observe interconversion of glial subtypes, especially of EGs into ALGs, which occurs independent of injury and is dependent on the availability of the transcription factor Prospero in EGs, adding to the plasticity observed in the system. Finally, when tracing the progeny of glia, Casas-Tinto and colleagues detect cells of neuronal identity and provide evidence that such glia-derived neurogenesis is specifically favored following ventral nerve cord injury, which puts forward a remarkable way in which glia can respond to neuronal damage.


      This study highlights a new facet of adult nervous system plasticity at the level of the ventral nerve cord, supporting the view that proliferative capacity is maintained in the mature CNS and stimulated upon injury.

      The injury paradigm is well chosen, as the organization of the neuromeres allows specific targeting of one segment, compared to the remaining intact and with the potential to later link observed plasticity to behavior such as locomotion.

      Numerous experiments have been carried out in 7-day old flies, showing that the observed plasticity is not due to residual developmental remodeling or a still immature VNC.

      By elegantly combining different methods, the authors show glial divisions including with mitotic-dependent tracing and find that the number of generated glia is refined by apoptosis later on.

      The work identifies prospero in glia as an important coordinator of glial cell fate, from development to the adult context, which draws further attention to the upstream regulatory mechanisms.


      The authors observe consistent inter-conversion of EG to ALG glial subtypes that is further stimulated upon injury. The authors conclude that these findings have important consequences for CNS regeneration and potentially for memory and learning. However, it remains somewhat unclear how glial transformation could contribute to regeneration and functional recovery.

      The signal of the Fucci cell cycle reporter seems more complex to interpret based on the panels provided compared to the other methods employed by the authors to assess cell divisions.

      Elav+ cells originating from glia do not express markers for mature neurons at the analysed time-point. If they will eventually differentiate<br /> or what type of structure is formed by them will have to be followed up in future studies.


      There is some lack of connecting or later comparing the observed forms of glial plasticity in the VNC with respect to plasticity described in the fly brain.<br /> Highlighting some differences in the reactiveness of glia in the VNC compared to the brain could point to relevant differences in repair capacity in different areas of the CNS.

      Based on the assays employed, the study points to a significant amount of glial "identity" changes or interconversions under homeostatic conditions. The potential significance of this rather unexpected "baseline" plasticity in adult tissues is not explicitly pointed out and could improve the understanding of the findings.<br /> Some speculations if "interconversion" of glia is driven by the needs in the tissue could enrich the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The present study focuses on calcium pools and fluxes in the unicellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, and in particular on the role of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium pump TgSERCA in sequestering and redistributing calcium to other intracellular organelles following influx at the plasma membrane. Calcium sequestration by the ER and its interactions with other intracellular organelles, including the concept of tunneling through the ER, have been extensively characterized in mammalian cells and a number of other higher eukaryotes. However, these pathways are still not well understood in many organisms, including protist pathogens such as Toxoplasma. In addition, T. gondii has unique organelles not found in most other organisms, including the apicoplast and the plant-like vacuolar compartment (PLVAC). Moreover, the fact that T. gondii transitions through life cycle stages within and exterior to the host cells, with very different exposures to calcium, adds significance to the current investigation of the role of the ER in redistributing calcium following exposure to physiological levels of extracellular calcium.

      The authors have provided significant new information on the T. gondii SERCA, including its ATP- and calcium-dependence, subcellular localization, and role in taking up calcium from the cytosol when cells are exposed to high extracellular calcium. They also use a conditional knockout of TgSERCA to investigate its role in ER calcium store-filling and the ability of other subcellular organelles to sequester and release calcium. These knockout experiments provide important evidence that ER calcium uptake plays a significant role in maintaining the filling state of other intracellular compartments.

      While it is clearly demonstrated, and not surprising, that the addition of 1.8 mM extracellular CaCl2 to intact T. gondii parasites preincubated with EGTA leads to an increase in cytosolic calcium and subsequent enhanced loading of the ER and other intracellular compartments, there is a caveat to the quantitation of these increases in calcium loading. The authors rely on the amplitude of cytosolic free calcium increases in response to thapsigargin, GPN, nigericin, and CCCP, all measured with fura2. This likely overestimates the changes in calcium pool sizes because the buffering of free calcium in the cytosol is nonlinear, and fura2 (with a Kd of 100-200 nM) is a substantial, if not predominant, cytosolic calcium buffer. Indeed, the increases in signal noise at higher cytosolic calcium levels (e.g. peak calcium in Figure 1C) are indicative of fura2 ratio calculations approaching saturation of the indicator dye.

      Another caveat, not addressed, is that loading of fura2/AM can result in compartmentalized fura2, which might modify free calcium levels and calcium storage capacity in intracellular organelles.

      The finding that the SERCA inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) only mobilizes a fraction of the thapsigargin-sensitive calcium stores in T. gondii coincides with previously published work in another apicomplexan parasite, P. falciparum, showing that thapsigargin mobilizes calcium from both CPA-sensitive and CPA-insensitive calcium pools (Borges-Pereira et al., 2020, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014906). It would be valuable to determine whether this reflects the off-target effects of thapsigargin or the differential sensitivity of TgSERCA to the two inhibitors.

      The authors interpret the residual calcium mobilization response to Zaprinast observed after ATc knockdown of TgSERCA (Figures 4E, 4F) as indicative of a target calcium pool in addition to the ER. While this may well be correct, it appears from the description of this experiment that it was carried out using the same conditions as Figure 4A where TgSERCA activity was only reduced by about 50%.

      The data in Figures 4A vs 4G and Figures 4B vs 4H indicate that the size of the response to GPN is similar to that with thapsigargin in both the presence and absence of extracellular calcium. This raises the question of whether GPN is only releasing calcium from acidic compartments or whether it acts on the ER calcium stores, as previously suggested by Atakpa et al. 2019 DOI: 10.1242/jcs.223883. Nonetheless, Figure 1H shows that there is a robust calcium response to GPN after the addition of thapsigargin.

      An important advance in the current work is the use of state-of-the-art approaches with targeted genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) to monitor calcium in important subcellular compartments. The authors have previously done this with the apicoplast, but now add the mitochondria to their repertoire. Despite the absence of a canonical mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) in the Toxoplasma genome, the authors demonstrate the ability of T. gondii mitochondrial to accumulate calcium, albeit at high calcium concentrations. Although the calcium concentrations here are higher than needed for mammalian mitochondrial calcium uptake, there too calcium uptake requires calcium levels higher than those typically attained in the bulk cytosolic compartment. And just like in mammalian mitochondria, the current work shows that ER calcium release can elicit mitochondrial calcium loading even when other sources of elevated cytosolic calcium are ineffective, suggesting a role for ER-mitochondrial membrane contact sites. With these new tools in hand, it will be of great value to elucidate the bioenergetics and transport pathways associated with mitochondrial calcium accumulation in T. gondi.

      The current studies of calcium pools and their interactions with the ER and dependence on SERCA activity in T. gondi are complemented by super-resolution microscopy and electron microscopy that do indeed demonstrate the presence of close appositions between the ER and other organelles (see also videos). Thus, the work presented provides good evidence for the ER acting as the orchestrating organelle delivering calcium to other subcellular compartments through contact sites in T. gondi, as has become increasingly clear from work in other organisms.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors trained monkeys to discriminate peripheral visual cues and associate them with planning future saccades of an indicated direction. At the same time, the authors recorded single-unit neural activity in the cerebellar dentate nucleus. They demonstrated that substantial fractions of DN cells exhibited sustained modulation of spike rates spanning task epochs and carrying information about stimulus, response, and trial outcome. Finally, tracer injections demonstrated this region of the DN projects to a large number of targets including several known to interconnect the visual attention network. The data compellingly demonstrate the authors' central claims, and the analyses are well-suited to support the conclusions. Importantly, the study demonstrates that DN cells convey many motor and nonmotor variables related to task execution, event sequencing, visual attention, and arguably decision-making/working memory.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This work explores the advancement of awake mouse BOLD-fMRI at 14 Tesla. The study introduces custom-implanted RF coils aimed at improving signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and assesses their performance in detecting responses to stimuli in awake mice. The coils show significant SNR improvements and are a noteworthy innovation. Detailed descriptions of the coil design, including parts lists and diagrams, enhance the reproducibility of the methods. A thorough 5-week acclimation protocol was used to minimize stress and motion during imaging. Stress was primarily evaluated using eye tracking which, in an fMRI setting, is novel and could help move the field forward with further validation (within the context of fMRI experiments). Overall, the authors successfully demonstrate high-resolution awake mouse fMRI with enhanced SNR; thus achieving their primary aim.

      This work is likely to significantly impact the field by demonstrating the feasibility of high-quality awake mouse fMRI, potentially leading to more accurate and artifact-free studies of brain function. The detailed methods shared will facilitate replication and adoption by other researchers, promoting standardized practices. The methods and data provided serve as valuable resources for the neuroscience community.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      The authors propose a mechanistic model of how the interplay between activity-independent growth and an activity-dependent synaptic strengthening/weakening model influences the dendrite shape, complexity, and distribution of synapses. The authors focus on a model for stellate cells with multiple dendrites emerging from a soma. The activity-independent component is provided by a random pool of presynaptic sites representing potential synapses and releasing a diffusible signal promoting dendritic growth. Then, a spontaneous activity pattern with some correlation structure is imposed at those presynaptic sites. The strength of these synapses follows a learning rule previously proposed by the lab: synapses strengthen when there is correlated firing across multiple sites, and synapses weaken if there is uncorrelated firing with the relative strength of these processes controlled by available levels of BDNF/proBDNF. Once a synapse is weakened below a threshold, the dendrite branch at that site retracts and loses its sensitivity to the growth signal.

