154 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2016
    1. The Scientology founder “became more and more unhinged in his last days,” DeWolf claims. “He was lost in his own little wonderland, surrounded by this armada, this dark security force. He was totally lost.”

      Dangerous cults should be banned for secretly ruining lives. Members of this scientology cult become something they are not, and get so stuck in these made up beliefs that they cannot find their way back to reality.

    2. The Church of Scientology has previously rejected DeWolf’s claims, saying: “Despite his public representations and self-promotion, Mr. DeWolf is not knowledgeable about the Church of Scientology or its founder.”

      Dangerous cults should be banned for secretly ruining lives. This Church of Scientology continuously tries to cover its tracks and hide the dark side of their "cult" and only lets people see the good side. Mr. DeWolf is right the secrets of this church needs to be exposed. People need to see the real truth of what really goes on behind the scenes of this place, the kinds of things that the church doesn't want people to know.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. better training,

      that should be require before using something.

    2. Michael Brown shooting
    3. “If the only tool you have is a hammer,” Stamper adds, “the whole world is going to look like a nail to you.”

      I highly agree with this. It almost makes me think of the Stanford Prison Experiment where the people who get to pretend to be the cops ended up taking it very seriously just because they were dressed like it and got to act like it. The police officers shouldn't be able to dress like they are about to go into war because that is how they are going to treat the citizens and the city they are patrolling, like a war and enemies.

    4. officers begin to dress like soldiers, their uniform and vocabulary of war reinforces their mind-sets. As they become more soldierlike and less peace officer–like, they become distanced from the community

      If they want to dress and act like soldiers, then stop being a police officer and become a soldier. We have soldiers for a reason and the police should not be trying to act like them, they need to stick to their real job description and not try to act like something they are not.

    5. “There’s just one rule: the local agency that receives this property must use it within a year. That incentivizes irresponsible use of the equipment,”

      This causes unnecessary use of the equipment because the weaponry is rarely ever needed, or maybe never needed at all. But in order to keep the weaponry, they use it for small cases just so they can say they used it at least once this year so they don't have to get rid of it.

    6. “Seeing heavily armed police employing tactics in Ferguson is just a huge mistake,” Stamper says. “This is not a war

      "This is not a war", EXACTLY! So why are the police officers allowed to be heavily armed like soldiers going off to war with huge bomb proof vehicles and all that? The police officers are over exaggerating situations due to fear and they think they need to be armed for war when in reality, it's just a community being upset for something the police originally started.

    7. as early as the 1930s, and then even more so following World War II, police came to resemble soldiers

      This is showing that the police have slowly been becoming more and more powerful over time for a long time, not just over the past few years. I still think police should not resemble soldiers at all though, they have their jobs as "peacekeepers and law enforcers" and the soldiers have their jobs. Police should not try to take on the jobs of soldiers. If police officers want more power then they should enlist in the army or military for the title of a soldier.

    8. Joe Friday in Dragnet,
    9. chided
    10. Michael Brown shooting
    1. legislators of individual states now have the opportunity to decide which type of sex education (and which funding option) to choose for their state, while pursuing the ultimate goal of reducing teen pregnancy rates

      This means some states will have lower quality education, and higher rates of teen pregnancy, leaving them at an immediate disadvantage.

    2. cannot include information about contraception or safer-sex practices

      How did they not realize this would be a counter-productive method?

    3. Some argue that sex education that covers safe sexual practices, such as condom use, sends a mixed message to students and promotes sexual activity

      This view is extremely outdated, as well as incorrect. In another article I read and annotated, it cited a study that showed those who were taught comprehensive sex education, on average, had sex for the first time at a later age than their abstinence-only education counterparts.

    4. compared to other developed countries

      Way higher than any of the other countries listed in this table, despite efforts.

    5. socioeconomic status, teen educational attainment, ethnic composition of the teen population, and availability of Medicaid waivers for family planning services

      And it's not just because of differences between these girls in different classes and categories. #rvc190

    6. increasing emphasis on abstinence education is positively correlated with teenage pregnancy and birth rates.

      Quite ironic, when you think about it. Isn't it supposed to be doing the opposite? #rvc190

    1. machine guns;

      Why do police officers need tens of thousands of machine guns? With what they have to do to keep the streets safe and discipline people, they shouldn't be able to have a machine gun that is capable of demolishing numerous people.

    2. police departments

      Just putting emphasis on "police departments". Why would a police department need a war vehicle with the work that they are supposed to be doing? If a war vehicle was necessary with whatever they are dealing with, then the national guard or army should be called in.

    3. the former tools of combat — M-16 rifles, grenade launchers, silencers and more — are ending up in local police departments, often with little public notice.

