51 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2017
    1. I hope to explore this updated platform in the future.

      Julie Shahid has been using the new version, and the results have been good so far...

    2. The user analytics component of CS provides charts and graphs of class activity, student commentaries, and my responses. I’m able to keep track of when and how long students are active, the length of their responses, and if any questions were asked or answered in each task.

      I think you're the only one using CS who has employed the analytic tools...glad to know that you have found them helpful.

    3.  CS is also a good tool for managing assignments and tracking student activity. Assignments are easy to upload, store, and find.

      Great to hear...we've had several grantees using CS, with varying degrees of satisfaction. Perhaps those who were less impressed with it might pick up some ideas from those of you who have had successful implementations.

    4. This approach has proven to be especially effective for the quieter students in the class

      This is a very positive benefit...

    5. environment of accountability

      I really like the way you phrased this. Other collaborative projects also seem to bear out the fact that students feel motivated to up their game when the know that their work will be analyzed and evaluated by their peers.

    6. Students were assigned the task of analyzing their classmates’ works

      Did you assign who reviewed what, or allow students to pick and choose whose work they reviewed?

    7. working on their own creative works (a story or a poem),

      So what genre did most students create—poems, short stories, or something else?

    1. The video was then uploaded it to YouTube, and students used the captioning tool in YouTube to create the transcription in Spanish and the translated English subtitles.

      So, to be clear, they will eventually be producing two videos...one with Spanish captioning, and one with English?

    2. The creativity involved in the process of conveying an audio recording in a visual and textual format has proven especially motivating for the students. Each group expressed a different visual style and included distinct elements in their storytelling.

      This is very compelling...its sounds as though all the groups worked together very well.

    3. adding their own visual interpretation of the audio text

      So did they mostly use images and photos that you had given them, or did they go out and find more of them on their own?

    1. Simulation-based pedagogy offers an experiential learning process that emphasizes repeated action, reflection, accommodation, and testing.

      There are a possibilities for using simulation and game-based pedagogies across the curriculum, I believe ... your experience speaks to the benefits that can come from such strategies.

    2. This indicates that the simulation promotes better decision making by helping students see how their decisions can affect the performance of others and the organization as a whole.

      This is some solid evidence that the simulation is making a real difference in student learning outcomes.

    3. The goal is to achieve strategic dominance in the marketplace

      That is a very audacious goal...does the simulation deal with the ethical dimensions of business practice in any way?

    4. However, observing how well students handled the decision making process in the simulation, I upgraded the difficulty to a very high level in Spring 2017.

      Well we're very happy to hear that the students are doing so well!

    1. We were trained in a world of pen, paper, and heavy dictionaries, where if we didn’t understand the text it was our own individual failing. However, when the burden of understanding and of deciphering the text is on everyone, and students and instructor alike help each other move beyond comprehending the foreign words on the page, they can together move towards the more difficult work of understanding what the text is trying to do and what interest and value it holds.

      Such a valuable example of reflective practice here, comparing one's own learning environment and noting how different is the learning environment of today's students. And you are not even that much older than they are :)

    2. they record themselves having a conversation with a classmate

      How are these recordings then used by the students (and by you)?

    3. If students are asked to annotate texts by leaving definitions, asking follow-up questions, providing brief summaries, or pointing out particularly important quotes or ideas, they may find academic writing and research more approachable and engaging.

      Exactly, and it's why I'm so excited to see you project take off. I am looking forward to comparing your use of Annotation Studio with Brian Watkins' use of Hypothes.is as platforms for annotation.

    4. (Annotation Studio and Annotate

      Familiar with the first, but not the second...could you link to that second one?

    5. second classroom

      Could there be further "classrooms" in online spaces...dialogue and practice with native speakers on, say, Twitter and other platforms, for example?

    1. Writing assignments will be given via blogging.

      Great! This will help build the blogging community at the college.

    2. Justin and I will use a publishing software or platform, such as Scalar, to create an eBook rather than a printed book.

      A good choice, since Scalar is designed from the ground up as a digitally-native platform for book creation...and it's free and cross-platform.

    3. greater focus on digital art and graphics tools

      Looking forward to seeing how this develops

    4. the history of the book

      Would love to know what resources you used to teach about the history of the book.

    5. The digital component of this course was composed of creating art through art simulation software and graphic arts/pen tablets while collaborating and communicating with the students via Moodle course modules.