      This revised version of the manuscripts contains clarifications and additional experiments that better reflect the robustness of the model. I continue to maintain my favorable review. I am glad the research persevered the long delays with changing trainees.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This study provides an experimental and computational framework to behavioral biology that helps examine and understand how C. elegans make decisions while foraging in environments with patches of food. The authors show that worms actively reject or accept food patches depending on a number of internal and external factors.

      The key novelty and strength of this paper is the explicit demonstration of behavior analysis and quantitative modeling to elucidate the decision-making process. In particular, the description of the exploring vs. exploiting phases, and sensing vs. non-sensing categories of C. elegans foraging behavior based on the clustering of behavioral states defined in a multi-dimensional behavior-metrics space, and the implementation of a generalized linear model (GLM) whose parameters can provide quantitative biological interpretations.

      While the concept is interesting, there are many flaws in the experimental, analysis, and models that weaken what one can conclude from the work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript investigates the role of the Mid1 gene in hippocampal (HPC) development and its contribution to Opitz G/BBB syndrome (OS), which is characterized by neurological deficits and structural abnormalities. The authors use a knockout mouse model (Mid1-/y) to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms that contribute to learning and memory impairments. They demonstrate that Mid1 gene deletion leads to reduced synaptic plasticity, abnormal neural rhythms, and decreased cognitive functions, providing a mechanistic explanation for the neurological deficits seen in OS patients. This study addresses an important gap in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying Opitz G/BBB syndrome and provides substantial evidence that the Mid1 gene plays a critical role in hippocampal function and cognition.


      Understanding the role of Mid1 in HPC development could have broader implications for neurodevelopmental disorders beyond OS, particularly in conditions associated with synaptic dysfunction or memory impairments. The study's focus on the impact of Mid1 on the cAMP signaling pathway, BDNF expression, and synaptic plasticity offers novel mechanisms relevant to both neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. Moreover, the combination of RNA-seq, electrophysiological measurements, and histological staining provides a multidimensional approach to understanding how Mid1 influences neuronal function and structure.


      (1) The introduction is insufficient, and the number of references is too low. With only nine references, there isn't enough context to adequately explain the background and previous evidence.

      (2) The specificity of behavioral deficits is lacking. The authors indicate learning and memory dysfunction, yet the Y-maze and Morris water maze primarily assess spatial memory. Additional behavioral tests, such as the novel object recognition test for recognition memory or fear conditioning for associative learning, should be included to provide a more comprehensive assessment.

      (3) The manuscript mentions decreased synaptic plasticity but lacks thorough investigation; a more detailed analysis of long-term potentiation (LTP) or depression (LTD) would strengthen the claims. Additionally, while spine morphology is analyzed, incorporating electrophysiological measurements of synaptic strength would better correlate structural changes with functional outcomes.

      (4) The authors performed H&E staining to count the number of hippocampal pyramidal neurons; however, H&E lacks specificity for identifying pyramidal neurons. Neuronal-specific IHC staining would be more appropriate for this quantification. Additionally, the manuscript does not mention the counting method used, which should be clarified.

      (5) Information on the knockout mice used in the study is missing from the Methods section. Additionally, the sex of the mice should be specified, as exploring potential sex-specific differences in the impact of Mid1 deletion could significantly enhance the study's findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this exciting study, Cesar and co-authors perform a meta-analysis on the influence of arthropod symbionts on the fitness of their hosts when they are exposed or not to natural enemies. These so-called defensive symbionts are increasingly recognized as key elements in arthropod survival against natural enemies, with effects that ripple through entire terrestrial ecosystems. The topic is timely, the approach is sound, and the manuscript is well-written. I believe this manuscript will attract the attention of entomologists and of microbiologists interested in symbiosis. This study builds on a previous meta-analysis that I was involved in, which was based on phloem-feeding insects. This novel data set is much larger and includes flies (including the model system Drosophila) and mosquitoes (a group of high medical interest). While the previous meta-analysis considered only parasitoids as natural enemies, this study also includes fungi, bacteria, and viruses.


      The authors compile a very large dataset and provide a broad quantitative overview of the effects of defensive symbionts in insects. By measuring symbiont effects in the presence and absence of natural enemies, the authors are able to infer whether a trade-off between defense and the costs of mutualism in the absence of enemy pressure exists. Defensive symbioses are an important research topic that had its initial "momentum" a decade ago, so the timing for such a systematic review is very appropriate.


      I think the manuscript could be improved by clarifying several sections, particularly the introduction and methods. The introduction section is too specific and heavily reliant on particular examples. In my view, the theoretical background of the study could be made clearer, and the knowledge gap identified more explicitly. A focus on how widespread defensive symbioses are, along with a brief, up-to-date review of the groups possessing such symbionts, would help. This lack of focus is also observed in the methods section, where more details are needed in many instances to better understand how data was collected and analyzed. Regarding the analyses, the multi-level analysis contains many moderators, but it's unclear why these moderators were included. While this may seem a minor issue, it highlights a disconnection between the analyses, the conceptual background, and the hypotheses tested. Another important weakness is that the analyses are too general, and much-hidden information is not immediately apparent. For instance, readers cannot easily identify which species of symbionts are studied (and the effects they have), or which natural enemies are involved. Although this information is found in the supplementary material, including it in the main body would significantly improve the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The Flower protein is expressed in various cell types, including neurons. Previous studies in flies have proposed that Flower plays a role in neuronal endocytosis by functioning as a Ca2+ channel. However, its precise physiological roles and molecular mechanisms in neurons remain largely unclear. This study employs C. elegans as a model to explore the function and mechanism of FLWR-1, the C. elegans homolog of Flower. This study offers intriguing observations that could potentially challenge or expand our current understanding of the Flower protein. Nevertheless, further clarification or additional experiments are required to substantiate the study's conclusions.


      A range of approaches was employed, including the use of a flwr-1 knockout strain, assessment of cholinergic synaptic activity via analyzing aldicarb (a cholinesterase inhibitor) sensitivity, imaging Ca2+ dynamics with GCaMP3, analyzing pHluorin fluorescence, examination of presynaptic ultrastructure by EM, and recording postsynaptic currents at the neuromuscular junction. The findings include notable observations on the effects of flwr-1 knockout, such as increased Ca2+ levels in motor neurons, changes in endosome numbers in motor neurons, altered aldicarb sensitivity, and potential involvement of a Ca2+-ATPase and PIP2 binding in FLWR-1's function.


      (1) The observation that flwr-1 knockout increases Ca2+ levels in motor neurons is notable, especially as it contrasts with prior findings in flies. The authors propose that elevated Ca2+ levels in flwr-1 knockout motor neurons may stem from "deregulation of MCA-3" (a Ca2+ ATPase in the plasma membrane) due to FLWR-1 loss. However, this conclusion relies on limited and somewhat inconclusive data (Figure 7). Additional experiments could clarify FLWR-1's role in MCA-3 regulation. For instance, it would be informative to investigate whether mutations in other genes that cause elevated cytosolic Ca2+ produce similar effects, whether MCA-3 physically interacts with FLWR-1, and whether MCA-3 expression is reduced in the flwr-1 knockout.

      (2) In silico analysis identified residues R27 and K31 as potential PIP2 binding sites in FLWR-1. The authors observed that FLWR-1(R27A/K31A) was less effective than wild-type FLWR-1 in rescuing the aldicarb sensitivity phenotype of the flwr-1 knockout, suggesting that FLWR-1 function may depend on PIP2 binding at these two residues. Given that mutations in various residues can impair protein function non-specifically, additional studies may be needed to confirm the significance of these residues for PIP2 binding and FLWR-1 function. In addition, the authors might consider explicitly discussing how this finding aligns or contrasts with the results of a previous study in flies, where alanine substitutions at K29 and R33 impaired a Flower-related function (Li et al., eLife 2020).

      (3) A primary conclusion from the EM data was that FLWR-1 participates in the breakdown, rather than the formation, of bulk endosomes (lines 20-22). However, the reasoning behind this conclusion is somewhat unclear. Adding more explicit explanations in the Results section would help clarify and strengthen this interpretation.

      (4) The aldicarb assay results in Figure 3 are intriguing, indicating that reduced GABAergic neuron activity alone accounts for the flwr-1 mutant's hyposensitivity to aldicarb. Given that cholinergic motor neurons also showed increased activity in the flwr-1 mutant, one might expect the flwr-1 mutant to display hypersensitivity to aldicarb in the unc-47 knockout background. However, this was not observed. The authors might consider validating their conclusion with an alternative approach or, at the minimum, providing a plausible explanation for the unexpected result. Since aldicarb-induced paralysis can be influenced by factors beyond acetylcholine release from cholinergic motor neurons, interpreting aldicarb assay results with caution may be advisable. This is especially relevant here, as FLWR-1 function in muscle cells also impacts aldicarb sensitivity (Figure S3B). Previous electrophysiological studies have suggested that aldicarb sensitivity assays may sometimes yield misleading conclusions regarding protein roles in acetylcholine release.