      I agree with you! I think we ought to have the right to know those kind of weapons that are our local.

    1. encouraged to act more aggressively in searching for suspicious people, drugs and other contraband

      I think they can act aggressive to people that are not obey the order by authority and people that will harm innocent citizen .

    2. could violate privacy and constitutional protections.

      COULD violate? I think it does violate our privacy when our personal information is spread all over the nation like stated in the above paragraph.

    3. Thousands of people have been forced to fight legal battles that can last more than a year to get their money back

      This is a good argument on what the police are calling "suspicious" in order to "act more aggressively in searching" people being waste of time for those that are wrongly accused of crimes due to suspicion and have to spend sometimes a year to get that accusation off their record or settled so they aren't found guilty.

    4. trash on the floor of a vehicle, abundant energy drinks or air fresheners hanging from rearview mirrors.

      This statement teachs me that I better clean up my vehicle before they have suspicious on me.

    5. There is no question that state and federal forfeiture programs have crippled powerful drug-trafficking organizations, thwarted an assortment of criminals and brought millions of dollars to financially stressed police departments.

      I think their action on this is a justify.

    6. But in 41 percent of cases — 4,455 — where there was a challenge, the government agreed to return money

      Finally, they now realizing of what they have been done to others people.

    7. The practice has been controversial since its inception at the height of the drug war more than three decades ago, and its abuses have been the subject of journalistic exposés and congressional hearings.

      what kind of a person that made decisions that like? I don't get it. Please be consider to others people too.

    8. Black Asphalt Electronic Networking & Notification System
    9. encouraged to act more aggressively in searching for suspicious people, drugs and other contraband

      why would they encourage someone to be more aggressive like, and this is not something that you have to do because the way people just might be turn out wrong.This statement reminds me of back when i lived in camp Police or someone who have authorities they can do whatever they want, and they can accuse people for the things that they didn't do, and punished them. After we flee from that country and we moved to this country and we think that police officer would be really nicer because they are more educated...Guess they way we think of them is wrong.

    10. “There was no way out.”

      Corruption should not stand in this country. Officers like this should be ridden from the force since they are not on the job for the betterment of our communities. However, it is up to us to recognize that not all police officers are like this. One officers poor actions should not give the good officers out there a bad rep. Thank you to those officers out there that are on the job for the betterment of our communities. Sorry, I had to get the "feels" out.

    11. “Money was ultimately returned to Mr. Ramos Guzman after he provided documentation that the cash belonged to his church.”

      Marsha Carlton forgot to define "after" as three months after Guzman showed the officer the documents stating that they were church funds on the stop date.

    12. he showed the trooper documents indicating that he belonged to a tax-exempt church, and he said the cash had been collected from congregation members.

      Even if we show these officers proof that the money is not illegal, they can still take it? That money wasn't one persons. It was multiple peoples money. These police officers seem to be trained to assume the worst of people.

    13. which are often used by smugglers.

      Say my personal car breaks down. I have no choice but to get a rental car. Does this mean that I am suspicious and am more likely to be a drug smuggler?

    14. A dog called to the scene sat down next to the envelope with the cash, indicating the presence of drugs, according to police.

      This is a set-up. The use of the dog gives them the upper hand. The dog is to prove the innocent guilty.

    15. manipulate

      This is a subject I have strong feelings for. Manipulation is emotional abuse. Nobody should be playing with another persons mind, especially not law enforcement. This is a violation of boundaries and it is 100% WRONG.

    16. “Let me tell you something, I’ve seized millions out here. When I say that, I mean millions. . . . This is what I do.”

      I don't think that he means millions of people. This is outrageous that the people we are supposed to trust are so corrupt.

    1. cross-infecting

      This article didn't talk about cross-infecting humans, so I'd like to know more about that posibility. Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal.

    1. behavior-controlling chemicals when encountering the brain of its natural target host, but not when infecting other ant species, a new study shows.

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal. This is interesting how it effects everything except the original ant.

    2. the one without the brain controls the one with the brain.

      So, the fungus from the first ant's brain controls the brain of the second ant. What happens to the brain of the first ant?

    3. The researchers next removed ant brains, keeping the organs alive in special media. The fungus then was grown in the presence of brains from different ant species to determine what chemicals it produced for each brain.

      The ant body can survive without a brain??

    4. a biting

      Link back to zombie behavior

    1. When Baker, 73, lost her husband to cancer, a Scientologist turned up at her Los Angeles home peddling a $1,300 auditing package to cure her grief. Some $15,000 later, the Scientologists discovered that her house was debt free. They arranged a $45,000 mortgage, which they pressured her to tap for more auditing until Baker's children helped their mother snap out of her daze. Last June, Baker demanded a $27,000 refund for unused services, prompting two cult members to show up at her door unannounced with an E-meter to interrogate her. Baker never got the money and, financially strapped, was forced to sell her house in September.

