71 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
    1. <content> <rng:ref name="height"/> <rng:ref name="width"/> </content>
    2. <text> <body> <div xml:lang="la"> <p n="a#1"> Christierno Hen<ex>n</ex>ingi presbitero Roskildensis diocesis </p> <p n="a#2">Benigno etc.</p> <p n="a#3"> Cum itaque <damage>si</damage>cut exhibita nobis … </p> … </div> <body> </text>
    3. <text> <p> Christierno Hen<ex>n</ex>ingi presbitero Roskildensis diocesis </p> <p> Benigno etc.</p> <p> Cum itaque <damage>si</damage>cut exhibita nobis …</p> … </text>
    4. <langUsage> <language ident="la">Main language: latin</language> </langUsage>
    5. <samplingDecl> <ab>Excerpt from <ref>A</ref>. The first three paragraphs have been omitted because they are unrelated to Danish matters</ab> </samplingDecl>
    6. <samplingMethod> <textCompleteness>excerpt</textCompleteness> <sourceSiglum>A</sourceSiglum> <samplingNote>The first three paragraphs have been omitted as they are unrelated to Danish matters</samplingNote> </samplingMethod>
    7. <additional> <listBibl> <bibl>Kirkehist. Saml. V 99</bibl> <bibl>Bull. Dan. 358 nr. 466</bibl> <bibl>Rep. nr. 5872</bibl> </listBibl> </additional>
    8. <bibliographicEntry>Kirkehist. Saml. V 99</bibliographicEntry> <bibliographicEntry>Bull. Dan. 358 nr. 466</bibliographicEntry> <bibliographicEntry>Rep. nr. 5872 (i udtog)</bibliographicEntry>
    9. …</summary> <msItemStruct> <filiation> <ab>The document is an apograph from the document of 1388, January 21, Diplomatarium Danicum III, 331</ab> </filiation> </msItemStruct>…
    10. <history> <ab>The letter was registered in the registry of the letters at Vallř (1541), published <ref>Thiset, Adel. Brevkister 137</ref></ab> </history>
    11. <sealDesc> <seal n="0" type="empty"> <ab>empty <ref>empty</ref></ab> </seal> </sealDesc>
    12. <seal> <sealNumber>0</sealNumber> <sealStatus>empty</sealStatus> <sealDescription>empty</sealDescription> <sealReferenceWork>empty</sealReferenceWork> </seal>
    13. <sealDesc> <seal n="1" type="pendant"> <ab>The seal of Jens Olufsen in black wax. Legend: <q>S IOHANNES OLAVI</q> <ref>DAS 1061</ref> </ab> </seal> </sealDesc>
    14. <seal> <sealNumber>1</sealNumber> <sealStatus>pendant</sealStatus> <sealDescription>Seal of Jens Olufsen in black wax. Legend: <q>S IOHANNES OLAVI</q></sealDescription> <sealReferenceWork>DAS 1061</sealReferenceWork> </seal> …
    15. <additions> <ab> On the verso the inscription: <q>Item Hr. Peder Griis<ex>s</ex>es gaffvebreff. 1413</q></ab> </additions>
    16. <handDesc> <handNote> <ab>The text is written by the same scribe as <ref target="14251102001"/>, <ref target="14251102002"/> and <ref target="14251102003"/> </ab> </handNote> </handDesc>
    17. <handDescription>The text is written by the same scribe as<ref target="14251102001"/>, <ref target="14251102002"/> and <ref target="14251102003"/> </handDescription>
    18. <layoutDesc> <ab>The text is arranged in two columns</ab> </layoutDesc>
    19. <condition> <ab>The document is severely damaged by fire and water</ab> </condition>
    20. <extent> <dimensions unit="cm"> <height>17.2 (plica: 0.6)</heigh> <width>24.3</width> </dimensions> </extent>
    21. <manuscriptMaterial>parch</manuscriptMaterial> <manuscriptHeight>17.2</manuscriptHeight> <manuscriptWidth>24.3</manuscriptWidth> <manuscriptPlica>0.6</manuscriptPlica> …
    22. <witness xml:id="A"> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <settlement>Copenhagen</settlement> <repository>Rigsarkivet</repository> <idno>NKR c-2732</idno> <msName>empty</msName> </msIdentifier> …
    23. <witnessSigil>A</witnessSigil> <archivePlaceName>Copenhagen</archivePlaceName> <archiveName>Rigsarkivet</archiveName> <inventoryNumber>NKR c-2732</inventoryNumber> <manuscriptName>empty</manuscriptName>
    24. The template <textId>14201127001</textId> yields TEI <idno type="dd"> 14201127001 </idno>.
    25. <editor> <name xml:id="mh"> <forename type="first">Markus</forename> <surname>Hedemann</surname> </name> </editor>
    26. <revision> <established who="#alk" when="2010-06-02"/> <proofFirst who="#jon" when="2010-10-10"/> <proofSecond who="#nil" when="99999999"/> <proofThird who="#nil" when="99999999"/> </revision>…
    27. <revisionDesc> <change when="2010-06-02" who="#mh">Document established by Markus Hedemann, June 2, 2010</change> <change when="2010-10-10" who="#jon">Proof read once by Jonathan Adams, October 10, 2010</change> <change when="99999999" who="#nil">nil</change> <change when="99999999" who="#nil">nil</change> </revisionDesc>
    28. <textCreationTimeEarliest>1420-11-27</textCreationTimeEarliest> <textCreationTimeLatest>1420-11-27</textCreationTimeLatest>
    29. <textCreationTimeCertainty>high</textCreationTimeCertainty>
    30. <textCreationTimeEarliest>1420-11-27</textCreationTimeEarliest> <textCreationTimeLatest>1420-11-27</textCreationTimeLatest> <textCreationTimeCertainty>high</textCreationTimeCertainty> <textCreationPlace>Roskilde</textCreationPlace> <textCreationPlaceCertainty>high</textCreationPlaceCertainty> transforms into the following TEI structure:
    31. <creation> <date not-before="1425-02-01" not-after="1425-02-01" cert="high">1425, 1 February</date> <placeName cert="high">Roskilde</placeName> </creation>
    32. <msContents> <summary> King Erik 7. of Pomerania summons… </summary> </msContents>