      (5) Previous studies have suggested that the Flower protein functions as a Ca²⁺ channel, with a conserved glutamate residue at the putative selectivity filter being essential for this role. However, mutating this conserved residue (E74Q) in C. elegans FLWR-1 altered aldicarb sensitivity in a direction opposite to what would be expected for a Ca²⁺ channel function. Moreover, the authors observed that E74 of FLWR-1 is not located near a potential conduction pathway in the FLWR-1 tetramer, as predicted by Alphafold3. These findings raise the possibility that Flower may not function as a Ca2+ channel. While this is a potentially significant discovery, further experiments are needed to confirm and expand upon these results.

      (6) Phrases like "increased excitability" and "increased Ca2+ influx" are used throughout the manuscript. However, there is no direct evidence that motor neurons exhibit increased excitability or Ca2+ influx. The authors appear to interpret the elevated Ca2+ signal in motor neurons as indicative of both increased excitability and Ca2+ influx. However, this elevated Ca2+ signal in the flwr-1 mutant could occur independently of changes in excitability or Ca2+ influx, such as in cases of reduced MCA-3 activity. The authors may wish to consider alternative terminology that more accurately reflects their findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study introduces a set of genetically encoded tools for the selective and reversible ablation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Previously, the authors developed GFE3, a tool that efficiently ablates inhibitory synapses by targeting an E3 ligase to the inhibitory scaffolding protein Gephyrin via GPHN.FingR, a recombinant, antibody-like protein (Gross et al., 2016). Building on this work, they now present three new ablation tools: PFE3, which targets excitatory synapses, and two new versions of GFE3-paGFE3 and chGFE3-that are photoactivatable and chemically inducible, respectively. These tools enable selective and efficient synapse ablation in specific cell types, providing valuable methods for disrupting neural circuits. This approach holds broad potential for investigating the roles of specific synaptic input onto genetically determined cells.


      The primary strength of this study lies in the rational design and robust validation of each tool's effectiveness, building on previous work by the authors' group (Gross et al., 2016). Each tool serves distinct research needs: PFE3 enables efficient degradation of PSD-95 at excitatory synapses, while paGFE3 and chGFE3 allow for targeted degradation of Gephyrin, offering spatiotemporal control over inhibitory synapses via light or chemical activation. These tools are efficiently validated through robust experiments demonstrating reductions in synaptic markers (PSD-95 and Gephyrin) and confirming reversibility, which is crucial for transient ablation. By providing tools with both optogenetic and chemical control options, this study broadens the applicability of synapse manipulation across varied experimental conditions, enhancing the utility of E3 ligase-based approaches for synapse ablation.


      While this study provides valuable tools and addresses many critical points for validation, examining potential issues with specificity and background effects in further detail could strengthen the paper. For instance, PFE3 results in reductions in both PSD-95 and GluA1. In previous work, GFE3 selectively reduced Gephyrin without affecting major Gephyrin interactors or other PSD proteins. Clarifying whether PFE3 affects additional PSD proteins beyond GluA1 would be important for accurately interpreting results in experiments using PFE3. Additionally, further insight into PFE3's impact on inhibitory synapses would be valuable.

      For paGFE3 and chGFE3, the E3 ligase (RING domain of Mdm2) is overexpressed throughout cells as a separate construct. Although the authors show that Gephyrin is not significantly reduced without light or chemical activation, it remains possible that other proteins could be ubiquitinated due to the overexpressed E3 domain. Addressing these points would clarify the strengths and limitations of tools, providing users with valuable information.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper describes a number of aspects of transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) including a generic review of what TUS might be used for; a meta-analysis of human studies to identify ultrasound parameters that affect directionality; a comparison between one postulated mechanistic model and results in humans; and a description of a database for collecting information on studies.


      The main strength was a meta-analysis of human studies to identify which ultrasonic parameters might result in enhancement or suppression of modulation effects. The meta-analysis suggests that none of the US parameters correlate significantly with effects. This is a useful result for researchers in the field in trying to determine how the parameter space should be further investigated to identify whether it is possible to indeed enhance or suppress brain activity with ultrasound.

      The database is a good idea in principle but would be best done in collaboration with ITRUSST, an international consortium, and perhaps should be its own paper.


      The paper tries to cover too many topics and some of the technical descriptions are a bit loose. The review section does not add to the current literature. The comparison with a mechanistic model is limited to comparing data with a single model at a time when there is no general agreement in the field as to how ultrasound might produce a neuromodulation effect. The comparison is therefore of limited value.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Park et al. set out to test two competing hypotheses about the role of the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) in cognitive control, the ability to use task-relevant cues and ignore task-irrelevant cues to guide behavior. The "central computation" hypothesis assumes that cognitive control relies on computations performed by the PFC, which then interacts with other brain regions to accomplish the task. Alternatively, the "local computation" hypothesis suggests that computations necessary for cognitive control are carried out by other brain regions that have been shown to be essential for cognitive control tasks, such as the dorsal hippocampus and the thalamus. If the central computation hypothesis is correct, PFC lesions should disrupt cognitive control. Alternatively, if the local computation hypothesis is correct, cognitive control would be spared after PFC lesions. The task used to assess cognitive control is the active place avoidance task in which rats must avoid a section of a rotating arena using the stationary room cues and ignoring the local olfactory cues on the rotating platform. Performance on this task has previously been shown to be disrupted by hippocampal lesions and hippocampal ensembles dynamically represent the room and arena depending on the animal's proximity to the shock zone. They found no group (lesion vs. sham) differences in the three behavioral parameters tested: distance traveled, latency to enter the shock zone, and number of shock zone entries for both the standard task and the "conflict" task in which the shock zone was rotated by 180 degrees. The only significant difference was the savings index; the lesion group entered the new shock zone more often than the sham group during the first 5 minutes of the second conflict session. This deficit was interpreted as a cognitive flexibility deficit rather than a cognitive control failure. Next, the authors compared cytochrome oxidase activity between sham and lesion groups in 14 brain regions and found that only the amygdala showed significant elevation in the lesion vs. sham group. Pairwise correlation analysis revealed a striking difference between groups, with many correlations between regions lost in the lesion group (between reuniens and hippocampus, reuniens and amygdala and a correlation between dorsal CA1 and central amygdala that appeared in the lesion group and were absent in the sham group. Finally, the authors assessed dorsal hippocampal representations of the spatial frame (arena vs. room) and found no differences between lesion and sham groups. The only difference in hippocampal activity was reduced overdispersion in the lesion group compared to the sham group on the pretraining session only and this difference disappeared after the task began. Collectively, the authors interpret their findings as supporting the local computation hypothesis; computations necessary for cognitive control occur in brain regions other than the PFC.


      (1) The data were collected in a rigorous way with experimental blinding and appropriate statistical analyses.

      (2) Multiple approaches were used to assess differences between lesion and sham groups, including behavior, metabolic activity in multiple brain regions, and hippocampal single-unit recording.


      (1) Only male rats were used with no justification provided for excluding females from the sample.

      (2) The conceptual framework used to interpret the findings was to present two competing hypotheses with mutually exclusive predictions about the impact of PFC lesions on cognitive control. The authors then use mainly null findings as evidence in support of the local computation hypothesis. They acknowledge that some people may question the notion that the active place avoidance task indeed requires cognitive control, but then call the argument "circular" because PFC has to be involved in cognitive control. This assertion does not address the possibility that the active place avoidance task simply does not require cognitive control.

      (3) The authors did not link the CO activity with the behavioral parameters even though the CO imaging was done on a subset of the animals that ran the behavioral task nor did they make any attempt to interpret these findings in light of the two competing hypotheses posed in the introduction. Moreover, the discussion lacks any mechanistic interpretations of the findings. For example, there are no attempts to explain why amygdala activity and its correlation with dCA1 activity might be higher in the PFC lesioned group.

      (4) Publishing null results is important to avoid wasting animals, time, and money. This study's results will have a significant impact on how the field views the role of the PFC in cognitive control. Whether or not some people reject the notion that the active place avoidance task measures cognitive control, the findings are solid and can serve as a starting point for generating hypotheses about how brain networks change when deprived of PFC input.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this article, Ruyle and colleagues assessed the contribution of central and peripheral mu opioid receptors in mediating fentanyl-induced respiratory depression using both naloxone and naloxone methiodide, which does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Both compounds prevented and reversed fentanyl-induced respiratory depression to a comparable degree. The advantage of peripheral treatments is that they circumvent the withdrawal-like effects of naloxone. Moreover, neurons located in the nucleus of the solitary tract are no longer activated by fentanyl when nalaxone methiodide is administered, suggesting that these responses are mediated by peripheral mu opioid receptors. The results delineate a role for peripheral mu opioid receptors in fentanyl-derived respiratory depression and identify a potentially advantageous approach to treating overdoses without inflicting withdrawal on the patients.


