51 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. I am deeply sorry. But you must understand that this was not my endeavor, I was under the command of men with no mercy. I wish I could turn back the time.

      Every child should have an equal right. In this statement, we can see how sorry is Ibrahim. He had no choice, and he was under command. Also he wants to go back to the past, that shows he regretted what did he do before. That was a heavy burden for a young children.

    2. “I saw other soldiers rape 11 women,” he said. “Personally I did attempt to rape one of the women and she hit me. And I lost my temper and I shot her.… She is dead.”

      Every child should have an equal right. As a soldier, it is easy to lost control, especially in emotional aspect. Losing temper can lead us to do some uncontrollable thing. And also it may make us forget our personality to do something we will regret later.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. Patagonia, a company known for its strong environmental ethic and sustainable manufacturing processes, has also declined to work with Browne

      Why are they declining to work with him? What are they trying to hide?

    2. “minimal”

      There is nothing minimal about this issue.

    3. 1,900 individual fibers can be rinsed off a single synthetic garment - ending up in our oceans.

      1,900 fibers from a single garment, think about the millions of clothing sold each year and the amount of times it is washed, goodness gracious.

      Also the amount of water used to produce these fibers is ridiculous.

    1. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

      Everyone is worth something. We just have to prove that to others. If we do nothing, we won't be worth much. Waiting for change and expecting things to be handed to us will not improve our society. By applying ourselves to what we want to improve, we have the power to change the world!

    2. they certainly can’t publicly praise anyone – that might make others feel inadequate.

      If we accomplish something that deserves recognition, the way others feel about not getting recognized for what they didn't do should not be an issue. The only reason someone should be recognized is if they truly deserve recognition.

    3. If people believe it makes no difference how they perform – that everyone’s the same, competition is bad, everyone’s a winner, and exceptional qualities will not be rewarded or even recognized – they’re left with nothing to strive for. Stripped of the will to achieve, they’ll settle into a life of dependency and mediocrity.

      Having goals is the only way to become successful. By setting goals for ourselves, we can become self-motivated. First, we need to apply our goals to how hard we are going to work so that we can accomplish them. Once our goals have been achieved by our work, we know that we are deserving of what we have earned due to how hard we've worked for them. Those who don't work hard for themselves, shouldn't expect free hand-outs.

    4. Everyone gets life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rest is up to the individual.

      In America, the fact that we all get life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a huge blessing. We all have a world of opportunity waiting for us. All we have to do is get up and work for those opportunities.

    5. If people believe that rewards are based solely on their own merits – that the sky’s the limit and how far they go in life rests solely on their shoulders – that’s an incentive to be self-reliant and reach for the stars.

      Everyone has the power to change what the future holds for them as individuals. The choices we make everyday can have a huge impact on the future. If we strive to be successful and work for our goals, we are more than likely to achieve them. Sitting around and waiting for our goals to be handed to us will only put us farther and farther behind.

    6. On the surface, the idea of filtering our communication so as not to exclude or offend anyone seems fairly benign

      Most people don't walk around with the intentions of hurting other peoples feelings. Unfortunately some people do to boost their own confidence. Others may not even know when they are doing something hurtful. I am a believer that the way we are taught to respect others can form us into who we are on a social level.

    7. There is no more visible sign of where we’re heading than the growing pervasiveness of political correctness.

      Political correctness is a commonly talked about subject now a days. The way that we practice political correctness reflects on us as a society.

    8. People are defined by their deeds, not their words.

      Those who do good, are normally known as good people. Everyone has their own morals in which they practice everyday. We as humans make mistakes. Most commonly in what we say. When others know who we are by how we act, they usually know if our words reflect how we act. When we say things we don't mean, others may know that what we said may not be the same as how we normally feel when we aren't in the heat of the moment.

    1. How Militarization Came About:

      Includes important information on the start of militarization in police departments.

    2. Too understand the problem of militarization within the police system we must understand the main causes, the effects this militarization has on the policing system along with society, the reasons the militarization of the police has happen, and the alternatives to this militaristic police system

      This article goes into detail explaining what the causes and effects of militarization are.

    3. In a famous controversial experiment, Stanley Milgram tested people’s obedience to authority. In this experiment he picked people from different walks of life and instructed them they were doing a learning experiment (Milgram 1974). These participants played a word matching game with someone they thought was also a participant. When a wrong word was given the participant would shock this other player who happened to be an actor. These shocks increased in intensity until “XXX” was printed next to the shock lever. Even though the other player was screaming in pain and toward the end silent 65 percent of participants continued until the highest voltage marked “XXX”. It didn’t take a threat to their life or their family just a remark from an authoritative figure saying the experiment must go on (Milgram 1974). This study not only shows the willingness of people to be obedient and not question authority but also the dangers of having a hierarchical system. The results of this experiment and the use of this system almost would make sense from a military stand point.