      "Art simulation software" ... that's a category I had never heard of :)

    1. a few takeaways that can have broader impact

      These are excellent ideas that should be widely applicable across our faculty and curriculum

    2. this will have some advertising and recruitment benefits

      YES...any evidence of this should be very compelling.

    3. open to anyone.

      Open online learning comes to Austin College...yay!

    1. I would like to end this report with student responses to some questions that I have asked for each offering of the flipped course.

      Thanks for including this data...extremely helpful.

    2. I don’t know if it is due to the flipped class or the requirement of Biochemistry for medical school.

      Well, wasn't Biochem a requirement for med school previously? If so, drop in D/W then very likely due to flip.

    3. It has been a major comment on my student evaluations that many students do not find these question-answer class sessions to be particularly useful

      I'm confused...is this statement referring to pre-flipped versions of the course, or is it reporting feedback on the flipped version? If the latter, seems inconsistent with what you said earlier in the paragraph.

    4. students are asking more than surface questions.

      This is really a great outcome, and, as you say, prompts you to up your game in return.

    5. I find the class much more dynamic in this format,


    1. possible to annotate digital audio files, like Soundcloud allows

      I am not familiar with how annotation works on Soundcloud, so will have to check that out...thanks for the tip!

    2. a way of managing burn-out in a repetitive task

      So students were actually having "burn-out?" So yeah, the problem may be that students not only skip the annotation requirement, but skip the reading itself.

    3. the quality of their comments were light years ahead of previous course discussions

      Light years!

    1. Doing these tasks in Classroom Salon is very time-consuming.

      Is the extra time correlated to deeper student engagement and more insightful commentary on the pieces? Would be very helpful if I could see a couple of examples to get a feel for what you're dealing with...

    2. There is a new version that works somewhat differently that I might try. And there might be new applications that have come along in the past two years that may be better fits.

      Just let me know when you'd like to get together and take a look at options :)

    3. Classroom Salon does not support that

      I can't think of any system that would guarantee and prove that students had listened to what they said they had listened to.

    4. with them students must list the length of time for each individual piece)

      Couldn't the students just indicate in an annotation at the beginning of the piece exactly what and how much they listened to?

    5. each time a student makes an annotation in their listening, a heading is required for organization

      Wouldn't the use of tags be a better way to organize and categorize the annotations?

    1. Student feedback on lecturing format, recordings, and digital grading has been net positive.

      Do you have a sense of the impact on learning outcomes?

    2. fact sheet

      Could we link to this?

    3. a copy of the assignment and all feedback was retained for future reference.

      Do the students have access to their assignments and feedback after the class has ended? Or is their only access through Moodle?

    1. I plan to have students include these videos and annotations in their electronic portfolios

      First, kudos for using electronic portfolios. Are you all still using the LiveBinders platform? How does including the videos in a portfolio correlate to the privacy of the classroom salon studio?

    2. debriefing the student teachers.

      Would like to hear more about what is involved in "debriefing the student teachers." What kind of process, questions, prompts for reflection, etc. did you use?

    1. this lab experience was able to parallel the student’s life in providing opportunity of digitally chronicling events through picture.

      So again, incorporating visual elements into the composition process increases overall literacy and enhances enthusiasm for lab work. In the end, was your assessment of student performance in the lab this semester significantly higher than in previous semesters?

    2. requires clear and frequent communication to students of expectations of obstacles and challenges that may come

      Had you had extensive previous experience with LabArchives prior to this course? Did you expect the obstacles and challenges that arose, or did these take you by surprise? Based on what you've learned from this first go round with the technology, what adjustments will you make with the next iteration?

    3. Students’ attitudes toward the laboratory experience were certainly more positive because of the use of the technology

      And this positive affective component should contribute to longer-lasting retention of learning.

    4. the use of lab partners became almost a necessity

      Enhancing collaborative learning with ELNs...definitively contributes to learning objectives.

    5. Students took pictures and video throughout the lab to show the setup, illustrate color and color changes, and describe products.

      Very cool...would be great to see some examples. From your perspective as the instructor, does the incorporation of visuals into the reports deepen student learning and knowledge creation, or is it more just a nice illustrative addition?

    6. Over the course of the semester, the students’ comfort level improved such that, by the end, they had the process mastered.

      This nicely describes the arc of learning, from initial confusion and frustration, through improvement, reaching toward mastery.