      Dangerous cults should be banned for secretly ruining lives. How could they do such a thing? This appeals to pathos. They take advantage of this poor lady who already lost her husband and from this money scandal lost her house too.

    2. According to the Cult Awareness Network, whose 23 chapters monitor more than 200 "mind control" cults, no group prompts more telephone pleas for help than does Scientology. Says Cynthia Kisser, the network's Chicago-based executive director: "Scientology is quite likely the most ruthless, the most classically terroristic, the most litigious and the most lucrative cult the country has ever seen. No cult extracts more money from its members."

      Dangerous cults should be banned for secretly ruining lives. This is a credible source.

    3. [Note: since publication of this article, the Cult Awareness Network has been taken over by Scientology. Do not contact them!]

      This is unbelievable!

    4. Most cults fail to outlast their founder, but Scientology has prospered since Hubbard's death in 1986.

      how is this one different?

    5. Scientology is now run by David Miscavige, 31, a high school dropout and second-generation church member. Defectors describe him as cunning, ruthless and so paranoid about perceived enemies that he kept plastic wrap over his glass of water.

      Dangerous cults should be banned for secretly ruining lives. This shows that the people in charge of this cult are truly demented and psychotic.

    1. When the fashion press covers ethics it largely means whether catwalk models should eat more, rather than whether garment workers should eat.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      There is no regard for garment workers whatsoever. They are completely under appreciated by the world. Garment workers don't get enough credit for the work that they do.

    1. more than 60 percent of world clothing is manufactured in developing countries

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      Cheap labor and poor working conditions are a result of fast fashion.

    2. there’s still a big carbon footprint with cotton garments carrying the “organic” tag.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      The term "organic" in the fashion industry is only a misleading concept that deceives consumers.

    3. waterless dye technologies have been developed

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      Although new eco-friendly technologies have been developed, the fashion industry has no intention of losing money.

    4. fisheries and the communities that relied on them failed.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      The overall impact of cotton farming not only affects the environment but also people's homes.

    5. the fashion industry is truly a mess.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      The fashion industry may seem luxurious but it has many problems that need to be fixed.

    6. most chemically dependent crops in the world

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      With cotton being the most chemically dependent crop, farmers' safety and well-being are also at stake.

    7. While cotton, especially organic cotton, might seem like a smart choice, it can still take more than 5,000 gallons of water to manufacture just a T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      Organic cotton has been used widely in the fashion industry and it may be safer than chemically produced cotton but it still takes a toll on the world.

    8. the overall impact the apparel industry has on our planet is quite grim.

      Revised thesis:The fashion industry disregards workers' safety and jeopardizes the environment in order to make a profit.

      No one ever realizes how garment and textile factories harm the environment.

    1. At risk for physical, emotional, social, and cognitive violation, these children are in need of interventions that appropriately address their needs in the context of their environment, and build upon the positive survival skills that they have developed as a result of street life.

      This are things that we should do as society.

    1. Many homeless children are enticed by adults and older youth into selling drugs, stealing, and prostitution.

      family play most important role in children live. Why wouldn't they be model to their children like that? due to economic.

    2. A study conducted by the Luxembourg Income Study shows poor children in the United States are poorer than children in most Western industrialized countries, since the United States has less generous social programs, the widest gap between rich and poor, and high numbers of poor immigrant and unwed teen mothers.6 The poverty and social conditions many American children face lead to large numbers of homeless and street children.

      The fact? still surprising..

    3. the United States had 5.5 million children living in extreme poverty, approximately one million of whom were on the streets

      I was so surprise that about the statements above, because I always think that the United States is the richest country and there wouldn't not be no children on the streets and homeless. So now, we should realize how can we help those children we don't have anyone support.

    4. Failing economies and falling currencies in parts of Asia force the poorest families onto the street, often leaving children abandoned and homeless

      In order to keep children with their parents together or prevent them not live their lives on the streets, government and society should increase economics for parents.

    5. A ‘Child of the Streets': Children who have no home but the streets, and no family support. They move from place to place, living in shelters and abandoned buildings.

      For This statements I think the society should help out build up some kind of place for the children that are don't have place to go or to live.

    1. Rather, a combination of multiple factors drive children to a life on the streets, including poverty, neglect, the breakdown of the family, losing one or both parents to HIV/AIDS or other prevalent diseases and verbal, physical, and sexual abuse.

      Thesis : Children are on street because of abuses, control, no freedom for them to express their ability ,poverty; therefore, families, economic, and society should help them out of street, and engage them to choose the right path.