      The strengths of the article include the intravenous delivery of all compounds, which increase the translational value of the article. The authors address both the prevention and reversal of fentanyl-derived respiratory depression. The experimental design and data interpretation are rigorous and appropriate controls were used in the study. Multiple doses were screened in the study and the approaches were multipronged. The authors demonstrated the activation of NTS cells using multiple techniques and the study links peripheral activation of mu opioid receptors to central activation of NTS cells. Both males and females were used in the experiments. The authors demonstrate the peripheral restriction of naloxone methiodide.


      Nalaxone is already broadly used to prevent overdoses from opioids so in some respects, the effects reported here are somewhat incremental.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Reeves et al explore a model of bone healing in the context of aging. They show that intermittent fasting can improve bone healing, even in aged animals. Their study combines a 'bone bandage' which delivers a canonical Wnt signal with intermittent fasting and shows impacts on the CD90 progenitor cell population and the healing of a critical-sized defect in the calvarium. They also explore potential regulators of this process and identify mitochondrial dysfunction in the age-related decline of stem cells. In this context, by modulating NAD+ pathways or the gut microbiota, they can also enhance healing, hinting at an effect mediated by complex impacts on multiple pathways associated with cellular metabolism.


      The study shows a remarkable finding: that age-related decreases in bone healing can be restored by intermittent fasting. There is ample evidence that intermittent fasting can delay aging, but here the authors provide evidence that in an already-aged animal, intermittent fasting can restore healing to levels seen in younger animals. This is an important finding as it may hint at the potential benefits of intermittent fasting in tissue repair.


      The authors explore potential mechanisms by which the intermittent fasting protocol might impact bone healing. However, they do not identify a magic bullet here that controls this effect. Indeed, the fact that their results with intermittent fasting can be replicated by changing the gut microbiota or modulating fundamental pathways associated with NAD, suggests that there is no single mechanism that drives this effect, but rather an overall complex impact on metabolic processes, which may be very difficult to untangle.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper addresses mixed findings regarding levels of uncertainty-seeking/avoidance in past reinforcement learning studies. Using computational modelling and a novel variant of a bandit task performed across two sessions, the authors investigate the extent to which uncertainty-driven behaviour can be distinguished from heuristic-like behaviours (e.g., repetition, win-stay/lose-switch). They demonstrate that heuristics account for a significant and stable portion of the variance in choice behaviour, which might otherwise be misattributed to uncertainty-driven parameters. Additionally, they find that relative uncertainty explains additional variance and provides some evidence of stability across sessions.


      The task is well-designed to tease apart multiple different factors contributing to choice during a bandit task, including separating those tied to uncertainty per se versus other policies. They validate a Bayesian model to account for learning and choice behaviour, as well as subjective estimates of learned value and confidence in these values. The work employs comprehensive model comparison to characterise behaviour in this task, and points to important risks within research on uncertainty preferences using bandit-like tasks when failing to fully account for heuristic-like drivers of such behaviour.


      Part of this work seeks to relate individual differences in various choice parameters across sessions and to relate those to self-report scales. The estimates of cross-session reliability are valuable, particularly when comparing across the different parameters (e.g., heuristic ones being most robust), but the uncertainty-related parameters are interpreted too liberally (i.e., as being stable across sessions when both were weak and one was not significant). Moreover, the correlations with external scales are very hard to interpret given the number of comparisons that were run without correction. The findings overall will have value to people interested in modelling uncertainty preferences in learning tasks -- some of whom have considered heuristic factors less than others -- but perhaps be of more moderate impact beyond this group.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Using a variety of experimental manipulations, the authors show that the membrane estrogen receptor G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER/GPR30) expressed in CCK+ excitatory spinal interneurons plays a major role in the pain symptoms observed in the chronic constriction injury (CCI) model of neuropathic pain. Intrathecal application of selective GPR30 agonist G 1induced mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in male and female mice. Downregulation of GPR30 in CCK+ interneurons prevented the development of mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity during CCI. They also show the up modulation of AMPA receptor expression by GPR30.

      Generally, the conclusions are supported by the experimental results. I also would like to see significant improvements in the writing and the description of results.

      Methodological details for some of the techniques are rather sparse. For example, when examining the co-localization of various markers, the authors do not indicate the number of animals/sections examined. Similarly, when examining the effect of shGper1, it is unclear how many cells/sections/animals were counted and analyzed.

      In other sections, there is no description of the concentration of drugs used (for example, Figure 4H). In Figures 4C-E, there is no indication of the duration of the recordings, the ionic conditions, the effect of glutamate receptor blockers, etc

      Some results appear anecdotal in the way they are described. For example, in Figure 5, it is unclear how many times this experiment was repeated.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study employs a combination of state-of-the-art experimental approaches in mice to identify components of the brainstem circuits involved in the cough reflex in a freely behaving mouse model. The cough reflex is an important respiratory airway defense mechanism, and there has been longstanding interest in defining the neural circuits involved in the mammalian brainstem. Consistent with other recent studies, the present results provide multiple lines of evidence indicating that mice are a suitable model for studying neural mechanisms generating cough behavior. The main novel finding of this study is the authors' results indicating that the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus (SP5C) nucleus plays a role in generating cough-like behaviors in response to inhaled tussigen. The supporting data presented for this role includes the authors' findings that: (1) neural activity in the SP5C is strongly correlated with tussigen-evoked cough-like behaviors, (2) impairing synaptic outputs or chemogenetic inhibition of SP5C neurons effectively abolished these cough-like reflexes, (3) optogenetically activating a specific subpopulation of excitatory neurons in the SP5C triggers cough-like behaviors, (4) SP5C neurons project monosynaptically to ventral medullary regions containing respiratory circuits that exhibit cough-related neural activity, and (5) specific activation of the SP5C-ventral respiratory circuitry induces robust cough-like behavior without tussive stimuli. This study will be valuable to respiratory neurobiologists studying mechanosensory control of breathing in mammals.


      (1) The authors developed an experimental paradigm in mice that combines whole-body plethysmography (WBP), audio, and video tracking to assess breathing and putative cough-like behaviors in conscious animals.

      (2) The mouse model enables optogenetic, chemogenetic, virus-based circuit tracing and manipulation, and in vivo fiber photometry to analyze neural activity and define circuity in the medulla-producing cough-like behavior.

      (3) Multiple lines of evidence from these experimental approaches support the conclusion that the SP5C nucleus plays a role in the respiratory reflex behaviors studied in mice, but there is uncertainty that these behaviors are definitively cough.


      (1) This paper lacks essential quantitative details about the number of animals studied explicitly for many of the experimental paradigms presented and for statistical analyses as well as to verify replication of the neuroanatomical data presented.

      (2) The authors' evidence is incomplete that the reflex behavior produced in their mouse model is definitively cough, limiting functional interpretation of the putative circuit identified and requiring more thorough experimental interrogation of the behavior studied.

      (3) The medullary circuit described conveys afferent sensorimotor signals to downstream respiratory circuits to coordinate cough-like motor behavior, but how the circuits that typically mediate the cough reflex, which involve airway-related vagal sensory neurons, operate in conjunction or parallel with the SP5C circuit described has not been determined, which is a significant gap in understanding how the present results fit into the neural control of the cough reflex.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The basal ganglia is often understood within a reinforcement learning (RL) framework, where dopamine neurons convey a reward prediction error that modulates cortico-striatal connections onto spiny projection neurons (SPNS) in the striatum. However, current models of plasticity rules are inconsistent with learning in a reinforcement learning framework.

      This paper proposes a new model that describes how distinct learning rules in direct and indirect pathway striatal neurons allow them to implement reinforcement learning models. It proposes that two distinct components of striatal activity affect action selection and learning. They show that the proposed implementation allows learning in simple tasks and is consistent with experimental data from calcium imaging data in direct and indirect SPNs in freely moving mice.


      Despite the success of reward prediction errors at characterizing the responses of dopamine neurons as the temporal difference error within an RL framework, the implementation of RL algorithms in the rest of the basal ganglia has been unclear. A key missing aspect has been the lack of a RL implementation that is consistent with the distinction of direct- and indirect SPNs. This paper proposes a new model that is able to learn successfully in simple RL tasks and explains recent experimental results.

      The author shows that their proposed model, unlike previous implementations, this model can perform well in RL tasks. The new model allows them to make experimental predictions. They test some of these predictions and show that the dynamics of dSPNs and iSPNs correspond to model predictions.

      More generally, this new model can be used to understand striatal dynamics across direct and indirect SPNs in future experiments.


      The authors could characterize better the reliability of their experimental predictions and the description of the parameters of some of the simulations

      The authors propose some ideas about how the specificity of the striatal efferent inputs but should highlight better that this is a key feature of the model whose anatomical implementation has yet to be resolved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors analyze parameters related to anisotropy and gyrification in the developing human brain and describe an increase in tissue fraction (TF) across development. They correlate TF and sulcal depth in the CP and SP across local neighborhoods, describing a negative correlation. Also, they perform age-mismatched correlation of tissue fraction at early stages with sulcal depth at later ones and show correlation inside sulci, which they interpret as indicating the presence of minor structural changes in the brain that precede the development of sulci.


      The study compiles a large cohort of cases through different developmental ages and performs sophisticated data analysis. Overall, the work is interesting.


      I have some questions. What is the potential meaning of TF? It seems to be an estimator of anisotropy highly related to fractional anisotropy (FA), but it behaves in a complementary manner, increasing along gestation, in sharp contrast with the decrease observed in FA in this study (suppl. fig 3) and by others. Please clarify how it is calculated, what is the potential biological meaning of TF and how it differs from FA.

