2 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Thus if P isthe set of all sets, we can apparently form the set Q = {Ae P| A ¢ A}, leading tothe contradictory Oe Q iff O¢€ Q. This is Russell’s paradox (see Exercise 1A)and can be avoided (in our naive discussion) by agreeing that no aggregate shallbe a set which would be an element of itself.

      Russell's paradox (1901) in set theory can be stated as:

      If $$P$$ is the set of all sets, one can form the set $$Q = {A \in P | A \notin A}$$ which can lead to the contradiction $$Q \in Q$$ iff $$Q \notin Q$$.

      This can be done by dividing P into two non-empty subsets, $$P_1 = {A \in p | A \notin A}$$ and $$P_2={A \in P | A \in A}$$. We then have the contradiction $$P_1 \in P_1$$ iff $$P_1 \notin P_1$$.

      The paradox happens when we allow as sets A for which $$A \in A$$. It can be remedied by agreeing that no collection can be a set which would be an element of itself.

      Relation to Groucho Marx's quote (earliest 1949) about resigning membership of a club which would have him as a member: https://hypothes.is/a/3_zAfITjEe-H5-PlfOlK8A

    2. The basis for our intuitive set theory is the Zermelo—Fraenkel set theory developedby Zermelo (Untersuchungen tiber die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre J) andstrengthened by Fraenkel (Zu den Grundlagen der Cantor—Zermeloschen Mengen-lehre). Their work rests on the researches of Cantor in the 1870’s which first putmathematics firmly on a set-theoretic base. Zermelo’s work, in particular, was adirect response to the Russell paradox.