1 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
whitehead says that philosophy is an attempt to express the infinity of the universe in terms of the limitations of language
for - Whitehead's philosophy - Whitehead - limitations of language - Indra's Net - Whitehead - process relational ontology
Whitehead says that
- philosophy is an attempt to express the infinity of the universe
- philosophy is an attempt to express the infinity of the universe
And i think this image of the spiderweb with the dewdrops each reflecting the others is the perfect analogy for whitehead's ontology
- You may have heard of indra's net from madhyamaka buddhism
- the idea of dependent co-origination of all things
- that nothing has independent abiding existence
- but is rather caught up in a network of
- relations or
- causes and conditions
- but is rather caught up in a network of
- and so you can't remove any of the nodes in the network without destroying the node and totally changing the rest of the network that it was embedded within
- that nothing has independent abiding existence
- the idea of dependent co-origination of all things
- This is the key to what a process RELATIONAL ONTOLOGY is trying to reveal to us about the nature of reality
- Dependent co-origination or you could say
- the inter-penetration of all things
- though in Whitehead's cosmology there really are no
- if by thing you mean an inert isolated entity
- Whiteheads ontology is really composed of events or processes
- You could say and these processes for whitehead are
- drops of experience
- So for whitehead, there's no node in the network of reality that is not there for itself
- It is not enjoying some degree of experience or subjectivity or has some degree or capacity for feeling