      Blocked differently than DM

    33. <extent>Base text, number of words: <num n="words">535</num>, paragraphs: <num n="paragraphs">23</num>. Translation, number of words: <num n="words">592</num>, paragraphs: <num n="paragraphs">23</num> </extent>
    34. <elementSpec ident="publisher" module="core" mode="change"> <content> <rng:value>Danish Society for Language and Literature</rng:value> </content> </elementSpec>
    35. <attDef ident="unit" mode="change" usage="req"> <valList type="closed" mode="replace"> <valItem ident="cm"> <desc>centimetres</desc> </valItem> </valList> </attDef>
    36. <attList> <attDef ident="type" mode="delete"/> <attDef ident="quantity" mode="delete"/> <attDef ident="extent" mode="delete"/> …
    37. <content> <rng:group> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:choice> <rng:ref name="dim"/> <rng:ref name="model.dimLike"/> </rng:choice> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:group> </content>
    1. Commissioned Article

      Lots of coding issues. 8 fragments, 290 lines.

    2. Peer-Reviewed Article

      Coding issues. 1 Fragment, 10 lines.

    3. Peer-Reviewed Article

      Code needs fixing. 12 fragments, 350 lines.

    4. Commissioned Article

      Coding problems. Two fragments, 80 lines.

    1. Veez ci veint devaunt vous Un chivaler bieau tut rou Qui une destrere sor se est muntι reed Esku de goules ad portι reed Un launce rouge en l'uyn mein, De vin vermaille l'autre plein, Qi ne manjuwe point de peschoun S[i] de le haranc sor noun reed Je vie une reyne sanz rey quene Pur une reyne fere desray frock (Rothwell 2009, vv. 310-319)

      This blocking format is different than the original DM, which is just text with line spaces, no block marker.

    1. <ptr xml:id="ATxt_3.1_3.2_3.3" targets="A-Txt.xml#xpath1(//l[@id='3.1']) A-Txt.xml#xpath1(//l[@id='3.2']) A-Txt.xml#xpath1(//l[@id='3.3'])"> <link evaluate="all" targets="#ATxt_3.1_3.2_3.3 transcription_c.xml#xpath1(//note[@id='fnote_3.1-3.3']")

      Looks same in original DM. But, might need fixing.