      The correlations between TF and sulcal depth do not seem to provide much novelty, since as mentioned by the authors, previous evidence has pointed in that direction. The other concept in the paper relates to detecting structural changes in prospective sulcal areas in the cortex, which the authors analyze through the age-mismatched correlation of TF and subsequent sulcation. However, the results do not show a robust correlation as detailed below and do not seem particularly useful, as they require the inclusion of post-hoc information in the model, limiting the strength of the relationship and the predictive value. My main point of criticism is that if TF is a good marker of the structural modifications that will favor the development of sulci later in development, TF should show a map predictive of those sulci (e.g. at GW 25), that is however not the case. It is not necessary to correlate with future sulcal depth, as we know exactly where the primary sulci will develop. Conversely, it seems that TF decreases along the gyrification process, and it might just be a measure of the structural changes accompanying it.

      In Figure 2 it illustrates the increase in TF across GA, but no R values or significance values are provided. Please add them to evaluate the robustness of the correlation.

      In previous work of the authors, the subplate is not clearly distinguished from the subcortical white matter after 31 GW, as it starts to disintegrate (Kostovic et al., 2002; Calixto et al., 2024). However, in this manuscript, the SP is differentiated at those later ages. The methods section describes a 2 mm thick compartment below the cortical plate. However, if that is the case, it seems quite arbitrary (to coincide with the resolution of the diffusion imaging) and risks analyzing a compartment that is no longer present. Please explain the criteria followed for such distinction and more importantly, how such distinction is reliable considering the low detectability described in previous studies. In this regard, the discussion described that a rapid increase in TF was only seen in the SP after 30 GW, but maybe this increase would reflect the dissipation of the SP and the transformation of that space in subcortical white matter, with a much more expected anisotropy. The authors should review this.

      The analysis describes a negative correlation between tissue fraction and sulcal depth when gyrification proceeds and the authors find that an age-mismatched correlation between tissue fraction in young embryos and sulcal depth in older embryos also shows a negative correlation in future sites of sulcation. However, for the correlation to exist, the tissue fraction in young individuals should already show low values in the prospective sulci, but no clear changes can be seen at GW 25 or 27 in lissencephalic areas that will bear sulci later on, as is the case of the central sulcus at GW 25 or the STS at GW 27, the latter showing very high tissue fraction (instead of the expected low).

      Another question refers to Figures 3b and c. The graphs represent specific neighborhoods in the central sulcus at 27 and 35 GW. It can be argued that those neighborhoods might not be representative of the brain or of the whole sulcus. Please show the graph with all neighborhoods, which will provide more definitive evidence of the existence of the correlation. In this regard, the average graphs represented in Figure 3F seem to show a clear correlation at 27 GW in the subplate, but the correlation seems to fade at later stages (in both SP and CP), with both sulci and gyri exhibiting a negative correlation while other sulcal areas do not exhibit correlation. I think all points should be included in the correlation to better support the hypothesis.

      Figure 4 shows the age-mismatched correlations, but they do not seem convincing particularly when they should be more useful, at 25 GW. Indeed, as seen in both Figures A and C, the central sulcus shows a negative correlation only in a few spots on one hemisphere, while (in C) most of the prospective sulcus shows a positive correlation, contrary to the hypothesis.

      Lastly, the authors performed an age-mismatched correlation between TF at different ages and the sulcal depth at 35W, when it is maximal. This maximal depth might be "pushing" the correlation to significant territory. The authors should provide correlation also with the sulcal depth at other GAs, such as P29, P31, or P33, and analyze how the correlations hold.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This manuscript introduces POST-IT (Pup-On-target for Small molecule Target Identification Technology), a novel non-diffusive proximity tagging system for identifying target proteins in live cells and organisms. This technology preserves cellular context essential for capturing specific drug-protein interactions, including transient complexes and membrane-associated proteins. Using an engineered fusion of proteasomal accessory factor A (PafA) and HaloTag, POST-IT specifically labels proximal proteins upon binding to a small molecule, with extensive optimization to enhance specificity and efficiency.


      The study successfully identifies known targets and discovers new binders, such as SEPHS2 for dasatinib and VPS37C for hydroxychloroquine, advancing our understanding of their mechanisms. Additionally, its application in live zebrafish embryos demonstrates POST-IT's potential for widespread use in biological research and drug development.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have addressed most of the issues I raised in my review. I have no further comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study aimed to test experimentally a theoretical framework that aims to explain the perception of tinnitus, i.e., the perception of a phantom sound in the absence of external stimuli, through differences in auditory predictive coding patterns. To this aim, the researchers compared the neural activity preceding and following the perception of a sound using MEG in two different studies. The sounds could be highly predictable or random, depending on the experimental condition. They revealed that individuals with tinnitus and controls had different anticipatory predictions. This finding is a major step in characterizing the top-down mechanisms underlying sound perception in individuals with tinnitus.


      This article uses an elegant, well-constructed paradigm to assess the neural dynamics underlying auditory prediction. The findings presented in the first experiment were partially replicated in the second experiment, which included 80 participants. This large number of participants for an MEG study ensures very good statistical power and a strong level of evidence. The authors used advanced analysis techniques - Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) and classifier weights projection - to determine the neural patterns underlying the anticipation and perception of a sound for individuals with or without tinnitus. The authors evidenced different auditory prediction patterns associated with tinnitus. Overall, the conclusions of this paper are well supported, and the limitations of the study are clearly addressed and discussed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Fruchard et al. investigate the role of the queuosine (Q) modification of the tRNA (Q-tRNA) in the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae. First, the authors state that the absence of Q-modified tRNAs (tgt mutant) increases the translation of TAT codons and proteins with a high TAT codon bias. Second, the absence of Q increases rsxA translation, because rsxA gene has a high TAT codon bias. Third, increased RsxA in the absence of Q inhibits SoxR response, reducing resistance towards the antibiotic tobramycin (TOB). Authors also predict in silico which genes harbor a higher TAT bias and found that among them are some involved in DNA repair, experimentally observing that a tgt mutant is more resistant to UV than the wt strain. It is worth noting that authors employ a wide variety of techniques, both experimental and bioinformatics.

      The authors have satisfactorily responded to most of the comments that needed clarification. Particularly interesting was the addition of the new results section "Q modification impacts decoding fidelity in V. cholerae", after the suggestion to explore the role of Q in prevention of stop codon readthrough. Although it is not a major problem, since the article is very complete and interesting, the interpretation of the results of RiboSeq data carried out in this work remains controversial. This technique, at least when it has been used in eukaryotes to investigate whether there is a bias in the translation of certain codons affected by Q (Tuorto et al., EMBO J. 2018; doi: 10.15252/embj.201899777), has been interpreted as meaning that ribosomes spend less time in the optimal codons and therefore there is an increase in occupancy at codons where translation slows down. On the other hand, it has been observed that "in ribosome profiling experiments conducted without cycloheximide pretreatment, there is a clear inverse relationship between tRNA abundance and ribosome occupancy, showing that ribosomes spend less time at optimal codons and specifically this has been observed in experiments in which a translation inhibitor such as cycloheximide is not used (see review: Hanson G & Coller J. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. doi: 10.1038/nrm.2017.91, and experiments in yeast: Hussmann JA et al. PLoS Genet. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005732). On the other hand, we believe that the comparison between RiboSeq and proteomic data would be interesting to check whether this interpretation of the RiboSeq data is correct. It should not be a problem that the proteomics data could be incomplete, it would just be a more limited study. If the correct interpretation of the RiboSeq results is as proposed by the authors, a correlation should be observed between the abundance of TAT-enriched RNA fragments and the most abundant proteins. Therefore, it would be interesting to perform this comparison and see if significant results are obtained that help to understand the correct interpretation of the RiboSeq experiments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors propose a methodology to perform causal (temporal) discovery. The approach appears to be robust and is tested in the different scenarios: one related to live-cell imaging data, and another one using synthetic (mathematically defined) time series data. They compare the performance of their findings against another well-known method by using metrics like F-score, precision and recall,


      --Performance, robustness, the text is clear and concise, The authors provide the code to review.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have addressed my concerns properly providing the needed explanations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript seeks to reconcile observations in multisensory perception - from behavior and from neural responses. It is intuitively obvious that perceiving a stimulus via two senses results in better performance than one alone. However, the nature of this interaction is complicated and relating different measures (behavioural, neural) is challenging.

      It is not uncommon to observe that for a perceptual task the percentage of correct responses seen with two senses is higher than the sum of the percentage correct obtained with each modality individually. i.e. the gains are "superadditive". The gains of adding a second sense are typically larger when the performance with the first sense is relatively poor - this effect is often called the principle inverse effectiveness. More generally, what this tells us is that performance in a multisensory perceptual task is a non-linear sum of performance for each sensory modality alone. In invasive recordings from single neurons, a wide range of non-linear interactions is observed - some superadditive, and some sub-additive.

      Despite this abundance evidence of non-linearity in some measures of multisensory integration, evoked responses (EEG) to such sensory stimuli often show little evidence of it - and this is the problem this manuscript tackles. The key assertion made is that a univariate analysis of the EEG signal is likely to average out non-linear effects of integration. This is a reasonable assertion, and their analysis does indeed provide evidence that a multivariate approach can reveal non-linear interactions in the evoked responses.