      This is really sad and due to this kind of issues as parents or society we should be aware of those kinds of things and help children out of street.

    1. female psychopaths may process moral judgment differently

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Their findings showed that women psychopaths show less emotional responses in their tests.

    2. The MIND Research Network in Albuquerque

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      A brain research facility.

    3. Until recently, how these areas operate in female psychopaths was relatively unknown

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Women in general have a different way of thinking. So, it makes sense that when it comes to committing a crime, men and women would go about it in a different way. We just need to know what is going on in their brain that makes them commit a crime and why they did it in that way.

    4. analyzed in males while little research has been done in females

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This also helps my thesis in a way. It could be that women psychopaths are unnoticed because we haven't done enough research on them to know exactly how to catch one.

    5. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This website is a very useful page for different articles.

    1. Reynaldo

      Every child should have an equal right. Reynaldo's interview video

    2. Carrying Heavy Loads

      Every child should have an equal right. The harms of children carry heavy loads in work not only appear in physically, but also in mentally. Carrying heavy loads for a long time may cause the physical hurts which may affect children growth and development. Moreover, children work long hours in a stressful environment may also lead to the detriment of their mental health. I think children have the right to grow up in a health environment. Also, the society have to provide a better working environment for the children.

    3. Mining in Underground Pits

      Every child should have an equal right. Not only mining underwater is dangerous, but also risky of mining in underground. There are so many risks of working in that dangerous environment. Although children cannot choose which living class they born in, doesn't mean they do not have right to work in a better environment.

    4. Human Rights Watch interviewed seven boys working in compressor mining and three young adults who started this work as children.

      Every child should have an equal right. We can see how scared the children are thought the interviews. They felt cold and fear for working in dark and underwater. They risk their life in mining which may lack of oxygen under the water. Their life is threatened.

    5. a narrow wooden shaft (approximately 70 x 70 centimeters)

      Every child should have an equal right. It is a very small area. How can the divers and children enter in and stay inside for several hours? They should be very scary and cold without any sunlight.

    6. Diving underwater for several hours in 10-meter-deep shafts, miners receive air from a tube attached to a diesel-run air compressor at the surface.

      Every child should have an equal right. It sounds crazy that the children have to dive underwater for few hours in a deep pit with a small tube only. It is very risky for adult already, how about the children? How does the government allow their children do this dangerous work? Is it necessary to mine gold by human, even the children?

    7. 2009 statement by the ILO

      Every child should have an equal right. World days against child labor 2009

    8. 14 percent of children who live in mining areas work in mining.

      Every child should have an equal right. 14 is not a big number, but it is a large percentage in children. Working in mining is a dangerous work. It is sad that there are so many children who work in mining. Can't believe they have to bear the risk in a young age and live in a terrible environment. Children deserve working in a safe environment.

    9. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention

      Every child should have an equal right. Child Labor Convention

    10. International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Age Convention

      Ever child should have an equal right. Minimum Age Concertion

    1. Don B. Kates Jr.

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      The is a creditable source in a sense that Don B. Kates Jr. is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. He has taught constitutional law and lectured on criminology at Stanford University, Oxford University, Saint Louis University School of Law, and the University of Melbourne. Besides publishing numerous articles on gun control, he is also the editor of "Firearms and Violence: Issue of Public Policy." So, he is an expert in gun control issue. Don B. Kates Jr.

    2. paranoid

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      a person afflicted with paranoia

    3. Vigilantism

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      the actions of a vigilance committee in trying to enforce the laws

    4. In the vast majority of defensive gun uses the outcome is not that criminals die but only: that they are wounded or injured or that they are apprehended or scared off without being injured at all. [44] So even had far more broadly based long term, geographically diverse lawful homicide figures been available before the 1980s, homicides are too small a proportion of overall defensive gun uses to be a reliable index to the frequency of such uses. At least if better indexes were available, one would certainly not measure the value of guns in police work by simply totting up the number of violent felons police kill. By the same token lawful defensive homicides are not a fair measure of the overall value of defense guns to civilians.

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      A logical proof. The few sentences showed that current figures about homicide rate are not a good measure of the effectiveness of defensive gun uses. Since there are cases that criminals are injured or that they are scared off are not taken into account. This showed that reasons based on these statistics that anti-gun often try to pull out are not persuasive enough.

    5. that many gun control advocates seriously view gun owners as "demented and blood- thirsty psychopaths whose concept of fun is to rain death on innocent creatures, both human and otherwise"

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      The author quoted a review of American gun control literature done by the University of Massachusetts for the National Institute of Justice, which is also creditable as it is published by the University of Massachusetts. This showed that activists of gun control have a serious misconception that gun owners are demented and blood-thirsty people. Yet, we know that this is incorrect, since possession of guns do help gun owners refrain various crimes in reality.

