2 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2018
fall2017.rswsandbox.net fall2017.rswsandbox.net
n the transmission of knowledge the children and teachers of the future should not be faced with a choice between books and screens, between newspapers and cap-suled versions of the news on the Internet, or between print and other media. Our transition generation has an opportunity, if we seize it, to pause and use our most reflective capacities, to use everything at our disposal to prepare for the formation of what will come next.
In the digital age, people do not want to lose that sense of in your hands information. Rather then at your eyes information. Most people are scared of change and the advancement of technology. This is an ongoing dispute regrading the internet.
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold is a writer, artist and designer, theorist and community builder, he is also one of the driving minds behind our net-enabled, open, collaborative life. https://www.ted.com/speakers/howard_rheingold