      It is of great value to understand how the process of multisensory integration occurs, and despite a wealth of observations of the benefits of perceiving the world with multiple senses, we still lack a reasonable understanding of how the brain integrates information. For example - what underlies the large individual differences in the benefits of two senses over one? One way to tackle this is via brain imaging, but this is problematic if important features of the processing - such as non-linear interactions are obscured by the lack of specificity of the measurements. The approach they take to analysis of the EEG data allows the authors to look in more detail at the variation in activity across EEG electrodes, which averaging across electrodes cannot.

      This version of the manuscript is well written and for the most part clear and the report of non-linear summation of neural responses is convincing. A particular strength of the paper is their use of a statistical model of multisensory integration as their "null" model of neural responses, and the "inverted-encoder" which infers an internal representation of the stimulus which can explain the EEG responses. This encoder generates a prediction of decoding performance, which can be used to generate predictions of multisensory decoding from unisensory decoding, or from a sum of the unisensory internal representations.

      In behavioural performance, it is frequently observed that the performance increase from two senses is close to what is expected from the optimal integration of information across the senses, in a statistical sense. It can be plausibly explained by assuming that people are able to weight sensory inputs according to their reliability - and somewhat optimally. Critically the apparent "superadditive" effect on performance described above does not require any non-linearity in the sum of information across the senses, but can arise from correctly weighting the information according to reliability.

      The authors apply a similar model to predict the neural responses expected to audiovisual stimuli from the neural responses to audio and visual stimuli alone, assuming optimal statistical integration of information. The neural responses to audiovisual stimuli exceed the predictions of this model and this is the main evidence supporting their conclusion, and it is convincing.


      The main weakness of the manuscript is that their behavioural data show no evidence of performance that exceeds the predictions of these statistical models. In fact, the models predict multisensory performance from unisensory performance pretty well. This makes it hard to interpret their results, as surely if these nonlinear neural interactions underlie the behaviour, then we should be able to see evidence of it in the behaviour. I cannot offer an easy explanation for this.

      Overall, therefore, I applaud the motivation and the sophistication of the analysis method and think it shows great promise for tackling these problems.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The paper introduces Ukiyo-e-Seq, a novel method integrating microscopy with single-cell transcriptomics to study individual, uncultured eukaryotic plankton cells. By combining microscopic imaging with transcriptomic analysis, the approach links plankton morphology to gene expression, enabling taxonomic identification and functional protein exploration. Ukiyo-e-Seq was tested on 66 microbial eukaryotic cells, revealing taxonomic diversity across four superkingdoms and allowing analysis of protein complexes and developmental genes in individual species. According to the authors, this method has the potential to advance single-cell marine biodiversity studies by addressing limitations in traditional taxonomy and metatranscriptomics, especially for rare or uncultured organisms.

      However, the study's conclusions are often weakly supported by data, particularly given that this is not the first study to combine microscopy and single-cell transcriptomics of eukaryotic plankton using Smart-seq2.


      A notable strength is the authors' generation of several single-cell transcriptomes for the diatom Chaetoceros, which could benefit from greater focus rather than broadly addressing eukaryotic single cells.


      The study lacks comparison with other single-cell transcriptomics studies and it was presented as the first study that combines imaging and single-cell transcriptomics (smart-seq2) of eukaryotic plankton while in fact it is not. The sampling methodology is not replicable as the authors used a tea strainer instead of standard plankton collection equipment to filter larger cells. Terminology throughout the paper is unconventional, such as "public and private contigs," "single-organism genomics," "highly expressed contigs," and "optical methods." Additionally, the authors did not specify which database was used for taxonomic assignments. These issues may stem from the authors' limited background in microbial ecology. Overall, the study has many drawbacks and it could benefit from complete rewriting and focusing mainly on single-cell transcriptomics of diatoms.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Fuqua et al investigated the relationship between prokaryotic box motifs and the activation of promoter activity using a mutagenesis sequencing approach. From generating thousands of mutant daughter sequences from both active and non-active promoter sequences they were able to produce a fantastic dataset to investigate potential mechanisms for promoter activation. From these large numbers of mutated sequences, they were able to generate mutual information with gene expression to identify key mutations relating to the activation of promoter island sequences.


      The data generated from this paper is an important resource to address this question of promoter activation. Being able to link promoter modulated gene expression to mutational changes in previously nonactive promoter regions is exciting. This approach allows future large-scale studies to investigate evolutionary processes relating to changes in gene regulation in a statistically robust manner. Here there is a focus on the -10 and -35 boxes but other elements and interactions were explored including; H-NS binding, UP-element and TGn. Alongside this, the method of identifying key mutations using mutual information in this paper is well done and should be a standard in future studies for identifying regions of interest.


      While the generation of the data is superb, as the authors have stated clearly themselves, there is a lot of scope for future studies to understand both causal relationships and utilise the data more effectively. The authors look at changes in regulatory expression based on a few observations that are treated independently but occur concurrently. While this study has backed up findings experimentally this may not always be possible. Previously this reviewer had suggested addressing this using complementary approaches such as analysis focusing on identifying important motifs, using something like a glm lasso regression to identify significant motifs, and then combining with mutational hotspot information would be more robust. The authors tried to implement such an approach in response to the review, but its complexity became beyond the scope. I look forward to the development of such methods that allow more complete exploration of similar datasets.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors addressed all my previous comments. I believe the study is much improved and thank them for the time and effort they put into addressing the comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In the manuscript "Decoding m6Am by simultaneous transcription-start mapping and methylation quantification" Liu and co-workers describe the development and application of CROWN-Seq, a new specialized library preparation and sequencing technique designed to detect the presence of cap-adjacent N6,2'-O-dimethyladenosine (m6Am) with single nucleotide resolution. Such a technique was a key need in the field since prior attempts to get accurate positional or quantitative measurements of m6Am positioning yielded starkly different results and failed to generate a consistent set of targets. As noted in the strengths section below the authors have developed a robust assay that moves the field forward.

      Furthermore, their results show that most mRNAs whose transcription start nucleotide (TSN) is an 'A' are in fact m6Am (85%+ for most cell lines). They also show that snRNAs and snoRNAs have a substantially lower prevalence of m6Am TSNs.


      Critically, the authors spent substantial time and effort to validate and benchmark the new technique with spike-in standards during development, cross-comparison with prior techniques, and validation of the technique's performance using a genetic PCIF1 knockout. Finally, they assayed nine different cell lines to cross-validate their results. The outcome of their work (a reliable and accurate method to catalog cap-adjacent m6Am) is a particularly notable achievement and is a needed advance for the field.


      No major concerns were identified by this reviewer.

      Mid-level Concerns:

      (1) In Lines 625 and 626, the authors state that "our data suggest that mRNAs initate (mis-spelled by authors) with either Gm, Cm, Um, or m6Am." This reviewer took those words to mean that for A-initiated mRNAs, m6Am was the 'default' TSN. This contradicts their later premise that promoter sequences play a role in whether m6Am is deposited.

      (2) Further, the following paragraph (lines 633-641) uses fairly definitive language that is unsupported by their data. For example in lines 637 and 638 they state "We found that these differences are often due to the specific TSS motif." Simply, using 'due to' implies a causative relationship between the promoter sequences and m6Am has been demonstrated. The authors do not show causation, rather they demonstrate a correlation between the promoter sequences and an m6Am TSN. Finally, despite claiming a causal relationship, the authors do not put forth any conceptual framework or possible mechanism to explain the link between the promoter sequences and transcripts initiating with an m6Am.

      (3) The authors need to soften the language concerning these data and their interpretation to reflect the correlative nature of the data presented to link m6Am and transcription initiation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Kisspeptin neurons of the arcuate nucleus (ARC) are thought to be responsible for the pulsatile GnRH secretory pattern and to mediate feedback regulation of GnRH secretion by estradiol (E2). Evidence in the literature, including the work of the authors, indicates that ARC kisspeptin coordinate their activity through reciprocal synaptic interactions and the release of glutamate and of neuropeptide neurokinin B (NKB), which they co-express. The authors show here that E2 regulates the expression of genes encoding different voltage-dependent calcium channels, calcium-dependent potassium channels and canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC5) channels and of the corresponding ionic currents in ARC kisspeptin neurons. Using computer simulations of the electrical activity of ARC kisspeptin neurons, the authors also provide evidence of what these changes translate into in terms of these cells' firing patterns. The experiments reveal that E2 upregulates various voltage-gated calcium currents as well as 2 subtypes of calcium-dependent potassium currents, while decreasing TRPC5 expression (an ion channel downstream of NKB receptor activation), the slow excitatory synaptic potentials (slow EPSP) elicited in ARC kisspeptin neurons by NKB release and expression of the G protein-associated inward-rectifying potassium channel (GIRK). Based on these results, and on those of computer simulations, the authors propose that E2 promotes a functional transition of ARC kisspeptin neurons from neuropeptide-mediated sustained firing that supports coordinated activity for pulsatile GnRH secretion to a less intense burst-like firing pattern that could favor glutamate release from ARC kisspeptin. The authors suggest that the latter might be important for the generation of the preovulatory surge in females.


