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  1. Nov 2015
    1. One police executive has even suggested that the police function should be divided into two separate agencies under one department: one agency for law enforce- ment, the other for community ~ervic

      This is an interesting statement and could be utilized effectively.

    2. . Community policing ac- knowledges that police cannot succeed in achieving their basic goals without both the operational assistance and political sup- port of the community. Conversely, the community cannot succeed in constructing decent, open, and orderly communities without a professional and responsive police for~e.

      This suggests that one cannot operate efficiently and safely without the other.

    3. Community Policing and the Police Officer I By Edwin Meese II

      credible source

    1. Children are sometimes forced to kill or maim a family member

      Every child should have an equal right. Although they are soldiers who need to obey the commands, forcing them to kill people that will harm their health. The harm not only appear physically, but it also affect their mental. For a young children, killing people is a heavy mental burden. It may cause different mental disorder which can affect their health.

    2. 250,000 child soldiers in the world today

      Every child should have an equal right. Do not realize there still have child soldiers in the world, and it is not a small amount. Cannot believe the children are used in military use in the modern world. Most countries and governments state they care about the children; however, some of them still using children as a soldiers .

    1. I had this idea of a ‘Good Cop,’” Wood said, “that was a kind of Robocop. Someone without human bias. I tried to separate my emotions from the job, I formed a wall between myself and the suspects. I thought that was how you enforce a law equally.

      This is really a great statement that he is express his characteristic !

    1. But bloated militarylike responses take psychological tolls, Stamper says. When officers begin to dress like soldiers, their uniform and vocabulary of war reinforces their mind-sets. As they become more soldierlike and less peace officer–like, they become distanced from the community. “If you’ve taken on the identity of your badge and uniform, it’s not what you do, it’s who you are,” Stamper says. “Psychologically it’s a tragedy.”

      This supports my entire argument and thesis statement: How police officers play an authoritative role in a community to keep a balance between peace among citizens and authority among crime suspects.

    1. First, is that the zombie virus slows decomposition by providing cells with some nutrients. Second, is that the immune system, at least a crippled version, still functions to slow human bacterial flora from consuming their host. Third, it could be presumed that while some cell division continues, repairs and restoration are lost. Fourth, the virus would likely only preserve essential functions, allowing irrelevant parts of the body, such as skin, secondary musculature, and some organs to decay. Finally, we can presume the virus itself must consume flesh to some degree, rendering the zombie’s metabolic processes incredibly inefficient and explaining the insatiability of a zombie

      So, wouldn't it make sense to say that the body isn't entirely dead? The body has to function in order to do all these things which usually links back to blood flow and a beating heart.

    2. Thus we aren’t dealing with the “undead” so much as the violently insane

      This supports my claim that zombies are not dead and can also back up the information on rabies.

    1. As it is, the educational systems risks "popping out robots who are on treadmills, with very little time to reflect," she said.

      The school system is brainwashing students into thinking that their whole lives depend on getting high enough grades. While this is true, the extent that it goes to is blown out of proportion. The assignments are being graded too hard, and the information within them might be too difficult for the students to process or learn at a fast enough rate to succeed. Each person learns at a different speed, and the school system ignores that.

    2. "In every class where a test was administered, there was cheating," Pope said. Students feel as if their life success depends on getting the top SAT scores and the highest grades, she added. The students "know [cheating] is wrong; they tell me they wish they didn't do it," she said. "But they feel like the most important thing they do is get the grades, by hook or by crook."

      We're raising a generation of liars and schemers.

    3. Denise Clark Pope
    4. Pressure for good grades often leads to high stress, cheating, professors say

      This is practically my thesis in a nutshell. This is definitely going to be a helpful article.

    5. Instead, panelists linked cheating to the social pressure put on students to prize high grades over education and other values, including creativity and imagination.

      Cheating is just one of the ways that this high stress can affect students. The school system is trying to make everyone look and think the same by giving out standardized assignments and created an atmosphere that students cannot be themselves.

    1. Allowing for this recognition offers us the possibility of composing a more measured and less defensive reply.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rereading the message in different tones can only make things function more smoothly. Practicing this can prevent a lot of petty arguments and hurt feelings.