    2. <l n="1" xml:id="3.1"> [...] </l> <l n="2" xml:id="3.2"> [...] </l> <l n="3" xml:id="3.3"> [...] </l> [...] <l n="12" xml:id="3.12"> [...] </l> </div> <note type="footnote" xml:id="fnote_3.1-3.3" target="#3.1" targetEnd "#3.12"> [...] </note>

      This looks like the original DM, but seems like might need fixing.

    3. <link evaluate="all" targets="A-Txt.xml#xpath1(//l[@id='1.190']) transcription_a.xml#xpath1(//l[@id='1.190']/note[1])"/>


    4. <l xml:id="1.190"></l>


    5. <l n="1.200" xml:id="1.190">Theseus <note place = "supralinear" type = "explanatory glossa">rex Atheniensium</note> […] rapuit</l> <l n="1.201" xml:id="1.191">Aegaeis<note place = "supralinear" type = "explanatory glossa">Aegaeus est pater Thesei</note> aquis</l>


    6. <l xml:id="1.187"></l> <l xml:id="1.188"></l> <l xml:id="1.188a"></l> <l xml:id="1.188b"></l> <l xml:id="1.189"></l> <l xml:id="1.190"></l>


    7. <l n = "1.190" xml:id="1.190">


    8. <l n = "1.200" xml:id="1.190">


    9. <l n="1.200" xml:id="1.190">Theseus <note place = "supralinear">rex Atheniensium</note> […] rapuit</l>

      Seems okay, just in case.

    10. <l n="1.200" xml:id="1.190">Theseus <note place = "supralinear" type = "explanatory glossa">rex Atheniensium</note> […] rapuit</l>

      Seems okay, but just in case.

    11. <l n="1.200" xml:id="1.190">Theseus <note place = "supralinear" type = "explanatory glossa">rex Atheniensium</note> […] rapuit </l>

      Seems okay, but just in case.

    1. <physDesc> <objectDesc form="codex"> <supportDesc material="perg"> <support> <p> <material> Parchment </material> . The entire codex is a palimpsest, deriving from four separate manuscripts, two of which are from responsorialia from the tenth-eleventh century. There are also the remains of a ninth-century Catalonian <title> Forum Iudicum </title> written in early Visigothic minuscule. </p> </support> <extent> ii + 97 + ii, <dimensions scope="all" type="leaf"> <height> 201 </height> <width> 129 </width> </dimensions> </extent> <collation> <p> <formula notation="AMI"> 1-3:8, 4:6, 5-13:8 </formula> <signatures> There are quire signatures in red ink in the centre lower margin, <q> ii </q> - <q> viiii </q> , on <locus> fols 39v </locus> , <locus> 47v </locus> , <locus> 55v </locus> , <locus> 64v </locus> , <locus> 71v </locus> , <locus> 79v </locus> , <locus> 87v </locus> , and <locus> 95v </locus> </signatures> . </p> </collation> </supportDesc> <layoutDesc> <layout columns="1" writtenLines="24"> <p> Written in one column throughout; 24 lines per page. </p> </layout> </layoutDesc> <!-- more --> </physDesc>

      Fix code.

    2. <msIdentifier> <msName type="nickname" xml:lang="la"> Codex Suprasliensis </msName> <altIdentifier type="partial"> <settlement> Ljubljana </settlement> <repository> Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica </repository> <idno> MS Kopitar 2 </idno> </altIdentifier> <altIdentifier type="partial"> <settlement> Warszawa </settlement> <repository> Biblioteka Narodowa </repository> <idno> BO 3.201 </idno> </altIdentifier> <altIdentifier type="partial"> <settlement> Sankt-Peterburg </settlement> <repository> Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka </repository> <idno> Q.p.I.72 </idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier>

      Code needs fixing.