      This experiment is important to note on the effects of hierarchy systems.

    4. The structure of the police system is modeled after the military structure

      Why is this? A military structure is what leads the police system to militarization and police being more soldier-like.

    5. hese militarized units are known in the law enforcement field as SWAT teams. These SWAT teams are trained in military style tactics, are equipped with specialized weapons such as submachi

      These are important facts.

    1. Both of these, she has discovered, could help people do better in school and the job market.

      Everyone wants to have a better life. Curiosity and conscientiousness not only benefit your education, but it also advantage your future career. Doing better in school and the job market is the first step to have a better future.

    2. "It's not a huge surprise if you think of it, that hard work (conscientiousness) would be a predictor of academic performance,"

      Totally agree this statement. If you're lazy and don't study for all the tests and exams, it is nearly impossible that you will get an "A" in the final. There is no one you can blame on. The only thing you can blame is yourself. So be conscientious and don't regret.

    3. long-term academic and professional performance

      Being curious and conscientious benefit on our education too. Without the curiosity, we won't have motivation to learn new things. Without the conscientiousness, we won't have incentive to study what we learn. We cannot have a better result without these two important elements.

    4. it is the key to your success

      Curiosity is not for a child only. Everyone need to be curious, even you are adult. Staying curious helps us to discover more and learn more about our life. It helps us to be a better person.

    1. Poverty has a greater correlation to violent crime than access to firearms. Education and poverty are directly linked. In short, we don’t have a gun problem in the United States, we have a cultural problem.

      True. America do have education problem. Sometimes crime rates is an indicator of one's education system. If we want to solve gun problem, gun control would not help us uproot it, but education does. However, gun control is a short term solution to the problem of frequent mass shootings recently, I totally disagree that gun control helps nothing about the problem, but I do agree gun ban is unnecessary.

    2. United Kingdom

      A solid logos example of proving gun ban does not work the way we hope.

    3. Everything you need to manufacture firearms is available at Home Depot. The materials needed to manufacture a 12 gauge shotgun cost about $20. If someone wanted to build a fully automatic Mac-10 style submachine gun, it would probably cost about $60.

      An example of logos. Restriction on gun rights would never work because there are so many alternative ways for people, who try to commit crimes with firearms, to get a gun besides buying it legally. As shown in this article, a 12 gauge shotgun merely cost about $20 in Home Depot.

    1. "A technology solution is incredibly important. We need to take the temptation away from people before it happens,

      Not just that their family member need to be in part of their teenager lives to educate them or engage them not to talk, text. For instance, if they talk, text while driving not harm themselves, they can harm others as well.

    1. Four-year colleges and universities may have remote campuses but are normally found in larger communities. 

      If you want to get away from home and have a chance to start over new and meet a lot of new people, then go away to a university.

    2. Community colleges are spaced all throughout the country in rural and urban communities and sometimes have multiple campuses.

      If you like being close to home or don't want to leave home, then there should be a community college relatively near by.

    3. Vocational programs allow students to take classes that are specifically linked to certain careers. 

      These programs offered by community colleges are a lot shorter than 4 years at a university but the major difference is whether you want a certificate or a degree because a degree will get you further but it'll take you longer and a certificate wont take you as long to receive but you can only do so much with it.

    4. Four-year colleges may have similar classes but you will earn a degree in that program rather than go straight into certification. 

      Some jobs require degrees over certifications now and if that is so, then a university is where the person getting the education for the job should go.

    5. Rural colleges may offer more agriculture classes, while urban colleges may have more technology classes. 

      I've honestly never thought of this being a difference in colleges. It does make sense for colleges in specific places to provide education that is geared to the location they are in.

    6. community colleges serve age ranges from 16-65+

      You can find 16 year olds at community colleges doing a running start program or just starting their education early. You can also find older adults going to a community college to either further their education because some jobs are now requiring more years of college or they are just now starting off their college career because the demand for a college degree in some jobs is higher now compared to when they were younger and it's harder for them to find a career they want without the degree.

    7. Four-year colleges are known to have a majority of “traditional aged” students (18-25)

      If you'd rather be around people that are younger then most universities are younger. So if you're just now getting out of high school or just got an associates degree and you're in your early 20's then you'll be around the same aged people at a university.