      It is a good quote because it helps me prove that the anti-gun have a strong sense of misconception to people who own guns for defensive purpose. In this regard, a clarification of why people buy guns should be made, so as to achieve a common ground to discuss what possession of guns can be provided.

    1. Death usually occurs within days of the onset of these symptoms.

      So, unless this could be scientifically tampered with, there is no fear of rabies causing a zombie apocalypse.

    2. infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a minuscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real thing.This is how rabies is connected to the brain.

    1. genes that share similar or same disease phenotypes tend to encode proteins that interact with each other

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a minuscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal. Does this mean that a disease like rabies could only be combined with certain diseases? This would make the possibility of a zombie apocalypse even slimmer.

    1. The House I Live In. It won the Grand Jury Prize for U.S. Documentary this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival.

      some credibility.

    2. Less than 2 percent of the American population even identifies drugs as the nation’s top priority.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Wow.

    3. Ronald Reagan
    4. The fact is, blacks don’t use crack more than anybody else. And as a result, because blacks are only 13 percent of the country, they’re 13 percent of the crack users. So the remaining crack users, i.e. the majority, are white and brown.

      Just an argument about people calling "crack a black drug" from previous post.

    5. crack is a black drug.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This is putting the focus on african americans only for a drug that many other races participate in. This can also be correlated in how people are being wrongly sentenced because they are focusing more on blacks and crack, not the other races when it comes to this drug so there could be more african americans being incarcerated for crack because thats what they look for when arresting an african american person.

    6. African Americans make up roughly 13 percent of the U.S. population, 14 percent of the drug users, yet they represent 56 percent of those incarcerated— EUGENE JARECKI: Yeah. AMY GOODMAN: —for drug crimes.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Sounds a little racist? But diffidently a good argument.

    7. It’s something that our country can change. We can change everything else.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. So this just makes me wonder, why can't we change the drug problem in america? We've changed a lot of other laws. Smoking for example used to be allowed basically anywhere and over time, it's not even allowed on colleges or in restaurants on the "smoking side" and hotels don't even have smoking rooms anymore. So why can't we improve on other drugs like we did on smoking?

    8. And at the end, he just got so tired of drugs, and he had injected himself so much with drugs, it was in his—in his feet. Just, you can’t even imagine the abuse, the suffering that people go through addicted to drugs. And it is a sad thing.

      Showing more pathos.

    9. Well, my son, which is deceased, his name is James Jeter, my youngest son. And he got on drugs when he was about 14.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This is using pathos, appealing to the persons emotions that is reading or watching this documentary.

    10. failures

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Proof that the war is a failure.

    11. Over the last 40 years, more than 45 million drug-related arrests have cost an estimated $1 trillion. Yet drugs are cheaper, purer and more available today than ever.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This is proof that the war on drugs is costing us more than it is helping us.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. we must show the very love that we desire from others.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      It's a golden rule that everyone should keep in mind. It will prevent a lot of hypocrisy and hurt feelings. The act of being open-minded to peoples choices makes life so much easier. Being understanding is key to avoiding our judgmental tendencies.

    2. they were taught to us

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      We as individuals have the power to overcome judgment. Accept our flaws, recognize our similarities, and get on with our lives. There isn't enough time in our lives to dwell on how "Judy is a whore" or "Mark doesn't dress the way he should at his age." Everyone gets to make their own choices. Just because our family and friends opinions are important to us doesn't mean we have to agree or act the same way.

    3. But deep down, even the most critical person is yearning for the acceptance they deny to others.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Those who judge have knowledge of their flaws. They are in the same boat as the person they are judging. One would think that a person who knows how it feels to be judged wouldn't judge others because they wouldn't want them to feel the same pain they feel. Unfortunately, people are hypocrites.

    4. There's quite a bit of hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness here, in that we want to reject others as they are, but insist that others love and accept us the way we are.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Nobody is perfect, including those who are judging. When those people are in the midst of judging someone, they act as if they are higher than the person and are less flawed. This would be a poor excuse for judging someone, especially if they didn't know them.

    5. bullying

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Judging others is bullying, especially when it is verbal. Judging someone may leave a mark on them, only it cannot be seen.

    6. We decide that others aren't quite the way they should be.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      What gives people the right to play GOD? It is wrong to judge someone for not meeting your standards. There is a difference when you judge someone and observe them. Observing someone is a better option, in my opinion, due to the fact that, in a sense, you are learning about them by observing them. Observe their actions, words, and feelings. This can lead to a better insight on someones personality.