    3. <physDesc> <form> <p> Codex. </p> </form> <support> <p> Parchment. The entire codex is a palimpsest, deriving from four separate manuscripts, two of which are from responsorialia from the tenth-eleventh century. There are also the remains of a ninth-century Catalonian <title> Forum Iudicum </title> written in early Visigothic minuscule. </p> </support> <extent> ii + 97 + ii, <dimensions scope="all" type="leaf"> <height> 201 </height> <width> 129 </width> </dimensions> </extent> <collation> <p> <formula notation="AMI"> 1-3:8, 4:6, 5-13:8 </formula> <signatures> There are quire signatures in red ink in the centre lower margin, <q> ii </q> - <q> viiii </q> , on <locus> fols 39v </locus> , <locus> 47v </locus> , <locus> 55v </locus> , <locus> 64v </locus> , <locus> 71v </locus> , <locus> 79v </locus> , <locus> 87v </locus> , and <locus> 95v </locus> </signatures> . </p> </collation> <layout columns="1" writtenLines="24"> <p> Written in one column throughout; 24 lines per page. </p> </layout> <!-- more --> </physDesc>

      Code needs fixing.

    4. <msHeading> <title> Apocalypse with Commentary </title> <origPlace> Spain/Portugal </origPlace> <origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200"> s. XIII </origDate> <textLang langKey="LAT"> Latin </textLang> </msHeading> The corresponding <head> element in P5-MS is: <head> <title> Apocalypse with Commentary </title> ; Spain/Portugal, s. XIII, Latin. </head>

      Code needs fixing.

    5. <msDescription> <msIdentifier> <altName rend="bold" type="SC"> 28843. </altName> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <p> In <textLang langKey="la"> Latin </textLang> </p> </msContents> <physDesc> <support> <p> on parchment </p> </support> <msWriting> <p> written in more than one hand </p> </msWriting> </physDesc> <history> <origin> <p> of the <origDate> 13th cent. </origDate> in <origPlace> England </origPlace> </p> </origin> </history> <physDesc> <dimensions> 7¼ x 5⅜ in. </dimensions> <extent> i + 55 leaves </extent> <layout> <p> in double columns </p> </layout> <decoration> <p> with a few coloured capitals. </p> </decoration> </physDesc> <msContents> <msItem> <rubric> Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie </rubric> , the <title type="uniform"> De origine et gestis Regum Angliae </title> of <author> Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis) </author> : beg. <incipit> Cum mecum multa & de multis </incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <history> <provenance> <p> On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum]', 14th cent. (?): 'hanauilla' is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). </p> </provenance> <acquisition> <p> Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s. </p> </acquisition> <p> Now <msIdentifier type="primary"> <idno> MS. Add. A. 61 </idno> </msIdentifier> . </p> </history> </msDescription>

      Code needs fixing.

    6. <msDescription> <msIdentifier> <settlement> Oxford </settlement> <repository> Bodleian Library </repository> <idno> MS. Add. A. 61 </idno> <altIdentifier type="SC"> <idno> 28843 </idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <author xml:lang="en"> Geoffrey of Monmouth </author> <author xml:lang="la"> Galfridus Monumetensis </author> <title type="uniform"> De origine et gestis Regum Angliae </title> <rubric> Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie </rubric> <incipit> Cum mecum multa & de multis </incipit> <textLang mainLang="la"> Latin </textLang> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <objectDesc form="codex"> <supportDesc material="perg"> <support> <p> Parchment. </p> </support> <extent> i + 55 leaves <dimensions scope="all" type="leaf" unit="inch"> <height> 7¼ </height> <width> 5⅜ </width> </dimensions> </extent> </supportDesc> <layoutDesc> <layout columns="2"> <p> In double columns. </p> </layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <handDesc> <p> Written in more than one hand. </p> </handDesc> <decoDesc> <p> With a few coloured capitals. </p> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <history> <origin> <p> Written in <origPlace> England </origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200"> 13th cent. </origDate> </p> </origin> <provenance> <p> On fol. 54v very faint is <q> Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/> Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred <expan> icatorum </expan> </q> , 14th cent. (?): <q> hanauilla </q> is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). </p> </provenance> <acquisition> <p> Bought from the rev. <name type="person"> W. D. Macray </name> on <date value="1863-03-17"> March 17, 1863 </date> , for £1 10s. </p> </acquisition> </history> </msDescription>

      Code needs fixing.