    2. The exercise of considering distressing emails and texts from a different perspective highlights how thoroughly—and often!—our understanding is shaped by emotions and imaginings from inside ourselves.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      It isn't always how the messenger words things. How the receiver reads the message is up to them.

    3. Of course, your initial take on the message’s tone and intent might be entirely correct. The point is we cannot be assured of this—there is always uncertainty inherent in fully comprehending another person’s mind and heart. Especially if their expression arrives via email or text.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If the messenger has a history of being selfish and thoughtlessness, reading their messages in that tone can sometimes be correct. There is still a chance for us to read it incorrectly even with the knowledge of their personality. The only person who knows the true intent of the message is the messenger.

    4. Try to think of an alternative interpretation featuring the author’s good will toward you (or, at least, the absence of malevolence).

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Thinking about the messengers good will toward ourselves creates a much more positive perception when receiving text messages from them. Think of how they act when face-to-face with them.

    5. ask yourself: can I understand this message in another way?  That is, in a way other than the one you find upsetting.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rereading the message is a good way to get a better understanding of the message. What we come up with may still be wrong.

    6. the writer might have been feeling particularly cozy toward their partner at that moment, with no awareness of how their words might be received.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      When the writer is truly being kind in a message and the receiver misunderstands the intentions, it becomes very frustrating to get the point across. To add to that, when the receiver replies after perceiving the message as offensive, the messenger may feel confused and sometimes a little hurt.

    7. Words may be read and understood in an almost infinite number of ways.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      It is very simple to read one sentence in multiple tones.

    8. our relationship with the specific person who has sent the message—our particular thoughts and feelings about them—also informs the way in which we fill in the unknown or unclear parts of the communication, the blanks.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If we have negative experiences with someone, often times we will perceive their text messages negatively. The same goes for those whom we have positive experiences. By filling in the unclear blanks of a message, we are being pretty unfair to the messenger.

    9. if we are given to feeling criticized, we will read criticism into the words; if we are nervous about being rejected, “evidence” confirming this will be easily discovered; and if we are anxious about demands being made on us, many messages will read as imperatives.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Often times, those who receive the message are mostly to blame for the misunderstanding. Reading a text message takes the right mindset in order for the conversation to be functional. It is very important that the receiver does not put words into the messengers mouth by assuming their intentions.

    10. In the absence of facial expression, tone of voice, gesture or good old-fashioned “vibe,” we have very little to help us discern what the other person is trying to tell us. Without these clarifying cues, we frequently “fill in the blanks” with our customary worries and assumptions.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Without tone of voice or facial expressions, texting is not the greatest way to communicate. When we perceive the messengers intentions wrongly, feelings can get hurt and arguments can ensue.

    11. forward the note to a friend for confirmation of its awfulness

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      I personally think that this is unhealthy. I understand if someone were to ask another close friend what they perceive from the message, but to show it to someone in order to make the messenger look bad or mean is not okay.

    12. Before we know it, we are furiously tapping out a reply that often increases the bad feeling exponentially.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Once we basically assume what the tone of the message is, whether it be good or bad, a simple conversation can turn ugly. If people find themselves in situations like this, perhaps it would be better to call the messenger and ask for clarification of their intentions of their message.

    13. what we believe is being said may have very little  to do with what the author wishes to communicate.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This is how texting can become difficult when it comes to communicating with others. It is almost impossible to know what the tone of the message is.

    14. Without any information other than words—typically, very few words—the meaning we make out of the cryptic electronic messages we receive is necessarily shaped by our own feelings and expectations.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      When receiving text messages, we can often misconstrue what the intention of the message is by what we already feel and expect.

    1. Factory workers in China, where a lot of clothing is manufactured, are increasingly pressing for higher wages.
    2. it gets recycled into industrial rags and insulation, or even thrown out altogether — generating the term "landfill fashion."
    3. "I remember my mother would take me shopping in August for the fall, and I would just be dying, putting on these itchy sweaters when it was 90 degrees outside," recalls Sharon Graubard, Stylesight's design director. "Nobody does that anymore."

      The basic structure of the fashion industry was way different until the late 1980s.