    7. What can we do when faced with unfair, hurtful judgments?

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      When people are judged, they often feel hurt by the label someone has thrown on them. Sometimes, these labels have something to do with a past mistake the person made, or it can be one that isn't relevant to them at all. We can rebuttal or ignore the judgment.

    1. Obviously, these kids do not have houses to live in, and only have the streets to spend their nights to. In this case, they are prone to accidents, sickness, and abuse.

      This is how we should be really aware of those kind of serious issues,not just family and society as well.

    1. The government should improve child labor monitoring and child protection systems, and do more to reach those who have dropped out of school.

      Every child should have an equal right. Agree that the government should work for the children. Only governmental policies can help the children to get back their rights and improve their living.

    2. Child Labor in Small-Scale Gold Mines

      Every child should have an equal right. This article shows there are thousands of children in the Philippines are living under the unequal right. Those children are risking their lives on mining gold everyday. They are working in dangerous environments (like underwater, underground pits). Although the majority of child laborers are between age 11 to 17, the younger children are found in the labor force too. Every child has an equal right do not happen in reality, it is a fantasy. Society takes advantage from children who are mining gold. A young child has to bear a heavy workload which may hurt them. Not only are they endure for the injury, but they are also suffering in a mental torture. They felt fear and pain.

    1. “There are an equal amount of female psychopaths out there as male ones. Females tend to fly under society’s radar as they are less likely to commit criminal offences, just moral ones. I have 2 children with a female psycho which she has used as tools to dismantle my life and my soul and greatly enjoyed herself in the process. This enjoyment of cruelty is the hard fact to come to terms with and baffles us all. They are very good at creating a good impression of themselves and portraying their victim as the real culprit. This is what really gets me. I’ve been in hell and everybody thinks I’m the monster………..except a few who have had experience themselves.”

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      No one would assume women can be just as psycho as men. Its so much easier for women to portray themselves as victims and people will believe them before men.

    2. like those of most other people, are shaped by the sex-role stereotypes cultivated by society.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Society has a huge role in what people think a real psychopath is. Just because one might seem a little out there doesn't automatically mean they are a psychopath. People often pay less attention to the ones that don't "fit in." Not fitting in what other often leads to depression, and can strike an urge for ones emotions to lead into psychopathic thinking.

    3. women diagnosed with other psychological disorders may actually be psychopathic:

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This makes me think psychological disorders are getting mixed up with others. How does one conclude with someone being an actual psychopath? I may be easier for women to get these disorders confused with others because women have so many emotions.

    4. Many experts say there are fewer female psychopaths than males…but some estimate there might actually be more.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      I wonder how the experts differ between men and women psychopaths? What makes one psychopath more or less crazy than another?

    1. 22-year-old woman defends herself against armed home invaders, NBC DFW, Dallas, Texas 10/18/12

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      This article was about a 22 year-old woman defended herself against armed home invaders by using handgun. And the act of this woman gained praise from her dad. In recent years, cases of gun murder in churches and schools were rising and therefore continuing gain a lot of spotlights from the general public and media. However, incidents that gun owners defend themselves against criminals by using their guns happened constantly, but never draw any attention from the public nor media. This incident reported in this article was just tip of the iceberg. It showed that owning a gun would not cause killing merely, but also saving ones’ life. Nevertheless, media likes to focus on mass shooting. It is understandable, but wouldn’t killing is as important as saving ones’ life? From the length of the article, I think it revealed how media treat these two thing differently. This article only consist of couple sentences, while we could see long and detailed article anywhere if gun murder happens.

    1. costly failure

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. The reason the war on drugs is a costly failure is because they are putting people in prison and paying for them to live there for sometimes a small drug offense. Money could be saved if it wasn't spent on supporting people in prison when they could've just been punished in a smaller way other than time or life in prison.

    2. The Sentencing Project, which advocates fir reforms iun sentencing policies; and the Drug Policy Alliance, which works to change unjust laws at the federal and local levels.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This project could really help prevent people from getting wrongly sentenced!

    3. "I saw how this misguided approach has helped make America the world's largest jailer, imprisoning her citizens at a higher rate per capita than any other nation on earth."

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This is some evidence to my thesis. Since we have the highest rates, there's no doubt that people are being wrongly sentenced.

    4. He has no choice but to give life sentences to defendants arrested for possession of a small amount of drugs.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Once again, proof that drug offenders are wrongly punished! Just for a small amount of drugs, a persons life is gone. And there's no chance to turn it around in prison. No second chance. There is such thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    5. The Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO, laws enacted in the 1980s allow cops to pull over any car and search for drugs, even if they find nothing and make no arrests.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. This organization specifically targets only drug offenders. What about rapists? Or other law offenders? because when these people get caught they get wrongly prosecuted.