    7. <msDescription> <msIdentifier> <settlement> Oxford </settlement> <repository> Bodleian Library </repository> <idno> MS. Add. A. 61 </idno> <altIdentifier type="SC"> <idno> 28843 </idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <p> <q> Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie, </q> the <title> De origine et gestis Regum Angliae </title> of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis): beg. <q> Cum mecum multa & de multis. </q> In Latin. </p> </msContents> <physDesc> <p> <material> Parchment </material> : written in more than one hand: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured capitals. </p> </physDesc> <history> <p> Written in <origPlace> England </origPlace> in the <origDate> 13th cent. </origDate> On fol. 54v very faint is <q> Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum], </q> 14th cent. (?): <q> hanauilla </q> is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s. </p> </history> </msDescription>

      Code needs fixing.

    8. <msDescription> <msIdentifier> <settlement> Oxford </settlement> <repository> Bodleian Library </repository> <idno> MS. Add. A. 61 </idno> <altIdentifier type="SC"> <idno> 28843 </idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <p> In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th cent. in England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured capitals. </p> <p> 'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the De origine et gestis Regum Angliae of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis: beg. 'Cum mecum multa & de multis.' </p> <p> On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?): 'hanauilla' is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s. </p> </msDescription>

      Code needs fixing.

    1. <l id="HtP.62" n="KDP.62" rend="%%%+[ABC]"> Meny of ţes maistre freres may cloţe hem at lykynge </l>

      text characters wrong. possible coding error, too. Cannot tell from looking at original.

    2. <app type="variables" loc="Ht5.163"> <lem> treso <expan> ur </expan> &~ tresou <expan> n </expan> be not </lem> <rdg wit="Cr1 Cr2 Cr3 Y O C2 C Bm Bo Cot L M H" type="s"> {gamma} </rdg> <rdg wit="F" type="s"> {delta} </rdg> <rdg wit="R" type="s"> {epsilon} </rdg> <rdg wit="Hm" type="s"> {zeta} </rdg> <rdg wit="W" type="s"> {eta} </rdg> <rdg wit="{sigma}" type="s"> {theta} </rdg> </app>

      Code needs fixing.

    1. <mods version="3.0"> <titleInfo> <title>Hiring and recruitment practices in academic libraries</title> </titleInfo> <name type="personal"> <namePart>Raschke, Gregory K.</namePart> <displayForm>Gregory K. Raschke</displayForm> </name> <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource> <genre>journal article</genre> <originInfo> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Baltimore, Md.</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Johns Hopkins University Press</publisher> <dateIssued>2003</dateIssued> </originInfo> <language> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b">eng</languageTerm> </language> <physicalDescription> <form authority="marcform">print</form> <extent>15 p.</extent> </physicalDescription> <abstract> Academic libraries need to change their recruiting and hiring procedures … [omitted] … innovative concepts from modern personnel management literature. </abstract> <subject> <topic>College librarians</topic> <topic>Recruiting</topic> <geographic>United States</geographic> </subject> <subject> <topic&ggt;College librarians</topic> <topic>Selection and appointment</topic> <geographic>United States</geographic> </subject> <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>portal: libraries and the academy</title> </titleInfo> <originInfo> <issuance>continuing</issuance> </originInfo> <part> <detail type="volume"> <number>3</number> </detail> <detail type="level"> <number>2</number> </detail> <extent unit="page"> <start>53</start> <end>67</end> </extent> <date>Jan. 2003</date> </part> </relatedItem> </mods>

      Code needs fixing.

    2. 01author|02editor title: the title of a work (whether a book or journal article) altTitle: the title without HTML tags, used for phrase searching subtitle: used only for books host title: name of journal or volume in which an item appears host subtitle: used only for anthologies and collections host editors: used if a work appears in an edited collection partsAuthors: used if the work has other persons associated with it as authors of Forewords, Introductions, etc. series name: for books in a series series number journal number place: place of publication for books or collections publisher place2: used when a work has two listed places of publication publisher2 dateIssued date created edition: used to indicate 2nd or revised editions, etc. extent: page numbers of articles, or number of pages in a book language note: used for translated titles of foreign works, special comments on an item, etc. identifier: used to cross-reference essays in collections to one another and to the collection, if it is listed separately. May be used in future for ISSN or ISBN numbers. subject1 subject2 subject3 subject4

      Seems okay, but just in case.