    8. Cost varies depending on whether the institution is public or private

      Overall, community college is cheaper.

    9. It is important to know which degree type is preferred for your future professional objective.

      In my opinion, if the job you are going to school for only requires two years of college, go to the community college if money matters because it is a lot cheaper! But if money doesn't matter, then it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of each type of college.

    10. four-year colleges your general classes can surpass 100 students.

      If you don't care about asking questions in the middle of a class and you'd rather go to the professors office hours, then this may be better for you. Also if you don't care about knowing your professor or classmates then a university class should work fine for you.

    11. community colleges won’t exceed 30 per class

      Therefore, if you like being able to ask questions in the middle of class then you'll be able to. If you want to have a closer relationship with your professor and actually have them know your name, this is for you. If you don't like being around a bunch of people in a room, this is for you. If you want to know the people in you class, this is for you because there wont be 100+ people to get to know.

    12. Understanding your options for higher education is key to determine what best fits you as a student.

      I picked this article/ blog because of this statement. Many students or soon to be students don't know the difference between a community college and a university. I think that more people need to be educated in the difference between the two in order pick the best type of college for them to go to.

    1. Video games have great educational potential in addition to their entertainment value.

      Isn't there a commercial going around for a child education website, where the way they learn is through video games? Education and entertainment can go hand in hand.

    2. What’s also clear from the scientific literature is that the negative consequences of playing almost always involve people who are excessive video game players

      To go even further, of that number- the players who excessively play- only the most extreme cases are the ones who suffer from the negative consequences. I know many people who play video games every day, and throughout the day, and none of them have really any of the negative side effects.

    3. The enhanced learning of the regularity and structure of environments may act as a core mechanism by which action video game play influences performance in perception, attention, and cognition.

      These can also appeal to real world situations.

    4. I know from my own research examining both sides that my papers on video game addiction receive far more publicity than my research into the social benefits of, for example, playing online role-playing games.

      People today will always focus on the bad, and blow them up to proportions where they were never meant to be. There will almost always be a good side to things, and one can take those into account while coming up with solutions to the bad sides.

    5. Purported negative effects such as addiction, increased aggression, and various health consequences such as obesity and repetitive strain injuries

      These are definitely a problem, but there are many different solutions to each of these. With addiction, simply take a break, maybe the players can go outside for a walk and stretch their legs. This would also help with the obesity problem. Along with that, there are many active games, so one would just have to find the right game to play. Same with aggression, if someone is angry because of a game, play a different one or take a break. Every gamer needs a break once in a while. That would help with the strain as well.

    6. Video games have an appeal that crosses many demographic boundaries, such as age, gender, ethnicity, or educational attainment. They can be used to help set goals and rehearse working toward them, provide feedback, reinforcement, self-esteem, and maintain a record of behavioral change.

      And with the rise in technology in this age, there is no doubt going to be more and more games being released every year. This is the time for people to get interested in these, and work towards making them better and more helpful even.

    1. On Monday, Ms. Durst’s mother, Ann McCormack, who is 101, and three sisters — Carol Bamonte, Mary Hughes and Virginia McKeon — filed a $100 million lawsuit against the man they have long suspected of killing her: Robert A. Durst, her husband. The lawsuit contends that Mr. Durst violated the McCormack family’s right to sepulcher, a rarely used New York law granting family members the immediate right to possession of a body for burial.

      The first person to become a suspect in a murder case is the spouse of the victim. I think filing a lawsuit against the person suspected seems fair. But getting $100 million from it isn't going to bring her back. Why would they think that much money is necessary?

    1. He told reporters he has no doubt that money played a role in the case.

      NO justice for the family who lost their love one and Money play important role in this case. I can't believe they would do something to their people, I think for someone people that are not the same ethnicity I think they would lose the case before they starting because they don't understand and no money.

    2. Eric Boyles, who lost his wife and daughter in the crash, disagrees.

      so sad and so Sorry for his lost and I don't think he deserve probation, he deserve death plenty.

    1. warning signs

      Don't ignore these. This is serious and I can't stress this enough.

    2. finals week is synonomous with stress. Final projects, papers and exam preperation are overwhelming for most;

      Can we all relate to this?

    3. concerns of suicidal behavior often increase with midterm and finals.

      My friends and I got together over the weekend and the ones who go away to college were telling us about all the stories of suicide attempts at their schools recently because of the stress of finals.

    4. Counseling Center.”

      Know where your counseling center is. More often than not, counseling from your college or university is free with your tuition.