      The authors combined multiple approaches in vitro and in silico to gain insights into the impact of E2 on the electrical activity of ARC kisspeptin neurons. These include patch-clamp electrophysiology combined with selective optogenetic stimulation of ARC kisspeptin neurons, reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR, pharmacology and CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockdown of the Trpc5 gene. The addition of computer simulations for understanding the impact of E2 on the electrical activity of ARC kisspeptin cells is also a strength.

      The authors add interesting information on the complement of ionic currents in ARC kisspeptin neurons and on their regulation by E2 to what was already known in the literature. Pharmacological and electrophysiological experiments appear of the highest standards and robust statistical analyses are provided throughout. The impact of E2 replacement on calcium and potassium currents is compelling. Likewise, the results of Trpc5 gene knockdown do provide good evidence that the TRPC5 channel plays a key role in mediating the NKB-mediated slow EPSP. Surprisingly, this also revealed an unsuspected role for this channel in regulating the membrane potential and excitability of ARC kisspeptin neurons.


      The manuscript also has weaknesses that obscure some of the conclusions drawn by the authors.

      One is that the authors compare here two conditions, OVX versus OVX replaced with high E2, that may not reflect the physiological conditions under which the proposed transition between neuropeptide-dependent sustained firing and less intense burst firing might take place (i.e. the diestrous [low E2] and proestrous [high E2] stages of the estrous cycle). This is an important caveat to keep in mind when interpreting the authors' findings. Indeed, that E2 alters certain ionic currents when added back to OVX females, does not mean that the magnitude of all of these ionic currents will vary during the estrous cycle.<br /> In addition, although the computational modeling indicates a role of the various E2-modulated conductances in causing a transition in ARC kisspeptin neuron firing pattern, their role is not directly tested in physiological recordings, weakening the link between these changes and the shift in firing patterns.

      Overall, the manuscript provides interesting information about the effects of E2 on specific ionic currents in ARC kisspeptin neurons and some insights into the functional impact of these changes. However, some of the conclusions of the work, with regard, in particular, to the role of these changes in ion channels and to their implications for the LH surge, are not fully supported by the findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this article, Abssy, Osokin, Osborne, et al. aimed to demonstrate the effect of Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (PMS) as a pain relief tool, studying its effects in an experimentally induced pain paradigm applied over healthy subjects. This is a relevant objective, as it will give a proxy indication of its utility as a clinical intervention to treat pain. Shockingly, in the first experiment, the authors found that this effect existed, not only in the active PMS groups but also in the sham PMS. With a clever second experiment, the authors used pink noise to mask the clicking sound and the PMS: this modification abolished the hypoalgesic effect of PMS.


      This study presents an adequately calculated sample size (n = 100 for study 1 and n = 32 for study 2). This gives trustability to the results and allows for a correct disaggregated analysis to assess gender effects, which correct execution does not often occur. Nuisance variables are adequately addressed, figures and writing are clear, and I especially liked figures 4 and 5 for their easiness of interpretation. They explore two different stimulation protocols for the PMS, extending their results beyond parametrization. Secondary hyperalgesia is a particularly relevant measurement, as it is a common symptom in many relevant painful conditions. Pseudorandomization and counterbalanced design are also appreciated, as well as reinforcement of the results through Bayesian statistical approaches. Regarding the scientific content, the main result (auditory modulation of pain in PMS) is exciting and very interesting by itself and will be relevant for the pain community, granting further research, both from a fundamental and clinical perspective. Personally, I respect that they recognize that results did not match their a priori hypothesis, instead of committing HARKing. And it is a very thrilling mismatch for sure!

      It will be especially interesting for those among us dedicated to neural stimulation for pain treatment.


      Although the study presents solid results, some specific concerns make me reluctant to accept the interpretations that the authors take from said results. I list the most important here.

      (1) My biggest concern in this paper is that the stimulation protocols are not applied after pain was induced in the subjects, but before. This is not bad in itself, but as the paper presents the stimulations as potential "treatments" it generates a severe mismatch between the objective, context (introduction), and impact (discussion) presented for the experiments, and how they are actually designed. This adds to the fact that healthy volunteers are used here to generate a study with low translational capability, that aims to be translational and provide an indication for clinics (maybe this is why the reduction in pain intensity caused by PMS when applied in patients, reported in references [29, 35 and 39], is not observed here).

      (2) TENS treatment duration is simply too short (90s) to be considered a therapeutic TENS intervention. I get that this duration was chosen to match the one of PMS, but TENS is never applied like this in the clinics, in which the duration varies from 10 minutes to an hour (or more). This specific study comparing different durations recommends 40 minutes for knee osteoarthritis pain relief (PMID: 12691335). Under these conditions, this stimulation is more similar to a sham TENS than to a real TENS treatment: I would suggest interpreting it as such. As the paper is right now, it could give the impression that PMS could produce clinical effects not observed in TENS, but while the PMS application resembles a clinical one, the TENS application does not (due to its extremely short duration). As an example, giving paracetamol at a dose 10 times below its effective dose is a placebo, not a paracetamol treatment.

      (3) This study measured pain, not central sensitization. Specifically, the effects refer to the area of secondary hyperalgesia. The IASP definition for central sensitization is "Increased responsiveness of nociceptive neurons in the central nervous system to their normal or subthreshold afferent input." (PMID: 32694387). No neuronal results are reported in this article. Therefore, central sensitization is not measured here, and we do not know if it is reduced by sound. This frontally clashes with the title of the article and with many interpretations of the results. For a deep review on this topic, I recommend PMID: 39278607 and the short article PMID: 30416715.

      (4) There is no mention of blinding/masking/concealing in this manuscript. Was the therapist blind to whether they applied one protocol, another, or a placebo? Were the evaluators blind, as this can heavily influence their measurements? And the volunteers? Was allocation concealed? Was this blinding measured afterwards? Blinding is, together with randomization, the most important methodological feature for those interventional studies. For example, not introducing blinding and concealing directly makes a study lose 4 out of 10 points in the PEDro scale, failing to fulfill criteria 3, 5, 6, and 7 (https://pedro.org.au/english/resources/pedro-scale/). Continuing with methodological considerations, the dropout percentage is high (18% for the first and 25% for the second study), both above the 15% cutoff for criterion 8 of the PEDro, losing another point. It is not mentioned whether the statistical analysis was intention-to-treat or per-protocol. Assuming the second, criterion 9 is failed too. Also, although between-group comparisons are done for study 1, they are not for study 2. Criterion 10 depends on this, so I would recommend doing it to avoid failing it. As it is right now, the study will be a 3/10 on the PEDro scale, being therefore considered "low-quality level evidence". As some of these criteria can be fulfilled in this study, I will recommend doing so to increase its quality level to medium (more in "recommendations for authors").

      (5) Data reporting and statistical treatment can be improved, as only differences are reported and regression to the mean is not accounted for in this study. Moreover, baseline levels for the dependent variables (control session) are not accessible for evaluation and they are not compared statistically, making it impossible to know if the groups were similar at baseline. This will imply failing criterion 3 of the PEDro, for a total of 2/10 points.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors have developed a machine learning tool AIVE to predict the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 variants and also a scoring metric to measure infectivity. A large number of virus sequences were used with very detailed analysis that incorporates hydrophoic, hydrophiclic, acid and alkaline characteristics. The protein structures were also considered to measure infectivity and search for core mutations. The study especially focused on the S protein of SARS-CoV-2. The contents of this study would be of interest to many researchers related to this area and the web-service would be helpful to easily analyze such data without indepth bioinformatics expertise.


      - Analysis on large scale data<br /> - Experimental validation on a partial set of searched mutations<br /> - A user-friendly web-based analysis platform that is made public


      - Complexity of the research

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have addressed all my comments and is much more readable.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors have attempted to modify and adapt the IH-KA model in mice to provide an improved approach to screening for new ASDs by partially mitigating the problem of randomly occurring seizures and relatively low seizure frequency in the IH-KA model. The authors used KA micro-injections to selectively kill the hippocampal CA3 area as a way to induce temporal lobe "epileptogenesis" (TLE), and then used optogenetics to activate CA1 pyramidal cells specifically. This approach allowed the authors to trigger generalized seizures where the tonic-clonic pattern of electrical activity was reminiscent of actual tonic-clonic behavioral convulsions. Administration of levitracetam (LEV) and diazepam (DZP), two widely used ASDs with different mechanisms, reduced the probability of optogenetically activated epileptic seizures in IH-KA mice, thus seeming to provide evidence for a new approach to screen ASDs. A variety of problems and issues with the approach and the results lead to confounds that raise serious concerns about the conclusions.

      Major strengths and weaknesses of the Methods and Results:


      The authors have designed a method for triggering seizures, and the figures show bona fide electrographic seizures with concomitant convulsive behavioral components. The optogenetically evoked seizures in IH-KA mice had the electrical properties of actual seizures and the tonic-clonic components were readily apparent. These seizures appeared different from seizures evoked in naïve mice, and the authors attribute this difference to the epileptogenic process, but this may not be correct.