    1. # script to process library-output files # for British Isles. # Remove nested parentheses first, to get # rid of semicolons within comments, and #then split on semicolons; if there is # a 'London, BL', remove one from the total count $in="libs-brit.txt"; # input file $out = "bricount.txt"; # output file open IN, $in or die "Cannot open $in for read:$!"; open OUT, ">$out" or die "Cannot open $out for write:$!"; print OUT "istc_number\tlocations\tcount\n"; # add column heads while (<IN>) { undef @cities; $copycount=0; /^(i.\d{8})\t(.*)$/; $istc_number=$1; $locations=$2; # get rid of (digit) in BL signatures $fixlocations=$locations; while ($fixlocations=~/[^ ]\(\d\)/) { $fixlocations=~s/[^ ]\(\d\)//g; } # get rid of nested parentheses while ($fixlocations=~/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)/) { $fixlocations=~s/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)//g; } @cities=split /;/, $fixlocations; foreach $city (@cities) { $city=~s/\((\d{1,2})[^\(]*\)/\(\1\)/g; # replace (3, 1 torn) with (3) $city=~s/\(\d{1,2} lea[^\(]*\)//g; # eliminate e.g. (3 leaves) if ($city=~/London BL,[^,]* and /) {$copycount++} # correct for multiple BL signatures without # comma dividers $city=~s/(London|Oxford|Cambridge|Manchester|Dublin|Durham|Hereford|Edinburgh|Cashel|Guernsey|Coleraine|Barnard Castle|Parkminster|Northampton|Reigate| Birmingham|Canterbury|Harpenden|Brasenose|Killiney),/\1/; # eliminate commas after city names undef @libraries; @libraries=split /,/, $city; foreach $library (@libraries) { if ($library=~/\((\d{1,2})\)/) { $copycount+=$1; } else { $copycount++; } if ($library=~/London BL/) { $copycount--; } } } print OUT "$istc_number\t$locations\t$copycount\n"; #print "$istc_number\t$locations\t$copycount\n"; }

      Dan check.

    2. } } print OUT "$istc_number\t$locations\t$copycount\n"; } The next script is for locations such as Spain/Portugal that separate libraries within a single city from each other with commas, but without a comma after the name of the city: # Script to process library-output files for countries # delimited as City Library1, Library2: Other Europe, # Spain, Netherlands, France (mostly), Britain (usually) $in=shift; # take input file from command line $out = shift; # take output filename from command line open IN, $in or die "Cannot open $in for read:$!"; open OUT, ">$out" or die "Cannot open $out for write:$!"; print OUT "istc_number\tlocations\tcount\n"; while (<IN>) { undef @cities; $copycount=0; /^(i.\d{8})\t(.*)$/; $istc_number=$1; $locations=$2; @cities=split /;/, $locations; foreach $city (@cities) { while ($city=~/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)/) { $city=~s/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)//g; } #get rid of nested parentheses $city=~s/\((\d{1,2})[^\(]*\)/\(\1\)/g; #replace (3, 1 torn) with (3) undef @libraries; @libraries=split /,/, $city; foreach $library (@libraries) { if ($library=~/\((\d{1,2})\)/) { $copycount+=$1; } else {$copycount++} } } print OUT "$istc_number\t$locations\t$copycount\n"; }

      Check with Dan.

