25 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. I am deeply sorry. But you must understand that this was not my endeavor, I was under the command of men with no mercy. I wish I could turn back the time.

      Every child should have an equal right. In this statement, we can see how sorry is Ibrahim. He had no choice, and he was under command. Also he wants to go back to the past, that shows he regretted what did he do before. That was a heavy burden for a young children.

    2. “I saw other soldiers rape 11 women,” he said. “Personally I did attempt to rape one of the women and she hit me. And I lost my temper and I shot her.… She is dead.”

      Every child should have an equal right. As a soldier, it is easy to lost control, especially in emotional aspect. Losing temper can lead us to do some uncontrollable thing. And also it may make us forget our personality to do something we will regret later.

    3. Ibrahim (not his real name), one of the soldiers, had been recruited into the RSF right after high school, at the age of 17.

      Every child should have an equal right. A boy became a soldier after hight school graduate, and he is 17-year-old only. How can a 17-year-old boy bear the pressure of working as a soldier? His mental must be harmed, especially when he hurting or killing people.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. Both of these, she has discovered, could help people do better in school and the job market.

      Everyone wants to have a better life. Curiosity and conscientiousness not only benefit your education, but it also advantage your future career. Doing better in school and the job market is the first step to have a better future.

    2. "It's not a huge surprise if you think of it, that hard work (conscientiousness) would be a predictor of academic performance,"

      Totally agree this statement. If you're lazy and don't study for all the tests and exams, it is nearly impossible that you will get an "A" in the final. There is no one you can blame on. The only thing you can blame is yourself. So be conscientious and don't regret.

    3. long-term academic and professional performance

      Being curious and conscientious benefit on our education too. Without the curiosity, we won't have motivation to learn new things. Without the conscientiousness, we won't have incentive to study what we learn. We cannot have a better result without these two important elements.

    4. it is the key to your success

      Curiosity is not for a child only. Everyone need to be curious, even you are adult. Staying curious helps us to discover more and learn more about our life. It helps us to be a better person.

    1. Children are sometimes forced to kill or maim a family member

      Every child should have an equal right. Although they are soldiers who need to obey the commands, forcing them to kill people that will harm their health. The harm not only appear physically, but it also affect their mental. For a young children, killing people is a heavy mental burden. It may cause different mental disorder which can affect their health.

    2. 250,000 child soldiers in the world today

      Every child should have an equal right. Do not realize there still have child soldiers in the world, and it is not a small amount. Cannot believe the children are used in military use in the modern world. Most countries and governments state they care about the children; however, some of them still using children as a soldiers .

    1. Reynaldo

      Every child should have an equal right. Reynaldo's interview video

    2. Carrying Heavy Loads

      Every child should have an equal right. The harms of children carry heavy loads in work not only appear in physically, but also in mentally. Carrying heavy loads for a long time may cause the physical hurts which may affect children growth and development. Moreover, children work long hours in a stressful environment may also lead to the detriment of their mental health. I think children have the right to grow up in a health environment. Also, the society have to provide a better working environment for the children.

    3. Mining in Underground Pits

      Every child should have an equal right. Not only mining underwater is dangerous, but also risky of mining in underground. There are so many risks of working in that dangerous environment. Although children cannot choose which living class they born in, doesn't mean they do not have right to work in a better environment.

    4. Human Rights Watch interviewed seven boys working in compressor mining and three young adults who started this work as children.

      Every child should have an equal right. We can see how scared the children are thought the interviews. They felt cold and fear for working in dark and underwater. They risk their life in mining which may lack of oxygen under the water. Their life is threatened.

    5. a narrow wooden shaft (approximately 70 x 70 centimeters)

      Every child should have an equal right. It is a very small area. How can the divers and children enter in and stay inside for several hours? They should be very scary and cold without any sunlight.

    6. Diving underwater for several hours in 10-meter-deep shafts, miners receive air from a tube attached to a diesel-run air compressor at the surface.

      Every child should have an equal right. It sounds crazy that the children have to dive underwater for few hours in a deep pit with a small tube only. It is very risky for adult already, how about the children? How does the government allow their children do this dangerous work? Is it necessary to mine gold by human, even the children?

    7. 2009 statement by the ILO

      Every child should have an equal right. World days against child labor 2009

    8. 14 percent of children who live in mining areas work in mining.

      Every child should have an equal right. 14 is not a big number, but it is a large percentage in children. Working in mining is a dangerous work. It is sad that there are so many children who work in mining. Can't believe they have to bear the risk in a young age and live in a terrible environment. Children deserve working in a safe environment.

    9. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention

      Every child should have an equal right. Child Labor Convention

    10. International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Age Convention

      Ever child should have an equal right. Minimum Age Concertion

  3. Oct 2015
    1. The government should improve child labor monitoring and child protection systems, and do more to reach those who have dropped out of school.

      Every child should have an equal right. Agree that the government should work for the children. Only governmental policies can help the children to get back their rights and improve their living.

    2. Child Labor in Small-Scale Gold Mines

      Every child should have an equal right. This article shows there are thousands of children in the Philippines are living under the unequal right. Those children are risking their lives on mining gold everyday. They are working in dangerous environments (like underwater, underground pits). Although the majority of child laborers are between age 11 to 17, the younger children are found in the labor force too. Every child has an equal right do not happen in reality, it is a fantasy. Society takes advantage from children who are mining gold. A young child has to bear a heavy workload which may hurt them. Not only are they endure for the injury, but they are also suffering in a mental torture. They felt fear and pain.

    1. To say that children do not have all the basic human rights that adults do is not to deny them their status as humans.

      Every child should have an equal right. Agree that children do not have all human rights, but one thing we cannot deny is they are human too. They have the most basic right to survive and grow up. Although these are the basic rights, not every child can enjoy they rights.

    2. Children are young human beings.

      Every child should have an equal right. Although children are young human beings, they still have their own rights. Society cannot deprive their rights because of their age. I agree children do not have right to vote, because their minds have not developed well and do not have a mature thought. However, every child should have the same equal right to grow up. Children are the most precious treasure in the world. No child should grow up alone. All of them should grow up with care and love. Even the parents deserted their kids, the society cannot do that. Society have to bear the responsibility of taking care those children. Society have to do everything they can to help those children.