      The ASDs (i.e., LEV and DZP) reduced the success rate of the optogenetically evoked seizures in IH-KA mice, thus suggesting the potential usefulness of the model for testing ASDs. The paper discusses whether the Epilepsy Therapy Screening Program (ETSP) will be able to use this modification of the IH-KA model in place of (1) ASD screening with acute seizures in naïve animals, where the brain has not undergone "epileptogenesis", (2) testing ASDs on hippocampal paroxysmal discharges (HPDs) in the IH-KA model, which has undergone epileptogenesis, or (3) spontaneous epileptic seizures in animal models of TLE based on systemic treatments that lead to acute convulsive status epilepticus that have later undergone epileptogenesis. This proposed version of the IH-KA model aims to address the former problem (#1, above) by using a mouse model of TLE, and to address the latter problems (#2 and #3, above) of the seemingly random occurrence of epileptic seizures and the low seizure frequency by using optogenetically "triggered" seizures.


      Although the figures provide excellent examples of individual electrographic seizures and compare induced seizures in epileptic and naïve animals, it is unclear which criteria were used to identify an actual seizure induced by the optogenetic stimulus, versus a hippocampal paroxysmal discharge (HPD), an "afterdischarge", an "electrophysiological epileptiform event" (EEE, Ref #36, D'Ambrosio et al., 2010 Epilepsy Currents), or a so-called "spike-wave-discharge" (SWD). Were HPDs or these other non-seizure events ever induced using stimulation in animals with IH-KA? A critical issue is that these other electrical events are not actual seizures, and it is unclear whether they were included in the column showing data on "electrographic afterdischarges" in Figure 5 for the studies on ASDs. This seems to be a problem in other areas of the paper, also.

      The differences between the optogenetically evoked seizures in IH-KA vs naïve mice are interpreted to be due to the "epileptogenesis" that had occurred, but the lesion from the KA-induced injury would be expected to cause differences in the electrically and behaviorally recorded seizures - even if epileptogenesis had not occurred. This is not adequately addressed.

      The authors did not test whether an apparent "kindling" effect, apparently seen in naïve controls, also occurred in animals micro-injected with kainic acid (KA). This effect could cause model instability that might result in variability in response to ASDs. It is not clear whether the number of optogenetically induced seizures in epileptic animals would affect the response to drugs. It is also unclear how much of an improvement the animal model in the present work is over other similar models of TLE, where electrically triggered seizures could simply be applied to one of them.

      The authors offer little mention of other research using animal models of TLE to screen ASDs, of which there are many published studies - many of them with other strengths and/or weaknesses. For example, although Grabenstatter and Dudek (2019, Epilepsia) used a version of the systemic KA model to obtain dose-response data on the effects of carbamazepine on spontaneous seizures, that work required use of KA-treated rats selected to have very high rates of spontaneous seizures, which requires careful and tedious selection of animals. The ETSP has published studies with an intra-amygdala kainic acid (IA-KA) model (West et al., 2022, Exp Neurol), where the authors claim that they can use spontaneous seizures to identify ASDs for DRE; however, their lack of a drug effect of carbamazepine may have been a false negative secondary to low seizure rates. The approach described in this paper may help with confounds caused by low or variable seizure rates. These types of issues should be discussed, along with others.

      While the paper may be relevant for the ETSP and contract research organizations (CROs), the paper was not written to attract the interest of biological scientists, even those in this specific area of epilepsy research. It may be of low interest to other neuroscientists.

      The outcome measure for testing LEV and DZP on seizures was essentially the fraction of unsuccessful or successful activations of seizures, where high ASD efficacy is based on showing that the optogenetic stimulation causes fewer seizures when the drug is present. The final outcome measure is thus a percentage, which would still lead to a large number of tests to be assured of adequate statistical power. Thus, there is a concern about whether this proposed approach will have high enough resolution to be more useful than conventional screening methods so that one can obtain actual dose-response data on ASDs.

      The key issue the authors aim to address is the 30-40% of patients with DRE, but the real problem with DRE patients is not that these people have seizures with no effect of the ASDs; rather, although ASD may reduce seizure burden, these patients continue to have some remaining seizures even after high doses of ASDs, which often leads to adverse effects from the particular ASDs.

      In several sections of the paper, the authors argue that two different groups are similar on the basis that no statistical difference was found between the two groups (i.e., p > 0.05); however, the failure to find a statistically significant difference, particularly with relatively small sample sizes, is not rigorous evidence that the two groups are actually similar - they are just "not significantly different."

      It remains unclear that the optogenetically induced seizures in this model are better than similarly induced seizures in a naïve animal, and there is no evidence that the model will be useful for finding new ASDs to treat DRE.

      Do the results support the conclusions?

      Although the Results show examples of clear tonic-clonic seizures, it is not at all clear whether this approach is a significant improvement over previous methods used on animal models of TLE. The presented data from this method shows it provides an ability to detect the effect of widely used ASDs, but not that it will have the resolution to find better ASDs. The outcome measure of successful vs failed seizure inductions does not necessarily translate to a pathway for finding new ASDs for DRE, which often is a function of the side effects of the proposed new ASD. Although the recorded seizures in IH-KA rats differ in waveform from the ones in naïve mice, this could be due to the pattern of damage resulting from the micro-injection of KA or the density of expressed Chr2, which could be affected by sclerosis.

      Impact and utility of methods and data.

      The authors state that this approach should be used to test for and discover new ASDs for DRE, and also used for various open/closed loop protocols with deep-brain stimulation; however, the paper does not actually discuss rigorously or critically the background literature on other published studies in these areas or how this approach will improve future research for a broader audience than the ETSP and CROs. Thus, it is not clear whether the utility will apply more widely and how extensive a readership will be attracted to this work.

      Final Conclusions:

      Although this is an Interesting if not elegant new model for testing ASDs, it could be seen as a version of kindling (plus brain damage) in a rodent model, where some of the pathology of TLE is induced through focal injection of KA in the CA3 area of the hippocampus. Unfortunately, no evidence was presented that it will be any better than other models, although it could be faster and maybe easier than models based on spontaneous seizures. Although it has some similarities to the pathology of human TLE, the ablating part of the hippocampus does not account for the more widespread pathology that usually occurs elsewhere in the brain, as studied with imaging and with anatomy in surgical specimens from patients with DRE.

      Although this approach with seizure induction via an optogenetic approach adds specificity to the type of cell that is stimulated (i.e., CA1 pyramidal cells), it is not apparent why this provides a better or more effective tool than simple electrical induction of seizures in any TLE model. Most important, it remains unclear how this addresses any aspect of drug resistance. To improve the ASD discovery process, an important new model must make a significant reduction in seizure burden, and would ideally improve the percentage of patients that become seizure-free. It is not clear how this model will do that.

      In the end, the authors have created a model with some of the pathology of TLE, where they can then induce actual seizures via specific optogenetic stimulation. So, although it is potentially elegant work, it remains unclear what new information this model will tell us about epilepsy, and most importantly DRE - or how it will improve treatment outcomes.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      How the microbial composition of the human body is influenced by and influences disease progression is an important topic. For people with COVID-19, symptomatic progression and deterioration can be difficult to predict. This manuscript attempts to associate the nasal and fecal microbiomes of COVID-19 patients with the severity of disease symptoms, with the goal of identifying microbial markers that can predict disease outcomes.


      Analysis of microbiomes from two distinct anatomical locations and across three distinct patient groups is a substantial undertaking. How these microbiomes influence and are influenced by COVID-19 disease progression is an important question. In particular, the putative biomarker identified here could be of clinical value with additional research.


      The primary weaknesses of this analysis is the relatively low sample size for analyzing disease subsets and moderate correlation values observed for putative biomarkers. Regardless, this data can be used to inform future studies aiming to understand the contribution of multifactorial dysbiosis to COVID-19 disease progression.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Schwintek et al. investigated whether a geological setting of a rock pore with water inflow on one end and gas passing over the opening of the pore on the other end could create a non-equilibrium system that sustains nucleic acid reactions under mild conditions. The evaporation of water as the gas passes over it concentrates the solutes at the boundary of evaporation, while the gas flux induces momentum transfer that creates currents in the water that push the concentrated molecules back into the bulk solution. This leads to the creation of steady state regions of differential salt and macromolecule concentrations that can be used to manipulate nucleic acids. First, the authors showed that fluorescent bead behavior in this system closely matched their fluid dynamic simulations. With that validation in hand, the authors next showed that fluorescently-labeled DNA behaved according to their theory as well. Using these insights, the authors performed a FRET experiment that clearly demonstrated hybridization of two DNA strands as they passed through the high Mg++ concentration zone, and, conversely, the dissociation of the strands as they passed through low Mg++ concentration zone. This isothermal hybridization and dissociation of DNA strands allowed the authors to perform an isothermal DNA amplification using a DNA polymerase enzyme. Crucially, the isothermal DNA amplification required the presence of the gas flux and could not be recapitulated using a system that was at equilibrium. These experiments advance our understanding of the geological settings that could support nucleic acid reactions that were key for the origin of life.

      The presented data compellingly supports the conclusions made by the authors. In the revised submission, the authors have made convincing arguments supported by simulations that the present findings obtained with DNA would translate to RNA as well, thus making this work highly relevant for the field of origin of life.

      A potential future experiment the authors could consider includes performing a prebiotically relevant reaction, such as non-enzymatic primer extension or ligation, in the described model of the rock pore geological setting.