    3. # script to process library-output files for # countries delimited as City, Library1, Library2: # Belgium, Other [usually] $in=shift; # take input file from command line $out = shift; # take output filename from command line open IN, $in or die "Cannot open $in for read:$!"; open OUT, ">$out" or die "Cannot open $out for write:$!"; print OUT "istc_number\tlocations\tcount\n"; while (<IN>) { undef @cities; $copycount=0; /^(i.\d{8})\t(.*)$/; $istc_number=$1; $locations=$2; @cities=split /;/, $locations; foreach $city (@cities) { while ($city=~/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)/) { $city=~s/\((?:\D|\d+[^,])[^\(]*?\)//g; } #get rid of nested parentheses $city=~s/\((\d{1,2})[^\(]*\)/\(\1\)/g; #replace (3, 1 torn) with (3) undef @libraries; if ($city =~ /,/) { @libraries=split /,/, $city; $null = shift @libraries; } else {$libraries[0] = $city} foreach $library (@libraries) { if ($library=~/\((\d{1,2})\)/) { $copycount+=$1; } else {$copycount++} } }

      Check with Dan.

    4. } That is, the input file begins like this: ia00000500 [Spain or Portugal: Printer of Alfasi's Halakhot, before 1492?] ia00001000 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1496] ia00001500 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1497] ia00002000 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1500] ia00003000 [London: John Lettou and William de Machlinia, about 1482] ia00004000 [London]: Richard Pynson, 9 Oct. 1499 ia00004500 [London]: Richard Pynson, 9 Oct. 1499 ia00005000 [London]: Richard Pynson, '9 Oct. 1499' [about 1503] ia00005500 [The Netherlands: Prototypography, about 1465-80] ia00008000 Venice: Franciscus Lapicida, 20 Oct. 1494 The output of the further manipulation here appears as follows in eight different fields: istc_number imprint city printer avg_year first_year last_year flags ia00000500 [Spain or Portugal: Printer of Alfasi's Halakhot, before 1492?] Spain or Portugal Printer of Alfasi's Halakhot 1492 1492 1492 --- ia00001000 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1496] Westminster Wynkyn de Worde 1496 1496 1496 ++- ia00001500 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1497] Westminster Wynkyn de Worde 1497 1497 1497 ++- ia00002000 Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1500] Westminster Wynkyn de Worde 1500 1500 1500 ++- ia00003000 [London: John Lettou and William de Machlinia, about 1482] London John Lettou and William de Machlinia 1482 1482 1482 --- ia00004000 [London]: Richard Pynson, 9 Oct. 1499 London Richard Pynson 1499 1499 1499 -++ ia00004500 [London]: Richard Pynson, 9 Oct. 1499 London Richard Pynson 1499 1499 1499 -++ ia00005000 [London]: Richard Pynson, '9 Oct. 1499' [about 1503] London Richard Pynson 1503 1503 1503 -+- ia00005500 [The Netherlands: Prototypography, about 1465-80] The Netherlands Prototypography 1473 1465 1480 --- ia00008000 Venice: Franciscus Lapicida, 20 Oct. 1494 Venice Franciscus Lapicida 1494 1494 1494 +++ Appendix 4: An approach to counting incunables using the IISTC § 20 Turning the IISTC's Locations field into a numerical count of surviving copies presents new

      check w' Dan

    5. SELECT istc.Printer, istc.City, Min(istc.first_year) AS MinOffirst_year, Max(istc.last_year) AS MaxOflast_year, Count(istc.istc_number) AS CountOfistc_number FROM istc WHERE (((istc.Flags) Like "+++")) GROUP BY istc.Printer, istc.City HAVING (((istc.City)="ulm"));

      This also looks okay, but just need Dan's okay.

    6. $batch="istc.txt"; # Define the name of file to search open BATCH, $batch or die "Cannot open $batch for read:$!"; # Open the file, or close with an # error if it doesn't exist while (<BATCH>) { # As long as there are lines # in the file left to search... if (/^Title:\t(.*?)$/) { # ...look for the pattern # "Title:<tab character><anything # else> # at the beginning of a line $match = $1; # Save "anything else"... $hit=1; # ...and set a flag that # we've found what we're # looking for } if (/^ISTC.*(i.\d{8})/ and ($hit == 1)) { # Now, if we have a match already # saved, look for the # pattern "ISTC" at # the beginning of the # line, and then anything # else, and then "i" followed # by eight digits; save the # "i" and the digits, as that's # the ISTC number $hit = 0; # Reset our flag $istc_number = $1; # Assign the "i plus eight digits" # to a variable print "$istc_number\t$match\n"; # Print the ISTC number, a tab # character, the title, and a # new line character } }

      Check this with Dan.