    4. Customers can now easily see the latest fashions online and have become conditioned to expect a constant stream of trendy new styles from retailers

      Fashion today is kinda like a Twitter feed. You have to keep refreshing for new ideas and trends at a constant rate.

    5. Stefan Persson, is the 17th richest person on the planet, with a net worth of $26.3 billion

      I don't get rich people mentality. They have the power to change the world but what do they even do with their money?

    6. It's so cheap that it isn't even worth returning if we get home and decide we don't like it,

      This is the problem with consumerism. People buy things based on the price rather than on the basis of need.

    1. "My Brother's Keeper"
    2. The Task Force released its final report Monday with a "blue print" for law enforcement and communities to utilize including recommendations of how to promote trust within the community, such as police embracing "a guardian- rather than a warrior" mindset to build legitimacy. Other recommendations include creating a diverse police workforce, implementing policies that reflect community values and better training for officers.

      https://www.policeone.com/leadership/articles/8633970-Warriors-vs-Guardians-A-seismic-shift-in-policing-or-just-semantics/ “Law enforcement should embrace a guardian — rather than a warrior — mindset to build trust and legitimacy both within agencies and with the public.” You need to have trust within a community and should be able to look up to local police officers. Seeing huge tanks around a city may not be a solution.

    3. Task Force on 21st Century Policing
    4. These include riot control equipments and drones. Federal agencies will also require local police to provide more data so the government can better track equipment. Local police can still bypass the federal restrictions and bans by buying the equipment from private sellers.

      The controlled list is much more police based. Riots do happen around the country and the police need the right type of tools in order to control it. Bypassing the federal restrictions by buying equipment from private sellers seems wrong. The equipment being banned is banned for a reason.

    5. The banned list includes: tank-like armored vehicles that move on tracks, certain types of camouflage uniforms, bayonets, firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or higher, grenade launchers, and weaponized aircraft.

      All of these on the list are some things you could find in a war. They should not be allowed to be used by police. It makes sense that they are banned.

    6. "It can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message."

      It can very easily send the wrong message to the local residents. Even knowing there is a military vehicle in Rockford makes me a little uneasy. It makes sense to the police to park it near areas of high crime but I think people get nervous enough seeing a police car parked somewhere in their neighborhood. I couldn't imagine seeing a huge tank.

    7. The Obama administration on Monday moved to prohibit federal agencies from providing local cops with certain kinds of military equipment such as grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and bayonets,

      Local cops shouldn't have military based equipment. I understand that tragic events that lead to riots occur, but the local police should not be the ones with this sort of power.

    1. How their green camouflage would aid them in a real urban school shooting is hard to fathom

      Exactly. Why would camouflage be needed during a school shooting? It's not like the school is decorated like a war zone with desert land or marsh land. Camouflage shouldn't be used by police officers since they aren't going to be in areas or situations where they need to "blend in".

    2. it's problematic when police officers dress and arm themselves like combat soldiers,

      It really is problematic because the citizens seeing police dressed like soldiers can develop more fear thinking that something is really wrong but in reality, it's just the police blowing whatever they are facing out of proportion thinking they need to be dressed for war.

    3. Those in the arena who didn't hear the announcement over the loudspeaker doubtless thought that they were watching a young enlistee back from fighting in Afghanistan or soon to deploy abroad. 

      This is awful. I even think that it should be called impersonation. The crowd even thought he was a soldier!

    4. hands a puck to officer Joe Reginek of the St. Paul Police SWAT team for a ceremonial puck drop after Reginek rappelled to the ice from the rafters

      It's ridiculous that this police officer rappelled from the rafters in what looks like army or military apparel and he's not even a soldier.

    5. That is not a special forces soldier dangling from the roof of the arena in camouflage

      It's not a soldier? Well then why is he dressed like he is a soldier? sarcasm

    6. Police can make themselves less safe by being overly aggressive and militaristic.

      I agree. When they are acting more militaristic and less community-oriented then the people start to fear them or even dislike them, which could cause harm to them because they could be seen as a threat almost.

    7. Ferguson authorities reacted in exactly the wrong way.

      They created more fear in the citizens causing more reaction from them and more rioting.

    8. Soldiers are not police and police are not soldiers. Therefore, police should stop acting like soldiers.