    6. large sums of cash they find.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Why do they get to take large sums of money? What if someone was on their way to go buy a car in cash?!

    7. large sums of cash they find.

      Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime. Why do they get to take large sums of money? What if someone was on their way to go buy a car in cash?!

    8. "War on Drugs,"

      Throughout the documentary, many people discuss how they haven't even heard of the "war on drugs".

    9. Americas war on drugs is wrongly punishing drug law offenders with sentences that don't match their crime.

    1. People portray companies as evil by definition, and in many aspects they are. But often times a company is forced to behave in certain ways by consumer behaviour. If no one buys your product, you are out of business. Consumers take decisions for companies, but often [they] don't, which means they don't care

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      Maybe the problem doesn't lie with companies but with consumers. Consumers only care about buying things based on the price and want rather than on the basis of need.

    2. "The best way for the country is for brands like H&M to stay there."

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      Companies like H&M does benefit economies of third-world countries but it does not do the Rana Plaza incident any justice. Large companies have the ability to change and prevent these incidents from happening.

    3. somehow, overnight, the cracks that shut the factory the day before have become less dangerous and the management has called in the workforce

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      Because large corporations only care about production, garment factories have no choice but to continue production with their business at risk.

    4. It made me think differently about the workers; that it is another life, like mine,

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      People often disregard workers as human beings, diminishing their existence.

    5. otherwise "these women would be in the fields, in ship-breaking or shrimp farming, working as maids". Now, he says, they are breadwinners, independent

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      Although this may be true, large companies only sugarcoat the real situation without fully understanding how these women actually feel.

    6. And cost, whatever the brands say, is always the prime consideration.

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      Because of this, garment factories adjust their prices accordingly resulting in underpaid workers.

    7. he price of a human being cutting, making and trimming a garment is key in the overall production costs and, of course, eventual profits.

      Large corporations disregard workers' safety and jeopardize the environment in order to make a profit.

      For large corporations, the lives of human beings are only valuable when it involves a price.

    1. Bidding on the watch began at $1 and finished at $3.

      I find it really creepy that what kind of people that want something that belong to someone that pass away. probably dud to different culture and different perspective.

    1. How Volkswagen Got AwayWith Diesel Deception

      This article is another example to support my current thesis, explaining what happened with Volkswagen and how they have gotten away with using this system for so long. The diagrams included in this article give a clear view on how the cars worked, and the graphs farther on explain the amount of sales and stock that have either risen or dropped. Much like the other article, this gives a good example for the companies that have something to hide.

    1. The phenomenon of street children is multifaceted. The combination of familial, economic, social, and political factors play an important role in their situation. It is therefore very difficult to single out one or more causes.

      Children Underground

      Thesis : Children are on street because of abuses, control, no freedom for them to express their ability ,poverty; therefore, families, economic, and society should help them out of street, and engage them to choose the right path.

    1. To say that children do not have all the basic human rights that adults do is not to deny them their status as humans.

      Every child should have an equal right. Agree that children do not have all human rights, but one thing we cannot deny is they are human too. They have the most basic right to survive and grow up. Although these are the basic rights, not every child can enjoy they rights.

    2. Children are young human beings.

      Every child should have an equal right. Although children are young human beings, they still have their own rights. Society cannot deprive their rights because of their age. I agree children do not have right to vote, because their minds have not developed well and do not have a mature thought. However, every child should have the same equal right to grow up. Children are the most precious treasure in the world. No child should grow up alone. All of them should grow up with care and love. Even the parents deserted their kids, the society cannot do that. Society have to bear the responsibility of taking care those children. Society have to do everything they can to help those children.

    1. I recently evaluated a 27-year old female who met nearly every criterion for psychopathy. She sat on the couch in my office and recounted how she mutilated and killed her pet bunny with a pencil; how she took a video of the entire act; and how she hasn't regretted her actions for a moment. She epitomized cool and calm as she explained, "I looked at him and knew his days were over." This young woman is a psychopath, just one of many that may go unnoticed at work, the gym, or the supermarket.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      That is just it. Psychopaths look completely normal. Someone you pass by at the grocery store could be just like this women. Just like in Snapped, a show that deals just with women that kill or harm their spouse, you would never guess that something was wrong with these them. Knowing this make me all that more curious if walking around the mall I bumped into a women psychopath.


    1. 1,527criminals killed each year

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      This number showed that how effective it is to let civilian to own handguns. Ironically, the number of criminals killed by civilian each year is 1.5 fold more than that by trained, professional police officers. Not only this number can be used to prove the possession of handguns should not be banned, but it can also showed how possession of handguns can help inhibit crimes.

    2. 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people in UK**9 vs 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people in USA

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      This number is so strong in a sense that it is capable to show what can be cased if possession of handguns is banned by using real world example, United Kingdom, which is a developed country that is so similar to the United States on all fronts. In addition, not only does this statistic show the potential consequence of banning ownership of handguns, but it also conveys that there are no relationship between handguns possession and violent crimes.

    3. A factual look at GUNS AMERICA

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      This website showed facts and statistics about how people falsely interpret civilian possession of handgun.

    4. Gun OwnershipVs Crime an international perspective

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      Again, this website used some strong statistics to show how people overestimate the danger of possession of handguns by comparing crime rate worldwide. This showed that there are no direct correlation between crime rate and handgun ownership.

    5. Every year, guns are used over 80x more often to protect a life than to take one!

      Thesis Statement: Civilian possession of handguns should not be banned or highly restricted.

      It is a strong number that showed how people who have a gun legally use their gun and how useful it is to protect themselves. Unlike how some people think, the cases of using a gun for self defense significantly outweigh the accidents taking ones' life.

    1. Likewise, it's scientifically unheard of for two radically different viruses such as rabies and influenza to borrow traits, he said.

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal. So there is no fear of this freakishly happening in nature, it would have to be chemically engineered.

    2. Combine rabies with the ability of a flu virus to spread quickly through the air, and you might have the makings of a zombie apocalypse

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal. Now that is scary.

    3. For instance, rabies—a viral disease that infects the central nervous system—can drive people to be violently mad, according to Samita Andreansky, a virologist at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine in Florida who also appears in the documentary.

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal. Several sources point at rabies as the biggest threat to humanity for a zombie virus hybrid disease.

    1. With the use of multidrug therapy, WHO eliminated leprosy in the year 2000 and almost 16 million patients have been cured over the past 20 years. In fact, 95% of the global population is now naturally immune to leprosy

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility of becoming the real deal.Even though it is perpetually eradicated, the virus can be used to link with another for a biological weapon

    2. Ten days after the onset of initial symptoms, rabid patients usually develop zombie-like aggressive behaviors such as biting and thrashing, delusions, hallucinations, excessive salivation, high fever and excessive sweating

      Today's horror films on zombies are already real on a miniscule scale, but have the possibility to become the real deal.This helps to support my claim that zombie like diseases already exist. These symptoms are similar to what we see in some zombie movies.

    1. Empathy has the power to resolve conflict. It fact, it may be one of the most successful strategies and it costs nothing. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Being empathetic can prevent a lot of hard feelings, mostly with people you are close with. Judging those you don't know is easy to do. But realize that once you hear something bad about them, the only knowledge you have of them is negative. Get to know the person and you may find out that they are one of the greatest people you know. All it takes is one chance.

    2. It is thought that the point when one starts to treat someone as an object  is when they can become capable of cruelty. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Treating someone as an object is plain cruel. Judging them is one thing. Not taking your actions to be your responsibility is worse. A sincere apology is a simple solution to something that will become a huge problem.

    3. Empathy is understanding how another person feels or putting yourself in their shoes.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      When noticing other peoples feelings, whether it be about a mistake they've made or their feelings about someone judging them, keep in mind how they react. It shows the persons true colors. If you put yourself in their situation and just think about how they might feel, it may prevent you from judging and also hurting their feelings.

    4. People are not interacting face to face much anymore.  They Facebook, text, chat online, but in order to be empathetic, one must learn to read others’ faces, particularly the eyes.  People are not born with this ability, they develop it.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      The lack of face to face communication may play a role in the lack of empathy in American society. Seeing feelings first-hand has to be one of the best ways to be empathetic.

    5. Cognitive is the recognition or understanding part that drives us to identify another person’s thoughts and feelings, emotional is the reaction to someone’s thoughts and feelings that drive us to respond appropriately. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Put yourself in their shoes. Perhaps you've been in a similar situation to theirs. Then, remember how you felt about your mistake and being judged. Respond appropriately to the person in an understanding manor.

    6. The Loss of Empathy in Society Today

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      By focusing on peoples demerits, society can make others look a lot worse than what they really are. But those who judge are perfect. Right?

    1. Appeasement emboldened Hitler and provided the German people with successes. The humiliation of Versailles was buried in a new, powerful nation. Hitler had made promises to them and followed through with tangible results. All of this might have been avoided had Britain, France, and even Russia taken a firmer line with Hitler.

      Thesis: "Superiority of one person over another is inhumane and immoral."

      History means nothing unless we learn from it, and shall we not we are doomed to repeat it. That is why I feel so strongly that the superiority complex is such a serious issue. It was the mentality behind Nazi Germany, and had it been dealt with when it first arose, WWII may have been avoided entirely.